Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch aganoral bankingbutsmooii truribuotod corrouponda nco solicitad saving dciiartmimii of onk lior- fti in uy if ihpoll lu nofcirmalli t aji i aiuixl ip day uf withdraw fishy ill drawn solullrd nulmul r jwnllli ijrnrf illiountnl uii i iiu m y loliwd lor r i it mat o uminr3 purihitrs our iohootion dtiparommt una ncty facility or uialln prompt tot urn salunotua handled and moimy advanced on account of aame at low rat nf oi inter- travellers am notified that lb hunk of hamilton ami to j tranche umij clicubr note of th ivorlnru llaiik bf itagund limited which can im cujic wllluiu charpoor trouble in any friart id hm amlil head oi ilci hamilton aubluhed 107 u capital paid up 51703212 reserve fund i33m9 total assets 11827357 jauuj ruukmuii cashier b forsayeth aoiinr georgetown branoli the 7 daintiest thing is inguain wall taplk wiid vy tfiau jo- ta santuj saowu by jjw canada chas l imelles guelph lje jtctait jtee trass tuuusday july lib 1001 little l0calbrief1jets whroh cnusht tha eye or- of fr pri report or this wok july tbvaeveutb month kverybody welcomed urn raid tbe new pavemanta cannot ba put dowoaoa aooa tha achool board id aaklog for tender for erection of daw closet th vuim iaaii to any addr to ilia ad of lb j oar for 10 cent good morel dg 1 uad your fchktf phvs aubearlpuoa been reoewad i oaahalf of ihenri year of 4woualb cenlury bu paaaod tbo big oraug dcmonatrauoa on tb x3tb will be tba lunmtii event tb light o lb coo drink and the abort aerinou art macb lo favor spend ibu btenlogallbgardu parly at uja bom of ajr uugb wallace w x lee tailor baa mad au assign ment to a toronto wkolooal houa brampton orangeman have aoutrao led with tba clark uoue for 100 meals on the twalfth ha a lasy uian who caut aara hi broad by tba sweat of hi brow this the the news at home tutarday buoday and uouday wuru awvltarloje days ou monday tbd uioroury rcutarad ui djrj voaatoronto druliau bav baali flnd 5 and ooata aaab for uulttf m oroatii and cigar on haoday tha man who faarad w would uol ttat any wwm daya ibu aomtaer la till grum bling about tba walbrr tba loa ol a fairy htvi moaulto for a bar or in la aurpaaaad duly by tba lovs of ft wll datalgpajfl foe bald bead lcujbk papiu of tba aotou public bohool arawrllliirf on lb junior lavln anamination at oaorlowu iiib hal tbo i tba old woojabad ftud cloaota at tbd pablloocbool aijabiluk torn dowu lu vlaw of tba araollou ol bkw eloaata durlrtf ilia holiday tb ravlaw ksrvua lu kuox huuday babool laaltiuttday waa tba tdqal lluraal logftod latgaly alloujtd lu utd blllory of tba aobool mr jauioa hrowit baa bla uaw law mill uptaitd auolod and tba tuaobluary plaoj h akklu to ooulli r to morrow irluolpal t t uoara koalvd ou taaaday from tba ullltu juopartuuti at ottawa bu motlal for arvlm durlurf be vuiau luid j um kfara trdiiiara 4 co taul to ohlf oautbla o tba hid irudd obnua for 110 wut wk in raooullkoii ot tb luoillj oarvlooa tba brltda u vaudar ug lit jubn w uiooiifclii u boo6iliil tit au act at a il mr ha aoooiui lad buu uf litsollitid citup ivauboa t damottalralluu at ouvlnli ou doi dy mb ijuarutu of boyu wbu apiuarad baiora jualioaa william attd moot a laal ffadaadaytor bathing in tawu iui lu dayllnbt wuliout batbluu altera pleaded kuilty and ward alio wad to uu on tummiidad aautauoa af tar prdiullutf tba olfauoa would iiol ba ratntd tba anion iua rakua u ouv of tba claanwt and beat prlhtad papara of tba provlnoa of oularlo u bacomea batlar with looravlag he lba faaaiuaaa baa ooaiyuud it jalb yaarofaiutaaos itramplou vvntfuatt