Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1901, p. 3

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v bank of hamilton georgetown branch aganeral bankingbuomous transaotod corrooponden ce solioitod savings oiiiiu tiiiriil lnlcreit allowed n uiib at oni ijol i ah nd uj wnrdi lit m dy 1 1 deposit to day of withdrawal no loruialittca and lb daiyi lit drawing monoy earners biiahieba solicited nulciol respontlbla farmers xiiscmifiterl anil ruuncy huued i rgtlimalo dustncasputimitca our cphotliou doparnnout ills every faclllly for making roinpl return sale notes handled and money advanced on kcaiunt o umo ot low rales of inlerrst traveller are notified thai i ho hank of hamilton and it lira nc lies lijio circular note of tho i ruvlnclj hank of ihriajki limited which can bo wlw wlthou charyo ur trouble in any tar i i f the wmbl the news at home iieauollicli hamilton ubtubod 1073 capital paid up 1703212 reserve lund 1234119 otalassctsi lt jamkm tuujiiiji i cashier b forsayetii aoint aoorjjbtown branoli the daintiest thing lb incualri waul vkiui juw tf thi vr thu xrmr staple stow by 3 d uakkx caned chas l nelles cuelph ht ttnit 3fm hqztss tbdllbdayjune 871b lltot utoillbrieflsrs which gttuht the eye or emrt of ft pr ttaoorter thle wek fin jan wctlbii bobool s oat and iba ecbolar rejoice strawberrl are plentiful end aheap dow single areover all lb teilweya for dominion dy nerwondaycnada e naul dy u pobllo holiday bobool aloeed here for the long kummr vacation on tnedy evening mr oharlw quittner of wewerk u 3 oflera bla properties here for al every ohueu ehould euend the vlr- min oudu 1arty in tba park to mor row vanlng ur d henderson m x la announced lo apeak at ft garden party at moffat to morrow averting a dw lover walk two punke wide bu been ballt on ouelpb btrvet from cbnrob to ague prof ul ulji kelly wilt king t the methodist uiurulamiol on the ejeu log of dominion pay blcyoust wbo rid on lbs sidewalk at lauioxbeva bean warned that floe will promptly follow auoh uuloo xto 8bnn tb uomlry umi ba nouivcd from lbs boord block to tr moi bolidiotf on willow btrwl ur jobn ujrvy b klodly ant tb pun pu cpu of lh pnuru itu4j pqbllvbcd t induo iloaj w w t drotr holm thlppad wo oura of flo otu bop and pljt ymurday for wbiob bo pld bttwmn t3 000 wd s 000 llar lb uioooi of juy 0 w oj vari nd x4u 1lawm k k tb biltmt anoltrury lo tb melbodltt obarob uaik bandhy iu b w lfouti pobl bu ur wall wraw l tb udok cbnmh imi bun dy ula aarmou wu ui bla kbil vry loanrawiva oo tb foundalloiiri urn beiurf bucavftlad od iha lombtr bliij uu down for mi qlba nw houaa oornar mill ultat ftrid prk avana tba nw oojry oboppr bv bmii inaulled m tb rour tnllla ur uuu ays tbty tba baat obuluua add will be not into opanttton oo batuidey twenty foor oanduao writing do lb ulgb dobool entrauoe anilutuuu at aoum puhllo acbool kinder tbe auiter vulonofxrof wtbarl of ueorgotowu high eobool youurf tady fioul ubokwooj bad raabcr unuant tinuliuo wltb bar boraeand bugity bare yaaurday dtorultit a wbuulntf trald trlkbutlod tba bone fcttd be bolted oaoabmd tba bajty hud rau down mat i a and wilbur htreeta but wj fortontloly ouibt by a uuuiliar of xwur at ulll n wc why not iu a cleveland llloyau t ik e tb beat if ti 1 ixiorr aolou xi ti llllou of aoton u hi mt tb beat wheel i on tbe market the olland tb varmera oo operative blndaf twlo 0mpy brentford umlled jompb utreljord oenetel menegr are loatw v of thai took in mall boldlnra wllb lb- farmer or ganj fcl par tbu lb plaoe look lo other mwlbd oooporut huder twin oopi oaulef lbt robing lo ret into let lf dlteonnr rtr will e andar ny olrcomteoo- however deviale f ibelr rule of true oooperatlmo ehare of tan dollera f r eery hundred eoree- pert of