Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch agoneral bankingbusmoaa transaotod correspondo nco solicited savnikh- depai t incut interest nlhwcl on um of onl 1kj lait and npwar la tit m uy f dc til i day ol withdrawal nn fumiialuitts and delays in drawing money farmera hiihihosh solicited notes of resjtonall in irhicrv discounted and money loaned lor enittmalo dusineas puriq9cs our collection dopartinoiii has awry facility or making roil i return sale notes h addled an i mutiny advanced on account of same al low rales of interest travellers are natlfcd that mm hank f hamilton nn 1 us llranehea lesiin circular nolwof tie rovincll hank t inrland llmuod which can lo canhe i wltl ni cbargair troubu in any pari of tl world the news at home i heauoilicl 1umiiton inmlhaulfljl capital paid up 1703113 reserve lund 1231119 total assets i 827357 jauk4 tuhhi uf1 outlllef bjorsayetii agunt ooorgelowp branch the daintiest thing is ingitain wall i ai lit thlm yay thau jver ample own by j d moktcx tha irtdemt salvation la cud chas l nelles cuelph bc 2btoit jfree jss incksday jliliy llli 1001 little localbrieflets which cnuhht th ey or ear- or fre prwaa raporttri thlsi woek loaodayd shower wera very refresh log another week of torrid weatl ot has plssed cool ebody planes for holiday outing are no belog sought ifteeii and twenty mlnulo sornious war the order lost huuiuy luv fcalbar voeny u arrauglug for a grand garden patty 1 ba belli ou aedjy 80tb inst be till mi lrrfjily and bnmldlty wo ara long oa alauldlty and short on placidity qolto a uonber of oltlcans conutu pulo visiting tlia lsu american lapolluoi daring lba next few woekd georgo btavel liu built a new work room at tba rear of hi shop ou mill street and will ebortly pot in a a ahoa block mr 1l holtued drover ultlipwl a car of hqgs yesterday tbe oar at lba spundid prioe paid 67 10 was worth about aa muob u oar of horsed tba fwu iea received last week a dainty sample of lluasiau mull berries rip and laaoloua from miss gertrude bwaok bamaror wlndemara 1laoa mr j fyfd baa opened temporarily a wbouoale waratiouae la tbe llolalaa tor it and is hipping large ortlera of blanket boalary and woollen lo tba north woal tba boya bava obtained pormlcalou mm mlj andnrwobeyne to bath at ft olniifft polnk on tba week alda of hu farm and aoora are uklnrfajvaulake dally of hi generoua action tbe atb autiul coiuinuulnatlau o tba grand lodge of audeut t n and acoaplwl uuou of calioda 1 in oooiou 111 ilalrill inn hatrliur moklunou v m i- at undlng from walkr lodjfl aolou mr it 1 ooutu head inaateraaorttd town ui bcbool wrlloa ldltor iukl fkem tbe tnarba of mlee ltbel cold man aolou wblob wertf ulvclt you aa itoi abould have beeu h1u wu1 you kindly nak tba ourmotlout r kuoa ohuiob bunday bobowl will holj thir aunual plo old to idylwylj talk uear ilaaimler ulllujay lba flp will la by iralu to iiapw and then by eleolrlo oara to thd ark tiiugu fara far- adulttf and dilljraii boa iwau arranged tiualpb altd luauucb will pull over lhd tag of war over which there mil a ulaputa on loinlnloii day at the bona of tiootluid ramao ihe oouluit uksa plirw till aveu lag at alt o clock i tba boat two in thra pal la and for 00 a ulje in thu park uulplj wxjrrtu a younu mn for farm work yearly aakaganlaiit at ooj wagari if null able apply irumftduuly to n 1 moord lakaalda iar it aotoii i tlalro that all my frlouila fcud former ouatomera ahoutj know that 1 bav ratarnad to aotou and will be prapatod lu mad boote aitd aboaa attd repairing lu tlia baal mauur om broraix mill hu 1 1 but i lb aye peaalut wilt u lu aoton rbuieday auuuit ll one day ouly roajna at aguaw u uolel if you have any defeat lu your eyaalgbt it will pay you to pall and oee falm f trad call arly or you may mala aphiotmonu at a