t wfot j9fg vouvsik xxv1iho jii aoton oktaiuo tiiuitbbay sioptjom itkk 1 101 purolc tjikkjc ukniw ivihy thurhday morning at th free rrosahuakn trluuu onire ullii htlluht aotomont tkrwhur kihihihiitkih- one dollar ir yr ulellylii tdmo all atihanrliil una dlamm uimhl whan tlio lima fur whlali tha lava kwoti 111 liu ami red tlio del lo whloh every ubacrluuoiilapald la denoted oil ilia addieaa adtkttttbimd lutaa tranaiaiit advoetlee tnonu 10 oeiila tr noiiimibii litis for oral iiv ewuon eel la mt lllia fur lull kutieagueal insertion oowtklirr 11tsbti following table ilowe our rmim or the inanition of edverusatueiita or peel flat i ttarlods 1 if 1 th mu 3 aid 1 ma ojuehe eonom0o anjwto 10 inehee i j3 do i w do i 1100 i i m bloahea sdoo lbflol too uu i jttnh j e no i auoliool 100 ajrtlmnu without apeelflo directions will be ltiaeete1 oil forbid and cliejfe1 iwanl i ugly tranalaut adverkuernenu tnuat be laeid id adtum adveurtlaanierils mill be oliajiead dom audi mouth if deelrod vat nhauea offaoer thar anee a month the ooiuiwalilon tnuat be taid lot al regular rates gbatubbfaroaauafiajreeuasinuu nui nth don by boon qn tuoelays awoanu payable monthly it lkfoouw kdltor btid ioprlal new text books jou 1111 uhkokcoixeoiati ani 1mi1u0 bchooij4 how rrlbblort villi lanry and patriotic corrs good papcf and low prices scribblers at i 3 3 tnd sc 1 idcsi htm if 3c kaercli rooks- uver thown lit cuelph 4 pages excellent paper send your children id day s day haa a full stock of llm new school books ill value id lha uxi his prices the lowest rig aluo inry lime at days bookstore dmv anlla cmurf tub traders bank of canada capital paid up 1 000000 assets ovor 9ooo cuelph branch no dopartmont hatk oamntkilkht if el tici uiwuii r ilatxwlt ui it la 11 f savings bank himitcht uuiiukst 1ld on auum tutxiak tllwwllloa1 1 withdrawal umi 111 advene inaae ti rnakiiklhw termor uu tbalr qwu uuiw at uia low 0- 1 rumen t ralae ilo or nolestlug aajes holes if a v mjonks attxn arkettttt j xtkwcal ohn m macdonald m dcm uuiokiiou to j v ultkn m it a m uatioacoruar klill awaduiek 0hobiiilr irauacuio ooiiw hour- j id 10so u 1 to a iiui abd two fcubi rplios okay m d c fct mccttcl ij u c i utimiiuuatf sj yxu ntiwiow ukuuku iihiyiuii uhiiicai aimwiitiok uro offloavrajarlov itraat aflon ont duydhn brxiuktuuuruu ko coraar woolaloii uij llaiior kirvata ovrica hoitiui0 ui to i p bi ul j to l id howliao 1q a hi ta 1 y to xixntjll own ortiuo m imiiii d tfid djurrut jlotow onloaovar uoka drutf dlor lloiforf ohxijuath oa tokomto uwivfciitv vlattlnd ditnfllt all j llilrt tuaajavh tltoklla frlda luxskwooj tba utaal uuauiaua uaaj if daalrej a jiiujttrhnoh oraiiuul tlul lu uktuiaw hlock ui-ulra- ju mcluod lukalmim ltollclhuiu couwlaalom- ka kom yiklvu avifxluvtn ualu nitwit fjaoitfalowu coaoypjolutf iloua bjhi tiiouay loanxl 011 aral biortga oil fajrul loirty ht 4ix r j mchauu olarkvouruiulvulou court county of hal loa convayalieeraaualrakudijfaaaauraum liul luutu auoui muuy toloali bu ori0lrryuitu all look aotom ont uixacllaxxo an d u a p husband v s urduujouurl vaurluary hon uainlxr valrltiajry udl odjoav 0b wonuu ri liajrlwr tlh op to vmd buna ulll kut actou lioalluwlty tlliopiajll tl ynsuranci agiint wii otlnny oaoaral alieat cotirlarlkia tjfj iumutiau auct uolutt vli iuun6 oouilliia4 oola- vouiui 11 u aetou h knhy oiust oryxwa oamani tioiloltor- of 1autiu for itivaauati aid prapraa alpllaalot4 for ui cajiaauu aui-r- loah aj3dlfuioiu 1auul unload luid fur ihm lulirailoi t traja uuku baud for pju- phtat thirty l0aajrhlklall6 lmilanoib n0han uoottulwdklt awjount llookh of tl ttluja- inula u ordat m aluuaoli li0kn0kb if 1 uoollu imii oy uuikuual iiicmwaiu hluou k0wluiaaajv4ulrad 14 u3 al aalaallm lu utd vulu vrad 114 otrim aotom m ukmuthkt h w t a jblaimkmd auoviouhuia vat tl oouutlai ot wallltmun ud killou orlairilaflklba vh 1mmam ocnmi aotou oy alloy fuinlu aotou vlll l pxituyuy kt- loudadto tartua lauuaiu aim tuouay to lou ou ui tuolfvarbl iuumaiid at ilia luwl rata of luuraat lu fumm of uttftiij liwald auuhoulhui utotilc calltati vtkojnd thtl wullfnoton mutual flhk inhuhanoli company uubumbd 1d0- uoad offloo otleiivu onr inuuluhouoitlualitul uutui1 pliu any oouiuiuiiloauiuu jrwajd to luy ajdra lior wi ur ulabliooa m 1 l lirouilitly kllalitlad id john vayl0i1 aait uualul aoton macliiiio and repair shops liuhuvouindutl lioiutor altu wall miulfi1 will til tlia inuihliiary uaaaly lumwuu ajl llrt lo ulmldtl- arv utdaiuu1lurailiillauaiiuaitdlo ila till hlnda o wuu li uoaill lukl uauual blaokauuuilimf wuujnoiapilmlu llolulad ukuuataolory ulauimr w a taoajr