Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1901, p. 2

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bokn u hilton on tuaaday j uly 10 lo iut li a jlllumd im on llaiurday july kuli al m or fit real toronto the wile of cat itj hlnmlll 11 hoearn i art i mullnwuy tnottilntf ultli w at ix walker a hilul tnoiw i uv july irih uiuuimuuuw iiujiirmrui ij w joodaiiow i i rdjly uo truioulv luol t 111 11 tmoutfi llobsrt lualvrtankar wn i iuitonlh uie7ui yarof ltl a lit ctan jrtc rss j jiuuuday jhly asm luoi iditohial notb8 juii wa delivered halurday morn itiif kt1liouri ioue winnipeg in lha iljr piaciicip oaee iho mat bolur doolar i vareut md ilia application of p til loner for thniiualllication ol mr rich bra eon blll kllmkl i tin united htalaaanuidrltimar aboul to i uumidf free aohool in tbo iilllniiln uliil ij k jjood ihovo and will do rauoh to i in nalor ilia ievailttiun wrought by- vr m 1 the degradation f lha lutrodi ujii tiiu trullld in intoxicant a iilrrpool letter reporting a met ting of tlioilireotor of th baolllah chamber of aunaiilturp at which lha rjoaellon ol lub ixuiuju wm dlacuaaed aaj promlu- inchl l deafer dmltnd tbat canadian citllo warn muob healthier than kbrliab of dojirli animal and that th reent rmtnutlou mnr hi inutioe ti tha iljininioa i m r croelman tha auparlnlentleot of rruik imluuu report that liiolotal tuemuarbliip ha noreaaed to 11081 iam- l ard with 1h0m a yajr ago a rxio ol jjoo lb institute bow numbr ik t xutltitf ht uvery riding ot inalilule for farmura wie iher aw bow 3 wllb a hi ml- rlilp of 11000 a compared with two inutiltilu a jeer ajfo iho ilruatal f oombienocd lu 20 th volume and tho ulll under iba management of th prcaen publiabar w ii karr kj itiil week thr oaf i on of ontario raot capam aud tuooewafal jonrnal under mr kerra rnanageraenl it ha given ample rmdenoaof continued prosperity it id a incut popular howl paper r ita coualltuauay md tbpnjldoo gaaarally from flxurra obtajood at tha ip monk of coitomi on monday il woald pia that tha oraijrn trade of canada iail jcirjncraad ahoat 1 13000000 otr tha yoar provloo bich u by aj tha urmt in i bo hutory of th connlry co utu bails oljrnporla entered fur oonaarup- tton and o porta of canadian prodnoa duly oxcluitvn of tha pronu aaually added for export to tb tfnlld tluuj not rocurilod the total rortdfttj trad ol tb but flical vr tea istiuwujl on tha ame baat for lb pravlou yoaf tb trad s3i5lk517 it witlbmti byodrajvartuldrioolurai that urn govarutaaot of ontario propoe holdluif m limber aal by pub in tbnllon on tha 17th bopumur bki bom of tb iwrtb are thoa which war intended to b wld on th ifllh march ut bo i wet wltb drawna tbo roaenool aroajipol prevent oj proapeotlv buyer frooj examining and ualituahnt beveral townabip lo the vicinity of kanll bie uarl are auo otiar- llbaotawubipbaa bead aorveyed for a liroat luan year bat balntf inaoeaasibl wore not irtrjulrwd or aattumenf now uwluti to lb rood land la tb vicinity of tjtttlt hte uarl belnit all taken up and tb ooou notion of lb algoraa central itai way ulluj ttiluar and mltlara eaay aoom tatbn turpablpa bnmbur are roid la and tb tliahar 1 expoeed to danger froi fir it 1 tbarafor oooaldared xpdint to dlimw of lb pin umur m thai tb townaliip oar l ihrowa opoa fur ami or aatlument anj that tb irovlno kaay ki tbtf boneflt of tb vain nl tb limber tb oaplurao tb ouloul dooutnant of tbo ormit t htau goernmqt at imlx wau linjtortant a it h anxaot and cjlloial view of how tb boer ar oltinrf uu nd what utay think of tb war ulioa jtapflt rodubow only a uttl over two woek ao thre moil important ibdor- lu tb 1rabavaal uotbi bmuu itlld viljoeti war doairoua of brlntf th war too unacdy olo addroaainj ur buyu lltay iiaid tb aopply of ammunition 1 uoulyeabaueld tbat w 111 h mtt