Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1901, p. 2

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mi virn al r mils ci rli ill ini on tlmrwur ilui jul ifh nm n 1- be hn 1 m hbcatj m a i li ounr motion rutr r f fluriey a go uwtunu lo j eat iuul tr ol joeiti fjria a- the glor t homlvr oat orlncr or orangeman nnd otalr friends at anton lt friday a hiuhly uucluupul demon- stoat ion a w in anion wed day srd julf i if aj 1 km of oeorge am uia in acton oi ikindsy mofilin july wlliuia uaaa1s aed jbere ai bc ctoir jvst r5s thuiuiiayjury laid 1001 pditohial notbs ilia fjovsrnor osnsral lias lr elrsd ft oommunl tloa from general had en 1 owoll highly praising- th canadian ooa ttngoutof 8oo afrias o ivdloa tbero arssli vaoartolrsi io tha ifooso of imuniodl rsprs ota uao lbra in qaebsc two in ontario one in user llrudswlak tim k off ton wkitj thinks the uorn lnflit will trohhywtn flvs of thsm la ilia oonilutf by oleol 1 1 ljpaphod crop rnpoitt from various pari of una proino islf of on ids ratio damaga by iloealan fly the acoount throw samo light on ootid ltiot not gsner ally t oelvsd btfo this yesr bt lbs dsm srdoesnappasw bsals fprral and la a number of bw r ports refer lo tba rowing crop as bslntf la vary flos oo million tho by law granting a fraa alto and ampuoqfrom ta raiton for ua years to tba nation 1 portland cora snt do was oarrlod at lurba almost unanimously only throe votes lo tb whols town having bona recorded sai nst it- tb clu n of thai town ovidaduy appreciate tba talus of nuutaotorlssi in tba employment of labor and bringing hu etus to a town canada mineral prod not ro from 110 ill 3 in jftttif lo 4j tmi 7 in lhttf 11m uttaf figure hve bo surpassed by tba ouinplata returns available for ilia year ijoo tba valor of tba s h products increased from t2llh08 to 20 1k3 b i and of nonrmet wo from 73u 046 to 120 001 204 gold now form 43 hh psr osnt of onr tnlnanl prodoouoa and ooal and ool a j par cunt xsrsans finding stray animals about their premiss should bo oarafal to report ssrn a or advertise i bora at ooos a lby oau bit bold llabla for rauation ofsama kumar omtilmnl hop tbftt by koaping an an trial for ft faw day utay will aaa a nalbboi lba ooal of ftdvatluing tb kindnaaa i ftll rlbl and may b apraoiaiad in many oaaas boi it uom noi raliava tbo paraon ao uslainlnk um anloaal from liability tboy abontd be kdtoruaad at once the bl alrlke ul ibe abeat atael knd iron worker in lba unjud butatf ba been daolftrad one of ute lajreat labor organ uallon lnw aoawialan toflbioa of tb rreftteat oacabine the labor represent tire damftnded tbai ftll lb to ill of tb oombjne be paid ftooordin to tb onion aoale lba tnanaex of tb oomblije ftnawer to tbl demand promlaed lo plol aevorml mill on tba 1 11 of tin ion mill which bad daver bean oonaldared union mill xne laborarm in tbalr final reply ay that i bo nnrrwlnn a tbeea railu axe mlreejy well orgaixed what uie onion demands than i thai ftll mill through tba uxborer in ibem b admittedly not qniod men ahajl ba paid lba boale of wage about 100 000 em plojae ho left work at tba call of lba labor organ mat inna rockwood john itanyftn and 11 kalult vulted acton on friday end when kelnrnlng be tween led nj eleven o olock at nlgbt poxleoood a runaway in wblab both were ijulle aerfocaly injared they bad not proceeded tmx from uockwood oa tbvlr homewftrd joarney wbea aomelbinj fright ened tba hpinud teem wblob la owned by mr jlouyan and tbay anooeeded in kulnjf ttway uou mr bony an land mr kaluu ware tbxowu root tb ouruga tb former waa badly not aboot the bead and wa carried to a farm bona wbera tb woand were dm arl bod where be all 1 1 remain mr kellett we picked up and brought to llookwood where hi in oris wore a taodoj to