bank of hamilton geor b aqonsral bankingbuiinous transaolod corroupondo nco s olioitod savings department liilerani alliwnl on mimi oni liol i ah nml ii nl lin y 1 t in clftv ofwllliilrawj nil ufimlliii 1 unit 111 douys hi tliawln mutiny fanmurt liusinoks solicited nolnsof responsible lanrnirn discounlcd and money loiticd lor rltnnatn bualiimi purpona our iolwhoii liimniniut has every far returns solo notes ilandlod and money advantwlon account of sama at low rale of lulrrisl traveller am nnlllied llial ilia hank of hamilton and us hunches isttiri circular notes oltlia w0vlncl1l haul of llifdatid limited which can ixj- cashed without charge of ttnuhln l any part of the uorld hkabptl 1ck hamilton slaubluhod 1d7u capital paid up 190575 reserve fu 1500000 total assets i77 jxuhu jtuunuijii cashier b forsayeti aokni georgetown branch the daintiest thing is ingrain wall pailk vum vsd sot xh shown by j d jjcxkk a tha chas l nelles gublph v thukbday bultliuuuu mil 1001 little local bh1eflets whloh cau the lyi or earsr of pre pros rapartars thle wauu fell i the air w breath theeounty aud township fall mru are now on deck jadg hamilton held division court hare yesterday llramptansj rale ol taxation likh beau fixed at xj milt the gunner moor mouuiimut unvell- lujt saturday 38lb bepumber junior league tlorel urvlo u tin methodist school room to morrow eseulug tbo vain fmu to any address tu the world till tha sad of lb year for a qurlr a parlor eoclal will b held no i thursday evening totll inst at the home of ilogb mnn lh mr mall patterson but liked posse too of ur jobuslws business unci i cutting hit daw shop iu first olae condi tion the fudge court of llavlalou of the votre xjt will be bold lo tha towu hall od wdndy u5tb bapumur fct 3 bi oclock tbs ulllou douuoii paid iij lul weok to jobo iladdy to blp oaiuuru blui for lou of tlma aid btvlug itijurd blmaell by jllng oa tb auwalk abrt bomo will b held ftt lli drlok ohoroh uaxt tburaday dveulutt 101b loat tan will bmfed fcod na kluolivo programme u belnit krrhikd in tha lecroat muib fuyd bolo lat week between acton 0jj qeorkalowii agtoo won wltb boom of 0 to 5 ttetty good for teco wblab bn bid no rotlo6 wbeuvet mr wobml cook bi dlipowd o bit dwrlunou lko avouuo to mr uhotnatf soott who wub bar brother and al mr ndmleamodoiuld main hltcol will uku emmeduu polou the mahi of jatuaa tbd emeal bdu of john olbuou liriu were ltilrrd id dobuo oemury ou kutitbty hlteruoon tbfunarlervloewjboldin ell joaiba ohoroh by itv vathar luy mr wnt drown left thl qilloe yeaardey aturniioo a ooril hulk thlrloatl feet five loobea iu ladjjtb whlob in the blftbeet we bveoo ible yr 5w ooru baa botbten pleoted three montba maemaddook baapurahaaed tha broad oonfacltonary atid fruit btikiueee of bar brotbr mr j 0 matlbawa mill tltreat mr maltha we milio to denver ool tu lake a ikmuiou with bla brother thou the 1uana la glvloji a oaab prlta at the ooiulu eabihllloa tit tha bat ul pojnda of batter weid iu the butler paper printed at the ih itimaa ctfioti laava yoar ordata forbutlaf ivatar at oucn the llaltou woiuaua iliatlluta will lold a tnaetlluit iu the town hall miltou ou uuaaiiay be j i 17 til at 8 p m iuur aitlitu apara will be raai all lullue lateratadln um liuprutreuiaut of the buma are frjeatd to ba praaetjt to th about to- mamhv yonnif men r old mu wbu lilleud to marry will ba pleawed to leant that th new m air lra ao luade nulla altilpltt by applytug icm v mooroeeuer of tnarrlatftt uoeovaeyaitbapuk ptuut qoiom call a i few day hajtlre the oaremony aud bat the i wafcmt ellt irivete ofuoe ah al real jeooe in aveiiluga alopiild maklnq uaoauae of iu kpolllny too muub loj of lluw laboa and matrlal nu dau now if you uas iarltva oalaup iuo and eaver uauad of ajiloaa a4iatural jej oattup la the raault and una thai will aap que hfio belli will flavor oue or two