tu ii tb oimy id othr bli pkbl w aball b broabt to a atal of jiojulia lllght aud b unabl to nrotact uia hllo iuthalmmadulaftttaia w ahall bennabl to few th onmmandoe on acoouulbf tb abo tb ooi li lncotnliik woakcr loalnjf aupport and bocquiiujj d moral iaed in rpy mr htul i kfur aaylnrf that b allll ha bopa of iuroptau nlerventloa aaya that b urfr4 tbat milne i not allowed a fre bsiud by tlu uuhiibii and that ha auh kiuhtur oauuot pull loailher n i ijnjur lb oaptlou lor on aoton tlibr ppr lutueedy wvflta report of lha prooeediti ol tb orau grand lodi uow in uulou th followluit pata timpli uouuaoled wllb tb bam of t w itnhinaun i 0 m of kumuviii tha ulauuatuexl ol ulreauville wauud to comu to tiuuutd bul nually iimiiuj to o with ihxlr hibthreu ol lb oouulr to aduii tohoi uuiiuu attj uielr vlvw aitd famltua aud lij wi lo b aduiuuj in tol ebar u tlxl tftuuutu whei th baubrauoil touk lli wltou the nkiaaalou had paaead tulo th muiiitjit w uio louud that an adtuueioule wan to b bllanted uauy paolm wlio waal tlluroutiiu ballevlnf that uler w6uld u alnil tax wera aurpruad at th aoudu of tlid cuiulilllto lu daulatullll- lo tha luuluiutiatluu uevaial wet fravuud froul h u in owl- lo tb fact that they had brought uu fuul- witlr tlnj ouer w ubllj to hfclrrow ula ueoeaeary fculoliu wltb wbldkl lo ul hillilhuum lboo iularatd kuow th abov li au uutair prohiitalioti of th oak tbaohj milt itxildej bum lu prlae ud bour uiintiuul aud to rooup tbaujve folio fid lha uuituui of put yeat lbroujibont tb jcoumju uf lel and ualton aud mad a mail chart tli al follow a u j7omr linblld ird iiadle and eblldrvulo 1fal wan aniionuul in utj typ on tti twd- atuit pueur iaauad aud poaur war aak tnavury lodtf hi lb twn eoanlle 1u polrr invitlog th oratttfmau to aolon fur lb iwellib aud an o on no in lb u luiidld priam offered on of th baaa ut whloh vjui lo hueuviu lod hod th wkwir important to ii ooanty alao uiiuouiicfd feo of adiulaalonaabor unw limit oati lhr b any raaonabu bom plaint mad ac too had a tfrand deumnliatiou and th immana gather nf ml uivii loud lo ibair prelaa ot tb apluudid prujtaliitn of iviiim of tb day anlnf vntult lnwplubl traalmoul ihuuaaittl of ku ntdtiairmao na wor lu the cfst too hiuh tlio tondan for the propoxl new uloavt at sohool opened the itoard ol trustee of aololi iublln bchl niev on toowjay eentng a per adjuurntneut 1 be rnembora woraall p unimex preaidlnfi tlio tndera fr the iari ootilirdtlon wjlb tl prnptei hteota ware uiied toudara uinj rrrwlvad fir narpriilar work twma o y and j 11 markanaio and iw wlrkaudrx oavatlntf iriim h k and n lrba a tender fur tbu old bull linji u reoelvdd from john harey th hoard aatlinaud that thaarj tendera baaad upoa tb plan and aptoinoallona prepared would make tha ooil of tbo build luf ooaiplelo 13 j j cr w0 and oonoludod lo u lho old hulldluff furthar examlna hon to aaoerlaln if it could uot bo ro- modflllsd and lmprod a muob laea moved by u a mckaa aeonndod hy w h kaunny ibat iba trcaaurar h imuuoted to pay tb following account a a itaimhaw udava work taaftitfaljlris off om bullulntf w tl a tucraury lor ilie and auuon y or aix monllia uj 01 carried moved fv john aunee mouiidod hy 11 j rind oil that th hoard adjourn lu meat at tbcechool bona on wedoeeday enlnf jat litat at 1 ro uclock abarp carried killed dv a uindeii dlatraaalna aooldent to child on u qualplt whantflalcj glpl nc out july uj a moat dlatra- iuft accident ocoorrad in cualpb townabip naar tble oily about noon laat thnraday which raeullad in the daalb of tb three- year old apn ol mr prank drtxur v mr laldlaw waa runnlqrt a binder in a field of mr urexler farm and the bo t ant girl took a child into th field to mo thj machine work bh relnrned lo lha houa va fw minute later leaving tb lltllo fellow bitting at tb ftno