Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1901, p. 2

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rur- at acton zez tyzts tuuiujimy junk j7 11w1 anothen volume closhd i ho jrhpiil mimbor of lbe 1uaa 1ruyoi loinulnlb llio lwooty alxth vojuma uf tha fitijt lut ltn ijuartar eaulury uo11cojib b mer liy uf ax in alweye ulh our bab been loyal friend and hava fallen iujriuyllii dan for modern boalne method uyum of taiih li edwaiioo fur all aubecrip- tluin adopted iraveral year ago thai re- htiuaa had broihinoellealufaolory a largo buinbpr uf aubecriulioiid olplra with lha volume ihla waekv iluaipt roaaarau arc confidently ra pooled bacauaa thii haa beea almoet invariably ttio otu id lha put boitofelal notbs lha lha crop report from tl 0 worlburiijtiatloua ara iwoeivad eudlnaoata very favorabla conditions all the teporta ilaaarlba lha proapeold hi glowlpg tar ma and many jroplmey a yield of from 30 to j5 buhel per acre no datnagg whalar la reported rum any cauaa md llio growth f doamlbod au wonderful it i lrauautlaalon of elcotrlo power a detailed nf 140 mllea had rocwnlly boon accoiiipliahed in california thu id ooa idored hi moel auooaaefal feat o 11 kind it tha bltory uf eleolrlclly the power la developed on the yob river and trana- hiltled 110 tnitee to and paad in lb- city of oakland on recant tal 40000 volu were transmitted with tho loaw of but 2 par- cent l0rne rifles in camf irtoldantaof thalr exparianoo wrtlle urlxadad at nlaar camp an bwjov mrolihij lit all lhdoompanie cpt ti uurlinguin company- rnel at oeorg town ud tueadey tbfl 1 1th inalaut t anion company going by apeclal iraiu from aolon tba other oompenic going flotu ibair reajiecllv tompny head i quarter fb regiment aranl tbeno by apaolal trail to uurlliiueon tlina tbo boat which u lo lake thani uj niagara kol aluok iii tba mud and tba men had to wall aaverel hotlra wtlcblpg tha aootu ol tba orow lo gat lb boat pulled out uf tba mud and it u nut until prmllou bl baareviiladflaou to aae fcb hoitrnmnil died go dial tba b6t we pullad of and tho men ombarkvd ibey irliut camp conaldarbly aflr mid nubt varytpuob tired out but in axoellant pltlu and guy ba pardoned for bvtng karoo tlijibt mllafaotlon li wakln up tlio whol ctap witb tba atralua of tb rafil meotal marob tw caapbolla arc com- ln flral woekv woik tho flrat weak m apanlld aquad drill oompauy drill monat rd flvlori sarelaa nd tjgt praotloo lro- rofjddo u very rapid and mooedlngly mtufaooty booood weeks work tho wbolo camp tnroad out lo oborob parade oo uunday hod roaled for tbo teraalndar of tha day tbo remajnar of tba aaoond week wu pent la battalion and brigade drill march pal and ah am tight lnoludinj a long thktn qoldbn wedding r nnl mrs ijdwartmlcklln caito- brata tliwlr flftlatm wxjdlnv anniversary ac lou la riulta dlailugnlabad lu having hiuoug hor uioat etmed and permanent realtlatiu two dlraot deooeudaou of tho well known hrronaianraboord meeer alex and t k m lieoord u grand- uophowe and wer inureaud prtlolpnl in tha nnvalllng ioarmonlo at lnodya luna itut elatunlay laura hcooid it on of tbo tnoal obtruhed biuu aroong the patriot liaroo and borolnaa of canada and tho recognition of her bravo aplrit by tho monument jaat araoted kt londya laud to hie vnoroory will prpatnat atill tlu l c bravery in 1h15 u ibd mil loo lltformtr aayd whllo in anion lat weak oar band aorendod tha tnembflr far halloo d uonderaon ui who inviud lb am into hie raaldeuoo and treated tbom to lea cream and rof raabmaou ftild afterward haildod them ont a v ihla win mora than tho boyl aapeoud howovor and war loath lo aooapt tho money ilowavor mr uaadonon inajaud and tba hbya had to aubmlt with aa good a graoo aa poaalbl tinder tho elronmalaoooa mow if oar member pnda the astra 100 aaaalunal allowanoo whlohlaxlunoent voud iu memhera at tho laat aoaalon la tha manner indicated ebovo vary few woald ba dloeed lo quarrel