makmibd urldea neriil kanlla aiu oo wediiaedav 10th july rluvallnbeoo air wtjni- iu to ulu umh coventry daughter pevldcoientry uiiwt uiimki on tnoder jul hub ullaelmtli lllwlur uf jama laid- uwin hertoib yar a 20 mill rate jtlje utoii jtu hc thuiibday aljchubt hi 1901 kdttohlal imothg the lanoloa in b of oorn- e are el praaenl three lafoand nine in th jin toon in iha tlmiale llieni u one vacancy in ontario another in quebeo end e third in nova uootle in tho com mom three in ooleijo on in mow utuuswiow end one 1a manitoba tbaaotohlu taaumlltop champion nil oekvlllo stitr respectively ro- coolly eulerod upon another year of publi cation theee three pepere area cradlk to uii towu in vrhlah they eref published and eleo the oouuly wo viab lb editor of eaeb of the three hroin mentioned joarnalt dootioued aaooeee and proeperily they oertslntly doeervo ll ljurllnjun gatttu at tha annual bicellng of the grand lodge of the orange order in toronto uai wmk the propoeed change lo the constitution to eiolndsjiotelkeapera from roetnberehlp produced a spirited erearaont buhhetaeolollon was defeated by vol of jo to 37 a potfiw of motion waa k immediately given that tho matter would be brought op al the next meetlnjf of the grind lodjte it isvry evident that if th onrfew by law to be given any farther consider ation by the council iba supporters of the curfew tnoai brlajf nw evidence to bear upon tba members and perhaps repeat tbair eloquence at a i utnre tneelltift tber im no doubt that ample evidence carj be eeatared from tb algbty tnudlclpalitlea of tha province where tha curfew bylaw la in force lo prove it vain aa an aid lo lb more welfare of lba rleing generation tha onna now reals apoa tbo desiring iba bylew enacted tare to provide such avidenoo tha ooaucll i considering th advlik- wlity of ajlopuoft tba plan id vogua lu mhtilalrlajlllital nf iiowsdl fc aloqtiat of fla par oanb to ajl talapavara who pay tbair taxaa promptly oo iba daua died for tbair paymanl thta baa b auod to ork aallifaotodly ju nambera of muni olpalltua tbroagboak tba prdvlitos it aaooaraftaa prompt payment atid aoaaraa tha raoaipt of taxm at a much aatllor data than otbarwlaa and oonaoioeoily radnoaa kba aggraiato of in tarua i balng paid for tba tamporary loaoa naoaaaary to provida f ourrtni axpandlturo tha plan la worthy of m trial by oar atithorluea wllln all probability b tor trio iraioonl vo uhick chimnev poii hotwl inolro at tba r inaatluit of lb j onday vflrln tliaoommluaa kiuanoa id thauir roiiv0raalii vuluiiloflrwl tit dfurmalloii that allu kllik oaicfully itllo lha aatlmalad vaoalpla aiyl aapaudltutaa for tlia jar ho would b aljlo lo recommend tba1 a tt- tweoiy lihu haairuck tbla waa vry ahrwabla uawa lo tho tnanibaiaaau waa praloualy ibongbl a aa of xi mill rata would ba nroaaaary tha chairman of cominltuo on hiraota aod wik demurred a llttla uu tba kioolij that tlia amount beloti allowoj hie oommlluo in lha atlmaua waa inadequate but when it waa ahuwu that jm000 or li000 fat of l-rman- ent pavaminla wore ukeljrto bo lajdon lha looat improvement plan and bla oommlltea waa oodacijuently bavlnjt much mare lhan the uaaaf aum aipauded for improveroonu of lha atreela he jjood- nalo redly acqaleaad and afiread to do hla beat finder tba olr- ontnetanoae ad liilerroalun by gouoolllo jeaue raapadllbif the payment on aocoutu of tba eleotrla ilfbtiut puut thla year brought out very aatlafaotory iufurmallop chair man llendoraoil replied tbaf up lo tha preaeut data iho recelpta thla year baa been lluifi for currant aupdlaa ato and that the pay mania laaa aalaty aod de- haolora were iia6o07 tho oommltte had bright booca be alatad- that tba total raoelpta for tha year and oipeoduor in cloding aalary and annual payment on dabetlturea wontd balanoa xha lotroduo- lion rf tbo moliaayelcoiabd lha oonauot- ly iooroaaiort unmbar of ueera of light both tend to luflraaaa tha tavapua and iba proe- poou for tba fulura are oartajnly aaaurlng lb la but fair to atata in thla connec tion that in above figure thara la no bredu given lu tha revannaa for atraak lighting if than tba plant a revaouaa from iu palrooa paya ail olalnj iba corporation