hair splits hare ocd ayera hair vigor tor thirty yeara it elent lor a hair drcaalnc and for keeplno ibo hair from sphttlnjr at ibo end j a grucocnfe wr grantor 111 hairsplitting splits friendships if the hair splitting is done on your own head it loses friends for you for every hair of your head is a friend ayers hair vigor in advance will prevent the splitting if the splitting has begun it will stop it if yavr 4raa catjnot empty 3 e m on dollar a4 w will xpl ronabotoo ltarmdgltfcm if nof wuvtidnmobm addr jvayucoimla x bc jutoit 3fm rcs tuxirhday auoiiht wi 1mi srjc sonng mollis rjgbg0cxo is t houninv what do u htltut whut-nr- about vroui uwf honw l th alma aj blrcbaa t tiud u atwly tb ktddlo out lint fttlll in tny tulod b ny a doubt id pit of soap roaoanbo wbllo or tbo wottd la alunoo dmp la uwlubl of lr tuwnina- tu1 bain to ehup mmi tvlua and fcp if uty waro uikla in umu aloap at tbroo oclock la tb- morale 1aibapo um uuuoao atir a oomplau tbaj if timo to b up a4 dolorf and lb limtlloi lilnl tlna h droway hixaln to um bk to lb amh fcju tboufifa dlauat cock ar wowta or do thoy uu bocni that abouu i bad lly hlortala luuolna and tola tibix talfilit im trow aoui wbltlbti won tb uat way lo betas up a bird or tha woodawul art f dylnf u buy ba tha apoalt or aalumu day k wbattltfa fcnany a taalatoo roawc xjtvw tbo tlooda ma oold ajul ftrwy orr lb hill tby uka umtr wy lo aaaxcb of tba vantahod omtnu it tay bo lby koaalp from to lo boat tuaaao ud laaiwf olw wban a loo jufpt aoert at laat u ru d bl autiio bird baa ww lir twibapa bultfa tjmailoo la wrtp4 id doubt ttmy k1t to bo blot or varaluc luaunandtalltam wyoo bad oat wbatda tba koblos talk about at uirea oolock tu tba tooinlnjf it x irty l1tebahv notes implicit odedibncb amonfolharkoodatoriba oyroa town- a llrady ull u fullawiiifl hl under to i- and tnu publibl by it i told lbl ur nttenbar of call ncsllkui lo lollowloy ilaarviiw i ilmobapal wbleb w hw iha ritual i iimi tplaoopal oburob an iolli o luebaruawinhunday innl ml lt prty illtl aidr-a- i lli ubact aaylbk u llial n uf litem mmi ibioujtb lnoaoa bui if tlioy paid ouerv- him caiolumy l ll b du mthily puug u motiooaof tb oommapdinjj umi thy would not k wrontf wold ijqittly paaaad tbrow itio baltaliuu tlny roarohwl into llio cliurcli tbo ofltfar in cbarl l l lb frpobl attlod mmtamlii hu a and calmly bow ll now tbrwi lmll nomi alimillauooutly blowu wull a vtbomenco that trlln i iha trflotr looked aroutd aod blhed vloleoily u raat tpur tiimi huirred iwada followed lb motloin of 0l oomtnidin offioer bubuodroucinrha vountly o adaatoied to blnl- bard tlilbtf for a tntdabipmat lo do abd ao on through ibo tb mas oohli ll tlr witbool lall imiultoo he bnally oootlood hlfcnmlf ifktly lo lb proaenbod rltoal of ibo aof vloe look 1 03 ballbor to lb tigbt aot to tbo lafl toot darinij lo ala a flnor or becatba out of tba 6rdlory poura thu olarpvimi wm aim ry larillotf mmm tbo oadata vooalvod otbor inatroalloua laler in uo day iruta a farlooa offloar wbo atarnly naentad llwlr itmooool atalomanu that lby did not know which- ww tllttal aod wblcb waahot and thai b- bad not inatruoua ibara that uowlutf bu atood 00 a dirfut plah from aaylnrf bl tnayai it waa a lma ioka oirary whaw a kioiiland proclamation 1 ha ullwltiu a irxlamatioii load at 1u0 markst vittyi l tiivorry in tbo laat oantuc xta bik