Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1901, p. 2

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at tl orrtld o in arum on wedneedar it 1 july to 1 m iw re ague ol mi uauuil i ii ium i 111 i the silver anniver sary or tho dodlcatlon of tho prenn mtthollbt church edimoa ob- boruad with hltly intor- etlnjr sarvloee rit- tuaat lliolimn of ui irhllium uii wediieeday 3rd j u lekr m a dearie oe w y to kb dauubur lllaiub jie aclon ffiljs acton jm rs 1j1iiuuuy jijijy jlli looj iditoihal noteh labt sunday anb monday in k lpee the choir of ll ho roll miee jeeue niokllu n i end ibs llucal joorti uommlllm l tl ri vory ejlrecllvr ly ll tlocial li u uuw ebuuuuood ibel lord mlliiw to tntiirn i iioull alriea li aumuet on ilia return ha will hye more dlrlouu niblatna lu bulvo then ova before fell to tlio lot ui a drllleh pmoonaul 11 u lonlern 1 lmwovit to be one of the flneat eihtuploaof itltiiy aided onlture that have adorned ilrltlih aleleamauablp for many year liio lloyal proclamation announcing the otironelloifo klntf edward i it lk piece judo uext the cxiot day not yat helotf determined upon r ad li frldey mnrnluk at tit jemaa llo temple lur end tlio ltoyal 1 xahatitfe will all tin tualiil medieval miim whlili marked ibe ocieeluu of llie roolelmliik or the auooe at llui doiiiluioji day illnuer t iba llihl ccl london lu monday n it lit pritaldel orer by lord btralboone lion joaeph ohauiberuin aeld of one tiling i mm convinced k oof ooloulea dihua uloer connection and will ewlii ua wltli their cou ileal end advice in addition to their uriiia tbera la uolhlnfj tbla country would mora readily weloome hi roproeeut alive farmer from hoatb bin humu arrived in otuwe ul weew knd roporled ut tlio itpm1 brenoh pf tlio ddpirlineut of tbfl interior un their way lo iba weal lb ay have oorhe to emie lnj2auadabut webl to have a look ovdi- ibd ooutiloy flrat ttisy expect a vary urge number lo follow tbera from lluaal a delegation vialted unltou fcnd tlid morlb wmi luk lummit from huiaw rnd trjkdo a fftvorrbla report on ibo oonntry u a plus lot inundlnfl ami granu eju jklilm ort of oluw preaidant tji ti3hcmaiainumlaunn inr iha tn ventlon of tubarouloa approved of tba kotlon or tba united huta aalborlila- in brrlu out peraond anflerln from tabc- ouloali and uya that almllar aatloa ban bean roootnmendoxl to thp canadian government by tba aaaoclatloa it i tbouitbt ibat tba tala will prevent mny oouaumptlvaa from levloj oabaian boinm for tnllder till mate in tba boatharo kud wattertl buuj notably for colorado and california t always th44lbla a a iukitr uf a caiiiury in arcura fr nnlvbtaary ssrvlcaa i ho jiroriio ul paalor wbcn tba aburab wm incml lba moiitlariai vbb laid tbo mriiir aluua of tbowjlflw tlita bowavar u tba ifood lorluno of tba malbodiat cxaiitrritatluit baio laat ilunday and monday wban 1uv ioofjo v ualvarlnf intraul uia ort paior of tba new ohurab and david i lawe wbo laid tba oorner atone di bolb 1 raeant and rendarod eltwjoti i and llyliy aooaptabla arautttnoeuluriilf itin aervlofauf lba two daye u la aabt tbt old frund blpa are aa aaared all baavnn itholf aud thflfttcaetio of uieae tqdlf rnn and ibe ijbwd tnamorlcj of tboa who bad labored wllb tbetn lo tba yeara lontf one paal impreaied tbia faol wild act empbaala uumutakable tha aecvlo were of a moat anooeeatul and luuraatl cbracter and will 04 rmrobed by tboa in tare ud in tba oburobg blatory at a vtry rnemorabla wolwitbtuudldtf lba inuaa beat wblcb prevailed tbo konlay arlo were vary largely attanded on honday raornloif mr llowea who baa ben a rnoal aucocaaful local praober for yearpreobd f o able tlia oourao from aolal h lint yeabatl oel power alter that tbo holy oboe i cnmi bpon you in ble introduction the ufa of obrlat and bid work waapreaonted clulat well kuew be aald tbe dlfqonltlee