bat bn toddled into lha grain th driver of tbo reaper did ot obaerv the boj and bo wa oaurbk by thrfroaoblna oneofbl log and all the flnjtera oo one band war out off and ha wa ao lacerated that lb effort of two pbyalclan failed to aav hit ufa ii died in tbs tiveuing achoss the continent tbo following jotting from th pen of lief t albert moor a former editor of tbu journal who at preeeni aojonmlng at bab vranoiaoo col will u read wltb ioureet writing from lenvar col b y vm be tead tbla fr away and aky high city oo oar long trip- w arrived bar lbu morning at 11 oclock moan lain time what atrip ibuu uowlttuake on feel that thl i auvbaliilg world alur all tbs ooontry we have paaaed throagh la varied bonlbera miohigati ohio indb na illlnol low nabraaka and colorado mrt tgo btatoa already uoohfid oo lb i trip link there i nothing i hav yet aeon that appeal to me a being betur than our owu dar canadian bom land weaurn neb raaka and colorado are fair from being agricultural thy ar aparaaly aetllod with trenobc abd the tan at have a lonely um of it ai tbl morning w paaaed over many mile of almob barren plain i ooold not but think of thoa aeltlar who half a century ago hauled uielr faialll and poion in oovared waggon and truck out for tb wt what a dreary joaruay then a for day and week to gether tby ploughed on through the plain not a tre in lb whole ooontry of tan for day wltbont finding freab waur their borao dying their f am ill dubaart- od tbo indian attacking tbem allll on they went to tb meooa of tbeif travel my bout wa loll of pity for them to- day a i aaw tb plain hut a w cam further wl th know capped peak of bploudid mountain changed th aoeu how grand bow glorioo bow rnjoua how aobllm the eplendld old monument of an omnipotent creator denver i olld and uobla oliy thoagh only nw city it ha oaat away yoo thiol nee it capital obnrcba publlo building alor etc ootnpar favorably with many i must oloa i aetld you ierlver paper t a m ashorlovb mia auul colli and maiur obeatar howaon of toronto ar viallliig frleud hr mr oiouko carroll of ilockwood whoet ad down and ipent sunday with frlend hr uart and olonao carroll ipout runday under lb paraulal roof mia atl nixon central lluaiue oolug tnroiilo wa tb guett laat week ijviatnfrnrxoumixniuii tfwp aou avooompiblad her lo arthur on qatur day mr qeorg ii iliur of oanduaky ohio i holidaying with frlatid in ualton and p i ula ida hood i vliltiug friatid lu aotou mid ouelpb mr abrara nellaou la quit iii ii i ansarlug from iujurl roooivod in fall mr harold ilolute ha raalgned hi poaltlot a teachar of tb publlo achool bar mr uolnia baa been a popular uaahar aud hi deal i cm lo iev djuoii regretted mr and mr ltiohard howeou of arthur aud mr juliu good fellow of kim wood air spending fw week al j ii nixon old fhond bartt talabig r a tiling of lb put ueaara qeorg wllaoil and john huuur bav euoooaafully raid barui till beaaod with block ud i ankl wheat bar veal i in full wiu much of tb wheal ha bu daeuoyed by bbal aud inaecu it 1 thought lu millury circle hat th death of mr krugr may bav aoui inlluauo lu kbbrlenlng tli war mr kruger bhnaelf ha bedn reported to b exoeedingly deapoudenl 0vr tb military operation and th ootroapoudsuo btau mmr kelt and uuyti baa juatlfud his dieoouragemotll douleatitl bercvamdl mayuaaa him toom hear l lor continuing tb boiee atrtiguu iii dutou pby- inlau bav boon wrulug blot for taoolh ayaluat lnoonjiudo of axcjumeut bluo buherl action fa abnormally weak th akry brought by lufluaulial booth afrluab tbat ceo llotba wan ktrougly diapoaad to enrrvoder but did bat ooo older blmlf t liberty to do o agaluattb jodmint of mr kruiter oati bolha ba family to brolde for and i poor alul wltbont reaouroe llonth afrloau mmt tbat n7dmndeul upon allowaoo whmh mr kruger baa