Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1901, p. 2

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r r 4 o air and mrs howit i urmuon trtday tlh job ti w lilnilisy a rifsrvt- m rxaxtikn in tlllloa on heluviuytjno u mr iiu u w alimndctmi umtiavbldkviuaalnsontumiun 1bu ju tour and kin jolm uibbonedmtiii- ualtbjkl m i miini i al um immmm of tin lrld i iki or lilnuiioutt oojont ibih by tl ihv w 1 lark itimnipioo uuy a ui ii in j at leli- aauatove ithh itaaniaii inotwplokooowtilii i y lullijun lirlut w u uoaiploe h a ita inwelr au ol john w at tar f ark a auh41 muimwudjtttlujoritowti kmhoh iii ma- al tba reeldamo- of t- umn iariita ullum on tuady jun ii m ii a j hell all- harsh hope- d uiicliur i ur jno i wooer to ur 1 d r oltreliaar local improvement almoat jjnnlmqupy ptl honed for by the ownrm of the proper ties interested abhonovfl 1 atlor nrur ion d u in aluafunl onl on i k tin jjectdit jrmfjrts tuuuhday j uni 30lb 10oi kdltoiif al notu8 howapeper blob aay that if eorep iron aaaeamenl u till operative ar giving uoucadyke 0 aseeor rlgbloours 1 lo tucii oompenlea properly and lei thtiu gel out of it if thy caa under the tiow oltum fa the aol hamilton jjrmld lviw taken eighty year far to popa ulloo ol the united kln to doable tlio figure of tha new oenan being 41404- 000 ecotlea4 arid wot ha more then doubled their popplatlon ainoa 1b31 but itcuud bu fallen off from 0801000 to 4 aha juno beseioo were bld her on tuesday than were bo ouw to be tried the oblef i c teres t oenterlng id tbe grand jury preson iroent wblob rwiom mended uni a portion o lbs rob premise be set apart and nsod aa a county poor booae jreurner a finlud htau paper uyi after the 0rl day of july no mom revenue lumpi will bo required upon proprietary med clno perfumery coeroeuc chawing gnni bank chock money orders exprre rcooipl export bill of ldloi telegraph rneudm mad mvtral olbef thing lot everybody bo ibftlikful lbs wer tjt la aboat oyor mr wheeler of the department of tha interior ataft will andertaka a pbotofirapb loanrvay of the balkukand booky hta he baa already arvojod coo aqaara mllaa tn th t ey tweoaa obtalulnft in laae than three tnontb data to enable the department to prodooe topograph i o map with contour intervale of loolmt light hundred mayor war recently tofuclod by tha uunictpat journal and anyuf- ol now york to zpra their qpinlona on municipal ownership of 344 nawera ao tar reoeived ls aro nonsmm tnlllal 1u favor mnnlolpal owoerahip nndar certain oonditlona 0 replied it the negative and bu in the afurmatltcj acton la evidently with tb majority oa thla impor taot iuwtlon mfn- btrbbt pavt5mknt to be phocecde with at once- goauoil melon monday evnlk 1 mhii tnonlbly ion member- hi praaanl iuv willlaaaa in tli chair the oommlliaa offunco iramilad utair ulnth report and recommended pay mnl of tba rollowlob flwxotia caidluatiaraimieetle co mau 100 ilo do ill o w wilii co- car anal it w ot jt fihlainlloironl on0 tn asvon riutx fmm pdnung ullu luiua co rua kagina ual and t t moor potc j j jlawaon j11 cona table hlncbtrrr tuoauarulila fjunoan uann work on q ht 1 10 1 xa 1m l to u bo j atfva s3 movad by bwaokhamar aaoondad by ii jaana that the rpoitof lb oommluee no plnanor juab read ha adopted carried un t n ilolaloii wallad upon the ooun- oji to ragoaat a ooollnuanoe of lha main aawer oo mill btreel to butrioentlr acquired property wbloh ha lotende to naa a a pork paoklngmtabtubmant in which oon- aldarabla water la uaed in waahluft and floahloi a vary neoeaaary feature for hla aaw bnainewa tbacoonoll ag io take thanttqr into oooeldereuon then wllllamaobairman of thaonnnar moor monument committee atated that tha committee bad decided to plane tha propoaad montimeut in the circular plot at the antruioa of ilia oamalery if ogreee- able to the council moved by george uyoda seconded by il6waokhamer tbat permlaalon be grant- ad to tha tinooar moor monument com ml i tee to plao tha propoaad moon men t in the drool plot at tb autrauoa to the oeraet carried