baabele of tumatoea lleolpa for utakiuk ire call ad aatnida uf oatiup bald by a t utowudrnjttitit and ouroey ft 00 krooara aolou the news at home montly or a local cjmrnotor and ovorv item inlorontlnu court inriim jula hoiiluu i- ik1iu doititi ul ltv ilruiltiut lliouuuuty ul loiitll um mlmai oauviik tutjy pl lotli utjuop in milton vfluy ho t huh at 1 i i jtichu lucaday holt wlh at liluwrluwimt 11 a in waaafl wja wediioaday ilupt ithlt t cm lelmltnal 10 irfalar haturday ul jlat at lotllle at iu nulon j uo4day h- jl h n u 1 vll t 10 itnilttii tup aiiti dmut at ii anion wudueaday uept 13 at j ho irlncll hi autntth cliuwvh jlmtvmt trullvul lba foalual aervloea will hiiohlinllt mupj church ibla arrii in t tt u ofook lliu brvlwi will be vory wlttlit uiul incurrallritl lu ol urrli in iliooly dacuratad mjioi lal liltltla provldod by tlm ubulr xhn 1uv jt tj davldaon f a iho now motor of fit ooarrob giiulphwlllbo tbr proachor lh offor lory iu in behalf of the parsonage ilnlt all ro invllod lo hd praiunt knd givo thatiba lo ood fur lliu uiiiiitlful buitiya 1 im kflrvhihn will ooiillimoiieil hu inlay mr jatnu ciiayiia who reontly dla tooi of bla ititaruatlll aolon jtollor miiu laroinoviiik ihla wek loloronto u haa purohaioil a wall oatabllahed hour and and bikiuta at lo7 mccoll kuaat hi that oily and ban oioellont proroia for vary auo ooaaful bmliloaa tiia removal uf mr and mra jiojdo front our tnldat la very ttnor- ally rrttfcutd thoy have beu cood cllikeih havo hewn aolivo ohuroli worker an1 ro o tliat uiil of oltlkeni wbu aro a hbiittuf to any noranftitilty ilia boat wiulio of all will k with tharn hiifotal tfarvitifi ia stjomophm chtiroh in bl jnaebe oburoh lt friday ovoiilnjj tlm ceremony of puoitig tha utatloua at tho oroia wm parfortnwl llov latbor itmiiiy who bad baau ampowarad by lia orao4 lliabop owllii itav 1 athur mabnnay reolor of bl marya gatbadral uamllloo aaalitad in the ini- proaalvti aervlcu and delivered a short liiktruollonou the luatltutlou and pratlioa ol tho way of tha oroaa the naw atatloua are- an improvement to tba iu tcrlor of iii- iioadpbji and are another aviiimiqu of tbo intermit of father keaiiy iu hia churoh and psopla hare u cautdo la hldht htttilaa iu co u urol ion with tha yuunii peopua work in he luptiat churtjli iuv mr moalpwti huu hurad to lvo a ooura of i twuly uaona in blubt ilnuliii tba oouraaiafor biiinarii lo learn to road vooal muilo at aitbt l isatorja win i buin on ilia flrat xrlday in oo lobar at b 10 p m in ilia aohool room of the church i ha nibtnbarahlpfaefor tbaoourae ia 81 co irmieui of attending tbla ooure a open lo all the youutf paople of aolou and vlolulty appllcatlotia for member abip may ba madeelther to mr maalpine or to mlai m inula ivaaar beo alary ou or befaratiapl satb th new yvothaatd the new firanolllmo pavaoiaata are uow all opail to the pablix tbey jlvn our atreele a really improved appearance and ibey appaar to be flrmlouaa in point of i oonatraotlon and will no doabl prove lo bi what lhay are by batua permanent walk the itnpraaaloue upon vlallora are vory favorable and tliawtjood lnireailona will be aubanod if the property owner who are paying for tbani will take an int treat lu keeping tbato clean and fr4 from dual if ihla la done they will alway be while and ttraotlv aud ueiituuian who uaa tobaaao will then have loo muob reaped for tliilr oloau apjiijaranod to eipeolorate tlia illtby lobiqoo julo upon their tidy tturfao it 4ip tly wedjj at si jibuti a vary pmtty event waa euaotad laat evoulny at 7 oclock at st albana obrjroh whau two of it moat nealoua weinberj were united lu the bond of holy wedlock tbo happy pair wa mr qtmrjt xltidaay bulharn baker aud oonfeollouar and mia maria utous dauiibtar of the uu illobard btoua ilev j k ooddeu m a tha ilealor per tor oi od tlm iurallu or- iiiouy the bride wait attended by bar