e bundr thlr uri luar jou twine hi alhwjhy el-l- m b tbo beet all rouiij value in the world whet ureeur or bettor oea we offer ul repowlo theu lo liw oj lutol oiir yonth montly or n looa1 choraotari nd ovary horn lrftorihtl tle twelht of july coaoett wub tbe lelant whiob baa been eooured for tbe oodoert on the evening of ttie 1jlb july a very enjoyable event ia aaaured the oumroltleo ia oouqdant tltoy can loaae ute pobllo end tbelr lograrnmu will have a variety of mob lent number the juieotnloe not- immtor ilev jbiiibm maleod prolicd bla faro well anrmnn to the dxnlpua oonurekallua ull buitlliy hh i la auooemud ho it htmdey by ilev ulvcr mclully of mull oot who bee lately returned from hiram faolltlxirenraiilorwhlrtej fa tw tiklng hu theolokioal ooaree hot filr ucfjqllyt will remain during vacation iitrmaulouit jtmeaps from hrtou jafury one afternoon uat week david xleoder eon um four year old arm of lr m a mokoafloo bad at eiperleooo wblob be will long remember he waa in the bay loft wltb bla brother herbert wbo waa patting bay down tbe ohole whan he tumbled in bead foremost and in thai position rushed through to the ground hour and then on through tolie beenent a rati of ueerly twenty feet lie waa badly brnued about the ebouldori aud baokbut 4o booea were broken and in a day or so be m able to be out again ula patenta are tbanklol that aerlona njarlea were not sustained jjuebif umteh jtt itlltou id a fast gam of baseball on tielardaj at uillon the aoton junior were de by a rore of nine to seven daring the arst of the game the aolou toani waa somewhat unsteady allowing five runs to be made lu tbe seoond innloga bat toward tbo eud they braced op end aim oat ttrd the toore there being two men on bum lo iba last lonlngs wbastbe milton catcher re tired the aide by a sensational catob of a foul tba team epeak well of tbe fine treatment received at tbe hatiiia of tba wilton club iho return gm will be played on ibrlllb joly the aoton team waa aa follows a 1 arson p m llyder o u uodootld 1st b 3 itameey jud b v wilde 3rd b it holmes a hyndu 1 f x- drown a t v iesreon r f umpire hellmotjfcbb tmeorknel40 j chajo of tocior about one month to uqntre xcelly on bla elalt to aoton made hla eon dr kelly a one dodktlon of 10 000 vt kelly baa bad for some year deelre to take up peolsfwork on the eye and car and tbue being put on hiay b treat has deolded to take a year in the hoep of the united btaioe rorland anil oirniiny f tbnrdy bedupokedtol bla hoe residence to ir thomas gray who be for tbe past year been praotuing in xarkhlll but wishing lo send bla daughter to tbe unl varsity in toronto desired to locate near thai city ur gray la a graduate of mcgiu uptverslty v and tba iloyal college o x byalolana and burgeon edinburgh and glaeow he a native born bcotobmatt and dome very highly recommended dr kelly stite that he he spent in aqiou dne of the happiest yeara of hi life and wlatie to thank bla friends for ihelr muy aol of klndnec bhown tho aid ormago xtesnoamiralloa tbe member of aoton l o l oonfld entlaly expect that tbe coming l3tb of july demooetratlon will b the greatest event of kind evek- held la acton the various orange xjodge of helton conoty and of adjoining counties wttl he present and iu addition to life and drum bands there will he at leaet half a dozen bra bauds iu tbe prooeeelon and to take part in the band competition after tbe orange walk which will take place at on o olook brief addrutsea will be made from the platform at the grand aland by d heodersou m x john 11 barber ml 1 v kerns ai m v v u i uoore editor fbk xaa and ute locslolergymei following tbl there will be a splendid programme of atbutlo eveou both ami tsar and profea atonal band competition