Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1901, p. 4

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falun and are you wor ried for fear you l arc soon to be bald then cease worcy- fj ing for help is at hand you need something that will eut ncw life into the air bulbs you r need hair food such a s be or 8 itbrings health io the hair and the fall- tn ceases always restores color to gray hair you need not look at thirty as if you were fifty for yoflr gray hair may have again all the dark rich color of youth slooabetfia alt i rdi a batba by trada und h will ui ntrtythlag tbat yuh claim tut tl it hu ln in ihm tnt ctioiptols aailafmtlna in toy buai- iimrjlmi wualui kaaaaa city mo ttulu all tba ijc ctilil tt1tts tuuiibday july iblb 1001 br ntmrj jfouus ahtr in alway vay to ua my toy alway a way to advapoa yatlha uoail tint lda to uouulhuooaaa noa not uui by the way trf clime hut lo- througk tho ktatloua o work au4 htrwa tliumii the valley of 1mmm and ib mm that aucoaade while otbar tall ilutt tw willing to pay woet flaar vat tbra tlwaya way to fail wy boy alwayeaway lohuij ami lha uuu you tied al iit tool of ilia bill all aouubtfor an wif rhl do on mid up tliouib lli road ba rouab and tb alaruie 66 hi thick and fut thr i room al lha lop lor tha wbu who ulae and victory oaww el lt sucau taught him a lesson w may bometiroaa iorn more from our f allured then from our buooeaea truth wall lllualraled in thocmof a polloamau of a western oily aa tha elory la lold by lb ciiicimimli timti it wu one of tli rain iest nighla of ilia acaaon tha chief o polloo driving homeward hi hie buggy paaaod atiomoar who wfth leaning again t llio lea lido of a plrol bo tint chief pokd lo him aud anally inviud lilm to klili ibe police mm readliyaopm tba invllallon climbing into tba buggy aud ilia following oouvcraatlon eoiutil llow long have you bun on ibli beat mr oluoer oiilv a couple of day l im a aub aud dont know very much about ibli buahioaa yl i how fr ilou your b4 aitutid t to mobuwk btrl i tblub who in yoitr aupriuunjaut of pollm uow j oil aotiia obi oarmaa tbat uvm u 1iaro on ifllnluoii liba tjaltaoh i bla naiua but i liavo nevof an blui what kin j of fellow ii tblidaiuoh do you know no i dont i bear aootl di1 bout hhi from i ba otbar poliutniiii tliouijb flo ma tay lia la a atrlot dliolnlluarlkn tome iy bo ia tfood fllcw and otbara y tlnl iiq la a w aou of a jjutr but i dmii know unytbluu abotil hint i uiuom ha u ml thrttf juak iban tba bujuy pjiitl mohawk drilled and llio cotoual uld what brljdii thl r alobawk llrldtja i thluk tbay call it j la it h aiid of your batt ob 1 uueaa it la but thatdtnat maka niuoli dlffarjduoa it la a bail ulgbl aud tictlilujja yoiiik on clialtad tba liaw oop wdl arau t you kfrald aoma of your uirlora will find you off your baal t hot likaly to tba llautatiant wont tf out far to uubt aud tba old btltt uu ilia pikd haa uoii gnoozlutf for au boura i uumu htf woutdut bs arouud in tbla woatber llora ibu buiuy iiulud up in froilt of ilia tjoloiittla boina anil turoojf to tha man ha uald tli in la whara i liva and i may aa woll iay that t am colonel daltaub the oflloira aya bolad out and bia hair ulood on ud aa ha t ibti im dona for 1 navir mlud said tba ohlaf jul let tbla be a laaaon to you- kavr l in a buufiy with any ona iavar laava yourlmtat iavir no an ulbjjnt until you ara familiar with ilu houndarlua and dont talk too much now uut back to your mit aud that iiiauaaya ohlaf itioh la to day tbo beat cfllor on tba foroa fat i1ai3y ft