with blm in aooeptlng it ho will aarely exparlanm brfors tho ytr ia out tbo trath and foroo at tho aorlptnral aaylng thai to whom touch la given of him muoh will ho retjtilred limbhousb mr john mooro keturnad homo on flalutday after vliltmti frlotida at orango- villa mrs david uanderaou aolon apeot baturday with frlenq here mr nud mra allln of haujerund vlalud at tho homoof mr jamod unlnar till week aha urns kllun et tba dolly war hlartad ou monday with good ataff of ma from from hers roalo tnarob in th tnarch paat tba lorom waro jn tha rout of tha infantry brlgadoa and in tbo aliarn fight formed tho advanoo gaard of tho foroo which want to virgil and than came in lo rneot knp off tbo atlaoking foroo oil lto way from f3noenatown a wet dayo imaaaorea th weather throughout tha entire camp waa very aatla factory wltb tho exception of ttiuraday un which day it rained nearly tba wholo day but tho inoontenlenoo of tho wet wad not ilhout ltd oompooaauon la giving tho len a rat prior tl tho ardnoad work ol vrldmya long rool march and eham cghu to bagulu tho hour on tho wet aiurnooo of thuraday tba oflloord of tho iteglmont jed on ad baaal by tlia indefatlgallo adjutant captain lang ton got up au impromptu amoklng ooooart tha volunteer talent developed on tb apoe of tha moment aa the ooooert advanoed wad really onrprulng trobahly tho ehuf lum of tha programme ware iba oocnlo aoaga of corporal levy wbd ang amongat milton a tiew del of platform acaled artf being advooatad for tho town ltav j w oooloy the oow paalor of tbo method lit ohuroh proachd laat fjuuday morning and avonlug very favorablo imprbualond were orealed at uio oloao of bid minhiiry hardj ii urlunhardaou wad madfl tha roolplant ol a puree uf money by bid many f rleodd who will all follow hiut and mra hlohatdeod with good wlahed oil their de par lord lhld weak to take up their realdenoa la toronto uiaaimlverdary aarvloadln kuoa church but huoday wera largely attended llev wylle c clark of llrampton proved hliiuclf an tojuut proaobar hid uotare on ihorud wad au inlereattng effort tho llohb of laqoaalng au elderly tnajiet with a aarlond aooldaat on tum- day i fa wad doing 6d work and wm driving a team of boraad bitched to a roller when on of thd aulmald klokad blm on th ott and ou tha hid of tha head til wouud ou thd haad wad alight but ha rooolvedftoouipobud traolur of tho left lag wbloli owlug to bu ago will likely lay htm up for a long time champion otbefl wodfyo fa man llaotanant iaooii aang awveral aonga in oxoeueal btyla and llo a tenant sod reoitad a oomlo plaoo much to tho amnaameqt of tha lleglmoot doriog the oonoert tha ohgadlef lieutenant colonel maaon oorapumetiled vary highly tha lome ulfled their oflloerd ajid men on the progread made in drill and on the axoeedlngly good order maintained through out tho oamp xnring the oamp tha brlgada ataff toaea- ed with tb offioerd of tha 0th th oamp wad a vary aatlafaelory one and it id tbooght by tha oflloefa thai ltd raaaltd will go a long way towardd making raornitlngjlor beat oamp woafa aaaler than it had been dnrlng tbld and laat yoard tha atorled whloh aeemad to have taaohod homo about aloknaad in oamp ao car ad tha lorna lllflea wort oouoarued vary much exaggerated a few men had aora armd the reaalt of reoent vaool nation but hardly a matt fell oat ad tboraealtof llio beatoa auy of tha deyd whether luview day or otherwlea tho llaglrnent return ed on saturday tjod loetani by boat named very appropriately thd argyla to hamilton baaoh thanca by train to tho roepeoliva oompany haadiualtard compauy ho 0 arrived in aoloa during tho aflaruouu matohwl down tlreet in oommajadof lieu tenant vord ilka veurand and havo alnoo been recounting to their rleudd tha pleaaured of military eatnp ufa it u dealred that an error which wad inadvertantly tnado a week or two ago in an i lorn whloh alaud that tan man of tho lbtb lloglment uamllton