t drowo a lrug bturd tboaa who ooutamt lata urohaalug mouinoiitol or work of auy laarlptlon fur lufltr oentotery jloia should or lor ijlreot from the old rollaht rani to and iumud daalor j h llxnlllou utapb oot all spaoem allowed in puravaaars all work ajid material- wartaulmli ooiupetlliou montly ot a loonl character and ovorv itom intttrastlna 1v titty of a i tto suviag ut la j otfo iooday aluirnoon of laal wok juhnny abrara son of ilr lmo abram churoh alreot waa laying at the mill dam an i in throwing a lok to a dog waa ovr hilanoed and fell into iho ion 1 ho waa hi doi walor unable to swim aud waa in lander of drownlug and bod aotnalty loiio dawn tbe aecon 1 lima whan maator 11 bin ailw hib ulna ynr old son of ur juliu a ow l i to he walar and aooomtllabed hie r 00 of itobln la a good swimmer but it takea conalderable oourafa and proaonce of mind fpr a nine year old lad to undcrukiraodadkarouaa uak lot lila ooinmeudltilo deed a llfo aavluk medal boul 1 ba aeourad lmoirlj io lit tiolly i wbl ihorsday ovonlorf tha julimate filondaof ur and mrs i kail to tha number of twenty ave a dae ml led on tbe uwu at thoir isli reaidaooe 1redarlok hueat u apeud a social hour with ibom irlor to their removal to hamilton u freahmonta worn sorvrd sjjd kin 1 worda of fatowull wnro utoken by l lleeva nlcklln mr w 1 llmyth uov of m lfa m a nlr john a mc6rallandotborw itev pathor leonay iroaldod with bit ueaal ltri i 1 dimilty vt an mrs kelly i family left 011 irlday for flamluon the dr intenda uking special oonraea at chicago or now york aod poielbly in 0 or many hoy jumt ipniikjr rily xhauelh htrau aays q c clark aotou visited the city ou wednooday and whlld utaklcy aomapeuabaaea in mr 1 audertoua sora corner wyndham and maoflounoll btreeta aboat half poaltwo la tba afternoon hll little son wandered away about dva oclock he waa oean on tlta 1 lora hoaj hoar oowdy grraery bot to uelioua asked him gave no informa tion to enable the emjulrers to dleoovat who b waa or wboro be oama from va ally the llllltffellow wah taken in charg by uisa iraoey who took blm to bar horns gave hlmlils tea and tlmt uouflsd tbo pot i co through whonflheanxiqaa father was informed of tba wheraaboau of his child maaliwhlle the main part of the city had beau diligently score bad j lor user aotaa hoy jppraclutej mr 111 chard n rimrtsll who boa for a number of years conducted a auooeoaful drug and hook buslneas at tceawater re moved a few weeks ago to lugeraoll whera 1 a will have a largar usld for baalneaa toecllng his removal the 1rtthijuruta ttview aaya in the remgtoiotmri thurtsll druggist to loganou knox church lets w tor baa lost a voloablo lnlir at ihd tlma of his departure and for tnmiy years previous he ocoupled tbe iwltlon of babbalh bcbool buncrlutend ant hiembcr of beaalou oecratarv of the 00 negation and member of the hoard of manager in all lbtoe positions ho bad lh esteem of tha entire oongragatloa lie for a his departure his fellow workers lu tha bibbath bcbool presented him with an a l rsclatlva adtlreas aooorapanted by a haudooma hall rack aud chair ilia bab bath bcbool claai also showed their aaueul for him by au ad j res aud lokou of remeni bora u os in the form of a yood chain the litkk xuxari wlsbs this as teemed son of aotou every buooaee lu bis ttow sphsrs thd ilxuld m lteoitleumm tha following at pard in lut isos of coorgetowu jftraul hsaklna of lbs anion vlrs ttilaada s rdtt lty uie vr- lieas says qmqimtowa vu lldiiadd default for til tug oi war tocul abd lll to tut in au biiarauea nolwlth staudiug dial uiay had krj to oouis this drill luauoy laaacutrast to tl s allan tuhtuls whleli wo ill tn aoonilowu lut ya lu ful uoufltl al its taqueet of u a brtjil thers huruly uiy warv not alieid to ooaituls with our hay in rtly to uu