Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 22, 1901, p. 2

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v1fu jo at llallinefad on hunday uti aufat ciirlelailir uoo ae 10 year 4iixii uma on au oh wiu itbanaa formerly of ijraabouai to bis rotli sear canadas new census prjaiont population ovr half ttlltloi dauinafad eaul tti a ok i tlttlhmuy atiiiht jid luol kditolllalnotlibi a oiilrioeies haia at ouigow laat vl til i hauler whether iup should itoii or not or tho removal of the realrio- aftcctliik cenaillan cattle it we uilwously agreed that th reaulctlan i ttu linirr iircry atid ouhl id b quelxu hs nt taken u dace bmotiit tlionmlii shipping port or- canada lni the present auon h is eaid ehoot a million and a iiuarler buahele have bean turned over lo ih leyland ltoe lher by the oreet northern hallway tbu helnht wti passe on lo the grfeat northern root tha loothytern which raoaiwed it from the upper fake carrier a larry soand from t censu boilaua it will b dial the nor of population in th clllt and id lb northwest h largely ben at lb expense of iba nlur oounlle it ontario oar own oodaly of ualtori hau altered a loel of 3100 arid almller deoraum havo boan expeiietod by 11 aljulnlnji roadie tblriyaix ontario conollea have a araaller population than in ihji on4 province dectleasdb- ibullobin li cnihjtarr the first oflldel banana bullotin lean 1 adaap ha tflwbm ith 4hina3atn iiwi i increea of flkifie ilnco kdward ileml la lli only 1rmy bhowictf decrees tbew flanroe am not bowor exact tim wlunli rr iba extreme northern portion f quauo and ontario and or urn biior territories of alhahaeca fr nulla krewalln maok-n- la liuaavaaod the yukon jjav b leoalvod and tbolr bwio latnporarily wot by wbat la bcluvod lo u cloao calimktr ll lanot lboukbl llil lba ilual ratarna will iiika v ppracubla dinranoa til lbatliur tbay now atailil folio- popi luilon by pcovlnooa iwjl utll ilirtj yiioji tlctt taavti lmiu 1uoo iiulie imurt utw aalua jitau bjo0 iuaai 131104 ujjm4 iwopa w1t3 u10jt liiooo j7j th1 1c01m 109173 liao oi u it u ltiur tha uablin augla who liu praprod iba plana tot tba uw bstbof a1 irabaan gantry day inland lo oon- tiaollon wltb tba propoaad buamshlp una wludi la lo by ataamara opabla at oroas- iurt tba atltntlo in oar and a half daya in- toimed a raporur ol iba aaoelud lrm totlay thai lb llaa oonalau lalllally of mu wk ilioi toor or tha maw york and two for tba canadian trad tba cana dian port will ba hydnay or kallfk fjailaln diaorpaou tnay b uouj ll tba oanaoa flguraa id tba uu yaajna oor popolatlon baa eload 104 par oatit to post iho ibjaroa ol 1h91 tb burour ajnlllm bu lucraaaad 1s1 par oant ovat the ihji figured knd tba dwuidfl boaam bva luoraaaofl by h7 per oaot it id ingalar that tba booms ja4 ihs amlmaa ahoold inoraa ao maab tnon rapidly thad tb lodivldaala who oomprlao lhoa famllla uid inhabit tboaa lonam toroalo oljm lja0 3jql w1m wt00 4uiai 39000 floioo ia1u cmiad oolulo kara soolu hiiruowlcl uaalloba ll uolnmbla tlialwrllmlo v kulaad tbatveuraa of dwelling in tha aavaral 1rovinoa a iho of tha oanao onbvho not booll m tlranawlok uilloba u0oiunbla ttmrtatrlalrrlaa l 1l uaod of tba 04 tha large 183431 nor tbal ooma naiwwllti mtrt w113 1hjl30 ha in uibtj aj73 lyjiiii iwfiu o wo 8030 3 too jybai 1vuu u1j u u mr and mi guhtaof mr mr t u drowna t all iujiiiii wk tli lil ml mr- 1 y llrowit mna adllo karituann imlxlllllt llt vacation will mr niia sla iilar kuiunn mrrai jrv anl ll wok wub ur aivr mf l y iliowm- vb la 111 k with fiu in allltun mtaa jean illitwtin lie ijuiiixiii bor w lion kivlit frlanda hi allulmi ikimik koka dr atxleruii al tu llr mi daly amlaraon of iilubu 1uii waro llm ji ut mlaa u cmuu l lha wok mla martlta nolu lat weak with mr u miaa ilabo iljownn