a having tha atreeta ughud fraa of ooat an aallm- a ted aavlng to tbomanloipalliy by ownlub iu own plant aud franoblae of tcv3 par annum i 7- placliu thli oukii will visit orriwi july w i li ivij program for the dukoof oidwall lid viika vliit tlvoa ll dkloaof ty dinniil olnu a follow- quikk hrinlxr ktth i lhtlj ntiotrfallhil 1 vlti otkwa jfllli to4h winning jil vanooucr ool victiiia j tuiwti lqtt lo 1jlli hjiua rh 11th l luunllot 14iu kfngaliin and tbiuajd iu uu lit th 17uk ifallfa itll council mat on monday evening ii regular aaaalou me m bar all praaenl tha llaava in tba chair tba coramltlea on plnanoa pramotad their twelfth report and reoommandad payment of iba following aoooonta llwctiuholm caooej m 01 uolt4 bleoule co repaid w 00 1 klncabury tabling 19 m hliadv to iianulfl wheat man r ju moks nzlan canaillmv northarr n n to lin in uiara- tloi u 1 itsth oclubar mr mo nf mbcbotiiu umlll ilrl lu i itto un muudy ihkt tb c iijil horlli nwtiuh bnoomiilolcd olll lorl a rlliur 1 u wluiil ly ool istl uil lb y l lu liiiilla ion ur twelv mllllu bnhl otwlial from urn 1rlrlolnvliiro li 1ort aril or tbla fall and wlnui tha bulk of it v 1 1 ra out before navlgatiuu oluaoa and big alevalora ara balng errothj to luira lhl poitimi wbloli arrlvaa loo late to ha eblppod uub tlt fall tub uuffalo ulo riike midway inchuases in popularity tho morry lllg weo midway in nuitalo new york ia the tuagoet that uattractlug tbouaanda of plaaaura aoakeraaha ooma again and again llndluj out aloapli vtajt aomatbing new and internatlng tlilu midway haa beooma aluaort fur peoplo who aaak innocent amuacmoiit and i la prlcea ara within tbo reaoli of all tba parformanoea are pro on ted on a koala of rnejtnlfloeiioo never before attempted at atraat falra and midwaja theatteudanca haaaveragtd 17t00 atudd the opmlnif alx waeka agd among tha moat notable of tha noa hundred oonooaalon are filreau ot cairo idula of art white top lalm garden oermati village captive ilelloou uecra wild weal and indian congroa blog bio j xrlaou hcavcti juiil hell wad trained auluai jzalilbillon bo muoh baa been aald and prilitedaboulatreeiralra that it would aoeiu to iba caanal ohaorver that very htlld nsmalued lo be lold but there la alwaya omelbliig new coming uf that atreet falra aro bnlloiai ia no louger quoationed ttitrlr many and krl advan tage are uuw oouiiuoudad sbooooo to auriterial noimntb ulu majoaty kln tjdvjortl llnoom- montld that parltarftont aiv him haifa million im july j in the moo o ioiu uy il hhtury lle iroinur rxl irg ffmit klnu kdw1 f tha i thai lu uxaidrraliuu if i bo uultiant or vi t 1irll alrahh iird itiurt in jlh africa ifl uajoty that illwlkk 600rto nt gratit bin iiyokwoau mr jfbi dudlald kramoe who ma luiud vwenke ago rail mi fast rronl the roof of a ham anil hubuiikhi a av hbnok ja now li- lo alt up for w htlu wbllu at hi juaapha ucuplul ltieipii ha la able to walk a llllln hy lh on tb ida of tba wall but til naiiliot lue nrillrhia uv w ii guhm ii a 11 will proido at hla flint communion anrvlx- in iho mathodlat church utit flunday piorn ing tim arrvicca lu tba u liter nburolire of ufrcull arawllhdrawu fur iho day upoht tuavul ncarion tho aunt 6vmih miiili kil with tlio aeeaoii iad to aptrt trvl and qotlon jqulal hlrtbplaoa of rvaitln and tbo jrullceatul meinantoaof him alotud in ajuaolo coraloj i turner daaorlua v mourd trip u the matlorhorn uiade at tba cloa of uatyarj alplna aeaaou w a h krr glv a hlatory of oolf in canada abuwlug that the game was played lo montreal aa early ai iliui tbeaa braa arllclia are profuholy ulualraud the laturbalng aoaompauiad by rlgbtoen photograph c w maab write of tha ilea of otiurlo hi arllola being embelllaliml with ihroa axoel- leut drawing tlirra in a flno ool loo lion of abort atorlea in addition to the two aortal now running in tba magazine a t ilunur make toinn pongant orllloluia of our militia oampa while johu a cooper glvna utteranoa to wni obantvaliou ot th progrsa of tba marltiuiarrovlnco klu r1 h- 10 00 0 j h hi a oo a do tha auumant will ba good nawa to kaupayera and taflaol very creditably bpou tha praaenl oounoll that there la avary probability thai aotona rata of tak