Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 27, 1901, p. 4

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pafflhc loot your mirror today take f a last look at vour gray ir it sure- v ly may be the lost ir you wo n t ii so you nccdntkeep your ery r hair o week lonecr than you wlbh theres no yucssyork to re- i o r c color rrf tray hair ubc afier tctnir i for two inbri three weeks noilte how f much younger you ap- rj pear ten years younger at least aycrs hair vigor also cures dandruff prevents fallliie or the hair makes hnlr crow and is a splen did hctfv dressing it cannot help but dp these things for its a hairfood when the hair i n well fedrit cannot help but grow it makes the scalp healthy and this- cures the disease that causes dandruff stooabottla audrvn my hair m rmln out tdiy half vigor auppd uaa 1 hu tau r lul ihkk il i iblnk it rxt u ila hbl biuln all lha wnallu 1 i lb u ib vicr it xlwlof about iu amlm tuj t ayzulomuu fj cfutt 3fm jr55 trjuuhday june 37tb 1001- t duti0 jfolitk ctfujuui lvvtiwi oil tlia 100j uuim air eoiillu ijlo h rulinaul idrammlu tlie uool ulna all- oomlu v x rta for uiuua v mi wo wlllatlo wlllaue wbuua to uia tuoj utua tnjotala loutf the way i oil uia totd uuim air com in i dont ouhar am hutulu humlu t the atortil ha lull ft aur with auajy ry i all trouble 1u bol bind uo jlu aortfiwll tiovx had u wiioli uia food uui4 kji- doinlil ion um way i jlidfa coudalu nliw publications hb colttqted the dill jw an i jouoffiler ol mianlmn aald a a0stelol jj paper collection agncf man i a job txillretor j ft man aliu waa about aa aliicl a mart dot aa 1 er aaar ila iuaull ou morythlnk 11or done w uioawir tlmoa when hla waa vnrily a jbu bnlt stuck lo ii ii ii lll ahu every collmi liim aboent tilli hall rm tola tfl riilnk itacalufl up nn i klaw axl und and xjiol ii lir italiil lija ha laid i rter cut mlilni ir iii lltixlalila tit wifllpllil u o mid iloul wins liaok liam you ar liim po yoa ranu li oilier clci looked up yoq knom waa all ho mui i rrjily and i out atlrr luy man ho wasnt at lioma tlia lolo aali and roulditt u or ail mki ha i ituok ho bill in my wckal mij wal off up oountry ou a uu j bo oli man aait jiar m lialf m llcxoo tlinoa but tn could puly ui11 w out ot town n navor paid a alteiitlou to a loilar i cot from tba boa but wont on oujoylng myaelr thau 1 oinw bank atd bad a vultailth aomo other frleuda aud at tho and of six wcrka 1 vallad on my roan auaiu with tb hill i louud him at horoa and told him what i had ilouo and ho ttaralya d ma by paying tho bill with in lort at two houra mxht i auppad iuid iho boaa ofdoa thar i aald balura ha had lima to gather hla wll tha amoaut ol your bill ftud iniietllo wm out of town foru weoka aod i oouldut oa dim and i obayad your iualroouon i had a ralllliiif flood um and llio houo owo in woka aalary tha old man bupaj rot hlua in tho f and i though i h waa koik iplodu hut ha did liol ha unload it all dotrn and aluok out hl hand yount man h uaid you onflht to bmaben haoldlar im going to pul you u chaxfisof tha collection deprm doohu your aaury and he dlj ceylon and india tea grken or black its v1ktiikh akk may its faults nonk i iu siyin a root ilotl lut u is a true statement you fui v ijfy it yourself a trial will piovollu truth or fahaty of the above btaterncnt chi r d h nrr l i healed icml inrkel fll ft i ib lnk muri uurolorcd oylon tirern unlnlln muiliocnt adlrrimnllala toronto h only vrrc ohote3que bpbllino llio coip culrk co toronto hn juai laiutu their oauloaua of batdtti bocvj uudor tho tioadlug tho b of itwl iu foriy pu k ui of thu moat popular naw loolu