uufrlaudly ium it 1 lay b ktalinl tt al uis qacratowu vlrs hrla usvar avail lvj a uoucs that uis feotden was 10 b hsld niuoli isas to aatlst lu u e lro- trooilttev ba uuiiwraluin loot wfiiikul 111 l have mad our coulamiciairy tkl lor rackluaa stkumtnla tba ijtrkld j chemourlho here is substantial proof in this inaunoo chief oamble of tba aotou lira brigade want to oeorgatowu on the jtlb may to arrange with chief maw of tha georgetown brigade or a team from their brigade to attend tba garden party on tho uulli juua chief maw agreed to arrange- far tha visit and oonuat and in good faith the oodloat wad anuouucod by poster by tba aotou brigade and ooplesi bout to loftmbers of tb ooorgetowa brl gaja on the eveniugof bu aath tho data of the garden party chief oimlls rooelved a iwiiul card bearing the following oorifsloaursiui juua im umiueiiu vharmiforwhlou 1 am worutig lsauillug ma to tha ion amarlou for a fow uyvio thai 1 wtllba unable to bt up for the tuuof war whuh waaarraiiitklaahorttluia ago thoravlll haaomaof uiahorsup lowvr and thaywlll no doubt ba abla to t lek out a aids to uull lgtlluil youi vo trul irfctiwchuf lhe public ara now fra to judge aa to tho patty most terloubly affsotad by the high uaipsrature and who aa uaual la raoklom in his statement dduth o au xarly mimlitvut lor sever a1 years mr win mooalos hia bean lu poor heal lb but his sutldtu death on hunday moruing wu uuaxpecud ue walkod down towu ou friday lul wai ovarooma lliat afuruoou aud fell whlls lu tuabaru vouuillughu forahoodsarlously by the fall iu uugsred u till i sunday and ihjiofi fully paaood away ly tha aarly morn lug hours loruaarly aavanly yesjf mr masai es waoldeut in aotou aud vloln ty lis waa tha sou of uhlled 1 mplra 1 oyallau hu father being tlia uta george maaalos who setllod on loll oou b lrlu whsr his aoii william was born aaveaty thrrt yoars ago douod oama to aotou in bis early manhood aud for over thirty years wau a leather roller at the aou lother taunary ou main uki with tha exception of four years spoilt al hollaud laiuhhg ha baa kealded hara u rctliad from aollvb labor ian or twelve years ago mr masai aa wau married u ki5 to frauqisbo hia martin daughurot4ia uto 1 hoi ms martin of lrlu with whom bo hv edhaitlly until hrdialhlu 1u71 i o this union thofts wbralioflhlldreti lu daoeuiber 11171 ha married mhe janalaltof iloluud lauding who ilb utalr daughter mim mainld survives itltil mr maaalaawasol a quut and reserved disposition but won a highly aauenisd oltixsii lis vam ft bkooitbrihetptlotptebtjfnhirratnl-wbila- i11 boalth a most regular attendant upon thu survloe of tlial communion inter llleitk took loodoll luaaday afumooii at iairvuw caimury alir a memorial bar vice lu lbs church oonduoted by llev oliver mooally who bpoka from ii liui j h himomber jasuschribt llev james mol whose to was 1 cbaraotarj and mr wiu lovell whooe remarks based ware upon juhu 14 let not your imott bauuubliau wwa very uumfucung mr hugh lllaok oftsred rayer lb hosiers wum motsfri johu lllaok hugh lllaok johu itobertogn lllohanl hamilton alex irl s an 1 w k kaar to ouru a oulu in unu dav iitalaut ralutid u a niduar u it tails ui cu 9 w twaa iftaaluralaodoaob box the winnipeg tr tin mt aajbt th mover mant in ffvor nf independent political- action that la action ouulde either of the oil political panics is lktjg dehoilo shape a provincial convention liaa bean umiiiunod in bo 1 eld during jl e wenk of the pair a flimhiary meellnj will be held the orel toe lay of iho pair wok to mako arraugatnei til 1 tha rrgular con ton lion judgli g y ll n correspoii leiica re- oelvod from tbo country i bo peo le arerijo for such an organlaatlon aa ia ropoecd kml fdtllttumly mini tlta ordef 1ail thursday htyere mill nasaaga weya received au order from