lb rough wblcb bid follower woold bave to paaa knd ag bo viaa leaving tbem ba gave tba promlaa of tba uoly gboat tba power promised ijy obrlat rave ibo atrengtb to witooej and power to be in tbe world but bob of tbe world ho abowod tbt tbo apoolaj power waal a poor fcnane berllace uokdnotho pnrobaaed with money it i a fre gift from qwi tba uoly spirit la obtained by unity and obedlanoa iiaerrala- and dlvuiooa in tb tsburojl aland againel it but by nnliy by nil belntf of one aooord tbli great bleoaloif oocned i la beedfalnaea wa impreaaed tba apqetle heeded it to enable them lo begin tbalr work amoatf tbelr enemlad kt jeruaalem tb power promleed waa guen at xenuooel and rater became a man of power tbe ume power la oblaloable today wltb tble power rood men are made of bad men many ek bow bl i know when ihave thle power t if wbat to do with oned adramer vaoellon d k parcnalal quettlor mmi p0pl have neither tba money nor the wlab lo go to u eipaualva over crowded aeaaida or mountain resort knd yet every man needd a few daye devoted to pleesnre anv a com plete reel at least onoe ft year tjul cn majiolttun tat july gled a aolotlon of the problem in a well written illustrated arllou a booeeboat tbe modern 1alaoe undoabledly a hoaseboal offer cheap and oomfortablo vaoatlou knd the rankdof lid davoteed are oonetanlly ewell lug the year in dominion fltianoad oloeed with june it thowd ruatomd receipt of ow tkk 11m atjioorease of ihiijrt over ibe prooedintf twelve mouths to tbli though must be added noileatlond ou the 60at and lu the yukon wblcb have not yet reaobed ottawa tbt will brings the inorease up lo 1300000 tbe onstomd revenue of thirty million dollar u by far the largest lu the history of peliada it i bt ee compared with laat year but evert mora surprising when pieced kglot earlier reoordi for inaunoe the ret for 1bj0 wan twouty inllllooi datloii tlv mouth of julie juat oloeed the money ao far received at the department abowti gain over thusaud mouth a year ugo of bhtmci a urlfl war appear to bave fairly begun between hueau etid the uuilftd buts- thalataat phaae lu the rpruald that havd been made on both aide id au lutliuktiou from ituaau that uuleed tlscle- loni on cajied now pending before the american ooutdlirebnrred up kgrlonl luralmabhinsry will be placed by ilusala oi the inanimum tariff schedule mi tlmeurltaln and germany ar reaping ibe advantaged lu- ilusej forfeited by the united utaud while iltual u kaid nonaold herself willi tbe raflaollou thai ad ah uwed a td deal in the way of later eat on loan in europe while she kt the keiue lime eel i muoh in the wey of grain bba oajl heller afford to 11 wllh her nearer uelghbord that with a oouolry which refute to dckl wllh her on reuiproca iwuli a do ii ii us andphbtfentayion mlhd intiu uehnett tooher woaualdw bohkwil erin klrnlly hfinimbiitd a l ltbut lime wae eajoyed laet ualur dy lifumihili at wooodalde school no 1u 1 rlu lite tdaohar mia mlnnl luntilt uueteil her puplld to taffy abd lemonade which wad shared by the ladle of the aeolion who had oom to dpend the after uoon uimueiinettwadbuilahlyreiiiluded bf the ealeem and areoleod la wbtottlbe id held by her pupil by the words of the follow i dtf kddree which wad teed by oreo moouuiheou uuiu veaoiieu we uis puply of wflfcuu kalioul truluof your uuri4urhl4iieui dull lu alio you thouiih lu i fetf wy our ihiriuuoii of yourrvlo vorlwo yetaudaiujf you blv uu t o lir an i lbou now w biul drop ui uil i ur ueolur may m hill look upon yu a a true frluiil wo lika eiwui uiauy bepuy tley leeelber auj ofuu uunl your pallmie but waaek y toovikok luluva ourinuuka vorwvarkutllulk41aa u llul wa kaiib uliy b huubbojy 1 woiily try an 1 1 a a lokaiiby wblob t reni4inlr u va luk yoif to auul title tmhi lil on blnji of uiu selioul ukud uocuyiukou uruax ueif uiw utlm