tmc fills ouluul surrounds the little hies vith to protect their tendei pat ts- the bime with littliis and puppies fat is not tender im l they must itive aiul fnttliuyjuulbti if join hahy is anyway shoit of his tights givulmu scotts eimltskjh of cod livei oil v jl it uliiui irllvbk 111 i v jllw umlili imwlf if i had kept mv ihomltli when w ijorna thomaoo known ibrmiftliput hfouini iba jnadical lonary waa a yuu man rpcnkua medical at utllaa lm waa altnt cliaplain or lh uiitburnil rlwr tlar many and l iuca in iho ll- ronviou camo lo ilia lnionlalir i iilhwlnf kld by mr uaxwllahwa liw mllk in tondunl may l otra mr i immaoii llti ul i all moot wbrii tb tiiiihi iron a k f ooull- aald t him llrao wait w xjeollurf a bravy in a abort uum the aln warn oieid and iho jxilloa vau came hi whan tha olatur of xh had caaerd a nrlloiior tamxd out of llm vail alr uuclri lur a moment at tha r hmul loblmtba coornor whtaparad to mr lhuuiaon una wdrd uaatb 1 attar the man wae taken to ilia oil iho you ok ohajdeln went lo ae blm when ibe jordan had left the eolf the nrlonar looked aarneally at bia vliltor anlaald ho you dont know me i do not recall baviutf aeon jrou before waa the reply lluti ltmmvroujllnj nclalwiad thx urn ohapuin wondered for a motneuc whelbei- ho oould er have dona blm au injury almoatlm- brtktnhr thetliitftytiatotnhnjinctr a parokyam ofbrlnf wrliikiok aiida and crying ob if i bad kapt roy promuol if i had only kept my promlee i idiould not be bare today i ha waa a typical ilrlllaii tar with a i rep band and a etiaroua heart when ha waa obei- under the itifluauce of llfjuof be bad riaarrellad with bla wife aud bad pushed bar dowp alalra to her death it aaema that three year prvoua lo bla trial and oonviouon for murder ba bad been aanunoed to thirty daya in prlaon be- oanaa of a drunken row than ho attended the prlaon meeunjia held by mr tbomaou who after ono of tbea galherlnra look tha bailor into bla prnatb room prayed with blm and than warned blm aarnaally ajjalnal drink tha tnnrdarer nowlohl lb obaplaln tbla and eriled hla ooufeaalotl ia tbeae word i pro mi j you allbtully that i wonld k it op and ao i did for a- while bat it oama back on m bluoo than i have beau u around the world and to thluk that i am here and lhal t baa oome to tbla i then followed an outbural of agony and the plalntlv- wall ob if 1 bad kept my romlael tbla for weake waa bia moraelul rerrain until lb moment at hla aieoulloo an iba unhappy mad waa ltd to hie aoaffold ha 1 poked down npon hla blaok alothaarand than at iba fiood ohapulo o william he wtdalmad wllhim i old i ater axpeot lo bm you iu mournluk for youraelf t trembllntf with amollon ba toon after hook handa with mr thomaoo aiuk peuluntly aabsdld ao oh tbat i had kept my protnlael oh if i bad kapl my promlaa i i tba ailant wall of many a ruined ufa f how thbyi movk when i oral aaltlad hart aald tha kanaaa man my uearaat u clobber waa wanly ova milaa away but now liaj jmt taoroea ut road tha way you put it nmarked iho kaateuer tbat dwaul ahow anvlbhi that man mtan ii ahowa my friend tbat oyclouw ara wiitbty powarful tbata all philadelphia rrtu tlia hot wtatbtr til uakaa peopla beltar acq ual tiled with yialr reaourooa of atrith and auduranco many find tbat tbay are not ao well off aa th thought and that lhay ar aaall auarvatad and depreeaad by iho heal what lhay nod la a tonlo effect of uooda saraaparllla which iuatjjtliotia tba blood promote tafraahlud kleep ovarooma that urd faellutf erealee appetlla fioma peopla ara llk