Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch agonoral bankingbuoinobs transacted corroaponden co sollcilod bavms depaitmont intcml alliweil n tuiuul oni dof i ah an 1 upwar 1 d m liyl iw ll i day- of withdrawal n alliie an t delaya in drawing money ffarmoiv uusiiicsh solicited noloa of tnj10r15il lo farmer dlacounled an 1 munoy loaned lor 14111 uatc dullness jurioijct our killoctioiideiuunnont 8ale notes handled an 1 m ijcy a lianced on account ofiitna at low rajciodnlemi traveller are n ufed lhal ihv itank of hamilton an 1 it ilrancle umm circular note nf tie jvovlncli jlank ol n i liniltlwhlcucap he cache withou charge t trr 1 lo in any part i f the w 1 1iiai ol i ic1 hamilton s it j capital paid up 109575 licscrvc 1 und 1500000 total assets 17071759 jamu tuavuuit cashier b iorsayetir am nt fjoorgotown branch the daintiest thing the news at home myatly ot a local charaotar and ovrv horn intoroatlnu jujttyutile 1 xrurmtaa to lilyiwilu il waa a ruy auht on tneaday morn itifl la acq the acbolara of knox huntley ilchoal lir thalr dainty holiday ooelumo wearing pin bio atnilca and many of thom oarrjli q fla aa limy inaretiail from tint church lo the u t 11 depot to tako i ho ualn for lliw and mylwim 1 10 leaal era officer and lumnroua frlot da lo tl i umu in all r 10 acoom aided iticm a i a 1 1 k tlul day waa aptnl ldr li k tl a day tuma want over to 1 maton at tl ei joyed a plouga iti the mineral ball a thora all declare idylwild bu ideal lo kilo round jl laltttul uaytna 4oouft on hon lay of ut week mr j i warren of oadar crack larm ijeeralary hal tou i armor inatlluta mat with an acoltloul which narrowly oacaped being of a vary aortoua character uewamoyln with a hayfork whan lm fall off tha iron of the load lo ll a bam floor banaaul iha horaea eat t horaca mora frightened and atartcd to run and ha reoaivod painful lfuuta and other injuria ouo aide of hi faetwa badly icaraudvhiiahl rlhl la wa berionaly brulaed below did kuea ilia wlou having run over it to en tha 1 orae ra otit of th b mr warren is ingrain wall lailit yht yay tjiaw xvor tn shavta by wm laid up for a fa day but la around atlii m jameph 1 abbumi tmidea mrly for a number of year paat tha garden ptrtte hold under tha auaplcea of ut joaapba olitiroli hava ikhu remarkably acooaful and a aijenjid profttatnrao haa been arraliyod for tba uua to be bald in lb a it baxt taoaday bvaolng llotb loat ialhor tny baa aoourad a alasy of uaklati and aavaral promlnonl apaakera from joroul and othor point ara alao alpaotpd tbo pour aat laanad ajj uounoa tba following art lata mr m moktn and mr xjharloa torortay toronto mr j 0 oallaflbar oualpll mlaa jaaaia hlnklla tba miaaea- maaoo mr harry jana mr w uutk mr j 11 walloa mj jamila hcnlth and aoton comal hand ufraihmntl will ba fro lad tba pro k oomtnailm at albt o clock 1 umljuch tietvai oulih lb rltbt of gualpb 1qj of war loam to flratllacoln ilia conloat at iha eton a of loollatid damon itral ioa on dominion tay at qutlpb waa alarooooaly dlipoud and a aacood oontaat waa arrasd for laat tharaday evonlng upon tho ohallanffa of tba iahllnob uam in tha prpaanoa of mm 1 too paopla at tho mapla fjaaf uerrhmnlm jr the meoj lo kaair if yoo ara in buaiicm dibl fail o ut pooplo know it tliara ia ti0fea4a ao aatllod but a lioroua can petilor may tika u away by adveitlahir f t tl ihk jour trado will alay with yon bocauio oaarynno lv town knoai yuu 1 oo lo buy of rotr obanla lliay know lo bo allvo and ittvlla their coat m