ijmi uturao auui junutrjtii iujj a boaotlful llteroaka baaket and a trait eputiii whm ireseoled by ken hubmii and lana lhfmipanu uid uauuatl inloujd l rmuiutf bur studied at oeorgelowu lltfa tlohool kftar vaoatlou t what wall bvguu i halfdoi children cry for catofua knatchdull i if ilamurl v ailliew ha btrlnl n ci pipe factory at ktalnli ll i i u tgi imi oul flral data mwr u jiuni wl au dineiit lo knatuhbull hag w ih it anaila riatbnal llolxlay ilayniu is now tba ir wf of tbo uf tliam p i very kk1 111 llla korllon i i i baahreii tlio liotual tank tint wi have bad tl is mumr i tie lml wax mx lliltiit uirit l w a dlnialury pin nra on 1 i day they i ad k ll in iuy kt i k ltxn k hi allulyf bt i- wllnli woll hlp luio drink kli i lo clohgutoun mr i kuiliy harl y krifvwi b mieltkl vfeek fri n lba 1 lilll inea lln hppeare llie garb of tbo at ka tudjur huke bale and boarty knd ba many uiurfntlug perlennee d relate in ouitiirnhitu v ltitlipulpu warfaie itev a tin iutur the mw tli the methodiat cburoli arrived in town on tueeday aud wad welcomed by la em bore uf the eon meg lion he w 11 reaob hi inaugural aerntnjib holt tlunday the poocreda of tbe garden yerty at mr j m moorod amoutiled lo i h a union uutxlay lebou excursion la being kitaud mr kudmre1 ll kloklio kl family have wh lumtl lo make tbalr liome ill hernia whore mr nick hi las aectued a good situation tbe best wikhe it ibetr nuutaroua friauda will follow them we are glad to slate thai mr o u kennedy who ha loon very iii ha apparently not lot any elrenglh for two week or more lie i uil cheerful and there i koiio hote that lw tuay ootne through till aloknee a be bkd several sever eiokoceeea in tba paal at a meeliug held on monday afternoon of last week the following ofuoor of ibe lidiea aid of tu method 1 1 cburcli were lected iretldcnt mr j h appelbe vice vreaidentmre oirrl iu elecrlvry mis malvln treasurermr leaea a farewell u wa landered lo mr u under who ha beau it faithful worker in the eoolely during bar residence lu town jerau ut a lrc kchool iavni e iniion rtamlilall alewnbomal vbdlee aid if ll nd riui f 1 nlrii i hdaloa i vn brll wrrll i ire tl it woek irt lbul of 111 mattwxiiat burob will you are an hone penlteol eefkar look arway to obrlat and cjvey and through faith there will oomo a divine impreeelon that ood for obrlstd bake aave you from your fclna and give yoa power at the tiunday hcbool rally and quarter ly review service in the afternoon the capacity of the school room wad taxed to aooommodate the large alien dan on tbe order of aervioe we of a very intaealini eberaatertbatmmrtad appropriate hymn knd tnuala 6f the orcbtra slimtt eet lo the kervloe a review of the quarters leeaoni proved that faithful work bad been done by the teacher for all jttsuon were promptly answered uriel and very inurealiog addrreeed war given by lie mr calvert kqd mr viewed mr ttll bnyder oi toronto former koperlnun dent of the school ooottpled a place on the puliorm an event of tbe mrvioe wa the presentation of a beautknl poltahed aah aeorelaryd desk to the kohool by the junior leagne luv 0 w calvert preached at the evening oervtod to it very large eongrega tlon iii dlaoonree wad haeed upon a triple text and the loplo wad xlurdoud and bow to hear them it wad soon been that tba old ume are fearntalneid tod eloquence of thld kbld preacher bad in bo whit abated but rather kd he had advanced in year and experience tbe power of hid pulpit ti iterance had increased ur calvert bald kd be introduced hi bubjeol i ktn gcilbg lo try lo throw out to thld oongreitalion a tope of oousolatlon of three eirandd lo all burden bearervj 1 belt help 3 mutual or brotherly bip 8 lreyerand cod guidance lu addition lo physical burdeiid there are deeper and intangible burden burden of the heart which are birder to bear the flnl text