iht lost hair my htir cimo out by ihe hand ful and the grey hairs betao lo crcopln i tried aycrs hair vigor and it slopped the hair from com in out and restored the color mr mdcray no salem meas theres b pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as aycrs hair vigor it gives to all who use it such satisfaction the hair becomes thicker longer softer and more glossy and you feci o secure in using such an old an reliable prepara tion slmahttw hi um if your dnyatut eatmot supply yow send oa dm dorar and v will eiprea hsibmtu hord4veuitt f yaeemreat espraqboe addraaa j v ateu co lowm mam ht atadvtt fjress tuuiwday augubtsand 1001 kb 5 jmhfl tiit ha three ablpstb beemjung maulat tha a at4 eky jltwl un la haw end otia u than and dm uj hy and lly tbnrauttue ahlp u all forvou its tnaat an said it sails er blu a4 thl la th eujo it biles joyful day with aanllcht alowltlsi hlghta whar dreams llkealara rrowliitf ykthcaawl o tbay ii b rolntf vor wt 00a uva wins tb saeood ship u ell for tua a sailing on a tnlaty and oplsoioas th twilight itay what it brought ol gilt and blaaiu would bat aty lo cay 04 alnu we l daer for toy txwuuluf ho it sails and tails ewy the lut ship riding faje and hlll upon tbe a u hyajnj ily o wind bklod and laouy blow kot too aatfuy buua bllherj wtwo lb taraaawaat youll go lilt bar- belting boating bllbar thltb totbat port i way 00 know uarrut f blodgtu u si mckou the admhtats uibuk of admiral philip hew mulon marie bptih y 1 ha bn my piwuw have lo my poaaloii for a day or ho the idmtrala bible i have un aeen duo nore marked anj lliunlbed ibau hu 1 be 1bfc4laramotlnarwil art ill fouruanth h or john ri lh eighth ilinee in the former chapter every r aimvj i i marked h wee hla enamiii lo oto the date 00 ill marnln whan ha began either the 01 1 or hi n testament til reading by 0011 r a t flnl twelve data iiolad when ha began lo read ilia old testament end thirty four wlian he 1k to raad th new uany in any 1 1 mo he mull ht read lliejfllbtl from llbeftln ointtlolta and i find bar the aaorvtot hla lutlenaa and oowar a tiumbar of ilaliona are paitod earatulty hi hla oo the oral liajjo 6f uo n taalamanh i paatad ihl oald lol toy pardon uoti ma only aualalt rnol liihi band ma anywhore oijly go with me bafr aoy tla hot thla tie wbloli blnda m to thy aervloe arj3 thy haait the vara moat litally btidoraooroii in huulblela the worda of jeaue wbrw- aver therefore ahall oone ue before tneahu will i oonleaa before afy laihof which la in heaven ceylon knd i1ndik naturai leaf gren teh umi villi iuill limn ill iiy pirlliln ill iiiiuiiik 1 hi inly unit invlii hi mi 1 1 ilnli 11 itliil ill 1 it is also a british product salada ceylon teas aro uold liv soalud load puokou only lnuk mltod uuaoloroct coy ion qrqaij1 froo campion uoiit addrosu flalada torpntd they8ay thaall thinjjaoomo to tbn who attar ibemi thai a qodar la the pi la worth two out of jolol that people who live in ulea hotiaea ahonldnt torn op ihejitllita thai frolla of a unnj luduahry av ealdom to he fpond in hla family tree that the wrltivle lu the baay merohanla feoe are probably trademarki that hope la the joyoua eapeotalloa of blnj able to dode ourjuat daaarta that eeary woman wliu luarrlae fou thai to a oarlatil iior ale la a tefurmor that ha pretty herd to improve 011 nature but a tuan baa auocwdoj in m akin j ha toe boolr that a fool mky apeak lu ave latiiu4ea but it uka a wiaa man to remain kllent in that che man who imauuiae li tiavar did a foollah hot isnt wlte anoujiti to lnow whal folly la that lt paaulliir that the awlhr a man la in ttij