aiilliua tufa i tbo batter you get acquainted tba morajou dool ilka tham alhlalea- uloyoilaul and othara ahoutd alwaya keap ilatfyarda yallow oil on band nothluif ilka it for atlrtuin and uieotm of the b4uaol apraiua brulli otiueta a clean preparation will not blalu clothlujf xrloa lb oanta mamma am i dacauded from a monkayl i dont know aha auawared i never met any of your father people iiaclzobo aldaacha awllinu of lha feat aud anklae pufllii tiudar ayea frrqtiant iblrarrbcalityroloarty thlclrhlghty oolarad urlna yriquaiil uriuallan burulnu aansa- tlou whan urlna liu tf any of tba aibova lytoploma uad to brlghta dlaaaaa droivay diabelaa a to doana kjdnoypilu are aura oura for all kidney dlaeaaaa uaiiu ilatlon what i yourra uot going to movaf lrooka lynn yea war obliged to mann ilalton why your vifa told mina you had lha oulut littla flt imagln abla drooke lyuu i know but tome friend gava ua a rubber plant obriatmaa aud ita growu ao faat wava got tomova lo glvm it room qlaaplaaanaaa u dua to uervouw exoila mmt ilia dilloalily oonatltutad lha fluiuolar tha bukhiaa man and thoaa whoa oooupatlon hoitataa great mania strain or worry all aufur una or mora from it bleep la tlia great raatorar of a worried brain aud to gat awtp olaauaa tha aiouiaoh from all luipurlllaa with a faw doaa of parmata vagetabla illla galatlua ooalad ooutaluluguo maroury and ara guarautbad togiva aitlttfactlon or tha money vyill ba roluuded istbal did you nolloa how raviioiuly your friend at at djnnsrleat night t oeorga wall my dear hed haan flub lorf alnoa lunnh klhel imlaad i itut rally i dont mm what tbat bad lo do with it c w u blu to maka money ft ia ueoaaaary to hav a clear bright brain a oool head freo from pal ii aud atroug vlgoroua uaea mil turue heart and narva iilla nuvigarau and brlgbuu tha vralu atreugtheu ibu uervea aud reinowri all heart uarva and brain troublaa 7 tq thotiaf auoutto makhv yoarftwien wow wbiwnatwii marry wuiu ileaad lo hmrn that lha new marriage aot la mada tjullo ahnpla by applying i u 1 moore loeuer uf tnarrlaga uomam at the vaaa vajuw onloe oall few daya before tha otrvmony aud have lha matur uplajnad- 1rlaau nttloo all btulaeewatf lolly private and oonqdeiitial at r lo avauftigg ceylon and india naturai lkaf gr66n tea 1 fin fioni any piriicl ol olnrinj matter 1- dainty and imiioiiliiii is tin only t a that suits fastidious palati and is wlioh onic foi tin luo t drlicalc digestions it is klso 3c british product i4oyiou aai arc hold in krnlrtl lruti rarkflm only illnrk lllird lliirolorrtl 4nyloii jrrrn frrn hiiitipifm m nt 4lirruu hlllail toronto sprayiag potatoes the fipkamollllt iu i jyua- y vile il mttlu ii alhawywayiiifcrtr btouubly an i lll ih i ai bd uymrl ii ill ym f jf a n at i iiibuh 1 1i i 1 i k v j0 j f i ii i i f v wluimmnilf ttt ukh i urf lli- im lbmu1 la v 1 li knumlly ii the spramolor co lootlonqnt biway w wlilt ll- cphamu i ok ntlily lkl- uiilm vm lr- ichuj in 1j iyl thkvaluii of afpliction when iho iiuilataaldit la ood fur mo llial i have ln aflllntcd be wae no i lajkliig canl lie bail cejtnhad tl pjinl in hiaoerliily- career at wblnh be tuiuld lk back umh the pienmliml j oura and aco ihem much k loil aee tbem aa e wbule llo could ajiprrnialn lb linr l lha tnipulune llh li bail jol and ibn neceealiy if eliarp wiriilnga f uila m and lit aoltial aioiirglnu f tb aoul at that pulnt in tirlor li rnv nt hla atrayini or to ami- blm already utiyod iuiilbn way if uafiliy uugii a ratra of llfn la raulnl to naubuf lie at llmel end it la full of il