mother my mother waa troubled with conaumpilon r mana last wuciaen iup to he tried ayra cherry rl rid a apeedlly coreo d i jolly aaoce h y no matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it ayers cherry pectoral is the best thing you can take jts too risky o wait until you have consump tion if you are coughing today get a bottle of cherry pectoral at once tvfm alsaai sm jirjmi mii see mfm i bl h ra- a4 k thi h tkb l 2 jfm cfi thimibday hkptkmlii nth iuoi hie poling jfolltfl ii i a follow wotbaraaid rrd tbewiae wiu bis reef ebeeke and marry una eyes knotn wtut ta do if a fallow eat bnrl life tbumpor bralaa dr a fall in tbeulrl 1 fallow uoibaor ba a end atiint haga end batioaa and lota of tblo wo butter bow bosjr alia u tbell stoi to aa bow wall yott can uplo yooi top blie uoa hot ca taoob i uaa if a felloar raaa u jwt quite olaajl and if your- lrouaerv are tort at tba kbee bin oan patin a picli youd hot i r x fellows b and only sorry u yon ere bail and 111 11 ye tbu if jour only uo bbslt eiwayfarxlvayoa w bete a yoa do a fallow meet wbo woo id bever uy to keep tba tear front be loving aya abd tbe fallow wore wbo sea ii bo fuel hi inoiber tba traeat friend be eol 1 about przeriahtfna vitaalmmotul ought to kaow aomathlng about pntwflghuni ud ha evidently doe bot think ttneb of it 1 wee tomt time afo that in u interview with the world- renoooaj paillat we pabllebed id 11 hfwitmfrrf kiffr hnt his mnny u a una today knd shows prlaeflfh tins in ilal real light my bona ail my thought i id toy hooh apd babies that ta why i in toot popular x am not on of tba boy i dont like th bar room i am hot good ratio my experieooe of hi rood fallow teaobbfl roe thai ha la always a eel- hah oold blooded bumba frod kvnd wllh- oot baant ot oooaq ob yaa ira tba ohamploa of tha woru od ttaka good doaj of mooay h bin dumooda m ohaaarad by tba unajlboja abd oik wad by orowda ol popl wbo toady bad jolly kod oaataf too abd daep down in uy baar i dstajat and daaola tayaall bj much b 1 daxaai bod haarplaa uwm what yod yoa oajl ihatn ayoophjkbu umarvra thatri tha word war x dalaaiad to-mor- row tbaaw irmla would turn their baoka oa ta kitd toibaroond lb bawllfibt i bit omaboar drifted eolo tb chmplooablp bud i aoppoas in booot x featua dalao it a loagaj i ajao mia abd blur that well x bm ooouotod to by ajood bye to tbe rlotf foravar la iotaxw days puaflgbuoi will be dead und the world will be noua the woraefor it- to cmib foi a watch a wall known watoltmakar aaya itiat it pooploonly fullowod iha diraauotia jflon below ha would liava vary itltltf in tttv way of watob rapaura wlntl tlio walch in tlm inoriinit t ai nlhhl aa dlroolly aftr wlirllnr u work ual and oan tliua betur alaml tba oo blaol movamanl uf ua waarar dnilntf tlio day wind it alowly buldlnrf it all11 the hand and oarafully avoilltji j or it kaap it liaarly aa poaalhla 111 tlio aaroe poaillou that ia if worn in tho pookal duttttfl tba daydu but lay it down qolw flat at nlfbt avoid aaditan chanitaa of tamper atom j donol woarlt in a warm pookat kll day and bang u on a oold wall at nlghl clean the pookat in which it la kapt fre juaotly or dail ia certain lo a into it hava t cleaned ouoo ary year even though ll rif catholic him hbr pinoerbcami in too lath oliver wcujrll ilultnoa enjoyttl bolblng ao much aa a otevan retort evan ii it hap poned lo be at bla own axpauae ooe day t an antartalnroant be waa teated near the relreehmant ubl and obaafved a littlo girl looklni with longing eyae at tba good things with bla in variable fondneaa for child ran be aatd kindly are yoa huugry uttla glrlt voa air waa the reply that why iloui you tako a aamlwloh 1 uaoatiae x havaut any furlf vlngara wsreinada bafora lorka aid ehf doctor