alater miat lliule btona aud mr will btatbaui of allaa oralg brother of tbe uroout wa froonumau iu church lu llie barveit f6atlval daooratlon wai vary pretty tha uurroundhia laodlun a delight ful air to the luuroaunif proceed i iiji imiuodlauly after the oeremouy mr aud mra buuutu prooeeded to the bonis of the bride where a delightful weddluu reput wa paruaau of the uutnerauv bridal tokvu presented u titled lo the eauein lo whtoh tlw bride 1 held ber many frlaoda the moat oordlal ootikratolauooa are being bund to the yoau ooaple with heal wlabea for a vary happy career itmrvemt eallvl mid jluulvtmury the ewrvibe oonueoud wltb the ntb atiiliuarury of llev ii a uaepheraon paiad off lu a mont delightful aud pro ii labia mauuar vat a weak prior to qabbath a large titimber of wllliug worker- aaawuibled in the ohureh and deaoraud it wltb wreatha of evariireen ahaavaof wheat and oata and tlowora the result waa that on babbat h the always prlly oburob waa a dllhl to the eyatr the day waj a petfjmit oue in rard lo tha wothr and the oiiiigrujiloiia that aambled 0114 the church at uolh aarvlo tha uilnlaur prcaohad approprlala ear mom froui thi uyl lltaraiore lal uh o on uito twrfc tlou and we bav aeen altauue thlus today the hebbath bobool aarvloe ware also a spilal ualure of the day the allatidauoe at both ulble olaa aud soli ool auerslly waut up in a niauuor thai rendered the aoooniiuodalloti alloaalhar too limited on monday uiuhl the filth aoolal and leolure were ttivau tliut lbs atteii dance at this wa the larut uf the url wa oouiieadsd on every hand the ladle who bad ohargd of lb aoolal apard no plu touikkeall ooniots comfortable aud a moat gonial spirit prevailed hruutltiuut at u 1c v u iha obair wa ukeu by tba mi ulet or who uflsr ilia auuluu ol an oiwuiun hymn aalud upon luv mr john alotu oljlbubungiiuhsua lo read a aorlp tur uaaoi the oholr oonulbljud several ulealloih duiliis tho availing ami did their pari wtdl in addlllou to numbers by tha eboir mr d m itouduraui randurad a aolo in anhindld mauuar maaar maun aud jilibuu aauu a duutt aud the people ware uud lo br llirin again the laoturer for the uooaaluu wu luv ll w diokuolhl andrew ohureh 0 villa thi waa mr liloklu hrat appear auod in kuoit oburob aclon 111 uoture wa on tint lulyu of 4h gotmuou xeole andwau ajuaaler tnwt all who heard it wure doeply luiprcvsad wllb tb way in whluh tbu uilur laudldthe auhjaol mr ui klejs a mu of apundld priioa koud voice ami a epuudld da llviiry ii will he welcomed at any time by an acton auduuua j to curb a cold in ontc oav yeketaxalvetliratikrqiiimna tlkllela ail liitiwii roiikii ii iiriilzii ii in in at llriuln mill vill mlh hul wadi r day 1 lnir uy an i 1 i uj lilllo mri im will u hill in it ian i lr inn iil ui wia ly ovonliitj 1 1 mil iura and olbura ul ihn nclhljorlid tuwne an invilml tutepraaeul and tb1iltl i khlbltloi wilt bu i r caat tbu liio ruluoul nly ri wttl bj ublaluablu til- thi iu lruln art iuv mr wuisur uf tboolmruh if liulnl uv mr jjraali moilmllt ami uav mr moffaa a 1 myurln 1 1 vllt is undr tlmuphuukliwltli miuli a hi a aotou jlronfm 7filimiu id cluti a iiiit oiijuyut in iiiklih wns puei mi tlie golf link linr mi utirly riarioon batwctm a tnuio of llilln utoinbpre of the hpdlua dnlf flub loimilo ami iiiio aaliill tnali tile day w pdrfeel fur polling alid tha link w in aplnmli 1 oon dkiuii thij hduie team won in a cluicly cotitoloil aitl wull tiihtdxii ulno by c huloa with the following auorei lttnm lila atirm liula ta a hwalbr 01 w hllk 0 j j ntliultb 4 it unluluab 10 t o l tallum a x j ufkliii 10 u j 1 cifl ii 11 ii ifultum i i xi a juno 7 i hftywil r 1 a ii uurray c iv 11a lioih0 j a it wllluma ii j ii wallace b 4 a iwalxy d luv j j wojiy 1 i j iaullii a if v ukr 0 3 ft gh 31 tliu toronto men were a inost congenial lot of players anil deolarodthoyeuoyd the alternoon