moved by john a hendaraon aeoonded by geo uyoda ibat tbe traaaorer be authorlaad to pay the floating liabllllle of tbeoorporatloaoutof tbaprooaedaof uieaale of tiooo debenture uudei- authority of adt of palllameot obulned for that porpoa aa follow rj clarkanou lo3oo0aduiut john fcf oo a nota- so0 00 county nu 1p0o ho 4s lnbllasoboolbaialloalbfll moo do blnklna owj 1d0o ml 00 coupon 1000 4a 00 wt33 4s aaligrove wee well rerrnul j tbo r xoqrajan a the 0 a o m hiueday a norobtr from hare btiandrtl mia- m ifdlmoa aolioolplo iilittin tueaiy ol weak mrr w lined and ajua iih- ihom iiih arrf lylijm a lo outlpli rtillivca ur- janiea murdook u vuj or laugliier mr- ltcbert hnour of kartoii mr rlar a wok loavaa ihla weak for a vlall lu iluftitlo and llavtunil ijit tlioitthi an i w uclnfh of ioifiiiti wlireled i ill on haliirday and revuriial in ibe oily mondy inomiutf mr j kaiouuraon ami cliujrni cf lieawater vlalud rtlatifdi htm it ev mr jjil rlnikou ii id camp wlthtbu vol- uuuvra i till uetik a tnarrkq wbltli waa ir ilvaat to wa1a ui ooourrad bu wojmidiy ulh int wbon mr j m or urn recall inuuootlatrythrttrp7of ohlnto oouay- the fair bride waa until rroaiilly a retldent of aaligrove on 1 wol be warm y woloicl bok mr and mr loalli will vml tbe llufflu kximuldun oalunapau lb- in ia of kjdu ttlc add tha annual meeuog of tha general aaaenibly of th ivaabytarlan ohuroh ha been lu aaaalon the paai weak in ottawa atuonng the many intaraaunat matter which have bean praaentad la the faot that tha mlillou dollar oeotury fund which tha prvabyurlan church pledged ltaalf to rata bu baeo more than foriboominjf mcarly a rnlllloo and m half baa bean aobaorlbad 8u0 000 for church debt and oo000 for uy common fund thla la highly credit able to thu noble and ganaroua oom- mnulon jt la a great aauafaotlon to public spirit od cltlxcoa lo obaetto the unanimity th which tha new local improvtunank bylaw ha been favored every property owner on mill btreel wbar tha new pavement or to be laid algtiod tbe petition aaklng for it with one exception in thl oaae the owner la a nou realdant and had no been aeea peraooally op to the time of tha ooancll meeting oa monday tbara i very probability that a large amount of permanent pavement will b petitioned for in tbe near future thl public inuraet roeana improvement of ortnodentoharao- lor and hbjtbar etatu for our town the indication are that capt llamlar will aeoure ample futul for hi propoaad polar expedition next year the popalar nbsoriptloo of 105000 aaked for u rapidly growing and lh government ha already promld to aapplemaot thl by loooofr more tbos who have in ur via wed capt tlerulsr and listened to hi leolure and examined hla plana are quite oonfideui that bla axpedluon wiu be hi wide oxperleno a a traveller and nevlg tor and carefully developed plan give rvaaonahl hope that h bay reaob the north rule lvlllo thl h will undoobt- edly be able to axplora farther north thin any pravlon aapedltlon to mr d uendoraoa u 1 for thl oouuty capt hornier rivb ouoalderabl credit for popular ixl ntf hi aoliam if declare that mr ueaderroa we the aral publlo triaii to apeak favorably iii a publlo gather- i uk of hi propoaad expedition and b proiuuee that the m wbloh h eo oon ftdoutly cxpecta to hole upon tb north xole aball bear the uama of 1 uanueraon m 1 llaltou on itho oornar thl axpejlitun 1 or more import no than th oaaual obaaurer realue if a canadian navigator exiling la a canadian bo hi aleamer with an outfit supplied by uattadlau fund and a canadian crew uo oeed lu lncatlng the north jlou canada will wio distinction among all the nation of earth for her enterprise and wonderful dlaoovery to a ramarkabl sxtenl uuooee looapt llorular moved by ii bwackhamr seoooded by ii jean that the 10m of three dollar be tb charge for the ua of th pa tb orange boole ty on the 13th july next carried tha following- petition for permanent pavement wpreeaud torn llxav iiy oobacir uikturmawl tve tbe nndaralxnad tro party aara of tb villa of aolou traapaeuully