Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1901, p. 4

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black hair j llava uaed your hair vljor lot fivo year and am greatly li wllli h certain n- etoro uic ii lialr ilkccpimytialraolt -m- ilclcukihnnrn aycrs hair vigor hs been restoring color no gray hair for fifty years and it never fails to do this work cither you can rely upon it for stopping your hair from falling for keeping your scalp clean and for making your hair grow lutiunllll mad o dm dl iu iii pi of jj- fa co twii ma sgedole of convictions knlurnccl to t ouicti of the clerk of the peace for the county i ii ikon urmj the ouirtr lndinj tin i nub diy of september a iijoi he juton jree jjrts- tuuiulday bkltemmintlutli 1901 jbe oungjfolbs jririt tif r c ue what thou aaawaat uoauifotaaj mold uy loaartb iba loreh ditto lis wkiat uiou imroat la hmtamam ll ui tibet uutm up b tfalm filiuiah luxir with what ahall uat lluy lijj th inoiuaatj aa umy ko tha ilia abota bn uila u nut la uio rlpfruil 4 ufa uio uuw uuui ii tbou u troll wquldat raap who wm tb falaa aliall im uta au krct fctwl aouod thy bonasladoakai t vionl hollow onu and rlaada ralrajn lleiratlu iloaf thetehnal quest thta- ouaol tha lataat book pnbllahad by william urhy toronto u a tnoa ititarajdlntf noi lb tqmh ol bioh u lu booilaud and africa it putura tb relative live 0l two younjf aoldlar who wbora on aarvloa la tha war in tha eloodai and in iba praaaah booth africa war and aalo tlo of thalr frlaoda to geotland a aqulat mttla highland town it make tall maolloa ol lha homa coming of tha two haroe and glory awaxdad tham to thajr ballva town a charralritf o tory mo lbroh ibahamu- wmrtrlr ahal taot happily auld to all ooooara- d tha votbor john a buwari wall- know a la england bu lha fasahy of tborougbly iduibuiii tha iw nd holding that lutaraai tfaroojiboui his aotli work tba etarwal qoa ahoold u dooidadly popular vlfty apbiat it la not tmaonabla to atpw two wkl ol ootlng to orexoom um ntfacu ol fifty wak oodfloamanu tak k boltf of hood- bajrabtll wltb you tblr4 dotw dally ol utlx toold will do toon thin itoytblod alwj to irefraali your blood vtarooffl your tired fawllaa irojov yoar klppetiu ivbd trttkti yoar aloori tmayiuid roatfol muuti blou kf oorattiaadm l tbd kom bt a oom mod bymptool of worroit in oblltimd uotbarai wbo uaapttot tblr oblldla- uoobudwilh wormi kliould fcdmluiaur dr ijow lmaaaiit worot byrop ii b almpbi aaia and tfocluml irlo 15 boat ebowtotnu wbo bajjtf ai tdkdtf h inutajm mod z will kbow yod ous who baa uaveflrud anything 1tilu itt tb jolou may b rnoaoulajr trf thaaroalid- tb jolnu ua hahl toi at iul4 u lrtiita a txiwarful kaatrtidj rsmady to rwutb lb rtfootad uru 1olaonm kanrlun kaoily tomutba rqniremabu for it la both foworful bjm 4mbrmuo tha pla i ipallod u if by mato for ona drop ol ncunrnltm aqnala la lxafllb aa dropi ol olbair ramadla- you woo bfud oajl tha doctor ii narvluna la la thai bona irlo 25 teou jiuuuyuoljuarxuliajuo uobt that aba wa tnaj of duai ooa tuy itm th wind wbullntfiha doat la cddlaa aha asolajmad oh tmbinii uu bau ui taojuoj kbothar tltua doaty girl children cry for castor i a it toay ba only a trlfllutf oold but tiatflaol ii wuid it will uuu iu faiiga in your luufta bbd you will aood b oajrrud to lul untimely grdva id thl oouutry wa bav kuddau oiiaugaal ultl totrat axpaol to hfcva oougba kud ooija w twumot kvou tiiouj but wa ou ffaol a our by ualiirf huoklaa autl oouaumpllva byruf tha uijhiiojbo that liu uaat bead koowu to fall in ourlutf oinijjw oolda brouohltla wad all effaotlotta of tha ihiro lunjra nj obaat chicago anahchibth blm buipaou ktallawad to bat cow tloatj in tha