Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 15, 1901, p. 2

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i i r- njlltah ijlldayecadtt jaeioand u nioolbs nmii llerlln at ilia imuism of til ilauohur mr john flfon on hnuf aitful loul lutberl jamea arson of utifjulu furtuu reeuleaee of mtaehouea jfflenty mi the rate be acton jm flrttss tlllthday alkjubt bib 1001 ditpnial notiio a- was iirednlerl in theao oolnrnna two mimill- uci tli ouuucll lias euocaodod in 1uiik tin rate of taxation or tbo proeenv your at tmauty tnllle on iba duller to ercu luli llili vary ooromendlbu oon- tuny bail imii and will b exercised dnrlnjl tho year thtiuitoor all oaoeaajtrt urn it for ooiidnpllnrf all the baslnee of uia rminlainelliy forib jaarand lhra will bo no defiala when tbe itim leed at oollonlnd while alnawrnmaethuwaak tha writer called upon mrjuvd mr 0 l kllcben lbn tiiunloipaleuotrlelao whoara vary oocv jorlaiu in ihelr present mtrourjdioi ur kitnlwo hlably spoken of by iba mayor and luoubera of the tuh council in li installed a leto number of ijihle ulncohe went lo nowmarlrer and obaned nearly all the ahi ugh la on the etreil to inoandoeoeu ho expressed uiuch n aijbe jrowtb end general uoctmof lbn plant bar the indlcatlone uro kbavt jibe imvy council will declare tbe manitoba il-ohl- billon aotld oonstuauona auuy morrl- won k c m l no- wmtmlu 11 0 1 bee ask relumed from creel ilrltaip whom be bad baan legal buelneaa before tb indie i el com ml l- toe ot tba 1rlvy coo noil mr morrleod watt present daring the area men i on manitoba prohibition uw and tba opinion mil oppressed by a leading englleh counsel wbo waa also preeeol bat bo eoaed in tha cese lbk from lha oaaaal wnub of their iordablue they would daold tb at lo w intra vires if thi decision ratted eli it will bo kv great vlolory for iba toro- blblllonlsu tho time for danger from froat lu tba wortliot la plat and tba aotlra barel will in all probability be gmtbarej in prima dondtiom inrin 11 lat lenday nearly iio000 toen bava gona to wnllob nd ho notuiwttt from ontario qqabaa and tba hajiltma iroviooa and iw pbauomarimj buvaat will bo doobt b katured without ajiy lorn oau und otbar aprluj graldaajraloapiandldooaduioii wt wall u tba wbaau tba proapaet of rp- inrttlili tnoit boontkal buvaat on raoord liaimpruda grt atimulos to ud li manitoba nbd tba not tb wait whlcb hi do- yelopd tbu auiamar to a vary graat extant tu wboloaaja booaca wboaa tratollara bava ooverod anoojb territory to aoabla tbain to jadga report oaaloman avarywhara tbnxub- ontlb waatara porobaalntf liberally la fcnllolpatloa ot grour retaji danund wauyof tba frmor propoao to parobftm pure brad itoak if thu aaaaooa- buvaal iukllejbalr txpaoutloria iu that oua tbay woald coma to oaurio to look for tbolr auok tba i a tlmaly blnl to ont ario braadera ontario ooo grain la ta4 tba nortbwaat upoa it great amp and brlllubt promptou ouonautown tliabandboye want to aotoa luttbare- day ovoulafl to aid tbalr bratbran of aotod oorttat baud id a garden pasty tendered by tba lad loo of thai town tba boye enjoyed tba outing add kpeak highly of their unet ment lu ailoo atlbelaet meeting ottb oonnoll peorr- towtta tax rata for the year wae fixed at twenty mllla tbu ia yulu gratifying and wa not altogetbu expaoted bot art inoraaa- od aaeeeameat permlu tbe oontlnaanoa of laatyeara rata tba towne aaeaeamlnl la now 8116x080 j oq banday tbo lrebytarlan and liaptlet oougietfatlooa unlud servloa waa held in the morning la tha 1raabytarlau and in the tuiut in th bpuai church 1u ur moalplne praachad balpfal and inaplrlojt aarmona at both ftervloea a ooople of old georgetown boy ueaara aluendar and da uodonald of carbon uyll alabama wbo have aaooacdad well id butlnew relations in tha belgbborlng rapab- 11a art at praaant vlaltlng old friend in tbla vlolnlty mr george outbrla