ii b- ill lull uf aoloii u kalllutt tha bnt wbo1 on tba ttiarkot lbs olaveuud i jlilul all my frlauda abj fortnar outlomara abould know that i bawa ratdfoad lu aotou aiid wilt ba praparad lu a faw dtf tu fill all oidtra ot auatow ttwtda bvwta aud abuoa and lapalrliijj lu tba baatmauoar otiu bturai u mill hi tbo ululim unlrnw i el var nap itavtinttmt at a ialal ti of tliu council ut mi tueaday oionm tlxa under for fcuianrnt iavoinoria wira owjitd 1 ba lowest thai if tba uojal arlinoial ill mo co lunljih at inn atxl a half wuli lr wjilara foot tbla uinler waa aooaptad and work will com m no oh mill alrcal mil latnr than ifilb july tbla oonlraet wvra all walba wtil b may i- iii in anton ibu krbun tit uy f tetukrutf canada thirty fourth dalai ilay ahij vraary waa loyally and tnry punrally boulirtu lu woatbar wi tha lioltet of thu year and iiuiot nool flrata wura in dumaiiil aotou had no dtnnunatralion bnl iioarly all our oltluua war allbar diitarlaltilutf vultum or waul out of town thamaauea lo onjuy tb day tha union jack waa muob lu nvldouca and tba bijlijay waaiduarally anjoyad ir lu cualpit iteiaut offlc at noon on haturday tba ooverlntf of of tbo typo iatliuu maoblnaa lu tba oawa room of tba ltrahl oflloa oiajht lira and bnfora tba blam could ba eitluguubad tba maobina wah badly damauad tba key wbloh aro inada of oallulold wata buruad complalaly off and tha blaka from tham rokebad to auoh a baljiht that lor a faw inhluhw tha bulldlntt n dalignr 1 ha opdratora bad just roturncd befora duo oclock whtii the tut idarlod iiuu maattn nuvu heoiiu julerprlmsi mr douald v mann rduroad lo toronto alttr attaiulliiff tba opaulutf of tbo ufty all inllra of railway noiinoatloit tba maakankla d maun ooat flalda at it road co k b wttb tba hlnlla of canaoi tbo tow t way will groally inoraaaa tba ablpaianta from tba llroad cova hold tba ayndtcat inland to further exlaud tba railway to comitot with llm intarooionlat at iolnt iupjtor mr manna fatlier u rxnaotmif a viall from him to tha old boma hen very ahurlly xiul aualvtmtry of ordlamtloa laat balurday wth juna luv ithor xsany pulor of ut- doaapba obarob cio- bralod bu twanty flral anulvaraary of ordluallan to tba prlaitliood and baa allied been rocalvlutf lha ootifrlulatbnn of many friend father voany baa had a vary uocaaaful career audjiaa away nojoyed tha fulleal oaondanoa and cataam uot only of tha oonftraealloita lo whom ba baa mluutarad in holy tblntf but pf iba com munity lu kauarah ilia kaoial toannar aaitoofiiiaitrio lirrfliiunwtiictiirrfaot tba common welfara ar well known au wheui 6 ft a jtf itt xnglht the a licit ample of fall whaat la tha straw that itava beer exhibited bara tbu ocamau war lft al tba v x iauu oqloaon monday by mr joel loelln of lot t oon 1 kdu the growth ie certainly phoaoroenal tbo lonuel variety la tba jond lonitbarry tiew grouud ou ilapjambar 27h 1 laat and moaaurjid 0 ft ulrla ungtb tba kew airaad tataaaure f ft aod tha itod olawion 6 fl 0 in mr i ii- baa two aorad pf the nrat ona of lb aaoood and leu of tha third variety oud they make olid of uie ilhcat iclda avar oaen lu tbla oeatlou iu hajoyttble m tally hevalo 1or a bumbar of yooi it haj boen lb cut torn ofjjia family of mr chrutopbor bwaokbamer lo meet ou pomlulou day at tba boma of aoma mambar of tba family to apend tba jay together tba prlvilega of antortaluiud fell to lha lot of coutiolllor aud mr hiram bwaokbamer main bl thla var end ou monday aoma forty utaai bard of lha family of tbre kenaratlona aaadmbled at ibelr boma wludanurd main btreau a bappy family rauulon waaapant