agreed to make for blm ii h oonlluoe th atruggl a loog a poealbl ludtiaji without ubafity are nothing ttrey arbldniromy lo tilm who maka tbem va bltaalng lo othara kiajdiog neiohdormood news milton th town ha ordxril a nuw ant j elhl lot wljbl kale ocott abi ul km wlim t up nt rl for ih tr i bcu llxtd al iwanly lulin mar axii baa t w bu nf abixunvtorihrhiioiih ill 11 udu bj brim almlnted at lllit mt ur until tl turn jknl i-nil- ha u i app a abif rwinalal lo al a vaury of bj r annum jaapaf hell nf lla iilllo hiibh hatjw- aeourod itlj liikrka al tbo enl inlranie ixainluatlnn th blbel liadn al milton lha llaltou old iloyanf 3 uronlo having dacllcdtopay a vlu to miltot i imi hi- day in lupuniur the lljutwr hope our ulllaen will tin all thy call to make it town appear at it heat mr j u- looock baa purohaard the dhliiin formerly nrrlrd nn ly iho late duncan mckay cnewsons comni itti j be diotijlit rireiiliig tbn aprlng ralii vary fait and thrro will tio doubt be a irial deal uf i u grain lu the ponntry thla fall mr jlllta iuimhaw wi in fortunate lu reoolvluu a kick from l hor im wa abfm lug aoile tiiu which lild him up ubli a broken rib muiorluiia habbni clinic jugjc hiudcol wuiibjiuvliitffcimr n iorboe oil wediieaday vlda iba utile three jfear old dauuhter qf mr itaknahaw loll drrnu lha atalrway brtaklngher rill bone dr mawlonald or acton roduued tbq fraolurn and uho u now irnrtlng favorably a few from litre look in lie aoloi ireabytaiuu exouralou and pin nio ti fdylwilj 1ark on tueaday tim matbodiat huuday ewiool of thl placo wjll atlond the uratuoaa union hun day bobool plo tilo lu 1 lock wood ou tuea day the botb itut mr wm aviifirooii raiaad a lino how driving hbed m jj li on wdnady oven in mr m crewoti ia now comfortably aettlad iu hla now roeldeuo wbiou 1 on of tbo flnaat 111 thee jltrlv mia jenny momlllan of thl vloluliy left cu th 101b ot july for ban vranoiaco and newman cal wlmr blm will pd aom limn vialtlug her uuole mr i ltamthawof iort huron mich i viautug friend in 0 i vloluity mi oraol hrown returned horn laat week after spending two week icry ploa autly with friend in acton and vicinity mia loxa gamble a pent a few day laat week with onelpb frieiida kockwood anton iawu trnnle clob pin plcke1 nn tbo nck hern mi monday afternoon and pent an enjoyable llene a aaaing locomotive ant tiro lo a ten ii m ll id ul bay in oiuy l week 1 1 waa it v lllj johitj j lfbi aduld by tbo in h hero tiir i lu aiminr iikmuiib llitlll iho fnd f annual iho ahutlura will 4 1 up at 1 inlk k i a h tuesday evutiliir mujjn vo made i vary rdi abln e if h17 mark in tin reemt enlrl kvn uul ul the ei kuokwimxl pupil who wrnlepaaatd mr ji a waiaon iiaw urn culu i waa bleed laat wak hv j a caution 6o uplcd lh polplt of cbalmct cbuich culph on buinuy u ir turrauoe occuplod mr cruatona i ulpit here aoton mochino and riar hhops hkmlv uisnki 1 iroirltor f allll w ii wililt rl till 1 th- afllilunry liaweaary luil al 44 i llt tr aiila iniflrui nil ai 1 i i 1 ll bliinaoratva nttli i l r ii at luitl blaakanluillf wxlhrtim lli li rcj t aaalialutv nmjii r u u r rilr any talilne tr lni ibiiuiu 1 111 inaka im- lumuiliiuawl nltml ii r absolute segurih genuine carters uikhiikh niis and wank iiavi 1 rlll llln 1 uilkilru 1 crl marlrl iil i iiml r wo ttll myowutiiul ulkh i lull iiiuuiil 11 nl uoilinni lulu u ii lllmlrr hi lolll iv ilrvr t r mrrinlfli lllnil- r rill ml tit i i lil v 1luw iiiuiu urhiui wi1 uiur uu c wlluu 1ji j m onbill silctevif 10 cldpit mckflixlo georgetoiftzn few day laat week at lha horn of her wolherlho watkln til li kantnar or llallinafad apenl bunday al n lorhea mrtnd mr it wilaoii of imati mill bpent sunday al lha homo of itobl crlpgw gtonautown clttxeus generally era laying plan for pending holiday al ooo i walarelda rotrdal lut