of tbd toronto polio foxoe itlll keep up bu rapoutloci m u athlete of no maari ability at tba polio game id montreal reoenuy ba watf quit uccoiifu oaptnrlog tbra a prlxe oueaeooodanaooe third work 6n tli lraabytarlau oburob la rapidly advauolng th puatarer have llnuhaj with th seoond ooat habit uo of tb o t h pulforma itutidrod of loaruu paaajng tbrottjb to uutkoka tbeaa aucpmery jye tb rmaitm of tb launlnlaa llndoay who died od bundey at hi xaaiuarjo ber worn luurrad lu the family plot at liaii- houa oemelery ou toeeday kit- war dad xiluiwy wa on ottb moat uaeful end bltflly betaemed erly boltlate lu tbl action mr ah wataon i kttandintf th aiiaual eaealou of lb oread xodg i o o v at gtiolpt tbl weak ahhqhovlf the etlmta praantajd and tha rafoa at rut k a counoll on monday ewonlryr mohb pbrmanbnt pavementb tbe ndt important meeting i the council of llu niunuiipallty of iba year wae held on monuvy ayenlnu and tlo te- aull will be entirely eatlefotury to lalo payaia geuielly ae eurmlewl in laalutoe tb tmtollle klnaiira p- ud tllir aallmatie n1 wet ebn lu ukaeollon flxiiik ib iau fur tb current year ai twenty mllla on the dlar cuunoll mat on monday evening in u lar aeaalori mvmbere all pieeeut axit councillor jaane lta william lu the cbalr the committee on iuiano pialuil tbeir tbllteenlb rtpoit and rrcorarnaidd payment of iba following axooante oeqadlan oanafal kleotiloua metre eu ui tmaraiuulikarimure via joint narerfrelbt ana carlaoe 00 do leeuilud w o huando cmiaooounlcliliunay 3 00 lao hawlll opalra w uovad by 11 hwaakbamer aeconded by ooonje llynde that th tblrteentb report of th committee on vlnanoa be adopted a read carrird the committee on finance proeented tlie following eetlmat or rlpte and piy- meala for thyax ehtikatbh iwi marairta ltal4uto grant u tobllo bfliiool jlmm ttlnanaea tmmi aoo do hieeul hi- do buloliar bo snm tolltxioltaii town heil 1 cemaury iw 00 1ubllo iuk 10 ob huaau and walks co kleouu uwlounwila labor itad do da auppliee ud ituo 00 1uu ot b0 mllla on uauloluot ibmw- tnent bow plua3ukadle holiday tfltl an outfnu in whluh th lallway trolley iltoamnr ana unnulno fratarnal hoipltnmly contrlwvitad no joylin life 9jm to vltubjrt lubanlpr vloautuidatibrudpalaiidluureat ui id town hall inurae alnkiitf fuod uj inbll ijw do do do wl u owneury do do do 100 00 fcuetri iilebl do do do imw 1abllo bcliool do do do sit 00 holrououoa do do do mi 00 county lute 36j 00 jubue behool teajutenauoe u1m 00 reeubrery 100 m leleetrie ulit fuel and auppllee toofl 00 ikwlh 140 a vita- tlrlfad and repejre kb 00 interest ou current tjoene s 00 rintlngaid a dvertlal us 63 humu and walke ttt m charltlw ti u cwium i mu b0 w moved by jobrj a ueaderaoq aeoondad by geo hynda that lha aatlmktea of re ceipt and expenditure of tba municipality of anion for the year 1001 aa preaenud by the finanoa committee be adopted oarriad moved by jno a ileodereon aeoonded by oeorge llynda that leave be grafted to inlrodnoe a byuw for tbo purpoa of pro viding for tb ex pane of the municipality of the vug of aotoa and for the aupport of aotoo 1ubllo bohool for tb currant year and that seld bylaw be now raad a flret umoarrled dyuw was in trod need upon motlou read th required number of time and tb council went idio oommltle of tb wbol with couoolkor uynja in lb nhalr rule nineteen being napaaded after dua oonaldarmllon lb rat wae alruck at u0 tollla on the dollar the uvle being a fallow tteitrajiexpeaea ijaotalll tublio bohool sfl dbaotareaaaditiurmt bou total the petition of lb property owuar ou thakouthtldaof mill blreel from willow bbreet to frederick blreel for a do moot oottorel walk wa prcaented moved by if bwaokhamat aaoondiwl by oorg uynd that the petiuou omi 1 moor and otbara tor th oooalroouotj of a oemanl nonorat walk on lb lei mi bf the looal improvement uyuw on mill bulblwamwilloranxliedatlolt