oprlhtca ut wwk the halton old dovs of toronto jmiit ro caniplwll vuuad frlanda t the canada gcuru oon tain a a procura- tuo acl of laat aeaslon conomtontly with lha lotlorl lakan la great britain wham the imperial parliament baa jav voted ua million dollar for the oonauaollno of lb cable canadas abar i flvaeigb teen tba i of tha ten million dollar qrat erluln bare i flvaelghlb and th amitralaalan oolonia twoelghleentha each namely kw booth wale vlotoriaqaeeoindor newzuiabd ontario qnboo noi hoolla hew llruniclcb uanltobe iliit colombia m w r 1 ui iulid uhmm tb following lau umeratloa of famlllsa in canada in iho mvaral lroinoa ae oompared wllll 1b01 1m11 laluj ijlsm k3t33 ul tod blttw wt1h liili imcol lti canada and spared- with lana ara a follow ml iwl it0 uattl t01o4 uym ftlqls uvb iao van vravlnoea quuo tothiblu gain in popaulion having in 1101 manitoba 01 uh wltb htltlh colombia third wllll d1q37 ontario la fourth on thellai with 3057 lo hr credit new tlraoswrlok i contldarably behind ontario with again of 0bm while nova bootia ooely approach tha former with a720 vrlnoe xldward lalaud lament a loa of population in wbloll unenviable poeluod ah ntauda alone amounting to tma gcb4tjiltnu areauatnhailt diiumquin luili uio aooli pvtty erlng of ilia ami a apeolal cable from london nj- aay jlenoeforlb the oomtnand of tha canadian militia to be given to a capable officer cloaely connected wltbtha domlnloo and tills virtually meaoa tbatoenaral oqrady- llaly aocoeaaor will be a canadian offioar i u jomt c i r ol aa 1 n 0 a n ada oooaldarab 1 agitation over th appointment of an ofaoar of tba bomtftloa force lath chief poaltli in the militia ha taken place bat this nw arrangement will b welcomed turnip tnllltlatnen generally tb bew oenau will mk oooaldarmbl ehanga inthaparllamentory rapreaenta lion of tha vartooa provlnoe in the uo3s of co tamo a a under the oooatltctlon repreaantatioa of qoabeo in tba hon of commons i fixed pennabvauy at hi meat ber the otbat provlooe an lo hav the earn number of tptajejilatlve to tbolr population a tha bomber 05 bear to tha popolatlon nf qoabeo ascertained by th oenso dividing tb 65 member allowed to quebao into th popcjauoo a th unit of rapraaantauon on this basis th repreaanulion wo old b a follow compared with tb rpran under ui old ontario member 87 a decrease of qv quebec go nova boolia 1h it d crease of two nw bronawlok in a decreaaa of on j manitoba 10 an idcraaa of three terr 1 tori 6 an incr of t drlllah columbia 8 an incraaae of two x 12 island 4 an inoraa of ooa a pjefch storm llahtnlntf daatroy a barn and kill vatuabla horses vallate au u0 on of th moat vr torm in many year baaaed oar tblri aaotlon betwoetl fi and 7 oclock yeaunuy afternoon tb lightning wa larrida and very oloaa th rain cam down n a heavy poqf hut did lltll or uo damage moat of the gralu in this neighborhood having been eafely harvealad tb llghlolng however atmok tb barn at mr ulahardaon of aarafraxa abooltbr mllaa of lr tb ooutenta which oonalaud of about half of tbl year crop andaiar of last tumu grain along wltb th balld- lilhi wer oooipulaly daeuoyed a isabi of lioraeebaonrflng lotrllrnnan a dairyman had bu driven into mr luobardsou altad to uacap th storm th horeo were killed wfatl the driver and another man about ala feet away weoaped uu touched mr luobardsou loa will h abou 13000 uuurauo nbout 1100 thli canadian nuwbpaplch dihbctodv a hiukltii ci montreal auuoutio lb publication of tha third adlliou of this valuable book xlk ll rdoaeeor tb work i a vary oompieu aud inlwstlng haudbook ofcaliadlatj tmwepabara and ell thai apparlaliulliaraut it i useful bualtiea directory because a carefully pmpel synopsis a glvn of eaoh uwu lit wblnh a nawopapar u published the directory