allon for tbapremot year will not be inoraaaad il waa pretty generally oon- oadad among tba mambar of tlia oouuoil op to tba but maauag that la view of tba aeoeaaarlly inaraaaed expandltar for the new brick alack at the power houaa tba moreaaed lam required by tba hoard of truataea and olbartmioreeecn expenditure that tba rau of 1001 would be at leaak 33 or 33 rjdlu ik waj abown booaver at tba meeting on monday evening that tha committee on tin a boa having gone care fully into tleuila la tba aaumate for th year ware labia to atmoauoe thai with a oontntienoe of lha economy which baa cbajraolerued iba expenditure tba far during tba year boopud with tba luoreaae of the eaeeeemeot to isliooo a rau of 10 tallla tba earn a laat year would ha bofuouni tooover all ootlay for the year the rau will beeuaok at lb next meal ing tha bcrllufltoa oaulu la advocating permanent pevameau for thai town tha qaieiu abowa that in additlou to tba oeuanh walk being tnnob aaparlor to plank tbeooet when the lifetlm of tba walk i oooaldared u muob lea aocoid- ing to tba oauiui inveallgelloua- plank walk at tba proaanl high proa of lumber noal aevan oanu per equate foot the ufa time of a wooden walk a aevaii year after wblob tbaioal of repair will equal the expenditure fur- tba renewal of iba walk tbebeat namanliwalkalirldn laid at from 10 to 13 oeul par aquara foot and they are expected where properly put down lo laat at laaat a quarter of a oatilury oar uurllogloa oooumporajry advocaua iba ayeuraatld kauawal of plank walk with oemaot out of durreot xpaudllura anton tried tbla plan for three year but eventu ally found it would uka 40 or 0 year to keplaoa tba plank walk with oatitaiit w now have the local iplproveuiant bylaw lu foroe and the proepeola are that lu two or three year all tba walk on tha principal alreau will be uld with parmiuaut pave ment tba moutrail star u publlablug a arle or artlcla ou naw onlario by mr 1 ii olergue which glvee evldeoo ot iba impor- taooe of thjj exunalv aecllou of oar pro- vjuoa fcud hi til f sal tha loyal lularaek of thla auurprlalug mauufaolurir ajul proa- peutor mr ourgue ahowa that now onlarfa i about tbrea tlm ak big a a old ontario that it bee iuiuuuua araaa of fertll latid rloh mitiaa valuable timber and a favorable climate- us fiua on to uluuueu bow oauadlan tuayuaru lhra great leeaou from tha alory of iba wondar- rullnduatrlalavalutloual bault hla maria tha flrat laou la that oauada la rluh in nature rourod auil what amarioan oapltaluu are doing at baull iu maria canadian oapatlllale may do in other sta tion of tha country vaal areas of new ontario allll remain almot untouched by tha baud of man quebec probably offer altiioal if uot fully a ureal opporlunlll l enleapilaa auii apilllm ml- already dlaooveilug tba riobe of nova beetle and new yjruuewiok ba a lure of wealth undreamed of by moal ov t lubabl- tanl tha aeoend leeaou i that thara u more more motley to be uitda by oonvart- lug caoedlab vaw material lulo fluubed produou tbatt by aeudlug them to tba united buu and other oouutria lu orud forma the third laaeon l thai la i bd policy to buy in foreign oountrle anything thai can be proflubly made at home if mr fllaguloliflxdi iuttxkuiulaulf canada for anything ibat okti ba obulutd in tba country bad tent followed la the darelopioaaaaf oaoada trow- tba tleel time tbla oountry would ha ilfjuoa aa wealthy and twice aa populoua aa it la to day tba ir bay tha aaample mr 1 13 glargua ntulalng oanadun ttaw mauriala should ba generally imluted aacrga worju work on alrvalav h v uocre prlutlo ajneorapuilwokohblreal 1l j uaveiib typewriting au john wtraohlng exprert re ohlrrtbey- 3 tfl altrad botr work ou aut 8 13 hart itluddall atallonary tt avbronoppue w tbo llrunt work on a treat i w uuphart uoiall woikoubtrmt- w moved hy ii bwaokharaar aaconded by ii jean that lite report of lha committee on finance ual read be adopted- carried tba clerk read a commuuloattou froni tha hoard of fnbllo bohool trnalee aaklng th connoll to provide by taxation tha aum of two thoaaalid dollar for school purpoae for tbaoarranl year moved hy juo a lieudoraoil aaconded by ii bwaokbamer thai u- v