puon your bonorabla body to eauaa to b oonatmetad undar tb- provision of ibe bylaw and etatota rwipaeting looal ititprovamiiu a eernant oooerau sldawalk ota feat six inoba lo width on tb- northwest slda of will btnat from thesonlb waataldeof itrwiaruk bbreet to tbe cirsoid trunk ball way track and to pro id for the paytnaot of th- eoat of tua lama by a front tax snrsad over b period of twenty year on tb real properly fronun tbareoo ubmad uibou m naleoo lhiuab mslaon uadak nelson ur x o uoiteoo john lewaoo vb ttioma afeafackoil v lunnact wu vrlck moved by jno a uandsrson aeoonded by ii bwaokhammar that lbs petition of wd frlckaod other for the oonatmotloo of permanent pavement on mill buaet from frederick blreet lo the c t h track be raoelvad and that being sufficient ly signed that th work be proceeded with without delay carried tbe petition included every property owner on the una of the proposed new pvemot except one and he ia a don resident but 1 expacud yek to give bl approbation moved by ii bwackhstner aeooodad by john a henderson that tender b called for tb oon traction of a permanent ce ment walk oo mill btrast a par petition presented by tb requisite number of prop- ertp owner representing over the required amount of a eft value carried a letter from tbe d o ran nan co wa read ik requested that inaamuoh a a four moothe resldsnos and transaction of bnslnee irj acton had proven they were not transients trader tbat the td paid under protest a required by tb transient traders dylaw be now refund ed tbe oommunloatlorl wo laid upon the table moved by geo uyndx seconded by ii bweokbamar tbat tb council do now adjourn to tuaet on lb 81b of july ht fl oclock mr andm mr aud mr ack qullo a uuinbar fiomiicrnhltcrji exouralon lo gurlph isit helurday and report a good 1ms mies yooug a t c m of tbi poplars kiln also miss hrown and mis baunuers or his place went down t- toronto to attend the concert given by mr w i bberwoodof cbioajto in tb oorvatory of muelo hall last monday night mr uev milne and family are awsy visiting her parent at orand valley mr i forituaon la preparing to erect dsw brick hlaokimuh shopwhloh to the spparanoe of the village tbe annual garden party riven by tbe methodist chnroh will be hold on the lawn of mr d cook on tburiday evening june lb 37th a fine programme ha been 1 mr tbo oook lot 30 gjb line has just enclosed a fin brn the six i 60x73 with all nocsasry tabling attaohed tha frattier were bboriill ufo and tha rale lug waa don by a machine made ur that purpose the frame wa put up by ave men in a utile over two day nassaqaweya mr nichols norrlsb who ha lived in oueib for a number of years passed awsy isat thursday morning al the age of aeventr ave years mr norrsb bad been in poor lieslth for a year and a half wbloh n e4e- ltmbhousb iist week a flendld bew bank barn was aiaad ouibefvr f mr j m isnr- 0th llu- about l0meu caplalnad by mr a- cleave and mr it o mcootlouhh udrtbok hi- job and did it wall tliero rem- flnr bartta whetn ttrer tim came or rtultniti on lb- plate- ulijtoilon waa raised in i in aitiunce of the four ranmr and ao ilivy quietly retired leaving the men to race by themselves although both r i lee made goooj limo mr cleaves won by several mlnuloa ih bolldiiig la coicc with o minodious atablo and rcotboua under naa til i he frame work waa done ty mr ia mokanxie aledujlo the tone work by mr lrwiu iiiiubuil uiid uip per aae evj on b taw nt t fataej twlnrr wti pruvldnl with good tliln tlxnul tti uiirvwilou of iii cuuiilry uiau all ilr illaaaiia iul iscotbar ail4intll tlauat fw mi fol b lubofalil pot a imi liisny aaji iiotftnt pro liouuoail ita looal illaasae anil ixaacrltwl lojl remdloa a4 by ooualanuy fmlllq cj to our with local uaatutaul rououiiol it luoursbl betuoatiu frovaii oalarili to be a coiiatltullun allllaeaae al uirafora rxiolra dooalituu6tsl tawtment ilalla c aurrli cura laauutantuiwt hy t j cbaoat a co toledo ohio la th- only oonaututionajoursml tb luarkat it is takait ittlmnajly in tloah