lhdjamiy allbioj prcaent aaa oaptoua alatai aaid ablldrau a1 london audtxiwuoa bwackbamer xvuuhof cmbipu suooomm ut ctielph lyaubo gamp bona of bootland broorbt brilliant laurel bom with tbatu from tba good of boatload oalebratlon at qoelpb on domlulon day tba camp had over alrbty membera in proaeaalou in tba oompalitlon for tba largest uu ruber of uambard praaanl and beuocforth tbalr oamp room will ba graoed wltb the boautiful allver oaj won in thftcooteal kujualu tutf of war uam dlil not wlu tha gold walohathoy iulemled nor tlia kllvar watobafl jthr nor aven tba madald thy bvldautly ovtrlookaj tnu foot tliat tha iualluolj flonld woold b tbara r id oounlad a gloat auooead tfi jdadjpjpy jtfw iuslor itev oliver uocully ut of hiram collage iwobad bid initial hormou lu tba dlboiploe church lut lordi day mr mocullyd lermnii wav wall reoalvad by lbs oougrttlou aodhidpllriguinmr mada good impreaalou on tba paopla etu aarman wu f raui luka 111 1 jieiilfel in tha beglntilud that tba ward hr uddred ought wj a geiiaral larui udared lu varload way deuotlng 1 fit- tithtliukdis bj i duty ifeb 3 1 8 naodoally lu tba word of tha uxl oil theoa idoai ward tmbodled i it la flluog that man abould pray 1 llacaua of man obaraotar hid waakuud and oanaalouanead of a hlgbtr power i umium oi cod oharaour hu gtoatuead aud gaoduoaa klla wlllingnoad to tmwer prayr id taught in lha ptrabld ii it id vigblthat liieu abould pray god baa anjoluad il iii it i iidcoanairy that man abould pray 1 bd oauod uod baa oondlllouad upon prayaif bldaulllgd wbloh wa ucad j uaaauo maiid aueuglh aloue la lueuqioitut for tba uiargdiicld of hie mr meouliy will rdinalii with lh church during vaoation and will praaoh every isuuday morning aud avaulup a yrtlty urfddjujj vnrdy at tbrd oclock ywtarday afunioou the wordi were apokau at tba home of our mloemed fdllowolllkau wm vilhaiiw lutj which oemeutod the union lu lha boudd of holy wedlock of two happy ouug poopla wfll known liara mr aurd odburn of loiiawaudi n y wi the groom nil lili iva william iba bride ilav j m lugir m a performed um oaraiuouy ilia bride looktd vary bull ful lo bar ooatuiua of wliiu organdie irl in mad with viucuuned laod aud carried a bouquet of wblu ftaruallona mud anitll huabaud ut brl4ad maid wad almllarw attlrl aud carrying a xouiuel jiuj oaroalton mr ltwramm williama brolbar of lb farlda of london wad groomamau only lha lumadlala famllud of tba youuu prfipld war prueul but tb brlda wad lameuibared by niauy of br friandd with uumaroue uaawi 1mi daluly lokaud of tbalr lova ajjd goodwill lb bappy ooupld left laat ovonlug fur tbalr boaia at touawaud arnlltlha ooujraluiauoua autllaf wlebaa of all mu wlllidma waau aotiva aud uwful worker in tb maibojuk clmrob and will ut mud mlad lu tb olwilr lii tb huuday hohotil wheio h waa a teiolioi- and in th lpwuitb lagua of wblob aba wa lb iroaautar t canlca patty thim jivfuiah tl iidle aid hooloiy of ku church rill bold kutdrn y thla aver neat the homa of mrr wr- llu wallao hie protjran m will lucludu actnu oirnil hand jaiuea it piper vooal eelrclioui hy iu11 w mclvxy norval it i hod hcl bu1 i m ilauderaon anton read 1114 miit recitation aflogtioila by mleaoe julnuu 11 aud llulutoj aud atldiaiaceiby itev mckay aud itlair jk am uf- ituiumi f- i 0lug to iba bad aulo of repair in whiui ut plank klilnmalke ara uii riauy of our atroola roj libotsettavo besii kaiieral all apriiig uf eeri jii itcrideiila befltuik p- elribna j lie dmt ouilunj accident 00 oundd on haturday otrulng liomtcr when 1 dward nlckliu uai wa thrown beakily by a ac- plank ou 1 