Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1901, p. 4

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a hai slow growth of hair comes from lack of hair food the hair has iiritfi nollfc 1 it is starved it keeps coming out gets j k thinner and thinner k bald spots appear j j then actual baldness the o good hair f food you can buy is r t feeds mm hair visor f the roots stops- starvation and the hair grows thick and long it cures dan ong ifuft druff alss kccpr bottle of it on your dressing tabic it always restores color to faded or gray hair mind wc say always si 00 b4u juj dnojtt i ha found yor hlr vlor u b ut lint remedy 1 hat r l uti or uw hafer my fa wa f bullttf mm vnf bad bo i tboajrbf riu try ft nottl- of it 1 bad hd only m bmtu and tny hair ivph fatar out and it 1 tow k teallhtr- udtutf july um 9jtkws3 v j tie will m ku bo air u4 keel atai ef u e ye wr t b v v v a he tnit jfm jjr- thoithuiv july 5tb 1d01 lle crong mollis ow og ob doo t yon itto kh lit on grandta lum or- grandpa bay i- em tain imbuni am cousin lion lead tu iur jtntanim an joai ajwu elouiet w bab id ih brook bad puf la da 1t try to eath tadpole out ol th knlcx w hid in in bob ilk injoa lada ad bbt vllb um boroeuaad el their bilqgri ob there a twnlr of fun oh 0udk blw isadpft h a ye wo moot on b r r an cousin lob kilo o beys lb ah ab nuuatmanaly juibj fluoliejoie t our ltiiu jwz- juagauju thu it inch among the col liers mi mu itouoa a m iii artlaja la ooamwm itagaiui op tb daka uid dabaa of cornwall anj york ky of hi jtoyal mbtiam u mjio tthsra ua tapy klorlm of tba e wha um safes of york nvt la btwftl ik- vloa oo of ttbtali t lu hj lbe tnarlh of batag ftbaolnuly uo tot u u tou fcl a poblio dldx by adralra blf vidwuk ludiord bo took u ftoloml put in lb lnoiaou blr kradulck tl fc tb tlmio ootonuod of uta klp ia tobkik um iok wu wnrinf m llauoftaluul uuw vftl ftoilldg io torkub iln tba balua mot nprsawouaiv fo gnoi tb grftbdda of tb britub bowojgq tb ib ws burlly moiibytb 4musl tbaq b opula to whom b bbowd bat totni cooruy i mm ooai to ktmi ub trioo wbo u la oooimnd ha obmrrod x un la domcadd tplud cupuia ttodiard um ytluo l oo of my usauoftflu bat u yott will lt ksomnt yoa wlu blm and jatt tba 1dnoo qorid wbo bd ba it obnt of um ooajiatf tuly bbd who bftd la um uwcim of bbl datlm bsoom wnothid la i3jjqi fctpaajrw tb pqlou of qao vloiorl nruidoa bo bostc pprolly insplcd tb fatkuib offlauiwiui balnud tarpii btj borror business to thlabt a boilh oouuty tallui uowl for bit kanluflowall totui wh oaom la m bokl trying bi bait to fct toroa tb hlrwun bbb drov bu milt tu tttmtrt mi floodd n4 b wm ukou pkl tb point ttwblob b wtitd ta ud tobll fmlb oa kabifortao la oto6k blm tb ui uuot uii um ul upl iiu wtf lrjuiiuj tb dabgftf b wwt ia lu frmatiojly kioo tb kul f tb bunabi orylng lot blp ia plutal valoa wktti la brabr wtninl b wxj ttddaly btoojtbt ta auntuhu by bl bbbudyli logout i im drood uollu dunnot furr thftl flour kotm lip two ftblllla a bftok 1 the drvbst 8tot on kahttl tbi duuoolioa u 0lil by 1rof vftiroblld lu xvylft ln wblab ij huu td fcixiut v dsgiom tnuui of tl uijuutr luiu fu tb ou fca varat quo lutwo jrmrtf bat tb iaurftl 1 uldu biuah lauk wba tb projor vialud lli puo ut brujry tb ort titi fur ubl yr bftd juat fftlua yat n in tbkt mid cllmftu b foutid kvu bpcl of fciiattftl pluiu bd tb uatlv iiru m iuiuji by grtriag klod of bottou wbo laag raatu flu j uiolilur aoiiiili ia uuarlab tbtu i11 tb bd of drlad up rivf v furtub doat oqiu your wy lb ouly todaa