mbor by 1 ta hy ibrco llmaal i l t- lyiy whut i 1 ity 1 uiiirnf it utmi ly kliiijrwno 1 it r lah t iik altt ii tkkly i itliud lltli al i lack itr ulw t lk fcforn a lk of kbuit lo lik lna i t u lmrcgllt wl llirr r illoil ilitahla lo tut buil ayilobhi a to bai dritwitt ail tluti uliti lu bu banl ki if nvr kdiiniu bcl ilhj i u ir unit it wt frvikbr ilnui iuj tiajro lo kiln i lr irrd ta luku it argyll the nepoimzh knew his auoi- ne8s iauruwraldrtnau flwboj i bava 00m to got yoar vlem ou tbo propmd ohansa in uta oarrlooluraof bo grammar aokool aldarmau bwalbod ourriealura i what u hm 1 im io it whauivai it la aldrmu hwelbod tadin u report of tb iblorvlewot nxl mornia oor dlauorolabad towumu urutbwal bad waa fooad in hia obarmla homo aurroaadad by abaadant lndloauon of rlpa aobolarablp and alordy common una in rvply to oar raporlerta juouoa bo ulj l0 klrlrn d llll you cant nlu in iha calm kt ulltl f biiraloinauli id utlon mr altd uuousi boil umk1 hauartir ttiniiillionrf iho ato tncb improve tb jr illation iructa dlratn and brined about tit at cditdltioti hi wblol urrp i h u h do not do ihu in a 1y byl it duoa l baa don it in ihuuttiidu of cu k clilldrtit anrtba rrcmd dniiiid tbkt ry word very ayllali iballwlwaa rinall tliti aklnu tlhw i hoy tnlu iii wblohaplirhkdliaafur uihmmii hiiiii doans ikidneypllua i baokaofle lame baok rheumatism i diabetes i bnioht8 oiqea08 i dizziness akou1 i ktdnev a uhinar oi8eadc0 are cunco qv idoaifc nmecd p1lls ms i stkkvils edrctts lynd- injf nu vnloj on jarc ik itl in tho full of liwyj i xwi- troubled tvith u ktwcre pun in i lit h lu i could jctrclly li lip out of a chiir nnd it i m1 l-r- p i ubout i toolt 0110 host of do nii kidney imu itul wi cmiiplttily cured i litvo not iilii troubled with itlttice jaalrt tt opltiloi tbo july number 01 ibo jrilojj aoffa auwew jlcwi bnnlntf iu fifty foartb volnma u both palriotla and fcloo a yy good oomhlnfstlon of lb formed oatoory araullloatraudpabr by tha editor 00 tb lift and work of loal col o v ltiiaoo aix bow bo woo tbo lluiaa oraad uokaa fiooo koabu prua to 00m pauuon witb ths world tbo qrat of two artlola oa iung alfred tha graai by l f aaor ooldwln bmitb u a nobla thbqu to llrluloa nobioat kto thara ara alao a obareotar atody by tbo editor with fin portrait of elr joba uoohoot who will forsub tbrea wall lllooirmlod ppra dd h of no boouatorthu volnma and an admirably ulaalrtad artlcu by jama l uobaa oa toronto tb- lua tl- fnl otbar papora dlaooaa tbo important problani of cresw cbriatlan work in oar oiue how- a a food uma to aob- acribo only 1 00 fo alt month tor onto whuaw iwtt- alonttoal- o w oatm haikai l v ifnaatla i j 00 a vr woodatooka inauitnrmtton aa a nlty waa pociallymkodjby tbo uano of a blbly taraaund and moat attract opootal adluonof tb lutij jram a bonvenlr book of 0 bpc to cover oobom la la red brown and boiuuraa on wlflu au3 lb daaun bl alrlkio and a p propria u tb oonunta are a pawoct woaltb of inureatlntf aknto trerlnjf awry pbu la tb 1u and aauuy oi tb proprooa ootaranauy which ba jut enurvd ibvbt oi canadlal oluoa tb reading mattor u amblbthd wltb buuwou balfton oxravinca and arary pa baa la ax otaaire dn and uakebp tb tatabu antorla and urobbu of tba town ooma id or a fall bar oi prontlnmtow and for a cornprbolvnd handaom tovuw ol woodstock ui numbor tould oaioly b cqaallod tb tbniuut