iglu hucat ity the fall bo auataluvd tb actum of tbico rite oil ihn xil aide and bid ihjurma hava teen very ialiiful drfnng the cicoaaivcly hot wedlbr lha proir it repair of danyerood plaoed 111 tha walk by the hlreela am walkdoimmllua i auolutolv ncoeaairy if oerload claim fufdamaia apor tb fjoonoll are lu be avaried 4 flra itrigaiian annual canlvit iurtyj tba annual garden party uf um tiro brigade in lb park laat today evauluk brought out a koojl altaddanoa ot cltlicsna tha flnmea aooumpauied by anion comet hand marched fiom the town ball ll tha park at aevait oclock preating a aplondld appearatioa the early part o ulo bveu inga proceed i ue wae devoted to athlello aport ttio following event woio con tealad aud won by the atbletea nalnod whaalbarrow race blduey oram njrmao maaala boya raco lerny ghtllth walur bautidard thre leed raod fred uyder and joe hoy j kj llyder and 1- malnioeh llramand race bldney oram f red drown kaok roc ld llyder 1rod hydar opait race v moluloah t uydaf ohataola it hi uydr molntcab m mcicher qoorjjotown lira brigade da aulus for tba tug of war oouleet and failed to pat in an appsaronoe uotwilh atandlng that lliey bad agreed to coma thid dellnmenoy id a coiitraat to the action of acloti brigade wbloh went it georrolowrt txat year lu full lrotijlh at tb rcjubkt of tha brlgda there flu rely tbay war not afraid to compel with our boya an encluug tug of war eventuated naverlhvlead between the hook and ladder j company and lha hoad reel tb former winnin bylwojlrwd tolntr at tb oon clualon of tbld part of ilia programme mr ii i mooia waa rcjuaated la act a chair man after a brief addrea complimentary to ihd flremeu and their aohlevemanld t v njy v k yr f mnb oil ojitljm hagar m a delivered brief i bm popular aud luteraatlng addreoued mr d u ueudtraun u v who apoka at a rardau party at moffat tb aam nvoiilug i mad a itroug effort lo be preeenl but owing lo lb laumeaa of uie train tha crowd bad duparaad befor bid arrival actoo cornet haud contributed krnly and ao oeplably to the piogiamme th firework balloon eopt lip durjug the kvenlng were wauhsd wikb intareat vlmitof ju kaeemoj jwjj tlculjeut acton la booomd at prwout in having oj a vitltor on of ltd early and moat prom i u ant realdauld iu th pereoti of mr lacblan maodonald of altooia leaua mr maodaaajd u k brolhar of mri john warrao a 1 1 aoj in tba horn of lb ex warden- la the early tiltlea h uojjbt aobool lu aoton in th oral tobool houaa the building oil main blreev now ooaopiej a a dwelling by mr g molaugb laa amoug hid pupild were dr ilobert waltar edward and jamaa moor ilorao j hall cbarlod joaaph aud wilbur adam iiaohlan kennedy aud other wll known trealdsiitd of thai aarller day mr maodonald alea taught at liguy in li- quaalng and bad for pupil tlmre our county ugulrr dr itobartaon and the lata llav dr lxldlaw utt was hare when tba name of ihd plaoa waa changed from adtnvmi to aoton aud attended the publlo bloating at which aoton we halocl- ed oj tb nam far tb uow paat village th lata ilobert bwauu waa tli fliat poat maeler and mr macdouald sucooeded bim on lb lglb duly 1hj being aoiiaged in a mareaiiul buoludad then 1u tba building on main street uow owned aud oooupied by mr ilobert itoluiad chairman uf the hoard ol ducaliou ou the mill july 1i3 he waa commtaaloued a juallc of tharsacefor the oouiitlb of went worth oud halloo and lu june of tbd following year waa made oommlaalouer in the quoeud ueuoh lu nov ibm mr macjooild waa appointed a tdeuteuaut lu the clh hat- tajion of haltou aud on auguil 30th 1m7 k wad appointed tb