tho mual f ibn pr k buiineaa u en i aouin uo ln odlinina of tha fuet lurnu llcail hair anntuuca mania carefully oacli week ll wijt ay yoo ttrra j learned wttlt ttirlr vmj upootltttitfi bacrhall lualoh bora tltatwaltth ilia mtlu n 1 f r h aaya tha viotorlaa ar ir n 1 in i tlr 1 ralao or tba haridaomu manner ttt tw icb hoy warn traatod by tba ac urn team wl u oouldn t do loo muoh t j maka tbolr vult a loaaant and oojoyablo ona hi unun contrail lu lhatraalniant tl oy rxiruixl al tha i anda of tba oakvllla taam on tha ocoaai in of tbelr racant vulk to that town millon and aoujii junlora will lay two mtira itatnoa in tba linaf fulnra comtpma of iha street sj tluhtor on m nd ay aflnruoou aa hcova willianv mall waa druin a full lank oi water from iho alalid ipfa alon llivar atreat ona of tho froi t whla kayo way and a iattaral oollaji tauh owtti lo tba treat wcillt of wlur llotli front whool wera nmaabt 1 ibn frunt aila ton a i uilatcr and tha aprlnkling dauia lualiaoli team polled iba ta rag over tha a tako rjrat la 1 minnta 83 aecouda aud laat afur a iraroeodooa train wblou laalad for u ml6otm 95 beoonda oreat excltamcnt followed tha auleodld victory of ibaluallnob man tba team a wera tba bamo aa polled iii tba former oouleat tha bu reoelpta war donated to tba haipltala of tba oily a largo qtjrabr of ailoo and vatdealug tnea went up to wittieaa ihaoooloat jkjnif xkoftlm uedpootluahow citueam tho vuu xvaail baa plea art la copying ilia followin from iba ivrkblll gatlti mm gray and bar daughter laura left for ibalr bw homo in ablon oo monday dr gray having gona loroi tlm ago to tako chartta of tba hraolloa bo purobaaed lu that town tba family hava teelded bera klkiumvou jaara and 111 that um hava tnado many frlenda who vary rooob mural uialr daparlaro tba dr woo for blmulf tba rapauuon ol being a vary akillful and oompauot pbyalelaoaod of being wall up lo bu profaialon i oaaoaaad of rnoob natural ability hi thorough medical training in canada and lu edinburgh haa mada blm a atroug man in tbo profrialot mra gray will bo much rnuaed particular ly in tho 1raabytarlan cbureb aud bond ay bchoo lu which aha wo art antivo and luoooaaful workaf at tha laat moating of w v m 8 auxiliary aha wa proaanud wlui an aildra and a ufa mambarmblp oarlitloata aa a recognition of bar work id connection with tbe aoolaty mu xiaura alto racaived uolaly bound bymual from tba banday bobool a a mark of appraola tlou of bar eervlo organ 11 tbo many friend of tho family wub tbam buoora and happluaaa in tbilr new bom q o clmrku uecarutmo ltd mocormaa tba walknowu trotting auiiiou which ha uu owned by mr 0 0 clark of tbo clark uouaa tbo paat five yaar dlod ou oalorday m or ii lug after- two day ulua from fiiuamtnallon tbi tplaudu bora mil bred by kaaurlad a tollalli fair bury nab aud bar boat ratiaded vfub tauob favor by lb borao u throughout tbl part o oulirlo hi tlrd wbh itllotler 11354 aud bl dam parker both of whom had iroaord under j 10 mocormao wan brbibl bay 10 4uiud bibauj wolbed 100 pound ii bad bn vary auooeaaul at tba varloui ro luoatlug in which bo wai euurod at gualpb rao aoti slat auguai lfij7 b won tbo j 35 trot in iha 3rd athjuidubueate into 9 93 j si aud u having uvau atarur hut it waalcoluubu italluaotlng tbat mocormao i rovad blmaalf tba auparloir of all couiara winning tbo 11 jo trot making tha ramarkabla tlm of 3 1cj til 7 and a 17 agaluat tba favorite mahwur aud garaldluo and aovu olbor alarur mo coral a o alao wou tho atalllon