alrunthm it leaobaa ua lteiiiiiidoia until ibn ueo and lieo tf unbapjilueba jbaalaultig wldena fkrlyi tloapona bjmpalby eilrira lha ranie of frund ablp fuvjgoralra cbamitf thruwa lb d61 back upon chul innuunitd doeia work for lu mjui ao liubla that if ll own nharadar altinu bo vmnrjei die dm6 lovo llilml it and prvblitg it bcoomrh avmoiit 11 lowed am ihoy wbu no longer head to be lljua auaiirel beoauaa uiblr own bearta bav irarticd llio truth lid ol un it vohotrjutrtintilu houuiiltu daira you look up to qoil ami aay deal willi ma in tlm futuru aa then wilt i am of ljie mama mlud aa ihou art i am ihitie i rofuio uolhlug that jileaiiijlliho laad ma wlure thou wilt cloiho mo in any drraa thou oliooidsl ijplcutu 111 fitting boola and biiohn cauaa corn ilollowaya corn cure la iho urtlou to uv got bottlu at oncasiud euro jour corna thare nuver wae a gocd war or a bad poaod dun lraublln strong points aboutb- b- b- i5 tin thouhiutdfl oi ourcrt 3 its economy lc a cioho uejpuiaua tha slomach llvr- nnj bowehw unlodta lb sckhoiu vurllut lh ulood and ramovra alt the impurltfrf front acommoit plmpu to llw wort scrofuloui sorund dyepttlsia mlioushbst conilfuatiom imadaciui balt uhuuu schopula usatttdurm soutl gtouach dizrtmuss dkolgv hhhuuat1su skin dishashs tha gautumau la bolld mahogany lha fashionable man u only vonaor j 0 uol laud dr j d ktillcggs dyaauury cordial ia proparcd from druga known to tha profoa alon aa thoroughly rcliablo for the euro of cholera dyaontery dlarrhoaa griping palua aud iiiuimor oomplalnta u haa baeu uead eucceiafully by medical practillouera for a sambairof ycara with rratlfylng raaulta if wufferitig from any lummer complaint it la juat iba medlolua thai will ouro you try a bottle ll eelli for 2i oanta tbo ohlldrbii of a man who marrloa for money will prova a ourw to him children cry for castor i a lor oiid nun who oau hind proiparliy tberd aro a hundred tbat will at and adver aily carlylo a itrd uol huiiuiicr during iba hot summer atason tho blood leta ovor hoatad tba uraln on the ayiteiu la asvera and tho appatila la often loil huadock slood httere purlllaa and iuvigo rataa tba blood tonoi up tho ayalem aud riojlolapuute if ibara were no birds man aouhl uol live on tbaeaith if you tako a lira liver iill lo night hitoi rellrlng it will work while you vlwp without a grlpa or pain ourlng billooboaaa ooiiallpatiou dyipepila amvaiok haadaoha and mako you feel hotter in the morning no man oan cither live plainly nr dlo rlgbteoualy without a wifa half ft century old a standard remedy usod inthoysandsof hornea in canada c wild j cures dlarilioiii dykontory choloi cholofa woihuh cholarq infaii turn crampi collo sua slokrio mhtl nil s ioj piomii uso will piovimt u iriaat dual of uiitiucoaiuiiy biitfm- hiy and oftun bitvo litis price 35c thct mllbura coilitilcdlonnitiont tim dull mau born oo and tha aharp man akin yon mr qouata oooit hyraama n y writea ior yara i coud uol eat many klmla of food without pruluoluga burning fcioruomlltiil piln iu my aloniaab i took lariiirla iilla aooordlug lo dlrooliuua undar tba boad of dyppaia or ludlgea hon ona box entirely oured me i can now tat aul tiling i clioaaa without dla troailng ma iii tba least thaaa pllla do uot cauaa pain or griping and ahould 1m uaad whan a catbartlo iu required it aremi tueer that bad hablla grow atrotigdst on ibo weakeal man iaabcd f worm i gava dr lowa worm byrup to my little girl two and a half yeara old the reiult wau that ahn paiaad ib round worma in ava daya mr tl hoy kilimuauli