auy malild- or luiflatilaut of kuv uialia ti4w guuaiimf uj niluu tlttu sun savings and loan go hbad ofrlcit yohonto ont iuuwj ciul fsoooooo 00 1 ton year wurlly hhiro ur id monlmy illiulinoouofjrw vr liuo or 130 montu whn ymon cwi uo cki m iniiuilurlly vlu tioo ou mon- lo loan 1 3 ltllil 1 rcimylal moiilhly liulalmoula on ttll gallon lo s 1 r j monobb agont aolon meltchants bank of canada capital ue5t 56000000 260000a a guneuai wanking nusimuss ticawsactkd intorott at ihqsi tavoralila current rale allowed 011 cavlti hank accounk iyij depoilt itacfilpk r ittcm of credit umuwi available in all parti omhe uorld sivcclal alletilioj niven lo iartnera llutii monky orduits you amy cuu ui to jo rayable at any lwuillrik point in canada oulklda of ilia yukon territory may now lm pwnwl ui ilm hanlt counter without acton branch any pictures to frame any pictures to trame co on 6ku0 to waters bros nabsaoaweya saw and planing mills lumber and shingles xt lowest wraicos ilill stuff cut lo order wood at 8 00 a load ui tha mill p sayers rropritor procrastinate no dont do that but come today to the acton pump works and get your pump repaired or buy a new one me can do it watering troughs cisterns and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed oharlxb kbbaoh main st acton the 8ign of the blue bell is a remliuler dial you naad not wait or lncomenlciica yourmjw to to a customer in parton while your com pet ll or who has gone in parson waits you can have a irivati- jntlhvihw al any pay station i tho bolltolephonoco oi canada georgetown carriage siiols llielwit place in ihdcouihy to nt your carilod or any oilier repairing dona 1 1 rut claw workmen uri i boat iiltleriaja always on liaml a full stock of maikot wajono call and fcv uu hihiui your bid rods i hiidh bfll silo riul coupler tiu lha umrldt i can funtuli you rods and cull plot loillplottl cheaper tllau yotl cjil at iheiii uluwhvrit jn oneill culimckal gborcbtolkln portlknd c7uttst farmers wli no be uplodale iiu port cd slnr 1 illlmllai llurllultsr uiu tirucronto l lie- to am the hranjo ue iniidle all tilh claua en mo tit ilo up lo llo nod liaa your ntahle cellar aim wood tiomtfl lloorn laid in ce tn till special prices on larfje riiiantllled our phcwu ara alwuyt niuht john m bond co hardware gublph ilk all i li ilka nrtiid wlau i ata old t flliall 1 waar busli a ijuaar ultu booiat ho uatltixa lx h1 iut juai t llalo lolj willi a llltla wlilta adilnc ulloo u f lil all i all in ilia aary olialr all day luiitf willi a steal 111 of wool attj a btoekiusr lliall i itililk li tjulu draullul ly tolha lo do wontf and dlii and dlxidr nulla aliookliuf r juai vail till 1 ull you wlial brallduia oitoa aalj- i tllii you wiil ulilik lua tiasf it ibmiial oil a day whan uiay ai t toa lo bad yit uhh ill laild aud laky lllia caina and ut try tiia and ratil tny hand and luld nia tlieiai tiouaala crylo ita ly aluinblloif tny jul lliat wa fctuw bow to abd wo alaraya brow lattar by trying waa any 0110 at or ao wlckd u m 1 aakd lr baltraair my olliln tllail andlna lau aj liard u eould i a and liar huib wlill cull waot ixijblnv wnimiy titiaawaraonauglity u ypu 1til aura thai i btlow of ooa ouaf iiwha was 11 rulaskciljroii ubm tall ine jr hlio wliliaraj your qwo kiaiwluinthaf kow lau llatiajiiaf hut uf oouiaa it ll uu 1 can loll juu jiikt oil a tlilntf about il lllia d hot tall feklnry wlialavar khd do and wam only ba lilly u doubt ii llul or douila f f cadaltl fl- lr will ui vat how lflly draaaltul twould tliaviwotlaknow wlm all loa liar ao wall that craliluia was avarllkv itia fiarjhtrt iomitf wilt binder tsazine -q- 10 1 qo c standard and manilla the celebrated mccormick the best twine made for length strc g th and weight guaranteed also their ireal hinder mouor and sleol hay ralte call and t them hay ralies 10 and 12c cicli harvot glovfca j j 30 and 23c each parlstreen aoc lb poiato du killer ac lb rfokehoro 30c lb sluff shot 10c lb instant louu killer 35c can lamberts death lo liuj 35c plfg also sprayers of all llndi gbo j thorp sioeos onjlin cuqlph rockwood acton- livery bus line wall quipped and btyuah luflu oau al ways bo lour4d alblaauuli a comfortable bue niauall ualu batwaati 10 a m and filu i tn lltvraful atuullouiiuau to ovary ordr tit wajits of uoiiiineroultrva uralully bial john williams eixgelstsr bakery af sraeery tha summer weather is njw hers in earn- eat in addition to cur dally supply or braid buns cakes etc wo are now prepar ed lo supply tha public uiili pure ice dream summer beveraneb and v ara making a specially of icacraam soda and sods ilrlnuu k