in ftddlllon lo bevaral out and brnlae bla nollar bona broka mr and mr uugb tilaok wut to aolon on tqeeuy to attend twf ultf u uu win uajuu the ohs buhprishd gtnyne brother amtl other- cantered by th brltlh taixini joly is tb war otllo lia received lb following diapalob from 1jj kitobeuer dated kt iretorl 1 llroadwood 4 brigade aurprlaej 1u1u ceptarliik bteyn a brptber nnd otbarrf huyil binieoh oapej it hi bbltuleeva with una nuuionly the edoalled orange hiver qowrubint kud ppr nepturpd lord kilobauer hjao report that bcbeeir a oomtnando a ftnuouuoed in 1reaa deapatnhe early laat wesk horned tba ubllo building in murryeburg7 ci colony and eom fermhotuo iii wi viclultyi ooonling- id further advloe frotn lord rtlndieuer oolumna under col ylber aton and col lliou lav reahed jieo rut weaurd truaj they luet with oppoaitlon ftntl inadaeooia oaptuib the urluah cnajuewere on oilloer killed ftuil throe ouhmt a4jj j meu woundej caiitual llroidwodj key deptch to tba ftdutf jvopj frool uloenxfonulu uriirled lull a dua l of uudlay lit dawulaal tbureday lllb h- took ii pri winer inclodlu gn klooaanj oau wmmi ouutbiandaiit uwej kuut curuat liei uuyu treeeal buyu brolher ahoma llrelu ewuaury of tha ooweru tnenl and i ueveluara eeoraiftry to th- vnll tluyh 1i wfl wlnl ct or boot4 can lh w u u1utj to a been meent joo reward iluu tb tulf of tbl iwtwt telll im iilbhd ui uatu thai there u at lut mm dimuuj itmt mubm lu hmit abu to ouie lu all lu kuw and uial u eeiuxb hall celerrn cuie 1 the on if lwjue dure imtw kwwu lo u umj itel rreumlti oeurtb being ft 6attau1alioliaj lmmf required e eueauluueoej utmiit llelrcejerib jure t takau ittteroeuy aauud il ak hew ejd i a uhiiuio uienby oeatroiibg um t twin j at loo w tlia dueaa and ktvlug lba petieul otreaahh by bulmlag up the eeaaulnuou and aealaiiug naxlue lu doing u work tbe iraprtau here bo nnati faith lu 1u aureuv newer ln they ojrr ouelluudred uellai for aar case uit u tall ia eur hand for ut vt teatlmouleu ad4re y j ji1ni100 toledo o bufcl by ftll diagglau uau jcefuul lula era the beat 1 verytfody admitted it wa a xluri twelfth tlte weather wa- gfcwiutta it e wftlkliig waa p lor loo end ac loo w hitaei ooo of tl o beai paradra in it i utory the iroceasion waa half ft mil ton it wee n long line of oolur pert if ing orange io flfo ai d drntni and band music it a neat and a uracil we from atari to uoiab tbe o ratine man of the oooolte of halloa nd 1 eel never prceen ed e belter or more oredltsbta appearance tbsn they did on parade on this occasion karly in the morning individual orangn- n oonimancad to arrive than individ usl lodges woo id drive la eecocopentod with fir and dram bnt the urge balk of lb nun of tbe orange rod illua and their friends arrived by trejn from tha east ai 10 ft m anton qpcoct usnd and acton lodge l o l escorted ell the vlsltora from tbe atatlon and it was a busy fore noon for tbm a boat dozen lodge ftooompenled by eevsa or eight bands and bumerou vislior from tbe east arrived t ten o clock and at ehrvsn o clock irlnoe arthur loda of ouelpb bora be ring fifty n amber of indtv i nhrn irrlrml f ooelpb ooaaeruently wsnt in ilrruapton tliair pleipl soelleitt i i foilaine of praise were lieard on kll aijiw ttt other otil erm i aud worl by tho follovrii g allilelra 100 yard aoasmnr il v woli tosh u lojlfr t klr joo v i amateur fo i rca y unln loalt u foeter y i oate jmilrr nil amateur fxt rc m rosier i ltyrier 1 uuny halrtn laptoroaaiuaeirtolracej hit o latlerwin o murray throwm tblllt holme thiowlilf larioetehell 1 j uy lc krom early morulftg onlil lata id uie veolng there was not a moment wbea inspiring sir from flfssnd drum or from bras band was not to be beard it was a great day and everybody cams to enjoy themselves aciux