sal e kvery man shall hear bid own burden tba goepol deald with tid kd individual there u thing nouoarnlntf our salvation ho one but ouraelved ban aoootdpliall xdfe id uever a failure to men who are self reliant and tt never doe to lean upod other if we are to win succeed we must be keif fell aut lu spiritual mailer ad well u mater ui the bew birth i neoeaaary cod i grieved because many of hi children are uudevsloped bad mnliuua to be uuraid to receive mutual or brolbarly help hull ealed in tbe aeooud text i too contradiction of lerma v muni hear our own hurdeud bo a lo ba developed uid able lo help other true rvllglou id one of the tu aoeelnslj ihlugalu the world the world wau dyuiptlhy aud a lack of fellow bym palhy show a guulti away from the qoldan lluu cbrully work for other u tukklng the world hetlar in the third plie prayer aud cod nuldauoa are iteoed bary tbar are many tbiugi we nan do for ouraelved muah we oau aoompluh for other but luiuy ihliifc we oau not do without the help atld guidance or qod i would rather- walk with cod lu the dark than walk alone in tbe hghl he quoted no one eeti fathom tbe eyuipalhy and depth bf cod l tbe djeeouree eloeed wllh a ferveut vshortkllou to oait all burden upon goj the uoujay sveiilon uuruitiuiiiit wu a delightful one lu all rexol ibe in una heal prevail ud ninny from ktuudiuj ixtt ell preeaal felt that theova4elnn wee worthy the event atiuiemoretd luv j u ilkgar m a the pastor presided aud tbd following wa ibe programme iuerj tuueuou ruuiav fuliool ortufrlrt way ltv u w lelvit wor laby cualrhiau uanjalie au4 uulut lovwtuitl i inj auj uuekjiy oualpli lki lauay lu tbe ueap tcfklr lluhmloal akui of cbureblewllo ll if 1 uobe uuit u u houm jiuttbeaaiueoldway ul luule kslly uulurauduuaeluuua vw auduudataiy aildiw uavul tuwaekt 1uiuiu4ami hodm alone l tbe jwf liufaelly rih ifk lupot of etiruer elwue uylu abjaauallon ol otiupdi albert u niokllu aealttupt uoog tkueouiklluetuluslieauauuttblly luutg uufurl lba tupuen u 1 icf kjiy ajdra luuklulaoauew luv u w ujvait uululluaiwluuturuuau i u abj all kelly ikiug the jfyuiu ibat old thwwil hayd arvl aelly uaered luaeueu uu ureualie jibe fcddreeaae were moat lutereeuu alld ituugbl tnauyeveule of the puthlsury of lit uhuroh vividly befuie tboe prneatil lb pari taken by wj aud eiu uelly were highly oredl table and fully suataiuel their past raptatlati tbe visit of mr ueuit aud mr 1 w wad tnuoh enjoyed and the service they tendered will always be reinsntbered wllh gratitude liberal offer inge were made by the dobgregation during tbe day to the trtut and cntwtons cohneos dominion day paeeed off vary qulttly hare a number spending- the day at d loo ma bury and other place there wad a large crowd out to hear tlevrbw wolden prtacb u farewell aarrflftt hre fin mnruy nrnlhy iftl ftfv for hid text j cor 13 11 end gave a very able dluuarae he ha been a veryvamrat and painatakiug paaior on this circuit for lba past three year and lba best wlabeat of a urge ohole bf friend ro with him among- the tnaby holiday vlallor in and from this place we noticed the following mr and mr a bwackbamer rlu with friend here on huuday mr and mr tbo mutiny f rmoaou sunday with friend hare moaer john kbd jatd coleman of aotou at mr n fork- ou sunday mr and mr hind of morrla county oregon are vultluc at john walker mia tiw lulahtnau actor at 0 targe crahkbi miad mine oattihl of cualph at her home here for several day mosare gu lumuw and will mvx well of iowville wth frund here cbaa gamble pot ibe holiday it caledonia wm cnj pe vuited in luther for a few dayd mia lixxie coleinau taroulo at her borne here mr and mr morgan crewaon sr knd miaae mary kd lolc crewscn at camp bell vllle on hundsy john alexander kihn at dahu gambles on tlunday mr and mr doelab buvanton and mr and mr david huveruoo of durkd