haae ball and lacroaae tnatohef etc march log by lodge etc for which attractive prlaea and medal are offered tbe poeter giving full par honiara will be leaned to morrow oonn oillor dean la manager ot committee p0 agoew beoretary and a crawford waaler tba alltver jtanifereery next bunday ud monday at ekpeoud to be day of importance la tba history of tbe metbodlet cbnroh bare au bu been etaud it u lb deu of tb twenty ntlb anniversary of tbe dedication of the present methodist church at eleven on bunday morning mr david xlewe an eloquent local preaohtr wbo laid tbe corner dnof tba ohttroh ou wedueedey ijtb eleptmur 1b7 will preehand at llsop m llev georg w oaltfert of itigereoll wbi waapeetorof of tbe bbnroh wliatt ii wa opeued and dedtoated ou july 1st 1b70 will deliver a discourse in the afurnoon at j bo there be a grand dally in ths bunday uoboo after a brief review of tbe leeeou of lb quarter xuv mr calvert aod mir ilowe will dallver brief add tosses xor mouday bvsulng dowiulod day a splsudld pro gramm ha been provided iber will be tuuresung vemlnuoeutadur by luv mr outt and mr xmawe k brlst hulory of lb church end liural aerie of iuetruinental and vocal uumbsra by vrof and mu kvllyof qualpbwbo jtleudld ettoru iti aoton on prvlou oooaalou have i muob eujoyd tb tiuuday bobool orohesira will also h preeeut iba door will be opened at y so nob eat her and the proodlngs will oomtueuoe at 0 oolook mtuutotii to memory ut xuuru seoorf mr and mr ale uaoord and mr aud mr tim beoord and mui luchel wnl la luudj lku ou ueltudey to participate in the untitling of a moimmeut eroted there a a ttlbuu to lb titetnory of caua4 heroine laura ufooij the mouuuieitt oonalsu of a shapely jbalt of granite reotauguler iu shape eoui bvvau faol lu height voallug upoil a base of tba mblo material llpou tbte side ale polished vhlehta bearing suitable iuscrlp uon out lulu ibastott utiriiioutitiug tb shall i a lit else bust u hrouk of the herolue among tb irlatid and desosud ul of lb wouiat who memory nil houor preeenl war ajr c w young wl of ur 0 w youag of lb cornwall mkbdtr wbo i the daughter of mr beootd and ale moord anton mr wt v beoord rhorold grand uepbsw miaa laura claik toronto and mia augusu umllli uuelnh granddaughleri hud mr andrew caruoohau who for many jearr wa a lis i door oslgbbor of lie beoord family at oliil pew lheee were all lit troduoed to tb thomand who tbrotig ed the hliwrtoal spot by xurcaoon bull xreeuunt lunjy i- illurlul uoolely lb nuvslllg h prfoltmbd by mrs qa w llo wlf of tbi ilemlor ibeevool we one of very greet inleiul t a former clflaen suecemm h la reported that william btephenson a former real lent of acton end president of lljo ao ntt 1 i iw oo at that time wbo he lived in mluuaepolia for several year la no of tbo canadisna who have done well on the other sjile hq ia the inventor of a paleulduo drill alio an ftgifatilluril im piemen i on which lie receive a royally of iii 100 a year from the monitor company mfuuespoli in edition to a big ealsry cunottuatlou mi si atliuum ihe joiiflrniatluti aervioea held in bi am os church lavllitirsdaytivoolik was attat led i y a lalgn r tigrrgatlon i illeen on ll lates were oonurmo 1 by ll o hu1 op of ttta dloos i t or liblpvu a very impressive idrasi to ihn caiidldatos aluiig tba uiiils rr iicrtrlnes of tlixutl day dnty of christian eervice of talthfulnnsl u tbe chrullau vows an 1 sbuwe tlul ihn whole ohrlstian life mutt b spent ill olive esrvloe lu tbe master a kingdom the bishop caressed himself as well pleased wltb tbo improvements lb ooi gro gallon had made ti the ait year lief ur uocood m tarturrlt jinrtuoit ljaatbailda luv jamoel moleod olos eda tnotl pfeaasiit and eucceaiful yearn work with iho church