bhootlntf oi tha tlbaluant arratad guiclou baijt 7 hitc uiau war plad uiidr ktkrajatt luthu oily uat blgb oil llta obviifo of beluji inipjlojiuj la tha jo to aaaaiuauj 1raljaol mottiuly vii- mail were all fouttd la qua bouaa il tha oomar of ht johui aca aod zttootu ktvauu oo tha waal hltla tha arraata wsratnada ou iuforioatlou froul tba ttolloa ohiolalki lu lluffklt whowald tbabiii wra utu hra ot ft aoolaty to wbldb tha kaaallaut of tha 1rajldaul balongad 1 next to murder a doctor wholioqy hia pa tient at home whtm lie ought to send him away for money ought to be held rsjionsible so ought we if we mislead our offense is greater than hri because yt t4mliigij tliousands of lives by one ad- verlktiment millions read it some few must go for change of climate or die but to thousands scotts emulsion of codliver oil is cure at home w lljlutmtj uyilo- ulxxn llounli otuiu wllliih vji alb ctiorlri ikwnifl tarn a trt iciinb coulter a wolltruii cturl ikvrl gltlt ltwaon atiiea a 1 eua alkliimin aeivlll tmw a lramir olin tjwton hn will km 1ollatk adam tfiii mary coullof tourl llulmra i lank shaw olin myota adamyram aoditiw kolly allmri appltiyattl ifourl llolmea ictkhrallyndajr koieit llynda uaicolm mcracl jbkeph artbtifa vaiiiny inlerarlii wiili cotilahla vmniy vn fancy orunk and hlwlr1y vur jticy omul ami olvxdmly italnih or roullrii ibe rmilr ll rcorelwti walnrwofki utmlkib ly ylb nil annual 7 lb j ity uwn 17 ami i u vdlatn l 1y t h plnilltrr ill jlllli 361 jml jolh aflli inii jc lo 1 ii ilijxnunl lln i k in in lolm willi ins ii kuwtuin u d lluunhiiy win mrlwil l hiiimiiuiii wllllmiiauiiii ml i lljlly 1 ii ii j r 1 1 y -t- ill july ijlll aljllt ucr liiuii of mului i s 3s c1 ul iiikli i inll furcnxail ill mluoilil commltlr altaic ivaci iltj il 1 day it irl kin pi ni i dilil y rrliirrnfl i to jail jlnbyitbi ilrhuli ul lllfl riirr1 sritloili of ilia t nllinl p jjii fur li miiiilia in ilrlauli m t i hereby certify that the forcgoine is a correct schedule of convictions returned to ny office for lle quarter above mentioned t g mkthesqn milton nth september igoi clerk of the peace county of ilaltn tfthaidmelory lthedaiatlamxjkf r aokar- tnaji oomatarolal traallar dellavllla wrlua born year ago i oaad dr thome koleoltfo oil for inflammatory rbeoraetlem abd ihrea botll affaoled a pomp lata oars x we lb whole of ona an m mar qnabla to too wllhoot oratohaa and ovary trjovamant oaoeed eicraoluri pain i am bow out on the road and x- poead to all kinda of weather bul have never been troubled with rheumauein aloo ihowetar keep a bottle of dr tbomaa loioctrla oil oa band and i alwaya reoom- tnaud it to olbera a it did m tuuob for it la alvlayeexpedteot to do rlghl and wbad wroog etn wuer thau rluht our laloa l nearsighted v aeoliaooiayja biruimi 1k0 syragoldfill 100 beatolaaaoa 100 wa guarantee perfect aatia globe optical co 03 yoobo strex toronto r up uf llm h aane- generally ooly tha eohoe of tha tnoral parpoaaa of th heart oleapleexnae la do to berroa axolus- mnt the delicately oonail luted tha floanoiet tha haaioeaa man and tboaa whoai ooonpatloa aeoeeeitalea great tnenlaj train or worry all a iter lea or mora from it bleep ta ibe irreat raatoref of worried braid and to ft at aleep cleat a tha atomaoh from all imparl uaa with a law doea ol iarmeleaa vegetable 1illaj gel all oa coated ooatalnlag no tnarcury and ara goajraiiteed to glva aattaf action of the money will he reloaded he who batreye tbotbar will not beel- tte to fclendet tha vlourrt ol hla treachery a bad breath a bad breath means a bad stomnch a bad digestion a bad liver aycrs pills are liver pills ticy euro con stipation biliousness dys pepsia sick