iruul 10 jroi in a lut04n fuj jt sots jjiaolly on tha bluod liil ntuooua atxfaa of ibaapalsio tby ooar oua humlrud dollars lor any ease it ajla lo cm hand for elreujar and usuiuonlala addnss vj ciiiekuy cortoladi bold by biusgiau iso hall a family plua are the bast nol lolosesigntof the ideal aim in the midst of thrj tortuolllof th real world this alone is high politic auction sale neoistbr erxcelsier bakery m greeery tito ummor woiihar is eel in bldillou io iwt bread bun citkee oir u cil to supply uic public l i iwhrftn tn car dally aupply biruaiuy 23cd jnn lb f uroltnie and household good of mr arohlbald camp bell aleo the brick oottage on youn2 btreet aoloti term 0q and six rooulinj credit bale on lbs premier oommenclng at two oaock wu ilxusntxat auction purelce gieam summer beveraqeo liyi ic rily v we are making a ajoclli asmlsodadilnlil r in a ursicus nxla fniiulait rjipllod will tco cold awta fnit flvnn l it put r purrit amarcei slw k of rncitiet ihn nvof ik foro and llio public know our price o rlgb lvwiir cmltim a trpilry tristatha1u30n main 8t acton binder twine fainibtscdopbrativb fio llrriitod brantford prlctts for tho-jsoaaon- o i90i uiuimminiii y im jm i g the b grennan co red letteiv oxxtti for tiazo weeks rrowdcdfa muni hardly nough to move around in every shell and corner packed full of goods and more coming we will unload a lot of choice new goods during trtlic ncprt two weeks witltjl monster r ole aringl sale at prices the lowest ever loh crtc ccn in acton fltin irbtrttsimtnts votbiw 1481 901 municiialitv of tub villaob of acton in this countv ok halton a dollar in thi u yewr back bank a wuth lew dollar w o t u mkbtirjq thu offluar for ttiw haltort w-rt- worth orn art cat i on fof naut at tha w o t u oouventlon for weuiwortliaua ilallou oountle held ii weak at oakvtlls raaolutlon war adopted favoring total abstinence for the individual suffrage and oppoelng government owi alilp aud control of the liquor t radio ibe following officer were elected mr t ii pratt president by aooli mil ion mr adam turubull uamllton via yresidapt fur wenkwortb mr lnman mlltou voe proaldenl for ualton oonnly mlas isabel dor or recording aaorstary by acolamatlon mr wolfklll iraaanrer mr u j moore oorrwapondlng lity w ii ballard auditor ig wa adsvdnaftlr man coming out with blsfsmtlj lolol 31 eon 3 nsaasoaweye mr norrlsh beuled on the adjoining lot where he farmed 300 acre until ihoo when be retired and woul to live in ouelph iii 0rt wife was mary ann von art and hi second mia bait of jlieepeur ilia children are amo aud john both of naaaagawcy mr win taylor vork city nebraska mr john maearlane ldeu mill aud mr k g bauuld gualplt two brulhsr joshua uvea in acton and george lu guelpb mr norrlsh we a liberal lu politic and wa a t toad fast adherent of the methodist church lie ws a man of careful aud methodical bablttf took a strong interoet lu affair and wa a msu of buelnta tbe funeral look place on haturday after noon from tba rasldeno of his son amo on the old homestead o th kbenexer cemetery and was followed by a urge prooasalou of flleud and relatives her- vloe were held at the kealdenc also at th church after the burial by the luv v a oaaaldy or oualph aud jtev il 1 vlagg of meeisgeweya tb pallbearer war wm diamond john canute lieury hor- top llobl wilson kdwlu bolt and wm luublug luv a iluir 11 a i attsndlug tfie gensrsl assembly meeting at ottawa we can do n molfe so said thfibh doctors im consultation death ok bkpremihh hardy vaaed away in toronto oenersl hospital laetthureday nlabt toaouro june ulb bur rounded by the tuimwn of hi family hon arthur btatgl hardy died at tau in i nut past ten oclock last night after a alem battle fur life which wa ouly prolonged a far a it wa by th splendid constitution aud cheer ul ooorag of th ex premier mr hardy whoa general health had improved sluo being relieved of tit oar of offloe had latlerly been troubled with appeudlolt fcnd oo balurday evening last hi oa beoxm suddenly urltloal through tbeborslltig