uoarrtautt aotooa manifest hospitality and the iplsndid arrangement made by the local lodge were ranch appreciated councillor jeans manager of committee sec agoew and the eom mittee aseoated with them a srtdtbmeeaai in every way lo mplish estt factory results and they anooeeded admirably bsspeounsj tba bos- pi lal i tyoorded the tratpion corfrcotof wboee editor mr b cbarisra was one of tbe parading orangenen say tba people of aolon acquitlad lhemaelve moel ereditably by tb manner in which lby duobarced the duty of enlertatnlug the brethren from i lal ion and lb neighboring oouoty of ieel they are receiving hearty commendation ou all side for the arrange ments made for ibe visitors comfort and pjsaaor and ibe manner la which they were carried ool the brethren of xeal will long remember with pleaaora their visit to ilalloa on the ft rat celebration tuuu and t a b y of the worthy citlssos of this enterprising town lis rjti itraocuok the pruoeeaioa whioh was formed at boon contained a bras 4 band half ft c n flfaanddrurd band and 660 or 700 m ember j of lb orange order as announced by tbe com r sites tb prooesslon moved off prtu ptly at on o clock in lba following ordsr hand lullbluuj cluwvoeu w carriage ooutojos tlobatt utlu k c tarlot oldest orangeman c rruge with bfe rrsof th day lira pton klaha tea laud litpa li o ho u lucuwccd o uhoye u as- iwobi iund clltsolas- o rmolj hmttluo lko iritm and lil hombyli o x ke 1t churehvlukj o ii htl nuw inlaw- lumlum ouneluuh- u o iiucsu lira ptonlo ihou i jlegiment bend qeorgoown lu o ij kaai3 julpbuo iinotl uesdowvale jlraj lut wrtauu0 l knw ullis0 no lid bra ntou d ii no 4 vus and dru j uuucoilui0 iinosll oabhalls cro o ii udau ton it o c llbllvllu vu a i dru 1u1 camibsllllui o lno 114 acton oosoet hand lon o lwn4f arrived at tha park lbs march past was molt alliraauva and called forth general admiration from lb lumens throng which bad gathered in lha bopsllto for lbs alive cup to be awarded lba lodga showing- tba best marlu4 htreelavlll lolgo with a very elrory walldruud rap raesntslion and led bymeadowvala ban d woo wberj it u known that col allen onr seise mee old veteran was tbe iodge tbsr can be no doubt km to lb merit of lbs winner a a lodges all mu chad well but btrasl lllle marohsd with a uitary pre cision which was highly breditabu urskcuas cur tut iuy at ibui juncture counoill george uyod look the chair aud cordially wei ooibed tha vullor in tha following words mjliojits agq had ib4 plessnr and honor of taodsrloif on hah if of tha ollusn and lba local oreug lody he ty wlims to tha b turi of your ordsr who gatbsred then lo belebrata lb glorion twvlllb in our lowu with abd drum aneach and wng yon hpsht a right royal lima bar on that ooo aloo and you 11 1 with our beai wish and tha bop that you would return tgaln you at now with u again and i he been saked to repeat oor welooni this id hardly ua ry i think oq a rl js wsloom on every hand tb tlk lhat floais over our town ball lbs large con ooars of oiussn galhered b a this after boon lb representatlva road of our town present on t hi platform vole lb eeutl menls of tha oo muuity in a manner batter than 1 can do bu apeak with ua uu rtilu aouud of lba bal line and aluoerlly of our welou w trust ihsl all tba pro edlug may b of tla in tti i pleaesut ubsraoter and that wb you leavw uf ibbi sveultuj ym will uarry with yon lb oat pleas ht ries of lb is day spent lu our tnldsh uriel epeschea sbpiuplbi u lo th on d dob wsra then dallvsrvd lu tb following order luv ii a macphsreoit ui u 1 moor jopb llurlod cueeuvilu d usndereon m 1 w h morpby urampton luv j m uagar m a j u uarlr m v 1 w it wright co h crawford llramplon j 4 malta by butsvllla and u ulalu m v mr ileodsrsab tead a tslegratu