atnllina tha utile air i looked up at him anil re plied to bla delight not my flngora couldnt pool him unolajoall theeo pep moat think people la foou i it aeye here tha el a tad road vn maw york carried two hundred million peaaangera inside o a yaar xjpcia blla may he tbay did uncle- joab bhuckal there aitil that maby paopls la tha ball ooontry i juel dizzy then your liver isnt acting well you suffer from bilious ness constipation ayers pills act directly on the liver for 60 years they have been the standard family pill small doses cure a2t wo v tick tusk t tvmmi buckinghams mewix l-atp- on ac sb aglajafq volnntear now in booth af- kioa in ao inuraatlng latter tella bow be got b knead while hla regiment waa on a oroed rouch with uttla of flalalloti ordarg ware very a trio agalnat foraging hot la aplte of all hid empty atomaob noald not kealet the temptation when be law a lat gobbler atabdlng amoajf tba ahraba oa tba toadai on of the rmnlul he suddenly owud tn poraaltof the turkey the major nailed oat angrily xxalt i what do you rneab t halt 1 a few harried step and the hungry vol unteer laid lb turkey low wltb a blow from hie rifle barrel there bubbly jock i be axjaimed aa be picked it bpiraakoa yoolltrnderalabrl that whan tba major says bait be deans halt meadlaea to add military dlaolplloa waa somewhat relaxed on this onoaaloti tu it is a mlalake to eat all yen oat or abow all yotjfsel la bla vrgelahle lu dr xafmalm lias given lo the world the frnlta of long solan tiflo reeeercb la the whole to aim of medi cal aolaneai combined with now abd valu able diaooverlee tlevar be for known to man vor delicate and debilitated donatltu tloq f armaleas pill eat ilka a charm tekan in small doam tbo rfleot u bo lb a tonloand a allmulanl mildly exciting tha aecrellons of the body giving ton and alter ceylon- knd in dim naturalleaf green tek kt m iill i ja in in flavor lut is hivli iinpun vilnk itilinittly superior m ijuality it is tiiakmj ttpid tridcb ni pnlilic favor liktiisti of the ahovt fails drinki rs ol japan tt is should jjivi it a tnil salada ceylon teas aro oold in souloll load pacuotrl only bluok mlxod unaolorod caylon oroon froooamploaoortt addroutt 8alada toronto spraying polaioes tbo 3fatffwfrt 20 acres daily lilt hi an wtlit sii a ur cjlulk1 ib j h whn ihy tn klif uil i llu in mm aprmlurt i ramotok tan apiay so lb sprauotok du oi a pf oil apy hodjullir url iha iaai anil dnlivylna 1 voalla 0 fuafl ajtd laami llfo l ll only tn aim iwulica polluy aad will uouua lum uug at a gibiacl bmil imm 11 11 man j i 1 ril tiaalu- t p and call pkuu j lk bl kauotoii ljtti wkkb u uvl-a- ik- lunun ft canta ggtzse ilmmhtwl of aotuit aobuauy ii will tiway pyag b imafa loo iftl the spatioofco lovdon onj 5prtu wtk lb sprauo i or will antiralr adkal uiulard i llculaia u out look on apallnf von bead bot 00 u alt all night and disturb your frlsiids thare la no oooaalon for you rumilug thsrlak of ootiltaotlug inflaunns tlon of i tin longs or consumption while you can gst llloklaa anil conaurnptivo iyrup ulils medlolna ouro ooujhu colds ludabimstloii o tha lung aud all throat and cheat troubles it promote a fra aud aaay uttpootoraliau whloh hntntullsuly r- iiovos tha throat and ititks front vlaold pblagm a wis mans ktiowstl by tha fool tiling that ha could o sihf au dlilnt a dliort iload to hasllli wtl opatisd o thoaa suffsrliig from clironlo cousin aathma jjronohlll catarrh lumbago tumors rhaumstlim rxoorlatcd nlpnua or in 0a mod breeat and kidney oomplslnts by thslntroduotlori of the inckpaiislv and affeotlva remidy jir lliomtia kcltotrio qil hard slid bolt corns aannot withstand ifoliowayaooru ours it ii trfooln1 av tlluo data ball is at onoa and be bsnpy when lliras a will