ws in a first class sod fountain and keep it put supplied with ice cold soda and l lie puivat fruit lav ore a larger stock offcrocerlaa thin over be fore and llio public tnow our prices arc rlslh t stathamson main st acton amateur cameras knd suppli6s premo poco ray magazine cyclone print1no fkamkb cabinet 35 conto piumting pav1ckb solio aristo velox phqtox h rk7utshkiaz hhoto witiuy kcton i a tmaj to order wii1j labia was aharmlntf tbri pearly ripatua of damkw that infolded ik wa on- of tha all dormondu moal treaiurad poaaaaloo ssvad out of a yiiioil wreck of family fortune the old fanhiouad silvr of lho inlrolt- abla pallorim which no to odor a kliop call supply olaarnod ilka irresnlarly aha pad planets al inurvahi across tho ololb morovar a ijaffodll bulb bharlahad in window bill way mill had oblltijly thrown nttt a- a u xuyov wahtuu llallu rollalla iwiaoii hi artf oouuty u uoni tally o aolld nuaialajraiuulluu lto r ya lattbu wakly 3irrty a1i4olulaly uiw and all- mim utlltlt lla hda ilartlllu aalary in ooiuuilaalou aalair wil aau ktuiday ami uiltli uuuuuiui uaaaaoum ut cumiuu hsalhbd in yellow tisaus paper roads a tlioroufbly altraotlvs cntarpioai it is tloiply lovoly ail j winifred with ahttiaii ralut and satisfaction i shant bi in tha uast afraid lo bavs mra- osulklnutons wauls ays upon it a tboutih you ars a candida la or-li- uryalilp laabol and ao rnnoli dotn deiiaod upon making a tiood impraaalon the boms oouldut tail to tnaks a yood itnprbiion laabal broks in it is olaatt and awaal and olj faahlouad frotu top to toe 0ns cinl say that a houas has a toa theres just out thltitf uekiuif i do wish wa bail a tiood maid to wait on lbs ttblr i hate iboas smharraaaluff brwaks in a horns lunchaou wbrs tha boauaa is oblidfd tocut off in tbs mlddl of a aan- tsnesand bolt into the kllohao to bring tha brolldd itjuah couraa to labia ysa tlisls always wrotobedly uri- bsrrasalub wlulfrad tjrd hj bardar 011 tbs uueits than tha boalaas too how ever therss no bslp for il wa dont kwp a niiid and this suburb unt aplaoa wbtts you csti find a jjlrl to oall in for a day si a llm its a pity but it cant b lulpad what is a pity but cant im halped v dsdianoed tlm younuit miss dormonj who plroustitul into thsrootu ual hi tlnis to bear tlio last half of lha antotic isaul and i war lamantintf that wa didnt bavaa maid to aarvs lb luncbwn oartrujr wa wire sayfnu how daapar- auly tmbarraumit ft u for a boittai to jumpup to rrmova tho plate after a oonraa and to briuu tha nxt oours to table i never ibouuht of tbst gerliuja actjuliced in adluppolnttj lone our entartainlnu bus always bn ao informsl wura likely to make lbs fiumls chana tha plaits and brind ill lbs oouraaa from tha kitebnn thtniaelvas ilul its trua as you say that kind of thing wont do whan ws ara oulbrtaluinj vtu caulkltiulon bbas so ch ileal that hir eyta buru iioim its 0yaryllnii tbay fall upon we wouldnt miuil her hills picullarltlm if aba wots treraly an acq ualu la um hut if isabel la fialntf to demand a btf fl salary aba must make a beji fat imprjaioii i to surw mrs caulkinitton would out bar dawn half if aba know how poor ws ars tud bow badly wa need that seorslarysblp boiutbutt timel ha dons gflrtruja dear you know perfectly well that nothing be dons tbers ara only two hours left aud fa auy otaa you oanl aioura a jlrl to ooma lu jual for one day i know that bul whisht my dear t an ilea dawns in my brain i let it msiurel man idea for what7 tor ualtlmj usa maid t yfj uiy daar a ready maid ao to spaak billy i do you think isabtl and i liava tlmo lo waata upou your vsporlnuif a rtdy mads no a ujald to ordarl dont talk to ins for hire uiluuus i fel tlio idea tirow lu my oerbruni and it roally is a ifoud ons tuayoutiy lady ual down in the llltla oaktn window sst and buried her faoa lu bur bauds tbres minutes hur sba sprauj up and plrouotud irliimphauily around lha oh arm i nu tshla iluasa 1 ivu solvad the probuin she orud auj ill stand for it that you shall liava a malj to sarva mrs grulklu- tons lunoheon a alunuin maid well tralnsd hiihl footsd loft volcd a mild who will not send ao vnuoh as oua plau of raw oyatsrs down tha back of your itml who will dotbluk without dlaijrauil and will not causa the downfall aud daetvuqliou of tl e pi eoloua willow pstlam of cbltia in faol the maid i prupoas to offer you will lie an explanatory ksy with copious illus- iratlona to tha enllr sarvaut qtiaalloo oerlntuss alaurs ward vrytar from doapislnu tbs ulrla rady imauluallou it had olteu helped lo solvs au acououllo problciii wblob they themselves bad abaiijoneil in