conulus oompiau hals of uewspap towns arranged alphabetically by lrovluoe with ample deuli a to th and publisher politic and eatlmated circulation of each paper jltolur hals ooudensed for ready rafarauo a list of dally paper list of newspaper by oouutiee and a claeained 111 ahoniurf thw many dlffarant kinds of paper published lu canada uiak lbl a thoroughly com plt uewapaper gaaeltaer ouvof th beet feature of th work is a ol of special map of lb dltfoieut lro- vluoo slmwiu ooly lh towil id wbljli papent at published tbe maps an u- closed lu a oouvenlau envelop instead of being boaud lu tb book a formarly which tnaka lb am more oouvanleat to handle th publication of this nawipapac ilro- tory vry alternate yar is oerlaiul a oommatutabu aourpile op th pars nf vektnt adwaftialog agaooy wblabaastnia lob vry potrejvand up lodalw la ry reepecl of a gain of 79jibl it will b observed that while th growth of population lu the eastern trovlnc la by no means large the weal ha made tremendous rain tb figure contained in tb bnllatlu give a gain for tb four three western xrovlnoe amount ing in the aggregate lo oa30h6 whsrea the total gain of ontario qoabeo nova boetla and now urnnawlck amount only to 20460 or about 00000 to th rood in favor of th west the bulletin h the present popola tlon of 111 leading cltla and towna a com pared with thal of lhjl only on city show adeoreaa vifc klngslou which la 1rto behind th laat win sua montreal of oourae leads with an inareaa of 40c1c toronto comes next with 2o76i and winnipeg 1 third with 111 r 9 7 uluw aha w a sprightly growth of 16749 while vaooonver doe wall wltb 134b7 calgary ha th bandsome increase of 0jdu and little bydney has 74q1 mors than un year ago u ran if or j malutalua a good plac with sh7h ciultdu utcmtlmim im u00 yktuji 1m1 8a31acj uu1 iu130 iwt r ctfijuo on mnmuy wftrrnocii aim ihhol ami amy howes e tt being the birthday gath lalter a very pleasant time was sjuiit i feme music and social chat uucal were prasetil fiim yriimpiin ttoyn omsgli lluflalu khalburim av many other places tbo farmers here are all done harvesliii and ihreehlnit aeema the ortlor of urn day iut bow not only is iho fruit and grain orop light fhta ear hot tha hnnny ercp hatt ll draw backs liom mr cbaa llrowiiour hoimy doaler ouo of thj largoat hotisy produce of this tart of the country wo loam that the crop uils year la rather small tbrte years ego mr brown bad nearly ais tons of honey last year about un and a half tons and this year ha eifole about two toua thequallty lhla yarls the filieat he has had for tnany years juji withstanding the fact that three year ago mr ilrown won over ninety dollars in special prlxss at toronto exhibition besides a sllvr medal for the greateat number of prises ksoh year mr drown ships a very large juaullty to dealers in uootland and else- whsro 1 has two yard of bees about on hundred and fifty or tlxly skips in ajl th failure this boiaon he altrlbiiu to ihd hard wlntor leaving th baaswnak con so- iliiently whan lla clover oatnti in hlosom tb be were not in thtlr best working condition the dry weatbtr also had its affect upon tlinjioney crop mlaa lrootor ot lllyth i veiling h coaaln uis tool vum of the glti llun here tioma of the utnbfu are rolling rtady lo bow lielr fall wheat hrnd ktra kicqui or crtsajrfjrwrrt hi this neighborhood a few days ago the helton ol liny aaauciatimi mt lset ilghl at the toinplo iiuiiiiok i arranitn or tluilr rsiurlot to milton on il7lb f llpplflmlwr a epoclal train will be run losving bero at 1 p m and slciji pliigatturonln junction ami htrootvillo juncliiiii one thn oily rrgimeiital bei4 will omupuy the party hl a plseiil time is hmked furwanl lu by alt toiirrimd tnronui om iioomu at ianamkxican llrforu