or disciple of chtlat in aoton a large au llenco asieinliled ao bear tbe closing aormou mr moleo1 spoke briefly of ibayaajr wo hip encouragement given hltil by the congrrga tlou tlte amicable rslatlon that ha existed between paslor and people and in tbe congrrgstlou itself e eumethliig for which hesaldallouttht to be very tbauk ful hesubieot uas iba 1 is uat ion of christ nd the teat wa taken from x till j u mr mofeod said iu pail the aposlle hail been speaking of christ a humiliation and in the proceeding verse ue give ihe step in that humiliation 1 mad himself or no reputation j took ou hi iu tile form of a servant 1 wa made in ihe likonea of moil i died on ihe oroai hoc use of hu humiliation god ha highly exalted hhn jesus vu a perfect tain loving teudor sympathetic hie luoaruatlon of the world deed christ i exalted x in things spiritual all ihe divine grace uulled iu him ilia character i high and holy cod ao knowledgcd him aa ht eon 1 salted him at hi rlgh tluud crowned him with glory and honor angela do him i reverence balnt porsblp him as dlvlua livery knee la heaven bow lo blm all worship him a god ii iu things lrthly 1 chrlet i exalted hi the national life the gretot nation are ohrutlau the rdlulou of curut mv great llrltalu superior to oliitia the united hute gre than aftioa chrut nevrlull an eart uj ui l iul klngamud governors iii leeohlug per vade our law on the lord ti day bualuetajs sudpendod the great coimiier del colliers ar silent thehuni of faotory is not beard why beosuu jesu roe from the dead on this day ded aud mortgages have ou lheui iu the year of our lord 1u01 why btosue jmu ot nsxareth llvwl 1001 year igo j curut l exalted in onr social life xb church rvjolce that hejs it head xh borne is made glad bicauea he t it life 111 every don away race dlalliiotlouii are sboluh ed- caste ha received it death blow christ lu society i it only aalvatlou 0 christ ia exalted iu llteralur aud art jeu wrote nothing yet hie tea oh log fill all literature toeta historians novelist wrote of him the greatest tauemeu axalt jesus the greatest musician sing hi praise tb jrealeet orator speak hi glory xallltera exalt hlui wltb the brush aoulptora with ihe mallet and chisel architect with the eaw and hamuior ihe progrea of the world of to day i but lite march of jems dowu twenty ceuturle of time hi iu the individual ltl under ohrux the hidivldual exalte t hrut in the home horn tat our religion a person filled with chrut spirit beoouiea a faithful buabattd icviug wife an obedient son or damghler a true servant a merciful muter as lover ot everything pore beautiful good tha individual exalt christ lu aodsty un ii ft baa au atmosphere of u pill ling lutlueuoe chrut ibioe through it ou tba world truly the righteous are tbo salt ot the earth ud the holy the light of the world the larmou oonoladed by u earueal exhortation tor tlioee preedut to exvll cbrilt aeaured that it they did chrut would awo exalt theiu befor hid x ether aud tba holy augela coming and going vlaltora to arid prom aoton and vnrioue other person notao tlmvajia i ikksa uivlteeall lu reader tooon lilltulo to tills ooluwn if roo or your frlattde are going away ou lioluur ill or ii ol h iruudsvutunc ynu drop a sard to u vasal ue mr jeme wilson speul yetrjy lb turonlo mr 0 b hmlih i vliiung friend in- toronto tills week mr j pvferlurncdpn toeeday from an eatindod bueluees tour to the ooeat miee i ttle 1 tlpelght vlelted relative t i uiwocd and lurllu during ihe weak mis moor ofmulon la spending a few ileywlth llr frleiid mis maggie bmlth of aflluo mu grace hr reluiried home lai week from the college of domratlo bolenoo at hamilton bev h a maophereon went to xrfn yesterday lo addree the towmblp