tliua s a way hut tharas ttimnrally 11 lot o lawyer blooklu it l worm oaiihot ailat olllior lu children or adults wliuii dr iowu worm syrup is tuod 2ca all dsalors tliafsllcr that drinks to tha health u avrybody ii boon drink hlasalf todbalh caught in an explosion a iti per who waa blown ip whilti bleat int a ronk tloarrlbaa bis aetiaalt m i litis oil ptm its ao s mill on ii aur utt alkint llio time yon heiii ti tindorataud that imthlug ik tjjhi you know i bad a cartrliltr inmy i 1 l jut ll iidwii lliati i git araid if m all st ouno evoryntititf was lijdt i ilmt t think i saw tli flasli anyway my f- j waa not axaolly tnwardi the vriltiaioii hut tliaii evrytlilni ml hlil lllr than uyklnd r blludmif llr an awful nraah it was jut b lliu snuia tlmr i waa urrluml ami waiilrd lu ol away itwaajuataa if i had lb ul inaro flomehow tbuugli i kn jtiat what thd in alt or was a tuan nan ihluk faur than ho haa any luaa l i k that aotne of tba uthara wura naarer the eijiiobioti and i aald to myaall 1 bay blown into bits ihats oorlalu you ulidoraland ibis was all in a ooml all at inife roally j ht11 it waa kaotly ihi same as if i had ui hit with a tiok itbuuttbtitwas a bltfallok hlyyt r than any man ooum awing and that it tnuat be workt1 by tnaobluury it hit mi on lbs hsad amlallovr i wnt salting into the air a long long way hfy ears roar ad au i tha wlfii blew in my face i knaw whon 1 ilrtiok theftrountl for i voinembar saying to myalf well im don for i dont know xiiat whan i loat my right aenaea of what hoy came back but whoil thay did 00 ma back it seemed iuear ihat i we there btlll i thounht that i bad bean thrown tvomawbant also looairfeel fire iiltnlng tne i twaetny clothes j ley wsro smoking and almost blsjtlng t was bralaed all over and ooold bot hear vary wall nly voice sounded a thooh soma body war talking tbata all i nan ull yonahotltlt bjebftq what is thix pnoaimso op aht joakcly thats t clavet bit oorklay yrs thats by jsttam hes a very promising marina palnlet and do you know h atsrledlife a a humb is lutubermau joaklay ah i oboe a hewarof wootl and 110 vy a tlrawar of water tba hot vtbr iv t castoria or infanti abd chilireil rtvttb lkh- tlbjl fclnis no ooa ever repented of havlug bald bl tongna jaabolid gohityand host gold itiu ltio fiyragoulvill 100 hestoiaaeca 100 we roarantee perfect aaiisfaouaii etobe optical co t3 yonge st rooty toronto the vloaorlaat of hoods uarsaparuia ovarajl jvofm of dlaeaa oonol naively prove that it u an un nailed ulood porlfw it oobtjuerg the demon tiorofnle ileltevae tbe itching aud burning of salt rheum core running bore uloar bolt pimple and every other form of homo or jisaaa originating la impure titpohtat hprlng xost ia lidllor hat ar uw litte i daebed bff hbrriedly tat wblclt i hope yoa will rive me a obaio of oourae it may bead little tooohtug up hr tiid ibare but you nau fla ll bp for the praa editor who bad aeenpoai before oat talnly writing bartalbly jow unj you are thara- yoar cbciue 10 a good round auto iooi ho ar axcus toe you forgot to algn it ildltot ob bo i didnt 1u tt nbaqu all jbt i daabed it off hurriedly aud 11 may need touching up- bare and uier bat than yoa can fta 11 at the uuk good btoeulug i woalrl retber fall abd know the oause than boooaed and bot know why mllbcrn ilaart and nerv ill i onto bbaamla bervooanea ajeapleaanaa weak- beae palpitation th robbing faint spall dlaalnee or any condition arising from impoverished blood disordered borve or weak heart a jad aate as much a a good boras awcyrlo fitted ullh dunlop lirwt la iilui in hlulior tyttlmntlon htcauun tbi miiluir put a pnrftct finlttli on it you can nve daolop tiro with h thlokcnwl traad on any wiiobi you buy uo extra eharga that oriaimatoh dl