ibe acti u lannl g i ror hill stuff of a special also nov having stock hi his yard to nil tho order mr bayers sent his men to tbe bush cot tbe plna trees on lot lj 00 ti g hauled tha logs to iho mill cut tba limbers tbe reiured alas bad them lesmtml to aolon aud the carpenters at iho tannery had tbam framed and at into the bullditig by six o clock 11 o emo evenlnfc or expsd itloo work uiat surely is oamuirn libla iii pity wi f vy viu a very interoeitng aocisty too took plaoe last tiiuraday altar noon at three o clock bk lyfs villa lie i ill laome residence of mr j vyto church street acton whejfmua jsarl rhn old cat daughter of the boms was marrle 1 to mr tlobert 3 onruey of tt all known ftrtti of tirney a co the nuptial knot yip s lpd b itev h a maoj hereon aaaiat coming jlnd going vlaltora to and from acton and vartouaothar personal notoa by hev j m llagar hi a and lu oliver moculiy aa tbe bridal party enter od the parlors which were daintily decor ated with ferns and margaoiltos nevln s love boug waa played on the plana by miss adah vyfe the bride wore a band soma gown of wbla tnoussellna de bote trimmed with point loco and obiflon with tucks and flounces with lace edges tbe bridal boaiiuct wan of cream rosea tba bridesmaid ml margaret fyfo alsur of the bride was prettily ooatumod lu mauve moussollne da solo trimmed with valenalen cos lace and luaertlou and carried yellow and cream rosea mr a k ournsy brother of tba groom was groomsmau the bride wank away in a costume of blue broadcloth with ltou ooat lined with white tafotta ailkwltuwblla ailk woial and hat lo match mr aud mrs guruey left for a two weeka trip down tba bt lawrence and through the jhousaud islands colling at urockvllla and cornwall mrs gurney wlllreoelvaattyfavllleon the ui and slat inat tho heartleet congratulation a of the yixat lutis aro exhjnded to this eaumable oou plo who enjoy the very beat wishes of the community for a moat eacoeeaful and happy career w0 s m mr baltbasa of utmnvill utlag hla daughter mra wa tartan willow bt county coanciuor j 1l faaooolr and mr vaaoicku of mutoa waca in town on baa day lie and mr h l flagg u d of kbtoexar spent lot thnraday with aoioti fnands j ur and mrs j w cook o torooto at tended lbs camay vyfe wdleg ben loot thursday mr c y gooaavsi u kpsmdlng a few dys with bis aon lie v w goodevsi ak horning mllle mr knoch btalbom or of cincinnati ohio u spending a bnoalb with biabrotbaf tl kutbow hmtl o i varloua matjoru comrttaritilntf tti attontlon of tha counollfora council met on monday evi lug lu rngu ur beailon members all reaeut except councillor jmus a oommunloallou from the ltoyal aril flclal btond laving co cuelph blatod that a rpraeiitatlvs of tha company would arrive in town this week lo arrange for putting down thu pavements for which lenders wera acoet led j lie conimiuaa on 1 idsum preuntad their cuvduiii report and recommended payment of tba following accounts 1 luyers lumbar eiil u k vorbcs rialrs ou iwwar iiquw a 00 k ukuhew uamlllgcuktlfu lu luryluuan work out ii lock ts win hullui do do ti jol 11 arthurs do do tl j j lawocti do do ij win libbou do do tl juo harvey do do t3 moved by xi bwaokhamsr seconded by geo xlynds that tba blevenlh report of tba commllua ou lluanoa just rood ha adopted carried tba propaaed uaw brick chimney al the power bquat a llv aubjdct of dim us kioii it waa reported thtaeveral chimney builders ware axauilolnff tba alia aud re qulremeula and will wllhlu thw dayssuh mit eallutale for a m special meeting will be called and the mailer finally disposed of tlia kstimatea for tha joar being lu pro par at ion beveral of tha membora asked whether tha cost of a now chimney which bal uot beeu autlcipatciv for this year would be paid for out of tha funds id i raised bj