ware added lo the atrength of ho 0 company lornad bo oorreotad tbo mtao are bo i ad htatad from thd 13th bat ward xtra men recruit ed at burlington by capl galloway and handed over to no g oompany la order lo add lo lu numerical atrength 1hf tubuc libhahv ontba lih jooa j8t kdd muklm and mary cathaciua hweakbamer the daufcbleruf i lie late john hwaokhamrr ooo ot iho pioneara of ibiavlunlty ro united ip holy wed 10k at tba home or the bridea father gburcbtll llav hlrem ijnnj a pioneer atid inurli beloved and eueoeaalul mliilater llad uio nuptial knot tliie bappy eveiil if halt a orntury epo waa oniimoniiuauil in a very plraant family functuni bld at iho reeidodo of rl lleeva a li nieklln lluwr avenue eon uf lbe prlnoipala lut weliiday llllli mrkdwad uiaklln and mi thor thollljldn aimljraridohllrviwini preaeitt wltb lhoepliou of unn oou and family itourt at llraudou matt afler a aujiipluoua la ha 1 been partaken of tbo fallowtug add read waa read by mr a ll nloklln apd praeenud j bo elderly ooupu accompanied by a puree of go i ae a preface to the addrna mr tftoklln aald in tha tlve of moattif tut whooornoto yara of matorlty we are apt to regard certain ovenla av red letter daya in our llrra and arv particular in aealng tbr plaoo atii data reoordcl ofaame amonrf auoh wa inoludo our raarriagedj and to the few who are specially bleaaed x would auldptha golden wedding day la a moat lolareet lug 1oaatbly tho rnoet joyooe oocaalon occaaloq uf our lived la oar wedding day when joined to tba companion of oar cholo knoving almost inatlncllvely each othoro thoughts and aaplratloua and being full of hope regarding tba future wa nray depend upon love and devotion in tlmod of didloquy and trial when other a tnlaunderatatidlug ua eland aloof when mo i tiaediog riendahip i think it ittita natural for bd to gather together today i and in thldoonueotlon preaent iho follow logaddreea ilaia vjtvuaa imu uuruxu upon uila eveuuul oocaalon jour boueu wadding day w coma toaatliar to ooay jou oar ooaaraliibvtloua and aaaura you of our lo daym auob aa uiu it u bard lut tba rouuser llsu to anur tully into your fealtoca xvitb baarla lull in otfloln jpu tliink of uod a oodneaa to otl thtoucbout tha attv am of jour married life uava bad lour joyd and your aorrova in the vatlas urn of ufa you look back re calling lbe aoeaed atid fruuda of j our you lit and viben full of bop and alrenxui 6a reiuud your vowd ta ba true to dm euolbar loyal tu your cbareh and oountxy rsaolved to jo wbat cood too eon id to your fallow man be true uj jonr frlandd and ever ready to lend a helping hand to lb beady wa fixe your aprlfbt uvea u a moat bleeaod barttaco if dayd you looaj tba eoantry 4ktaw it l nasbaqawva a garden peiy utnler the auaploae of iho young people nf moffat uelboafat clmrofa will be held ou tha lewp of iuapu viae- ifejrru tho raaldanon of mr wm guttcfc lomorrdw evening inth net an tacollenl drocramtno baa jhjr erraurl 1 ly auuunlly laltlntf to eilra wui raa truant imwiiuiicwl li inaorable liaa iiuvh calatilt ui ira mniutglloa i au i uiafafctra rwjulia cuoalltullotial uafratiuant iuii calarrli com uiaiiufaaluiod f j a on toledo ohio ia ln till y conatltulloiial eura on uie uiaikat it i uku ttitaraejir tlc tintn ludrrptn a tvabttnaa ul hull dlfatly ua ue bloulaud uiueoue uitaium of tlioaitom tla utmi butuliwl dollaia tin any um it laiu iii euro 1 lor tculaia anil laatilintilala aadrau v 1 i ilknky tjotollo o llalii by druetula tta hall a vaully 1 ilia av uu boat cnuncnill tliaia la utoia caurlli dounuy lliaa all other end until ilia laat rw aare ineutabla or a fjrt uiau mucad it a i ixal medua am otlon of tlia put uweuier doctor lo- li proaciil1 local malum baa barlrd lrutldep in the hot torn of tbp- aaliiitocrithb wi1kn you want itlouu oatmeal okt oiiu ouorton hno od9n 7ut1lls brknd l tltebatlln llw tu all wftja awake ilea hitra quality prti rirrbu iii nu hoiuoi aeo