deapelr hut this or lata of tha maid to urdof seenled oonsiderably b youd gertrude even and ihsy frankly antiouncwtmienisalvee- ikapllos ihi yoa- triewti to look for your irepiark- abu m kli bars hi tbs suburb or ales- wheref ibsy deuiamlad i nball pioouts hr in lbs oily or rather i shall k ou a ulp to tha city and i will send lbs maid to you in my kbaauiw hut urliuilul if jot itve now fur tbs uty juu wunl have linim uhlld lu uet baok in lima to aft oaulwlimuue luuab- im ul aiiaid tut im 1 lad of an sx ouao lo abeote inyarlf im lu awe of mr gaulaiokuio and i irrmble beforo uioguto of her lorjjoi lef vou th raako my eaouaea lo mr caulk iiotuu end loll bar that i wai obliged lo k ht ba oily on press ok baitnaaa il mamal tn injikiica llikl joruudo abould not bn tlicim lu wllooas lha suoooea or the oooealon for wblib limy bad all worked ao bard tha oiler lra retkontd plaaile rep- kcsenud but icrtrudo atwxl irnt mrs caulklnfituus orltbnal wore already boring holas in tbs drawtuji room fornlture and tha lunowaon liur was but tbraa minutes in llm fulutu laabol in bar prtljeil silk wflwas arran the oyelar pleua upon llio labia preliminary to udioilng their uunat into the diuinj koni lluddouly a purling of ulujihain akhli brnhad the bllnco of thu plaofl and a soft voloe aoundad lu iaaulu ear if yo plulse iniae said the voloo mieejgrrtrorjodoneertidtne i ara do a aid to ordah good yraolnua i ahrlekod iaabl under bar brreth rim fcuiud back tha oyeior plats lu her baud iianowly eecaplng oalamlly ilbo aald q00j uraoloua ouoit morn and very fervently when alia lumid for ihore not a yard from hir aid waiting to lo aa abiiied to bar duties klood tha tuoat d able of colored wllraioj fjba we 111 well puutd uiu barring her akin a strikingly limiiloiiiu jounu woman her pink ulnijhaiii k lilted lo perfection aud cloly raembleilria worn by gertrude for morning ou tha roroh uar dainty luflted apron waautrikin ilka 00 which isabel herself wore while eewlatf l relied asuclly in her black rlppty hair she wora u bil of a cap wblob when vicsmluod at close rank ssenud la bs no tiling mors thau a lufi of white laoe elaerly piutted laabal took a mcond look al htir new acrjuliltlon and dropped into a chair laugh- is weakly miss gertrmh dona send m miss lha mid regaled softly art alia said fo yr tn jal r in itn pirluhanl timghuatnlaoallas wondunu how vloltum can now ultnoo ttu rvfnny attrootlvo polnta with paalllty and sofoly da eorvln to mi oh gertrudv gertrude i gurgled isaul what uonaenaa wonl tbst ohlld attempt t tha laticbeott was fuultlujuly served never was wailrees julcker lighter softer mora all swjlniii inouursovful kvau tbs oritloal mr coulktglou was imprataod afterward whau the lnnobaou ptly bad adjourned tl the drawiugrodm lha jtuaat del i bar slaty ld around to the subject of domestic do you 11 nd it as bard lo netgood ylrla lu tba suburbs as wa do in lha olty aha asksd i imiulns liot for thai young wailreaa of yours is perfcollon itsslf wall good ulrls ara vary soar on hers answered isabel ami iva no doubt wed audio troub a if ws liaj lo cbange but you a wa liava railed anna our selves bht knows our owu ways and ills us psrftotly wave had her for ofa thati ten years i know sba ii never laava us unless of course sba marries and baa a home of her own my daar b ou simply have a ttsaa- ura cried lha visitor with warmth if i ware in your plaoa i would shiver at tho very thought of loalnjf her and do jou know since iva seen bow perfeotly your litlla table a armilled aud served im rslly afraid or what mi- islil will think wbiu aha comes to ma in tha city i hope you will close your etu lo a 11 urn bar of things lu my housekeeping mioa isabel oh i am nol cntioi mrs oauuing loo lauflbed isabel and every ona knows bow hard it fa la got maldu like anna nowadays uaof to km gglfrgl1ancc belfrellsnoala aisenllal to a stable aud strong chars at a r it is our only safe dspsiidenos for coiiaiitauoy of conduct as ws mutt answer for ounslvra aud therefore muit decide on our own judgments to tka oounsel of others la wise tho ooqoailed man whoheekano advioea haeda no warning or dlrscling voice tlnnks that he is wiser than lu nun who can render a reason such a msn duplays unrelieved folly lie is deserving of no sympathy in tha day of his trouble the wise man baa fr lands teaks ibeir advlos aud carefully weighs heir words but lisvclng doubthla heal last decides for hiiriielf ii o mast rely on bis own judgment balf rthanou i 1 uovasary to peacd of mind wearaoltan pluoad where we cannot depeudon olbsre tharsbiayha no friend al baud wilh