headache 25 au drwnl buckinghams dyelsf clear moral inaltbt invariably o- oonipablea ubtaltarlng knoraj integrity very mny peraoo dla avbuually frotd cholera and kindred aanuw oomplalnta who knlgbt have been javed if proper remedleahed bead bead if attaokad do aot delay in getting a bouu of dr j d kellogg dyaaoury cordial tha madlolu that baver tall to effect it oura thoia who bava baad ii ay ii acta prompuy anil thoroughly aabdoaa tha pain and dlaeaaa ua who tight agalnat qod flgbta for hla own daetrbouou dunloj solid ruhilk carriage tires wlh anry kwvy lemu and wiuutarkj hard utvlct an everatxfacloy exsy- rldno wiitl tire every ttl tiarjuitrd cxa he fitted to any wktct voaj for ratalajue bumlopyiheco kay vatr can lie trnvcnted dont back other ollmea at hay fever beaaou dont deatruy ytnr alomach and nerve by druga prevent iba diaecac hay lovrr ta oauaed by urmi ilia i ii uat about in tha air ayid riually uod iwumunt in your ihroal or lunge medloina wont reaoh tbem tbara but oatartbuxona will oaurrhoxoua la aura death lo uorina blart uaw lo uae calarrbusoiio inbale it into i ho tluoal luna uaaal paaaaru and broikoliial tuhaa it koe wbaiavar uta air we brealbe oea aud it will prevail atid our hay fvr ludoraed by not laam ibau ooa thouaattd dootora la canada and v ii beol to any fcddraea for ll forward ed lo ioleoa aflo herlford coud u b or kingatoa ont british bhovr too a man who baa navar made a mlataka aud i will aliow joii oiia wbo tiaa uov tried anything mr clmie coot byrnu n y wrltea vat jeara i could not eat tnaiiy kluda of food without producing a burning daotoolatinj patu in my atomacb i look lltmilul 1111 according to dlrooilona under tin bead ot dyapepel or indl imn q auae now eat anyiblng 1 obooea without dla- traealiig main lha laaat tbeee ptlla do not oauaa pain or kliyiutf and abould ba baed whall a cathartic la required wad doea uot mevri to ha at homo it iba world 1ut tardea blmaelf ilka a alratier movu with a pllkrlma uait for intarnal oreitterual uae hayarda yellow oil oannot ba eoelied aa a pain keliovloif and aoolhiug kamedy for all paid bdrae chrlathui are ao much occupied with thur owu heppiiieea aa to make ibeiu- aelvea mlaarabla ovr tha maltar iovor worvy tela tbcm and g altout your busiiktslhoy do their v oik whllat you amdoln your a- vr akimjw uvef till kra ayslem renovators blood pur inert and builders ery ulatnl and tlaaua la tbd wbola anatomy la benefited and atlmulahjinlbausaof them odoao id a vial io cent ai sold by a t drown if wa could gat a abirld from the fear ol thlnga that haver happed our trouble would ba teduoed 00 per oeot south american uldnoy ouro la the only kidney treat men t tliathaaprovoa equal tooorrect all lha evil that afa likely to befall theaa pbyalcal regulator huh- dredsof teatlmonuila o prova tno curallvo merlla of tbla luguld ktlmiy ipeciuc incuea of bfhfbta dbwamf dlibcte irrllallon of tbo bladder hfunmalioti dropakai tetithmcy dont delay aa sold by a t drown a- had pup often inakee a jood dan i would rather under take to rvre the foroa ol at bad mau llian uud my force to a weak on hym and nom tramri wniaf c d arcliar of drawer maloa uya x bava iiad catarrh for aevaralyeara walor would ruu from my aye and nose for day at atimo about four i wiilti- dudto try dr agnewa calarrlial 1owdei and houitiiig tha wonderful remedy i hava ftoittidrkd attack d relicveaiu ten mloutea 30 cent iy 1 sold by a t drown tha feel of faith u provad ouly by tlta act of faith uilbum dealt and nerv fill our auaamu narvomuaaj llaelteauea weakneea lvlpiutioii throbblug vain i tipalla dlaalnae or auy ooudltlon aria- lug frool impoveruhad di00j ilaordarrd nerved or weak