of an absoae about th appeu dlx about 3 boluok buuday morning ot th advlo of dr mophsdrau th family phyelulau mr hardy wa removed from hi residence lo the j entel uoepltal where during bundy an operation to k mov th kppendlx wa eoooaesfully per formed by xt irvlug hi camsrou and ur ilalr daring bundayevealnarur hardy wa critically iii aud hi family were summoned to bl bedeld mr hardy dr 15 a hardy of toronto aud mr arthur c hardy of llrantford sou mi olaily hardy dsurbur aud judge hardy drjntford brulhsr wer preaeul during hnndv and mnnju and all bill the lest mentioned wr present away laatevaulug only th struug vitality of the sufferr uetalnlng hltrt during ll lourvautqg day tfollowlogjar tntsrasllng data in mr uardya honored uf borb dooember 14th lo37j brao to stndy law lotto pa aed a bojuao 1wc1 ealud to the haf 1u60 i anurad outarlo legislator 170 jaaanv coanael f h7fl provlooiaj beore- lary 1877 loonxmlaeloner of crown lanfle ltw 1 premier of onuriq july 18 th lttutl retired fsota poluloal life october lttth 1800 died jan lstb itnl throagboal lb length and brtadth of canada tbe announcement of lb death uf hon arthur fiturgi hardy lata premier of ontario wo received with alneere pd ettha patient han been heetored to health and btranath thiouati i agenoy of dr wlillama plnu pir j aj ii ihing houslcuianing and moving show ilia ticccosllles in tllb wjy ol mew furniture mattresses springs etc and johnstone ft co are confident they can fill your wanla very satlalactor- lly and at lliojowoat living price to cpholiterlng or repairing rod star coo a lolo bod8tarb60ft 10 o spooial manilla 600 ft 0a bimalold- 80 biasj standard va these latter two nrc nul our own make canadian iaitmurs we have iuat a word to say in you this the 111 larlng you today ltau w plondld twlnaa willi you it eo ro in g harvest at pries taw matrial i hn be todgbt of vour juoyeuy and inbilll no vail 111 ausrloa lioldlbg ui placing lie la situ hold us in siutauoa yu aod indlflarand- will ilrlv- ua from nlilo whleli tnum a daauibliiw to all tiltui- tx omt btlou of varmars and will auraly bilntf one it a ulgkutla tviine comblii fiutn th- innuenc of wblob you will be absolutely halpleaa to ball youraalro yoohatovdor dptloin pay yonr mouv anl laksyoar eboloe btarnl by thl vraalsat and most perfect cooperative of 1 ui s a tail dejt us or treat our agaml and you only bav- tor with id rasalt- nabeor twine wa ever biad- on ealui inrnlsbad to tba caoadlaji ituutr than ba tj imr ir i tbta lbnlnuolansnt if piotatluu s varmers thai would ba lio c km 1 lion rrthbalt ilauiamb with ui auon to you whatever pittad against dont waste tttna wrasllldd with th u any longr look at ii atrajsbt in the fas and idnuty yourself with a u alisrebuldars uay your twin- from tba uothr uompauy willi lie ap undid past record of lean arid yuu will have ooeasion to be pro oil of your aollon and loyelly laumn if you ui but a particle of jutlffnkiit you will al a glano tbat olbar aouipaula xolog lutr itace ar aluiply irsdiog on our grand rap plaaded for abjhlyaara ground floor and join handa with tbl old eslab- ubad twin- organisation lluy our 1u1 htar 10 oent twine and you will make no rnletaxa joseph stratford coneral managor dr- goods milunery ajd glelhuig 15 and 20c piques in fait c for 10 yd best english prints lor ipe yd ro and j 2c wash goods for 8 and 9c yd 35 and 40c delaines for 20c yd 2ocsatteenandcrepon fori2lc yd american printed lawns regular 7c for 4jc yd turkish drapery 48 in wide regular 35c for 18c a yard lace curtains curtain nets and scrims at 25 reduction 50c dress goods 25c 25c dress goods 17c dress goods 65c 125 dress goods 75c trimmings and small wares at 25 to 5096 discount millinery clearing at large discounts mens tweed suits regular 58 9 and 10 each for 650 little boys 3 suits lor 2 8350 and 4 suits i for 5250 each mens quality tweed pants for 75c pair fine duck overalls for 39c pair ladies fine hosiery fn 35 and 40c qualities for 5c pair heavy shirtings at i 12c toe and 9c yd we have