wbum we oan adviia or if tbera ia ha may not have the knowledge dsoessary to make him a eafe oouuielor or his relatloua to ua or to the subjealon which ask advloa may be suoh aa to influence his judgmaut tba duels i cm must be mads and wa must rnska it al onoe untaaa wa bava learned uoms ablf con adenoa wa will bs thrown into dlstraea lul if wo havo learned this wu osn oalmly fsoa tba situation and iletonniim our ooursa this will not save us from miiukoe no ooursa of conduct oan do that to err is bumau no miu la infallible and uo multitude of counselors can ki8 im- muulty from mistakes tho man who lliluka by any bind or device to reach this high alata will be disappointed llul tbs but security against errors is a well train ed salt rolls 11 l well polled mi ml which calmly acta after full deliberation and suoh oounaal a can be had aud ban cheerfully aooepls tha oanwijuainws 1 a nnokbn hkarti i should lika to narrato lha fullowinjj which la moally iruv homo years sjoi was playing in a golfmaloh in iudla um galurs vr madras when a hawk auddeuly swooped down ou my ball aud carried u off lu lu claws i appealed to my adversary lo allow ma lo drop another ball but bn was oua of our oaiiuy btelhsrii and he ru pile i kb no msn i oil ball lust hou this did iu t admit if ar home wiektfaf tar ward j want for a walk before braakfafet audmimblua a ruoky aniiiieucii lo ee tbe vlaw i oiiilu auroas a hawki il aud by it a dd bawk and in the lienl uiy golf ball both tba biwk end lbs ball wela qiilu wml i srtil ttis hawk tl tlis curatur if lha muaeulil and aakad for a pol uiurlaiii his veidlol wi brokan lear i and uu my lelllng him tly klory ho had no dttult that lb poor bird bad explr d lu lis vein effort to hat h nut my h1lvr lowu ioutloti um uauadas graateat natural wondoi ia dor magnitlcoiit niajiera wilh bar oauvact horo taplda whlilpool and gunotal surroundintfr ihioo iu dlaoovery by ilhr dlllo way baok in lljo nlagrm 1alls has been lookid upoii wilh in teee l and aiiisaemenl by tie milliiiiis who havo been atlraoled thaato id tho aartler- days alghleeers wereonly ehlo to wilnees the gieal oatarect and its altraotlve burioaudjngs by the ixpaudllura of oa- kliursbls ilror means and wuh no llltlo danger low all this has changed aud through the introduction or alcotrlolly appllod l tba ho 11 1 0 railway on the canadian side and lbs great oor route on lbs amerioau aide ibevluluroati vialt all polnli of inurtsl with ease in a wry brief period of time al iriflug coat and from super lor vaulage ground llvory point of luurratoii nejjnadl alho or niagara ills and the niagara oorga oau lie ren from the niagara falls l4rk a rivrr italwy the canadian hcoiilo roiil- thboaraof uiaahadlsti hoello rouu nrnaa the river about two hundred aud fifty yards ikiow lha lells on lha new hteal arch lrhhe built in ihjy oh the tieweet bridge at the tails aud tba largt of its kind itif ibaworldwilb a cur span of 1110 l and height of 10 fet from it is a fine vlnw of the two falls and lha gorge just hlow the bridga u tba tnoulh or lha o war tunnel at tba canadian end of 1ba bridge is niagara lalfs out ihacar paaeea ttpwerda aiontc tha batik through tha queen victoria niagara talis park two and one balf miles tiirs park of 1a1 sere costing 137000 iu a publlrj reaervulion aud was opened by ba ontario ltuutureln 1ra3 trom the car is to be had lha finaet views of lha two falls tjm comes tba amerloati fall ioao feet loug and lrt high then thd rooky face of coat island j10 fl long and then tba iloreaahoa wll blrocthed oufa great curve u010 ft ml tib fset high ihwvl onbla feal of wur passing each boooud ovar tba preci pice at tabla rock where fifty years ago au overhanging isdge fall into tile abjas iba heal view of the ilorseabaa tall is bad ntar bare a road turns eff to tbs baltls- flid orinndy ijsnr the loeao of hittls lu 1bw continuing up lb river tha paaaeuger saas iba losalug watt of lha canadian rsplds within tbs last mil above tba tails lbs rivar deswuds about fifty feel from ilia duflarln islaijs al tba aldd of tba river is a good view of tla rapids the oar ascends to cbippawa creek and slops at the village of cbippawa iu turn lug to the bridge lha passenger pursues bis journey dowu tba river ou tba brlukof be chff bealda tha oorge tirsl ha paaaea lha gtael cantilever dridgs of the michigan ceutral uiilroad built lu ug3 000 feel long 315 feat above hie water and then the bit el arch bridge of tha grand trunk railway built in 1097 canter spsu c50 feet total length 1100 feet 330 feel above tha water tba later stands on lhasluot the old