xtwlr u bin ooojcrainlaud on all aid for lu bpuudld laaajturuoti numbor a vbiy oooo k1habom n6w air aaid tb oroaaumlnlutf ooaul b carafal i da you awir that lbia la nol voor bandwritltm im quiu anr it aint i aa tb reply do ii reawmbl yotir wrtllurf v loaiit aay ikdoaa lo you tak yoor oui that tbl writ- la4 do not re mbl your i yaa lr mnw air will you kindly u ua m a bpoimm oi yonr bandwrluna f mo air i wont 1 obyou woal abt and why wont your oali i battt writ to those auout to ma mr v youaj nad or old mwi who iulaud to marry will b puaaod u uojrd lbt tb now uarrljlf ant i mad quit fclmfl applying lc ii a uoora laor oi uturld lloanm at lb vak law offio oall fw day bafor tb orremouy and bav tb matur aapllnl lrial ottw all buiu atrlouy prltau and oonnjaulial at mdano id nluk troubua ilk babl ll trowi bluiir by bail uureod a backward child boon tbpabllcbat tbl i will aiy that i hav ttlvon to thl jtjotloa lotitf and atadlooa atuotlon laoldeoully ttxamlnlug loto oorrloou of initlltitlonii of iriu bolb at homo and abroad and altbouki i nodlulhaaxutinooaraoi atndy not a fowtoalurafor ooodom nation u1i upou tba wbola i oabnol y thai i abould adrlm any radioal obabjtd until i bftva artbof timtoaumina lolo tho aubjoot uy oaorga that falura tot my aot laimoaaa word for word 1 ami b didnt ukanouot- nollbwf i by gcorga what a memory that mlaf wutl hava can he do thesli th1nos yoar oithtaeo yoar old boyway ba a good deal of luua and cuu root aaya au ubano but unlaa lia ean do tb tblu ennmaratod balow ba la uotvtordluarlly wu qnlppd aa a buwloom mau or ai a man of tb world and can ba do tbem 7 writ a rood laglblaliaud writ a nood aanalbla utur bpoak and writ rood iluitllali dratw au ordinary bank check tak it to tba propr puea io tha buk and gat it cuhod add a oolamn of tlgma rabidly and aoooralaly nfak oot au ordinary acoount wrltaau ordinary prowory not uaaure a plu ol lumbo iuvour abed bpell all tb word b know bow lo uad wnu au advartimuiout for tba local paper uakd boat and corraot entrtea lu day book and lodgar tall tba nutnbar of buihau of vboit hi your urfiaat liu and their valuo at aurretil rata tall aomathlutf about tba ureal autbari and alatoamati ol tbaprwaatday tha mlud of a child u a livln iiallmp sat where uneatb our fooluh podatiterlea there crop our uaturai own nlmpla imcrlp tlou itakular action of tho bawelu u uacaiaary toheiltb late liver lmln aro tbo beat ocoaaloual calhartio tor family or coneral uaa trlca ufio any druktjmt to thiiiv i till uoblctt joy of man to niakoolbra thltllri tha loftiest amblllon the last bpbaker of connlbh lu tb ut uo villa of bl faul loir panaanb tbara bl atuouutuant arotd to tb mamory oi doll or dolly poutreatb who atulnod tb iu oi a butidrod and two and waa tba laat wotuau who apoka tb corniab toou tbl la tba inaortp tlou hare llotb lutrrad dorothy pant raatb who died in 1777 aaid to bava un tb laat ptuwcm who donvatftod n tba ancuut oorulab tba pjaauar uuuum of thl oouulry from tba arllat lluioi till it avplrad lu tha lgbluitli otutury in thli parult of bu 1aol thu btotia i araotad by tha lrluo louli luolau con apart in union with tba luv johu qaruitt vicar of lit paul juua ltlao honor thy fatbar and thy molhar that thy dayi may balouji upou tba land which tba lord thy qod bhrelb thaa 1501 itx 13 ii la ulta to krmp an opportunity 11 you