ufa the harder it 1- for him to ret ahead of hla vanning bxpoee tfaeliabrave matteomplaitu o th dinner lo hie wlfne faoe a hold 15 en uo into the kltohan and oomplalnaof it to the theuk ty the aextoa of a oerteja ooaotry oharob tuualjy knekae the moat of an opportunity and u toot above svlntf what hedaaarlbea a a gentle lot to the elbbmr the otbe afternoon he had oondocusd a pacty roood tbe church aud deapite the oaeaaj dropping of moa than oua ganlle lot li appeared all if the eaxlon waa to ro qarewarded in the porob ibe leader of tbe phy paoaed a moment thanked the old aextoa prof aly and wlehed blmipod ajuroooo i aoppoae he added youve beet her knany yeere v foriy replied tbe old meb an ite a merry atraujte thlo aa wbeoever im a- ahowlntf a party oat o the porch they allae kak ue that jaeeuon or with amphaela vib otbar a indeed 1 amlled tbe vuiuf and what tay the other joeallon be t what i oalle quealion number two replied the aextoa calmly ie jt tbu samlerell la tlpe allowed t and biml- wtji allae knawere tlpe u allowed 1 batnlweu watobetl the party uve with ihtbler heart abd a beavlef pocket how to meet an infidel when maad uajungton jooolh wee re cently naked how bhe woo id deal with an infidel aha replied t tflrat t would not argue etltb him qo3 u too infinite too eaored to real for me la baadeaoend lo argue about him x would abow the aek- er after tight that he had heed looking for atart in the mod inawd of lu lie heaveoa diving down in the edburraumn pa4eeolj the earth making mlnee to took for the dawning of the morning uaued of climbing the bill from wheuoe it woold najlarally brat be eeen x aboulj makvit very clear lht qod oould not be found throngh book creeds notion theo rlee bat that the aonl mnak aeek aflr him ae a being an4 an loflnenoe that oonld only be mel and felt by the earueet heart that gov a trait to the root of the matur and apreeja with earnaet prayer to ood hlmulf all the building of hie own imaglnallon all tbe doubt and tin would lave oral lo he oaetdown before any belief oould avail him anything uortt and whit- conftuapondence inc ho man in tberaotloal world of to day on hope to kt 00 u he ahlrke hla work teaujh your puplle that a man owee work to the woald while the world owe blm nothing many rood poeltlonaare uelned through well written lefier while many more fcr toet through poorly wrltieu ulure the ability to write a letter in rood hullali in a rapid neat and legible peuraaufthfu and free from err ore in punotuauou and apel ling le an aooompllabmaut wll wortli acquiring and no young man aliould rt toutll beoau do u helkhnq the enemv wo ii tt vtmv wbeki it this ll uo day paa wltluut peraoual beoret oommunloatlon with qod uegla aaoh day by taklnf oouuael from the work of clod if bul one vara while yon are ureealoif fut awy all bitter fealluge and brood lug oveehlhtbu or wronn no malur from whom raoelved have on your heart eotne pareou or oauae for whlnh you are pleading qoda huaaiuga each nay let no opportunity pee without owning your bavlonr before others and niodeally urging all to aooept hla tervloe 11 no opportunity pa lo aay as kind word do aome knd deedior at leaat amlle upon thoee jod meet do thla not attool- edly hut aluoerely an unto the lord guard well the door of your ii pa lltat no nuohaale word jaat or atory uo aundor orcuttlug remarluf no lrrevereut or uu- trnthfal autemaut bball paaeout lumember aaob tjay that ghrlat will urely oome euddeuly ootiia quickly ooms and it may be thla day will dotermlne how hla coming will aud ua m it tnuat to thouaande takbthinq t cjome