nrat clerk of the fourth dlvialou court wblob ha wta luatruuiaulal iu having orgvulaed in acton iu lllto ba left for lha southern buu aud waa a1 mdmpbii touu and 111 ululwippl during the civil war tha put thirty coming and going vloltora to and from aoton in various othor pefraonm note tliadjuaa 1aaae invite all it raulmuooo itiliul lo tiile column 1 you or your tftta aru cultu away ou a liuluay utii or if you ilunjl f oil atoj a oanl td lb jum li 1 uua macula tli milton mr i fraud apanllli aouluioronlo lib i vialung frlenda in holiday wllb bid mr jueld madoualj viaited rolatlvtw in ouelnh on monday j miaae clara and tlettl cobban v 11 ted friend n oli lut weak mr and mr c wheeler of toroulo vlaltcd filend here thie week mr lii hnyder of iarkdale viaited atlou frlonde during the week ml lthal poatr or uualph vlaltad aoton friaada daring tba weak mr iraol kally of weet itiaraboro vlilud aoton frlenda thla weak dr cray want to ivrkblll to apand dominion day wltb hi family mr j l carry of new hamburg viaited aoton relative tbla weak mr cbarll wanham of hamilton vlaltad friaada in town ibu week mr cordon ilaodaraoa of hatnllutt apent th liollday at bid boma bar mr and ura w d vflok vlalud tb iati american at iluffalo tbl week mia minnie holme id boma from norval lo apand tha aobool vacation mr v matiu aleatrlclau viltod friend at tha old heuna at iraatou uiu week mr ctj bmltb apent mony ai lha boma of jatnrd tioldia et opel ph mia nettie hrjerd of haponoe u lu town tli of mr a motaviah moeur vinooot goodev apenl a day or two ibu weak with friendd in toronto ml nalli alllu left on friday for bar bom in bundarland to kpead vaoatloo mr and of r tbo larrymau and uaaur fclrcu vlalled aotou friend ill weak mlaaad kdllh wilaou and ada kllioll are viiltlugfr land at qualph tbld wk mr 1 a brink of taeawaur vlaltad her nephew mr j d wokw tbla wk oharlad aklni of midland la e pending a favr weak at bar falberd boma mr bfctjk taylor of toronto wad lu town ou tueaday renawlag aoqualnlauoaa mr d hat chart of toronto waal the gaaat of mr mouulth dtuing the holiday mr murrow of duodalk wa tb gaaat mia ida laird apent two or thro day iring tb weak wllb liar father at water- loo mr and mr tbo t moor aud mud may vuilad relative at toronto during tb week mui nellie williama wnl to dandalk with bar auul ou tueaday lo vhdt rauuvc there mra t k mbeoord raluroad laat weak from a oliort villi with relative at niagara valid mr aud mr wm orajit olbt mary apent a few day tbl wk wltb actou frleudd maoard ciiarlaa h aud arthur e moor of toronto wore bom for domin- rouday 1 mr j d wallooa uauajtr marcbauta ilauk uf 1 ou taeaday to aojoy a two wok vooallou miw ediui niokllu aluroed bom from qualpb colirgut laal week for bum mar vocation 4 mia ago johubton of niagara falla vlaltad over tba holiday with mr t k m baoord mr krutat ieatmod of toronto vlaltad atthrtliomeof bl fdtbar kitluvdiearaoa ibid weak ilr llexberl phillip of toronto wad agaoat at tbe home of mr jam moor ovar the holiday mr aud mr qeorga cardinal of toronto apul a ooupl of day wltb mr w h deuuy luv a k uagur of ilrome u th gaaat ol bu parent at tba melbodut poroonagd hawar avauua mr d uanderaoa u 1 wa a visitor attbalouamarloan kxpoejtlon al uuffalo laal waducaday mr k gray aud mu dally lapaga of pdjrkdald ar vulling fruodd daring tb week a1 uooreorofl mud majriaral m hewed mt ou tuea day tor bar boma lu drumfjulu to apeud the attmmor vacaluio mr lawreno william of loudon aim bam on balurday lo apaud a few day wltb but parent llv 0 w oalvart of iogeraoll waa dyspepsia from