a market for all t b wo l l can get and will pay highest prices going 1000 do eggs wanted every week cash foe bqq8 we sell the best oualitieb of goods at low j prices and inyite al within reach of our store to come and realize th fact that we are giving the best values in the county the b crennan co nqtici la brabf rl miluad or iuiit ilon vd la eactlnne tl anil u 1 at aut tb- oopu- uli b tranaintttd or ilajin pottont to sal ft art nf by uis laat relasd munlelpellly to be enull- uunlclpalllyal kjeeuaui lssjil slits aaaoujblr aui uooa end ibst a my store at ooanty of halloa no ii and rmsloe lbui fr i rlaoutra era call uhm lut and if any umlaaluui found lbralu lo tal liealdhioi in tolai ja4el at tb- ibat i baa lrana- j th- onurio voters d by aajd hcuod u a1 nf lb- lul made lloll of i 1 u in lbs said tut lltmun of ib id ab municipal ejeo- llai u first poalad op o a awaals svo day of june 1991 11 lu aiamlii- ui said any ilber rtor uiaduvi iwoaed ire i ad according lll-b- of ato iblalkxb day of lee shun chinese lhundry in mri cccrd a lifock acton laundry collected and returned i am lly waxlilng at reasonable rates all work done by hand no machine or chemicals oscd ljilimiun proprietor grbam lawn which poved lo be so popu br last summer is again open for thd scaaort i civ ckcam and all idndt of cold drinks will he served all kinds of fruit confectionary cake taney blacuil and lireid may bo lud at the atom j- c matthews baker confectioner hill st dominion day celebration at guklpii becords block acton special all ellhof in tiaw lion la gkei ark m piclure pramlng l b npclaliy all orders rocclva prompt atlonilotl the new haymond sowing machine is ilia favorite hereabout and johnmone co supply ihein cariel mad up to order and ilouwur nfahlng 10 in variety of all kinds in hock holler itllnd j0hn8t0nejco jfarnlturo doalow a ttndortakort malrl si aclon among th mauy peraous ibroughoot canada who ow good health prhap van life itaelfto dr williams pink phi i mr alex fair a wall known and highly eatemed resident of west william towuablp middlesex county out for nearly two years mr vlr ws a great offerer from trouble brought on by is ever altaek of la grippe a reporter who called wa cordially reoelvod by both mr aud mr pair and wa given the following fkbi of th naa in th spring uf lho 1 wa attacked by la grippe for which i we treated by our family doctor hut instead nf galling better i gradually grew wore until my whol body beem tasked with pain i oouaultod on of tbe best doctor in ouurlo arid for uesrly elghteeu mouths followed hi treatment but without auy material benefit i had a urrllle oough which oausod lulsns pain la my head aud lung x baosm vpry weak 1 could not sleep aud for vr yr t oould ouly talk in a whlaper aud aomstlme my voice left m entirely i cam to regard my uoudl hon a bopelea but my husband urged farther treat men i and on hit advlo our family doctor with two other doolore held aooaeulutlunlhreeuu of whlob we that they pruuouuced my case incurable neighbor advised me to try dt william pluk pill but after having kdready pent over tqo lu dudlor bill i did not bav much fslth ml lu any tnedloltiahut aa a last resort i dually decided to glv them l trial i had not taken many boxe of tb pill befocd i uotlod all improve ntul lu my condition and tbl auoouraged m lo ooutluu their una alur taking th pill for several monlha i wa oout- pletely reeloud to health tha oougll dleappoard 1 i 110 luuger suffered froti th terrible palu i oud audurj my volo bcosm strong agaiu j uiy unpetlu 1m proved aud i wait able to oblalu restful bleep 0110 more whlllakuglb pill i gained thirty sevsu pound in weight all this i ow lu dr williams pink pill and i tmi that i oauuot say enough lu their favor for 1 know thai tbey certainly saved my in oaae o this kind d willlsms piuk pill will glv more odalu aud mdy result than auy othr madlolu lby aot dlmully ou tb blood thus aaohlug th rool uf th trouble and drwiug every vilg of disease from th ayaisoi mold by 11 dalar in