sunday i flohool con von hon l mr and mrs william browdand ml margaret nt four days duilug the weak i wltli friends in toronto 1 i mr david tovell of uonolvlw relarued home ou monday after spending a couple of w with aoton friend me acdmr alex beoord and mr and mr 1 m beoord vulud lbs tan american imposition at baftalo tbl week mr j w hamphrlea left on monday to take a situation at french ulver there la general regret at hi removal from aoton mr o a xetmabeeke and oblmraa returned home bunday evening from oak- vllt attar spending a week vory pleasantly with friend there meaira jo xjisby and t h harding are attending a delegato from ivtfpboe- catnp aoton the annosl eeeeloa of lb grand camp bona of boot land at toronto mr and mra allln ot buoderland vlelted their daughter mia nellie allin teacher of th primary department of tbe aoton publlo acbool a couple of daya thi week mr c uoblneou ot uwaktrty mn a forrnoc resldout here wa in town last week visiting old friend and neighbor he will be hire again for a day or two at dominion day mr mooatm and family ot blohland north dakota arrived on toeeday lo spend a few day with mr adam cook mr mcoaun i a native of lel county he i engsged iu the banking bnalnea ml janet llliott whota taking a oourae at the training bobool for nor at ham ilton general tfoapltal flojuylog vacatlcb with friend a toronto and will ipwnd few day with her father j t elliott lil mr- archibald campbell ha disposed of her household goo j in her pretty bom on vooog btreel and will shortly remove to manitoba to reside with her son mr campbell ha bean a most highly esteemed oltlxeu for many year hsr removal i generally regrotted but th best wlshe of hll follow her ilev it j idmlstou baa been stationed at bhebo assa iu ilia birlla diatrtot slid will go to thi new ehargeneit w ilev u j molntyre and j a doyle both of whom are well kuowa bar b beeu eeut to blind mu valley la the ldrnontou dutrlal and wealey in th begin pleirlol rcapecllvely mr john cook aud family who have beau at bpokane wah the past ave year have arrived in aolou to spend a couple of week with bla brother aud mother on fair view avennn mr cook delighted to ba back in ontario and aayethat cauada i gco3 euougti for him tb wild and woolly weel ba tn any attraction bul la d lead vantage e oulwelghl theut and canada i a mora deelrabl place uor especially for the rearing of a family mr cook intend settling lu toronto bi former homo scrofula what is commonly inherited le not scrofula but the scrofulous disposition tills le nrixrally and rlilnfly indicated by ciitanron eraptlona aomnllmtte by nato- tnesi nerrousneia and eneral lability tlie dlieaen eflllcted mrs k j flnjder union ut troy ohio wjicn she waa elgltteen yrsrs nl 1 men i est i up lletr by buncli in lr nrk whlrh ratteml great pari was lanrvd and bectmn a ninntn aero it nmklrd the daiiahler or mr j ii jones i arksr city ind wlten 13 ycarsoid and devclod so ri idly tiisl when abe wa in she i ad eloven running eores on iter hk and about her rare these mittorore were not tmnefltnl by sroteeslonal treatment but a they volun rlly say were com lately rurrd by hoods sarsaparitta j3ili peculiar medlclrto ioouiclcor rects the ecroulou dupoouli ami radl tally and permanently curctlo ill ma so xurnal vigilance is tbe prloe of liberty john ihllpot curran children pry for castor i a- specmi for shturdrv tho nobod tea store and china palace it pays lo buy at doiurls it pays to buy at botlerls 4 ll of xttecled kmuini lrlroo is ll liajn seed lor 1 oo q7 i loi lllnnftr ib uarilt iii 50 i if tlooo 07 piece ploncf ijctu worth liooo fir u on toilet elifromll 5 u 4 a mccrea cuelph hockwood to curb a cold in one day wias w urate igualun llrouiu oululiie