from oil r ru axpreeug hur egret ai being uoehle u ftsseni iru lu uu all luteresling faalnr of lb tit proceeding was tbseerlssof athuuc ga and eports- the uoroai maioh betwu the btra oonaa of uoelpb and th younrf credits of tha ouu wss wun by lbs letter with aavoit gus i to three there wss vllully too tu lulit allsoai in tb bun roos fturjyatiqua throagbout lb park for anything lis good play th game m uf tm tb saad mlgbl b ssld pf lb baaehsll matob batarsen mil loo and acton miltoa woo with a boots of nine lo five it wu certainly not a swift game in the band ou petit limn ft msohani band was so manifestly superior tbst poo of lb olbsr bs da prss at sntf t tb oo tba trophy tbe iileoclid iroceeelou wae lad by worthy master crawford roouulsj upon a white d rger then followed ono of lis oldeal orangemen in the lomlolon itourt mills it l ute carrlsge cf trustee j ii mattllnws mr mill wboee iolrau we present bsrawitb la a native uf couqiy lowti ireund an 1 was born lu l ember 1704 belngnow in hla ninety ni all yr he was mad an orange len at llelfsal when a yoaog man of eighteen and ha const qoetiuy been a in tuber tieally eighty one years mr mlin oatit to ceda tlty ail year s4o reiel for some tiro in qtu beo and ws marrld tbata tit ttw 4ih joy lhft4 1 jleee at daughur of guitlm tlute offtocr ann of utat city many yi ago he selllcd iuosrafra very acllve llfs as a farmer mr mille csma lo acton about qfteenyears ago four of his ds ogblsrs being roeidaol her r mills appreciated very much tl o attentions paid him and the 1 otolneooe lie given by ih mmr of lbs i o l during tbsdemonalratioa and dm i res lbs rsr i ax to sipree hi sincerest thauka to all conoerned t is estimated u at there weiu uer 4000 people in tb park during tb afternoon the qoclph mtrcu ty lba ouslph brethren were highly pleaead with their outing slog in a flolelied- manner tito dqtls by meet r iilbrrt ai d iorunil wsrra 1 1 s jfffas io lie seuin2 tirir viimi blend beautifully aifj tba tarla were brought out e ndidly tl e ol 1 favi rile the old llrlgads was poelnly i fie j i l pprhstrd of tnslr uqmbets the mew u tlilii wll reeled lu actou til- iilueui of lltrll paifosniai on u ti hot log mr harry lleimrhj uai ficall f eaa a full maltrr aie well ki own ha al lbs sudience roaring with ha h i m biotips an i now tveryoi a war is 10 snow l wl y hut ih men 1 llay t 11 i t gramma wa oerlaii ly enj rd by til im rveei t andvjl a col cert wae a eooor muklclly oeohu utown ltv l eci j lent i irln ii a adi frlaudaln flidlni a cordial circuit here dy hau so far rr lo wslk down to hie many friends ly are leaewl to 1 1 f 11 a lord iey 1 with wae terk at unwil handsome morri ohxir fr n lit that viu llev auatlu letter i welooma throughout tl mr 00ko ii icnt oovered as lu 1 all rhuroh laal liundey and the cttlsei a ri ei mhio out again the i ol b alliance baa l jo in wing nftidrr 11 ua fciidcul john it barber mil lrrideot l l licurtut vloe- 1resldeul 11 vi coulu ttiywarrm losrerjluodsy was oh rvsd laal mab halb in the llaptut church n twllh alaoding th torrid wcelher the allcudauce large and llav mr moalpiue a aerm on qod cardan was very ulsraalinij ceoegslosin was wu rctjfccalcd aclop oil th twelfth with oraliiem clilacns at d band ihey report a vary ej jyalls day a childs suffering uolikut uiuji acton horn in county ioea ireland it im tus uhuet ofai s j an lu ins 1 r loo i viula y therd wait a i it tit fraci at lba ge after tits pro esiou bad moved in owmd lo tl onpreoedod crowd but after a faevj minute and soma wsni words owin to munoderelaj ndlugi lbs tutngl was itialghl uued ool th refresh meut booths did a ry pro labia bnaina in ioa cream and cold beverage the wsr about half a hcora of lham tha arc n i and decoration through town