out triflea light aa air aro lo bo jealoua ton- firmallona atrong aairoof of holy writ hhakaapaara a health oftlcar received ihe following uola from oua of lha rcahlenta of hla tlia trial dear blr i bg to tall you that my child aged right niouthi la suffering with mraah a aa rrqulrad by act of xarlla- manl ju lhu castoria vdt infiuiu totd children tiaiu t3 a fullow doesnt have to ba a awell to writer hiovloo anil coniumptlve byrup alauda at iho hdad of ihe hit lor all iltoatea of tbo throat and lunge it aola lika tmglo iu breaking up a cold a cough le eoon eub- dued tlubtneaa of tha ohaal iu relieved ovan tbo worst caia of coueunipllon la ra llovid while in recent casei it may ba bald never to fall it la a medicine prepared from tba aoliva prlnelplo or vlrluea of aavaral madlaluat berbi aud cau bo do peniled upon for all pulmonary complaints uta ovtryjiiau after hla dteert aud who ahould scapa whipping 7 the originator of doansjidneypills tho origrlnal kidney spocllla for tho ouro of baokaoho dlabotos jiriffhts dlsoaso anil all urinary troublos dont aosopteoraothlng just as good soo you got tho gonulno doans if all lha year wort playing bolidaya to par would ba ae lodlouu aa to work hhakoepeari mllburua blarliug iluadaclia towdera cure tha woret haadaoha iu from uvo to twenty inlnutee and leave o bad after elfeota ono powder go i powder 10a 10 powdare j so lie that ooirimonde mo to mine own oon taut couimeuda ma to iho thing i cannot gal 1 bolhluollva88 itont fluid lill ltj cjnliaiatllf 100 itohlulnjtwui 100 wogtianuiteo lwrfuct ta i kf action glohmt optical co 03 yonuogtrdot yorxmto what do wo liva for if ll ia uot to maks ufa leui difiloull for emit other george clllol uaut lo kcepyuur heuralxla of oouraa you donl vo you ihotild tako flooltu ihuulaloii it la a fat uila rainady oar a it and il ourej uervouaueia nerva debility and lueomula alto llouia wnniau anlertalu fot tha plunaure u ulvuthmof uol a tiding invltalloua to vuth i-oihet- iha isjbllo abould hear ii mlnj that dr ttluiuan lluouio uu baatiutliiug in onm mon with with tba impute deldriorallug ulaaa df au called uiailfulual oil it id inui ueully pure aud really biiloeluua rolloy lug paiiijud laitjonoi atiffuaaa of lha julnta ami inuiclc- and wo or hurt beeldea being an esoelleit lixiolflu for kheumallam oougha aml brouultlal loui nlalnt- mra hluaoewouuiilanly john 1 waahyouwhut ikipll imrosr harrtb m rt inrhoi ibo ijdl m iturghi yuuro a uowurd lliuyll atnl hit thu silver urn m theyll taka my juwiila all right tlileiicu for a momout john i cant yob ut tna ulcp 1 a aroul in tbo dining room in ail awful votco they ar hi lha collar stealing tbdcoal i what i leaping out of bod lha hoouudrela i wbereu my revolver gained si lbs ay using mildurns pills ii vlcrromia it c march 8 looi tho t milliurn co llmlvd toronto out daarsirs tiomo timoajro tny ddufilitrt ith troubled villi had iicaj- iciip4 nml losa f3plt1 sim uaa tired ami liilli u most of llio tnlfti mid w a loo a 1 hit llmill licrsybtoujfjot badly run down ao henrtti your ilcjrtuiul nerva la lnjlily inolton of t iirocured a box h by lha lima bli3 hid iilu them uha hud fantfd oi iba in weight nml la now la wrftct boalth youm triilj muu p ii cuutu pllla kvery man at aama lima gtla a pointer from tha finger of acorn attention in the world of homeoatblo madiolnebaa bean ita vary aonroo of pro grcee aa in politics and religion the dif flaultleaot opeuioiia and tbo individuality of men have boan parent to the dlsagrua monl by whloh the titaudtrd of