apeut ou aolona aplomlld links vary tmioh ilotli team had dinner at tba domitiloil house alur the luatoh and there enjoyed a social iiour to tbo return install on the flu grounds of tlm bpedina club will be looked forward to with interest vnvflunilhitiufltty afibnnpi after oarnful oouslilaralion of all iu toreds tlm oomuilttoe have hi 61 uaturday uillh hiac sm the date for tlm unvolllng of the monument lo ba ereatad at the anlranoti lo lstrvluw cutrtttory to tlm tiioiuory of our loldlor hro llm late out nor w 3 moore whoue remain ro poe lu the miutary cernatary at pretoria south africa tba lare fouudatiou bsae of oauadlsn rialilu will probably lie plaoed thi week and the inonumant wui be oom plstwl in iood titno for tbr data uamad the oeremonlas in ooimootloii wltb this interesting evut will be of an iniprevalvo and approprists oharscur lurtloiturn of blob will be ivan in u uturlaiiia aim sungaslloim inadn a oouplu of weuks ao of akiug ibu dy a ijcoorailou day for vmi viow oetncury has ihiii cordlnlly resolved uiii2n bavluk llm plot surroundiiitl the irtvua of their loved ones neatly trimmed ami the grave decorated wiib lowers uud flajja falrvlow oinulury is slwsyi an ultrsotlve place but it is oxpsotad dichstiuu day wilt find it lull- moat altmctlv dros public bchool pnomotiono thu pudii who aro advunoad to llltfhwr arndos tba uiidsoidmur promotions ware oarrl ad into sffsot at aoton iubllo soli ool uat mw the following pupil ware sdvauo- vuou ii to i neit ituby olark llorenco ilolmea kate co u uo ii mary oraham annie corry vija 1umsr myrtle cook may haw thorn lthel matlhewa atiule ilarvfly harry lraukum frank ilavill hilton jeans frank holme do ritohla malcolm mohaoharn harbarl allan clarenoe iia willie maloue cliarlle qlabe raou unto it iiiir willi ketmsy alax mcqueon dave 1oular vuii iorbai vinosnt qoodeve bam iloaall farcy oriffalu laura cola mat llla ilawthonm ldna moriiaraon frlorrla bpalghl marie lrick auih clark maggie lioruby alloe cook la lawi- mru ilua uollaud clara moore 1i0u iv to iii ijlllt pearl bliaplibrdsuu lva cook lllllin william iva microbmaut keith oodilaii johu wslstnrd fred ikiidauhrand 1thou v to iv dhlf gordon johuion harry hell darll bauudars artbnr kauuy lithel ilarr john lfoldsti harold lluddick mabel ilildeu- brmnd elsie llowar johu moore mag knouedy lua cook michul obriau qaorge it i table kthal allan john nolaou aud mary o urieu infan mort many doathe lareely pus to lonor- unoo on tha part of mothers tho disorder of children aedin to tha rugged aud baarty grown parson to be aimpl and not particularly daugerou thi point of view on the part of pars ills has bn the oauae of thousands of baby live you will always find that the motharj wbo are auoodful iu brlntilug up families of hearty happy children with soarnly a days ilokilfte are alua lhoa wlm are oaralul to note the allghlaat avldauoa of 111 lies aud to check the dlfdculty at otic thay do not belong lo the clasf of mothers that aluplfy thai children with alesplug drauula and similar medial dm ooutaiulug opiate tfasy stick lo tbo purely vcgelahle beallhtul iiikdioliis whlob oure lofaullle dliorjsr rjulokly and ol this u shys own tablets are the best uf all for oolla aimpl fever croup cousllpa tioii illarrhosa irrltatiou whan teething ludlgsitlou aud slsdplpasuasa tbssa tablel are a quick iffsotlvs usvsr failing nur dusolvedlu walar the amallist baby will ukatham without the allubusl bbjaollou do not trill with mtdlolm oonoeruliig which you know noihlnu whan litre la a lime triad rsmsdy whloli is utad oom t lit- ly and wltb tha bsst results lu tliousaudi of bonus mis ii ii fun orang uldta man ay i have found iluby own tsblulu a parfeel tnaillnliidfor oliildrou of all aga aud uuuld not bo without i htm in the house tbay are truly a baby comfoit aud mothers frimid lubys own tablets can be found