wsra very attraotiva 1 iters word archi i agncwa iloul tmo on mill hlreet ties r lbs losl omoa but lbs beet conatructed and skillfully decoraud on in town was lbs oua arec led by mr j j holland op posila tha com mere 1 hotel aud mr hallaud ia not a toe bar of tha order either tb bote handled tba itnmeu crowds during the day with so easetlharwas com mend ibla all were well served never did a hl crowd leav town so quietly and orderly thar or no dls tbrbauo of any kiud and by jhl o clock lb town was as quul as any ordinary evening cam pbelluiiu lodgs wih iu aplsndid ufa and drum hand wag prono uuoed lb beat looking- lu tha par ads 0 it orr of lbs ovlll jvrur avd aud b char lsrs of tho brampton cwiriwlr who hops- lo ha nine led bisber cf tba leglalalura for peal wars stu outf lbs din lidguished guotts preunu col allan who is lu hi u7lb year was la tb parad ha waa jultialsd luta lb ordr at belfast a 103 robert quluu of bmlgrova counted friday a par adahuj l hc iicutlvorini wslk tit rqftltjw tih kvkyih j aft lha ahuudanca of 0r iij biualo inll morning and afunuwii and thsiluioet laudu uluui which ruigued tuiueina in to wa iu tba in alter of tlfa aud drum and brass lualrutusnla durlum lha day tba coo it oil lbs even iiiu uf tha utli was partumtarly delightful f ruogramma furulshad wassxcellant ilia isjeut iup lor aud tha concert was thoroubly sit joyed by till who attend od lha illeiidaiim was not extremely urge tha lowu hall belug hardly filled and ilia lobs rgrelud thai mora of anton a h l iwopld did not add their patron aga aa tba programma berlalu ly biarlled tba alleudau of sveryoue xhs artuts with lbs siosptu of mr u nslt warn airauger to aclou lut dsllghud tb auiluu ud will bs walaotn bd her agsiii lha urugrsbitiie w given by u las worliid lew toprauo voronta mia mahal lall plalilet audaooouipsulat toroalo meews j gilbert lenor b dor ud jdlotitt aud hairy ilsoua 11 ouwld voosllit aud mouologut all loroulo aud our owu little misec masou lb rust nnd tuo duets ml isw a full aoprsuo voice uf good quality aud tabga liar perfect siiuuiiiatlad wan dsligbl to hr bsarars uhs ban a pleasing apueaiauca aud a la kliij biaunar whlali ull won lbs audlauca hsr uuui re wra cowu a ih bwallows aud a uw astllug of ulr arllur hulllvet a o hueh th my bfcba wliiob with a pretty little iruli lullaby added bs a ru friu waa pejliculajly lod her moo fos and tb rulo iu th qushetla ma honey itlhbewnwell i is ji- d mua maul lalt played two ilsui solo and i 1m cooiupaulmuta fcr th aiugera umt lo viera well played aud showed kxoslleut tech ui jus aud ep alon as ku tcobuipaiilet hs la certainly in t alajactwy aud thoroughly uudr aland tb art her voi which la a deep otitrmjlo wej baa lu tha iuaiu ilr v j juberlha a putu unur vuuieof good qaality and with a vulutn rstbor uuouuiuiua id a tn ir lli solo nuuthcia godfreys bvpulsr a tliuik u lbs lug sod jueeu lllel llll 1 lubull auug in a auerl jr ktu and willi goudrfeot ur v 11 it rlidig the nirel kfoci si i war la a tlouuti fulje- 1 i t lb- iuium ohiu mm masse a deep be ill ua vuto well lialu d but of a islher uilaty quality ii hum mothhk ibahbd bhb would mot uleoalrj he health ho wet flret attaokod with uheumntlsin and than with lt vltuadonooolid wnn una to help uarsoir ami hud to bo cnrod lor almost llka un infant absolute security ccnuino carters little liver pills must boar signature of am l b w ii 1 wv roraunidi roi dizains ro tiuoumxts foitorriduva rot comtiratioi rsi uiuw sua ri ibecosruuab t u jj u n u i na si inm w he i crennan co ncoctioce cure blcf headachet dallinafad ih annual ardeo party of knox church will be held on krltlay evening thlnetalths rcaldsooe of mr lonald molea 6nl itxtti line addreaeea are tipecud from llov lowlle dyke ail 1 uaci