aaaeaimbut for thtt current year it was suggested by oua or two that the cost of tha chimney ha loft for pajmebt until uail year itecvo wlllums at ones placed himaulf upou reoord lu tha matter and declared that avory expenditure of the preoant year must ha paid far out of the preaouk yeais laics tberouiuslnolbehoool floatlua dabk left at tba aud of tula year aveu if tbaratebaj lab twenty flvjt mllu lha members goiierally flmuly concur rd in tbla tba chairman of tbe committee- ou jjlreeu and wal waa tubt to bava tba loose slotiea on tlia newly graded road on quoeu buoek tatuovod alao to hrfva tha arch built for tba twelfth of july ou mill btrtet removed and now what about this cutfow matter said councillor llendarsou la it loo hot lo dial with or ahall wa defer it appended to tlia copy of milloua by law tba olarltbf that town wrola tbla by law wan a real aueoeaa an vuob laws oan ba mada a auoooss during tha asrvioa of tba first ofiloer who euforoed it willi muob taot aud ooinmon aauaa it cau ba made k uucoeo by a little support from tba loading oltlaauhof any towu aud by the hunday bahoola ilia matl waa finally lit over oouuoll adjourned about uu 0 alack uoai1d of lducation tlmo for tondurs hot- old building and leraotlon of now uktendud iho hoard of trusuee of auton public bcbool met ou luaaday avonlug iu tba co u 11 oil cltatulwr mem bars ruaent it llolmea chair man w 11 kanuey johu aguaw vr molcaauua and j u m at iho w a lha tau ur of b kw for uyi alono work ol the usw oloosla way tha only under receive i movejbyb a mokoaguc aecoudfd by w it ksuuey tint tha tiuio fur en lying loiidare for tba areotlon of clojels also for the purcboiui of tha old bull ling u eitaud ifrwuidjojy uiuuialoliarrcriy ed for tha whole work of erection of ouwele or for heporataru of the work nolle of tba abova to he givau lu uaxt iosua of lha 1iixk 1 uaaa carrlo moved by john aguaw boooudod by dull u ii matthews that the board do tow adjourn lo meet on lueaday swelling ijrd i at h dock oarrud llmuhouhii tt vaaa rtui invtlee ejl tie ulbai to uils eolbdia it jn or font ruad j cotoa vf on a uoll4ar tp e if yaw bav tiuiuls vuluoc ynv drop a caxd to tbe aaa raooa mra w mecou and famuy of spring flald uaaa ore visiting aar outor mra u campbell uua fdllh campbell u vlalung bar par to u bare ur and mrs thomas akioa have recoov ed lo homlltua mr y nixon baa baaa apendlna iba week w lb aelaa friends mm itltcr left on saturday to vlall friends lu fleafostb maaurprneal wllaoulabolidaylng tbhj weak at moan i forest mlas annu tortaq of lleslin waa bera for a day or bo laal weak mr tartan nf alliaioo visited acton friands during tbe weak mr mcalptne of ld mllu via tad fr leads here durjnglbe weak mr joho lw of kmadau u apaoding a faatuays with uu olausa bora mra itobert mckeowo of north uako s vhullng friands in tba old borne mias jsasu uokinuy of gaorgalowa u mr and mrs w 1 campbell and their daughters left last week for fhelr taaw boms at unit bla maria mus m collier of krln and mr downey of alluton vuited mr and mm w collier uls sruk mimrllxall moqaeanand mr vfd nlion were bath aoooeea ol to tba mormal bohool axamlnailona meesrt b terrier and frank m of derlinrwera gnoettst at iba bona olurk matthews last friday mr j 11 wsllaoo baa ratonaed frou a very pleaoaat two weeks 00 ting at napa nee and tba bydanbam lavao mlas wardeh and mtos dock wo lb of guepb wore gaests daring tba weak at lb bocne of mr domasl uydar mr charles akins onled from midland last thursday eranlng and remained with friends bora until masiday mr and mr j georgw mldguy of latsb- ton mills are apondlng a poll ol their vaca tion with moods a tba vicinity mr and mrs vied u bmytb and chit drwn of toronto viol tod al tbe borne ol tx lueva rearoon daring lba week mrs uobt