olabam ba and 1 hereby appointed inapeotor of pavement work to be oonalraoled aa local improvemenu in thl corporation for tba year 1 do 1 carried tba malur o the erection of a uew brick chimney waa again considered and it wee reported by ths committee thai a suitabla chimney flralolaa in avery rftspeel coqld be built for taboh laa figure tbau wa all ma tod at laal meeting moved by geo ilynda seoondei by john a uendereon thai the council hsraby accept tba oflar of o ill daudo of gait for the building of a new brick chimney at tba power bouae carried cotimcilxoa ilannaaaok wbal about thl curfew uylawt i have promised lo bring lha matur up every blgbl until it la either paeaed on or iba tnatur ia dropped llxava wnxiiufl stated that ba wa in dundalk last week and be waa instructed titer that tha curfew bylaw had died a natural death tb dlaoqaalon here ended t moved by george xlyud thai tba council dp now adjourn oouaoll adjourned at quaher lo teu liord ballabury lu bla speeeh lu tba hon of iord last week in support of thai finance bill declared that tba tendency to extravagance i luoroaalng great britain bad tafrcboloe be said lt badlopraual itself voryear public opinion wa lu favor of a paolho policy hut now that sute of opinion baa paed away u tda ba turned ba exolaimsd and who am i and who are wa that w should at urn pi to um th lid t if th lid baa turned wa shall have t0o with it wa are iu tha presence ol force far greater than we oau wlatd a rumor to tba effect thai vultor lo tlia lauauiarloan kxpoaltlou al bufyalo are called upon lo pay an admittance fa to each of tha exhibit building afur paying lopeai through tba gat appear to have galund soma circulation itioertaluquarura ii lasntlriy uuloundcd tha fsot i that tha vullor afur paying lha gate fsa baa the priviug of golug through all of tha doaatis of exhibit bulldluga absolutely fra of ex two iu tho prloaa of ai for adults f0 oaiils for person uudov- fouruiin years of age ufl ruuu the sxpo- silloii proper do not luclud ths midway which at oollaolloti of aniuuemaul auur- priai oonduotad by piivals couipmtilea totheaa attraction antsll sdmlliicf ranging from 10 outa lo 33 cauts are abargod qeonqetown tha funsrsl of ths wo thomas irlfuol haqueeiug waa caught ju tha havy ralu storm on h mid ay aluruoon mr and mr john lirwlu will rsmova thl wk lo uafufa whara mr kreill hy secured a ocd tbaobolr of lb mibouli cli u roll wiit pltjnio today al uanley 1ark ll i in tended a a farewell outing with mr johu ifrwlu who luavea on haturday for her new home at turul mr krwiu hag beeb a faithful aud valued member of lb oltulr for man y year and bar removal i raiiulnely regrllledl nutuiuob dautior tii koarouy ol iba waterworks thl season tha reeervoir 1 overflowing the lord day alliance oomplslus tbal there u oo nsl j arable sale nf ahieraeud olgaretle beta ou bunday y allen v 1svabroughltlis mr- uhant lellorinl bualueee and stock uf guode from mr j uulallala matte arennl dntllely aatlld yl respecting hi pdhma for the rnmuval nf arnold gtova work from aoton here esquesina township council lontf llat of acoounts for he pair u tohoado nrtd orldgos tha coaucil mtt pureostit to adjourn ment tha iteevo lu the nbair member all preeeut cora niuuloel ton wore ra- ed h j q wlll dr lowry gurlph win isnlon couuty clerk and others tba following account were ordered to ba pld jauatliau tlinilli for cut lino brukli luaklutf dltoha and trravalllng road oplwvalu lot 0 oil j line st 0 alao reiudrlug brijija oppoalu lot 11 had una t 03 j o ulielifli for repairing roail acraixr 1 w v guuulufihaiii for m day ftvereuua roail tri4jliln vt w llapalrlug brl an on bib una lot 1 1 00 wllluni ttrawurljcs h jay opartt- 1ug roadmatihlue o3 co ou w jobiiiaudaay h day fllllutf ifravl w- yvejur dell 1 day rlllliigbravtl 1 to wllllaui uveraou 1 day filjinu gravel 1 00 jas u camplxh tlklua hrlilue lot 31 tflb line i co ii ic uuddel or ml feet 3luoh plank iorhlaroaddlvulou tin uichard liligrtlll 43 yarle uraval fur- tilahed tc tlia uuulelpaluy i 00 cleonie campbell for rapalrlug bruie ou lot s7 otli una d co win ifttqibtfat supplying iu yards gravel to rlbiuaaurs hud lot a 10 40 duuoln