raoo al tba toronto ivir uit fall agaltiat our atarura mr clark wu olfarad j 000 for tbu tjnitdld aulutal atcoluuiba and h gavo ptvajilao of a brilliant futuro lb loao to mr clark i a boavy on mtsulh ol ur tbtnipmaii liny tbadaatli or mr uampaoudayoaourrad yaaurday foooon at bl raeldeood ooruar mill aud young uuoeu hlno tba aool deut laat nomur by wblob bo bud aavaral rib fractured bo ban bu lu poor beallb and bl byataul wa dually oomplau ly run down ior aomo timo bl utn aud throat troubled blm and laat uaturday ba called at tbo deuuat to bkva aevaril ualb anlraolotl lu tho axuaotlou au artery way pierood and aioaaaiv blooding iulud brougb tbia ho wa vary tnuob aufaablad mid puaumoiila tut lu with llyi raault tbat lit rat idly aaiik ifjc- dy oamo to aolon from lllratford noavly four yaar ago upon tba leliloval ot xlr jama molouuau to vinulpg aud baa aluoo bood aiiglnoar at tbo q t it pumping houea hero uowa lianlim in tbo wo have tad duaty atrreta tbaluttwoor throe day it a likely iha bpinkur will roaumo lu tounda tbbt looming u fir at ctaum hill ia alt uempeeim mrfj lloba tha new pruj rioter of xotob uollor mlllj la detrminoi to put tba property lu thoroul ly urat olaaa oon diuon lo ihl end 1 o i giving tbo mill a oomulato overbaullnj lulling in now machinery of tbo lalaul hiij rovad claa and cffootlng othor improvement which when court loted w mako tho mill a very aoporlor plant in a fow woaka nverylhing will bo lu pr foe i working rui lr and then mr olobo will bfgln to rap iho- fruit of 111 artlerprlao mil outlay ho will tlnd a iaru d proulablo cuatom awaiting blm comtuuutoa rvlcm i uut suutfoy lot if a mac liaraou nacbod lb pro communion barman on i- riday ovoniiit on hunday morning tbo pahtor preached after which llov or llobrlaou buporln undent of m laion in mtulloba d tho morlbweal apoko improaalvo word of fatbarly oounaci after which iho aacra ment wa admlnlatorod to a iaria number of commuuloaut dr hoboruon preaohad a vary able diaoourao in tbo evonlng upon tbo toplo balvatloo baked upon luv 1j an ana power unlo tho lord our god tl a dr a bar moo wa much enj jod by both nalor and people tho cradle tool i vvparluteat tbl naw daparlment which wa rcoont ly introduced in lb method 1 1 hunday bchoo i hero ia croatli g coualdarablo in teroat aapeolally oil the part of tl a toolbar who bava hltlo ou allftlbla fox mmbarblp tbi department of tho acton acbool now ha twenty four moot box anrollod and the portrait abown bore with la tbat of ono of ilio flrat member mooter uerurt carko william bou ot mr carlo william tbu eurrgctlo aorclary of tbo acbool oming and going visitor to and fhorn aoton and varloua othor paraonal notaa tt vaaa i aaaa tnviloa all lla fmdoi toaoo irttiulo lo tlilo ooluinn if joa no your truod aro fiolnc away oo a bolulajr trip a u yiaja hava rlihllatuii jcm drtfp a oard o uw raaa illcm apt ala nobla ofnorval u lo town on monday ura john ilrown vlauod raullvooat new markel lb it wook mlaa jaai nfokrju vuhod maud oooljh tin wook mlaa turtle hrolih la honul from baroia ottj yln lbo holiday a mr o tl hmithapenta day or ao but wook with frlenda at toronto mr it i warren ad 1 lor georalowa utrtdd wa in loop laat friday mia melon ilymoa an i rod bom from hault ut mario laat weak for vacation r t councillor john clark haa bean boll daying in muakoka tbo paat wo or ao mlagontlea of kincardine u tho nool uf her brother at bla bomo on park avo mr ldw nicklln jr of uraodon man apeodlng a weakoo ao wltb frlond