doe it rain today t u it dark and gloomy that li all right there tnuat be eorqe atormy day a to morrow the cloude will have a allvtr llulu or disappear al together doee theaun ahluat iujoytho auuahine to morrow may he bright also are you wall kujoy your health and use it lo tha beat advaulage are vou 111 t than ft le a day lu which to he patient and endure cheerfully are you fr4 from iroobu 7 than ii la a ihankiglvlnu day are you carrying heavy burdeue for youraalf or othere t thu it la a day for the rolling otf your burjeua al tha foot of the groes lotiau hxywoou tlrad uothara illhard work to take oar of children and lo 000k aween wait aew and mand besldsi it wakeeaahopof tha home aahotoa where aixlu houra make a day and yet there le much working overtime iloode haraaperllla halp tired molhera lu mauy waye it trelreahej the blood lui prov tha apiutlu and ura restful aleep man faoluu tha uulvaree is ilka au ill planed epeotator who mi the aud of 1 iufcu aoaue aal trlti to undratand hie whole drama to make money it li neooiaary in have a clear bright hralu a cool bead free from pain and alroug vluoroua narvoa mil buru a ii tart and nerve pilla luvlttorata aud brighten the bralii btrangthau the iiarvsii and remove- all heart nerve aud brain trouble tjinoquauty j7f shapes ajct sfyfos 1 htpc4 r tnco 4i kinf quuity hullo j j1iolj uro undo in cnouj to at till kind 1 of ladic j foot und h ivo tin uuut ippt gciitlrljrilly bettor itflcctiohi word uylc iiiord c bottir wt if tli in any other c ni ulim indies tdioe- gold nud al 1 t ut paris jjtpcitioii sea th it thxy uru brunded 11 kinq quautvf mad by the j d king go limited toronto whitr vou ahb ohuwtno wine lrowmglil4iid 1 nit ro1l llil it 1- wbilo tliry rn thl uiry aro forming tltir u eftrr llfi droopluit il nahmllere a itttu nflro every ilny druopi im om ika i a 01 o walk alauiinkhnnvriily tlil one 1st sinks miro than llilhar 11 tfin jrrrt1 ly rrroul 1 w will 1 lu tlmi hstdln trii yr-r- a nirna y r liana il ii rnt hlrsiht lluuro phsmire lo ixim 1 lr ui i mu or ij worth atrlvlng tt ait asajf way in pruiitln walking wll u to alert riuht filial ixliifii v lvo tli houn wslu lip if th wstl etui s- thai your twa olicsl and imau louiih it al tutin lhati 111 that attullili walk awy cni ryoiir hoed up and yipr uhnat mtl mi i your ahaul ura and hel wltt uw n ihon ablvoa a aohool liaolmr net i to itiwtruut lir puplla to walk hlwayesu if trying tn look tivor tho lp of an ittiaiiliiary iirruge jint jti froiilrmhoni u waa uiwd advlc nr it kept the heail raised lasiltuiiut uie tlduga are ufno vahin limy add to your liaelth and your attrtluii two thing to whloh ovnrybody aliould pay uod aiiiirfaj itmiuuy jim sure fcemedv mr f churchill cornell out wrltoe wo hive uild dr fovvldr extrict of wid strnu- berry in tljo homo iul aluaj find it tt sure remedy for djhdntorj used 9 years mri jone nortljwood ont wntcn my b iby eijht montliu old will very b id with dy cntfcr wo unvo her drfomlcri extract of wild strawberry mul it tied her life wo ue med it in our etfoctual and homd family for tho i tit nine years nnd would not be without it action wonderful mrs w vnrncr new germany n s 11 rues i hto jreat con- fultnca in dr poukr lxtrnct of wild striu berry for various di- catcu in old nnd younj my little boy had it severo att icu of summer eorriplaiiit flj i could get notlunu to help hint until i javo him straw berry tho action of this remedy was wonderful and boon had him perfectly well virtus like health is an nuaublo equll ihrlum among tho contrary lorooa whoia play la lire that aching headctn