hereon an 1 i heiderson m x an 1 ii ullm m l mr lelsryemen mu 1 lis ytmen and ml a 1 ily momtirchy will render recti tlon mr kirkwood lee aud oil lore are qxpecled to alng an 1 instrumental tnuelo will be provided by mr j bhortlll mu thorn peon and 1 rlu hraa bali i ta will be aerved from c to h p m monji tho uch reepelr i rnldciilh of oragbilla is mr maralnll who live in a pretty illi co tlago oil vuit btre yor some year lur twelve yrarotd dsughlrr mamis h b u ft auffarsr frobi rheumallam corn biurd with that olhor ibla kfuiction bt vltua dauco couversatioi recently with a rejoilr of sn mre marahall toll the followiug alo ryof her daog ur s goffering and ub ariinanl restoration to health r the age of right ya mrs marehall mamie wan okad wltl rheumslum from wl icli khssuffared very muoli an although ahs was treated by a clever doctor her health did hot iraprovr lo make liar condition worse she wh attacked with bt vltui ilanoo and i reallj gavs up booe of nit seeing iter enjoy good health again htr arm and limbs would twllch aud jerk apse inottioilly aud aba oould scarcely hold a dull in i or hand and had to b looked after elm 1 ilka ati mbt while uiniia wan in thle condition a nelghbar who had u ddr william bitik 1illa with una ficlal ttm ulta lu her own family advlecd tua lo try them in mamies e x l d my self ofts hoa th till highly spokeu of but it bad not occurred to tua helots that they might cur a my utlu ilrl but now i decided to give thrrn t br defer alia had comi loled th seccud box i could boa a marked uhangslor the bettor and by lbs lima aba had taku flvd boxta all tries of both tha rhaumalitm aud bt vitus daucd had vauub aud aha is now a bright acllva and hts hhy aa any child ot lief a boma lime bcuuif alii aha dlaooulluucd lit uaauf lha i itli hut not thoblighleat trace ol tha trouble has bluoa mad itself wauifesl i think lhsrcfara that i iu sals hi aaylng that i bellava dr wui sjlhi till uatnuiyjr lorod- child to has lib but bsva worked a perm ausnt curs lib ouinathi dl vllui dab and all kindred disease of ui blood aud nervoi b vld lo or willuui llnk 1 ills aud tha cures thua effoe led are parmiul becausa lb i uikliaiu nuk rich red hlooj blreiiglheui tha uarves aud lhui r oho tha root of lha lroubla luesa pilli ara sold by all dea lera lu modiolus or will be seut oe t paid al w csuia a box or six hoi for 2 co by addrealiig tba dr willimi medicine co brookvllte ont lee shun chin6se lkundry in mrs hecord s blocl aclon i utidry collected und returned 1 amlly woaliliij at r inaldn ralei all work done by hand no machines of chemical li e shun proprielo suppose mercury up prices down no yrulini cooler wc ithcr licrc but pricing the good ou want rfht now for ic than uuat hciboii did figures mens white duck irouer for 75c aijd 50c pair mcii ummer co it- 1 25 ouality for 75c each men f incy vest regular 1 75 e tch for qqc men khnrlu drill o f c pair fltiv bbfrtififinrntg tioptity fof snlc ihi vlluc ioierly mtnu softbo om outing shirts ant color for qc t irli you wuli to inaio an appoint mrtit for thn evcnlnjf wllll a friend or client uiicvp iwlly vou arc called upon to tut fcr tain rutils and liavn iiuineroua erratij to run in a hurry you aro ollljel 13 un away fro 11 hot in and leilre lo ot new at any point tho moil convenient and tatitjactory meant by which you may adjust conditions hi telephone men ot lh a tlleritoh- tho bolltolophono co of cavada ys its hot lint wo imo lota of 1ci cri am and icl cold dkimkb lo coo you off lily to n 111 ueul luullad sum wvel whsly a twrdey ah luuly etue and all peuew hliejsbt ihmis cds dnulls sultry uo 4tiu u on sajary i ij oh hatuids y tfi 1 uallu uouhu s4 uaiksawu ur cuiaiuo our drinks consist of lea cream soda in the foliowing