dou i do any tittup hoi hund arouud attd bold on to it tb proprulori oi itrtitalaaa lillu ara ooualantly reoclvbil utlara almllar to tba followiutf which aplihalf ur johu a uaam walarloo out wrlui i uavar uad auy madiolua that can tqual larmabwalmllvfordyiitutula or hvar aud klduay oomplaluta tba ralut bprluol afur ualtiif thini wu wonderful aa a aaia family uicdlolna partnauaa vfiubl illlaaau ba nlv4ii in all reijulrlny a oautartlo in a child that isliackwaid in teething look out for rickets you can prevent aiy serious consequences by promptness the cause is poor nutrition f rri uuoaia uuun liu 41m imperfect digestion ol wawl a boa of pum- 1 ronond7pnortodrbartohaarniod low life yvu iiiust hlopil give scotts emulsion of od liver oil to feed the loies now jtve him jjood food the proei food or 1 child it is a short job and not a difficult one iborvit aomafolki that uiinka af thay oaut do a thluu nobody el kin naltbar ploklujl tha no ut oomniou aymptom of worm lu children uulhara wlio auapeat uialr child u troublud with wanna abould aduilnlaur or low a plaaunt wijrm hyrup i ia almpla kaf and 4oalual 1rlo c wiita tbaoaly way to fliul liapnln in lilt h world til folnb with no famly livluj in a blllou country abould b without iarmlwa vtli pill a law o takiu now and than will kp iba llvar autiy clanaa tin atumach aud bow in from h blllouu mil ur and prreut mi ajlf j h prloa uboal uartln co lud wrlu 1 i bava a aud ii ud lb mvu m4 yo 1 mm t 11 tw kcotta itownll cluu iimimo difoyrifjig extof t for diarrhcaa dysentery colic cramps pain in the stomach and all summer complaints 3 rrs crpcots are mabvclloub ir adtb uw a oiiahh belief almost ihstamtaueoub usasant liapld mlablorktsttiia erj uoosa should have 1l ask yonr druggist for il fate no other price 35o hollil ooul j94 jljuluoldllll 1 60 r jracoliuill 1 00 dtftglui4 100 globe optical co 03 ybnk03troti toronto lo know our itiiiorauca la already a unlit in our darkuaaa uurdook wood ulturj la a nndlalua mad from rootv bark and harui and la tha baat known rflmody for dyappila con allpallau and lilhouaneai and will euro all blood diaaaboa from a common pimpln to tba woral icrofuloua soro buiwiratltloh la the scum of ifh mater allam tho dreao freo tlioubt mllburna lleart and nervo pilla onro anaemia narvouaueaa bl6ploiinoaa weaknaab 1alpltafion tbrohbliiu luint hprlla dluintait or any ooudillon ariulnfl from imikjvtrlblitil blood disordered narvflaor weak heart wa rproch a man for quitting bis uliafi when ilia iwliofa quit bim chlldren ciy fov- castor i a to ba a yood laaohar tbrao qualilloallona in lhra drua ard tiaoiuaafy a little kuowladu niuoh common sonoa inllulte devotion thaia la no form of kldnoy trouble from a baokaahadowu todrijtlita diafuui tbil dotnu kidney imu will not rallevo or ii you ara troubled wltll any kind ol kidney complaint una doatra iilla iha ptdanl lalka to a child au if ho ward a man to a man au if ha wore a child lutfyardu yellow oil la a uiialul remedy to have in any houao u ilood lor man and imaat llfliavea pain roduccu uwdllti allayit luitauunlttioii our cm nutu hunii brulam spmhlua stiff joiutinto iriba jlo llio child iaa realor pleanre in play inil tbo man with u than we have in plv iiiit the child with him faa area sure c0re itogum ara always found out lu aura way whor la a wolf will ul a a wolf 1 that