to ku bl a rheumatism as expei lence stands the most pro way to tre an u old settled rhcumitiain is to net ui the general htith whatever in ikes health in other rtsjucts is gotul or rheumatism we dont sty it will cute it someti jtt does sometimes it dont 1 your ehanee is oeucr with stotts emulsion of codliver oil than with anything else now known hyand by there wdl be a sure cure it will nule a big tioisti in the world wheh it eomeb w ilaad fait iu1u lai f you ui wott hownk cwuu mv docl josh wabftd bad k hoaafol tt company u lutittmnir ow nibt our rol bad all tftlkaafor afwdy my uur and mjcll waravtoo ia nor jd boo ilb kit hrvantit qutu ramot from am in tb f i tb booar our 100m u 00 um gtounj floor ajd ery eay of aooa from oa piau and road but fall toiio pro laatrd hlnk wllb un iwo amall doa at tacit io imii connaolluif wllb um nana room in tba ublntl tooj al alioolax tft ibatiklnl o our harp volod urrlor baforo lb nlbl aa ot a my lata will ull r it au alamy gwm oiitbt out you wbo know wb boa lag r an ploturv to yoaraalva tbla rim li and juat aluf 1 bad rallrad coy jaab iim baro olb alory atartcd up from ida auoa tjuutar aod barked furooly aud codunuoualy 1 r mooatraud but ba bad bo idea of bluj pacified and barked witb aoob aidnt parpoa ibal b oomplalaly artwiaad botb my aiatf and mjaalf ho w oonaol lad a fr wbat bad beat be don faaliog aur aommlluf bewin w iuudw but ooold bear no sound allll joab krpt on wlui bia oio of warnidg knd at laat i touched my rlrclrio ball lo call otit tba nan i in tb kulloea of um blgbt lb tlr ring of um ball xoald ba dlalloouy baard and a it wa bounding i brd hum on and oooolodad it oor fcnao but run al mm w it tat blm in and aant blm ovef um bona arytbiog acrnd a qout n a- wall ragolatad family abould ba and mo x aank blm back and wa aaia attld for a iran jail lfbj ko ooatrlowar- bad lb man kn loto thaubu tbao w war btaxuad by baaxloguira maa jump from ibo pixa 0r oar bad i tbay aaw uiat um iw bad bean glvaa tbat w war ajooaad and tbat tbalrlittl rbb for that nlgbl wa troaualed bo ui fog abtalding lbm tbay laid quit aull 00 tb roof of tba plana till tbatr dangar u paat and umq d fn in bau tbair plana war walt laid and would b ba n aaooaaafu bat for oar visilaotcluuwaubaiatifro4n woa collar bow hang a gold wadal in tokaa of oar erautud descnutivk names of clnd- ian cities omrlfeio toroolo tb qoaan city otuwa tb capiul city xlamiltoo tba ambition city ioodaa th vonet ctty ktnjratoo tb xjmaaton city branuord tb taupboo city wlmlwtb c -ub- daima alao a rynltloa aa tb lloyal cty bi tbomuttm luuway city cbttum- tb mpl cuy bt gauiario tb cardan city cuelpb tb lloyal city uuauord tba claaaio city xulluu tba hay city woodatook tba cptury city iuiborotb klenulo city oalt xjltl vanubaabu- llrltn tb oorman town farl alraog oootradlotioo tb xrub town cornwall tb vaolory town codarinbtba bait town drockvuu tb laland towd tboroldtb x1ui town jutowj 1mu turf monuoal tb city of tba llayal mount quabao tb llook city and alo um anoiant capital xiallfax tbacutmoa city anaapolu tba ulaaoo cty caulouatowo tba xund cly uinncwi atj yaakitoitifc wlonlpegtb 1rairu cuy brandon tb wbt city calgary lb catu city aaltiau coicubu vanooavar tba tarmlaaj city viclohatb laland cltf haw waaunlolar tb lloyal city nobalmo th coal city a word to boys tb london jv 1rru airikaai tu bail oa tba bead in um following wbn w a um bgya on um atrt and poblia plane waoftorl wonder if thy know uuk tb boaioaaa qmo ar waiobiog umoi in ary bank atora and