dominion pay celebration at gueljlii in every town and village rtiay kfiiad the mica axle grease that makes your horses glad holyrcmxlcamp hold tlicir annual round un uly ml in your faithful nhd courtoouii llbrttr- lan u aivan am inoraaaud salarv uiauty third annlvaraary of uid con gregauoual church herd bald on uuuday aud monday wad moat luboeaaiul thd eartuonl ou oil u day by llev dr ulndley thapaalor weraunaaually abu and lutar- eating expoaltlong abd won tor him tha ooguomeii th old mali uaeol on all aldeil tha text at b oclock wad aud gldoiiit oatnd to jordan aud paaaed over jujdd ii i and in the aveulug vat tbjlr rock in not ad our llook avan our auamud bolug our judged lul uj i 01 there wore largo oougrngaliour j hs giiimal uwu party ou monday avu- ing wait alao a gratuyiug auooead th aluiidanod waa vary largd tea wad aervod on thd church lawu by thd ladled aiul wad oharaolerlatleally abundant aud axoaluut jbu oaiaolty of the uhuroh wad uuiual lo th crowd aaaainhlad eo that at aoh ftoox ad open wludow largo number d aujoyad tho programme from tha uutaldo tb long lll of uumhata by lb following talent wad dlvvraitlad atid an joy able lie j m ifagar m a actou and luv dr lllodlay tho paator delivered brief ajdra neltumhianuualaadraoaera2f dyliw methodiat bunday hchool orobeetra aud by mr laing with hid phonograph 1 vocal uuiuberd luteraparawl ilia programme- by mr u juurooy aolou ueaard olbum and maom kiluaalug jhllaf m karr lira nioaa atid tile mlaaod llublnaon oaprlngd and rvolutlotid by mlaaael katla itoaall larila uw eak hammer m clara l moor and is thai uwaokhatiuiiar i be programme afforded two bourd of eolid iijuyuient mr 11 v mooro uf the autun 1uatu ivaad proalded aud wad thd flrat uualrnmii tu ooaupy tha one tie arm hair juat aeoured fur tha platform a riljuillj imw organ waa alo inalaludjiaat wk i hoai who attended from aolou eiijoyd vary muoh tha drlva to tba hill and rciprn that beautiful avaplag tha vrad library board mat laat wbd- tteaday 6 van log meuihord praaent jao cameron chairman llava j k goddoti m a aud j u nagar u a aud u i moord thd llbrarlaud report for april and may were rad ait foliowd i wambtull illioluayaii tlookd lakou out uutory u is ulcrapby 1 vyd aud rald ifl 3 0iajijulur u w bouum a jtrt- 7 1oeiry 1 q vuuoo b u iuiuiouj 10 ip uumllauwiid 19 13 iii airf 1141 pu- vor ciuloiiukj ate 1 m votvium u t3 o boa moved by itv j k godjoo aeoouded by j ullagar that tha llhrarkud report for april and may b aooepud carried moved by luv j m ilagar eeoorldedby u 1 moor thai lhld hoard rwiuaatd lh muitiolpal council for au advauaa of m ou aoooutit ot thd library appropriation for th uurruiit yeay carried moved by ii v moore baooiidad by j k qoddati that in view of lb luoruiug dulled of tba librarian coupled with her fallbfulnead and 60drty during lh thr- year of her ocoupetiey of tba oftlo alliod ths orgauiaatlau of lb library that ihd uoajrd had plaaeur iii increasing her salary 10 ihd hum of fifty dullard pr antmw the luoraaaa to data thd ul july 1101 carried tha uodrj then uljourned geoitoutoun georgetown and glanwllllantd oraiigd luan will apadd lha ljth in aotan aud aach wlinihattlh nnta rmhff raapaotlva plaoo wltb tbau mr y j harur npovu thd twi taking lit of hay lhld aeaaon ud harvaalad ifl loaddof luoarua olovr oj monday llli lot tba lubllo bohool poplld oonoarl on domlulou day lu lb- drill abed wlh bd a wary hjtoreellng aui nlaaty all tbld biaaatyaaid of tall and banl- hip the vuin lion kaliu ihd f rlubl of your labor tlia family elrnl ha bti broksrjaad loved boad lavaii away ad an utibrokad auilly may w tiioot thiul in thai batur land lo part no w truat you mill b kiard to ud for yaai lo oowe and tbat lu your old as we may b able to inali your ih- viaraof porfeol paaa an4 baptinm uay tied a loving arm b ruund about you aud hi ruhoat bluliia real uion you llouxay xl likky lfirmiiw waaaan jkaald aolou