tatl vu it alu bin localunikpluts ilev j m uagar wa one of tha hiiker at tha lramosa xowshlp bunday bobool couveutlou at ldati mills tail friday xuv mr halloiboud head preaabed excellent aermouh in kuox churoh last buuday xlla visit wau much enjoyed by lb oougregatlou tba carpeuuri are at work remodel lug iba atora recently vaoated by ourney a co for mr xtolslou ruoel ihop aud porltpaoklug etabusliuieut a drive throuh tha country at preul revealilbe faol that crop ara in a bnloudld ooudulou xall wheal hereahoule 1 uqwl audenrlngotopi uavar lookad haltar a atrawberry vendor from valeria o hail the uiuforluue to have bit hor run away ou tuesday uiorulug hud upeet lb load tbaro wra cheap elrawherrlea at ur ward mr aud mr georg hyuda euteraln edtba buuday bohoolorohaelra aud loader of aluglug of kuox buuday bohoul it ihelr homa ou xuoedsy evening a very enjoy able evening wa spnt in addition to tbo attraollvo pitioratulo review aervlc iu tha mctliodlit bunday llchool ou buuday afternoon ilev 0 w galveil otlugorioll and mr david xlewe ot loronto wllj add ret tba eahool rb trial ol four young men ohrtd with bathlug during prohibited hour aud iudsoeutly exposing tbolr trsoua la lu progrem bvfora uih worship itaev wll llanu at tha town hall ai we go to prcaa cltlxiiial ihsflreuiau whorthkrllfa and limb to proleol your houioi have provided au aujoyabl lawii party for your pleasure or lo morrow evening make it a point to be- proaeut a id allow your appreciation of their effort iba quarterly rvw sdrvlo of knox chujfuh will b bold lit tbe auditorium on hflay rtnrnrwtthi ilynd and mr mao hereon solo by several of the suhour an i a f dl orohe4tr to laad the aliiglug mr david willi mtou tnlllwrlghl of qufalpb ba beau making hnprovdiueot at th flour mill thi v mr gleb luttud lo have everything iu oouipul order before btru uiuuratluiul tutho meiiufeolureijf hi nua hour a very eujoyeblu 4 lu ulo we held uti the west shor uf kalry i ske uu tha farm of xtloiua cetileruil 11 oil 1 us j ay evening by a aeuot company f young people iiotn lown j4ui iuwiuiom tha lake th rsfrhuiettu in orthodox ptoolo elyu etur th outlug titerlly wee tboiuugbtv lajuytd at a oougregatlonal meeuug of lb proabyurlau church colling wood bald mouday night a hearty aud tmanlmoua oall wa given to tha xxav j a c ran too ot ixookwood to beooiua thslf pastor at ri salary ot bt iot mr granslon ja likely to aboept tha oougregetlou her aud at 1 deu mill will very much regret hi removal wool u coming iu now lu larg quau title and the harris woollen fajlll at fc very bury puo cntiwsons connens ilev b w iiolju will preach hi faxe- well sermon usxt buujey before leaving for hi new charge at cayuga a number from here atluddlha au uivereary sarvloe aud lawn social at churchill ou bunday and monday mr it ii wansborough and mia bertha 0 atnble attended tb kremoee b b con veutlou atxidau mill a dlglou xm day last iba volunteer relumed horn from oimp ou burday pretty well sunburned after their outing mr aud mr franklin k gamble of aoton epeutijundey at mr ja gambia mr aud mr xjua vlumbter of xden mill vlilted at ur m korb laat weak junk anril the right house listahllulxd iiamilion b lavoiutli buobplmg black goouj icjierd wauled address llousorurnuhlng dp kight houc 1 special sale of lace curtains in the variety of these lace curtains in their artistic excellence and in their unusually low price wa pre hint a sate thai wlltbe profitable and helpful o you l i i 1- i ntii in draping and adorning your lyome pari leu li about 300 pah of motilngham ijice curtain 3 yard long by 43 lo j jwdu fjh t nrl wl jt hamlaome and rnvllva lelgnto select from and all the aoaxoti lcit style weve arranged liiom lu 5 uuierent lol and have