week iteev nixon fined robert mcdowell 85 00 mid coal being drunk aud aaaaaltlug hi wife lorenxo keutiedy avtmull boy had hi arm broken at lb wriat the other day while at play th council ha found it neoeeeary lo offer 85 00 reward for any paraou found re moving corporation properly off the alrrea ou tuedy evening lutli luat mia tnla coodouow dt daughter of l w ooodenow died al dr wat keraiioa pita wbaro an operation wai performed thl wa aaooewui and ah bad ml th boepital and wa reooverlug nicely whan ah wa taken luddenly ill and lent thurs day morning another operation wa found nooasatry until yelordy kite ieemed to bo making good prog read but the double ordeal wa loo muob for bar muoli weakened body aud death eloewl her borle of kflliollomt for month paat mia coodenow ufa had been aiimj with aad- n vor aoma year biter bar father bad become an invalid nine year ago aba had been th aote support of tb family which reapoualblllty ahe duchavged with marked ability and ohaerfulnaa during that time all wa either in tb man a anient of or abelaunt in tb georgetown pot odliu and lb dullebr the performed lo th ntlro batlafadtlon of th public a few week tgo a axd almoel trauin aveut look place mia cbodetlow wa lo bav bii married about auguel lt to w v h jaokbou of jloudon lluglaud kurly in april word came that mr jaokaon wti orllloally iii aud later a rcquat utat mis ooodenow oroe th aluutlo to fee blm thl ah did bul upon th arrival of the a learner at quaemtowu aha wa liantlod a meraaita elating that mr jaokon hail died dyrjr iwo previo tha daceaaad bkd realdad in gbortown almoal oou- tluaoualy aluo bar birth uarly iu life ah vxhlbltwi markid ability in th llu of inualo and for yoar until horn ueoeeallia oompellad bar to uudertaka tb pot oflio reapoualbilitle tha wa on of th leadlug plalilau and mualo loaoheti of tli towu aud for aom year wau oranul lu lb uaplul churoh of which ah bid hoeti for twenty vort a mimw to th oommuulty her death u k dltinct loa lo her family th lo i intepirabu 1jrull tb young kxoelklor of urmplon will pity a uani or lb 1tua bur ibid titer uoou tb ueorgetowi olf olub had a fileiully utn with llrtmulou club ou lb urmplon lluk yaalerday after nooti bia gaiillemaii and four ladle kid while driving from htewarltown to qaorgolowu on halurdty mr oeorg urabamof uraniptoubkd wrlou fraca with a kleklufj bora tb horarkii twty and mr 0 rah am bkd hla right arm hrolta below lb klbow ii dont make wj muoli dkfriuco what a feller thinks to that h doul lay it out loud lull llewavd tlilll tb taur ot thl lupirwill he puaseil to laaru ihal lliar 1 at 1 at on drdl dlbm ibat idiuod ha bau able to cur lu all it eufte and that u eurlt kallsi calaxrb cur 1 lb ouly tmkaluv our uow known to tli mail leal fritro ii calarrb ulim a eoiiallluttnual dlaeaa imluira culuuluuoua1 ttaauueut uajl catarrh cur u ukau lulaiuauy aolluu dlrettly m0 tlu blno aud littllivertills must dear signature of sm ioeslmlj vroip tew- carters f0z1uucic foi binmm nil uudduett fobtoifiduvta roi auunmnoi roiiulowsua nuthecompuxioi is cure sick heabache in every town and village may be had the mica axle grease that makes your horses glad nassaqaweya saw and planing mills lumber and shingles kt losnibst priges bill bluff cut lo order wood al si oo a a3tl ut th mill p sayers propriotor actok- livery bus line tlautidbraluo1irmiietfu1lyolleluuitauon aa of iba publlo and inform ibeui that well equipped and blyuab lug oan al- way b bourd atblaauble a acuifmabla bu uuu all ualu btwn in abi and 610 v ut cul luuuonlva in ery order til wluu of limilwail tlaval lrrull telal 10iln williams we want to show you wa are glad if you ur anxloua lo ted tha goods mid leal ot their quality wo buy cuttings atpochilly for mallty and ucarinj octduucd a uifl piece oiifine