juu 1mb 1u0j tha add to and proooiitatlcm waro ao- knowladgod on behalf of tha fathar and mother by the eon in uw mr tt v melaou aa mayor of guelpb in very iltlug worda iuf br ilagar paator of tha family vad a portion ol uorlpturo and offered a prayer and than oougralulatlond were- gouoral aolon cornet band then appaarit upon tha aoena and rendered a aaried of vary enjoyable aoleotlona it way ha mention j incidentally tltat mr v nicklin wad a momher of tha band at ltd inception over fifty yoard ago during tho evening many of the heigh- bora and frlende dropped in id axund eon gratulalloud aad tha tlma paaaed all too quickly in oonveraatloa ratnlnlacauoa muald and aoug tha gathering broke up at a beaaonabla hour mr and mr hlok un havo epenl tho whol of their married life lu acton with tba exoeptloa of a year or ao hpeut lu goalph it l not gran tad to many to apeud filly yaard of married ufa tagatw and to have ao many of iho family eparad to mel aud welooma them uud tho auaploloud oirdumtaucd aa thoao that aurrouudad them on lhld oooa ion aud th hope wad generally kpreeaed that they may ba apared for many yaard toootua to their family and fritnda and thai their deallulug yrd may ba buaad with luaroaaed comfort and happluead in tha town whom they flrat alarud on lifaa voyage together the ontario seed and grain separator co limited fiiitgus ont wh hemsiprbeit aolait ha tecured iho agency lor 1 all on county fortius perfection fanning mill and brain separator manufactured in icrgus till is llio mill which in creating to much talk and excitement among the thoutindi of farmrra who hav wlliicsusl ltd operation in cleaning and acnaratiug all khula ofgraln and aoodsat tha ontario agrlcullvral col lege cuelph during tbucxcursbna through 1m month of lune it u the mill which took a bag and a hall of timothy toed cleaned by ona of tha allccod uteat improved mill ready for towing uxt saturday during ilia llaltoii iunner uvcundon and removed over a mck of kaouvof injurloua wecda including iftlilbd quarter canada thistle kbeep torrel curled dock plccon weed catch fly hind wtml and falaa tlax it will pay farmer to have mr hem alreal ahow incm thl mill before marketing or preparing tlielr grain and aecdi for crop 100000 in prlxqs i auilotlo sports ffanc- ing piping etc tug of wa urn locounllnd ol hilton s suu l u ini y li h u ui llwu i ii imtu j4t t b crennan best qualities tlic rpost for your money secured by dcalmg with us ilrln jblicrtiistmltnls iroiioily for knlc villas i iarl mi an t i w1i iirubtkkft aolon sec ur value in k blade for ioc ladic seamless ii fv0ttand v111 til i rhlhitiun bnllitnt black balbriggaiv for 25c pr heavy toweling y and 8c qualitich for 5c yd grey cottoni jood for c yd d8i- d wale and 1st irimm u gold wmtcha valulho and 1 sljvr wmtohes 900 j3rtl 0 loekmt jo j alfolntoali t lmuiall u j ucdlllvray jlilf tniuir iufeury 1uv j 1 moleod will puaoh bid fare wall daemon in the dleolpw church her uaxl bunday mr craelmau pruurletor of tha triauhla dhop hare id glvlug hie employ a fr traw to tho 1au amarloau liapooitloo at it id the aot ot a bad man tu deoaiv by falaabood docto ba uvthbca8uok mtlb haiinibon op onanquyillk 8ho was computoly hun down tuokad with palnei in thw uaok hoatland llmbaacaln haaaln- od good hsalth fcvo4trukda 0auloot- mauy caae ara oouauntly balng brought to light of peraou vftf ourcd by that wonderful remedy isr wlllume tiuk ill hj after dooloxd hav failed to ha of ban hi among them may ba uoud tha ca of mr lunjamlu jlarrlaon a well known lady who realded lu tha nut vlolully of orangevllu out a riwwtar ot th sum hearing of mr narrlaoud woudarful curd nailed at liar hom to luijulr into tha facta of tha oaad mri harrlaon aajd thai aha wad pleaded to bd able lo leetlfy to the great tiuralwd power of th pllld uh aaid for aoma atd i have ban a bouetaultutferr juht what to oall tuy dlaaaa i do not know oven