bora mia tlarab jooo of toronto viailod at tba homo of mra janaeo ilydor tbi woek maatar lloy mortlooa of toroala la opondin bio trohd mro jaww itydar mr arihnr tyrall of toronto apoot a few boliday tbl wook with aoton raulivo mm llalcomandbarllttloaootlaymond ofdoomoinr iowa aro ywung at hand land villa dr allan of bowman villa wa in town tbl weak bttondlng tho practice of dr mokaagao mr cbaator woliaoo left on monday to bpond a conpla of month with fhooda at iorl iluroo llavj and mr llagar left laat wook oo a driving tour to drayton uarrlaloa and other point mr j w humpbrmauduuloavotblo week 10 vlait relatlvo lu tba old homo it lang and jarmyn mu allco holland of auuton 1 vlait lag bar uncl mr j 3 holland of tbo commercial houj mr j c mattbawawentlo aoorgolowrj loot tburaday in a i und tba faoorml of tho lata mia goodanow mr and mra thocna momaakoa aro apondlnji a faw day at lbo bopoo of mr 3 w tlnrn ifokwiij torpid liver la boinotliiwa rrnkmibo i r dlcdcult dl jestlon uiat la imil m hia when ll la what heartarha dlnlnraa conatlpatlrm what fll of despondenrr wtiat tear of lmalnary evlla runduc wlui tbodlalreaaarior oatlnc uto aoumcaa o lb ilomacli iho bad taalo in tho mwilh and aa torth to mako tbo tiro j tho auf fcror orarrely worth jiving 1 dyapepala resulted from turpi i liver in thm caoo uf ura jonoa 2320 n 12th st pulladeujila ta wlwt waa a k auflerer ilor elate men i made in liar 77ih year lo that aha woa completely rurod of ii an i all ita atlondant arbca and pallia a others ttavo lwti by a rallliful uao of hoods sarsaparilla tbat kta on all tho dlgeatlvo njcan cure a dyapepahi and live permaiwol lo and too to lbo whole ayolem bwj dinner sets first special barcain for july jutl received ona cralo yj piece dinner eeu jninted atiplnl anl rilled rcgul ar price h oo apocll i700 two caieo toncy china warn kuilablo or we1 ding lrexnla 1 6 his icapa scd or 1 1 00 pays lo buy at uollerls it pays to buy al bollerti tl notod tea btoee ajld ohika palack laxative brooioquinipc tluu tit imi1j ul j a mccrea curlph qur great summer sale the language of advertising is very much the bainc all qvcr business everywhere follow well defined condi tion and others arc doings very rnucli the imc as were doing its a time for bargains nnd prices arc tumbling right and left livery adverti crtcllh- jou tbout llic jimt thing all tins bargim ttlk i bound to be monotonous unless youre interc ted wc print the news for those who have money to spend and pjam ptct c tnt be too pi un lor the average shopper alf tuc fine tilk of btcr tturc and ill the enthus iasm of bright ilivuitlton couldnt make the prices any more attractive on monday evening mr bollcrt left for new york to sail by the occimcon wcdnc day for the lurppcan mark ets to complete our fill pufch i c we arc n iturally anxious to clear outal the stock we c in during hiq absence the language of low prices on the goods pe ik more convincingly than all the talk m the ncw paper and it speaks loudly from every section of this store rtkrbullertcu 25 and 27 wyiidliam st uuklph house urni8hing8 july 15th the right house 43 hamilton 1avouiti liiopi img 1 lac1 special handkercliif sale nbxa lace curtain our alock tbl year u larger thin river ait i na wo import i bou good a directly from lbo tnanuuicluror tn pro at dritaln wo un show you valun tjial ura 1 ar 1 o heat wo hava them at 5e 75c tl 00 t 5 f i h5 j 35 j 30 b 13 5 ole our dollar curiartt fo lucbo wl lo an 1 3 j yrda long la tlm