bo lubluiuly rollav ed by liklug 0110 of milhurna bterllng headache 1owdar 1 pawdnr co 1 for 10cl0 for 35c the graud eternal dull i of ltfo la tlio flulil agaitiat oiid a olf llegular action ot llm bowel a ia neoaauary lo health laxa liver tilla are tho heat oocsaloilsl calharliofor family or jjandrsl use trice 25o any drncgut tha boldlar aarvea tin country the man of solstice sarvou humanity aa wall solid gold fym lhit gold rill 1 w qynigoldfill 100 klonbgliuum 100 we nimjuo norfaot latlsxiuoii globe optical co 03 yorifto 5tr6t toronto- a coal heaver wej galling lu a load of ooej in the suburb of loudon ue was shoveling in the ooale at a uood rale whan be wae startled by terrlflo yall from the bouse adjoining wot th dlokeue u tb maturf in julred the ouelmaii atarllug up x disheveled looking individual made hie appearanoe at the door uelter you uilokhetd i ahouud the man frantically udvorlug to full un heir bp in 0i0u by tha roou yl are put ungtheoojn dowu the wrong hole my wiee popu live thurel london tu iu a j0sod story a certain ydimglady in clel- iculellealtli wih ulvibod by hci tloctof to tavt a lulf-teaspoon- ful of scotts emulsion tit cod- liver oil liter dinner once a day and found herself almost kuddijnly growing robust so small a dose is by 110 1 mejins the rule i the rule is whatever the stomach will bear not ioie another rule is take it oneveiy kist oixasiou but not too iiiulii dont over do it wa 11 mj to s hut v r btxyn vownh etuw i u itopeanrliika slenml in the human breaal aud ouilinm it ilulocate itulf turning flip tla pa llaokachs aldaaoha uwslliuij o fsat mil auklej pufihig uujor the eyas ripubiil thirst scanty cloudy thick highly oolorad urlua lrqunt urination burulug aau aatlou whau urlogtlou t auy ol the above symptoms lead lo 11 right diaea dropsy diabaua ale irans uijny ihu are a surd oura for all kldusy duss por reflnod uaturoi tho praotlcva ot vlrtuo has all tha awtwtnoinol 1 plourlum anxloua mothora find dr lowa worm uyrup tha iwat mediolno to en pel worma ghlldran like it worms dont whera natiire plant a simple want or plea a re man bullda a habit aud pasilon ha will ever double hla obaluh 1aradoxas are trutha permaturly born tha great luug haalsr is found in that ex oallant mod i clue uold aa uloklea a tit gon rumpllvebyrup itsoothaaauddlmluiihea tha tanalbility of tha mem bran a of tha throat and air paasauaa and la a aavaralun remedy far all couha cold a hoarsecibsd pain or aareusu in ihachaathrouohltls etc it haa cured many when auppoud lo h far advanced in ooiiaumpllon unlvaralllea haa their profasoora of plilloaophy but for philoanphara ro to tha u til vanity of life atlilatas bloyolea aud atliara should alwajkepiiiyrdo yellow oil on hand hotliina like it lor atlffiiasa and aorenuu ot tho muqlor apraijia brulasa ouu eto a clean preparation will not alaiti oloihing 1rioe j3 otnli it 1 d i moult for a man lo be bopoal and bolflah at tho earns time cholera morbm cramps and klutlrd coniplalnla annually make llialr apparaiioe al the aaioe lltna aa lb a hot weather gu rull ououmhara me ion a eto and many persona are dnbarrsd from tiling these lampllnp frtilla hut tliay need hot abstain irihayhavu dr j d kellogg a dvaanlery gordlttknu take a fow urupn in wstor itcures tlmoramt uaiidohourainaraniark uo uibtiunr is atiru to ohuuk ovury dlalurb alio of thsbowala llbuuduaa oiithukiaaiu ia hound to y a rahoiind uoonar or ular tha habit of yielding lo tha dictation of public opluloo la mre to isiub in ocutainpt lb weaknaa of character children cry for castoria- a perfect world would not be