btreeu b grabted the earn being anfflol- enlly autned in aooordanoe with the bylaw and that work b prooeeded with at ono carried uoaaoll adjourned at 0 bo oolook aoton fnua ubrarv a w ego lbn nllir h t jiulil- edltnr iribelhku im at mi j y fc 1 day at loluwood llm rlnlibl lul kuiniiirr hono mr mr f o jerko uf the nwnakt ani alonfirl iloatih vu iako lilincu itakruoauboa olit 1 b 0hom ilyr ulkfud up in tornnu in lline rr lnoijifkt at 1 1 tlr hour of aolli uo rlly wo mrrd n f llu rapid iraoelt olotm iiro cl u mrtrmiiai lullway civiaiy al norlli ririnlu for nowmarkt the mirchuu rout tfuru iholourlt en full rtuilly of viumiui ill nihiiy kltrn lloue and bktirloi puhiu of vurk count wblto irevuralltg yongo ytrnel ouu fif the lih tutntliiuoue atreetjciiii tlio oontliiciit tbo melrupolluli oiv rvl al llm rale of twonlyflvcinlliaan hour a i lla otlliueaii rooet aocommoitalljiij l lllrt paliuna of tb old ulupiluft to lakoo or kt uft bakun gare et any polat aloii tbn ruale lu eildl tlontohb ihlf tyrour point at wbluh oall are regularly lualo 1aaalng up yotige htfeot momorloa of ouiltlug hutorlcal evoilt of ealllur year orowd 1ii tb atudeit r canailun bllory eltioli fauil- iur point hm mditltotiipry- tuvuiu dwiii- vlllvork uillj brimi up xvly iioldut ol tbo lubellioii ot 117 tntl ullir lai recall the match nf lha volllllleor oomii youue illicit to toronto on uie do ceil an ot the vnlftn iteld or iboil a die troljay bouud oloni blind ijke tbo nljiiallve ilul of mlimoroua exounluin and ilotllo partu i reached after at hour delightful rldo from th city llr i located llm line tower iiotii of lha rotd aud t thu poluk the metropolitan com petiy have a liuudrod aore park on whlob 1 altuaud lb dolightful alieal of watoi kuowti for many year a lloud hve all tb adjuuotaof k popular pleaaure roaort ate here a an example of the fcllraollvo bee of llond ik it may h bientloned that a popular pio tild we bald there yo lerday under the auaploea of th quteni own hand of toronto with obeap rate from all point between kewmarket and toronto thouaxnde took advantn of th low fare atul kttraotlv prouramm kitd gathered to kpoud an oi joy able kfternoou end evening th baud pro viding a grand oonoort qflu4rumehul and vooal uumbere from hood like to bohombaigh branch of olgbleeu mllea 1 now umw couatrua- lion wblah will b k great ooiivonlotic for k large arid wealthjraoctlon of th country raaalug through tin ulghund of verb o itl i w l that board will shortly male a nw addition of book ihaifrea library hoard mat uatwed- beaday evening at the call of tb cbalr- mau member preaebt john ckbaerou ohalrmati the t uoore iuv j k qoddn u a kbd h 1 uoor the lilbratlxu report for june and july wat preaaated a follow uembenulpat end of july ul llook teud- juua july hulory 41 t jlloerabhy voya aud trevel qaimta id lata tu re uolenoeand alt ioeuy vuuou aaulouh uueellaueou 11 to st t ib mr ham watrrvu and bab bf toronto are vuiting at mr aux war rn- mr tboalmtou lmnojpejofvurel uiguuohool 1 ependlug p part of hi vaoatlon kl bu old horn hat mr vred nikon will lake ohug of lb kohaul ber for the remainder of lb year if e i a pu jlug tbli wk kt th lau-auiotl- dal mia anula auxiudrla holidaying with f rldiide bear ftlreetavlll mu xmiia muuowell of toiouto 1 peiidiug k month at her bom bar ulsiuiiituk likwooti of toioolo juuo- tlou i vultlug relative her muur albert llaweoit wari uvd buuday kl mr 1 k lluddell mis llaxl llendereoti of turouluv aud mint carrie uryoe of 1arbdau epeut a fow ley with frloiij her during th peat week d mr johu ooodijlow uf klm- wdiid whu luv auyltig kt mr j if wiloua epeut last week kt th lu-amar- loan guile k uqiubar from her kl ukluj adtaetteei w t mmllobe borne of thoa whojeav lb id week ai maaai ltobert lluddell henry llridgn 0rifd tommuumui vflu muulaon will tjllbolm jebo bbauka llnday