rjoods will uiufy nirticulai men nnd wa have lha iw our faoiioimblo suits ur pk iremcly pc pillar wm m cooper 5pcgton waituucaiialiillablrmjrmou in vrv ccuuly lo renrmwut larfre oointauy ol aulld ftitaiiolal rauuulluu klctd t iit paytlu whtly 3 ir jay al iluuly tur and tl ax iwuim auabitil lou n4 urluiu alary itn ooniiiiualaii aaiary tji fcali llalurday aixl rmpoiiw uiiiiay advauca1 m4u wal fltam liiuli houliu ul luk0mm ur cillcaud t0r0 exhibition au 2glll lo sept vth 1301 65000 2i 65000 wavj mul viplya limliy jjuiijja irrsijrcjl crxx llatnbltiamtit at talru xuw by lat- uilttatty tjltto jluovht utlt ormt uunina at cnttia old iloyjf uad old coll tudeat ryjcidav ajcjtjrjfwri aiw heduood hataet on ni linus jpftrnva ahnitliw kuitif v ii c vll 111 j ii im 1rtaldut ualiail toronto y9s its hot l have lola of icc cu1cam and ici cold duinkb lo cool you off ouitttun itzonal ktot irtjtbsttrttd in ilia following flavora atnawbaixr lunjoa mjtmpttrry vuilu choooluta jljiji jaa atuerioau ofatinl ailo bottled drinks conusling of wild cherry haenbcrry cream ltmon sour ilirch ilocr cinijcr ala cream bola lamou ad and icoold mlhv matthews im grdaft lawn mill troot aijusinbss woman will ulic the opportun lly ol having her i um mad ocr or remodelled dur ing th summer months ut a reasonable cobi by a pracilcal furrier you will sao time and money and when tha weallier for furo arrives you ulll bauiufidd to know that jou bao the latent styuannd llneit by folng to l n e lafontaine cuelph whouule nil italftll i urrier thb ontario sfiud and brain separator co limitld fcugus ont wm hemstoeeit aolon ha3tcurud llioauncy lor holloa county for tlio perfection fanning mill and grain separator manufactured in 1 rgus this is tha mill which lacrcalingwo much talk and excitement among tbo ibouundi uf farmer who huva wltuciwd lu oioratlonu in cloinln and aoiuraliug nil kind of grain aud kcodu ut th ontario agrlcultvra1 cnl leg uelph duriiij th ckcuraijim ihrouih ihrtiiionlh of ltitid ii u the mill which took a luff mid a bull of timothy d cleaned by on of iho jllugod ittleat improved mill ready for aowllig uwt saturday during tbo italtuu vttiiiiora 1 xcundoti and removed over a itock of boodi of injurious weu including lamb uarter canada ildstlu ihocn sorral curlotl duck ptoon weedi calch fly bind weed and falu llax it will pay farmero lo haa mr hem timet ahow lliem ihl mill lie fore mailellnil or preparing their grain and aoeds for crop pine latcli repairing rhr ii ir ii n w j ii w i tn w imweww 10 days summer sale dry goods clothing millinery new summer goods at half price 25 to 50 per cent saved on staple goods jfvhy- because wc want more room wc we want your trade wc want you to know that our cash pricos aro much lower than any credit storo pricos and thin is tho richtbtoro to buy your eoods in 8pocial pricos at this salo will savo our customers hundreds or dol lars como and iot your bharo the goods to bo sold out at cut prices consist of i shirts shirt waists corsets parasols 1 ladies hats i childrens k hats k blankets quilts satteens delaines shirtings ginghams silks ribbons laoes gloves prints muslins table linens towelings laces lace curtains cottons flannels dress goods tweeds mens boys suits pants overalls hats i caps ties and many other lines terms cash sale starts today como early the b crennan co sccorus block t ii it n t t ii acton- t fldv jviiliirtiorimale iliipcrty for hale amjuiikh of ua 1 lll lfil for 01 m i al lo avu 111 llltiii kt hrsidknck and lot i oh lll pill ult trtlit t r r i-l- l runttari 1 at i- ihiii i k i l i r ulll iliio th ik la a al i ulll duo tl p11 i willi clili aln 1 nllinl una ufelar4 uiilll a iy tlilnl lilr io a retlr ol7aiiotaraitili i la intuit allv taiuauaai 1 1 r lull aillculaia ajilf tin the tuhil t i um ii