olivart fr tho pan america- kaimmltlbn djio where you will suy in huff and lleii bavn ltthlng lo do with the gang of hungry guide ami oilfillers that will brsel vou in iho city lntslumiit fctlng to tha prlau home nf w ii nnrton nil jl urerusii htreet wbero you will made oomfortabu il tu cent to f 1 do fiii- bch prruin k crowding uoujj aoutstakri llaynouand hoy tear from main ureal ami get iff hi llromon hired convenient to all car hum llamomber ui llrcinen iii tatwaou volllltlllt atid llhode i1ard litreets a i tout ion in iho woild or homnopatbla nnwllolno has won it very tkmtcit uf pro gress a in politics and rjuinn the dlf- floulu of opinions jnillhoiujividuplity of men havo ihwii pront to the disagree meiit ibf which the standard of ukb bodies havalmeu elevated ilo with i0l of qnr famous preparations foremost in il lustration- of which truth autida the world fainoaa rnmedy to ganersl debility and atiuuor quinuio wine and which ben obtainable in it genuine strength la miraotlloua creator of apatite vltaluy aud stimulant to the general fertility of the ayatem quinine wine and it im provement lias from out first uisoovory of the groat virtue of quinine a a medical agonl been on of the most thoroughly discussed remedies ever offered to tha pub lic it la one of tho great tonic and and natural life- ivlng stimulant which lh rnadlot 1 profession have been compel to reoogdui d prescribe messrs north rop and lyman of toronto have given to tho preparation of their pare quinine wlno tba great car du to ita importance and the standard axocllsnoe of tha article which they off or to lha public come into the iiiarkek purged of all lh defocu whloli kkilledobesrvbtlnn fttid scleutlflo nplulon are pjluted out lu thn use prrfnol prepara tion of the latur tiiksion ok the bliljk bem tli nlmlrr ilui v l 1 or l urn y oul io irn ll t tuitrhni in w ii whili your rim willor wli i lut ui in l vaii1 li 1 lull 1 iv xivai i si j iuvil w i jny rlm m tlio boll tolophono co ol- canada prbcrastinate no dont ilo phat but gomtt today to the acton rump works and get your pump repaired or buy a new one we oan do it watering troughs cistcrnh and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed charles ebttaoe main st aclou kine at ouclph top plat of blwurt mill badly uurnod n lu mil wvpt and low utti 1a1i uoa irol jma5hl ull4tdri vll10 m0t1h j sull 11jq1b tuafl 43y01 uu1 30111 uef new vrane whites culv ust rr uod pint permanent utuauisut al qube sfl ujjua coumraia wk iuvk utrt ukiiimo canada n bauttj booljand utltxrf iraleud immo a fupoblla tjmidi dauuiark umim houaud 1511115 joau jdhsl sweden 1ty4u0 morway iuwitd bwitserlaud uw3 bis qr0 lw0n thousands qodailv th grand truuk lullway byslstn la the moat popular road to lluffalo from catkadiau point vrom many froutlsr and oentral ontario point you can go to burfelo on hiorolog tralu via niagara valla and oraud tsunkllallway ejystsni spend all day at 1attauiariaau lapoaltlou witness th grand illutnluttou aud retch houi sgalu same ulght al 1346 a in ua cuiteion tlokets on sal avry day orand aleotrlo illumination now oomminoea at it ooldakeach ulght the pall faihs- llt of exhibitions wliloh will moat irttafaat praa praa ltadr vuiutildlmublrui luguthtlspt t weeuru loudou otbu 0uuajuulpb lupl it 10 ncuiru walkeiuu i hit utio uotlli ymw uswiiiarktl fuib ihud iullouulluu uuoeuiioraugevllls loulhvaurloc uiumliig anion worlds velrltktou csnlr wslllatilch pdr tirln liriu 8eiluut utt qiljt 01 ia ool s- oil 110 01 it 11 oat it- hi thuo a c mabb liu ha it v thw corltar stohu laid lust wsd- nniaywlth plttinu caramony th corner atouif lb imw uassy hall and library at th oolarlo a i cul tural college cluelpb ws laid by mr vf v w msy lu lb preseuo of a lakg asaemblag of