at drug atores or will be taut prspaid tion roljil of prhw ui osnts by addreialug tbu dr wllltaiua madloiua oo dept t llrookvdn out coming and going vlaltora to and from aoton atnti varlouo othor porsonal notoa tli vumm i uth liifltue all lu readers lo oon iriljiitbt i tulroulumti if you or your friend kid iiiluu tuny im m iioltder trip or if yoa bava lillouvihlna yt ilrnt a ula aaa mr j m lloyd villed frlenda in lurniiliinverllilitd mrs walter viallwl friends in ueorge town during the week mlaa ilsalu gardiner ba leea bom from tun ul lh pal wek i be mits tal6g r turned on haturday from the i amarioaii mr j oraham of deuull vlalted hi slalur hnrm during llm wek ltav 1 kthsr keouey left yesterday morn ing for llm fvtl american misaos huisll of fortius are guest at llm homo uf mi- fkmuel rald uev arthur jlr vlalled the vw america ii at hilfrala lal weak j mia c rrlfilll vlaiud the fan amerload and frit uds lu toronto last week mlsslthe uuk of houlbamplon la viaitlng friamls lu lown this week mr jueeph flynu jweut to uaffalo on tooeilay tu vllt tberen amerlaau mis lottie ubbagi whcfwas in toro for aevsral month ba relarned bom mts ifetlle mooann relarned lo her cmillngd duties in toronto ou saturday mr lird ouismlllontjvialting hi eiater mra lie h x uacpbanoa mr and mr alet fraeer of toronto were guests at fairview flaoe taat week mr fred malilrof ketay mlchl vlell- ad hi son mr f maliu loolrlolanlbu week mr and mrs john cameron spent a couple of dss wllb toronto frlsuds last week mr kd j moore returned on tuesday lollellevlll loreauma bis aludieal albert college misl mary lamurl lis rttamd after spending bar holidays wllb friend at ulhgau ilev n it jolinslon of ienetauguisbene spent monday with his friend iu u a msorhsrsoti miss delia btsphtuoti returned on tbursday from a very pleasant aix week visit al midland maaar park dun wm otllereud jobd lluisll of johualowu n v visited aoton friends ual wk mr aud mr tho momsokon and mu mud fyfe are viaitlng frlnd at ulgb your jose tlist la wlmt you alwuiltl twaum ihn nail not ytiur nionlti ilul ttiarn may bo tmri wlvn yotir rs arli is an ltofi rmi ran t lr illv llrii i ll ilresuilnc tbrmirti tlw ih itli le nlnnjn bail for uio i unc ami ii u mi lallj i j wtwn tbelr ddlicato llsaurs liavr lr n is aned by im acrnfnlous romllllon i t ute blood on wlilcli ralarrti ijii ml alfrrd k yln lloernriamwn la sudor ml from calarrli for yrars ills itnaif felt bad there was a rlnclnc in bla and l coild twt brcatlki llirkijh om tj ids nostrils nor ltr ills brail alter tryinmr ecivoral rjiurrli smrulrl from whlcli iw ilrrlml no tnnfl i be was completely arm ecrtnlinc u bla iiwii slalemeiit by floods sarsaparilla tills great motllrjit rndlrally and i-r- tnanctilly rurea catarrh by tmrnlic urn hlonl amltnil til llm whuln uuolf s rilobieuie imll r dinner sets special for this week pays lo buy al uollerli it nyt lo buy al bollrrfr iu irlnlmland ll dinner sell regular price h miio pr ice this vrtsnk la cy 4jk i for a few wanks mra frank arnold of johualowun y issiieudlug a week or o with bar parent ind olhar acton friends mr h holme of ibe faka rlurnad to hi dull ou tuaedmy aftsr iiijojiiik a months vacation mr jamas mclam wul to midland ual friday to spend a couple of weeks wltb bar daughir mra che 1 aklur mr edward lovey of oltiversvill n y avrivod ou uaturday aud ba beau tt- uowiug aciaslnlanoea lu hfeold bom messrs oaorge qraaamau and walker mjm of troy n y were goesu this weak at the home of mr joseph holme mr john maobeui of uurks falls i vlilllugai tba home of mr crewaod mo- likuchlm and ollmr friods iu tbe lolnlty mr and mr joseph teur and miaee alio and jauul tumsay of oloveravlll h y spent a coord of day ible week wllb aolou ramive mr j 0 matthew aod mr maddock aooompauied mr a e matthew to iluifalo ou friday and speot a oonple oi day at the van