beat curtain for the money to bo found anywhere and our alitor hum are in roportlott tapestry and ohoallo cuhalna kta alao full range oftapeilry and cheulla curlaliia and lal lo co vein art satccui ar draperies spot muallna etc vod ahould not buy curlojiu iwfcro liupocllni our block art muslins in a ureal variety of pattern nnd color 1 111 a perfectly fiat coloi c at ho loc ujc rj salmtsuom in canada chas l nelles she qitaa tet qztss tiluiwday july s2u 1001 uttle locaibrieflets which cauaht tha eyaa or ear or fro praia raportara thlo waok firat of augoat nezttburoday civlo holiday u dow boing apaoulatod about holiday vlntlug i very general bl preaonl tbo wheat barvoat la ou in real aar oatt now milton o ralo for iba year ba bten trookattto mill don t worry abool tbo heat think bow yoo will foal uoat january tbofasc iati to any addroaa unlit iba nd of tbo year for 0 cent tho maroury baa baaa oanloriug wuud among tbo bloelloa during utp week frank guyall lata of tbo commaraial holal baa loaaod tba albion holelguelpb ha took poaaaaoioo on saturday proparatijea ara in projfroa for tba tayinx of tbo now granolithic walk tbo old plank walka are being torn up lx graham lawaon raued yeatorday a ona bank barn on the dal ion farm rtc antly purobaaod by blm it i aosco mlr areb uomabbbao oomplaud lbo now wlro odgo fait aud tar roof ou tbo ganadaglov work itu vary fioorpof tha property of wm qrlpp llanaom st will bo effared for aalo by auruoti to morrow al ono o clock at agnow o uoul tho employee of moia w u utoroy ot boa are eojoylog vary mndhba lal orday half holiday dnrlug tbo warm woa tba member of lbo junior league aod ibairhaporlnlaudootabadaiianjoyablo plcnloin drown grove on bat ar day after noon tbo troipfol aro ancouralug for batter prlooo for wheal tbl tall chicago prlooo hvo advauood coiuld6rb1y during tbo week tboladiouf autou bavoiuoontompla lion a popular h party io uio park id ilia near future in tbo intoroou of anton cornot hand tbo fall wboat 1 beluc rapidly barvoat d tbo yield i vary fair lbouu lu many loaaliuo lbo haaabot fly ba created oou aldarablo damac mr uanjamlu atdaraou i offering barrealdanooou mill blkoet oppoaiu wall ioklon for b bba intoud ramovulg to bof brick tuidauoa dowu towu tba aoton junior weill to alton ou saturday to play a baao ball maloh with lb aanlor uf that bamlat tbay wet baatau by the alton team lu a aooro of nluo to oiicbt a lady aaw an adverllwuient lu ati amorloan bowapaper ottering lei or twelvo yard of allk remuaut for teu c6uu lib out toil oeut and reoeived lu rolutu halt a doaeu place of allk tbroad i doalre tbat all my frlaiid and focmar ouatomer abonld know tbat i bavo ntornodlo aoton aud will bo prepared in a few day lo dll h order tat oualom ma ai vt -r- tk tbo idea of tbo cranio itoll depaftmant i to mako lbo babla member of lla hunday bcltool la tba early day of tbelr babyhood when a uw babo oome is tbobomo and rooeive a uauia lbo parent arotuviud to bavo it faurolud in tbl de partment a certificate or mfatilborablp i prooaulod bearing the tiinjo of tbo llltlo membar tbo dalo of blrtb daloof baptlam by whom bat i bud wllb bl all kit for dalo of union wltb tbo rburcb marriage etc tbo oartlncato bear the algnaturo of uia paalor buporluteudollt aud aeoretary o tba hunday hchool aud of tho primary uaober during tb llratthrao year of tha baby uf tbo btiuiary toioher ly ocdaalonal lall aud alway andoavora to vlall it oh tt birthday uklug a bouiiuet or a birth day oar j all of