lnfjusulial people hpawnh war dellvsfd by mr may irofeoeov couwo umjlb hod jams young 1u dr hulhrlajid ajtd olhra it bad bacul proposed that tb atou blloald u leld by mr maaawy widow of th lau uara a maaaay but it wa feared th iouruay would prove loo tiiuch for bar mlr-igtb- jlha donation of lhl luagitldoaitt build iug loooet 140 000 u lh arst ipsauo in th domlulou lu which a wealthy hiau or famlfy liave aubecrlbsj auoh all amount for lh araottou and furnishing of a build ing lob handed over unooudltloually to an lnautuion wholly uuder tb noulrol of a irovluolal cuverumaut ly this notable gift tb maasay fajuily ahow tbalr i u ureal lo farmer and their no ii age and it will beneah tb people of th iroviuc and iu f aol of tb whole dominion aukiru aug 10 ou ualurday last ru warts planing mill narrowly escapd lolal distrucllou by flr the klarm was bent lu shortly before four oclock and on the arrival of thu flremeu uirt hue of hoa were immediately laid tl watar- worki preiaure was gootl and in lea than thirty minute lha or was tullroly extin guished the actual tost by fire la ooutluod to the iblrd story whloli i pretty well gulled on the lower floor the dtniaga has bean dona to lb stock by th waur a ooo ttlderabl amouut of loalher beltlug will also h destroyed mr glewark aatlmau his lotal lorfs at balweeu 1000 aud 5000 which is fully covered by i us u ran o westhiin kain london utipt b to 14- 10o1 all tha prospeot point to the western xalr at loudon this year bolug tho most successful aver hold it being lha intention of the directors lo make the initial show of thdtuiitury aomethlng to be proud cf and to be remamhorod all tb department are filling fast aud in many oaa ll la evl- deul lh only oomplalut will b lack of space the director are full of resources however and it may be laktu for grauud thai everything on lha grounds will b givau a good show this yoir lb special attraction ar of tuore than ordjuary iulereit being wada up of a brilliant oolleollot of gymnasts acrobats aerlallsls high wire perform ance ground and lolly tumbling all fortnlug the rhoat mipeuiive ensemble ever got together for such a purpo whila in addition thw la it full troup of educated performing alephatiu th grsauit aulmal not lit tlia word lba sagacious boast do wtmdstiul things displaying at tuulligeuc almost human they dauo dolug tha aakewalk to perfoouou tud play a variety of lustruuieuu iucludlng the mouth organ cymbals band organ and hi baas drum tba blgieit or the four plays liltisplns with lha skill of a pro- fesjloual and hla partus marks on a iuu the number of plus bowl ovr while a third oua udl up lha plus for auolhor bowl tby also do a numbir of very dlfuoult balaiiolug aud gynniho trloka but tha moat sensational ft of all la tho riding of ft trloyola by tlia baby elephant vour eveulugs of graud fireworks display lucludlug vail ot ohliia and ilelief of rakln a moot brlllikul spsotaoular rspra- sen tat ion of recent avenu any man who ia fond of cat aay the cousrmod haohalor deeerva to gel married wo thl t l wstoiter bnu iiumlr1 dullaraluward for any oaauf oetarth that caiiuut be cuiwl by ifallu catarrh cur v j oiiuhiiv i co tolado o w tho muunlbiibd have kilnwn v j cheiisy for thelulflltmii yesrs aud wluve hi in jmr- welly liouurahla lu al builtiftiu tikiiuctlous ami auauolally ulila lo carry out al obligation niajsbyuiir firm wiuriitutjax wloiaiu drutuuul wilinuukimmtm jl uii4viu wholale drui illuitcieduo ilaudoaurrli our- la lakau luurually aollng illrsully upou the blood and qiiicqus lurfamsaf ihssysuiu- tuinoiiuu wut fruj vtiao jlo far wills lloh by all lrii halls pamlly lllls ar the ut tha fesclest praysr if offered iu alnostlly ukqcclitkutoooil and th most nloijuaut una if it b ouly frojn the up is