american mr and mr tboma fa we- 1 1 mr uamusl xawcstt and miss mary fawoetl of bbslburu were in town thi week 111 lid lug lb marriage of mia btooe mr oarretl bhaw of kearney wbo ba been visiting tb fan american and tor onto industrial fair spent a few day wltb bla parent mr aud mr tbo bhaw lb week mr w it brown of mount formes and bergt mn in tyre wbo we for algbteed mouths wllb kitchener more lu booth africa wre guest al tbe bou of mr william drown thi week i owing so lb death of ber grandfather mr win l wordau ar mr a t 13 raw u will tecelve on tuesday and wa- usaday 17tb aud 18lb inatead of tbe istb and 13th at auuoouosd last weev mr jama mcdonald of alpena mlob a former realdaul of acton p0t a ooopb of days her last wek mr mcdonald bad not uu here for forty four yeara theold rasldeiiui were glad to rat i bin agalu mr laeflltuu who ha vary auodeeejul ly oomluoud the chinese lauudry here aiuo jauuary ba diapoeed ol tbe boalue lo iwo rslallvei aud gee into basin la torouto tha new flrtu will be le kim and mun le mr wilhamdyrei of nsebedakaud her daukhlsa uu jsuuus are gueala al tbe home of mr hu liauu and will re in a lu for a wsek or so mia uyere v i tiled the pan alberto ti k spoilt ion laet weak with ac lou frlsud mrs j aulas dunbar of fratuoea wbo reeldad with bar husband in aolou for several years dlad al bjf home last wad uaeday tbe remain were interred lu fsirvlsw osmslovy ou friday muob j sympathy i fll for mr daubar lu bla riile slinature la oo erory lnts if uta gnnglne laxative bromoquinine tajieu u retnedy uiat caarew al rtd f nn uny tho holod tea store and china palaok j a mccrea cuelph the right house iuuiltons 1avoititii shopping llacu the tide of travel ha turned vacation is over ivipie arn aiming borne from iha sea the lake ilia forest and stream i all la in iha very air wa breathe it i in the store in the new styled that aro arriving dally il 1 time lo study we want you to aiudy about your purchases ixj if in any way yoa can aavti more than wa will navoyoti we know the result wa know it can 1 ba dona if yoa will only coma and figure with us and lei u study your wants we ii insure you ibo imalrciiirrlinryaiir raih rvrrj tlm qnr t w 1 o housekeeping linens and towels and ll s an interesting one the cat of linen lu advanced about 3j per cent ihla fall but a we re carrying lu slock a mora than usually heavy supply of linen we are able lo give as ureal values as ever your advantage ik in buying now for incoming naods will uav lo lie sold at much higher price think of it a clear aavlug of from 33 lo jo cent on every dollars worth you buy but remember the lima i now 5v inch dleacbed damisk table uiicti good pattern allghlly tnarkod in wmm well worth 65c yard selling now at 50c- 71 inch illmchod damaik table linen tfnd lood value at 75c yard telling at 6jc atiolhof una ol 73 inch llleachad daniaik tabid llneti decidedly hand soma and worth lo day al present coal uc yard bdllng at 70c we have in stock about half a tenra of tine dleacbed tibia cloths in tingle and double damaak i lo yards long by a to a yaid wide handsome design which we ii dispone of at about 1 less than mal value this 1 a splendid oppor tunity for you 18 x 36 linen hucb towels with colomd iwjrder at 10c each or i 1 3 do 19 x v pure linen huck towel with plain and colored bonier a you prefer ibse are i3 each or f i 45 by tbe doen lot ao x 40 pure lined huck towels licnltttod and with colored border good value at 13c each or ii 75 a dojjid 30 a 41 puna linen huck towels colored border and fringed at ibc each or i 10 for a dorcn l 31 x 4 pure lilian huck towel plain henutilcbed very tpcclal valuta at 30c cadi or i 35 by the doiou tltomas c w king5t eaat cor hughoon st hamilton rshdytowehr suits for men and boys five oases of mens youths and boys keadytowear strifes toyta and winter wear openul uus week