uaaruiurliaulluu kj3 yavds braval 0u lt ocuoeiaioii lot is aid id aa 50 aleo opeulijk sraval pit 1 00 acrue1outnua0u yjj eravl 00 00 peter aibbuj sprvadlng eraval let t u 9 td to too u00 id 00 4 60 dunoeu udartliur liauuug 19 yrnle kravaj sjij una lot 91 aravalllntflotslllid una o uoartbur i urulalilug uraval alaxhlnelalrrradluglotui oul una alio cuanltig out culvert wllllaui uullitt uradlug road lot tu and td inj oon uamuel uboiur itravalllub lot h loui una also layardagravel 1 w ausu v bull jin fl oulverl quuwilliatdh 00 angus vergusou rljriua waahoul uaud hill aisiiwillumi 3 to jollu appelbyivebuhdlhatloiiiihun brldxe iu 0 jama c cook cuaulua- til toll etli hue lot lot s3 u n oo a debbie repairing road machine aud repairing small road scrapper for juoliudaa 9 00 jas a caiiipbll 37 yards ureveltup- pllad to archie ucuaobreu or hu road division urln paying like amount a to jam h cauiphall for puultijou3tt yard trvlat fcw liarjard eu towu hue urlu ikying uka aum d 3t uauassah rjauipbdll for it daya spreading gravel at 9113 urlu pay- ins one half 1 60 llsuaaieb campbat for two days flll- lu iraval iu ravl colos road div ision 3 00 adalpltus illlti a day i olhog gravel 3 00 clirl prloa for btyardiravsl tor levi coles road division 0 to ouelpb ueuaral hosplui board ud aluudanae far john uoltpaddan from lattlapt 1w0 tc srd juo 131 00 uaorge ulna for worlluif road mi- olilua id days at 9160 pr day and iday for man and tea croaa oils day nil lug grave ii jacob llalusra road division wimktakuy i days allau dvru 3 days vatuiou uwaak hammer a days uatk aivii days alllug uraval ualeolukllvsu 1 day i j ward urulu 1 day krd urwluidaya iloraae llliisbaiu bpraaillng uraval uiullne jouu lllugliaiu opening gravel pit kill 33 us 1 00 uo0 300 g oo a oo 1 m i 00 j 03 1 a3 11 111 300 jobu uliiuuain assuror tlualuliiu union lloboolcllou d 01 wllllaui llrowiirijua huiylng sheep to moved hy mr oampboll asoondid by mr cook that avo ha grantsd lo lull duoa a bylaw to aulhurisd tlio trususs of 11 1 no tl to borrow lha sum of 760 for tba purpoia uf repairing their loliool houes and tlist it ba read ilia jiru lima carried movwl hy mr graham bdonndsd by mi campwil that tha hy law autburlxing tha try ims of 1 r no tl to bonow the sninnfi7fi for hia imrnosa of rtu ibslr suhoo house bo read thu wocjid and third tliiie aud pssesd oarrlwl moved by mr grabam tooudsil by mr mug bbon that tha juiu of ii 00 u paid to willism u johnston uing two third valua of una ismh ktllel hy dogs tha owner of which ara unkuowu derrlml moved by mr cook seconded by mr mcgutbcu that this cauiioil du uuw ail jouru lo tiiett mi monday tba 1jijj of august usxl carried two things trouble my faith the alilrri ity of moal man th liulllgeuo aim uaet children cry for castor l a claiik watlach oh and masted of tho oranua or dor of urltlali north arrtorjon for tho fir- taonth tlhio touoxrojuly m hon n clark wallace up ot wocdbrldgs is o or granivboverolgu of ida grand loyal orange lojga of british north america 16 wa oppoj for thd chief ofllca by a j armstrong deputy grand uovoelun who halls from rb john n b tba elections resulted as follows grand mestern olarko wallace wood brio a deputy grsud mssler dr t b bprould markdal- orsnd chaplain ha v william welsh brampton grand beoralary william luckhsrt alluon grapd treasurer- w j 1arkhlh mhl- und grand ltolurar william cook maa- ford grand director of ceremonies ii ii watson tomnlo deputy grand eucrt lary- william mur ray dauphlo manitoba deputy grand treasurer limtcol j ii bnott kluoardliia 0 rand auditor j h dolamcro and w ii btawarl iln tlih r we oflar onn itumlrn i l1ur itawuil lor any lunl lliil lliat f ihii1 rniol by 1111 clih litr vj cillkmlv a co tlolt thu iiuuralcnut hivikiio i j imiv uuudl niia yxam mil iuuv lilm lr- fotl lioniiall in 11 liilltiun tr tlxa innaii ully 11 t i4rtr ill oil lihllutllone do by iblr nni wmra tinuv ulutlrii lri 1 iwmllmrilm a llllll uulll- luj- b 1111 a cuull vui le uuill inuiilly anllnu colly npun hi blond am itunoiiif urlo iuni ijllthirll il illro 1 nrbotll ii 11 by all iniiill kail a tamlly 1iiu ox bl lee shun chin6se lkundry in mrs iicconlu mock actun uttdry