bus pen a loo llrldjje oompleled in 1u55 tor two mflea below the telia lha river hows quietly streaked wilh jeatty foam than making a deactint wblob dowers it 100 feel lu aevoii ml low it plunges down ward inlho whirlpool rapids the gorge is rrom j50 to sco feet deep and boo lo lcq roit wldo al tho top dlmlnlihlng at times lo u50 at tba bottom al litis point aulnolluud railway desoaudslo the waurs ejgs where a mors compra ha naive vitw of tba ltspids is to ba bad tbo rapids end in i ho whirlpool pour- lug out into a great basiu whsre tba waters olrole lusjatilically id gigantlo swirls out lined by foam finally tha rlvar breaks away through a gap at right angles lo its former ooura and tearing dowu tba lowar gorge lu a new seriba of rapids emurgsa from its rocky pritou ut qaeen- utou and lewlaton and tbeuca lows peace- f ally through tha uvena mile separating lb from laka ontario tha old maid of iba misl tsosplug seizure by tbs sheriff al tha tails ran iho rapidi and whirlpool in ltlol tha only vessel that ever mada tha passage captalu webb tbs swimmer lost hia ufa in tba whirlpool raplda id llul j and mlsa willard ou oalurday 7ui bepl 1u0i tba car kaapu along tha cliff lo qumii- slon ifeighls reaoblng tha battle ground where in huj tha ameficans met defeat on iho htighuteuuda a uiuiiumeul lo tha llrlllsh oommandor lu tbla bailie uaural iaaao urook who loat ida ufa it la ai imprest ha columu 1q3 fast high dedicated in llloj to replace ona ereoled in rut and destroyed by a fanstlolu 1u10 tronl its aummlvla a broad view reaching ou a alear day even to toronto tba car oon- linusa down tba side of tha mountain pass lug a shine dedicated by lbs imuos of wales to maik tha spot where llrook lejf and ends ita jaurnsr al quean a ion an historic hamlet terminus of lha old cana dian portage to cbippawa lha great oorg route on lha american side is double tracked lha aulirej lanjll rocahallailed aud provided wilh every safely appliance known in modem railroad building naver in tba history of railroad enterprise bau a road sprung into suoh buddou promlnauce aud publlu favor lluudreds of thousands of tourists who anuslly travel over this una give glowing taalimouy lo lis popularity tha building of the niagara oorg- rail road which bad beti a itreaiu for yaare but au uiidartaklug looked upon as im possible now standi an a luouudisut la tea ingsiiulty aud insrvslous engtnearlnj skill ot tba aud of lbs ulueueulb oeulury il is an elactilu rilrod ruuufug al tba fool ot he frowning wall wblob llm lip megnulceut gorge from tho 1alle lo luwlalou psutitratliig iii denjieul myster- ise slid aspoaiug lu vlaw for the first tlmo iu lbs history of man many weird tnd ulraugs rook furmaliuue the work of pan i up furors ot nature una of lha graudeat attraclluus at niagara talis 4 with lha vlaw of tbs valla muii upper rapids iu mind paaeauneru uiay take ilia oars diruit from troapim tark tlieao will convey tham a ahoit dlalauos un tba top of llm bank iiaaslug ull lbs railroad dpiilusndolnari lu all the leading botu ol lbu i ly uui pacing uvir the hjdiuullu amil wliluh aupphrs paws fur the inmur uiwar hnuaas the pijejiut utllpul uf thu uanal is mlqoo bnraa power wheu oomb4led il la utlmeud that il will hive toleluut ui ur ikkf bortc ikiwer than at a gentla gialc i hi lloai alalia dowji tliaaldooniia our arriving at tho lower leeol twnity led above he water near tba railway kurl arch and cant aver llrldgea under wbinhlbe lino paaans at ibis point the deep sullen waters wblob rrom tho tails abovo am tliuafar mouth anil unbroken enter the nerroweet donfloo- of tbs gorir and begin their dosoant toward tba whirlpool j coutlrtulrterdown tbaflnrue i m view or lbo mighty ranlng tirrnit whlnh is rushing madly onuard tho wundoilng paswngijr is proeeutly brought into foil view of the grand whirlpool theboauie llru prreatitd i kliove a 1 others thd moak awe inplrim tbla great baslu which lus el lbo foot of the frowning walls that li- iho magnificent gorca has been formed by ilw art ion of iba teloullaaa rtlab of waulu wlikh furats past ha vo been swept bitnl lis granite walls jjois nivm it wtwl ut if all uiu licolilo lu tlio world would ui u 1rlil u ul ii a11 in a liu i it fll lihlvtiili their namr- all truly wrll why tlu u iiiruw ii would i- a wirlil au hi and muni woall lul i uur wi d c alilllvkl thy wouli tike paaaenuer sees for 11 ural lima tha marvvuus liheiiomoilbof tho lraat gorge rrom a vlawpoliil that u utlrely riot and awodnepirlug no ditunt ylimpee troai lbo lop or tba ureal frowning cliffs wboh now surround ona osn convoy lha