lorvln wtirde neonlnc eod rook ima riima rattier to slknlfj bait lltmaca tt th inoat common rauaa of itta- itlanaan u n tfrtsllapoalno- want uf vlfior and ton tn tliat urrin no dlaeaeo makr life tntirn mlacrablr ita aurerrre rertaliily do itopilr la rat uwry oometlntra wondrr if thv atuiuld oife ueo w a ntirrnt luillvllle onl waa crtatly truutilrt with it for yam aud iv tor it uaare kan lalre la o tltnn otliera amictwl artlh it lliat lj leaa ami actually obtajned im relief aionally prescribed tttey war rotujllly hare btpii tiy hoods sarsaparilta according tu ttwlr unurtty rnailo atrcnitutena ttk al dleiuva ayauun i tild iivl medfrin itarli and lite wbou 1 aiirn tu let uuod thooa wbo oc ntotnplat n purchoklug mou mental or work of any diocnpuop for their c alary plota ahould order dlroot from lh old ral labia oranlt and marble deajar j h hamlllon ouelpb onl ah sponaa allowed to pardaaar all work and malarial warranted ooto petition aaoad specml shturdky noted tea store oiiina palace 14 lbs of iolici llaulna or iui 15 u i tap uoed for ft 00 tyj ploce dinner set worth via 5a fur lio ou iyy k dinner lrta worth f 10 00 for 00 lolut xci from i 30 up j a mccrea cuelph jj us bxltx xx- -ts- y julytii the right house ky1uiuk0 us hamiltons iavorith shoppino place mail okukuh bueive ueht attention underpricings on uress goodst iloh itlaak wool anoadlaa binoll aorad and auipwl deohp birkod to i tnaaday m lb kwdneuoda oa qoatltla lo oall oi tse os qualluee to oall at toe t5c aoallua to oall at ftoa it laeb i lain and vlurd ulafk iuattwi 10 ebolo daelona wfatcti ar ihjumj lo devliuu will oall at kie 60a fctod will esll at soe tu kind will oall at so at boo and ttso yard vuy atwxu lot u lock ulack all wool ualood vary lititwalbfaimuatltv thin or hot trrrtbtr waaiiu tom w eoooldar to it axaefuooally ood valo at in price colored dresa vabriog for hot weathar woarlnri jklua yard jaltmli llloa bant all wool abd vary liabt aod porouo aultabla for batoln ocelumaa ota vary apecjal j vardhpaclal line of ubl loj data kavy lllu coun4 uar 6 afmalui vina tnaae hf lubt at toe and tie yard ataoeyarda vary una una of wblu herman coaling- tterva loeba in wldui and oiuamaly batty looking at l0o and im yard whit itadeu ckhh vary liabt in waiebt and tj flaa uuallty ibid mataital im own u an idaaj ooeth 1o0 lltw u i loabe and iba lbo kind id 0 a baavtu make and 6i laeb wld iluuaneke i auectid or u beet tmi tarod at oat lauara counter youll and a domplat raiia of alt tb lataa eoaeantioti of tba world faablou makara kolloble llninb low priood ti inch oolorad bataaod oi una quality in lutbt abadad aalubla for dram llolnjl abd fenoy wotk abad of pink yllaw all irho 4rooo and tuauva our ranlar 10a jaajlly bow al uhj 3d luab ulaak ud oolorwd iwnwjine of kraal atnoxtb tbouab lib tn weight vwry apaelalat iso a npjaodld aaaartmaoi of colorad jwo- llaa for unlo bodarmnallda all iba vary lalmt dolohbae vary dcij valued ol 1m and ts trifling wbllu at trifling uou itattooa aaeorud ola ud par oard of oevafl doaau mlucottiate ooroat icaoad lb blaek whit obj drab 6 valdd lotim s xotht a in buekaud white a yd tr loo a for a tf wheata at loe oud 15 oaeh oatbeiboo ba to ha yardf thomas c watkins king st east cor hughson st hamilton laoe cuhtains at a smart kedtjction mr maodonald io wll informed aa lo aclcu a early biliary aud eonvore with luleuoa luufe redpaotlug pirioud aud vutdqf tb frorllor day auliougufur more thou farlyyaara a radldut of the united luted ha la atlll a mo loyal aud palriollo lirilub uubjenl and never beoama uaturajiaad a fact vbloli can