nation inutarpiaoerf boaliul 611 1 ion a of quee victoria and othr new and alt- nblo worka hooka by oflubralod cnaj iain liumoroua booki aud iotorcailnrf hooka tor ohildraii drop ibd titai a poat card ami a copy ot 1k of iloaauro will promptly rnaoli you luchhooda bw uyaleni of phontna u appliad to iho alvmoutary bohool reaulara la rapidly ytuwinrf in favor xl lh kaoaiil convention of tha uoliaf of ihu coanty hold tiara naarly a vary uaoher pecaaut yavo wrllud approval of ui ayaum a aluiuar rcooptloa wunivan iho aubjoot whuu prcutd at tim 1oel couuty oon- volition tha ayatem baa tha ay liable of tha wardtf in our bohool vodary abowd by alight ipaotuk the toon u tad vovala by t aavy faoa typo tha klleut lotura by out- lino or akalelou lyp lbs pooaonant lowara ami tha onilnary vow bounds dutlimiuuhod kiitl olatoj tbo taaohara uouerally rttoontmond tbal tha roijort bo puulabod by thd lduoatloti doptlroent with oooparmlloa of tha taavabartf bf tba proviiicj and tloelra them ajppllotl dlroot to tlia bdfltetkry of aicb aobool t flial coal for tha pupil maiik tvyain as a book duvbi1 lliarsofliit conibluatloa of tba iubluh- eru anoolallou to proveat f poeaibla tb outllnu ill tba prloeo of hooka hu revived kii old old alary at tba txpenaa of mark twain aaya tba voulha cora pah tod ona jay while mark waa oouueoted wlui yublubliiif houu ha wtul iuto a book ktora and picking up h voluma tukol tba prloa he tbsu luijutfud tht mt m puhlltiher ha wa ulled to 60 par omoi duoouut to tlile- ilia clerk aawniud as i nut aiao au author kajd mark it woull mtbar appr that i nu csntlluu to co pur cut dlaoouut aaui tha dark howed aud a a juitaoiial fruud of tha proprla- tor bo iiiuddilly coullouaj i pruuuia that you will allow ma tlia uaual 25 per cent dinaojiit1 aiioltjor bow from thd mloamau woll tlnwu tlia uubluahlntf humor- il imdor tliaoa coudlluwih i tbluk i may ai wall taka tba book whalri tha ut ilia ourk look out hla ifeaeil aud ftguiod iiduutrlotiily thoii it a aalj with iho roateat nliajuiouhueoa an uar aa- i cm calculata wa ow yoa the book aud about u7 cuu call alii one of tba lloatoa papar ciu huiiuon to lhl woatul ftlawpla of bad apahlri and in boa loo too i it la from ilia door way bulletin of a lltlla teeuurant bill of fair open at all owtr llakon ggi is ham vgfe cornod eef cabbaga 10 lam chopa ifi lm fru 15 buk 10 lwaruakan is iork iloj 10 chicken 1ri u vudan and 1ia tfala re m ode uia tttll u m tf man of a altfn be aaw not long ajjo in lb window of 1 uroadway balcon a ror oaurwltavry driuk bowel month ado there waa au an- noanoomeul laborloody ohalked on til clair aire- aldawftlk in froo of ft bear reteolory wbloh rad ilka tbia vr iuui 11 i j it took tba man who aaw ihbi wow tlma lofltfum out that ibapairon who didnt drop lu betweeu u oclock atui j oclock would bd very apl to tnlaa tha fre luuob cholera n fan turn mor com es of tho effectual and homs sure remedy mr f cliurcliill cornell out writesi wo haio iiotl dr fowlert hxtnict of wild straw- berry in the homo uut ulwuyu hud it n sure remedy for d itiitury used 9 years mrs jones northwood out write- aly liiby cifjdit months old wn very had with dysentery wn javc in r dr fouler- kxtrict srwtr humoftous 1 did you lir tha latoat from chloo i no thayarwall laklug aalt water balba up tbaro lo aoouatom tbamaalvoa to lb aurroundlnga of a aior town claveund 1lai dmlif mra youujrwifd l hreakfait tbara la up bread ou tha labia nora nora bur tbaraa uona in lha bouaa mum mr younwifa wvrtly thau maka aoma toaat undo john wall uary my dear what a long lima it hi aluoa i haw you 1 and feo yoa hava a luua