collocwl niid mlurind buiiilly washing m roaoimlilti ralta all uark doiin hy luuil no niaclinot or cbnnlcju uol ihlcrliun proprlator actonr livery bus trne thetiiirfnl mi nf tho public and informs ilieiu that well equipped and stylish lutf oao al ways ba hoourod ulne ltii 10 am aud fl 10 v uyoful atuulliiiibivil tnvrynlor the waliu of comtiiorelel trave ler fully mt john williams tacrnixtou toronto exhibition au26lhlo sept 7lh 1901 65000 si 65000 nvl and afiji jjrpjay duy- wlta xt sjjcca clk3 llaivbtnlmaat of ttktf fori by jtatar- uatfaaul joinnjjr jwxjtaky ta b7tif 3t hauttlou of canarhsn old uoya ud ota callajt iituittat tuesday awtjcw2ijcjr amu- pale a de the tnvlno cqndition of many women subjootto uaadmahsb dlzxlnaan h untl hsiktrt pulpltatlon thoy grow diuoourdood and prarra- turaly old vrom uts lbivlsw wlujtcr out dr wiulatna i ink fill is tha only modiolus that ever gavo mo any real boiie- flt aaij mr ii k ilarris a woll known resident of wludtor to a repaaacnlatlvo cf tha rtvuu recently i do not koow ex actly wbal my troubla waa doctors accm- ad uiiabls to tell ma though i bought tnyulf that it waa oouuumpliou i bad v ooubuut racking cough and a constant fuling of languliluais my blood smod to liava turuod to water and i waa vary ptlo i had a feeling iu my cheat ia though aomo forslgn lubstsuoa wsh lodged ibera tbn slightest rioiio ipsda nio nerv ous twss djcud all ilia lima and oonli not loarosly do any bousshold work i tiled biedlcluss but they did not help me in tbn toast doctors did uot asem able to help ma or till mo what ailed mo though tli air hills inoraaaad with alarming rapidity i grow so wosk aud so deapon dent that fl nelly i decided to take a trip to colorado to saa if a change of oumala would benefit ma wlima contemplating this trip i read in a papar ono day the uellmoidsl of a parson whose ayinploius waraslmast identlosl with my own waa cutjby dr willlsms pink tills i drcided to give thsra a trial ami purohaj- od a box when that hot was dena i got another and found gradually thai tba pills were helping me thetrlp to color- ada waa abandoned and i ooutlnusd using tha pilbi until i had taken flight or nine hoxsawheu i fait like an altogether differ ent parson from a pale thin listless parson i bacam tha picture ot health and fell ll loo it 1 several yaarssluoa i uflod lha pills and t havenot bad any ralarn of lha troubla i am poalllva dr wllllanii imuk 1llls saved hla from an early grave and i cant racmtimaud them too highly to thoea who ara aftlloted au i was it is tbo mission of dr williams lllls to mska rich red blood nourish tha nerves tissues and various organs of tha body and thus by reaching ilia root ot lha trouble drive iho disassa front the system other msdlaities act only on tlio uytnptdfuu at tha dlsajss and when snob moilioliim aro discontinued tho troubl j returns of uu in an aggravated form if you waul health and strength bo sura the full naimj ldr william iluk tjls for pslo peoplo a on tba wreppur around eaob box it your dgalnr cannot supply you tba pills will ba stut postpaid at w oaiits a box or six baxw for fj60 addressing lha dr willlsms medicine co itrockylllr ont 7o7iuojttctnr amdiujw ilifltii vmtovfl hjiili-t- priljbiit uanmor toronto the b grennan co irresistibfe prices to convert our dey goods stock into cash within a few weeks for nett cash 12 und 13c shirtings for roc 125c printi for qc loc prints for 7lc- ocdct4qoodsfor25c 75c dreul goods for 8c dresa good for 77c 35c dulaincs for 125c a i yard fancy pattern crou cord piques regiiar ts nd 20c for gc 50c moreen suirtinga for 25c i yc muslinn for 3jc si 25 quilts forg8c 1 14 blankets for 90c pr 104 blankets for 78c pr mens fine straw hats for ioc each bj 18in alloverlaces for h 15c a yd 25c laces for 15c we will sell 15 and 20c laces for ioc 5 shirt waists for 650 45 and sop silks for 25c 25c pongee silks fori8c 3jcxaiikjliiuriifor2ic 40 and 45c table linens for 33c mens 5g and io suits for 650 50c lace curtains for 39c a pair 75c curtains for 62c 7 and 8c towellings for 5c a yd yrd wide flannelettes our extra quality worth 12c for gc yd ladies trimmed hats regular 2 to 54 each for half