thew bodlualiavobeeu elevated oo with tnoal of onr famoua praparationa faramoetlu 11 luhtratlon of which truth elnda tba world famoua remedy lo general debility and atiguor quinine wine and whloh when obtainable in ita ganulno itranglb ia a mlraoulouu creator of appetite vitality aud alimulant to tha general fertility of tbo yalem quinine wluo and ita lm provomonl baa from tho flrat dlaoovary of tba great vlrlua of quinine ai a medical agant bean one of tbo moat thoroughly dlacuuted roniadlea over offered tp lha pub lic ii la oua of tho groat ton lea and aud uatural life ivlng atimulauu which tba madloal profeealon haveboen oompell to ruoognlzaand preecrlba maura north ropaud lyman of torouto have given to tha preparation of thair pure quinine wine lha great caro dua to ua importiuoa and lueauudardexodlauci of tueartiolo wlilnh ihoy offer to tba publlo comee into tba market purged nf all tho deftota which killed obaervatlon aud acloutiflo oj inion ara pjlntod out in iho iojb perfect prrvra tiona of tha latter lovo ia blind el lovora pull down tho blind dr low a worm oyrup ia a eafo sura an reliabl worm mpur acll catlally wall on oh lid re ii or adultn ho euro you gat lows tho tbnrmometer ritea and falla by dograea what is svvvvx5svv castoria ortmuirlu 1m for in fail u and cuudrou canturla 1m u liuriulrnh mihutlttito for oiuitor oh pafcfforlc lrih mil hoothlntf hyruph it contain ncltlicr opliiui morpliltio nor other xiircotlo nabuukucc it id vlcxuuuit ttn uuniitioo lit thirty ycur h by miuioiih of mothurh cumtorla tltimtroym wvruih tuul nllnya vivcthi- iilhh- oiuturhi curotf ihurrhujtvuud wind colic coaturlu iolltiveh tootlilinf trotibloa curcj coimtlotloii and vlutiiltmcy oiuttorla aaaluillatoal uio food regulate tlrpktoutach and ilowclat of in fun tat and clilldrcn ivlnu ltiulthy nml natural aioop cohtorlalli tlio culldrcnai 1miacca tlio alotbcra friend caatoria iy iwn tbi iii i uiol lbuhittzui castoria mh u u u wvii klehr1 ll blmffi uantml l ae auixibr iu ny kciina u ii jit the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper- olund titunk ha1lway mall nj k ii m iij lai- jill iii i i ul m i fi i mii t iu 1u1i m i til i mlk i i u lltu wl j 41- lllul at 111 j- tliuhril lbl oel 1tli 1wh llvjfiltv v- bus link wall fcqulppod bjuiatylleh iui oan al waya bo boo u rod lera fully tnt rohnwilltamk 12 or july strhwgers vwwwwwww people will be coming from far and near to witness the great celebration of the orarigemen and you will want to lay in a goodsirpply of provisions we can supply you with stapicgroccries as well a fresh cheese soda biscuits freshlyground coflee cocoa jams fish fancy cakes tea chocolate pure gold jelly powders as well as all kinds of canned goods c it goodeve fe co juuiolst kcton question aro you satisfied with tho uioes you wear if not tryn pair of kino quaiity they are tho moit dcirabla ihoc on tlio fuco of the cnrtlt for women tho kiua quaiity thao i all tlint a really firstclii shio chould he comfortable easy on the feet uyliui and durable buy tho kinrj quality shod nt 3 o pair ond flat satisfaction uatu 1 yhet j d kimq co limited yohonyo ui unt ifouuf i h jq and moving ihow iljo iicccaiiilc- in ibo way of ii furniture mattresses springs etc and jomnsionli co ar confident ihoy can fill your vjnti very j iu factor uy and al tho lowest living ucti sruetal allrntinn ibghim to upholstoiing cither in new uork or rljuiring rtcluro 1 mmliu n wrlalty all order rccclvo prunipl utltiillou the now raymond scwlm machlna is the favorila hereabouts