aiur uowt i buppoaa ab orloa aometimea v utlla uy cruat i abould tbluk aha doa i i naver vnaw auyona thai a mod to look ou thd dark alda of thing aa aba doea 1 charley in a crowded tram oar la alll- o on bl falbara kueo youtltf lady up in and tba llttla fellow at ouoa jump down polluly uke off bla bat and aay may i olfar you my aaat 1 tired uouiar lid b t raw berry nntl her life wo lie uscd it in our family for the last nine yean mid would not bo without it actio hi wonderful mm w varner now germany ns writes i have jrcit con fidence in dr fowlers lxtracc of wild strawberry for various du- casci in old and younjf my little boy b id h icvcro ulticlc of summer complaint and i jet notlun to help him until i jjave him strawl bcrrytlie actionofltliii remedy- ndiaful and soon had him perfectly well no man i ever woll aeoondad cyoapl by an auxiliary alrong ciioumii lo do him barm if ha llkod totally d u b k cralidell iorl ierry write i contract a aavara cold ut wlnlar which reiultod lu my beoomlug toitlly dekf in oiio ear and partially ao iu tha other after trying varioa mod i ol no and ooniultlnif uovorat doctor without obtaining any riir i wan adviud lo try dr ttioitiaa uouethd oil i warmed tba oil and poorod a httla of it into my oar and bafora one half tlia botlla wa uaed ray hearing wan completely reitorad i hava heard ot other cans of duafiifia bilnn cured hy ihs uu of tlilu niadloine allatalrlu lova and tha mllllouary lual- uek it ao puawut lo takn that children cry for it but ita doilh to worms of all kind dr low worm byrup xrle sco all dcaur ilutory i an avarsltllnif court of ap peal ita hard work to uka earn of ohlldrau and lo oook awoep waab aaw and maud htoataaa top of tlia hoina a ahop too whrfciiclenbotirmakea1 a day and yet ibera i taucb working overtlma uooda barupatllla halpa tired toolbar iu many way it refraeba tha blood improvta tba appetite and kaura reatful hleep a woman can kl aiiaetl and hava tha wnddliiit hii talkud ovr lu lo lima tbau uliuoai deolld with auotjiar woman what u tliu bot ulyid of cabary aadr consumption begins and leaves off in thout- tntls of pinplr wbn lwvrr hwj- plct it jt isnt iiuilii more tbiu ii pibiplu indeed it is a a pimple lunjj pimple health all round it stop it juifcnt n-ilon- pimple cts stepped how to jet that beiltli all lomul it take scotts emulsion of coj1uli oil and bo careful wu uj t a hula lu iy i y til t hcol 1 liuwnk utu lubaou tha luejiuality of wealth lu a democracy blbalattood by 11 feasibility llailyarda yellow oil in prompt i lo rllti and aura lo our bou cold aora throat pain in lha cheat boreuob qulnby atov imoa oauta luatitutlona ara apt to outllva tba wood but umporairy reaaon that gave iheui birui i a uadlnjf atrlntf onoo uaaful may to day ba a obalu impediuit aud hurdauaomo yi pimple hlolohe 14 oonipuxloii hoods bar pit hla la lbmdiain to lake it baa mubllehed tbl fabl ita a purty maau mau who will braak up a aettlu hen in tba morula tbu jo an a4t hlmaalf iu a fjruoary htor all day joa ootta hick ueadaoli however auuoylu and dlatreeaiug u poaltlvely ouled hy jw4 mvmt lhu thy areaay to lake and uavr tiring ja it would be muab eeaur fur aoma peopl uw ahuu vl ooiupaulau at lliay oould ouy ill away fruu tbamaelve aluutlou lu tha world of botnaopalbld medlolu haa baou iu vary aouroauf pro mhm aa in politic and ralulou tba dlf floultiaaof oplnloua aud lit iudlvidualliy of mail hava beau parent to lha dlnayroe- nivtil by which tha auludard of uteaa- boiliaai hava bjii alevetad ta with mot of oaf famou prauatatlonafornuioat in ii limitation of wluoh trutli btand uia tulj- famouh