noouujnalur urown ridge and mart umelt children cry for castoria sod ui cli luoalpu 1 u is moved by j k aoddeo woouded by t t moor thit tb xiibrarutt repota for juu knd july b treoeued carded moved by t t moor aewuidej by j k oodden thai tb aooouut of th aoton fax iaxa for membership applloetlon b paid carried moved by t t moor aeoonded by j k ooddod tbkb tb bearetrybrelusaud to keoerulu lha beet tartue obtainable- from th book publisher at present lu vie of ail addition to tb library it th ueer future oarrjoj tb board theu adjournal limbhoubb a uumur of aotod udlu plo ulekfcl on the rodk her last thursday awd dolr th day wkl moat ioyablyepnl mr tuouuh bomervlll mat with an aooldeut oil bfturjay kfurnooni wbioll ha been h i tended with eomewbal eelou result if we driving lb binder had computed tb held aud wa driving lo th barn down tb eld uf a hlll when tb binder upeet and be e ibrowu heavily lo lb gronnd mo bii war broken but he w eeteroly hakoti up kbit ba buffer ed ooneldarably iuc hi eyotom loill bete lournal injuria no r weoriorquelluudroj uulleralueiardfor any uaee ot oaburb that eeunoi be uuiad by if all curiltour walaauudarslpiad lia kuowa aj ubeuey fur iba last aftaeu year aud 1i1uo lilm per- lecuy beeoieble lu all busluase iraueeououa ana anaaeuuty able looany uul all obllauuns tatade by uialr oru wajrr taulx wbolomje uruuutollo0 vvajcwd kuimam uiavim ubulseau lm guu tolad o uallo oalarib cur t taken utually ullu dlreouy upon tlte blood and tuueou mrlhsai uf uiepyelem teaumonuta aeot rraerlrloe e rwboule vutd by alt druipiuu hahe karnlly iuearb beet lake ontario and blmoo u retohod k point of too foot blevkllon abov lake ontario running through llto thriving town of aurora a call i mad at mulock k ititlon at the galeof th pawlial coun try realdeno of the lion william mulook ioelmxilor ottiibral the rolileuo lit alt titj oouveuuuoia he- it own witor- workeyel6ni and hx eleotrlo light from th kewmarkot olvio plant luetalled throughout the remltee tba lawn garden aud farm ootiiprib 300 aoreu kud th place u regarded by th farmere of north york k k modal farm where ox perl- motile both in farming and atook- raining of value lo litem aro oarrled on by thle euur prliing mlnlaur newmarket the northern ttrmliiu ot the road 1 th mot i populouv enterprli log and protperouh potnl touohed by th road after leavlug toronto the imprvee of mayor can a aud tha luflutmo of tlid large mxtiufaoturlng enterprise ovr which he prnalde are everywhere apparent bleedy employment 1 given by the cane mebufaaturiug co to 1100 lihudv and another urge conoern le tha offto racial ly work manufacturer of otuoe farnllure ana rilling the iowa ha tlio oomplut meut of amnllur buelneamiti has a aplendld meroeutile trade aud evideuaau of prm- parity aru nverywhero matilfeet muniolp ally nawinavkel is well govorued it hat apleodld walerwork jum aud it muulalpal eleotrlo hghllug nyalem baa given valuable palnler to numerouu muni olpalitlex when couubiplallug ulillxliig tbalr bwu fraiiohwi th rloolno lighting plant i accounted oue of the btt asaou of the towu aud under the nitwit leal salll aud managomout of mr o l kltobdu- who went to nawmarkot frotu jlotoi laat yoir the uaer of current exprej ontlr eaiufao- tlon with the kervloe auppllod at newmarket we were met by air l q jkokaou whoad guealit w werd for near ly a wok folio wiutf aud having prevlouily enjoyed lb cordial tioapltallty of mr and mr jaokiou ot aoral former oooailous we knew thai unbounded ploaura were in alore a couplej of hour war apeut in the model ofiloe of the im whloh la uow one of ilia hl cijuipned amoug uauadaa provluolal journal among improvement iauly itiolilled are a uewapaper foldor luouollue typuettlng tiiaohlue aud aleolrio motor f lie monollua li opefaud by mr 1dgar jaokaou the eldul aon of the proprietor who ha beoonie