hearts what la boojib la ohpr thau a gift children cry for gastoria arealgrlefaara muu uuw to uat ulcll wa refer to tha kiehuea of tha blood l f paiaand thin you are p lu 1 alritiglb and nrva power sootla kmulaiini drlvea away iblouaaa aud bailor and hrlnga rich hluod aid barva poaet ieaoa 1 imuoeelbl if purity la uuattalii- able tbara oan b a dlffareuua of oplolon on moat aubjeota but tbara la only dm uluuioii a to iba reliability if uothar tlravaa worm hilarmlnator it 1 aata aura aud offaotnah 4 if you doul know wbara aaooea lie pefhip you know wliere h u uol and that will ahow you what ui avoid to stnrv laj n fwmiaoy tli illcluiit 10 hop cjllnu htcnuu ytuj ijjv itull- itilw kiilniii unca tccn ciplwlcd dr von stans imiicippi 1 aljcii inlioaltiwil a now hi in ilia irtmiiiitnt of uomadi iroublci d bai proved tlul one nuy rat in till of anytliinu and everything lie rclliliii and ruin la i j l ukni afierllic niral will aid lite uoniacli in doini it k co it a has 3s kuuii sold by a t drowu- l hsu troop oil liniment row sprain strains cutv wound utura open sorra broiirf stiff jolnu bltea and sting of inaccla couehx coldi cootractrd corda kheunutearn neuralaa eroockitli croup sore thrpl quinary xtnoopm cougaf and all jpalnftd swrjlmet a wa look beek rvrehhni or forward hop iaii whlla ha proa tit aland offering ua flowcral womiii cannot vxlat eilluir iii cbildian or adult wliau dr tjowh worm ely r up la uaed 25o all dealrra many p0ti uuor ilka an or or a mule aud have to he pretend or thay will dot earulheir fd castoria yor infanta and chlmrn i eau tolerate a man wbo fall to aequir an aduoatloi or one wbo na jar hole a dollar ahead hut aoon row tired of a paraou who doea not luve triiaa tnoujib to liavaa good lima attention lu tha world of liomooiatbia m6dlcina ban baan ila very fcouroauf pro groe aa in politic aud million lb dif- fioultlea of oplnloua and lha individuality of man havo boii pareut to iba dltuyrea- inottt by which tlie standard of tbaaa bodlo have itteu rlflvated bo with mol of onr fainou prearaton- foremoat in it- luatration of which truth alauda tha world- famou remedy lo general debility aud auitiior quinine wine aud whloll whan obtaluabla lu il ttaiiulua llreoftili la a tulraculouj creator of uppdllla vllalliy aud allinulanl lo tha tanaral fortuity of ha ayaum qoluiua wiua and it im- provenviiut ha from tha ftral dlaoovery of lha urt vlrtuaa of qulnltia ai a medic aout beau out o tha moat tliorooplily diacuaaed ramadlt ovr offared to tla pub lic il la ona of tbe great touloa aud aud uatural li ivini alirnulanta whioh tha madloal profaailou bavaboen ooinpell ta reooguhuatld prdacrlha uftaara horlh- rop aud lymati of taroaco have given to the praparallou of thalr pure qulnltia win lha gret oara dua to i la importance- nd lha ilaudard cxtullaiio of ilia ailidi which they offer to lha puhllo comaj lolo th rcarkal pureed of all tha dsfeol which akllled obmrvatlon and acleullflo onlnlou i at4 pointed oul in lha load perfect prapara- lloua ol tha lalur it was tun doo aukno rnol in djudon a iwhjiar waa oil mi aeen plodding about wllli a atnall doj tbn ilitfl waa bald by a piece of obalil and bail round blj berk a planard with imy tha dllud in urn re1 lettera mr t paaaluu n droipd a aixpinca into tbe inuuu oiitutrtitolmd rand illliil n crud aa i waa turtilng away waa ilia l a liultfi i uavii your mo lr no auawnrnd tba nntu only aupuuctt oaailt mr t you ara not blind altar all dleaa you air not lie replied yon aeo tlio placard vefura to ilia dnj lie blind not i 7 ila tliat oppoaea u wliarjiulta our wlta aud become our halpor liver trou bl ax m llommoit aallow com- plrxiou yellow ayea jaundlor