medio o or sent postpaid at 60 cent a box ur six box for u 60 by ad- dreslng th vf william medlolue co rookvlllrjont many a man git clua ur natur when he oaut rale tb pile uv a lodgln bl igntfeu i 00 vnn bo wl tb bwiuim laxative bromoqulnlne tuu a dusinsss woman will teficllie opporluii lly ol having her pure mad ovar or roinodcllod dur ing tha kumnier monlln at a reasonable cost by a practical furrier you will xavo tltno ntul itioilay and when the weather or furs arrives you will bd et lifted to know lhat you havd the latest styki and liiibit by going lo l n e lafontalne whoioeal and uetall i urrler cuelvh clearing sale ordered suits 3 3 unci d 3 3 suitigfl at 3 3 wholosolo 3 prices mill at main uta w j let t stil rohant aototi having becurod it lucrative all ual urn lii otid uf lorunlu lt tallurlng dmlahllbh moiil luu docldod lo disposd uf his bui iiaa he anu for thd next bl weak will loiuluct u clearing sale of 11 ip good lu tttock by ihrt suit ur by thd yard iqirjrsiiwdejr o b ciwf order for suh should x plcod at tmcaa nil unlsra putt bo lillod u lid i ho tithe hutk lloauoduul itf thd mt ul july ueuiuja hai jvw tp- foxj ie uihxli till is a genuine yb and cy low price will prevail all th prufll 1 luk i ten per cent over wllolosale ciil mlie stock la new and up lo dale those wlm come first will receive ibe firsl choice w j lee ldl rjd oep tntld harris go kimiled rockwood woollen mills established 1867 i good place to sell your wool 1 x do you ask why for the reason that you get the market price that is going 1 i you do not expect more than this you had better keep your eye on the man who j t oflers to give yon a higher price than is ruling x we pay you the right price and your wool counts full weight with us pay t t for the full quantity you sell us v t there ought to be no other way than this it ought to be the only way of t doing business but perhaps you may appreciate the fact that it is worth telling and j t andworth your knowing il t t we are in the best of shape thii seabon to take all the wool that you can bring us and will give you in return cash to borne extent as you may want it and the goods manu- t best values we have ever given in our thirtyfour years experience t factured by ourselves or in imported goods i t x in good of our own manufacture than which there are nne better we x havp ulillo all wool hhuikots a yard wide and at yards long 5 13 per pair or 1 yards wldraud a yards long t- 50 per pair union blankctelu whit or kiev i yards with ij 30pr pair 1 bbbotinga wlillo or gray 36 incho wide 33c and 40c per yard 73 inches 4 x wide 70c 2 i laimels sh inches wide heavy ouallly and alio fin nualliy 33c yard rf j skirling a incite 35c n inclie 30c 70c ujc ij 4- yarns well xcourod j pound aklena in 3 and 4 ply 40c per pound 4 home sputii 54 inches wldd in tha leading popular coloring hjc the t hetvlcr line or ladle tailor made bulls and uullned skirts at ixo and j f 1 wmu for men a war xlngle wldllu 40c 50c 0 and 73c in double widths ii 00 and 1 1 33 j the imported goods embrace a wide selection and count in roller towelings ash cotton shirtings apron ginghams fancy cotton shirtings heavy ticking of the 1st quality twill sheetings cottonades denims flannels butchers linen and much j took it upon the door or anywhere whero your oya will oaiah it uitt whoa you boll wool horo you tdwayn gbt lull weight j aud fair lntipootlon t hkrris co lt i moollbn juthnuphcturbrs i rogkwood nt era best else wallt paper alltha no went dctlua and colifrliigr in ingkains and ecrytind of paper to suit any room pawns aa kili c b w l it is a paint ready fur thd brush window siiadls cuh1ain loius l kt broiazn chumlut acton wamtku faiiatiu vallalil- drou m evry bounty to raliraanut laiuo uiny ur eolla nusnalat reruultonl vwet iwr year idsabl wublv i i pr lay imkitulaly re aud all as- inta slrajabl buna ftdu dnnile eetarl no unmitsaloai aata7uamwnl1 hastmlayfcjl aiiwi iionr advanead eaert wak utlti- ilahuupuhiinlpbususoaiflrr onioiu eyeache and headache