a tit abode tot louparfeot people if you take a lake lver till lonljjhl before vetlrfng it will work while you alp without a gripe or palu curing blllouaua nonauuipuoddyapepela and slok heaube and make you feel better in the morning when you belo to think too wall u yourself take deep look uul the sbyeee of your owu soul lareute buy molur gravee worm kk lermlnatur beeauee they know it la a safe rnedlolue for lhr ohlldren and eu effectual speller of worma the iet of a true soldier may be in ibe barracks aa truly aa on tbe betllefleu dunlop l solirt kuimiu carriage tires will cajrjry briavy loadi and wuhitand hard tcrvlcc an evirsatlifactory easy- rldlno wlwl tlrf every get laaittd cui ik lilted to any wheel vuul fur ul il ijim idaaa are like ta yle tliant air and thoy dlfluta without harm rafnae tham vantlullon they eaplotla hagyard a vaiiow oil euro all pain in manor beast for ipralua aula bruluoa calloua 1 urn pa bwalliugt innammallou rhauinatlant and neuralgia it la a specific lo behave lu liberty for man ia not lo hold that il will alwaya make hlin good and happy a lied hot boasun roll tltll niultillitieu llnwd all tho bnye mskln out now 1 honn ot am a iloiii of aiiylliing cpl aulwiiefe- ji adilirnft losllu around hioksyoil aay you haven t a sinl buperatlllan would you nvir uit on a journayou vrlday wlokv never i saturday u pay da twynu dr thirdly la a wry gnoi man but he never prosclira a atrmnu ls ibau an hour long trlppuu ilwmual in a urror twyun ifn is a holy terror a hoy nt iwuhd dli ii g at hia unclua made such a ud diumr llnt his sunt obaorved johnny j on appear to tt well yen aunly replied the urchin i v hmii praotlolnu eatluu all my life and wliy i vnlur i to sub aro you called a creek utcaiuo repliaa llialtil iiulun with raro couuecenalou im apt to ho turbuanl who 11 my lit ad hell uwijllrd t liver ptsls rhatslwhatjyoujicca some thing to cure your bilious ncss and give you a good digestion ayuit pills g liver pills they cure con stipation and biliousness gently laxa diu buckinghams dye ttfe castoria avcflcfnlilcprcparnllon tor as- slrollallivg uvcrocxlniklucijiili ililgllvcsvomivvtewid dowels of liaiiitim proroottsdfecshonclimtful- mcssniullfcst conlnlns ndllux ojmunmorphlnc nor mineral not nam c otic jvi j j- ajvnfcctltcavciiv roronillp lioivtffeoilr staitvivchdiorrhdca woniconvuvsioivsfcvcrlsh- ncss anh0s30p 61ebr- 7ocsimiio slglvnlur of ttew yohk iitfiitifssflhh vjj uosrs 3 jtim evacttoivorimwrb see that the facsimile signature op r- is on the wrapper of eveby botteb ob castoria dastsria u pat p ta oasels oettlaa only it is aot sole ta balk deat alio knytme to aall yea earthing ehe eat lie ia w realise tkst it 1 1- j ji i 1 1 i ll i ill ii vll i ii u nun t- 1111 1 iii llilug v i 0 1 i hi li to 1 11 fhil i l ilia in si ir i 1 ttl ii n t11 uiilhli unuuil sun savings and loan go ill all ol mci ohon ro oflt auiharimoit rsjufsi sfiiaaoaoo oq its jest as geaaaadwllleaar every ty- pes wfltbtyeeaaatajua iiilljmlliip new black dress goods youll find thercls a big cnoicelicrc n hlacks its a tart of our btock variety maybe the apioe of lire hat molt men seem ta prefer cloven ouldf qarti oymptomi ion of appo tile furred tongue aud general disposition llieae symptoms if nelcotcd dovslop into acute djsoaho it is a trite aaymg tlut an ounce ol pretenllon la worih a pound of cure and a little attention at this point may save months of elokneni and urge doctors bllla tor uiia complaint take from two lo throe of rsrnieues vecetaolu pills on golug to bed and 0110 or two for ihruo uihla in auoceuion and a cure will