and are now ready for your inspection ttieyre ipeclally aelectcd untodala cheviots worsteds twoedn whipcord id all itie uow color effects aiul in ulu and duck serge perlup twwnly fiw dutloct alylo lo choose from and the very latest cut every suit has a nobby tailor made air that appeal lo every man who likes good clothe coma in and see tbetn book closely to tbe quality and you ii uy tlieyre the nicest values and beat finished ready lo wear clothe we have yet shown we are lxund lo kocp up tha reputation we have acquired of beliif the place lo buy good acauuiabla nicrcliandlu at the lowut poulble price ibis pertain 10 not only one or iwo departments but lo every department in tha house an investigation onyour part wui prove ibu to lie true millinery displat since ihn nnllco of 1 11 mlllinory dinplaym wodnrlay of millinery bava come in ban 1 und e lally mvlln evry ludy i i wo uwa new yiirk ktavnecllln micnrl ihla muvnlng titid our ill american i at lorn- millinery i rlmmcj aud unlrliiuuwl sullnrs i at silks velvets he is rrally ii l ivnrythlng put on dlspliy mm and nothing held hack for opening day wks hmca hemember ihn three j real kjkclialn uilvnrtli nil tint wlikh jn customer l2nmv vrtt hats for 7f 1c0 nobby sailors for mu 2 styliyli walking wat for x all tha new coloring tjrobamaklnp itoomd duty as a ixwhk e i ce nolhfng lacking for your com fori et i a i firm rnirli and malerulf it arrives hilri im lioalu f irrhu to lihidln in in ehbollertcfeco 25-aul27jvyiidlimuat-toujltjj- h inderson st oo fmll goods our stock for fall trade is now about complete in dress goods silks fancy flannels maimeletlas wrappers hosiery gloves underwear and clothing uur stock will be iound more complete than ever before hcadytowcav hats in many slyles our millinery staff are at work our formal opening will be announced shortly henderson co hrts tho latent btyuu of valij hats jut opunod up new shades new shapes swell designs union label in ovory hat re nelson onold only 99 wyndham 8t cublph fall millinery opening wednesday the 18th and following days telephone orders receive prompt attention mail orders aro filled same day lmireavel nt johnny was an inquisitive little fellow aud oue day while looking at a funiral train pauslug tli houuo ha autouishd bis molbr by asking mamma who wll bury tba laal mau who die tbe womlsr of the age al j ii hani lllouiloolrlojriillu works ouslpb uau be mu the woiidmful piieumallu tool forultsrlug atiim ami sluctrla maoblnury for polishing 11 if a the mily ahop ao luleduut ww1 of xnrui to he ha ill uharged all agsnls and la now 11111 lo uustouisr tilled at whulcsdlo jirinen giving raulle bssee to luonuiusulal work usr a u teeing supeilur wurk anil dewmug mi cusloiiisie ticmlng jo itlm aflrfcjhiinj other daatbta prlooe no a to ml repteeeill absolute security genuine carters little liver pills hut soar 81 of d e macdonald 8r bro the lion guelph a iwsbaud wrewssulow vwsy ansau mm as uw caktbts fh didiut mi iiuoumm ra totrii uv ta nil casstirmioa rai uusw sua nil nccsanuim jtel3w- curs sick heapachi new black dress goods youll find therok a big choice hero in blacka its a part of our stock we take extra care with choice lot of homespuns 2so mtisllns to clear at 1 5c j6o prints to clear at ioo cotton hosiery at half price summer bargains in all lines gurnet co the new store in the new block hcton 1 every lady visitinr guclph during the eair should hot miss seeing our display of the latest designs in millinery j a mcintosh son 77 upper wyndham st m waist silks just arrived t 3 fntftim tvdlu vuiiclttttd traitca cv inuuy ntttl jfutmii liiiiidhutun 3 cootlg tit low vlrry i aiho a number of iiuullliii luclmllng new doitlgns in e3 aik koacius i e3 m 1 1 hucklis sidk com lib com aus j kfb al i ovtu i ao s llm laltil lmni and lmsmct ihttin o f goodeye co mill street acton trgj3 i v