la lb- uluat oorlalil all tbliiu voolalim uood liaaltll u itupoaalbln without kgulr action of tb btiwala laxa llvar 1111 rrguutt tbbowaut ourooouallnatlon dawuia blllouauoi alck baadacb and all aoaotluua ut tho ofhna of dlttaatliim prloa ss oaou all tltuifjita roo ijvireno5g7shhtp h vous proatrutlon losaof knoroy brain fajf paint and dlzxysmia loss of momory molanoholla llmloaanuba auor elfoets of la gilppo pulpltatlon m tho heart aniiunla gimoriil dtibulty ahd ull troubloi arlbliib from u run- down ayatam 1 hey will hull j 011 iiprf tmilto rich rtd blood imduivu you vim mid uutrjiy price 514 per liok or tllieo llom lor ijiii ut driij- utn or will be nciit on rwetpt of oi ka by i hd i mil liitrn t o limited toronto out wopk too tilltqll of vin4lijllu ult from a tow ilemg f rt h utcebaid a ahtq man may uccrd in nuti cam r au writ ha hdolhlt a hurt urn l t iiihuiiiinlmi ihro a 110 auuh ilii ull lmtil ion cotiicu tha iiiarl lu it hut uv n tint will tioluuro aflvauctxl catcu i ut takri in thiia it will cor thlu dlaaaao with children tolotia hall ilm day ih tbo bait way to maka tliu otbnr hall pruhlablv 1 lutlldilt itaamoiiu fxut wliy lir xboinah kcloctrlo oil ebould bo hnsl by parboua tfoublrd willi affaclioua ol tlm throat or lunu sorou upon tlio akin rhau maho paiu curiiu luiiiquh or anurual injurloi iliaraabonaare that it la apdaly pura and miohjeoliotiabjc uholhar ukin internally or applied outwardly llicru aro many tbin- like pblloiopby itaair which cair neither ha taught nor uarned londowtj uio paih tho lroat holiday on tint- of wolrn ontario iaajihraao ttimt aomo ohm oirn ratowtd upon ibo wraturu iir 1 i on i hi nil aa ibo yeara in by lb i1icrltll 11 dink l become murv mora lltiii 1 ilul it u riiiio lhii a mrio llidy vll ilucatlonal in ll- iikic- k ill i i iri 11 vla ll w-1- 1 lir withit oti tbihij i ihloh u fl htltofuk u ktlhirr hlln llf linpntvritintu ti 1 i iivl llu mirjvfkl mtiitmttf of uim ulim i ibn il uln 111 blork mid itllx oil inil bu ti idw lhir il um fludcm lo in vcttrn oolarlo an i to dniioiu halo that wa id ihla baotioii r fully ahrjatt with tha rnl o tho world tho nntrjia for oil rr ilniioto a urto aihlul ud aiaoahouldbo umir i wlhoiililuy ili perdlnk til ibu tlnu aa uulal will ku ohn if tha inoai altrantu pail h i u main doubly mi by dm inltmcul of tho krtitokl culcrm or bkh ailariitd acrohals uyumaal htul arrhiliit ibat vr appeal in linn l oniblllatlllil iii cauftdn whlla udvclty u addml by om 1 nt rod pd mi of a nil troup of idiktrl piforiiilit haiita hi- iwomork dij uy will bu uu a ifandar blu than mr and will ludu a at tiki inland novclipjirccutaulil of th lvh or china lind iakuif- ur irklli totolhlf ullb tho illumt brllllaljt illuiiilnatlmi and o ttlcu uvrr before tnn on thu kioiiuij 1jmci1 rain aurvlca iabaluif arraiued over all lailroada 1 1 umit london allr tho tlreworka mono abould inlaa thu homo bxpoiitioii which bo ao raily vialud aud at little castor i a tpor infatilo nnd childreil tiafiv tllli klrutait vtanct life la a river whlcll dapenda lag on it source than on ita alllnents auxloue molhera and pr lowa worm byrup the beat medicine to expel worm children like it worm dont iliollrat pmilt of a babe ia the aunrue of a soul no perion should 10 from homo without a bottle of j d kollotftfu dyaanlcry cor dial in their toaseaaion aa cltaiiti of water