ho ccfiolcj it you lovsood yoi will will 1 ak to do hla children cry for castoria itfuaou his lla oollusea uka alghl hoau it lahy alleratloua ot unlit and darkness ihat the soul rasclvoi ita guidance paaiod if worm i avo dr loow worm oyrup to my litllo ilrl two and a halt years old tho rtuult waa that nh e pitiwj is round worms in ova daya mrs b hoy kilmanah ont when i debalo it ia not ti know what othora think but what i think myself british we take estra care with choice lot of homespuns 25c muslins to cloar at 15c 15o prints to clear at ioo cotton hosiery at half price summer bargains in all lines gurnet co tho new store in tho new block kcton lmyartupiyii3ioi tii pjid monthly in whuuloivc fur niimnnllm win n piyinrnu crj cwnti aid hi maturity value ioo on mbtiey to loan at ii mrnijlit iojii or repiyahlu in monthly liitaliiiculti an npjdu cation tii h j monubb aont acton eixgelsterbakery at grocery l ho eiiniincr wdlhcr la 11 xw iipiii in ram- mt in addition to cur dally supply of hmad buna eakci clc wo arc now jircrstr cd lo lupply tho public with puielee gream summei beverafleb mid we nra tualviuj a upeclaliyof ico cream scxlaand uodadrluuu gntcrslly uo have in a firet cites to la fountain and ucp it put supplied with ice cold tods and tho purest fruit llnom a larcer ttock olgrocerlr- tlitn oer lie oru and llin public kjjow our prices am right wtiitiuag ctltax a ipecislfy t statham son main st acton durlug tho hot summer bsssoii the blowl keta over heatad the drain of tha ayuteiu li lavare aud tbe appall la ia often lot i llurduok lllood dltura puriftoi aud invlgcr uui tha blood tones up tho system and routorea lost sppollto civilization lit thin as a shell on tho native tavagary u man aa lbs oruut of iha earth above priinltlvo ohaos attontl onlu tho world o homeoatblo itfodiolne has husn ita very soucoauf pro iiraaa as in pollllcu aud roll lia dlt loultluu ofopluloua und tha individuality of men havo been parent to lha disagree uient by which the standard of lhasa bodlus havo been elevated ho with most of our famous preparations foremost in ii luatralloii of which truth stands tha world janioua rcmeily to general dsblllly and atmnor quinine wine aud which when ohtaluahlo lu its genuine itranullvla a miraculous creator of appollu vitality andallmulaiit to th kneral fertility of the aysunu qululuu wiuo and lu lui proviiuuutj has from the llrat discovery ol ibevgroal vlrlua of qululue as a niadlaal kgaiiu beau oub ot tha tuoet thoroughly discussed reiiladlv aver off a red to tha pub llu it le 011 of the ureal lonlo anil and uiurl lireiving thatuvilumj 1 profeaalotl liin boeil oompell to rco proaiirlhe meaare norll op and lyiuali of toronto have given tu thu preiratluu j lljolr puru qulnltm win the gtuat care due lo its impoitance aud the htaudardeaoellauoe uf theadlole whluh tlioy uuer to thu publln oumee lulu the market purged ot all the defects which killed observation and eolaiitlno opinion tiff fluted out- iii the leas perfect p llona uf uie wit troop oil liniment sprajni stralm cull vounji ularv oprn sonl brulm stiff jointi ltcs and stints of inuctif couhi cohli contractu cofdiy rhrumitum nturalgla tivroiiphlthv croup sor tluoat qulnuy hoophu cotton anj all palnltil swrflllnjt jt large ilottfjc 3so it sometimua inakru a man your fr irti i 1 aai a avor ot him caujiot ho heat mr i fltslntuob uriolt writes i have lined dr llnmna laleotrio oil in my futility for a number uf years aud lean eafoly aay that it xauuot be beat for the onto ot croup rash outa or sprains my lltllu buy has had attaoba of oroup eaveral