eyestrain catlses both drugs relieve 1 only temporar ily pro perly adjusted glasses remove the cause and effect a permanent cure satisfaction guaranteed consultation free a d priisralte watoumahkk 1 anb jlliwsliee efar -r- a 1 rritr guelph m holy rood camp ion of scotland ulll hold tlieir annual came it lxhlbilloa grounil on july lat si ooooo in prizes cor athletic sports dane ineplplng etc tug of war open lo comities of ilklton wellington and waterloo lmt iris o o old wmtthmm vju jjjo stui a ulvmr watch 0o 3rd o docket 30 xatuelntcah t uauitnll j jjcotlltrjy cblai vnuun uecrelary the ontario seed and grain separator co limited fhrgus ont wm hemsipreeif mm has secured ihe agency for halloo county for the perfection fanning mill and grain separator manufactured in 1 ergut this is the mill which is creating so much talk and excitement among ibe thousand of farmer who have witnessed if operations in cleaning and separating all kind of grain and seeds at the onlario agrlculivra col lege cuelpli during ihectcuraijn through the month of june it 1 the mlq which took a hag and a half of timothy seed cleaned by one of ibe alleged latest improved mills ready for owing last saturday during the hal ton 1 arm era 1 xcurslon and remove over a cck of heed of injurious weed including tub quarter canada thistle ahoeji sorrel curtail dock pigeon weed caleb fly bind- word and false lla it will pay farmer to haw mr hem sired allow i bom thl mil before marketing or preparing their grain and ued for crop great sootti that man luys and sells almost every- thing lhat the farmer haa to well or wants to buy ha wants hi oat lui jlarley wlieal itye i luck wheat deans maxaeed iolalocs turnip wool hides shoep- akittl etc to day ho u belling the farmer his turnip seed 1 lut itsbcbolnl hultouaobatnplon cartas tclaobut ojrtei ituimiaj uarabal- tutorial hlcblaad i ilu haruay llioim hbonrock kklrvlng khn 1 til i mo vej uuoua 1rlu ht u t urpl tot uoottlsh cjiasutvu ireyatooe 1 uri4tciiabijn wbiudloue hwonlajto jo lern uojaj noetulk jaraay herat u- lll bttwl u ajaa lb- lowaat tt luiuort dliaot and bay for li in iua rbu b- luiiwwtd tbu yar t ttiuillab to tsjeo ibe and bad it uatad at lb 0 a v thd ll bu b totj at bl star be lrymu bow 14 lbs lor 00 er aloolb bglur vijdu ilabsj 19 vartaua ol bat con id eliooa frtxii aliu wutmaruii ulllal lluakwbvat bubarhaliebuunober iua1 a4e nm- kllllii luaaou ba kep par uilglub lajruji uoulyttmlb iuulue hug houli ao lb wiini uju ind 1 uaiaraloiiaacknllu lbs uvu halt aou par ton or too pr loo hulpbau ci unppar or job ui lb or lb lurkx liltwhlubabalb oral lb or am italia bti aid lb wbale oil ikjaiiftut lb ate ale blugbboitor cbbt touii vu ko ibor ulurhe bulnwrlllb lor au fctoui tulu 13 lu for aw hiiwli- ltu lii ur a iba for tw uraund bmncaxs tod hi ln uli ijip slid calue wah be kaa ualuxare ollitl kulult illp slwl waab uujv tiulmf kuslub jlpaiij waabtooir lwruuvkillab dip and waali alairuthibin tiuie htoelf tjol- 1u lb box ouly bud hlbbya cat atgnlalaa4s w f luu iba urouud oil bake and lltuund ftxutaaj vr luii be aaiti b- bil lie lnj a salt hfluaeklctltnuuietnek aud alu uie wludaw at ij0albl or iibbu tor esta a aoo lb a ooatur turbuoor sek tr i ao bo lb sack for fw a w lb dairy sack coo alau 60 10 abdkbisaaa hatnla halt u au x rnrirtprrwr- ni aaekloa ltd aud law ii- will aall vou at vavtult- ubutn tol 1 s and auj cell aud hwtuiuitby are the bee ntft u w ill waaldng alaablne be ha them for ud auj for suu tlit are daisies ind eitt about a uuuar itaaa baa uooeoed lilatts eiwelaj tbrsa quaitar eueelal ihiut tie or wilb bip uo in utd aa xkaiii 1lbaji to too uu tberoeid all tbe una sallin utin sloo wlib tbe area vlufl lass lllodnuowuia aud uaaas tb- klu of uaewaas in lusdhlues wbn you at sailed ui uvbhlhwbaietomr temryeeeab tunilii tlll tkurttan waedars kuoofa unonti rtt jw niuiui ii ni a i aiaras neaare uuvlub willi brsiwli aud elvalor al 1 look wood y geo j thorp iticxas oraiit cuoiph ol rockwood

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