price s hats for 50c each 75c hats for 40c each 1 and si 25 fine allwool tweeds for so a yd fltlu blitrlisrntcuta 1 cam of thanks properly for snle amiuillk ur 1 w1ic- lrntly fur kklaii y i alil lu v niiutiint noti0k t0jthk puiujic norlokl lierby ulroi that i v111 1 i ratkiltin lor iy lbu niitiul for any pm by aiy wb janol wuuxi ir any given btbibi vim auoetill mut tba nilbllo u tnuw ihu llti tbl 1 mil builouo john watw1w ji jlnou 6 lui homing 11ksidknck and lot poi tial puk urilariiialonrra lela itr nonifort- 1 ablareahlimteultiif lot c7 oil ullliilioet tlia boum la a wall billl tiiio f alulit i wltlteloaelata limktnleun larnv alabb elety tenneuav- vol luu lirheuiia aiily uu die pramuca bi miul ii vtjllllllloij atrow willi eloaela ata iojhi nlauru vouiifl orrjiard rnv alable a vary tlaeliahle plane lor a katlr- farura tamlly lwalon n liihiiell pore paris rem ifclseig pbwbeir and hembbre k tf bromn chemigt acton we want io show you wo arc rlad if you arc anxious to ice tho goods and feci of lliclr quality l wo buy suitings especially for quality and ucarlng cucellcnco a coft piece ol fine goods v ill satisfy urtlculut rata and uo hac tbo best 1 our fashloiublo suils are ex tremely popular vm m c00peii mkuciiahttailok mill sthhlt kcton call and examine the merits of this superior shoe made in all modern styles of lasts and lielit pfrariirs at leather all sizes aa to fh widths lor ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses oil the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of thu feet burning or thu feet andjt will keep your feet cool iu hot weather and warm iu cold weather saz willk7vcs s boot rnd shou ob7tlt3 boija aqbnt or aoton a large discount from regular prices allowed on exchange lor butter and eggs theb crenfman co secord8 block acton ritlrtttttii on thego by ouii windows you can see them mens tan llals 3 to 5 now 217- misses button and lace wevo 115 now fllic childrens button and lace were 125 now goc we have made the price to sell quick 20 per cent off trunks 8 stores phone 28g trading stamps jneihj the shoe man guelph r e nelsons the uptodatejelirnishciveveryposilblenecd is filled with satisfaction see r e nelsons select assortment of colored slilrlb willi shirlo sliirl walilo nlrlil slilrll ilidorwoar i lata and capg and men lurnlshlng goodi- neclitlai collar aiul cufla u1 and uracas willi duck ianl imanua best values select styles renelson ono prlco only od wynbham st gublph aoton maeltiiio and rcimii shops hukuyauindull tvoprlatar allu wall auliial wltb a tlia manlilnary umt4ary tu aiobutu ah reilie lo immlilu- try aul aiiruulturalliuiaininibjaiiil to uu all simla of bivam rtlllnu borelilwinuanduusial blaokainlttilutf wuouwua iftjiilra tiiuniiaj n aaatlafantory maiiusr wa cat rmlr any niaoblint or luiiiluiiiaiil of any maae bw liuimnlim aud nilnu iluiia ves its hot a have lots of 1ck cuham and icli cold duinks lo 100i you off 6ur ilrlnku coniul of led cream iu tbo following flavors utrwbafry liaoa jjjtsjolmuvy vmlll chooouta iitiaappja jailjtmurjosn orajijteade auo butllud drinks coiultln ol cliurry itasbbdrry cream lemon hhtlt- ilror iiluitrr ale crwim i onion ada ami ico cold milk 3oda wltd sour ig grpcam uawn mll strool ahus1nsss woman will seue th opportuu- lty ol havlukharlura imkld over or remodelled dur- lily the summer moulh at a reasoiiabla col by u practical furrier you will savd lima aiul uianiiy nd tduui tlin woatlmr for fur arrives yoil will bokaluiled lo know lluit you bjive lb iataiiaiylswaud lilteat by oihl lo cjti lafonvaihe wiouu aud uultijl 1u cuelph cqjiiftahsftil foll bau blia jixlt end lot on lho avenue flua com tor labia rouuticaal els rt tianl and anil tlr ctnnl krun 111 loviiatit loc lion ell i 111 uk1 nouilltliiii tuinls reeeon- able anl rnaile hnuwu uikiii atillcatlon to uurney hrcm aoloii lllotrahu cook trend llafldsuuii fott sale hou8k jmsid lott in act6n rplltj ulu olts frraia ui ltolf x bolounlliii uj clitvrlaa qultuiar a rouuheaar rveroomad eomforlebla duirii eiil lot on agriee hueat iihhi kartlati fruit uj eixl uiu aleble aleii twit nil lult jlllfi lnta no rjfe ata well fauowl bin a millibar o fruit tres 17 ll above