doflns kidney pius tho original kidney spaolflo for u10 euro of backache dlubotcs brlghta dlsaasd and all urinary troubles dont aocopt uoiuuuiliif just as good soa you grot tho genuine doaints bat your klaks aud bafor you rsaoli ll eat it furtbbi aliaad tbare i no form ol kidney troubu from a heebaub down to llrlgbte dlsaas ihat uoaus kldosy iillfl will not rellava or our if you are troubled with any kind of kldnay complaint us doau tills a delicate child let a delicate child tike a little bcoytv emulsion of cod- liver oil after breakfast or y dinner not too much too much will upset the stomach better io little than too much the effect will be slow tt ought to be slow in 1 week you wilt sec it began the firht day dont be in a hurry vl u aaaj yu a tulu w by u m lka i scott a uoumc ckaouu aweie tb pawubroker iiavar oouipulu of being low sly mr ibousa lulltrl byraau n v writ i bavd ba fill olid for utarly a year with that ooetlo ba dreadatl dlseam byspepsls and at time wo 111 out with painmid waut of eleap sud afur uyiug kjmost everything reootublended i triad w had of iartrialees vakaubl till i am uow usarlv w11 and balleve tbay will our m i would not be wlihout thsin for aby niooey ii thai oppose u ahartans our wit abd baoooie ouf bsimr itagyavd yellow oil i a uaeful rstusdy to have iu any houe it 1 good for biau orbeakt uejisvee pia rednoe hwsllibg allays in ueujmit ion cure tiulsi btirun bruue sprain btlu joint sto price tlio ut uauy prsotlos htibiaulty to w under bold we be no baaltalliln lu sayltigthar prt j 1 kellogg dysentery cordial is with out duubk the beet modiolus ft lutroduoad for dyaeuury diarrhoea obulera aud all summer ootnpialnuaee alokuea sto it promptly give rallef abd bavea fall lo affaot a poaillva our wo there should never be without a bottle what thalr oblldreu are teething a wowaa dont oaro mucltwlut a fsllar look like bos ha hlnks tliot sbei the purtlast in ths world took out voir th kntlne w mcati your brtrt kssp it strong dont let it uatur or bt with wtak stroke uoott a ltiiulaioii feeds ilia blood it make lb heart be it stronger aud greatly inirrov tba clroulatlon when aonia folki aik yoa for advice ihayr ouly flhlu far a oomplitnent milburu bterllug hdadaoha powdur art aaay to uku harm lea in action and sura to cure tuy haadaoba in from 5 to 30 tnlnuu if wa could gat a shield from tin fear of thing that haver happau our troubla would ba raduodd 00 par cant children cry for castoria iu tha war of lavs who files conquer good health la imposlbla without regular action of tba bowali lax liver imiis regulate tha bowli cure oonatlpallou dyspaptu blllloui less alok liuadaohe and bll affeolloua of tha organa of diaiitlon xrloa t5 oauu all druggliu half a century old a standard remedy used inthousande of homes in canada d- k w cures ulurrham dyuontory cholot cholora morbua cholora inftin turn cramps collu kqo sloknetu tuid all sumtdor complaints ltd pronrpt usti will prevent a grreat deal of umioeesiaiy sufroi ingr nnd oftun avo lira iphicc 35o tbet mllburncn limited toronto oat i i lt ye want a thing tlono wrll do it jar- alf i woudar sf ibtt4 why vo many mur utiuhm at tbilr own joke burdock dlood ili tiara is a ttiadolna mad from roots barklsut herb and iu tha bt kiibwu rsnisdy for dyupspsuoou utlpatlon snd billouiuuis and will cure all blood di frpm a common plinnla to tha worst scrofulous sors tbo fsllar ihsl always hubllu fer praia la tha one thai don t ofton git il for inlarnul or vxternul ma hag yards yellow oil oinnot bo exoellad aa a pain rolls vi tig and soot lung rsmtdy for all pain tha fuller i lit i oan pick out a good walerwelou cant alwajs obooaa a good wife pioklng iba nos ii a common symptom of worm i in children mothers