au sxnerl and iklllful operator the hra haa long enjoywl atwid preittg throughout north york and with tha uaw facilities introduced it will bold the leading place among the newapaper of the county the eveulug train took uu to lefroy a mil and a half ulaga drive to itelu kwarl a euamer acroaa the bay to iloaohea 1olut aud a delightful row of three juartara of a mild brought ui to tbo wharfat ingle- wood tbl iutervaiilug daye were vary enjoy ably ope ut lij boating bathing balling nulling drlvfu t morton lark huttou jaoknouu itilut tha ellbbald memorial ohurch aud beaulkul oomblerv ground ami badg aurroundhi andto the hibbald residence whare mont tiilukaiitlug lutllau aud olhar rare relioi arp bb he aeaii orahard haaah 1 crowd ad with cottage resident and cam pars and appears eaoli ueaaou to bo growing mors and more popu lar tha pur frseh air from tltil eleva- itfin the invigorating lake brexa the aplendld bathing faollltuu and the gaiibrel oauvo n nee of tha aurrouudluga uiaba it k reiort whlob uhibranee all that reaionabla holiday vuitnrd could tlwlrj fl ixiei le th top of you i telly and pfeaerv jar in ui old fulilooed wey heed ibeni by the new quia rt elkmtlillely enr wayby ev lhtn-oewfja- tun nod iaramne wax 1 lleeitu teat or odor i klf tlalil nd arid firoof klly applied leeriillii kdoaen olhar werealhiiil tbe bone r inilf ulreotidii wllb kb urit rake hald xmiokht law y imfcnial olt 00 tt uo uav thb uuffehbiiu hiom chhonie dvspkpaia a tvdublp that maktl tha uo or lln vlnllma almokt unbearable uauiioi hendnuhee honrlpal- iltutlun nizxtnaas a roollnu of wiinrlnsii nd a oletaato for food il i xydi au mmi 111 jojuio ji hilfrr from ly or belug lion kte numerous lit tbl oounlry alm leily on boar aoiun ana 00m plainly or thatorhuroe omuerd ibem by thi mainly and ll le uu uncommon tiling ui hoar a auflvreia aay i wtah i wae deed and no womlor tbo stilforlnn caiiaeil by bad dlgoa- tlmi taiinol be imegliibd lj aiiyone who ha lotftrod from it the victim a ooiiataul burtorisr from beadaohoe heart bunt heart palpitation an buaav he baa a bad laat in bu out i4 unkb tu obi i rettlul eloep alijl has ble a fool- gfw jjul there lea euro cure fur thlu iroublo and it i found tnthe rreiat of all known taedl cluur wllllmeliik 1ilu for iala laopl atnong tboui itij uvj been ouied of tbu drtreiifg mylidy by dr willi m fiuk 1mb i mr all j ciiaui a wall uujwii fermr living ur 111 jrm q ljf ruiirler or ijavfinr lu nurd mr chalol lohl ihu following lory of ii- ill- beaa and 6ilb4j oure pur llire ysaa i wau an ultuoil euuiinul anlfjror from u10 turtur of bid dgtlo afur eating x felt aa if eome heavy wolght wa preaamg kgaiuat my abett i wm laoked with hesdaohee my temper became iril- table my appetite uncertain my horve were k wreck aud i wa alway troubled with a folng uf woejrlu 1 wa kblo lo do very hill work and aomolime nan kt nil although i tried maiiy romedlo i was uuiuooeasful in my koarah for k oure uiilua friend advised me lo try dr will- lame 1ink rill auy doubt i may have bad ae- to the motiu of those plfhi wore koou diapelled for i had not been taking them long whtm i noticed an improvement in my condition i continued the ua ot the pills home waka when i oonldred myself fully oured todayl am a well a i ever waa in my life and would airong- ly advla all ilmlur sufferer to try dr wllhama 1ink iliu kud i am aure that they will find ilium au bendloial aa i have dr williamb tiiik lmi- our by going to the roct of ilia dinette they make new rlob red blood atrengtbeu tbu nerve and thu lone up the whole system fluid by all deal 11 modiolus or aeiil b mall poat paid kt 0 ooiilu k box or six buxe for ixco by mjdrexalug tbo dr wllluma tfottioluo uot7krcbvul57 limlhou3e tha aad now of the death of mr ilobert paraona for many yean au eiue mod- real daiilof ijlmohouio ha reached the friend here