heotuiiues will be eqld at a auiiflw on urine in bull the purchaser vor urine anuly lo chu gultlur atj houui luili ht weirarkmj or to it juonallll lelmi tua qiuimim ctvnaaiuisi htimio top gallant ii iltj make the bmiau nf lltol at bis own suhle lot 13 hue ujuaalii tultuu litem efl paiebu ut vbruary laid tilnaioswrl pay let july lull iaraona lujxjalihj of iblr uiere bfur fuelinif time will ire uld raiolilbiu for luauraliee wlieliiet in frtal or hot all acbllila at klak rif owners ifor pedigree and daaorlntlou bee cards melb oilmkh rroprtalor w to dwllingand lots fp kal nilh dwelllml bt lou oil willow dtreet iiua ue -u- ivld uelotiay are on red int eele tbe plotter lyuallueta1 in theheert of thebulneea action bl aoton the dwlliii i aoorifortabu bvau rooineil tvtvetnry roujibeaat aiul there are a ho ruber nf fruit treee on the iiiru lav- rertlee delrlnif to tmrohaae will receive full ajrtieuhu by addivaalutf ululo ualonuy uarbdald i 0 julyotbimi in thk sufnnooatu coumr ok the couimtv of alton in the mat tar of tba auardlaneihln or the infant children or hugli helu oaotitinad all ligation will t mule to tbabcnoau court of uiecouutrof ifalton be j ore tile judxeln uiiuiiihis at tba court llouae in ilia town of ailjuinaiur tlio ipiiuou of twenty day from the rrat publloatlon hareof on behalf if harali deflwa of tlie- towohlp of eequee- d in ute county of helton toother of the aald ua1um davtniloli ily w a ilbuaau liar eolleltor oataj at adiou this ltui day of july a u loci notice to grcditoide in um malur of w j le of aoton in tha county of nnjton dry oood morohaal npuub taouoelhal thaaald w jtebas inede l au aulituuieut la me for the lkirit nf hla cndlurs puiauaut u chat hi u k o utt and auaeudlnif uu all inrwina hevlmf claims ebjnat the bald uauu of tha aald vv j lhik thxtaxli uy of au lull and tejie uuthm that i will atur the said colh day of annual lull nrooevd to dltrtbuu the eeeet at the held ealeu having retianl only lo the oultua of which i shall than have notice w d btwckland abfiiiaa u welllneton lit wftat totoulo cuituy uuutiltch a hyuk t klnu hul m eat toronto aealuuees itolloltcrs dale1 tide lllli day of july a u lull tiji- afjction sale of ber berti18 ryniilio kovicu la tiiely uivu that puin x suaiitln authnrliy of ordar in council uie lud and while llmattutiau in uia follow- inif dwuahlt lu the ihhthlot ov auloua iiemelythe fowuslilie of luiilim uteri iiikyikk i a v ma jiavia aimaaaou cnvncatv uiuasuh wkitw4w cuatia aud liimiearoau pert bvwaderteiu ateej between the 1tusom hiyxh aad the akaow luvaai watre lu the jjulrlds of tiiuwiikm hav will be mfdrl for sale by jublld aueuoil at uie rarllamtit llulldliiira in thaeltrnfrtiroutn mi ttjkhday the htcvuntuhntii day of tmituuiluk uejtt at uie hour of oku oviltwk lu the afur- at the aaino lima aud tilado cruln forlt aud abandoued lurllia lu the towubhlite of iliuay uuuaitokmh and lurnikwoktu lu the ulairlcs of lubluiiktoj and county of viorou- u will tie offrl for sale the imrohawe of theee latur llerthu to have the rluht to out all kltuu of timber rliaali tioiiulnliiu taruu and conditions o uie aud information as to ara and lou and cmtwwloui ooniltrlhd lu bach berlh will he furuuhad 011 anjulaalloii althr iteiaoual or by ulur lo uie daiiarlmeut nf crown laud a voroulo or th crnwu ilinlir akuals at orrewa tuubt llm tlauiu and pour autuual u j uwlil oomiutulorcrown lauda departmaul of crown lauda toroulo juno 1 1001 n llho uiiauthorlxb1 linhhcallan of llils 4dvrtiwui will be itejd fur kfabsaqaya saw and manmg mills lumber and shingles wr lowiqst pbicgs lllll fttult cut lo ordor wood al tl00 a load iii lllo mill ip sayers tropuor optgdale busiitebs men it mo tlio xuuulxliujxiuuj teleuliuiitt and huvo- lotiu uluuuro kutiluuitllt iii lull- ihiltj au tlio iucjt manager for ratcu tho bolltolophooo co ol- canada wihrilrillj iubl imioti in vry uuuutr in lliil i1uj uaiiltely of etillj rluemill liiullini elufl i r ui feyable wesly vj twriuy ttuoliilulf kulu end all en euaea alieltilll btiiie ibui duillilte eatery lio vouikllaalim kelety hthl beub lleluidev and uumiikvri money edteiiuad be tl weea htan- uajiu uuubu ul uaxttiiotan hr uuioauu