wbo sua pool llialr clilld is troubled with worms should administer or lows pltasaiit worm byrup it is dimple safa aud effefl tuil prloo 32 oants tba moth doaa mast mltahlef to ths finest garmsnt liver troubla bill ioian ua othow oom plexlon yellow eye a jaundlca to yield to tba ouratlvo power of laxa liver pills tbay aro aura to curs mkka poplo belter acquafutdd with ibslr resource of strength and audurano many hud that thay are not so well off as thay thought siul that they ri easily euervbtsd and deprossod by tbe boat what tbay tioed is thj louio tffeot of hoods heraaparilla whloli atroiintbon the blood promotes refresh lug lep over noma that tired foaling cresto apjkatite those worry in tf i one a li sivw you comfort applied overy night at throo to idifnlghlgand ncurrf iseffcctnd in tha most stubborn caus of illlnd dlcod- ing or itching pile dr agnows oint ment cures 1cienm and all hching and burning akin dlaoaaec it acts like maglo sjconta is sold by a t llrown lvery oua fivaa hlttimlf orudil for mors brain thin ha has aud tea money bf atfvvowaa oufctortho hoah nets dlroclly and quickly stimulate i lit he arts action slops most acuta pain dispell all feign of weakness flultrring klnkinf smot boring orpalpitallon this wonderful cure in tba sturdy ship which carrie tbe hfeart kick patient into tbo haven of radiant and perfect health give relief in moat acute forma of heart duciac in 30 minutes n soldbya t llrown kotallara slp who bava their o but kldnoy buy il is the particular net ion of he kidneys lo blir out poltons which pass through thm into ilia blood castoria vitx w vjhwww cimurii 1m fur innuiti and cblldrou ciuitorln ih as liuriiiljhj niilhtituto for cantor oh paregoric irop uiul tiootlilnt syrtiph it contalnh iiultbor opliini ftloriihlito nor otlior kurrotlo htibutauco it la ilcuiixuicr itm ifiiuntittoo ih thirty yctuh uho by jtllllluni of ftlothrrn ciiwtorla dohtrojd avoriiifl and ulluyw 1ovorlxli- itchx oiutorlu rurflh liurrliunqit4vit colic cuktorlav yillivcrt xtliiii troubled cure coimtlputloir and klutituiicy cithtorlii uhhlmllutem tiio 1mm1 roiiiutcjj tlin htomu4iil nixl llowciu of infuntri oitd clilldron giving hutlthy and uuturio nlovip contorla irt tbo ohlldrcna lnimccatb mothcrm lrlcnl oastorio r-atelm- at r icllcllitirh f chll liaii uijiuii l t01 ton tj it xil fictt ui ibclr ciiimkii coatoria eaeiarta is so wll alaptl lo tllldfru thsti irttmoimud it a auiur bi any m f j loo kit om tubia w a aacsh u 1 jtril- jv y the facsimile signature of ohand twjnk liailway tilling r m 1 11 iitiir r m liakit c tl 1 i t ailo1 in m i j ilnji ut u liliult id u till i tl i t luh iimi aoion miuliino iuki itiunir siiops lllflt 1usi1 i i i tr a hi d lil d willi a i ll a 1 aoilny itahw y uiuaiuiile al i iielia itftiiaablti ary alul aioultaral lii u at i i 1 all kinds of bimliii qtllik ll ra alkwltitfaiitiaiitbl blutadlliint wimlwru l7 ma ii a aauafutory tnannr w tta rlr any maoliln or hii lain lit il h liki k kulltb4dnil kottoki appears on every wrapper- eye aid just iiow tpticli is required i bf loo little would only partly relieve the trouble too much would injure lie eyes we use the best modern optical appliances absolutely correcting optical defects dnd guarantee satisfaction q d pkihqij ani jthixlkll guelph no h lawyer aver tfai to law him- salf gained 9s lbs by using milburns pills vlctouu 11 c march ft l3 tlio t ml i bum co limited toronto out dear sir sotimtunttaomy daubur afid io year wan troublttti with bad head aches and lot ofappmlta slin was tired and lillttii nioit of tlio timtf and wa u lodaliif flesh hersyalonikrot badly run down ao itonniifr your ileartand nervd pills hlfily snoket of i prociireov a box and by tho tune alio had mod thiin