cooking climate eto frujuenlly hrlnua ou nummnr complaint and there la nothing likebuluu ready villi a euro remedy at baud which ofleutimea aavea creat buffer intf and frequently valuable livcu thia cordial bail rilned for itaelf a wide aproad repulation for affording prompt rllef froi all bummer oomplalnla no man la truly tfreat who la unalla to realiitt how iiialfjnlllcant ho really jy ii hj yard a yallow oil euro all pain lu manorbaait for apralua cola hruiaoj callou lumpa awalliuca inqamiuation rheumallbiii and neuralgia it ia a epiolfla ii a word to thn wine 11 auluclaut moat clergymen muni conalder their conre liona fool lab why it wott- a shoe thjit i ni won tha hliict uwird nt thu pin j worlds iiiroujht to be jjood onoii for a lady to wuur he uity comfort stjlc np- po inturo aiiddurabiht arc thu point thit 1011 thejjold medal iti price and uduo in iko it tlioeboicoof thous indioflitdic 1 ulio know how to drevi tuite- fully and comfort ibty 300 nnd 4 do per pair mads by tho j d klnp co limited toronto pgqualrty moltls mitct than widows while loottirlnu bid ooiicrciallou rathnr atroily on a rocmit buudy about alack atteiidauco and email oulucliona a mlnia tec of a ccrtahi cburolr uad tb followhm blotloul and forclbln aetlulldo yea brathren our collect ion a of a llttla ovor tbtca potindu laut buuday included tio fuwr than nvo hundred baltpanulea wo all know about tha widowq mite and i am aur wo are very lttlo reooivu it but i dou t think thoro are live imndred widowa in thli couiireifattou 1 dizzy then your liver isnt acting well you suffer from bilious ness constipation ayers pills act directly on the liver for 60 years they have been -family- pill what is v0nw castor i a cantor lu fur iiifluith und ohlldrru outtoritt 1m u liurmli hh kiibhtltuto for custor ol inrokoric lrih und saolhliik hjrupn it cudiuium mdtlicr opluui jtlctrnlilno nr otli r nurcmuo hubstiiiico it im imcojtant iiji jiiiinint u thirty yearn i iy million of miilhcni outorlii iostrojm wonuii ami ulhi iorlhli- lw oentorlu urvt ihirrbwa and wind collr canurb ruivoji tmitiihitf troublcii nirii couauwitli ami ilutultiik y ooitorlu akhlmilauth uio ihhi reutaicn i hi slenuuh ulul itowclm of illhutu uml cldldrrn lfiluf unihlty uutl nutiintl h1mi oantorlo im tbo blllrcn iant4u thi motberm ivjrml- 1 git amd tltunk itallway ai11 ki ull r win h ou wni k1hr 1 oatmlovli i cll oiju i gaitonar ii 14 bu b mcllcll t 1 cllt lim m iluia hf rtfl uy u id t j tin l cl ll it titi i llitlr dill lii imuiu la castorio 11 aijri t t ulrfi any tr the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper sxterton wnd t ltllli ihafilatlii all w k katia ijitallir1 iliwa ili1 i kilaitiltrliliarli t i iilnuv iiorioi i a meiai- house jturni8liiiigs laco cuttains the standard- small doses cure aiijrukulj ll uu lwyii tb cnd tlml tho bill wlio kya bmiiioa ia busineii u tbe bmt tuntl ta da builafeu wltll it la only lieceaaary to raj llio tett moo- lula to bo oonvlliotd tbil iiollowayu com cure la untriual j for tbo removal ol come wrla oto it la h compmo exlliijianbor i im t always tlio man wltll tbo mut atull wbo wlna tba blat abato of tba eutoem olbla fellowa crosiwoll mawh 28 1001 tho t mllbmn co limited toronto ont doar sirs i wrlto to say that i linvo usodburdook blood blttors with oxcollont rosults last spring my dnutrhto eot