marled them at hicmj prtct lot 1 special at it 18 pair lot 3 special at l co pair lot l special at tj 3 lot 3 special at f 1 35 pair lot 4 special at w 43 plr bummer heed wear heed a vary buetlal fot of illu outlutf hal in atjllb all iii tliade of caa lot rd pea njiii lu tbe bat or praaentw r brtawl al 1 09 claarlag ijn of uuuli med iuu a hi let to ehooea from at ijm hlok and wblu igliorn mat uul war ljaol olaaflu llowateoe fiuw bailor hate a ulea vattaly it ud aoo and 03o eaeb bummei olove ladia usl ti read ulove lujy aud lawnaelaip all alia par pair toe ladwwblt ual tliread ulova all site par oejr aso lo t3e calldrane vblu ual tbrud olova bood value at 15d lidua wtilte hllk cllova all else ll par pair sao to 00e these glove ileduoed ladlaa bilk llota in browu blue un end fawn i baltoued some with hlaek and wblu enibroldarwl bask ou kagalar eae and ld uullua elaarlug bummer- core i our coiaat and underwear dapartulaut -eoib- leouscrthdrluaet aud beet in canada tbe woild e bt makai an rti bareut oboloaat wak value wblu wet coreel long o sltert waist at too par pair white hat ooreau eheit ctr blp at nwoiwkel nalum lfetb 1 00 pair lontf wad i am sliot t and alreiabt imat conat whltabacat l5 pall- tlallitconeubtioit suajabt frouu or medium laoijtli vi is pair bummer blguaea of 1 aiealae and alaallo axeallaol qoallty an1 tlaalfa son fclall of tbani wall rm i 1 ualtd vtjoaaeb 1 1 doot bug for travelling vi ia aaaortmant travailing and house hue retaraable and plain side bneet kuglub tuallua all suveial valaa a bltf lot lo cbooa frooi at from aa to a new luiparutleu of i ur iruh wool hue lauoy eoto aaiabla flrsl- etaae lb evary reauaet vary epeoial at 4m if you want lo tend your order by malt you ulliroclv lust a careful and promjit allontlou ax if you shopped in person try us through our mall order bectlofl we know wo can xailsfy you thomas c statfcins king st east cor hughson st hamilton npn actons greatest store twm gurnet co uptodate store tboae who oonlemplat purchaalug mouiuoulal or work ot aby dlacripllou for their oemeury plot should order direct from the old reliable graulu and tnarbl dealer j u ilamlllon ouelpb out all expouaoa allowed to purclafeer all work and material warranted com petit ion dettad absolute security cenulne carterfs little liver pills must fcoatf ilnnsttuvv ol 5e pbj11 wrewwer bew progress is our watchword and wc aim to make this store the highest type of commercial enterprise this store has the reputation lor cxclumveness and novelty in cotton dress fabncbandthis season can abun dantly uphold it we fromise you a charming treat in oar immense showing how colored muslins all the newest styles and colorings special at 20c and 25c per yd j the yard stick to measure by you can tell by ilia prfee that wo mean lo do the dry 1 ira in by one liauco bat we re far in ibo front rank we put price down lo lite lowovt nulch if jw is it d ij7 hy mill l atn in all between profile bin i going direct lo tlio maker by gcllli g an i ivlntf in ihliik that will taring dtsappolnimeni by watching ilia markets an i inking ovrry ftdjanlaa of every turn and by manulacturlhg for ourselves wa era not uodeiscllcra end yet know that nmvhnre can you do beilcroii a ich ihlngs as ihem 4 grade clivant email check eklrtlngn mado of tlio dornl ii iany woond in flvly r im jtt m 54 inches wtdo at r 1 oo l 3 i 3 ll 75 tyu their eriuanft be clly itlouae hikth pvcr co many tlkfcreat pailcrn an 1 coloring at 30c fur t importkl to aeli at 75c costa men txntl hklrtu our coetumo room la crowded with iidlni hcaily to wmr kuum ol tliem our own make some not all am the lit valua that tho trade of cuojpli know aoyihlnl about auin tcinarka n pl to hlouso walsta tlicy arc without