tha doctor wra uuabts lo dugnoa ll i waa uuatl lo aacuro aouud iimi and uu arlalug lu tha morning would fl aa luad aa before golug lo bed my tlouiaoh waa lu a had ooudltioa and ijia leahl movamut oauaaj uiy heart to palpllata vluliiuy doctor trualuieut fallad to h of bcutfltto ma ami i waa li vary duoourdgd ulata when a friend advlaad um tu try dr williamv lluk illu tbluklug that thymlgiit ruv ms hill i procured a supply and bagau taking tbeiu acooidlug lo diiacltoua from 41 1 first i ouulil hod thai thy war helping ma aud by tba lima i had takau half a do boxed i wau fro from tba ellinautt that had luada tuy ufa- mlearabia it id i tavaral yaard iluo i took tha pill aud uol ahowti 1u1 i would alroiikuh org ihd uedut dr william 1luw lll pareoti with a waak or run duwu ayitaui aud i am aura lhy will uol fail lo ba baud data to iho who airw weak aaally urd uarvoud or while bllmvl id out of ooitdltlou dr will lam vtjuk iliueou aa uoaalng durltigwheii all other mjoine fall aul roatoiiug tboea who miv it a lair trial to a full theaauranf haellh and lueniui hold by all dealer in tnedlolu ur aut by mail poet paid at 60 cent a box or lx lxxa for liot by adjraulng lb dr william mrdlclki co llrooklh out lb ion ablnad lulu iahhil ami id dot polluted dusinsss woman will eclre tlie opporiun ily ol halnrhef iurj madd over or remodelled dur ing the summer months or a rcaxoiuble coat by a practlcal furrier you will uio tlino and moaey and when tin weather for furs arrives you uilltio ullsfiod io know thai you hai the latest styles ami i inest b going lo piim paris grm 1hsegjp pbwber ahb hblaltebere ohumist acton t 36 intliijieaclicd cotton7 heavy wcighfrfor 7 i- wide curtain nctt jugular 2jc quality for i2jc cmiitd corn peas tomatoci and applcu 7c can men ljncstrawiiats special value at 25c and roc each some extras for friday andseturdays selling millinery section 20 of the daintiest of this seasons creations in headwear tq go 30 per cent discount ladies silk iiolc regular 75c quality for qc tafleta and silk glovesi 23c to 50c qualities special 2 piira for 41c a lot of 20c and 25c summer dress good choice colors for io yd 5 yds each cream and white allover lace ijj if inch wide regular 33c for iqc yd 10 pieces silk ribbons 3 to 5 inches wide ocand 50c qualities for 18c yd butter and eggs bought at highest prices the b crennan secords block ii i ii ii ii i i- co acton 1 municipality ol the villa0i2 ol acton in the county of halton 1 illt harris go liiinlted rockwood woollen hills established 1s67 any wool to sell l n e lafqntjune cuelph- vkuule and retail turrur binder twine- farmers cooperative co llmltod brantforp prlouy for tho soason ol idol rod slai 6q0 ft xoo hod bttu 66o ft io o bpofllttl mttiulla boo ft oio bluuj old 8 0 biaal btaadord 7o 1 1wwi latter two are uol our own make canadian 1 aumieks wabavuatawor1 loaay to you tbu tba ouuileellairvmitallrlcad w utauiu oauuol lit b touatit w vuur ijoyally aud lullll in axtataiio your aatalduid 111 drive ud frutu axbuued adoatliblow to all lutur eoor atiou ol varuiaiaalul will url blind ou r- kult a tlliiue tlu uuuulu from tba lurtuu or uliloii jou will ba absolutely bl laa d tiolp yourajved yau bav your 01 uom kwy your mousy iui lak your obolo lllaud by tliu groauat and uioat tvtlut eiaihbfallv bioiainaut lu 111 wuald and ao bitug a coulluuatlou of rlbf uiu ii uuuuaatuuabi luuuauam a tarlu atdu uuiu lalor jlrioimed and vou ouly aara v ivumul ou by utuyourocu coimuiiy war tout all tuua elalilaul of plwiwitjoil fp woul 1 b uooiiuh luintuibarut 1uu dool wuu uuiwi ug will 1 julil i uon buy yuurtwl biiuodld uaii kaeuid bl year aud yuu f u mmi tif yiir ai mf i v if xthltavalulapottuu tf ul will at a elauaa llial ittir eotiiiil aolug ml ilmly uiiua our iaud p- uiai iu muiy l llioaa yuu uualy uuaioliilj bava urolablyaai lor rwi wwiui in ou uia louraevlfolbartd wltb ibl- j j alauhm ulluu will ua 1 plaa ks