which tba mother epprcol ato for tba uby ko when tho litll toy or uirl roacbt tba 04a of three bo or ld il rrady lo boooma promoted from lb oradlo roll iituiorftnibry department and bocoino a regular attendant of lbo buuday boliool of wbicb it beoama a member aomo two or lliroa yr boforo local unmflutb baal manner gao btou mill hi oaotjtoluwu llaoao fur innrood to 1800 open trot or pee io0 2 7 trot orptoamoo j q tro 9 paoo 1160 opou rau hot 40fe mo 6100 1- utrie rooolved notll adkoal urd llaoe mouday auguat 0th cheap railway kale a greal day ma k mntl body a w 1 boon who outtlojplt jirobaalug mouoiaatal or work of auy aiaorutuiu ur ihoir oomotory plolf ahqold order ditoat from tba old toiublo ajrauk lud tuaibla daalac j h kaniluon uuolpb out all oiponooo allovod to parol aer au work and malarial warranlod oompetlllou dafltd iba hamilton iladhtl luilway com pauy ba mada arraiigameuu far tho ax unafon of iu line from uuhiuglon lo oik villa aud lo bava it ruuulug by tha lit auguat 1003 tba young 1oot la of lbs urlok cburoli will bold a mlatlonary aorvlco ou hunday avonluu bt 7 jo 0 clock aiprojrlftta byuiua aud reading will bo juou wmd mr if 1 moor will yivo muiaalouary ndjrea there wa an eaolltug tima at lake bid vmua laal woduaaday a paaolng auglua ut or to tha buy field 1 w o book were buruad but tbo uuiud ertoru of tbo uieti at tbi aaw mill and utoroy a laimafy kubduad tbo twiiir lbo oakvllla surliafl oommsnood ll algbbmulb yur ol publloatiou mr f ureter baa mdalh mini vary able rap kooeuuuvi of oakvllla aud vicinity audita ba tlm alao lo dovoto par ton ally to muu lolpal nmturabi one of tba low 11 father if bttodt comuileakuier hwokbniiiar u4u to win tbo thank j of a urga numbar of patldiit and long iufiriiig cltljtui lu will tul lu uaw oroiiug uu thaqburob walk ktjobu llglu btid willow 111 tt y aud 011 1 lln h treat auulb alia of mill hlraat at onoa iuuaabaeiicoofblatharuv arthar inoi pled lb pulpit of tbo method lat cbuiob laat buuday 111 bormoti gavo ovldouoo ot oataful l raiaratloil blld wera dallvarod wltb at ojtiaolnaa obrotrlllo uf a djro lo improa lbo truth preuu 1 btiwrrottrxotrarymmoo rririrrwtionnfttraioniiryorvft lhurub aud uio head of a bappy bom lbo auavlvlng family aro mra- day uoboft at lllratford johtj at gladalona miob mr rivormoro loudon aud david at deuolt of bl aral family and mlaa ida aud vorda ohlldreu of hj widow goner alaympalby 1 ejtuuded id mia ly lu bar heavy oiltloljoti addod u tbla i uio naro ot bar iuvall i riuuiot whola bpward of uluol year of a j iho fuvaral will tak lao iruui lb bum bom lo morrof hud prooaod to htralfuid bytho il tralu and luurmout will bo mada lu iha family tint at hlrattord limuiiouutf to cure a cold in one dav tako lalallva lrumojbinllm tabuu al irumiiaiw roluo4 uo mooov w ll alia to cur m w llnitoaaujaalurol on oaob bo ittiwly vlwjm ujfj uuitlujiki mr aloa kaullody mlaao jounlo au i kate kouuody and mlaa llowlay uit luoodav tnoruiag lo llolfolo u vloit iha 1eii amerioan mr wm nawtnij luat a voabla boa laeljiauily jruoj aauutltuka ho wbo forgoka i laown frlond maalily to follow alu iboa uf a bibber dogroo li a aoh tbankery dr gray waa called to honaall on mod day owing to tho doatb of bl tnothof lla returned laat avoning mr crawooa molaugbbui returned from a two week vlait to frlond in bou tbam pton laat weak mr robert wauoo of korral wa a guoatatlhobomoof blooon in bvwazooun ell i of danny laat friday mr morrtaon of iho toronto ttlegnxm and bl aorj woro eoaot