a rival tills business is the outgrowth of fhduiiry iwraovcrancn and ihn ory larjfiit variety of good thing no lueat lonablo qualities and tho advorlulnt lu careful jo bay exactly what wa tuearo ruhw mora nor leu it payfl to buy at bollopts e h bollert cfe co 25 and 27 wyudham st guelp11 this isfteek wohuvo rocoivod thm wctik u largo crato of crockory eotibiatnig of bdd room sola dimior set glims sou borry sotii bluo cupit und suucow mid pluto ton potii uobleu tumblora amortod lot ol fancy viwci und other goo axso feilks butinti and muulinti xdidboi ttoa lioltn liundkcrchiofii glovtfl host corautg volvot llibbon und vunoy qoodii h and it vurtoty omiuitkota c f qoodeve co 1 susiijlst kctoh ghinh when you jomc to guelph next time call in and see our new stock of high class china goods jewellers keep the finest china savage co jewellers gvuelph new house furnishings laco curtains our slock ibla year la huer than over and aa we import ttield goods directly from tha tiuitufaclurer lu qreit brltklu we can ijiow you value tltat are hard to boat we have best curtain far ihn money rich black silk and satin here ate the standard goods that can be relied on for qualty excellent value at 75c 1 1 25 petyd silk gloves cream silk gloves at 25c 35c arid joe per pair linon values extra value 111 table linen at 25c 35c 50c 75c and 85c per yard whltewear corset coven at i8c 25c 30c oc 50c llim at j3c 7jcl 00 ll y i 5 i 03 i j 33 13 50 1 1 75 elc our uoluf curtn co incites uldd and 3 yaiiltonu l tho boil curtu la b toutul wiy wlusra tuul our oilier hue mf in proportion frtpeatry aud ohoulld ouholmi ato aiu full rango of tpclry and clieniln curuina and table covcib an saleenb ar draprrlea spot mutllns elo you bhould not buy curllna tafcre intnocllnd our sloclr art muslins in a real variety of patterns and colorinrb perfectly fict colora attic 10c iajc 15 1 carpets a special uulou carpet at 35c and an axcellent riuallty at oc auo a full mug of bettor qualities of unions and wool from 50c to ojc a sped una of tapestry at 50c hemp carpet i3 ijc aoc and 35c japane mailing cotton wary al 15c 30c and 25c no trouble to uhow coods hendbrson st go mill street acton vil rf m ironuiacsr rai euzmtttl roi wuoauus roi tomi un roi cosmratie ru uusw sua m tiicoariuiu our olok hiadaohs lrabtnidbrnbroideries extra value at 10c i2jc 15c 18c 20c and 25c per yd grocfiry dfelpt choice boiled ham bologna and smoked lianas picklcsrcanned kfut 1reth bucuiti and chtehe gurney st co the new store in tha new block hct6n a lady to be cool needs a muslin dress or a dainty shirt waist ourh arc all new and fresh a stylish and well made aa they can be we dont know of a bid point on any one of them the patterns arc the choicest thi- season theyre nicely finished in the nobbiest styles and theres a pattern and me to suit everyone here arc a few ijiduh whlto shlrl wauta wllh haiiulllchad lucki or- priced from vi 00 oj oq unite while muslin shlrl woulu rlmtiio1 with tuck and em broidery ittserll 111 liaa aro priced with special coiuldrallnu let tho lady who wauls change aery day in i ho week ijc oo fl jj an 1 nrrtva iulle llnemuillu shirt wauuthl 1 u thokj lot mado wiih all owe embroidery front attd hoy are priced from j yi lu i4 ijtdie bilk sblrt wum in black croani blue cardinal and pink and they re priced rm ioh vi j idiee keady to we muslin rrsaea lit blue and wllllo attlp i liiusllri with four pleating ou skirl anilurti the lowly way mo b ileal henii to willi in between pticoa of s 5 an i o 5 they urb now jruady fo your inspection in our show room and well be fud to have you come and look you wont be urged to buy l d e iviacdonald bro the lion cuelph

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