ojfio uwraj will aoon b a plao for a boy to filb ttioaw wbo bat um management of um affair of um boaln boo will baloot a boy la wboiu tby hav onafldanoe wba tby alot one of umboya tbay will not alot bib from but vblllly o awar itaug holok otajtretu aif up bai kng tba bun may b a fw of tbabablta umumum but tby or looking for boy wbo ar a by gnumaa in ary aana of um word a tbay on hod and tby ar abl lo gw ibaonajtaouroraaeryboy in ibr dly tby ar not lookiog for rowdl kbd bad a boy appiu fir on bf tb plaoa and i trofaftad uuy may not ull blm tb vaaaod wby uty aa bat wont blm bat tb boy nan dapaad upou it tbat b ban bu ratod ftroordlag to bl babatlor uoya oaqbot afford la adopt um babltl and oootaramloilo tb loafer and rodu- if uy avr want lo b oalu i to raaponalbl poitioam tb flur uat nomplalui tb motbou tb vlolusli itaurally tb 00 umi mu tb tuoat castoria juf xiulanti ajirl chlldjeil btm luaatv tb tfuat llpraaio of bpaot toward tba wbo ar lu ol aou d quluoay lrlfty it t ut raaaonabld la npot two wk of oatiug to ovaroom tb ffeot of fifty wwake uf oonnitamabt 1 tk a boltl of ifoad turmpatilbt along wllb yoa tbr da1 dally of tbla kraal tonld will da taor lbu auylbltig al to refreeb your blood ovm your ud baling imprp yoar kppetiu and ttmobrtfaaajyndratwl lupulauo u tb loldait ky tbat bpaua tba palao ul ataralty mhtoo hlolbrufv worm uxurmioaaor ba lb larraat oal of any aimuar praparatloti hold lu canada it away k ufo lion by raatorlag bltb ta um i1uu folk vlr and award era alow agio of deatruouoa in oompariaoa wllb tb bb bw uleala to uak afonay ll u bo to bm a nlawr btigbtbraia a oool bead fr from patn abd alrpog igproa or mil barna heart and maru pill lavigoral and brlgbln tb brain atranglbao lb nr and wmon all bart oarw and brain trouble ceylon and india natural liaf greein tipt js fni iroiii my irtk l of i lirin millr i cnmvlyina iiivicoriliui 1 itlu only 11 1 ihji uit fi- udious p litc and is wtiolt onuifortlif 1110 t dclic iu diction it is miso pl british froougt salm rlott rah arr hold in nrnlrd lrad iarkou only ulark uuru hurulorrd rylou lrcru lrrt hanpirm krat dilrrhii m toronto extof r ftrawbrbij children and adults cures diarrhea dysontory cholera cramps colic cholera infantum cholora morbui summer com- y plaint alnd all fluxes of the bowels mas bccm in us for half a oemtubv harmless reliable effectual and should be in every home sure remedy mr f churchill cornell out writer- wo havo used dr i owlcr i xtr ict of wild strnu- ittrry in the homo unci ilwtys find it a sure remedy for dysentery jusfnyfars mrs jctac north wood out write my h ibj cijlit monlh old wai very bad with dysentery wo jmvu her dr vov icr- hxtr ict of wild strawberry and it mcd her life wo hc u it in our family for tho init hiuc yc ir 1 and would not bo without if action wonderful mr w varner nowgonmiij n s write i lia o great con- fiuenco 111 dr rowkru 1 xtr act of wild strnv berry for variou dk- rokh -wt-trhhr- boy h id u be vera attack of summer complaint and i could jet nothing ta bol him until i avo him straw berry the action of thid remedy i is wonderful and noon had him pcrflctfy well a falw flrl iava renrally uk bu bia flrat panta ba koou oulgroma it had la ariprmr a hlakaraoi farmar llalloii writ laat winter x bad lit gnpp aaj it ult bia wlui a aavr paid lu tba am ail of my lick aud blp tbat ud lo catcb ma wbaaavu- 1 tried to climb m fano tbu laatad for abouulwo tnoalh wbea i bougbt n butlla of lie lbouina iklaoula oil aud uaed it botb tntarnally aud