valid with friend here for aeveral day mlad kale oreiecb of uatrulotj vlalled at tbo lumehaw laat week heart trouble dhouchr om uv exposuhli and won it y cupt doo crbrtdelt of linda tulle how h beoured hulteiea from thld moat dantruroue mblsdy- vtoux the iweubbian m undaajr out in the town of lludsey aud uurrouudlmj country uo man la belter known or more highly repected than capl oeo crandell forty eevat ytar ago he w owner kbd capulu of the flrt steamer thkt navigated the bougog- blue tltat tune huocee ha crowned hu life llh ou laud aud water var forty nine year ha wan a mem of lludsey town council ilili cow 13 year of igvkud enjoy the but of health tut it hkii uol tlwaya bun thus ham year ego ihe exposure and worry incident o bt oalliu lriu lo tell upon hu hllb kbd his heerl ehowrd klgus of wtaknua ui uffariuga and compute restoration lltroagh the u of dr william iluk 1dl er ut told by himself to a reporter the oapulii gave the following nlory uevsral year agq hiy heart hegau to bo hi r ua at 11 re 1 1 look utile uolloe of it but tbe trouble tndually grew worse until i had to eummou mdlcal kid 1 buffered much pain aud at time w bt tacked by smothering bjkclld which bauaed tu k dlatrea picijttauuy tleee bpelli aluoked m during the night and l wa with ditllaulty that i managed lo braalhd at all i oouaulud evrl doctorv but tbir modlolua failed lobobhl me i lli tried a much advertisd rviiieily but lbl blio felled to help ma i had alwavii lto fond of smoklntf but t pnut wallh thkt a few putt froo a bluer would dlstrma me ui much thai i had to lv it upajtokilhar i grew worm day by day end beu lo think that my end waa niar and that i would die from the trouble rome time ago i wan advised to fry dr williams iluk 1 ills af tsr laklug one box iuoudaiiluiprovmrul in my tjoudulon aud ami to i oontluuai tbblr ub i kept on imnrovlrin till now i am as will an j strong ksavsr in my life before aud have not iihu botherd with the leat sigu of my farmer i am now afble to yi iai at lbniaraoiiajaiiii lrlday evauing tba bend ll be preul and rcmur a tmber of oliooa eeuotion ihe teecure n ibe miltoo 1nblm kcbbol i mated tbir paplls to loa cream al tbecleeebf tbe achoo for lbhlll lays a raltupa thl tau n i bae w playd at the agricultural irouiidaj on haturday between tbarltoovcr of ac ton and the victor if milton two junior uainm tbe tuatuh throughout was close and availing gootl play on ixtth aldea being tbe rule i rfofuter absolute sein genuine carters little liver pills must or slgnnturo at oca reostodle wratv hdnv pz1r paris mzm tusbct pqwdeir islilieibqrei k t brown totakeaatajr carters if ulllim tv wm bl roa bizzimd fob biuouiieir for t0bpid l1veh fdr comjtipatlor for sa1i0w sut for tuecoiiruxior cure sick headache intfcllnational convlntion the lutarnallonal convention of chril list kudeavor la to be bald in cincinnati ohio riom july 6 to 10 1001 clnoiunaud many paint of lutsreat numerous public inblituilonii and axunalve hold facllllied adapl it aatectelly a a oouveutloa oily he hoakwood pollvry art tuqeaum and art academy leiological garden aalronomlcal ohurvatory it many parky aud pleasure reeorl affording ample dlvsralon to the vial to xha programme a arranged by the uulted uociely u the most attrkotive they have ever arranged aud include ubrldlau fndaavor leader from all the world tbe canadian railway aa wall as the american are rjoxtlogilujtla fare tor the round rip rood going july tb and returning hlh or an exuuaioii to august 3iit for cqa extra canadian headquarterd at lha conveii tlon will he in ml auburn rreabylulun church further parltcolar tna be bad from b ouurlo becrolary a t coopr ohnloii aud the station keut chlldrenoryfor castor a malady for moulba- i hil i wlt fhj ihelraiit dlauped au thld i owe to that graeu1 of all ramadl dr williams iluk ljila