au aboiu- uallou lu hla sight no family ivtug lu s blllolia country should b without lairuisl vegeubls tills a few- dom tekau uuw aud lllell will kep tb kidneys aotlv oleaue uia huimauh aud luiw front all bltlouu tuatuv and prevatit agus mr j l lrlohlioslf maruugolud wrlls i have tried box yf iannel- till ami lud hm ti boat iilediulua for fuvar aud ague i hvu ever used no woman or biau ba th uu luve uf leluv ur art who dos not rejoice wkeu- ever ur wherever they so frvah talaul children cry for castor i a tlmr i always enough wheels to co around llagyard ykllowcll w- all palu in man or brtjiiit for sprains outs brtiluos callous lumps bwellliigs 1 1 flam mat ion b na spriflg the good red earth a tale uf dtiouihirt by eben hillpotts a hloyclo ia always so tired il cant walk the devil flatters those whom be wishes to ruin praylugla in good and true unit an art lo ba cultivated if you dont faaolha world the world will lalkbehitil jour bank nobodylove datkuoas hul many of ua prefer twilight to high noon there ara a great many men who dm of loo much brain hut there aro multltudea who die of too much body 1 in every town l and village rfatf lay be had ija mica wm axle grease slllk that makes your horses glad nsk look vsaswj ahead xfirr yy tazftaas the young man or woman cd lu bllalncsb will prepaw for bualuca a coursd m oua of tha ieder ho would succeed lu bualiicsa will prepito ihemtches aed business colleges la a aura way lo roach litis bucccui colleges in toronto loudon hamilton ottawa uamu ilorlln gait guelph st catherines for general in formal ian write lo the royal city business college traders uunk uulldlngr f jr if woaws qutilpn ont jriueijtat vs its hot hut wo hive iota of icit cream and 1cii cold dkinks to cool you oir our drlnljs cnusiut of left cream soda n lha following llavoro afrwbjiy xvjuou jiasvbarry vutlu chovolato jinjsjju jnuameioau oistiiaii aha lull i led drinks consutlnif of wild churry lianpuarry cream i em on sour lllrch itcer ginger ala cream boda lemon ado and ico cold milk matthews 1gb crbam mwn mill stroul excelsior bakery a sroeer tb summer weather is inw here in earn- oil in addition to our dully supply of hreid buns cukes olc wa am uuw pr ar- ed to supply tbo public with pare ice cream summer beeratjeg uml wa aro uutklmr u towculuy ujr ial hod a and uidadilnku goiiorally- wo have hi a hist class sod fountain aud keep ll pul biippii wllll lucold soda and lb purest frill i llavooi a larger stiwk ofgrocoilns than ever imj- foio and thu milillo know mr prices am tight t stathamson main bt acton panorvtsa cloth 1 25 jontpald the suiry lirlhs sn air ol rniiniiit wiloh i rsfrxhlng toruuto hlar aliciil his picture thr- u uia lusrretu tnuoll of oulus die liepiiv saiii warm antual aliiiolhvre wblch un eiltlnuui ran toiitb or uveti ooum lr hall ami kinflro tufeetl theoucl 1u1 btutli after laving dowll acme rnt inls is uk a lonrf brlli u uia inornlnd country air airiutl nun ttie ohaf ilueuvrs of uils stitr is undottbt- lly tbr- filial a of c ititeiiilicrary rtolloi william bkia 20 to 33 luohmond ht woat toronto w coalcs nia u cauisriue l uonueal flv uuasliil halifax smi i ji iii y tif m w n ni w i n w uu the b greimnan co j tweed news sight nosrtz i is a good time for you fco buy i k tweebs wc arc letting jo about loo pieces of fine t jjyccds and clotlia at aboutlialf their vilno tly muktjo for they urcin ourway want their room j f and money lor other floods youll buy some anyway why not now see here lor prices fine scotch suitinga c to 7 yds to piece regular i2s and 150 a yd to clear atjsc canadian suitings heavy weight worth 100 lor 75c and 50c short ends 2i up to 3 yds to piece splendid for boys 5l and si 25 qualitiesclearing at 50c and goc a yard heavy union