roifiedy to keuoral dabllily aud aiktiior quiulue win aud wbuh whan ohtaiuabla in it aiiniua htreuktb i a mlraoulou creator of apiu vitality and atlutiladt to th fertlllly ot lha ay alum q urnnsanatobtttwtbjj provdtnenl ha frout lha flui dleooveryor tbaicrmt vlrluo- of qlulua aa a biedloe1 aunt beau oua of tha mol thoroughly dlsouaead teuledua avat offarad u the pub- ila it la bua ot tha kraat loulo aud aud ualural ufa- ivinif btltuulanla wbloh tha mdlol pfufeeoloti hawboau oompall in rnonatulu andiratdilwmewtllnera tup and lyman of toronto bawe tlejl to tba praprauau of uiair pure quloloo wine tba tra oar dua to it iuioatauae and the standard eaoallanoa uf the aklola wbloh they 0ltw ui tba publlo oooie into lha raftrka pureed ot all tba dafaota wbloh akillad obaaivallon and aalauullo opinion are poluaad out in tba inae pertaot prepara tion of thauuar castoria or xaiaiiti aiul chilartil xrora hau oom to meid tha art of creatlnu new wanli lovor aud aua and illllioua darauge moot are poeitivaly oured hy tha u of larmeleoa p1iu they iol ouly cuanta ihoatomtcb from blllou matter but tlmy opdii tha bxaarelory vaai oaualnfj ihetu to pour ooploui tptfualoub from thu blood iuto tha bowau aflar which lha oorrupled iubu lu thrown out hy tha natural paataga of tha body tbay are uaed a a uoneral medlolua with tho bait reaull lletween national alt lovo and palriotlim thore la all tha difference hotween a whim and a virtue census stonlbb mr i j tokrnmcrln the neu of 1huiiu aoma h1 iurlo in ruttt waa ouilbly in a pnikilpal town lu iho dominion who would inall lhal ahn wa ih bead ot iho lamdy n vmiu u onumoial r oxpoaiuuttl plnailuit tli pfdodoula ll hla loh til- n of u llio dlnle ol rkihi nil ilia ihinrl rlr of 01 hllll l iui aim dl i caio vhn ii for thu mlid utxli judur- for 11 iut or tut whl i rhrti of lll h w uihiil faiitr tipoi uihul wa rl11 atil jita rhowatliiliiad of lb noilly il w hrr umn he provldnd for it ml for ll in it aha matuulned i aim ruitd aud rutald it and the family and if 1 were not um ikbi uf tha inula and of iii uutliyahe would ilka to uiow who w7 finally aha urilml ihu lay and w recorded acoonlli lo br dloullon hi ubmlalva and uwiicl looklnif apon mwwiiiuiii llmfooml ptc hr bg hand u roiiy made no dirfraudb in the lulullfj of tho wftid uh of ih appoarliiif lu tho total married a tltlrcmtjum beliiif ilrorlud aa una i uukhlara of iho head of til family uoy ouajtily vfere itianouier city thtro waa a huahuld whloh jvn thn ii iiu mo rat or burin tllflloolty ihere wa a head of ih family thorn wa no dltpute aa to tiat and ho w ao aat ilmn uuttthaii cam it two indu nanh aaertiiiij that iho vtt tho wlff tlmy hblh liulital upon lha liu slid tha plac uiey claimed lha brad of lha family allotit ami porhp wlao would tuaku lio 111 hut even if t la pmialty of proltii it death for uoluk mula of um turn pi till uurvlved tho enumerator had no ucli jurladlotion what wan ha to do 7 lie wua aworn lo anokoy and tould not if ha wuhod to do ao hand iho initio ovor to tha olutoho of tha uw for confeiaed big amy t uoalda ha wee hot llioro a a member of thn corrocllouilpollofl but aa a oenan ofnulal lo collect atatlatlcal in for illation hi instruction wera to ukd tha information poopla javo him a to tlmm- aalvoa and ho could not ukk lhoa ladle tc ahow him ihalr marruun cortlflcatea iarhap tlmy were all mormon or mahomadanaor mumber of aomn ollmr rellylou parauaalon allowing a plurality at wlvea thouuli in tha column for religion tha juii bad not ao daaarlbl hlniiolf ila bad to jjol on with hla work tud proceed lo tbe next bouaa and aa be- waa no holomou to