llloh red blood end strong nerve af lha kjyloiie to health dr william liiik iille are the moat widely knowu aud praised uf mad lol iioe because from ural duel ui laat they make new life life glvlug blood and velrewea abd alat barve bringing biw health and strength to hllhaito deapttnilant audeiui do uol lake any kuhslttule do bot lake kuyiblng that doe not bear ibe full name or william iink 1ilu for at vou on the wrapper arouud ihe bor thild by all dlauraorby mall rjlpaul at u ceuta a ihix ur alx tx x for j t41 by a tdieaattig tbedr wliui uejioinecolliuokbilu out ailuhlnsss woman will xclictho opmrluil lly til havlnfjher i nru nuda mcr or remodelled dur ing tha summer monlhs at j luiuituhtd cosl by a juuc ileal furtlcr you will ao time and money and when tha weather fur futa arrive yoi will iwi ufujiutl to know thai joirhxt lliiftjiictitilybbttotl 1 iiiuil by lblii to l n e lafohulne cuclph wlioloultf unl ltstull 1 urilor syhi j l at ik buuulk i jikalivc urotuouininc tmi i xi tuly uul n ill im a y want ii iwlil- iiu1 i iiwu iii i r ihmueui lihimiiiiu wm l kw iwtbla lly miiiiuy mxt luuily mf ml ll m him i hlrlut i immi dii ilsam uiy li i hilullliw ikult lil mi lutunuv lid vimiu uiiinr wlvucwl li tai utah liiilu liuuum ui f bt cunauu call and lxamine the menfc of this superior shoe made in all modern style of lasts and hut grade of leather all bies aa to ee widthb lor ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of the fcaw penpiratipn of tirrcft burning of the feet and jt will keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm in coia weather sal willi 7sws boot jnd shob pbkle1h bole agent vor aoton nij j j s i l tl i 14 ii the b crennan co jt hot we a ther comforts 41rhi bbrrliwmmls there a rise m lem ons owing to the hot spell we still sell choice ones at 2oc a do ladies wide brim hats in lancy black straw special at 25c each cool quality prints and liwns good colors and neat patterns special at 5c yd il white muslins striped and checked patterns regulai 12jc and 15c qualties for gc a yd mens fine straw hats special at 25c each shirt waists 75c each for a few s quality goods shirtings for the hot weather at special prices 12jc 10c and qc 800 horo for bnals friday evening ft soturdny r case canned peas best quality 50 a can i case choicest toma- iocs 3 lb cans 6c each 1 box comet soap 2 cakes for c 13 silk waist lengths regular 50c yd quality 3i yds for 98c o pieces 2 to inch ribbons for collar 20c 25c and 35c qualities for ioc yd 25 sample curtains nottingham lace 30 to 60 inclics wide for 15c each 7 only ladies hats el egantly trimmed regular 2 to 375 each for 90c coiuioi tablo v rlliiin 1 nit t ai 1 put uu r 1 1101 ulrli uh ii ui i rani 411 1 i- 1 bimi lot on avei u- li 1 vs nj 11 ierl awl uli dtt c 1 inl 11 lure llet lutllw 4u i it it 1 lltl t ian tr al u nl utile bl ou si 1 limit tl o liruay 11 4 ailu lit ua ll klh lra j ltalla ulal koit hhk iloubl- anij lqtu in acton ill 1 1 1ifclail nt f tl t trtr ltl lll 1 l 1 i i al4 yullti r a r uijlxul nllnol 1 t141u jttluud tut ou a 1u it j hii- alutt fl wll rite1 a i i illlil a i cupin 1 ir it tra 1 lnt ol ill ui 11 nukiao l 1 1 uflulili- tt wlll lw xll t nrrtflca iw 1 tir ttf lamia t 1 il liri i t newaik it j uo lalm ac ion tkndklts wantki i oli building t- the b crennan co secords block acton 1 g t i 1- j 1 r 4 444 4 harris olgq liimiledr eslablished 1s67 1 bring your wool clip here this is an invitation in which two parties are interested wc want your wool to be uhed in our mills for the manufacture of stock you must dispose of your wool as it represents an a iset which you turn into money or equal value m articles for tlicjhomc that arcniceded and which would call for a cash outlay that in a word is the plan of our transactions we will buy all the wojl that you may bring us and pay