tweed only 25c a yd 1 heavy wool serges for 35c a yard i ladies si to 58 inch tweeds regular si and 125 goods for 75c si 5 to2 qualiticsfor i a yd 75c and 1 serges for 50c a yd i an unusual si wai8t bargain for saturday 1 quality waftta to clcav at 50c the ba c co fltlu aburrlirntdilij 1iopcrty for sale hduiiku ol fii ww inuftmrt rks1 dfack ani i0t ioli bali illli iiiuiilii ifirii lr iilii 1 llolrtr lnj ll 11 il ulll hih tli- utu is mll lullt t i nii i rxi wiltitilimelsblt iiiki nllim yitiit orrliei itiue utii a viryltruiurtra toi el7fuueubllr iwtuu u iiii uf lull iil ill mlut ll amihiuiom comfortablo dwelling ioll hali rbl uiiurukil j jlafliu mlcill end lotuii lake av har1 anil bolt wu lihieltimaml id lxv un tuade uu iuiuay proa aeiuu lllj mlllnl ll il rv tn ell ll in llm houu is e iuo1 uelriihl xcjalo roiiilltlini tatins roasuii iligl siillcatliii lu ulciialureooh ualdlutfcs do you iazrite of course j 011 do and you wanl writing materials wo havo everything you will rcrjulro aion llila line in cluding- tvrlilu kudg euled kfafcuirllts kkivciotth account uooxih kir see our nkw dimitv notl tatlu its the very lalesi thing and ia par ticularly nice for your aocln- ty correspondence krtvroiazm- chemibt acton the ontario seed and grain separator go limited fergus ont wm hbmsvrebt aalon has tccurd tlia agency or hal ion county for tha perfection fanning mill and grain separator manufactured in vcrgm this is tho mill which is creating o much talk und excitement among the ihouiamli of farnicra who havo wiiioimmi lis oparatlona in cleaning and xaiiaratlng all kinds of grain nnd imxla at the ontario agrlcullvral col lege guelph during thocxcunjans through tliajuonth of in tie il is the mill which look a hag and a half of timothy toed cleaned by ono of lha allegod latest improved mills ready for bowing laat saturday during llm hal ton farmers excursion anil removed over a iieck of aettu of injurious wecda including iambs quarter canada thistle shrcn correl curled dock pigeon wee catch lly bind weed and fjlfcd llax it will pay furmera lo linvo mr hem- elfwl alinw tlio m ibis mill lfefor marketing or preparing thdr giulu and teed for crop call and examine the menitu of tlii superior shoe made in al modern utylca ol laiitrf and best grades of leather all sizes aa to ee widths for ladies and pentle- imen this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of thu fccti lhirniniojtlie fcet and it will keep your feet cool iu hot weather aud warm it cold weather sit lazillitttvvs b3ot rnd shoi dbkldr sole obnt foraoton la 8ecord8 block l acton j ly i western fair london 8ept bth to i4th iooi jcritrui elate sutur jlh a homo exposition of genuine merit kew exhibits and leading at tract ions lock- harts performing kixhianti tin tiiuuu gxaciiaand toil tou the baby elephaia and many other specialties of a high order grand fireworks display including renro- dilation of tail of china and taking orvcmrj special rains over allline each evening after fireworks tor prlro lists programme elc apply to itvcoii w m oajatshorb pruslcjartt j a kelleb baorathry corsets corsets corsets all kinds of corsetsjl erect form summer a and b erect form clio flcici girdle yatisi i x l jewel flora ventilator ilygeian waist queen moo contour victoria beta new century reliable nursing c c c waist at all prices irom 40c to 15 large sizes ordered come and seethe stock of c it goodeire oo tcillst scton on the go by ouk windows you can see thut mens tan rals 8 to 5 now 217- misses itutton and lnco were 105 now llllc cliildrens huttoii and lace were 12s now 0c we have made the price to sell quick 20 per cent off trunks 8 stores phone 286 trading stamps jntehjij the shoe man guelph a uwd hut hcaalu- durlug uu hot huuimar season lbs