llavoro stfm wherry lemon jiasphsiry vsui ua ctiooalmt viaoapjile jua tin orient oraxjcsmda alto itotllcd drink induing- of wild cherry itasplwrry cream iinon sour birch b r ginger ale cream boda lemon ada and ice cold milk j mawhews ice grfiam hawn mill stroot taelsier bakery fiig tha summer weather u mw heio in ta eit in addition lo our dally aupply of bread buna cake fete we are now prejar ad 10 supply the public with pure ice gream summer beveiafies and wa are mallnu a specialty of ice cream soda and uxl drink 1 gcuerally we liavo in a first clasa soda fouuuln aud keep it put supplied wllulce col 1 tod bud the pure fruit 11 a voru a larj r tlock of rocerlna iluu ever lie tare snd the put lie know our price arc rljhl wtiillihg cvki u specialty t btathams0n main st acton still th e people come stay a y they will 3stot itb the price wc arc ellinpiulil hepburn bankrupt stock l tint did it i liouoinds of piirj yet to xll ainfiic cqiltltytowr si 1 ouit boys lacrosso shdes at s0ct missos button an d lace shobs at 69c mens laco shoos aooo teilili the shoe man cuelph hburii stotk 570077 50c ind 73c qu ilitil stiaw ilatb for 15c and 25c each silk glovli 50c juahtic in leading colors for 25c pr wlutf mu im blurt waibt reduced to 57c each tcdfc summer corset uioicc quality lor 47c a few omall iutj iarae quality at 2gc each got dln rod american lawn in dainty btnpes sc yd 7 pieces fancy colored summer drcsu good 50c and 75c qualitie on sale saturday at iqc yd liadils tmutmu hats 10 of them to go on sale saturday for half price get here early for them missesitnmmed flop leghorns 3 to go at 50c cach- 13 ladies fancy straw shapeii untnmrrted 1 00 and si 23 qualities to clear siturday at 25c each choice stock of groceries at right prices coniloilable ihwllniu huh ual i rimik i lciii v r bai tf tu i i r riran1 j uet4le ulrl ihii tl aell lie 1 ou ja lut on i aimm tl a i oum te k vary fortel u ud rul ili 1 miuj mm with lianl sad ah water cooileidf in eioallanl inrsllot ami in cuxl r j til m ttt a tauoa ii attl i a la k usl uii anllralkta la uumyllr i or salk kousll and lqtu in acton rm unjtlcdj ris fuf ui 1 iwotmity x bajoosins lo 1 ul tjulti a t luiuui naronuad h i irtaiaa uwslllns aii lei oa ifima humt laadsanlan rraitlieas sod larxs etal la sleo iwuauabulialus lata nil laklt wall fa net i attil a liuinltar uf trull uaas tua above tuopadlaa will ua bold si a ufilooa on teruia to bull u a 1 amlimr fur tsina ai ijf u m ijullui ar hj itarcen kt new we k j or to r u jiesaiiii actou tua ciwal 1 i ci ri asuaut lirstxios the be crennan co becords block 1 jiis stateli hep airing wc have secured the services of mr s l wheatlcy of winnipeg as watch repairer and optician and can say from our knowledge of him that he is firstclass in both departments lcive your repairing with us and you will be sqrc to have it well done savage co jeweuersguelpli mhitewehr shle for one ee lavgo stock to dispose of special imlucoracuts to clear ladies skirts regular price si 50 special sale ji laics skirts rcgulir price 1 oo special at 75c corset covers etra value at 15c corset covers regular price 35c sale puce 25c summer corsets straightfront iil corsets special offering at 50 cents specnl value 111 summer hosiery at 15c per pair a fine liowing of new muslins lawna and dimitici lhoc who hive visited our muslin counter jay that our 1owing jei di counts anything seen outside this store lxtra values in embroideries and laces new ribbons new stock suitable lor neckwear m plain stripes and spots velvet ribbons in all widths g tjrne y do the new store in the new block hcton top gallant 1 wix v 1 el um meson laal ht 1 k own bibi le m 1sa lloe i 1 ij tkuvih to iua urs b lrbu trvuuy lot hd rnum t wrel la ut july 1uu1 1 s