alia had gained ol lbs in wtsilit and is now in perfect healtli vouni truly huh p ii cuima no one ever beoanib poor throuub nlvinfl al ma attention lu ho world of hoiiiboralhlo tnadlclua haa baeti iu very souroo of pro lroa au hi polltlo and rslliou ilia dlf lloultle of opltilou and tba individuality of mi bava heu psrant to tha dlk men i by wbiob tlia standard of lb a so bodiu have bn uvatod qo with moat of our famous preparations foramoat n 11 liulratlon of wluoh truth stand tha world famous remedy to uanaral dabllity and huuuor qululue win aud whloli whan obtains bio lu us itaiiulna atrenulli ia a musonloiib creator of ajjpoliu vitality and atimuknl lo tba uouatal fartlllly of lb system qulnlns wiue and its 1m prove men i baa from tlo first dlsoovory of lbs kraal vlrlua of jolntna ai a madlcal aijant beeu out- of tho most thoroughly dlsousasd ramsdli over offsred to tba pub uo it i on of the jrtiat ionia and and natural llf ivilltf sllmulallt vlilnh tlis madlaal profeasian have boat oonipall to reootinlkeaud pfaaorlb massri nort ropaud lyman of toronto bava h to tha prop ration of thalr puro quituua wina lb urat care du o it importauai aud tba standard ekosjlauoa of tha urtlola whjub bay offvr to the pnbllo comas luto tha trarkat puriad of all ilia defsola whloh skilled observation aud solautlilo opinion ar pointed out in hiauas prirfeot prepara tlon of tha latur tba falur that sl dowu au wait far th world to hod out about blmll find out ibst the worlds blind aamsllbks when the kidney are di tea tod they cannot da their whols duly and should liavti th help and strength that south american kldnoy curd will afford lu any and all forms of kidney dl tar tier it relieve iu ti hour 14 bold by a t llrown never let tba bottom of your puma or your mind be sesn tako oho of dr agnaw s liver pill after dinner it will promo lu digestion and overcomd any fevil effects of loo hearty eating safe prompt active palnlcis and pleaunt tlilj cffctlvo uttla pill u sup- planting all tba old ixlioal nautcous purya- llvi o dotes 10 cents 13 sold by a t urown a soorplou never etunj roe bnl i oured myself wilhils grjaso a ploaanrtt duty when i know anything worthy of recommendation i comltler it my duty to ull 11 uys itcv jab murdock of hanbur pa dr auewa catarrhal powder lias cured ma of catarrh of five years itandlntf it la cer tainly mac leal in lis effect tba first application benefited too in gvo minutes 50 els fl sold by a t urown do not judge of tba ship from tha land thai outilntf acid that arlwa from tha aloniach and almoayitraniila is caused by fermtmlallon of tins food in tha stomach it is a foretite of indigestion and dyspen ala taktonaofdr von gtaus pineapple table is immediately after eating and it will prevent this distress and aid digestion 60 in a box 33 coiils 16 sold by a t llrown tba bell doe not 10 to miu and yet calls avery one to it ndrvoufenoaubyakrfjalil irtdu tlohtfand kindred utlmviiti take wines hclija the 1 jaime qiunbr of uituli atnwljn nervine idonus llwlbit of duilain out took bu jwraclirrs advat f dinned direction and was cured wmanr nilv of ll o voiil fiutn ol nervous piottiutlon unil ijyajwjiiia lie lial icommindcdltui others wllhfc unifying ictulti it sa teal nervif bululu ia sold by a t llrown us is uot a ood mason wbo refuses an utous strong points about b b b s xix lihty 2 itu tlilhihiinilh t guroh ii itm kciiimliij lu ll ilouo kagulkla lf sloiiucli llvar aiul uowali linlocu tli sacratlotu pualflaj th ijiooj uj raiuova all llu liiipiidll irftul a cuuttuid pliipu to the wortt ixurfuloui stiaa ma tresraraia iiioiwnus conytlpatiom iiuadaciih salthiieuu tcuoiiula itbail 1 iiukm boub btouac1i dizzinuss dhufsv bhkuuatisu skim u11basuu children