lie haa been living in duffila ilno leaving canada and wa on a vlall to hi dkughlor mr john llyim ilorlln when death calltwl him tlio remalnu were interred in lirvlbw cemetery aoton ou mouduy chkw8on0 cohncno uarvaetlug will be about milahsd hare 111 le week mr john wvlker fluldied lail friday tha drab in thle holglilorhood mr o jolhffo hook wood preached hare on qouday quite a number from here went tollookwood on buuday to hear mr orauilone farewell aurmon mr 11 rherlook iarkdale vuited frinudi here leat weak mlve radio mckm toronto a pent a few day laat week with friend hare mr and mr t j dtvldaon cdudoula vialted frleiidalierti thi week mr dvlil aon will apeud a few weoku here mlii jeaale mcdonald prangevilla and miaaee alice nd nellie brown aolon vulted at mr jkinae oanibla tail week mr and mr jime iu null aw and ohlldreti iiut sunday with friend iu lowvllla mr ii denny churohill and mil vina moore hdou mill bpent sunday kt mr ja moor mraudmr v oill kuauhbull apnt buuday at mr llobert wau abo rough j mrijohuaob aud aon btrabatia epeut several day during the week at mr m creweon- mia ltixle lambert gilt la apendlug a few week holiday at her homo bora mr it a damper toft tuesday for mooaajaw n w t mia a m ttbone ouelph apeul a couple ot wmku vacation at mr j oamblet mr and mra jamea murdook uardau vlaiud at mr george qrahatna laat week absolute security genuine carters little liver pills mutt hour signature ot ju pfvslodu wrapper iuiw rjjjafthicauiuimt laki lko roi bimmtii vwry auau awd aaeay ta take a aactitt if jl ro uuoutieti ran toirld uvu roi cohttipatid roi uuow in roi lurxomruulell oui1e 8iok headache 6000 way to become profic ient in hurineus way mid ineaua i lo altoiul 0110 of lha ichoou of tb iwlnrdlejt- itufclncd collegoti of onturlo ihulll that may bo found in loronto iniulon kemhtom xtrawn tielnrwllm callr- cuelph ul cttlliurlnea i heir lo4ihcrfiii ruun of ability jaid kjrltnuu who tuu uiuung tbo tiiol auc- ctiabful lurill in cjiiuu lur gaiiorl luliitiiulloii wilulo thu royal city business college trader bank tlulldlnn i v wwutnh aublim orjt wriuejudl sun savings and loan go hiad office toronto ont r tm yrar utahirliy owio r- thl monthly itiluhncnh nf 3 wr barn uld inmaturity valuo tn o mbnny to uwn l 3irahhl ttn or vryabloln mmtblylllmit mi uppll- llou to r j mcnabb aont aoton j wiihn you want i jvloiht j arid l j 0atmkal okiouu t ougrton knd odgn 3utlllls tllulltl th lilluu t itr ijulllyiirleft tlhl i iiknio iiokto z yes its hot hut wo inva lota of icli chham and ici cold drinks to cool you off our drink contut of let cream soda 11 the following flavors itrawbo- emott i toajtttbvrry vaaiifa chooouta iineajij lahaxaorieita orujad alio hoitted drinks consisting of wild cherry raspberry cream irmon sour dlrcli ilcr ginger ale croarn sckii lemon ad and lu cohl milk mflothews igelfirbam ixawn mill stroot amateur cameras kwd suppli6s v premo poco ray magazine cyclone printing ramebr 4x5 and cllnclv33 cento printing papers solio aristo velox photox photo khtiot kcton 4rjrv adusinlss woman will uhc lha opportun ity ol having her 1iir madaovcr or remodelled dur ing tha summer months ot a reasonable cost by a practical furrier you will save time and money and when the weather for fura arrives you will bo cat u fied to know that ou lime the latest styles and rinpst by going p l n e lafontalne wlioloulo and retail iurrior guchph i mutf gl j a- jil lul pi h 1v4au 1 u l 1 t b grennan co a iilo of menu hlomiy can 10 mndc tliih week a at our remnant it starts friday with remnant jalorc on our counter tliey are yours for eay little prices lots of thin just what you want amongst tlicm thous- j ands of yards choice fabrics all sorts of yard poods in short lengths and only a small part ofthcpneo pay for them other things too such as odd pieces of clothing hoys pants hoys