all run down and wns vory thin and weak hot fneo was covorod with rod spots ard a litifjo hoil formod on lior chock i piocnrod 2 bottles or db b ard by tho tlmo sho had finished thorn tho spotji and boll dlsapponrod and sho has got stronrr and fleshy asraln 1 consider- bbb tho host blood modicno known tins i davidson who oaunot commaud bin t atrip ar abould not think of bains a man of lupin mi cbsaterftrld attention in tbo worl i of bomeoathio medicine haa been ita very eourcouf pro iiroaa aa in potitlca and rllrflon llio dlf haullicb of apininua and tba individuality of miiu bavo ben patent to tba diutiroa monl by whioh the ulandard of tbaae bodlrw liavu heiu fhivatod to with inoal nf our fainoub preparation forouioai hi ii lualretlon of which truth atanda the worl i famoua remedy lo uanaial dabllily and atimuor quinine uuiia aud wbioh a miraouluuu oraator ol appatite vitality aud stimulant lo tba liuiural fertility ol tba ayatain jouilnu wliifl and ita im prvumenl haa from tlm fltat diaoovery of the nrit vlrtuaa of qulnlna aa a modlcid aitenl baeii one of tbo moat thoroughly dlicuukd romaduu ever off or 1 lo the pub llo it lu one of the troal toulua td atutbaturatltfw t yrniftiui uuu twbtebr llls iu llo 1 luolcaaltiit bvaboaii oompcll lo ittotiulaaud piraiurlli uar nurli rupaud lyman ufloruatu bav ulvan to thu prltkraliun of ihulr puro j win lh urral lara duo to ha impoitalioo and thu ataudakd oicullottoo of the artlolu wblub buy offur ti tho publlo ooiua latu lb markqt pur of all ibo iweou which akuid ubaorvatlon and aulantitlo opinion ar pjlnul out hi tho loa poriwt propara tkya 4 tb uttw it lanl alwayi tho man that bttouj a to tho most loica who haa the mcut brother iv love in bia heart lliourtat demand for a pleeaanl aafu and rtliablo antidoto for all allcotioua of tbo throat and lunra ia fully met with in illcklo a ami conaumptivo hyrup it ia a purely vegetable compound and actn promptly aud magically in aubduiiitl all cou col da bronchitis inlummatiun of tho luna ala it ia no palalablo that a child will not rcluao ll aud ia put at a price that will not ciclodo tba pear from ita benefit a j to find ones uelf with only a ten dollar bill in tha elrcot oar ia juctabout aa bad as having no money at all children cry for castor i a ibo ureal educator of lrlu la atlll thiii doll that aclilujj bead can tu itihlaiitly roller ed by tikiu ono ol milburu a lurrlmu 1 1 mil a olio iowdcr 1 powder r i hii 100 10 for j3c dunlop ioliulluitillt carriage- our clwk this year ij larjer than over and aa uo import hiomj joodamlrcctly from tb nnufactuxnni in real dritaln wa can show yoi values lliat aro bard lo beat wo hav lin 1 r-u- i aa ti n 1 c r ll ur hi liir ki n a rule ttr in iiiiiuiiuiitb in tiuji ijiniu wa un iuuw yoi vaiuoi uiai iijti iu them at 5c 75c i 00 ti 50 i 05 81 h5 j i 35 3 50 t aj 75 tic j11 r 1 llll t yri money to imj fourd anywhere and our other linen are in proportion v tapontvy and ohoauo curtoina 3eto also bill ranj 0 qf tapftslry and cbonlto curtains and tabia coveic art satecnc ar draperies spot muslins clc vou tliould nol buy curtains lfcro incpcctink our stock art muslins in a rat arlcly ol patterns and coldrlnfs perfectly fail colorn at be 10c ujc 15 carpots a special union carpcol 35c and in excellent quality nl oc alw a full rani o of better qualities of lnlons