oldu lla1 mueattwluvalul you will uiakaliti utu joseph stratford canaral mdnogef t if no you are interested in what we have to say we buy wool we are not the only wool buyers in the country but wc do not believe there is any concern that has a better reputation for clean and straight and square trading a record of j thirtyfour years of the same methods is behind this business there is a satisfac- tion in doing business with a house where you recognize that the integrity stands out prominent the child might be sent here with a load of wool and would be as sure of honest treatment as the shrewedest farmer in the country for your wool we pay cash in part and goods in part and the goods reprcs- ent the lowest cash prides we invite inspection of prices at any time bomc prices in goad of our own tnatuifactura than which ther ara non tatter w have whit all wool bhinbtiti a vardh wld ami 3l yardlonk 15 as porplr or i yards wld and a yards louif ti 50 per pair lnlon hlanlfdtm in whlid or kry i yard wlda j 50 per pair j shcetlnga whllaor iroy jgincnes wld 35c and oc per yard 73 uichci wide yoc i laniifcls au indies wide licivy qualllj and also fine tiuallty 35c yard j sklrllnjs alt inches 3sc sj inches 50c 70c 15c yarns well scoured i wuud sklenb in 2 3 and 4 ply 40c per pound ilonie snuns 54 incites wide in thn leading popular colorings bjc the i hovcr lines for ladles talloimsdo suits and unllned skirts at it 00 and j jijj 4- tweeds for men s wear single widths 40c 30c c5 and 75c in double widths si ooaudlta5 j tho choice of the shopper is by no means confined to our own goods than which we know there is none better i in our store we have a splendid range of tickings sheetings cottonades denims flannels prints white and grey cottons t butchers linen and almost everything else in suitable arid desirable goods forwhich j you may ask t tt proof of our promises when wo buy wool is in tho fact that both woleht and fair itlspoc- i cqiints ovoryhilmo hkrrissco t- noticl i hereby mltta1 or delweredto lb lottli bit in urou uun tlonwl in vmiioii hand uol the ontario voters iilat aet ttiaaoi la rasjuird by ul 1 tactions to b trauamitlad or ilallvarwl ot ilia hat made tut oft tit to kal 1 act of all tiaraona iijjlutf y ul laatrevimdaaaaaalilaiilluill of ji h14 municipality tpl rill lla1 u v iii uia bald uubfoliulty at uaotloue for utmbata or th li8ialblla aaaauibly au t at uiinloltval klae- bill tbal tli aai i hat wa flrml hiau1 uli y tmca at tli vtllm aclnti in aaid county of halloo on tba jotli day of jutia ijoi an i raiualoa uiara tat imrfuou lilactor ara called upon to exalilllla ul tald luumnd if any omit tion or any ollir aroia ara found uieialil to lak llilltladlat locad inrt to bav uia aal 1 errora coitlal according llatl at tba lllajja of trion tlila a hi jy p tiioh tuooltt ctrrfc of thd uunlclmmy of ctoo buggi6s now tlul un am luulog finn weather and h roadi thorn in ictks encouragement to buy naw uugglcs i hava a full atuortmeut of ilieni which you should ice beforayou buy also market and lumlxr waggons all kinds of carrla and gou eml repairing done on tliorleit notice a full lino of agricultural implement and lunder twlua always oil hand j w oistbilll successor to culp mckenrle gfjorcfitomn telephone service al yum residence is wort of lueurancc agalnil worryandijravo emergencies theprcui ium la a xry mull fraction of jour ordln ary houuhold cipenws ak the local manager for i crisis tho bglitelophono co oi c vnada llmitld rogkmood ont th4- wie gut of your clothes ou ara inieresloil in having tnililonablo clolhca wo are oiikious thai your clollioa iliall 1m liccoiulug to ytu otui fit yuu perfectly our oimit tailor ata illtoctcd by a cutter uhu liimtft nfuuit fnlll good lit ua make ihoru ialbfjclloii in llio clothe vm m coolelt mubciam lahoi mm i hcton ldioitud ono baw aryiiuth hluahlng and ajdtoaaed hi tu cyiifbga toy hoy lliat lu ihd