ejiuraally mornlug itudavanlng for hire days at lb expiration of wblob tlhi i wu bomplauly ourad lla bllmbln bill that ibey uwt nvr cam to tbet bak aom folka old afor tbeir um children cry for castoria tbaraa many and many afolleitbtdic for lo o drink a lied hot buuniar daring th bet aummr avaaon lb hood gu averoaaledrtb aralu on lbakyatorrr i aaaara and lb appeuld la oflan lent ilardook lllood ulu- puridaa and luvigo rat u blood toned up tba ayalein and teatore lflt appallla imilbt a htuo eluding tbau it great tie of baaitbraak hlkapcr ilakaob aldeaclld awolling oi lli foot and hbkl pulling uudar ye frqutit tbirat aoanty cloudy tblok bigbly oolord urlu frqunt urination burulug uuaa lloa wbau urlntiii auy of lb above aymptoma ltil lo urigbta dusaa dropay diabalb 6to tou kiduy iilla araa cur nurd for 11 kid nay dlwawa aquiot tuula ibattflll 1 hibo6lnmiijii batter 1 a balky bow ifyoauka laxt liver till lo ulibt baoni rtlrlbk it will work while you elatp without a ifrlp or lli ig blllouuuca oonatipallan dyephila aud nick hdtche and tuak you fool blur in tb luoriilug wbat in awful thing ii 1 wbu a biaii wbo baa aoblaved ft good ritnu and aland lug by yjen of tar unit affort dtillbrately ibrdwa it away by una act of folly government approval of the spramoior it mau uj by ii lua uji lnliiril ikfuwj likj twvl- j- iy aftaywwllia kmilo 14 lt imu bluulj k lu mi 1ivsl if t mtaao wt yluulollfiulaltu qhtan 0 j rtialfti lij ub1lfullu g u iu hiio1 w tk 11 i u c 1 j a u- vuu kpl wjj wu uf ulu lu kkb lu wa v t hi1k ili hmm- rc t lt lultbu uiwbii nr cli- ii l iiu l 1 at uj itunjwj ijwj j afctl ubutv 1iua 1 jjiuw m 1j lwa yu4f luiuy l sn kblbt u4kf ltd ulln uuvukh uixim u aruuli4 tt il 1 1 tmw tulu u ila b ituu tmp 1 luvw aiuih uukl ulu olduukv vltilattt ckbf i mltwba jtj jt u lav lallo of cmatjft l mtouutjuiinion cuu otmuitm 1jiu qw i lrt ul limi l ihuvhi vhi lkt ih twlbt l l b h f x uimwul la u miihihi lutlun j a coulukkil v j uiu k v ta ply i vihi jr kaavilaaa ana dsa7i lukaal k i jh it um ijrujtinu ui kintun aiua j la mtatey 0 ajtlkut the bpramotob co tonuom txhy bfr kiajaia wbau wealth cornea in at tb door lo and bk pinaaa ofuii fly out of lb window uavitad irovarb waittta k your kauralgla of ootma you dotil ao you abould take bootta 1 umlaloii h ia a fat tbla remedy ourej it aud ll curbuarvouauea nerve debility and luaomnla alio dlf rpct la tbs oorntr atona of all virtue blr john ueraohel how to cur headache rome people aullar uulold m leery day afur day with iloadachd thar la hat ueluiar day bor uigbt uutll tba bervca ar all uotlrung tba oaua ta gallerally adlaorderadatomaoli and a aura uau b effected by balng larma laem vaflthbl pilla eontalulug mabdrake audlhudtllou mr hulay wwkijyaaud i q writ i find larmal a villa a aral claa artrdu for bllloua haadaob to ask aarvio of auolbar taau wblob you would not ba willlliigta return blm if conditio war ckangtd iaa pio of im pudiiucd british troop oil liniment sprdtuv slnlruy cutiy woundi ukcra opn sofi qruui still joinu bjuj and si bit of itutcuf ouigtuv cola coobrald cordi rluunului ii ntoalju bruocldus ooyp sat tboit qulnacy vbooplf coiijli and all painful swelling x lauce uottul 3x it in jail an iuipoulbl lo admlr th ruin who um uo oouvlotlona au it is lo aduilr tba man who oouvlalloua take tba farm ol dagitittubi luud 1ft worms i nv lr low a worm uyrup to my little girl two and a hallyeara old tb r wu that aba paeud ifi round worm lu flv daya mr it llov uiliutiagh out ilia mora wa alii ly iha more wa