daring tbo wook of mr jamoa hydaf and family maator bydney hmllh arrived uak tburaday aflarooon from ualifax to apeod the holiday at faiivlow i laoe mr j ii f1 lobar of dotton apont a few daya at the bom of mr jam barrio ou bl way from tbo ln amactoaa mr dr fay no and children arrived from chicago yootorday to vlait barmotbar mr w h btoray and olbor hand bar dr mokoa apeot aavaral days during lbo week btuoaitamertoanandortmaby lark returning to town on monday avon iaf mil uoltio mooauu wbo went to bt jooopb convent toronto at kuaator to taka aoommarolal oooia 1 bomo for va oauou mr and mr 111 j guruey rotomod on taeaday from a vary dollgbtful honey moou lour to montreal and inurmodiau polnu lloovo william aud bl little ana freddl raulrnod bomo monday ovonlogattor bpand ng boveral day with bl mother and other maud at dondalk mear frank molntoah and hd uydar were u uuffaio on baturday and anoob a oonple of day in aeelng tbo bljibu afforded by tbolaa amorloan mr maruuandmioidauarrlodfmw markel vlaltod lb fan amorloan laat week mia harrt ubow apanding boa holiday wltb bar parent mr and mr thome m campbell wbo recently moved to bault bu mario bad tbo bad iiperlenooon tho ibtb loat of to lug tbalr two motitba old babo mr alex crawford maator of aoiod l 0 l went lo twoolo 00 taooday to atuod tbo aonoal taoetlnoj of lbo grand lodgo of lb orange order ia canada mr ilourt day of buetfocd and mr abj mr david day of detroit arrived oa 1 deadly avaulug ftalbad hero through tbo orllioallllnaaoof tbir falur mr b day mr john henderson of toronto wbo autlaled in tho llrluab army laat year riturned boutt roooully and baa bea vtu lug aouui friend uio paat wook or ao biuoo lia uft acun jack ba lravlud ovr 10 000 mllao llev dr lloberuoti mrg ilobmoou and mia lloborloon of totouto vro gueel uiu week or a day or twa of mr jan andorood main fll mr aodaroon u auut t dr hobertaoa and u joouy proodof bl auoooe n tbo mlulatry mr ilanry f hill raturnd to town ou monday alter apondlog a unatb wltb frlauda at monroe toledo cleveland nnd buffalo ho apentaoveraiday k4 tb ln auierloau aud ebakaolarlao ltaaoodocfol axbiblllou mr hltl ba dootdod to go into tba photographing bualoaoo at baou bu mario mayor deaood mr dmumi mr f if datoau and ml deaodn of mlltou uft uit week for au ttaundod boll day witf boy will vlait lb va amar- ioaii lk tbo trip from albany odown tba if udaod tlvet to new york and ajur a few day vlait tbor bad in waahlog ton lefcva per cuuard b b umbel frool now york for drool urllald tbolr ur lu luropd will include tba uritu ialoi land mulon laampia some month ago when price or linen handkerchiefs toerq a great deal lower than thoio demanded ww by i lie great irlih maker wo bargained for beveral utile lot thit were tpecial aluo even then some of these will be on bale to morrow and they re marked at very enticing fig urea for half doten lot a big tupply of handkerchief in aummer lime never come amla iuro irish lined handkerchief vdaln hematltched width ofhom from i 4 to i inch good liberal aire and aplendld wearing quail fie marked kt thsa apecjal prices 6 for 4c 6 ot cyz g for 83c 6 for 05c 6 for fll 13 thoi felmjaei bala contlnuea were you one of i lie lucky one there borne of the best hern yet made from muilln iwcilo and imnl and in variou atyle and color they d bell regularly at from fr lofjeach bpeclai bjd prico joe voo a at 40o no do lea lllouae made from extra quality cambric in variou pretty mylc and coloring good value at 