amiiiihun ao- the lions kltgrhtion srlb begins wldnfsdav morning july 17m at 8 oclock and will continue throughout july and august wo lwg lo announce that ue im tacurod ilia tlow at present occuniatl by ncill lha shoamtn iitutt to lha lloo and iu soon u mr nfclll move to hl new premuc we will commence rniodolllng tlieus two large stores and converting them into ona slona wall will hav to comedown new floor colllnga aaluret and everything that will go 10 main thl the largcil and moat up lodale ilry good and clothing aior in wailtrn ontario will have ox put in though llw work will iw of an exlenilva characlor it will he pushed through with at much basin aa possible thl chanta will tiocoititala lha reduction of our alock oaa half which w want to clear out in llietfnenl six woiks con- y slating of dry goods carpets housefurnishings dress goods millfncry ordered and readytowear clothing lfiowinlco3 will do if oiorylhlnn will iwi reduced a full list ulll appear in ilia 0uclll vtrtury and lurnhl eacli uook d e macdoimald ov bro the lion cuelph clothing oliu ci oliunc salu which start ed on saturday wa t complete succoii our tales wem bir beyond nur rviclutuiuu lvary perwin sallsficd wu found ito irouhl iu ill lug bvry aptili m the ir comortnblo dwelling ki bal i lit utliullliil lalu mlllr1 lit itaod x lullila sllcli lltra tit tail ll louaa ail lolon iu avuu tu lou la mtoitalla tultl kuirxni f with liaiu aiv anft walar cl uiii1ii in doellaul lociatloa and in gjooil rondllliu triu tmmatm b nul known uiku blkatlou lo uurnav llcua anton icllalti mk claixl l4e yith foltsai hou8k and lotb in acton iihi uilll1 utrraruiaalelbe flrt m belotislni to ail quktuar avriucbuat tv toomad cxnilrlall owllltauu tot oa aiw kual jood bbilan trull uhm arul lu blaltla auotwnnnelmutung inunn lkea 1 anoail alul a tmiubar uf irdu uaaa tbe a tirotar1la lll le aoij at a aaerloa on isrtiia ul ault hie ruteliur fvor liraia illy touagiilllural llerceu lit nee- k j or lo tt j ucn allh aetna th clmalllam cl vlikkluij ntilum t0i gallant ii tuum to inaur 9 1 ra1l lt vo ruexy ijoj uuiialiiumcytbu luuly lil iwuit l ul llialr i11iih liu foajin uitte will im balil lb i a fr inaurauoe wimuibt in loai t bot all aecltlaul at kuk of gun for itedcrm aiij ilsaeilillou b danla iselli ultaapji tropdalor dwjsijling and lots hoh bale i iiih ilwalllutf and lou on willow huaal x antuil balunsllil u ui aelale ott iba lalo llul ualdnay muhrnl lr aaj tha lxoper ty uallualwl in uialxtrtodbabualnaaaaacuoa ot aoton tba ilwatllog i a comfortable ung troooiad ta lory rouhaaat atul iba ilaroirruu im ualrln id lukhai by kililraalug will ilia waiil iutla rxxluafull motucular in thk 8ui1hooate court op the county of halton in tho mat tor of bo cuurdlanhp of tho lrtfartr ahlldran or hush rld deoaa apllioatio will b hi in tbehurracat court of ula county d 1 111 ion baloro tba jttda in hamber al ttie court koium in tbo tlwl t rr i utt dy fraiil the hrat pilblicaliun liaraof on twbalf ot 1 ltbii ldaob of hi a townahlp of kagua in in ule oounir of ualton wo tha of ih laid infant child ran for an ordar alplnilntf uie aald harah ttavtdam analdun of janiaa ilanry llald and wlllum jrmuli lutd lulant ellldiou of tb aald ilub llald ueaeaead ha1uu iuduv lly w jl uclean bar aoltellor luiadatleton ibulllbdayof july a u 1mi notice to crcditoik in usa ualler of w j lo of aaion in tb county of ualton dry clood uarabmnl ijtkb botlm ibat lh aald w j lm ba ltaj x an aaaigutuant lo like for hie baoaflt of bla cmlltor pnraoaat tooban hi il h o hart and a ota ml log au all lrauo baloa nlaim acairut tb aald kiuu of tbe aald w j l are kwiolrwl to die wltu ins luiruaulaj of tbelt aaid elaiinaduly broved by inldairll on or before the sdtb day of auuat ittjl abd take nolle ibat i mill blur iba aaid 60tb day of