id i aua will appreciate tuoel fully uf uacdouajd had in bu poaadaloti oua of the profoaolonkl caidi he bod prluud ueatly ufty year ago wbloh radd tu follow licit tan maodonald conveyancer aa oouuuut oaiumliitlonsr far taklug afll davlld iu the quaond lluoh acton o w deadd tnortfcjod wllldaio praparod ou raaaouabld tarmu our old tealdauu will la glad lo maet thla odlumed oitlxan of half a century ago aiuianovu mr aud mre u cautalou mr iviiu ltaalld aud ulium of lugar ijieiit bauday with friend liare mri ilanry llrigduu unilaiwtiil an 0 taxation fur utuoar ut wk doctsra utuajrl aud llllolt performed the op ration aucoeeafully aud uuder ui car ol a train d uure the patiaul ia progralng rapidly ilav mr uaiindard pralid hid far wall oar man on tluuday aflafiiooii mr baunder will ue idimuki hdrr luv mr tough proanhd to tbo hornby for ratr 4 ou tluuday morning ihay aluldad eervlod ill a boty mlg3 ei liail uau l gueel of her dauubur mr 11 wilaou for aom um homd dominion dy uueatd her were mud auule llilu ouelpb miui julla lin- foot mr hm lib hamilton mu jennie malariit mu may mclxren mr how aid huodt toronto to cuiju a oolp in one oav take lblu- lliotuo gulltlita leblu a i tuiuuid tatuud ui i iba gul of air aud m joa molim b uu uy lu acioai mr aud mr ilouior 8wokhammr of toronto apaut tba lat july at tha boma ol councillor xi bwaokuaiumer mr david puw of toronto waa tba gucet of mr aud mrd auic bcoord bowr avduua buuday aud monday uro walllugtou jmllb murnaj froui toronto saturday avonlug bha roporu mr bmltb an alowly rooovarlug dr kelly and family are packing up aud will remove lu a few dayd to hamilton which la to be tbalr future boaia maoard il laird of hamilton aud john maopbaroon of colllngwood wer guaat al kuok uauo during hi holiday mrjoeapli kalay wbo wa injured at tba raking ql tbb bulldlug at mr luitba a oouple of wk tc la able to be around again mr ii 1 moor uit ibu morning for uiluvlll to attend uie auuuaj inellug of uie hoard of mauagemeul of albert college mm aargmthbwof uloamheljn j aud bar grand daughter mud lulu cook hav uu v tilling vouuvod br u pait weak i llev falbr voauey u ou raueat wltb hie lordahlp tha ulabop aud clergy of tbe dloooad of hatuluoii at ul jaromad calugd urllu uu porur aud mlad lilookwood toronto apent iba holiday with ibalr uepbew luv j k ooddeu u a at bl albaud paraouig mlad magglwcodofwalkftobr bpaut aooupleof weeka lu aeloa wllb her brotho luv jam tlyaoj knd left tor bum with llm laat avaulag mr and mr wright of iwooto aud mia mluuu madouald of uawmauvltu apeul a fw day tbu wk vuillng at lh boma of ibejr ooualu mr alf bopr mta colu walker bl dtikouy who lt bd vloltlug boralaur mr jor laall for oonid lima bad bean vary 111 bul wo abl to drive dowp to aharaa on handay mrd dr mckaagu and ohlldr aud mi david heuderoan have goo tldniby 1ark to apand lb deal twu iinmuid lu thlr ooltaaw lu thai dalighuul ideolt dr mokoagu will lantau bom to look alter tb oocutott of hi patuuta wo riuce on aald ihli week a choice lot on kotllnluni swls and bruoacls net curt sins and tluire u no tld to tell you why we cmgud kucii valuta sufiicutit to uy liat it id unprdculanlod mow ttylldi goodiof this aaon a deign at priced that will phaw tti woman wbo like nice curtains oi courod there are a aeons or more of other grades as wa hafts arvfuitfed oulya few hem youd bencf step lit to our hoosa fumlji- lug dcpirtmnt ibis week and kod tlieui from ifc per pair up to lha hlglioal price quoled liar the uitu lot is irom 34 to 60 inches wide and 3 and 4 yardr long pays to buy at bolurts it pays lo buy at