trus depth of the slleul gratidnur or iblu elratige place testing throuub lbu narrow uutlt rrom the whirlpool the pautig r is ulveii bla flrt com i lu vuw or lbo ma1 usutl ful portion of thti niagara uorpu tha trip on down to lewlaton past tbs devils hole lbs uyslsrious cav the bed of woody run greek tha ruins of old tort gray quoenilou llulphls and rroke monument a entrancing every yard of tha dialanqg no vliilor lo niagara tells should fail lo laka a trip over tba great corns route aud lha canadian boenlo roule- thi woman in 7lli homc tba rev dr morgan woods pastor of tlymooth cougrtkgatloual churob cleve land lu a recent aertnoti bd i bops uial tha tlma will coma when iho tales of iba business world will ba lightly oloeod sgalnel women they do nol belong lo it yl b a nnm t th sir pa themaelvee out iu the coujilinjlcojns and work sbop ttuir plaoa is at home by tha flraelde i am a uon believer iu iba higher educa tion of woman from lha alpha lo omega of womans colleges unlee as a matter of course- a thorough training iu tba aria aud science pertain lug to tbs management of iba home domealla is glvsti not in greek and latin but in unjiluh daughters illud for ufa after marriage belle mothers for a better race of mau and i here will not hojho bams uwj of a 111 iu tho bualnoss world hut ou lay auu matilda or rear i maria doe not like to cook wash baka or iron whatever lb com plaint may be bha exptols though iu tba course of all bumau events to havr a homo of her own some day bha night have for ona of lha courin at table tba husband preceding lo tin cellar for tba ana looiillba blucult after tba moon bad served tha honey i liava envied a woman at a dollar a day that could wash which la for better than running away an a sten ographer cr a typewriter with ones em ployer woman makes tho homo j homes make tho nation bui if bar uorvo force is apeiit in dikes long atsndiug i hind tha oountsrs and sba incomei a sickly wife with faded out children what is iho bopa fotplhs nation we improvo our barn slock why net our bouaa stock t wo do not want ban meu or qrnsmrulal ones the can and the cannon liberty lis j ward wriliuln lh- tariifdii kujiavor world ala fervsll laorpiet given to a company of our tuldiar boys jual befora tbay left lo fljihl in lbo philippines this true tnoldtit was related by a veuran ot lha civil war ho waa carrying a great tiu can full of whiskey lo bu turd ua daily rations by the sellers and was pulling away in his mills boat when from lbo deck of tho jitacl uawl high owthbud csmo a voice vouug man l us thua ttll i iba i lory i looked up there una ug down at ma with rhuka iu lua eyes stood lha oomtnander of the fleet commodore toolo i saluted youuft man what have jou jot in that osn t whukey air i tboughl so than ultor a pauso young men 1 1 saluted sgain look up bar i looked what do you aee 1 a cannon sir what dote that oanuon mean now that question mada me decidedly unoomtorlabla aud i aoaioely knew how to reply but ihoea ayes demanded an answer it meaue death and destruction sir i ventured 11a bent down over tba guardrail and blielobed out ouo fore finger to- ward tba can lu my boat as if ha wars taking aim at il while wilh iba olhbr he pointed to lbo cannons tnoulh dlrtolly over my head youug luau this cannon bore doss maan dsalh and destruction it discharges a shot that weighs slaty four pouuds yet you aud that on of whiskey there ara oarryluu biora death and daslruation to our own uoldler boya lhau thfw big guu wilt aver carry to anybody i waiud thais all aald tha comiuo- doro remember il the harduut workup vepiit- adlu accordiug lo a writler in lha naw york vuh tba ououinur is tba hardest worked member of lbu vegetable kingdom al least it is it wa may judge by tbs variety ol ita us- from america to vila mluor ik- appears as en article ot food on dluusr tables aud supper labia- all ovar iba ovlllkd world rultbal do nol exhaust its possibilities by any mesne in igypl it la uiadil 10 yield a plosaanl oooliug drink by iujioua treatiueni a hold is hut in tha- cucumber the pulp la broken atyl stirred with a slick aud llm hols oloeod with was tbu cucumber still usleuid lu its el em is luwuid into a pit after a few tuja lbs juice fsruuiiis atd iba kujpllsn drawing it dfhswa llfjuur exactly sulladlo his tssls matlvti 1hacnouu ulb riiii iuptu lour be by vlilar uiiuj koino ukl oil of till llmtgblmus htes 1 wild maey why aba jul beius lu lik uu lhatiatk lbi the liu l llul kllll 1 i vi if all j rwlll uiakoa iralts vy lly wi loaruu iuh ti jt fl i1 klw tl tuoiel anl tleifu llul 111 1 when drink