diaoovar our iguoraiioo hlmluy atuullou lu ibo worll of hoiuboittila luedlolu ban baan fu vary bouraauf loo m lu politlca and religion lb dif ttnuuir of opluloua and lb itidlviduallly of mau have been patut lo tb duagfa meat by wblob tb aluidrd of lltw bodle hav bo alavatad uo wllb moal o our famou preparations tormot lu iii tiiatrauon o which irulb auuda uta war i fainau rtiiidy to general debility and auuborr- qululua wiua which wbea oblaluabla in ita nauulu auugtb la m mlreimloiu otealfac of apimtll vitality 1 ll irs g ruiliy if tb aytui quiniiik win and u i pruvemanl baa from tba flret juooiery of the great virtue of qululu bi a bled 1 61 aent bu ou uf tba bloat tborouttlily dlaeuiweu toittedle nvat offered to tb pub he it u ou uf tbs k toulo and and uatural uf mug kilmulabi which ibamadloa 1 profeealon babon uumpall toraoajinlasandptcdhb uwji mortt rop aud lymau of turontu bav nlaa lo tb prparatlou of ibalr pur qulnlti wiii tb krl car du to ita unporlauo aud the atari j and enoeluuo of tb aruol wblab lby uffar in lb publu nouiw lato lb walk purlad of all tb dafeou wblob akllled tiliearyalloti auil eolantifla opliiloa at i k i tiled out iii io leaa mtrfaot urpara lloua of lb latter tb aiikui nkwcenruilv iduab totonto iabibiliotf to bo bald from ic to flrplcmbrr 7 aanominr uiat ita priaaltwl olibiantcriat a will ho tba tduon of now anlury i lea tlie pbraao inht b otmailered a bit imlrlinil bat for lb art that o iitlenimiraiiaiualy tb iliumonl u tnatle tbat dial will im tally at d ltl dlplaya f all tba tu weapon of war aa wall aa cftil dovelup mena hi lb aria of paana 1 1 a jxiin rxim will ba on iaw wirue lolr by will be ahoif 1 hi 1 raollnal um uf itin bhorti lo paaaluf hmii raauiiifloai i u ufa of illumltiaung tltiob will im male rcetity announcrd doveli pmenu hi electricity will ba tliown demonalrallon will u mlo in ih cultivation of lb hor lliwt modcru inauioda uf rraoulng at ana will ba illualrat d munoauvera with lalr jay artillary wtl b wary much in aitdontxt hi all ita lf auchw while tho handy man and lb mailtiaa will alao bo need rily in the ff ebur oporalioiia and i ho brilliant nfghlly axc ucle tba dombarduiant of taku foru by um knlarnallonal forof au inter ueiuel military latoo will b tb fee turo of tba opening blghl who 11 e urk body tf lroo will ba utillfted a btrung exhibit of frrnich canadian cttl ay well a uf 1ab amariaau lue wuck u lo u tnade lu fact in the livo atock dairy prodaclaand nianafacture toronlu- ll liihiuon imver promised an will a tbla year greatly todctd rata oil th trail way arid an 1 alram itavo been ar ranged for and bo bctur flme or vliiltiig botb toronto aud iha wu ameitcan or tba former alone oould ba deal rod than be twewn aagatl jclh and 41 pl 7lb whoa it la blalcd uiat ihla year xuronto will disulbuui upward of l 000 lu rmlunib and apend ho 000 in ncial altrrtiona all uf wblob oau b aoeii from th ktand tnd for jso lh uiagnltuda of canada a urcleel ashltltlotl will ha appreciated i dou t want lo bav anything to do with angal tbla aid of tba tatr women an ood ojnnb for tno dr low worm hyruji la a aafe aur and reliable worm xplur acta equally wall on cbltdrait or adult it bur you get low a tbo man wbo ban drolara bia lovn lu beautiful aud jierfecl lanuuaea ia bol really in lovr bolij gobi vjlm ieohl cold i ill i ui gyrjuill 100 uoml clftaaaa 100 wearant nrfoct ftmuaacuon globe optical co a yongo etroot totobtst iri warai woman tbnday my buabaud ooaaad to b my lovar i abould ba careful to aooura u f