uouerts s67ting the rkqei in clothing dulributlng audi vttu cruwdluff price down t aelllng to heller advinu filial iltcllhlniatnrei llll llicio a no coiniwlllini 0 continually km if over uimn aiioclally oltracllvo w ual where limy aro wnpojt woro buying iacra of llio clolhlng men bicyclu suit mcrr worsted suit mcni white vu-t- men- light coats vet- lallty and 11 boy- and 3piccc suits boys wtshint suits boys cotton blouse- boys knipkcr pants latter how low hh ilorythlng tlio ixssl li aro oafo against mutalca ami aurr of gool money worth the toro that li and foremost in libera dealing for lhno many yearn u nt likely 10 lag behind now price here you first it payo to buy at bol forts e h bollerj co 25 aua 27 wyiuthani st gukblh chink when you come to guelph next time call in and see our new stock of high class china good jewellers keep the finest china sayage co jewellers gtuelpli actoiisjreatest store lllfjf whitewekr shle for one week largo stock to diaiwso of special luduccuioitts to clear ladies skirts regular price 150 special sale 1 ladies skirts regular price 5ioo special at 75c corset covers extra value at 15c corset covers regular price 35c sale price 25c summer- corsets straigh rfront corsets special offering at 50 cents special value in summer hosiery at 15c per pair a aln only i 75 lace curtain bt 3 30 5 3 o 3 35 3 3 35 3 7o 4 4 00 3 15 a 4 50 3 33 6 5 00 3 73 1 11 aa 0 65 d e macdonald bro the lion cuelph a fine showing of new muslms lawns and dimities those who have visited our mushn counter say that our slowingteasily discounts artythingseen outsidethin storo extra values in embroideries and lace new ribbons new stock plain stripes and spots velvet ribbons in all widths suitable lor neckwear in new house iturnisliings cqlttfi calvliwflqa it ou bavouoltd oahador plgd oll at uubut nnbua fd etwo and git a uply of horbmauro tbe on tblug that iuaura rapid vl ktawth luiunur and winter wllb tine uloaey akin and prlacl health autufiioi hiiku than tun and half i ouiltdaall why not illi a giflvolaud uiojtl- ita iba beat- 11 u tiajorr aoluu lace curtains our stock this year is larger ttuui ever and aa wa imhott llia gooda directly ram tlie rot llrltjlii ud can ithow you value that ant hard to beat l mainihicturera in ltuni at 5 75 ivi our dullar curtain no luclum wld aud 3 yird long inl biiuvuhniri and our oilier llnoa are in proporik 5 xu an w hav utfiobodtcurtalu for iba mouoy gurnet co the new store in tho new block hcton beauty and glasses art tialoeii ar s i ll 35 2 5 j 3 73 etc md j yirddloiig uttioboatc to be found anywhere ami our oilier 1 1 nod ar in proportion lmbtry uiid oboullo otlrtuinu eta al- fultrjuiitflollaiicclry amlchcillle ctlful ami fable cum dratwrloa iwl mualluajelc you ahould not buy curtains itafcre liupoillug our slock art muslins in a grit variety ol patterns utid colorings lurloctly f isl colors at he ice 13 15 r carpets x apodal union carpet al ajc kml un aixalunt nuallty at 40c also a lull latui of better imalltu of unions ana wools hum 50c tn by- t a simcui line of tapoalry at 50c hemp carpets uc lc so and j5c japaiiaae maltlnkd cotton wari at 15c oc and ayi j no trouble to show goods henderson 3l co mill street acton women strain thei 4 eyes waste ucrro encrfy and produce kircttuture irwklcjt because they think taiscs detract from thcly f ikrtoaal charm- iroptrly dtted rlaca poiitifcly improvi the locdu of those with defective ec we pat beauty tn rusici as veil at behind thenx a n phiisrale guelph watcamahbb an jewellbk

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