llapoaliis- nf tl air i eras baiore feslliiif u will tnar-or- k n- mi qfi rtu itedlcres aiul ilaecil lluil sea eside irltj aille lnprlelor dwklllngr and lvs foh balk be lowstsl u i ot tho 1a ivueallaml far baih tit woiiar u tlia t wl of tlw uuelnaaa mc lad welllntf is a eomrortalila eatwtl d14ul trutllubd ol aetna u ootoad iwoelary roust jul there ainbaa- ol fruit ira do ii s inmltaj 1ejtl 4 iriiutlo tu will reoeirefullt usuure by eddrulri uiu 1 u1loni y afarhdals 1 0 jslyttfe iyii timii exti2nded tenpers wanted psiihuel tall ls lalvl uti in tua ay x july loro or tlia eraftlou oi closets and beas pool tot aotoo ful its keliool iiweat bt auy toodar i ot ua rily aecai uj itaueanj lcifl uoti 11 be wi st i lie idol ni uis user star y ihmtvukidhrjl ciruiu of bulljlutf eo iclou july j lttr jtjenjde lanux- roil uuild rrastikmi will bs realv uf to yu uy x bnl july i r uts 1 nidi uf tits buildlss si let t lubllo itrt 1 umd as rl 11 and toloaa h la 411 butllof iu ittulmt and is lu toad relr would be vaiualis to any larnur or olbat iaimi wtui turtovae esse unas lalldhs- of uu1 alts 1 uay bs ea at any tints tertdars to bs left wlili ii l uoouk lucrwury itoanl of 1ra notice to creditor in t sj uatto r ofw j los of aolon in ihs county of ll ton xry ooods jafw utnl takln1 tlialll at vv j vbcrtoe lu 1 au baalsminlalkt to i ml for ills baoaflt uf bie fcrwdlt trauallocbati ut it h o 1 t a bu ili ila olewllh njahatleourtoluilr u oa4uly jirovej by atlulavir on or before tb a ut dsyof auubt tool at uks dollos tl et i will altar lbs ij diof ausuat 1u01 iwoceej to dlatriba tb bsbo of weald baialo i avius j only to lbs clali 1 uf wbtotl i auaii umii bavs nouea w d btuicfcj d aaahtu 34 wslllustouhlwat toxoala cultuv oustullljifyuk tklualili sstwse i toronto iu jlelloia dsud thu lllb iuy ut july x 1 1x1 tr m0mga0e sale op llousl and lot in the vil lage of ac kill it and by virtus of u s turner ct aals outalbail lu s cartalu tudai turs of ulotl- iupattulcwlllbsliroducid st lbs uni of u s aaia ulars it le urfaied fut ja by tiulillo a uou at lbs b ur of jttiwa llntal lu the vlllsss of anton on vrl y tl a ji y july jjol at utsuour of onsoelucklu ibsaitsruooa lba loluiielntf ikoparty 1 eltlaly vuiaas lut uurlbat muau bud latt of lot liuul bar aute ui uto utli bids uf iuuaoui ktrwst in aaid viiiaa as iali doeiu in uau of tmutof ae t half of iai 1 utiibar twetity u 111 uw aaoonil colltraaluu of uls irtwuai 11 of k luaalnrf uiaiis i y jai as warrsu 1 it ii anj uuly ntadlu tltsuaclatry otltu outltallaidsoos attrw of unj tuorw or ues upou lbs oranilees is srtaj a frsitts boitss ousaltd uus liajf arus blsb souululns he komiie uiars u al a bsni about soisj with out bulldloi on lbs wauilaas is a buul urebstxl liajd and aott u tt le lwoterty is alluatad convaulant to luar luiores tauuary tbiuu of la fan tat sest oil lbs day bl i two waass or oatt koay lr u txl martha i for turtber bartlcul aetou or to wu jlkcuktiuur abeltouasr isnly toll j uomlbu t p suituuumiifllvth utst ti itc new l it i ili j uailtwuua oll lju lill early and aval yourself of ins v ihiablc cervices- as this u a r ire ipportutuiy to im o yoir eyes projicr ly tctcd free of char c no uews worl but a ciientilic c rtiinty ijilli cult ca es accuratclyititud al l wuiik hau nt1 i swl ill bl nrlutt u wii l ill al ardfnows hotol acton o ohlv thursday august 1st ajiusinss woman will it lbs u portuu ily ol liavliik her 1 un niiilu over or rio icll ilur ing tlia sui liner mo nlu ut u r imhld coal by a practical finlcr you will mu llmu mnltnonrjy and when itw uul lnr fir fuiu ariivcj you wihuilll d i i all w that yud luvu tho llint jlyl aiiiiil 1 lhet1 i y in i i l n e lafontwhe whulclc curlph ustii ii rmrvato

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