nlvo jodunibiil lu a doubtful caaa ha breoded to dtearlbo lhaiii both aa ihny jplalniad aaillinjf jha dlanuta whloh thou aroea aa lo prodeiioa hy plaaluj tbeiu in tha alphabetical order ot their chrubji tiamda- bubavtjuttutlyuulcommihiquer planatory nolo don itdl auyhudy if no ouo ihoull tell you about it you would hardly kuow thera waa ood liver oil in scott jjiiiuuion tio laito ia ao nlotly ooverad children liavo it and tha prunu don i objeot a woman can alwaya find tome law in i mana alory unleaa it uirt irua iiuunt relief uuarantoid by ualnu mil burn sterling ileadaoha toardar ho jepreaalnu after affeot thara u no man who kuowa bow ha i kolritf to kot when ba falls iu love and no woman who doaaiit waujinr llacant lj it you uolaot tha aohintf back urinary ironlua and dlahalaa aurely follow dolua imila rallovajiiokaoba cur aver jt kidney iii if you ard troubled try them if lhadvll helpi hi owu an lha lord help iheui who help til a in a el vm tli6u avryhuddy ortar ba purty wait supplied iataalokly cliidrenaliould uia mother aravaa worm kxtarmluator worm a ara oua of lb principal oiuiwu of buflorlug ia ohlldran aud should a i xpellad from tba ayalein woman ay awfully fooliab i waa tol ling four or flva o thorn last ulht about a tlraaa i uw that waa white with a httla daah of lavender aud ihoy all laujjlud i wooder why tbay laugbcul ii mi 1 1 l i voe vexttct vrtdt spray your orchards a nioycli filled ultli dirnlop tfr it hell in lilifhnr tvtimntlon b cuuao iu mnknr put n parfect finish on it you cm hnvo dunlip firoft with tlio thlcvciinl trend on any wlinol you buy no oatro oliarco uiu t ia k- tlliv lr itnt ll uut knmutlhtl ltt auiwt fi-ucalu- lui iu wtitii the bpbamotob co london omt tha unii evoiita taka a variotta meaninu with dl versa limo and plaos juut aa lha tame river reflacta lha obiueldu laddacip of ftaooura it may baonly a infllujj oold but uenleol it and il will faatan ita fatijja lu your luuu aud you will aooo ba carried to an uutlmaly urava in tbla oountry wa hava audden ohaiiho and muat axpoct to hava oouuha aud bolda w oaimoe avoid tham hut wa can effect a oura by ualntf dlcklaa ailll oonaumpllvo syrup tha medlolua that haa navor bu known to fail lu ourlutf oulia oolda bronohllla aud all affeotlonv of the throat luuu and chant vary lamy paraona dla auuuftlly from cholera aud kindred auinmr oomplalnlu who mlnbl hava boau aavad if proper rama die bad beau uaed if attacked do uol delay iu ifattiuw a boitlu of dr j d icel loajta dyaanlary cordial lha madloln that uavir fall to atfacl a aura thou bo hava uiad ii hty it iota promptly and thoroughly aubduea tho pain aud duaia a alukuiar affeolof damooiatlo equality la lo huperaxolia tha tblrl loi diatluclloua a cumbluauoii ab their uama elunlflm lai a liver villi ara a oomhluatloii of usatlva prluolple with tha bal liver medicine oblaluahla lhay aura it i ok boadaoba oouatlpatjou ibllloubiibas llvaa ooinplahil dyaiwpla aud all deratited condition of ilia atomaoh livor and tiawal lha mora lawrtiuallma maulha mora do id and oullura dlauuuulth and divide iheui labor ittliiu if lha avraa woman could have her cholca ot tha way aha would llko to ba won aba would probably ohooaa the man that would knock lior down with a club aud than a on bur solid gob jtibtf xual cold vill itfo ujruooidiillloo ivtaituaex 100 wo trnrantj imnido6aatufacti6n globe optical co 03 yonfto stroot to fori to- a womanafoot la iwo sizaa hlor lha lha bboo iba weary to ba ityllah and two tlxo bmaller than tha ouae aha wear lola oom for table mr tbouiay itallarl byraouis n y write i have hemi auliottd for nearly a