oiuiijajtum bf virtuu dlagatied ibeld id graak uilalilnllly aluoug tlm dtadnluld children cry for castoria su7vver needs ncghjeo shlrls iwell slylea from oc lull 5 underwenr nil tiiylcn from 50c a suit loj 50 straw i lata all now joodi from 50c to i 00 ivorl 1 edora hatu h10 lala1 for it 10 j oo i uraces holts sox caps at all priced willis duclf traviara 1 a pair arrow hi and collars 30c eicli 3 for 50 lenta lleadimiartcra for up to data ordered cluihlng h b neiosolsr oisflu pttloh only 00 wyndhiim btrtot ateiila xdton machino and repair shops iiuhuyu1uhdull ivoprlator tall barlouuuta iuiiuiuuu alaaii ntliug buiaealr blatkauillhtinf wuudwiitll x tnaollllla ur lliluiaut ul tiuiiugau aiiiid dou fall- ia riair any y ulail uw d jnturri i uu ovoy ls ul uw luialive uromoqulnine acton- livery jbus line wall olqulppad and styliabrlgd oau al way ba baaurwd albldbublad a eomforlabla lu uleau all uatud belwoauuk uj and 0 id ti m careful aluullonaloeu uearyorir tba wauta uhlluiiinibrolaltrayal laia fully luel j kihn wiijliams creat scott 1 lliat man tuy a and sells almoit eiory thing that the farmer has to r or uanii to buy ii rj uania hu oats icai darley wheat rye buckwheat bana 1 laaeed pot at oca lurolpa ool hides shdp slim elc to day ha ia selling llio farmers lib turniip seed hall wubury t- aal ilblaji luiisliolm jluuijud ouanjllou litxta halballl cartara liuiirlal llirlialla luurlal lllylilaul irlaii kailley i llrotil kangaroo haw ontario lloyal horlolk iha 11 tin j li alwaya dm 1 far hli art luiurovaj it hob laukard cow uau jataay navet alo t bla atnre beta ulvluu now ltl lla tor il co or elljib bag for wou ha baa l3 vaiillo of ba1 com to oliooad from alio lluiiuaiun ulllt uuolwbaal r llaa1 ate muuiir tau huuliowbr ttea vor killliiu lula lie lit or vl uj ir 1uj liil 1 laauidtoo aack of lu lot iwii halt vuui f tort ot 10 la 111 uullibal of ljiiiiur or conumaji la iu ur uio forlw lilu liioiuhj lb oral it foruac 1uiu bor ho lb wbalo oh lioali taw iu u at lllim ulut i rlalbaua t uj iw hi or 3llorlua llullliurll lb lnru10 tpnl tiu 13 ll or as llaltnatur lou lb or a lb tor aid irounl llluuari jatilli in liliaaii ltlia all f catll wihu ba kaabd uolouiird rulhali1 fi iii an 1 waali little a miiular uhmiuii dlji and waaliuooiara luiulr piiiillli dl and wealr auo vortlilu- ton ii lock lima 10 iu bo only faj uttiy calf giliilvauuial u ir iui iba urouud oil oak and iniuud yianuiaab tor kelt b cant b lt it ba a ull housmlblou umtradb ant ualld tli wlud r at 1 it a lib or bbu f r a j 1 1 a ua lb ok ouara or tin for wj or u uuk f r vl ad a bo il ae for a10 n ti iij dairy au jj bw do loo au t tkkl banllri uarula hall u auo aluaya keft on ban 1 at not barrl or a barrala for 0 00 lu lb tank tiw ytw an ujd 11 will a11 you a favoril oburu for it 13 and d3oj call an 1 0 lliain tbay ari the bl mail a if you want a waitilnu uaoblii ba baa lliui lor a0taul urfiui iby r dall aul wtiat about a iluuuyl lauo llo coueoid youug ittaita ninlal lliiu ijuarur iwilal liiiuik at out oiii or wltb topd i lit au t he uiaiu lla ba two ui11 oti uia roail all tli uui allln ulaii aluutf willi tb uraal ttpiiii llio lam alow an 1 ltake tb klti uf lii uuid mlok lo wbat tbey bav ul y ihy call alauaall you yurilll dl 111 hhiiilld wewlara kad4rd 1 iowa 1ea hh4i1- elo eld iluwil tu all a i wllaallmliow wliioil tbay will hull o aauu auo wtiliva uali uubbor u yiy nu au an 1 tlm niu that uu tlm wbuu maotilua i vlluiii tlm llvbdaulall vlaiut huuar uu itll with braiisb and alnator at uuokwoud ceo j th021 cuglph ofi ftockwood watthl l al la rull iwrvon in vv itiuly to lluwiii lartfx uouiuatiy of mill itlialiulal 111uutuiu uml vr voar lyabl wtkly i m r day abauluuly bliro and all m mm litutit thhia ltd latin 1 1 aalary 111 wamilaal alary paid osmii halurday u i1aocd aoliwak k 1 ah kb vy al wtul iced eiaali weak uaaautuam ui cutaiui y 1

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