bio jiul to the curative power of laxaijluor ill la tboy ara aura lo cure it la a mlataka lo eat all you cait apeud all you have tell all you know or aliow all ou feel 1 tfot perfect vzut spray your orchards 1m the iuirainunr la tlie result ful kitinniit ami la lei1 riiflit 1111 to date uel 111 world in otxr eiti- wtllion oil lite hivllallou t t muurio noveriiiunil and won the award yliualmuld men 11 aotttdbhig ti you the lnraiuolor itaa vr derralel all catling mil id tifaaa cylludei made fmit dlawil bam luu all pall intrrchallke- atu kva llly ir cent in uuir kiiml ecfliiomkul imfuute anluluig uaet fartlitt and imwl vlfctlve lx tlhilowaiiylbllil tioii a lajly ay to a aoli1 aliaam w hi alau whltewath or lulut your tulhlluu- ira lralue forynur addict the spramotoh co london okr i would ralbar tail and know tha cauia than ucoeed and not know why iftoruiruutl willi carui bava youraelf pain worry and ditlraea by uiitijf lha navar- failing put 01 an a pafn- laaa- corn aud war dxlraolor it la rairabln and acta quickly dont tell rue wliat you have o tuailty alreualb aduoallou mousy or jjonloa tha only thing i otrato oonildar la what you ara doing with it tha bumau aoul i lha gardau of jaia lord iji vry uiau dr4 ii aud keep il a lha patadlaa of qod hloa cured in 3 id w la hla ona application glvea reliaf dr auaawa olnlment ia u looii for ucliln ilua or dllud dloodlntf tilei it lelievc rpilckly aud permaueiilly in akin rtiuptioni it aland wlllmut a rival thouundaof leslimonkn if you want evidence 3 can is 33 sold by a t drown bal your ataka atid before you roaoli it eat ii failbajt ahead wheri hkaurrfu4lrt tioublaa u ktimlra up pliynlcian aml builmer alia loealutert and often duspalr of acura bul hctea lb exceptlou vrrt ltegf of nor- wood out uyi i vajuoirly doubled up with r lieu mat um i got tlirws luitileaol boullt amarlcau ithoutnullc cura and limy curd mo its tha ulcltat acting inedlcltii i aver saw iu sold by a t drown boma p4pu kiak at vrythlu enpoflt mlalaka hamri rallaf in rctlf oh hour- a lady in now yoik stale wrlllntf of her curaby dr agnew cma for tha heart uyi i leal ilka ou brought back front tha deadao great waa my auflerliuj frord heart trouble and ao alinoat mlrnxuloui my recovery through iba agency of thin power ful trsalmeut i owa my hla tail 1 hold by a t drown many pfaotlo- under huld nltylo at the idamlth of lunacy uud tu iknly alleoulua fir m writ llitiwn hiul highly lilteai ladyuf wlngluin oat who lulliav lk1 or twu uailiiacitu lii u vain anil irf u cuie for uluhly uiidilyprp11 air extoft tftawberkt children and adults dlarrhttja dysotttory cholera cramps colic choi or a infantum cholura moajbus sufrtmer com plaint and all riuitws of tho bowwohi uatt uttm ai use pou half a otnyumv harmloss rullablo effdotual and should bo in every home lllllrlsulll allh- lull hu uillka 1 ivd uf lilv ullfl lllu l uitttetl it boa jld by a t uluwu sure remedy mr f churchill cornell out write wo have ujattl or fowur kklrrldl ol wii ktrrw- tmrry in thu homo uudulwuyj lind it u btiro remedy for dyuyutjry used 9 years mrri jinch nnrthwoitd out wrltck my buly uiht numlhi oldlvu very imd with ilyiiiilety wo pivo hut- dr iovvhra kvliuct of wild shuwlturry uud it huvd bar iif v httre iimj it 111 our futility for tlio 1 lit nine yuuru and would not bu without t action wonderful mrstxvtvariiui newciei inuny ns wyltus i hiivo jreut con- fuluntu in dr 1owlern llutiuct of wild stiduhony for vurijm j1k- v4slj in old uud yountf my lit tla boy luul u kcvoro ultatk of it niftier loinpluint uud i could trb nolliiti lo help him until i clvo liitu straw- ldrry thu mlton bf this rriitcdy wtim wtwiilorfut and mwn hud him