year with that moat lo ba dreaded dlauaaa dyapapala and at unie worn out with p iu and warit of aut aud after tryiuu alnioat everything recommcndoj i tried oua box of iarmoloba vcdetabla 1iliu i am uow ubarlyuoll aud hullavo tlioy will cure ma i would not ho without tham for any money probably lha aral tliln jonaha wifa uald afler ba told bar tha wliala alory w lhat alio needed a lot ot nw olothn- children cry for castoria whim a woman yoa away from home tba utura aha write btrbueband are half to mako him jaaloua of her and half to miko him thluk that alio iu jealoua of him 1 permanent lure of moh aarioua lliaauaa aa borofula old bore ucxama hind worm ulcere and all malignant diiaaoi having tbolr orlulo in had blood cfyi only ba obtaiuod through iho uao of jlurdook blood hitler rtjniiiwiiui castoria jwcbclnulcprcparartonroras- slmiballng ludfoodaiiducouta lln ilicstomnrtonndliovrclsof ivdmotcsdisuonxitful- ncs nndhest contains ndutcr opiutnmorphlno nor mineral notkaiiootig apafocf itcnudy tor consupov tionsotirslomaxhlfuithoca worms convulsions fcvcrish- acss mulloss of 6leei 7acsunde signature of hew vohk iasrfarbvmsb fptttlanaaaahal exact copyof whappcr j see that the fac3imile signature is on the wrapper of eveey bottle of castoria oaatoh la pal bp in oaaalxa bfltuea aoiy it ia prt boloia deat alloy aaytae to aall ttia aajtklaa au e lae bua or praniae that it- la jaal a ged aad will aaantar eary pa- pea rbae tkat wlt 0abtoeix a good time piece is a faittiuilsenanl we make a specialty of reforming tw wontco kind when we repair a watch or a clock we tnarantee it to eo accurately and gnarantee it to keep aeolnf accurately a d pringcxre watciimaukb ink jkw1xiku guelph solid comfort hoes ooodycmir welt aioa with j sloeper iriaolo tltcrd arr two iclnda of hoa qoodyc welt and all other variolic in u good year welt thero ara two kind of indole oiw la leather nod the other it a lileejmr talent ilealhla inaole thcro la only on klioo that repnesenla tt wriwlual comfort u hereby u tho tiues iho pluco of a ahpper in thai bouve or a boot on iho atreet thu inllie good rir welt that iamadet with the sleeper iiikola um sleeper inletit tlekittlfl iiuoln wiiilii is made from ic ounca duck ih soft and pliable perfectly wuleqiroof and hhnpea ittelf lo lha foot in mikii it minnrraa to afford the rrateil pokkible comforl the sin pi r inolo will not harden with nenpiralion aa leather liikoli i do mid ih iuvaya ready fur immediate wean the j d kmif co limned hvo tho oxclualvo njhl for canada buddaii aooldauta oflaii ha all ailhuna farntor and all wto wotk in lha opii air imialda ha eiaaura to bold aud damp pfojiiolufl rhauuiatlani lama bapk ililf joint umaua etc yollow oil la a ready raniajj for all inch iroabla it la bandy aud rliabl aud can ba ued in ur ii ally or anurhally arltourbdu bra trauafornied hjil p away hut arllooraay i immortal muhurn iui hullj up aud aualalu the uurve brain and beait glvo oolor lo paiy aallow ooiiiplailqijaj luoreaaa lha apnllta nura blaeplaetuta narvou proa tratiun bxahl fa anil renew vluor plull audanttrfiy iolllloal oplulon ia llko a muataohe it tiavar looka wall ou a ijlrltf lip unlosu there la a man hilcbod to il tar cholera morbus cholura infantum cramp colla diarrhoea dyaenlary and bummer complaint dr iowler kutract of wild btrawbarry la a prompt aafa and aura aura that haa bean a popular favorite for naarly fifty yoara it thara lu anything aa true aud ooiibomhu aa tho avorylhiuit oumeu ot tallayreud 1 la lhat everything uout british troop oil mnilvjknt sprjlni s4rkltl cuu wuuikli utun 0uil urului siu jnlil ml irvl lln of