rlendabip ror tb rtt or my uf tber la datigar in lloltiug a cold many wbo bava dlod of consumption dated lbir uoublaafroni uitpoaure followed by a oold wblob acluod oa their luu aud lu a ahora time they war beyond tba a ill of tha pbyalolan had lbay uaed illoklaa anil conaumpuva hyrup before it wa loo lata tbolr live would bav been aprd tba medicine baa uo cjual for oaring ooagba ooldaaud h11 alleolion of tha throat atid lunga tba woman who doe uot forulv and oornpew her buabaud to break up hia bom la a oou eel tod idiot one laxa liver pill every ulghl for thirty day make a oompma cur of billonaueaa aud contiiuoti tbat la jual ji oouu lo ba ourad lhy novar fil ur u m itoughubr lauglon write for about two year i wa troubled with inward 1ilia but by ua ing tarti iilla i wav oompletaly odrad and allbougli four year hav oup odaluoatheii tbay have uol returned womeuowa moat ol ibalr jfau to mau mau owt moat ot their vlttua to wbmeu lagyurda yellow oil our aprmiuh brula aoro- wound outa froetbluj ohilbiatuaatingaofiuaceu born aud aoalda bobtuaiuna alo irlo 35a happy tba couple wtmulha wlf ia cook lug tba dlaur and tha buiband la lurul oul of uia kiloban for kiaahig tba 000k children cry for castor rbo ural duly of a woman la to it soli hr children bow to rupct and tovu their father if attaokad with cholera or aummar 00m plaint of auy klud unil at onca for a bottle of dr j d k a dyaeutery cordial aud uaa a aooordltuc lo direction itttoiit wltbwudrfjl rapidllyjn aubduitig uial dreadful dlaeatbat wakeui tbo irotjgaal mau aud tbatdealroya tlie young and dall oata uhoa wbo hava uaed ihla cbolr uiatlloliii aay it acta promptly and uavar falls lo df so i a thorough our castoria afetfc tabic prcparalion ibras slmilatlng lhdroodnictfula lirjg u 3 lododrs anduowcls of ivoinote st3ujcsuottchr-i- snmllarxonuinsncltha- opuntmorphiftc nor mineral not nalicotlc sf v ia apcrfrtt remedy forconslipa- tion sour sujuthduurboca worms c fe ttcss qrtdlbss of tcsinla 5jnalur of nsw tfohk see that the facsimile signature of okand trunk ha1lway- r i- 1111 18 on the wrapper ctf every oaatoru la mt bpj eaaabw aouba aaly il u art aeu ta balk ihnt aur ya weau- yoa aaytklag ala e tk ala ar jaaja tkat it la pei aad wulaaaawr awnry t-r- paa arba tkat yea gm fatorjtl tkaba- hi jk hive overcome the mtsly vtsiort thi creeps on with the advance of years and now 1 am the most pleased man i know a pleased patron is the best advertise went we five free tests and guarantee sausfacbou a d prinqle wa1xumauck ui jfwtllklt guelph no awoid bllni ao furoaly aa an svll tongue ullburu hurllng ilaadaoha powdaii oura tba wore baadaoba in from live lo twenty miuulta aud leave no bad after affaola oua powder co a powdar 10a 10 powder co j ba graaleat of all faults u to h oou aolouaol none carlyu atbleua llloyollita and olhara ahould alwlya kep ilauyard a yallow oil on band nothing ilka it for stiffueaa an i borebaaa of tba mutola apralu bruleet cut a to a claaii praparatlou will not btaln clolhlhg lrloa ji cant vault a tba cablast th lag id tbo find ef ye try uld to a lllryrvi flmr1 vltb ihiip 1 m ta ffli hi bl r b m tt tnnknr put n fniitb u it ykl tun hv lhhil hi- wllb i lb- ihuiknm ir i juu b iiy u in iimrgu glbhring sklb oi furniture at cost jaspeightco have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at coat prices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for payment oi goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speight co waroroottistoot of willow bt- kctol