you the ruling price this pay will come to yon part in cash and part in stocks from our store which includes goods of our own manufacture than which there are nonebetter and line imported goods in roods of our own uianufaclura llian which thera are nona belief we haa white all wool blankets a yards u ida and al yards long 53 per pair or 1 3 yardi wide nnd a yard a loni fi 30 per pair union hlanleia in wbltu or jjrey ijjyardawlde 3 50 per pair shcetliij a whltaorgrey s6 inchea wlda 35c and joe por yard 71 iuchca wide 70c- 1 hniicle jh inches wlilo havy quality nnd alio fiua quality 35c yard sklrtlnfjo all inchctj jc inchoa 50c 70c hc arnn woll tcouml pound aliens in a 3 and ply 40c pr pound homo spuns 5- inchea wide in ihn iculing popular colorings hc tlio hauler linca for ladles tailor made suits and utilined akirts at i 00 and ia tvccdo for men a wear sinio wldlha 40c 50c g5 and 73c in double wutlu 81 00 and si 35 we cannot catalogue in a small advertisement everything that we sell id the store but the lot includes twill sheetings cottonades white cotton grey cotton russia crash white quilts ladies vests and lots of other lines and everything at very closest prilcs llavlue learned it in alt u uote or it that wbeu van hell jour wool lie re you ct full weight every tlkate uud ttilr ltihiertioti hrrris co l 1kzooll1sm 7ucknlrifctulrbks rockmood ontj t4444444444444t4444444444 44 jphe gat of your clothes you ro inllrcalod in liavlii faihloiitthlo clothea wo un a nr 1 311 s that your clulhau shall hobocomluf loyo and fit you kirfctly our tupcrt lallora jro directed by u cutter who unowa auinl fushlmu mil iiuiuls a lood til lluru hhalljjctlaii in lliu clollieu wo 111 ale wm m rooiku mi uciiaht 1 all ou mill sum hgto m houuwoou iuy mr hhlu ii oltrvllln liidimrly ul hi ii w csliouil wj alrluuul willi tlui 11 k un hmiilty ub ul b smii in vry labi kllu aim ilhnii uklilly lull r iii ll wltuti ural icok 1 1ii j lu will liv ih aytuiauiy ut uiwiy irlud bi to catch tlio eyo and tlio mind at tlio sawn timo 1 is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and vcdt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for free outfit and make money yho bradleycaruethon co lhvillod bruntforc out t44 4j will n you wanl kl0uii 1 and oatmeal oi 1 01111 ijtasfoatel dlleuton knd odgn juciluls urrnd l the l tin hi uinul all ml u na uaura uae il i tlteliuasurlileeevltiltl hlnhy uoklol no 1 dont do riiat gut come today to the acton pump works pm dgc try o u r 3pnm prepatrctl or buy a new one we can do it watering trough cisterns and a generaljobbmg business done satisfaction guaranteed ouarlkb k9baou main st acluu cloaa it la mtytt lallluf eouj uovaii tltubea and la in osd itlr would im valuable b any lunu or oilier pqnoa wtin turxiee uhuuk a bulmiu ol uiat alee umf be aaeo et y uiu tendare lo be toil wltli n 1 u 00 ilk luatary uoan ul tjfeuee tun cavaixiw ci vi bbuii u hriujoi wv gallant ii wili riialie u- aa a of ivh al hu tr auble lol la iu4 uo lolj teuuh to luaurn ut lyj u at pal ruajry 190s iiwo iujie tstyeble tat july hoi iwaooe 1m ball lin alble of imqiwu iuiar in tnal or lot all aoctliwila at ruk ol ownere vat patllfiee an 1 tleacru hon lanla hblti tilt t kii 1 ofrulor tenders wanted rkmolilu talll 1 ul up lotln july 3lll lor hi btwuou of aloe me bout iw aelou 1 ul lie uebool ijow euy tjnnlr not nn tartly aecaptail 1 tana end oelaeauona oau be awu at the offlc b tbe ueeraury ukhurauiwdiirjj cliaimian of llulmlmf com itum julrsjij iml asaifrncca notice to crcilit- ois in tliejmlattcr ofjw lee of acton in the county of halton dry goods mer chant rpakb oolu uat llie ullw j ia laa made j- ui aaelcaoliuit to 1 la tat ilia bwiaflt o ble pradlbueburattanl telbai 111tuo hal and btadbdine ante w u trrmcalojid lai m walllocloe lit wut t woo la co un v auntntriej wvuy f