vests mens summer coats vests pants tics shirts and collars ladies shirt waists odd handkerchiefs ties and belts and 2 or 3 pairs of gloves for the price of one pair come early and look around carefully uyjess you like to be sorry afterward i on friday and saturday this week a clean out of all our summer wash goods such is 20c piques for 7c yd 15c muslins lor 8c 5c em broideries for 2jc i2jc and 15c embroideries for 8c 13c and 15c ginghams for 9c 200 yards fine wool tweeds in 2j up to 6 yd lengths at 75c and 50c yd ijooo doz ivory and covered buttons at 2 doz for 5c fine strawhats to clear at 10c each monday and tuesday 23 odd lace curtains worth 25 to 75c each or 15c 34 remnants ilks and satins for trimmings and waists going for half price or less dress goods over a hundred ends from 2 lo 6 yds some hall some quarter price 10c to 50c a yd a fcwshirtwaiati jljiallprice o patterns of lace ant insertion at half price summer millinery some half some quarter price 1 wednesday and thursday 50 ends ribbons regular 20 to 50c yd 2 yds for 25c 22 boxes paper collars size 13i and 14 2 boxes for 5c 25c ties at 2 for a quarter braids and trimming at j price ladies and misses silk gloves 3 pairs for a one pair price boys 25c quality rib h at 17c or 3 prs for 50c 20c quality at 2 prs lor a quarter the b crennan co records block t i i ii j tt t fltiv aflbrrtiriufula property for halt iiiiuiiku ft larnta lllc lcoily fur sale 01 wy lamia aill i vu mwtrsiitt v jikhuiknok and wit 1 on hftu imik u4ail iitma lr 11- lor mhilut 1 alu iiw h rt ulll hl tiniiuhlaa wll i ulll vl aiclil rwuia iii biouubuiu ii 1 nlii 11 yoiiuif urrlikiil larustlala a vfplrllm iittar t itllr al7rii 1 u immaol ult tinjr- vrlull fr ll 11 1 a aty ou iba iu l u1u1 ll jysdkluton a410h comfortable dwolhii iow bah atid lul til laa avaiiua tha buuut la a w mlinturtaljla iiufltnt li hmiiiv1 uii taltli 1 1 anl and afl hiur iwutiilii in il la kiioem umh iihallon to hit lllpllalll cook jrlillallu kiuli summer skle for one week commenc ing thursday auotjst 1st everything in summer goods cut to cost all goods are new being this seasons productions j a mcintosh son 77 upper wvndham st v guglph f0hsalri house and loto in acton rpllhunaaittelei hra tof au lb fror jl talaiiiliil id lllierlaf gultluara riublicast qt tuiiua1 win f or lililo tiwollui a lul en aieliumt lihklttanleiirruieueaeaiul tart atavtilo alwi lirii htia bulltluilan ukiait 1 tauwl iki e iiumliar uf e tiruiwitlae wilt ba so tarnis bi ault lle liumtia ly t cliae jul- ark 3fj orto ltjilcalllllotoa in the bunndoate court of thb county of llalton in tho matt or of tha ouardlannhtp hf ttm infant children of huhr hold uaaanaatt allucitiom will biajl to tbehenocau oourt ot uiecouuttfof llallon balure uie judcala clambars at uia court llotw in ue toon u kill tun alter tlie aiilratlsii ui twaolv datafrtnn uia arat nuluealitid itareo nn labalt tit haxali uavlilaon of the udault nf tcaijuae lad in uib county at halloa molh oi uia eau infant nhlllra lar an nnur etpi4ntli uia aai1 uajali davidaoa kuenljan ol jeine umu uid atul william jsroinleb llld lalaat elujvu or tbe aald iiujiii llalj ileoeeeed ililuk daviijsom lly w a uelean tiec sollollor uataj at aelou uija uth day of july a d 10qi notice to creditors in iba isulur of w 3 xe of aoton la tho courtly of hal ton dry goods uarohanl pakb butlolliattbeaalil w jtelias maje x at aaaujtxuant to inslor lliatianant of hu creditors iutsuant td chat i1t il k o hat and axaaodinit aola all iwrauus bavlntf elaima acaliist the aald kauta uf ui aald w j u ar roulrel to til with ine bartlcularaolliialr aakl olalmaduly trovad by aludavil uu cr beior oiadoth day or ittgutt loot and taka hollo that i mill bltat the tau goua dayof aiuuai tuol braoawl to diathbuae tba eaala of uieaajd aatate havlnff ranrd only to tbeoiftlnuof wntdtltlhalllhau