ualbr alrli14 1 11- u uiii vllo ay t l ulyjlltllll wliljuwha r aud jour i l ut th 1 u a llltt ii uilurli ii ui id uilt alduieutl il tkei why w- may t and all thud af ht r llklou iu fvi vevj iid limul vatllktilb nrlcl t iiamni iuiisay iu 11 ibinu i j oltiiln ife u bppiai i- in umi who ihida ens in bi bu 6 train jouralf in arid lbw uwul in what tueiiia evil to make at duaettr an oppo luullj for your oourkg- in iim r suiter ng by pti un- in liani fr in foyrow uym- palhj g i mvrrlam lbu llrt stuinu l ui u by the llrilhli govrrumini lritu tbu niipritl of king tdwrd il will it ie said 1m a ooniijotu ad for uae in llm trauaval thn pattern is undurtlood lo bu a pronto uf ilia majttty on a bankgrnund of deep armhm ths folldwliig atory wil uiow where dhnlel money smut times wol alur cotiaiderablu promotion ho wrola to tbo editor of a nowinper who referred to mr wcbiers prile affairf and eapcclat- ly to his not ljlng bla dtllu faying it is trus thai i havu uot always paid my debts pumiliially and that i nwo tnoaey ouo hum of this is ihsl i baya not prneaed iboea who own ma fur payment as au hi tie li co of this i etioloio jour fathers not niadu lo ww thirty e 1111 for money uut him to rduoslo bia boys latli littpanv nlwg touiteen noled writors wcru aont hy lbs cciiwnjkjiin afdqriu- lo lbs xsti- aauerlcatt txpoaitiou to study the mewl tutaresliug features with view to pre- parlug the moat beautirul ioutmir oe any ilitpontlou aver made from both a liurary and au artlaiia ataudpolnl under thn direction of tha editors of tha cuimojmildh 103 photographs were prepared ehowirg every variety of siclnue- tura and every pham of life not uegleotlug hie midway at the iaiiamericau thecn ara sngravod aud printed in a atyls never urpaaaed even in thn corijtojioff ills high ataudard of art- tbo cjojililiiua iau amrricau hou vetilrwillba an ovmi finer number thau thstof ths cbiosgo tsir to ihoad who hava vialled the tan amaricau it will re call vividly in due lo como evnry tatura they have trail and iboje who uro unable to go iharo will aeouro audi a comprehetl slvd view hf fli main attractions as will be worthy of proiorvatiou tha edition of the tan american imposition iiuiuber abluiely limited to ooo 000 oopiuj oulrinvationb i triumph bare ara time lunai ant than victonf mm tbo i iltn cannot mitituli tho lillow or culm the wind 1lularth il a no oriniii lu asiat natiirr tint lo deride lier ia lo bn lenlrncdil u ilintb if you value peace look lulmin wlun pa la say tbry never clue llulr ayes tbiouuh tbu uiuht in order lo hold miuj hucbaud ona niuil tiritllo one tingur tlio woman woo auka a man lo smwer bar uliers invites u debt ja tlin onk lyruut from wb oh robson ueta iu terror inlroepeotion i a fuult cbielly poiaeeaed by imaginative women tbero era a number nf lusy peraona who gat out of thinking by poafnn ai sgnotiuu love turns to dieguti sb sugar turns to vinegar when put uud r orrtaiu proceaiee in ordar to ilunk wll yuu mint not only think but measure your thoughts to ql the oompoaito mind it all foals were dead what a babel ot sound thorn uoutd bo uiuoug trpalng aagoj r rlqulaii haoitg regular habits aro couductivo to health and it one la in pcor lisolth aystetnalio exercise and faithful obadunco to tba laws or ufa ars above all ncieliary in regsiniug what has been lout thn ssinc tliiug holds trua in keeping tha ioul in good spiritual conditioner in ouriug it of kin elokuose iarsulsnt obedienco to lbo commsniueutb of god regular hours uf reading uudila lion altandauoe on church sorvicea and doing good to othero will finally if psliout ly adhered to bring back faith hnpr love pasoo and hsppiuaaa regularly and con tluuously iheae lhiuta mtiul ito practiced if it la lo tia well wilh ouo n soul the iu unite chvrh mfitugtr thu huquanoq victorv lllbflrl i tithovo in a man being tbo master of tho buuae ho ulioiijd hvo the say iu everything mason how about lbu naming uf tint baby of yours gilbert my wtfo javo way to mo in a very proper and wifely manner ilbo said alio didnt caio what namit i gavo lha littlo fellow so long so il waa henry ilo thats tha uaino i gava htm you know j felt after lbo hearty maunor iu which tlio de ferred to nui i oughl lo yield a point out ot approbation of her humilily jt jjj niitollt to till cubhk rank qiurk scruliuuinu oliiokms dam we oani puy ililu unhus you bring noma one lu idoulify you old clikiiiit 1 uhmilt hu lu know why dank lliklia uo d ut know you old lujj- now iijjui li ml v 1 dnni kutiwyuit uitlia r vu ii ih nt ihiuu thai iiopih n it iiura luril u ritieit uu hinds men s siilla jtu v