ulodthraelweat tooul jlaajcuaeallalleluus dated ulj kstb day of jena luol v0teu8 list 1001 n wunlcipalltv of the v1llaob of acton in tub county of halto ot1cp ubrly civm that i have irene- rolttad w uallvwl bl tbe beraoee toea ikiath in bactloaa handdof tba ontario vetera lilet aet uwooplee tmolrad by eald eaotlooa t ba- timaaniutaal or dalivara at tbe lie tnade rurauanl lo eajd act ol alt baraona abpeartae y ui uat kavuwl aaaaaameol uol of uie aatd uunlsipeuly to tha ao till ad te wole in tbe bald municipality at u suoo lor ejacbbara of tbe iulaile aaaa bly aut al klupulfal kuo- uooa end un ue aald liat wae nrat poatad tin at taw qmr al tbe vlllaa ul aolon te bald county of halloa m uii autli day of jua 1uu and tvmajna lb-i- lo invnecuoe meetnra al mlled kioa la aauiilua the bald llatad if any omwilen or any otltar brrora are found tbanlu la take ibituadlale tmooead luce lo bave tba ud ertora oarrxlad aocordlaa to uw ueul at tbe imaca or xtlau u la fioul day of june 1001 tiioh t jjoou1 clark of the uunlcliality of leton b u core s now tlial we are lutvinc fine walhr and k roada there la uime encouragement lo huy new iluie i have a full miortnicnt of ilieni which you ahould ae befuroyou buy alio market and lumber wagons all hlnda uf carriage and ron eral rcpalrin done on tliortci not lea a full hue of agricultural implements ami uiiidcr1 wluo always oit hand j n 0mb11ll successor lo culp mckeuihi gborgbtoiil great scotti ibat taau buys and aellaalmoilt ihliik that the farmer ha lo mdl or w to huy he wants hi oat i van llaxle wlicat kjc ltuckwheal llcana i bowsed l iotalocs turnips wool hided sheep- 1 alins elc to day iia 1 calling lie farmers his turnip seed ejliraab uuetotiaiue a hailaw ibury wl lijilliuui lunanuliil kuluxiallliatailoti ulara lthjil kliauiraek kklrlnri libanie itnivroveil luouue iftae hlamlab t urple uootuab cnatuptoo tllaxatoita uri vvblullobe taiihahl iro iey naval ale he import tlubla4d i rlw harttaye llronu kaajatoa nrotiurlrt lloyal notfulk lib prlae la alway tbe lu- illiaot aiul lua fur a1i lu iralx lul tbu yjr ktmlub tum taaut lba i bad it ttl at lba oau bod ll eari be a at bla btnre i a la ulwluit now id lba fur el uo orl a kal lb ban ur ud bx ua tin lit vailallw of luwl ooiu lo obooeel roin auu hutieatlaii all iluekwb llukarlaiie lluunuwr head eu v fur kllllutf iiuu be kape bui kuauahl 1 aru llru only ui lb i outu uua vtnlah mi lb orvtulmttho lavud i latlibuitu uf uo lba ijmu itali am par bwn or tao tr loo muliibal ol uouuat or ti am au lb or m lbe bore aid lb wbale oil uoai ale lb eta aid blue hbit for cajbaaal t i lain ele uo lb arm alto- i orkio t iaia italia tj xbullburu lba for itu uau luo lb ur u ilia to a tlrouoduluwrakfedlb in lui4ii 1ih ui 1 ctlla wmiim i a kaapel uolwmaapa chl tau1 1 iiallb iili en 1 wbj ljuueiuioiilar t uxlub dip and vaicaiinr wcular kiialub din a t waeli tu wi rllitoi toua lituek uuiy 1u lb boa utily ftoo llibl y ul lfiulvalnl a j i4r u iu urouud ollj cake and it mil j flan il vor iuh ba uul be but ha baa a bau ibibl in uie liaob an 1 a ii tba at el luel i i drill bl for ill a x niu titruin rm aackalir 1 aa su a u 1u jalry aaok loo alaw c bttd bvi baeka ju lull la al 1 you want a v it uaalilne be baa lb rfijalaud iwejj itiy a ueulfa j 1 about a huny i uiu liu uu la wi fur il wbal aboui a lltitny 1 1 ouiijf uiu a a ilj-tbr- uuci aluul uiwu ur 1l1 uiil he baj two blail u balllurf tbaul aluua willi ua uiut untrmle ludaaiuwara bu4 llakaa 11 a bliiu uf bam lue luaelituea wl u yuu ar tailed ujkju iul i loaibkl lba bave u av lby oau alaoall y 1 wbejuarniaf wbu li lly will hll wu r au1 wlliu ii ul in ilullr llii u eiut iba man that vtitia llirl wn t u u thoitl on u i i au llailil lualili wllh i iiru an i rlll ceo j thorp cuahuth a uocrtwooe tfmljl

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