and w00i1 from 50c to 03c a sptcial lino of tapestry at 50c hemp cor pc tn iajc 15c 30c and 35c japaneio matlinia cotton uarp at 15c 30c and 35c no troublo to show goods henderson 5t co mill street acton hcton saw planing mills jumrtst st mnnufaoturoru und doalovu in all klndu of dulsblu amd unpuis51d cum iii it lath and siiincli s sash doors and dlind9j window and doou f uamtts kuu kinds oi indoou andoui- dopulinisii having luell aniorlcd 1 lock of lumber on hand orders will in all caesho promptly filled lumber drcd and matched while you wall prlcts are aa low is any other mill turn u out warkcquil in quality custom iol3 cut at any time x vnim tar all kinds of uoad on hand and promptly delivered lo any part of tba town glbkring smlb 01 furniture at cost j a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at cost prices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speight co warorooms foot of willow st kcton amateur- cameras kmd suippiiies premo poco ray magazine cyclome klinting frames ij and cabinet 35 cenlo printing papers solio aristo velox photox h rkjutshkw photo jrtiutctou j to patent good idut may tmaolurtlby nar im aiul yilc patcnv ttccord ilatuwra mx wood engraving hoto engraving halftones- ur anyclass of engravintadverti- purfoses catalogulsmwazinfa s jljoneseno adelaide stw toronto will carry itavy load anj q wlllulai d hard sirvicf an cvirsallsfactory cxy- rldlntr wherl tl every t t euarapterj gm hi lltud to any wheel dnatnrthniimul dunlop time co lvr catch tlio kyu and tliumiml at tlio kiimft timo i the art of advertising this ad illustrates how truu this ayuij is especially to those wishing pleasant and piojitablulni canadas sons on kopie and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingent- is lite book to handle ofneiul aujthrnlic clnlip sells on sight o everybody and any body 1 in slii it- capital or experience not necessary send for free outltt and make money tito bradleycarretson co limited brantford ont patents guaranteed otir it ri klctcli aud ilrciiitlii koiiitktly trccli imr ut tut ut free ruimrtiina 1 lie tmlcit illily ol unit ii iw to ui uiu 1 idlciil mtil wiiii irin idlcnla willed tliimiuli tin u tcitltrfl r silent our ciuw i iriilo ukrii out uu unit lia iccyiic tjic uajt wlllx iuliiruc in 1 ui i xtlnt ulliibj an hlumtttrl mi i wl ifly clirtilatnl jhiii contillctl ly lmiuai lititd aut lm4uii uul i ir wuit icliiity tftiktl aiuukj victor j trvane a co ufeiit attorney t kvaasr uibb wbm fcl patents prdmptly secured c jlnu ufka invaat- mattul 011 1 l bcmriiaa nausb bluttbtr iumi t n irli lrinr hihtloll ulirllirr ll i inol jtljj ulaltr ulntajaiitlutuiianaveoriil nbknmy ii wnitil ty h4 w j fully riiliiiu itlrcs in lluutieal alltlltll lllltlluhufir ulit tinlil i lytuliul wnkuit iivuh at iximitaa llic im c ut lun llllickt nctiic rmuulir1 wlriita jjocuiftl ifiioiitjli watltin 4 ua- 1 1 1 tlv fcprtui twlk nhlim1 chir in ovt 1uu hawklmlmut imiil u llll lljtloll um iiiulliiloil iiyiulrit lnllmtit of mauulnc ut uuuluccih marion marion ttrit expo ft a nnd solloltora i nw vk uu lruv ruifmi w1w i aiuiutuj dcvinu cowhiutrra ac aalhltr rf ovtj kttotaw a j u4 owiu oilrtoul uirw lu iltu sdetitinc flmcricati a huattwiniol lllihtnlwl wiwltlr 1 tl i lis ralaubn r wttxuurt i iliiial t t i a i mm hhhtiaai ujblliiil wllufc smhhc nr4aoaaahuaaiiiihilw u