tlnioa and ouo doaa o ur tliomas kolebtrlc oil waa suttlaunl tor a porfeotouro i take great pteuuiiro in ro oamtnauiliuu it aa afsmily mediclnd and i would not be without a bottle u myliouso the mora distintereal llio resesrehes o scleuoe the bailor do they strvo uuiversal inurauls a huiriu hrviiii your old rheuiiistmui toll you so lldluruotrldof il ami truit u tlio weathtr reports llootta lmulaluu is thu bul remedy for ohronlu rheuinalinni it ultsii makes a complete auro jiojuj iu up a truu offenoe is llku llirowing away alous lieosuse it haa a ullght lis trim rrluud for a trivial t piouiolia in ii castoria for infant ud ohndniv tie fas ti asu stgaatatej vraffea clbkring shlb or furniture at cost j a speight si co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all linos at cost prices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be at- lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speiglit co warorooms foot of willow st kcton reduced prices balauoo of thltj month during tho remainder o angut orders will ha talen for our fine clothing at ra duccd pricei don t delay a day in placing your order call and inspect the tltock aud secure the hancfilaofrired very low prices for spot cash i il and uorlmanahlp naraniecd wm ji cooper mlbciiait tailoh mill stullt hcton ftt um wt0pitehtg1161i idm m may l wcul by 51 ou jlimraaa vu fatcur record sprayirig potafocs m ho sjftimwfri 20 aojts daily lillgllau i llvijjtln iiigbr au 1 nun l oiniiiuju uu uuu puiiamuahtu10uuiivy ioautslo lu 8prauutor oiuta oul a pict a kul iway uiuoujuy cuvtiliji tlis i4nn t buj u4liujlii ly vtllja uf uuul kiiii l- 11 hull you fit uht lv illuuiul lllnu jyiof z 111 tun luiikuut r ii tit uawoioii rrtu wth 1 uim l ilnll ut lut yoj miuuja cf ilijliit aaoully ii will nmy j7 1i snramolor co loiulcn oftt tiuavluu villi il mlullokiu will iulnly lum tluiiaij rull lur- luuit in in r uuub iu iviyiu i to catch tho kyo nnd tlio mind at thu sniiin tinio is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying ii especially to those wishing pleasant and prof emplo canadas sons on kopje and vfjitlt the only book dealing exclusively wftlitlce canadian contingents is the book to handle oflicial authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not necessary suid for free- outfit and make money r th4bradleycarretson co limited brantford ont wood engraving h0t0 engrvving halftones 0r any class of engrwinciiaokiis purposes catalofiutsmagallklsi f pxixnrras adelaide siw toronto patents guaranteed iplly rccic our 01 inlnu fice tmuerulu lie lu lent n illlly of ui it ltiw tu ut ulii intent ut ujuiu tr iiri i j lent a ktuit tluiuiih uao lrilluil lur talent oiirciwuu 1 i alcuu lalcii out tlitouili ut ril i moilrewltlinulclnri f in l 1 ati t tlioia au tllibtialcii an i wllcly chciilalr 1 joe coiitnllf i by moniifacliirrianiiil liut no kcitlluruiuiletuiy mtl allim uioyor j uuahs a co latent attorneys cvsaa mtwg ua0m pm1ht8 3 secured inn 1 arimi rowmcut an 1 nrwillull 11 nnliilili na in vthrllirr tl i mm lull y lidleulatilc uwtajaihlkellaiialacilcii u1 a ilvrulityly lrl ly ii uc 1 mi liict iillv e 111i1 ir i 1 ulrrs hi ll ulrrst mt u a1ilii thu iulhua u k ilunil sly ilttlvatcli umuuiiiliiiil i uriiiir i v it 11 faaliiuilaatliciiicultliii ikultt ufcivin- lumulift ldlriiii inociirr tu null jitaitoii l mi jllifl tjoniliil iawra uunlli 1 1 llm kiiul marion marion pattemt etjftk urtd solloitoie initial t nwvwid nnii g 4wirir bo vltabs expenltnce scientific american ahainilrulirld tmaklr ijtmeetetr cft3oto nevyo r uatmetwujtlijv jkivlvrta7i tiurfl fefifai