watson and mr hubert hunter of narva war goeat toot weak at tlia home of ax oonneulor danny alderman andmrauamlltoaof gaalpb wera in town loot thursday attend tog tba marriage of mua pyfa and mr onrney mr murray guuapia of ayr and master frank memaokon of hlgngauara vujuugat the boms of thomas mamackon lq mr and mm ilobl h allan and cblld ran spent a few daya during lb weak with rouuveatn guelpb and ntsssgawya town bhlpa mlasmaiausu lba dotigblas- of ila h webmond and daughter of mr jaoop maaalascburch 8 aeloo mrs williamson and oblldrao and mlsaes halite and bant wanbanl from hrimptoii vullod actoo frlaada on tba twelfth mr j laua looobar of baoubu maria u spending bu holidays with bis aiouf mrs n v moore and otboo- meads in tbu vloulty mr wellington smith who boa bean in toronto hospital ujc past bve weeks roiarned bomaou tuesday avanlog nabob tin prove 3 in bealtb mr pew gibbons spayelda who sprain al bis lalt ankbi badly iboot qro waoka ago waa able to drive in town and go about wilb a oonaoti balnrday mra vlynn and children who lavs pnl tba past two rnootbsl at tba bonis of hrparenla loft on toaacuy avanlng for uieir homoalpflnvw ueaara cbarlaj and woilona looby hava returued from their trip lo tba nohb wbet they enjoyed their trip vary muob but reurn quit satisfied with ontario mr william urown aud mra georga of at thawsvndledf rienda a qaotgetown on ban day mrs matthew and mies cook left on monday for elom and oraugerllu mr johu cook who boa apsmk thai but flva years tu bpokaoa waab baa daolded to aoltu in bu old borne and baa moved lo ur warrwa boam on mill btxaei mr- dr gray and mies gray arrived from tarkhlll on monday and tba ur and hla family will shortly be comfortably tflllld lu ibslr find reouoadoa m frederick blrset mr llavld mcmaokon illghgala who wan lu towu atundlng lbs wedding bt bu uieoa miaa jean vyfe nunojned aevontl day a renewing aoqoalnlanoaa u lba old ho ma mr momaokon bod bod a buooe ful career lu bis adopied bomo at the reoenl bxamlnouons bald at tbe uatvopoliuu boboej of mtteid toconlo mlos 1 flla vonfieel kilbride paoeed lutec mllata hi cuaa with botiors and mud i lo o tcn carllsld paaeej junior la cuod wilb honors llolh wort puplla of mr k w le 1 auiouglboeaanoooaafal id tbd toronto ooiibarvalory butamiaallood in junior voloe haparlmsut appears tba uatne of mlod aduida lueooby a popll of mr w t marrin bf ibu bliy hamuton jrwj uud luooby id a slater of mrs osorge ap a a largo uuiiibar of tba buuday bcbool oobour joined with georgetown and went 00 lb excursion to llurlliigton llssoh ou xueeday miss aimloo nell nf loiouto is hj thu her holidays with i er parent t en iho has ci op s pretty well housed to w ah the looel orangemen waul lu aolon on lba twelfth and bad a glorious time tha ilioumoudhtoli aaye xba tuoowbf given by mud ttbol maoalod at tba uapuot cburol loot fueejay evening wad lonely atlaudad by bu appcaoullve audlsuoa mud ltbel d bantbera while of bumouut boopd to rwialrwbe beat off oris bhowed baralnl preparation be fcdaylug being aooaratd and gnwafal 1 be lelulwg bieoda fsool atleuded lba funeral of tbe uu william masojaaontneaday mr g w mooalas wkmuloormyowonjsjwli uoluwd lauding mud maooled hprlndeu maas mid lr mcmangbton orangevllle mr aud mrs john button aaorgeiown mr arid mrd hugh lllaok ilookwood uaaara johu and inward lllaok in wm j ovsll kvatlon and iu james molaod walka ton icings evil tnat la ncrofnto ha nlaease is older no oes is reellr rrtra all in or a larger tnertality consamptlon la comnmuily itsotilnifrn 1 tbera is no etruw lor tirclrrllt ll ii snaam its prrarnra known by tu 1 any alcns earn aa urulu1ar lui m nil w tnpuooi tnnamed ryell is b iv am rl t es catarrh waatlns and cr ural i l i i y i cfclmm ol j w uklh v t 1 0oubad ktobili eorca eo ba 1 ii