aujuat ijui ocad to diatrlbut tba aaaeta of the aaid aatala batrlntf taeaid only to tbe olalun of wbloli i kbajl uiau bae bolioe w u httllklanu akalte il walunstotj bu woattorthu cuuitv auktiituvtyu t kin utreel u oat toroato aaaboaa kolulloi iatltblillbdybf july a djtcl mortgage sale of housb and lot in the vil- laqh of ac undkllbjjd by virtue of lb or of kale ooolalua1 lu a oajrulu ludaotura of loort- vm wbleb will b frolusad at uta unle of tba bale there will im offend fur bale by tmibtia buelion at ho ilcmf of alw llotal fu tba vllucbf aetou on vruay ui awil day of july aot at lb bouf of no o clock la uu aftaruooo uia follow 1 1 property itatuely villas lot ddinber nrtaao buj ljt of lot nurobar aiabwa on tba boutb alda of itaoaooi hum 1n aald villa atalddowa ona daaor uart of tbaaaat half of lot butubar twenty bto in tb beeood oooeaasluu f tbo tnwoahlp of laualog tuada by jaiua wutm 1 it u aad duly blad la tbo lulstry orloa oontajulrul oaa acn of und mora or leaa upon tb torenlae la artad a frame bouee on baj una lialf ktofta blgu oanbaldlo ave roucd ibara la alao a barn abonl luim wllb out bulldlbca on tba troilaa la a good orebard banl bd boft wftur tli la ixurfutf la altualad ooovaulant to luaidmoiea tannery tarto of kala tan liar oeot ou tb day of aala and bejano wltblu two weak ot fart utay vaoialn on tuortceate vot fuitbar baiusulajra ady ti it j aiof ikll acton ot to wu lmuhtuutft w 1 uolhin auououaar auduv a uallolloir auction sale of tim- berwfltthb puulio hot ici i btly fcuu lhal r- buaut in autbrxlty of unlar lu couball olwtiuh ihvkif jahwia aknaaajim cuaitar tliuwom wiiituiw cuani and umutl aud oartalu ata balwoa ivm and tba aaaaw bivau watai in b liuulct of tmiwuta llav will ba oarad far kale by iuuio auouou at uia arllaiuaat llullliiitlutlollyof tornnln ua tuwhday th bbvuntukntii day of ukitkuiihla bast al lb hour ol unu iolok la iba altar- at tba aauia um auj alalu forfaltad and abuilollai lultli lu ula tuwnabln uf dluiiy hithmunawu and 1 orraawoatu lu tba ulautot of ulllbtlkviiw kitd tlouoty of vunroa it will l urlard for axle uia uinbaae of tb ltur liartbu to bare the bjht to out all it hid uf 1 1 til lr libaal oonulnliitf lartu alt j ooiidluou of hal anl itifuiuiatlou a to at aud ita and ooliuraalou oouilrlaad in imaii bar lb wui ba furulalibd ou amillaalloti aitbar naraooaj of by lelur la iba ilairtiuaut of crown fnda lorouln or tb crown tim bar aawnala at oryawaiuuitlit uijim and loar akruua j uivlh coblulualoy oioiu laltj drirtui9ul of crowu iaiida toroulo jun lluol h ii ho uutuuiorlaed uuuctlau of thu adrarutanlauiwlll be au for pure paris gr insect eayataoj tbalaby ilaalrwytu tba luuujatlutt of tbe dlaeaa aud lvlu tb bauaul uellh by building b uia euuallluuuu aud aaullug nature iii dolug it wui tu tirunrulor have bo much mui lu it nuitlv ir that uiay orfar uua lluudr1 uullar for uy oak tbat 11 fail to nur luud for ut of ltiiiuu 11 addr v j jhuntivji loyulluo uollbyallrualli hall ivaiully 1 iii i uiu ual v i beard a fall or ay uuul tlalfahuio ouly belu a wia tutu lu auooee my ba that tli reaaon auul fnlk jltjlflohur illme they fall wc have secured the services of mr s l wlioatley winnipeg as watch repairer and optician and can say from ourknowledge of him that hi i lirstclass in both departments leave your repairing with us and you will be ukilollhvtiltwfjrllrjofle of u rolall bankrupt alock but lha chaloj o a i7thio klok of on of the ur tlothing tiunutattumr lit canada j calder co uf hamilton bought at about um uu the dollar r i 21 i of br i children cry for castqria say age co jeysrellqr8 gfcuelph l j a mcintosh son p0wbr atjd -hlrttb0ret- uppbb- wndhm st feuslph tbrown chemist- aoton 7 rfiii fhfffm ii ow i atali ii lk laah k- ss3

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