blood gouovurjieaudllti draliofjlte aystruij sever mid lh appetite is ofuut loet llurdcok lllood uuur purlfte abd luvlgor ale th blood tone up trjn byalaui aud raetor lost eppetit w a nth ii tlaiiaue reliable wwo iu arerv auuuty u it eut lai oouimuty uf solid nuaimlal rehlutlou 9vm er year lacle weeljlr 3 l tay slwululely eura ead all as- ieuaee ubjbl buua r4e oaouile salary uo duuiuilseioa salary vald saeb awturday and eavaaeed eaen weak fatln kb iii uunah aa ukahmjom vrr emuuw nabsaoaweya lumber and shloiles it loinai39t rajicea itlll lull tut iu mder wood ul liuo a load at tb mill say mm salik housc nd loth in acton- xntk uii1arsllal oflsra tf ao the ba flsia fof aaln the txbparty rls jullttiara uahcal allu lailluuaj1 lot on tloiicitm l adiiasfllreat 01 ruilall miil trvari mid l nilito alfuilworide iiulluiifllotsiiu ik i tell faiirwl slid a niiiiltfer or fruit liee tlje bore liru4rllas will he anhl at a mo tin o- n taruis tn suit tho purliaaar ylif arms alpl v ui has giilltllr 61i uu iltli lull t kerkkj crto lljklclu iliaoteii notitui to oicditoiy- ln tho matter of w j loo of aolon in tho county of ualton dry qood iicrchaal 11aki4 botloaualtllafvii w j i has mule an asalkiimont u hie fur hie iwiient nf his oredltors pursuant to jliap ui it h o vft and mending ants ill jciis hsldg ttlaltm aalnat the um liatl u tlie aahl w j iare rqalre to nle wltli me iatuoulsrs of utalr am claims duly 1vki ly altliuvlt oil or bsfora uiaddol ilay of atufiit 1d0i at lake hollo- llat i will after the m vm day of aocat tuoi proewl 10 rtlililbut ilia aaau nf the said aalato lieving retfatit only to tlie elaluts of wlllali 1 shall tlieu have tiolloe w d sstltlolilawij laslsnee iu wlllnatoii ht wmttproulo culllly auhtukk i uvuk t hlntf hueet eat toronto aaalunees hulloltcis dau1 this 11th day cf july a u lull auction sale of tim- berjjertj1s suant to at ju1 anil whllo 1iwif ttifnaw in uib ins township 1 us ollitklut ov ajuoua tiamaly the townalilf uf 11 ill hi u part uiatiaa iaviia jiaris akokiwow citaafr rw far a i arae betwaan ulo vluiah lexuatuiehour uf onk oowjj in tha afiar- at the same time alt1 plao eortalu forfeits aliil aliaiulnustl llertlia in the towushiits of dlatiy hiianti0tou ami limnuwoarif lu ills ulalilntnf 111 luuitriftrauj county cf vinroa- ii will l ntt for sals uia itlrelluers bf lhau leltar hefuiu to lie ths rl to out all kinds of umber fihaels eciilalnltia tarins ami eonjiuotia of hale and tufcrmatlnil as to areas and iow and icncaaalncs muiilnlao1 iii eaell hertli will be furtiuhpiloti aiinflcalloii eltliar psraonal pr ly lalur to tlie aiartuiaut cf crowu iaiuts toronto or um grown timber aitenole at ottawa liuit llm uiiiii and 1ouii linuui k j davta cotajnlaslor crown fdiiiils atlvartuauiant will be pshl f toronto exhibition aug 2glh lo sept 71li 1901 65000 mtsz 65000 atavaf aud ullluyy ijipjy dally uilttxhy tjltto jlvqvst writ aat luuuiott or cauarfsu old lioyn tlad ola callo srunvnur tuesday krtxmiit ujld uaduood huta on al linoo of travol andilliw inimivitcv ii iijmuu irsaldaut uanasr toronto portland parmei6 why uplodale i ui ported htttf 1 import ml 1tilllklhulu llturliotihe und lserronto thou arc the brands va handle all high clai3 cement ua up to dulb and have your at able cellar and wood houto flooro laid in cement sprcial prices on iaro quanlilles our prlosib aro always niult ioiramniond co ii a 111 wa uk gublph r8 proprietor ipilb of money it laknj to uatify icinu people it talcu cjy i ill in liuro to ut the ih uf jlislcllon from our ruua now u llio umc lo bjvc monoy and el llm ixjut values also to havtj jiuir furs rcmudrt or rvinudeltdd at kumniur piiccs l n e lafontaine wbuljlr uiki llolull i mtlr cuelph wra

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