75c on aaie now kt 49c each ladloa snunerrfat in white duck and i k in variou klyle and nicely trimmed only a limited quantity to bell priced bt if 00 ll jo t 75 and 00 each ualhlna bull fcaidleaf a full kkaortment in block and erlra kike made kpecially to your order on abort notice i rice commence st i 00 nd on lipwarda merceriked pono hanilefcblof look like tllk and wear like lined dainty colored border very apodal value at 6 loiqc- mercsrlked pongeo wllh pretty while vxleuclenor edtc at 0 or 5c swl unert ifandkervhlei em broldered liemntjlclied and fast embroidered edge at 1 3 and 30c muallu handkerchief with fast embroidered and liem aticlicd very special at a or 35c ftiali lawti ileinaittclwxl ilaudker chief vay kpeclal vklue at 0 or nbo laoo llaadkorohlofii boo a llltlo lot of ladle uea lace ilandkercblei tlial would bo good value at hc on ule now at 59c each a apeclal union carpet al 35c and an excellent quality at 40c auo a full rango of hotter qualltla of unlo in and wool from 50c lo ei50 a apeclal line of tapeatry at 5 jc hemp carpel i3 15c 3 dc and 35c japanese matting cotton warp at 15c 30c anl 35c no trouble to show goods henderson 5t oo mill street acton thomas c watkins king sb east cor hughson st hamilton agtons greatest store big snhp in ordered cl9thinc a new clean hack of twui im wouwn w slugiu an tu boiilil at 10c on ilia ji we bava them on tale ai 111 reductions suit lo order from io to i30 each trowtera to order from fll lo 84 50 pe i all will be mule by union labor nori all our now colored i lata except bhek all aliapt half price saturday re nelson ono price only 09 wvndham st g u b l p h imhiteialerr srle for one meek largo stock to disposo of fcccial inducements to clear on the go ladies skirts regular price 150 special sale 1 ladies skirts regular price 5100 special at 75c corset covers extra value at 15c corbet covers regular price 35c sale price 25c summer corsets straightfront corsets ijp special offering at 50 cents by our windows you can sel tiilm mens tan lialas to 5 now 2 17- misses button and lace w of 0 185 now lite childrens button and lace ivcvo 125 now 0c we have made the price to sell quick 20 per cent off trunks 8 stores phone 286 trading stamps nejllilj the shoe man guelph special value in summer hosiery at 15c per pair a fine showing of new muslins lawns and dimities those who have visited our muslin counter ay that our showing easily discounts anything ijtcn outside this store extra values in embroiderie 1 and lacxs qiiowimo p kukitji torohtalt kvry llm ol ontario llavbnu in the pi bix itfonlh is woukuiul gaullo u lu ft buiy ouiijlulou lu um bmii mit mm1id du t il rn tt tfh hi iuui ul rvuu lb harmu 1w0 1d01 orowil land faatrilu s7 ml 05 uo- i lui iuu hdlll wl 17870175 kuwuauiu dull 1w 711 vi 101 m 01 1 utlio lulllnuuu ill hot 0u 31 j16 new ribbons new stock suitable lor neckwear in plain stripe and spot velvet ribbons nr all widths boiling oteather people siy they feel so hot and languid but tint n because my ln r muslinn unchrwtir we have u good range for ladies skirts from 50c to 1 50 gowns from 50c to 1 50 drawers fiom 30c to 70c v ladle vest without sleeves with short leeve and with long sleeve it diderent price twi u1b ul vms irtol luofmm nnpuij willi 1000 0 gtjrketco the new stork in the new block hcton i wc al 0 have a good supply of dainty muolin in different pattern coll on o f qoodeve fe co i v 7uullst kcton mk

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