ard jobnsione a co supply tb em carpaig mada up to order and ilouufur jifshlnca nlso in variety koller dllnda ofaualnds in etock johnstone co furnlturo rjoalora undmylokoro main st aclon your sdmmr suit if it a a jwoblom with you coma to uu for a dolutian some summer mils irchot ami irritating ours arc not llicy ara made for comfort and do not loa siht of fit and style cither comb and look nt the goods wm m coopelt mchchait tailor mill stbllt kcton e um b ta mteht gloil din lm may im hoturj by oaram jlijjt th parcmt hccbso baluetcraau children cry for castoria the man who doeanl atoop may still ba alupid oua laia liver till every night for thirty daya ma leu a com pitta cure of blllouhqeaa and oonvti nation that le juat j 5 oeulu to bi oured therloh ooiiauinptuuaoolfare wont keep blm from coughing iragyarde yellow oil ouraa upraiue bruleaa aorce wouuds cuti roatnitr olplblalus elilig ol lubrcla burua and aoaltis contuaiona vto piloo j wheu the tuarrlod man loaca an eyo ba hacomea a marred man dunlop im kiiuutof kuhhur tiros for nil kinds of vehicles lluiiliiplllt j u u ill tiiitmii cirrliiki uniu kullil hull rdiri in in- tfrnerrhpitr 111 111 1 ill 1 l 1 he bunloyttrc co limited furniture at cost j a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furnitureall lines at cqstnces thare will be bargains ior every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for paymerit oi goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speight fo oo wardrooms foot of willow st hcton ftrrrrlrnrijypiii at tho samn thnc is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment ca sons on kop and only book dealing exclusively with the canadiim contingents is thobook to bundle oflicul authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital ot experience not necessary send or free outfit and make money tho bradlbycarretbon co llmltad brentford ont k wood engraving koto engraving halftones r anyciass of encraviniaweriisv purposes caialciulimagazisls i jljoneseno aoelaiclislw x0r0nt0 patents guaranteed ourftctufiil if wiall aliyotieimndtuii aktct au1 iutartiibmt any luvenil m wtfl tuinii4y xcint our liibm i cuuircrnium he lit cu la ullly nt utile how to oualu t iil v rttwj i ul il 1- it uliiiiu tvfilibctllmtilaatoiirektuilur icnti i a leu out ttittnjuli in itnu i- wllliiiitcliarl in itu iatiimr uucomi liitoti urn ivfiiibctl lmila at luici t an illikudtel oiil ul lly tbvtuatci i ctmmillrl by miitiur an4 linnloi iu0 tor winnlc liy ffttlt ailjicu vioyor j kvaw8 a oo ilttiit attzricyf kvauar tdua wahh o patents jphometly secured tv ixir llitrlrliitr lhiwlnvatt- lkhtiiieaitttt aitafthortnujal ol vir in vulliii uriitpiitvatiiciil auit w will ill yi fr nur imbilmi aa lo wbrlbrr it u nmlobly maiiume liewtejailktuinabvetill urt tii hiiiilil byr ut u tiibict billy ci tilinta in umilieal jit waalilnulon tliliualllta u to t ily lliwtcl wiil ami ink uy ri el 4 krtefr u 1 ltanlt prnnirnt tlironuti matloitfc ma ulmi rva bwlal autua wjilnmt cturae bi lover iotiiwktmmira ilulilbuiol iluuuubuiil jib ijutubitoii hoadaltyt 1aleut biuhie n mumifec- uieraauif uliulueia marion marion patant fctwpaika land solloltora rurtlct i new vuk ilia ttldnwtrj jx bo yeana experience allwfculiaifckt hlll rlt iiu m uhlflllr iwtnrfnl in ii ii5 hi trw oil i krifhxr xmtiriiur ivivitl ium uk tlu hniui al vut wka lib nit aiiiszmilw um scientific jimcrican a harhtwimlr lllul inn i ft wr h4siidn liiuinal ihiiii u m xnewrk -ihl-iri- rflmrxuana

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