not atleod oehool for ibrxn mot ii i njfloaant kinds of mmtlclitntu i t 1 1 io ho dotpoae wbatever itnmr sdltdiri 1 enrad mkordlna to mr tlhun 1 a i i 1 ry toollaaoplal by moods sarsaparilla which has cfletietl the ni 1 wihtrfftil trndlral and pcimaueal cuire or ariofuie to old and younc 6j dinner sets first special barcain for julv t jual received one crate 97 f plocoimmwr beta printed atlpled an i j htel rcgul ar prtco th ot bpeclal t two catcs i ancy china warn au liable for wed ding i rcacnla l61b9 llapoboed for 00 tho noted tea btohe and ooina palaok u pays to buy at boucrts u pays to buy at bolurts making things hum no matter what others may say as to trading in july its not a dull month at bollcrts i lungs arc humming here now to the quick music of the big summer sale that lb to he with us and you ill this month with moneysaving chances every day that will case the pocket miny a day present cash is better than future profit black dross goods we carry an immtnio stock wl icli wo hvo decided to reduce roadytowoar clothing silks and satins tills will lie a ran 1 cliatiro to i silks very cheap j a mccrea cuelph july itni the right house lktaulilllli uauilton b lavouitp silol 1ng rlacl special handkercliif sale boron months ago when price for linen hoodkerchuis worn a great deal lower than those ihfflanjm now by tbe great libit rnaicrs m bargained for berreral llttbj lots that wero special value erven then borne of theee will be oa bale lo morrow and ihey re marlcd al very enticing fgured for half doieo lots a big supply of handkerchief in summer lime never come amiss i irish linen handkerchufs plain hematllched widths of hems from i 4 to 1 inch good liberal il 3ml atdendu wearing quxlitlc marked bt thcuj apeclal priced 6 lor 47c 6 for 69c 6 for tic 6 for ojc 6 for l 13 mercerlxed imngee ilandcrchlofs look ilka tllk and wears like linen dalnly colored borders erykpoclal value at 6 for 39c mercctired pongee vllh pretty wblla valenciennes edged at 6 for 45c swlod linen handkerchief em bioldered bcmu itched ami fast embroidered edga at 15 and aoc muallu handkcrcblefa with fast embroldemd eda ami lieni ulclted very special at 3 for 35c irish lawn llcmultclied handkcr cblcfs very apodal value at 6 for goo leoo handkerchiefs boo a uttu lot or lidua real lace handkerchufs hut would he good value at h5c on em now at ioctich the hlouaa bade continue were you one of the lucky ones there t some or ins beat ivere yot mode from mutllu percale and irlnta and in various atyles and colors i they d sell repuurly at from l loll bach special bale price 6c 16o blouoad at aoo 10 doicrt illonaes made from entra rjuallly cambrics in various pretty atyles and colorings rood value at 730 on laid now at 49c tacli ladlea hummer slats la white duck tmd i k in various ttyua and nicely i rim mod only a limited quantity td bell priced at f i 00 i 50 i 75 and f 1 00 each ualhlng bulu for ladud a full assortment in stock and eilnt tires made specully to your order on short notice irlceacommence at v 00 and on upwards thomas c watfcins king st eaot cor hughaon st hamilton clothing ocr clothing sall which blart ed on saturday was a complete bucoeo our ules were far beyond our expftciabong every iwrsqu-bilbiitd- ls found no iroubla hi filling every appll uut itemember this la not tha fragment of a retail bankrupt stock but the choice of a 1175000 block of ono ol tbe luet clothing manufacturers in canada j cauur co ol hamilton bought at about 00c on lha dollar j a dvcclntoshob son 77 upper wyndham st gu6lph house iturnishings laco curtains our block this year it larger tlun over and aa wa import ibesa ood directly from iho uuuuucturer hi krmt dritaln w can show you valuos tliat are hard to beat wa have them at 5 7jc n l v 5 5 111 i 5 ll