mirfuutly waill aycflctablctrcppraiion tor as- slmimtliiuii7oodirvlucula- linuaislqaiaiiamadlkjvrtlsof imam chilhin promotasdigesnoachreiful- waamllfcstcobtiiiu ndllkt opniiinmorpliinis jrhnerfll- hornjotooilc 0 apafet itemed forconstlpa- lion sour sibimchdimrtipea worms convuisionsfevenslb- ncss mdloss op sleep acsiaale 5iipalur ot jrewtobk see that the facsimile signature op is on the wrapper qkand trunk railway kr f 17 v u ualt a li t 1 nuluifwlo taani juliiifhut10 tteni thla lime tahlu u oct iwlluco 1101x0 viar 11nproaa t m a 1 tvipiata ill ui a i 1111 c iu 1 uu1 ihuil aitdg i0li audb 1j l- ti it into tllftael t -oe-eyery- bott7tje of castoria geeiarl b pat p la eaaalae aettla ealy d la aetaeli la balk eat alia aajta ta adi taai eajtklar alae aa tk yla r p-i- tkal it 1 m last aa reea aai will aaawet every tar- aaw -futiatybw- tkafca- tvyinsole turn shoe trajt vrcf j pgquallty tht kinjv quality ladies slioowitli the twin turn sole li the ideal of comfort und ap pearance twin turn kole nra just as flcxiblo uy your ftnefc drct-s- e1io soles but they ara twice as thick invented patented and con trolled by the makers of kintf quality can b got in no other hoe no tucks or tltreadi inder tho foot no squeak greater wear more comfort handsome appearance gold- medal paris exposi tion 1400 all deal re or furniture at cos j a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at coat prices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furnituro for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speight ccr wiroroomi foot of willow t kcton v- chinese lk in paarsonn llulldini willow street acton laundry collected and returned family wahliik at rcawnablo rates all work dona by hand no maclilucu or clicmlcjla uscl lei kim and uun- id tynnrlinr stning hotjslclhaniijg and alovluo show iha neisltuc in the way ol new furniture mattresses springs etc and johnstone a- co 910 coijldenl they can fill your want very katlifaxtor- lly and at the lowest living price spodal attention iatcucii to upholstering cither in new work or repairing ilctum framlnj u a xpcclalty all order roceixo prompt attention tho now raymond sflwhijt machine u tlte favorllu lioreabouia ard johnwiono co aupply them carpata mado up 10 order and houlccur- ntiblnus alto in variety roller uuud of all kinds in ilotk johnstone co yarnltuws fioalora undertakers main st acton imu rfltamet etui urn tj utay tx thicured ky woodbigivwwg photoevoravwg orany class of engravwg for advertising purposes catalguesmaga2we5c jljonesejgg i68baysttoronto patents guaranteed our ice rrlnnim if we ml any oue kciidliia alirlcl aud uiriituiu of ati luvciiltmi will 1rouklly icrle imr itiliiluii fica cttninlm lie lulcnlajllity it um llnw lo omilu a lalriil tiiil uimu tiuci iutcolji mcuird tliiouub ua advettitfd inr tile at our rnpiiu faiciiia lalm out liitn ua tufaiua jjwfu uojjivwluiihitctiaitfa in 1 uu iayuht uwoiu bu tlliurall end widely clrcuulcd inurual culixdlrd liy llaiiili4rtuir ia aikd luvtajnia wild lor tjiliilc tkry add re- vicyoh d kwatns av co mtntmturacy icwambf- idluk wahp c tu catch tho eye and tho mind at tlio sumo time is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying is especially to those wilhing pleasant and prodtablu employment canadas bons on kopje and vel3tttieoiiiy dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any- body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for freeoutfit and make tnomfy tlio br ableycarretson co limited brantforci ont patents pb0mptly secured lie nr our liilkuutti ti lula uud low yet era awlaaud mud uaa rmib akaufa vr eodl f your ini 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