sun savings and loan co lllau ol i ici tohonio ont abfaowieo capital foot 000 00 trnyrur matiplty abatea art al 1 monthly iikutliitfiili ofnc ur tharn for iat tiiontlir wbnii pjyn cut i m n caui aid inmaliirli alua 9i i ih mupoy lo ijii al j tirwljl uwu tr ckayalle lu montbly lul ilitieiitu oil u ii ctlon to r jmcnibb aont aoton procrastinate no 1 dont do iliat but come todiy to the acton pump works and get your pump repaired or buy a jiw one vv e can do it watering troughs cisterns and a generaljobbmg business done satisfaction guaranteed charles ebbaqb mam si acton rm onfifrtti call and examine the merits of this superior shoe made in all modern styles of lasts and best grades of leather all sizes aa to ee widths lor ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of the leet burning ol the feet and it will keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather sa iairiirc7uvs boot knd shob dbklor bole aosmt for aotom m3 itopltektgoodldm diaywaacurulliy oar au aiblret yhe rattwr kecoho tudtbarw abi wood engraving hoto engraving halftones or anyclas5 ci enravingiadver7i5s purfoses catalcueimagaiinl5v jljoneseno5 adelaide stw toronto far ytbove jm otljers jtimta tho standing of tha iciiijf quality fhoa for worn l ii muny women iinngitia that they have to pny u big price when tluy wunt a tina puir of bliocsi riutu u ntituke king qunllty h tha one hoe th it givj comfort to tho f4twlur i long fits i ntig und nice iiiki laolca i tyh ih sen ible wojnon buy tlto king qtmhty t hot thuy cot sfi ueul by vhm j d kinq 00 umltd youont patents guaranteed oiir fee rttunir 1 11 v alb any tkktcli aul ilrunltl till any liivull u will ptumnlly irtvlie our t hit n lit iren lug lite tcilla lilt v of unit 11 nf in 11 lilll a lmlciu will ux ii tr i i delta mqiiej ii louuli una tve iiitctl rhiliato irihu 1 dlciila lalcii o 1 hit ii ii on rfciv uola nivwlu ai lllmi in i nit i atfr mic im an llluitatcl biilvluly ttuulitcil journal coiiiulir t y ma iufnctuitiaau 1 luvcbloia bcul kkmiui leny vukx aimi- victor j hvanb a co iitteat attorney t kvaaaf uihk wam c to ratih tho kju ami the mind at tho sam timo ih the art of adverting thta ad illustrates iiqw true this siting is c ptcinlly to those wibhing pleabant and profttihle employment canadaa sou on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively vith the canadian crtntingcnts i the book to handle officii authentic cheap elb on bight to everybody aud aiiy- bodycan ll it camtal or cxperieirc not ntcesbary scud for vice outfit and make money tho bradley- carretson co limited bruntford ont net- illy r lull ii alii ul lu n it ll lyaiillch w tl in i il ll- patents i promptly 5ecure0i vtrtir it lnieimlut uu la lvnl- 4 uh l llw y- awluduj a i 1 1 a raugh etcli r mjal r r iii wiill ii irln i towiwinl an i wi wlllll u if our l inl linil wlfllr y i1 ly uatj aiulln itavri lu talally in il fcaluilbbliclusuti ii ull ruihuhed lalciiu ioriirt i tliio li tt h mil ivll uall wil aver lui iirwbiiaivia luliil k ik in i ii i tin lalcul i klucm juuurc- lirl i ft ua iiaitfa ln t utfliuiil npeclejiv tlalcul tuiciaan fit im i irtia marion jvarion ttnt katiaru aind sollolttira y i new vurb i tie it u tf rtntreej jkuilluj trtap mahrij dcstartd copvfltohtuac una eklielihahlrim i111 y lul jlllnaw aaoertaln iuw l 1 w 14 il u i ir ufmletbtmba lul jitui urnal i a tii jin i- 1 trrsiii tiut a x itwvedwrfim will iutl to scicnuiic himrkaii ito4r wwlj iv g kniw 4hivejlul- uu 1

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