iiijd1 co4ilt ctdjii controlled cj kiumkluu nuralb tkvinclllu ounp tlifiut qulitw xpiioopln gxicll ul all haiiiiui swmiiij a tauou boltul aso clbhhinc slb or furniture at cos j a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of fiirniture all il lines atcostaces tlire will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any ropm in tho house a snort time will be al- lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash is not convenient r j a speicrlit co warorooma foot of willow 81 kcton grand trunk 11a1iway tfll i j 4 i i i it n 11 in k j vi l ii i tin in id iii i r7 mull rio j ull i i in i mlir i hi in v illnu ut ij mi j i lii n lee shun chin6se lhundry in mr- rrlm ulixu aclon i jiitulry coljccte1 and retinurtl t ainlly wttahlnn lit rcasoiubtotauiv all work done by band ko tiachlmw or hntiltajs- ml ixulililn lroprl mkinl houl ci 1 asinu and uovingj show thu ncccalluj u tho w ty o uov furniture mattresses springs etc and aoihnmonii co arc ronlidcnl lliey can flit your wjnlavry ntifnctor lly ntul ul the lovvott livlnij prlcn special allcntlon ii ijlicii to uphoulfrinu either in iww work or r pilrlnc ilcluro i ranilnu la a cjirclahy all ordura rcceivo prompt ntlcinlon the kuiu iiaytiiund oulu mjchlnf in tho favorlia liorciliouls and johnuono co supply them carjota mado up lo order nod iloutehir- iilkhlnua rilo lu variety kollof liluid of all unda inilock johnstone a co purnituro doolonj 8c ttndoriakord main st aclon wk otfwsrtn call andj examine the merits of this superior shoe made in all modern styles of lasts and best grades of leather all sizes aa to ee widths lor ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of tho feet excessive perspiration of the feet burning of the feet nnd it will keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather jz willi k7vs bootknd shoo dbkli3r bole agent for aotoh mn pntopltehtcoodldin nttr aul ailjinu 1h pattnt hccord iwoodengravinc hoto engraving half tones viuw class of tnijravingiadveiltl5is purfgses cmalcglltswagazinls s1 jijoneseng adelaide stw toronto patents guaranteed to catch tho kyo and tho mind ivtntbitrnvrttmi is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this laying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only hook dealing exclusively with the gtwtuhftii ctmtingiuhiu thubooktohtthdle officialr authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for fiee outfit and make money yrx bradleygarretson oo limited qruntford ont our it lclcll i joiilll i fateut i reou llirujlon 11 1 cil unl mii u mxiw relc 111 111 iltuhtltucniill dly cltculatrtl juiuual coniullr 1 i y kuiiuf irtmria bint liiviltii ilciid lirbuiiplemi rhke athlicu viotoh o huah8 a co jciittturiiey cvantf idjttg w0m v c patents pr0mptly securedi wiak inlarauluif uka araluin and how you are awlainl ik ml tuiii nib akauh or tnadi of yr in wltul iirlriprolilriil wr wllllllyhl irtour flrhibiiaa to wlttlrr it i ptolaftily pkulal le ulaj apfllcaturi la otlall lrfl micvk iriimtciilctt ly um wv conduct iillv riiliiil oil til umilical aiiduaalilnuloii lhlaiiullll u tii hk ly dliplcli wink ami uully muitf imtciita utuu lli uiiti mar in i ma ca wllltfiilct imllbikct lli i mamiluc aal04daatlie liiniuhal niocuic 1 tloilhoejvatwui iwllca wlllii nl ctiara- bvariixi urwwimia lmllltct lltltiiui tbfl n4nhit lylf marion marion puht expikt kind uolloltorei ntrimmit t nawvatklllaljwa ttdtf y jatutjiiavihniau4i it l in dc makko dcaianu covmauro ac iihi ritvit- ufc tfrifii iw v ul twjuv willi ulli itlji i 1 uj scknlillc hmcikui wiii wwl i i w i we

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