liaabotlc w jf btklckiiinu aaalkma mwlll uuuhv uuntlliltl jk utllk y klotf ulml vi aat turuoto jualfiueee luittcllard 1111 uita 11th day of july a ii lsol auction sale of tim ber berths puli wo kotloi u lmny riven that or- aoantto auuiorlly of onure in cogncll ihelud and white 1imm tlmnca la tba fullow- laabiwiialilm in uie diutiuut uf ajuiuma naxualy the toonatilpa or ukaham put cllfctiaa iai j a via amuaaaox cnuuir uillmoa wurrmaw cuana aad itmnaaroao part alul certain areas between tha iluaom uivxh aad uu akuiowllivaai walare in tbe district uf tiiukuku lur will be offared far eajs by 1ubllo aliptiou at the lbrllament lluudliitfo in the nit y nf toronto tin turflday the nkvllhtfknlli lay of ubiteubeu bait tthbour of ontj oclock in uia after- at uie aatne uul a and llao certajn forfeited aod ahanduued jlerth in tbe townships of oioat biieauoaxa and lurrtawoktu in lha uutrioi of lublnnarum and county of viotoa- ijl will le dt rod for tale the purchaser of these lettar llattba to bao the right to nut all kinds of unihar hhseu oonululntf tonne aud condluoaa of uaje an1 infonpatlua as to areas and loll and c a bum ootubrtaed in eeeh berth will be artilabad on ermuoatloa eitber poaa4 or by latter to the daaruiianc of lirowu rada yoroub3 or tb urnou tltulmr axeitela at ottawa iuult htw uabib and iout ahrmua w j davim cautnilaalor crown latule department of drown inda twrouto june 1 lool jauuiorlaad l advartueulali will be bald f buggies cams and waggons ihaviiaull una of bucules cnrt market and lumber wagone all my own malq wltlch i fully kuarantcd call and ta ibem i alto soil illnilof twine toltoa tea harvcitcrs mccortntck bind- era icaillnj males of ilowi and riow olnls worlman ward churns and c wilton farm seal j n 0mbil1u successor to gulp mckcdxld gborgbtoimn western fair london sept 5th to 14th lool reduced prices balulioo of thla month durlny uia reniitlinur of aiutl orjom hill bo litleu for our luid clolliliu at ni ilucotl prices hon l tlulay a day lu niacin yourortlor call mul luujiccl ilia eiock aiul hoturu thti itaiiefilhtiueretl aty luw prlaa or bol caub ill uinl vorlhitiuiu tunmed vm m cooper muuciuui taii nu mm si hcton uuuly to rauieaeut latfle chxitiiauy of flnsnnlal reiuiatluui u iter veer tiejalu weakly 3 per day alteaufy sure and ell ea ralut aiifrl fow pttxlr 4t vjiorrvn rmnojtidn of cnnlua mo n eihlblta aiul laudlok attractions lock- turts pdrfonnlnff ulemiahti tin in him gwacihoiu eknlmiil ojiil many other iriaclaliicu uf a high ordergrand fireworks display including repro- itntalloii uf tall of china and taking of tekln special i rains over all lines nidi ovealnk after nrcworku tor priio hals protjranimaj etc apply to ltaol w m gautbhouk pranluiint j a nelxteb saoilary p2 e he5lsoms the uptodate furnisher every possible need is filled with satisfaction see r 1c ntlsonu select assortment of cobrml sllliu whll shirt slilrl wuu ugm hlil la culur kuj cull 1111 uttd llfe while hunk tnl tnjanrwea ey ilalaaud cape diul meita furnlablng cools dist valuut siiliict siylui- re nelson ono pries only bo wvndham st c u b l fh toronto exhibition atigaeih losept lh laoi 65000 m32 65000 jvavaj ad xuu vupuym haljy jtklllxjlnt sixcj xto ottmtmt ltv stoak ii6w um tne cbau- u at au our country usoutum uilitauy ta 4vovst li7tlt otvmt il4uaina of caujitfiatt old ilay ellli oltt clll4 sfulemta- tuxsday sxltmmnim hhj jieitiinntl lfntu4 ooftu luudqf travnl ahuiikw iluitlr v11cvu hj mux lrunleiil uaiit toronto no you ofcouna you do tthil you wanl willing ijiaiorlau wa haw meryiuiui you will i rwjulia alonu l hno u- ciuillnk nothlem vrulkiac kauii aluld htutfmucutm accouut itooku ktr boa o nlw d1mi1y noli 1aiiu it a thd very lalttu tlilni mid lu jar- ilulaily iilb for jmr unij ly corirvoiiljncii k tbroirtirsi x u k ijialli

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