jo j 1j 73 elc our dolur curtain 60 inches wile and 3 yards lonu la thu heatcurlaln for lha monay lo ba found anywhere and our oilier lined arc lu proportion tapotry utid qhtjnlla ourudilh kto alofull nuifaoflapcalry and clienila curtains an 1 jablo coveu art baleens ar tdraprfhaitorhfnttnsrtc x you bhoutd not 1 uy cuitaliw iwfcto hinpcclluii our stock v art muslins in a ureal varuly of patterns and cobrings perfectly fisl colors utile 10c 114c 15 carpota a spociallnlon carpel al ajc and un eicelleiil piidlly at 40c auoafull ranireyllwlteriinalllus puulofts arid wools fionioclo hj a bpeclal una of tapestry at 50c hewpcorikiis uc iy c and j 5c japanese matrinirevbiteetvep oliyi aud ay no trouble to show goods henderson 3t co shootings and cottons in view of ihe advanxel 1 rices in tl cur goods our special aaje redicilona will 1 rii g tlie lines olterext lulfy 33 lo t er cei l below preoent prices cobtumos and blousos parasols all fancy silk paraoou td a reduction of one third off the price llnon salo we are constantly receiving ohlpmenla frx m ihe mills in irelanl an 1 simian of i at to linens naprry an 1 towellnga i bese are in aumo tua mh irngtbi and ovnrmakes and a m pics but in all caon ilia u mmis ctm infect not dmaned we put ihem nl dliconnls uf 35 to y per cent and tnll thom at i lie same rate and even i vrr wo oiler a ailendil lot jul received for this ula carpots curtains and houaoiurnlshlngs loco curtains bonus tir p f purchas specially valuable bonus articles for tins sale e h bollert fe co 25 mid 27 wyndliam st guelpu big snhp iisi ordered clothinq aueus cleau stock of xufjttus woutrriui iiluok- aud iuowiluihg1 bought al joe on iho i wo havo them on tale at ijig ilcducllons sul lo order from lio to uso each trowsers lo order from f 2 lo i4 50 per pair all will be made by union labor notl all our new colored hals except bbek nil shapes half price baturday r e nelson ono frieortiy 99wtwu st gublph the lions kltgrhtion shle begins wednesda morning july ith at 8 oclock and will continue throughout july and august we hit lo announce that ue hao seenrod the store at preiul occupsl by nblll the shoeman iinut to the lion and aa coon as mr neill movos to bin new premises wo will conimenco remodelling i lie to two largo stores and converllnf them into one stone walls will have lo comedown new floors cciliiii a klures and everything that will o lo make this tlio larked and moat up lodaja dry foods ami cloihlnf store lu weatem ontario will have lo be put in though tbo uork will be of an tmlcnalve character it will ba pushed throu h with as much haste as possible this change will necessitate ihd reduction of our stock one half which we uant lo clear out in tha next sis weeks con blatmg a dry goods carpets iiousefurnislmigs dress goods millinery ordered and ready- to wear clothing if low prices villi do ii everything will bo reduced appear iu the guelph irvury auu vrvij each week a full 1ui uill d e macdonald sv bro the lion cuelph 33oiing people say they feel so hot and languid but that iu because they do not use our cool muslinb and underwear we have a good range for ladies skirtsfrom 50c to t 50 gowns from 50c to 1 50 drawers from 30c to 70c ladiei vests without sleeves with short sleeve and with long ilcevcs at different price wc also have a good supply of dainty muslini m different patterns call on o f goodetre cfe co 7ufit kcton criminal neglect of eyes mill street acton some kinds of neglect come under the lit uluifj criminal 1 he nqjlect of childrens eye is one eye trun stunts th t inlcllect wo will rve you rcliablo informiltonlfyou subpect your childs sight i drfcetivc consultation free a d prinate watudmailkk yttjt ttt and jeweiiilk ucuhluril

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