cry for castoria glbhr1ng sklb or aa furniture at cost j a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at coat prices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speiglit co waroroomo foot of willow st kctoxsi solid gomfort shoes cloajyei- wh tafn w slofifkh lamkld iuuru uro two unul of jlio ooodyeu welt unit all otliar vanntio ill a gaodyctxr wall then am two amila of luialat t c u leatlitr aiul th otlior u a ttidorvar taleot 1 l allil lnuilc tlicro la only ona hoo that pirdkaiilatruitual comfort ultcrly ii alioa lakna thu plui of a alippar in tli itoiibfl or u boot on llui atrat itiiu u the giimlvnr wolt lliat iamailavilli tit slctwr inwilrt tim slreur iwlrnl hcailild iioiole which la madd from ic ounca dinii lu oft anil plmlilo irfnclly walcnroof anil haw luplf lo thn foot in such a iiiuiim r na to alfonl the kr alst wnlhl comfort tho slcii r insula uill not hanh n uilh hrvplrallon aa ualhar lauua ilo n i tj nlwaya tvady for liiininll ilo wear thn j 1 kiojf lo 1 nnilril havo thn ugduaiv riklil for coiutla j to catch tlio eyo and tlio hind at tlio samo time j is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true tins saying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents ia the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not neccsary send for free outfit and make money thu br aj3le ycattretson co llmllod brunltortl out v saw jvlills lumber lath 8hincle8 and wood uwismid iunin nouoii iuiimn ivrir hiiinolisi and movi wood 01 at1 lundj kept constantly on hand james brown term6 gablt frgmitigr at cal and examine the merjts of this superior shoe made in all mod6rn styles ot lasts and best grades of leather all sizes aa to ee widths lor ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of the icet burning of the feet and it will keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm ii cold weather sz willi ktufs boot hnd shoe dbxlqr bole aoent vofi aoton b topteit eoou lauj may b- aaoured ty oar aid jlildteaa yhc patcmt atcord baitbacre md woodevgiuviao or any class of efngravwg iqr advetftoiaig pvrp9ses catalgue5maga2iaiesc jljonesbjgg i68baysttoronto patents guaranteed afall anyone muiji cilitluu of any in kiitlcu will our j iduruail if i kkelcll ui itraeh pioaip ly l je our oliilu f courcniiiif lie iulculitilliy of umr fow to oluln wlcnt trfiil uiiu jmntj lslcula unuj tlnonuli uu aivhl fur brfle at ourcsltciibe latcuts taken tint uurtmli us clv aixtu hlilf wlllhmlt clntrta tllu iatumt ijwalmu au lltuuralvil anj wi uly clixriillj umal cainaullnl by ubiiufacluiiikstul luvcuoiiw llcuj lor minplccouy vmtt auli- vi0ton j uvans j oo owfeef miaraeyt kwaesf dla wash- c patents rpromptly secured wills t twir hiuutli iriiuksloyvat r halo an i iuw yual ara awvwi tuil us maisb akaub ir teudsl ol yi ur lu culioii or i in lovtuimt b wrwlllullxou lreoiirilllliuuuti wlirllrr till imlly jmehtil i trwtad spolu j wh j llv ulun umii urrtully tnixciiuit ly us wr iiluct fully vluinuil t ittrrs tn klimliesl tiuitu aul wslilustoii oi ly ilunatcli woil suit iiiillk ucuic lslrii boa lb twvnl ton iifehiarkitiv turutalicil latnils vnveiiird thrttiilt in r i in jk ms tuin vcve hx iktuj wli ut thjf as hi ovar i nwiini illtiitiiiilit tint uulioui v luv ttouiliilon bpujyi1vlfiil wslncw of msuuuc hfaauil ltuuluccts marion marion rwuiii kwprtsi em j sollolufsl oiijwi 1 nwvwk llls liuvi rtal bo vtians expenilince tnatj maim a daan oon4wvo am mkrti aadtuwiftl- l wov lultw kwwelolrl luiruirfhlwi jr wtl n lllv t wltlaalf kait l b i u1- lunaaltltlyfcwimhtbl tn- vlua ajiaitrr ft f aawuitntvalx mwlej ullo lltwultliarv it leta scienlific american akatvbhjlrlllarlal waahls uteeal t ir s3laalillck ixcij ih otttostbtt y bc wasbuetuuu g tg tfartaviwaaaaa iaa