ti volumje xxvii no it acton ontaltio tiiuksuay hjilpjcjilucu i hloi puioj5 tiittke cents bc jlctoii jfrrc rcss in vujhjci kvmly iiiuiisday moilnino 4t th- rrea preaahuuh lrtaurufflm uili htkrkt acjtok ont tmn uir lluuikimo- on dollar t yar itrietlyiii uivuih all bilbao iptioiia tllaflou uiiuaj wliau iii- lluiefor wlileli uiy hbmu paid iu oxptrw the data to wllcli tldacrtikuou la ilil u lunniad uu tba addroea abel r allvkhtibitta latktuialwlc dvnruaa- oanu 10 dmu par noojijh hue ftr nral lu artlo a oants xir una li uti uuwumii laaartiofi gotrrauor lura-tli- follow ln labia ikon our rata lor tlis fariou at mtriitnlrfn epacioaal jrvloda text books foll illk lhkoltj0lu01a1k axi 1mji1li0h0hootm i 1 u ao mm oltwhaa i i neb a0jm i mjfl i ft90cn i 91xo i wool wi it 00 1 cm l00 fjw i boe 350 100 1 loltlo direction i twtim and bh aooord inajj tranaunt edvertlaertta taut b paid adjrarliaoaient wil wlllte ineaated till fai inadfanoa adraatlaamanla will ba liao1 ddm aeudi rooaln ir deelred for ahaojcaa oftaaer uian eaee a month u eouppaltlod moil bapald for a rafttuj rata cheiyjaai for eontraet adverlleemauu tau oa d lb othem by uooa oa tneeu ja aooooats payable monthly h r fctoouh editor end lroiulatof new scribbler- wllh fancy and jjtilutic cover outi papr and low prices icrlbhjrrat 14 j oil 1 jr i lnl lino of ic l ilooks over shown lit iuorfir uf excellent paper mod jour chlhlrrfi la day pay has a full piock of lhn new school books hi valurt u i lid utt til price the lowet lllg value afty lima at days bookstore quewh likv sdlui gktakp trad bank of canada capital paid up si 000000 assots ovor 0ooooob guelph branch nkxt jmmib to toetorru savings bonk department iiiuijuut culutkkt uatfc owinteiutht paid on om rpoeitt of t twl ujmjjt lulerea i ajlowe1 riiii lauiif tupoalt to data of withdrawal and paid ur ratnooupdoo heir ioelrc susiiuss fiirerforp- roiinm macdonald m dcm j v tjitkn u d 0 m alltlvrdartk 1oiimhwj t hob chay m d c m mccill ij u c 1 kuuiauuu uamuxa lialtlu utuiiil aociitii kto- muuckaaavoln kkuy omowuick but aclodonl d r drydbk ur kak tumai jfo moaat oonar woolxlob and 1uw uimu i hi uiltibrt attdatostiti i tol fta li bennktt tb bentibt at aaoavaarrowat oarrauo llaarnj- odcd oref uekeat uiutt btat liomoai uaxouirai o toaoww uairxaatty vwrnw tuyau wral aud tblrj udi brookyuta vndayliocktod tha uiatt analhtla uaad u daird kxojlxl j mxclunnon i l luauuatkh boucrraa ooavavlaluaat rl mtxfcod itlajuaraa tiouiroaiaaiu comwuaitui ha oa tiai akrinivrr uato bli4 uaxtol r j uanaim glarkvoaroibivlaloti coort oouolf of u1- ton oonyaooar aait vuvandljis aaaurajta liaal katau asaui unamf in lom to orvtua 1 unmu atlloak aotom j oht miscxlxjltfxqvs d h a v hufkuamd v 3 iraduataoaurtu vsuitaary tioll euly to itaad btora fcllll htm t aatott ynsoitancu aglint w u ihhhy uaonj aaat ooaladaralum 1ai aaaoolallutt aeaat uolou fira luauiatwa outuiua oqloa youu l aatou bnuv oltlst boltaita- oi kauou lor invauaa aid jet praparaa appttauaaaoruta guudlau atuar- plkau oih wunaji uookdimoku bt lnlub ouuiio avarwiutamabtora aaaoont hooka oi all kloj wduj oidwr m altulatlk liohmhlih iwdh of aliaatioal iic4 trlau001eamowltoaaaaatatjuuwl taud kaaldaia lu uia avwdnc fm tvaaa odoaaotou w u uhmutuklit ror iba jooatua of wjiumitoa aad klaluo ordaxalah at lb vaait t aaaa onlea aalod as atmytaildtr aatoa will u ttompuy at- umdadlo tsruia uaaaotwbla alao bmdy to toatl on tba uloat f avonlila aotoaaud al tba lowaal kauri of lauio lu him oi um atod frwudi sulmolulltcu bto 0 itat laddu tub wellington mutual pihu inburjanoa companv hulabliahad 18 40 uaad obioai oucliuc out inhuhancu oocuuand walual tja auy aoimiiuululiuiia mwuiuj to biy addrawi ho aw ur uufbuoa bv wui b ioniialy atuodd it joich tayivou anl r uulyb bikin housi cuaning k moving show ilia 6ctwlilea iii iho way of new furniture mattresses springs etc i aitd joiinmonii co uid coiifiiunt llioy cjil fill yaur wnu very iiaior ily aud 1 ilia luwoat jlylpf uct special ullonhuo u ulvoii lo upuoutadihf cllbjif in new wurb or iikjlilii hcluio irainliirf u h apoculiy all orders rocolvd prompt atlcnilon ilia mow iuyimml awjiitf macliltus u lld favurllo lioioaiula anil jolmtluno a co auply i ban canwla n u tu w houaofttc tiuliliik v uullr hllndii of all ulndm in altxlt johnstonkgo fornltnre doaleni undrtaltor malu bl attou merchants bank of canada capital rest 6000000 2600000 nkliitf jiualn u11k aala uolaa uauiaotwl f c7vtent parmeis why not be uptodate a gunkual uanklwg uublnliss transacted inleroat at tnou favorable currant rale allowed on livings uank account nbd depoalt itoccipu let i era of cnxllt ttttiod avoilabla in all part of tlm uorld sitodal tludoesa ittcnlloj rlvert la larmei money oudkks fok ahv lou uc to f50 layablatafthanlrlnri point in canada ouulde of iho yukon forrliory may now ba procurod at tha uank counter wllhout any delay acton branch any pictures to frame any ricturea lo vrama go oa cuwd to waters bros wiujhata btrttt oukliph new telephone directory till hull teuihonu com pany oi canada vlll iwud a tw subtcribcr udiroclory far ilia dlirlcl of weulern onlailo including l be town of aclon early in oclobcr order for lusw conneclloni chaiidd of firm iiaiileg etc ahould im placnl ni oncd jo liuuro appear aaca in tbii book kt local manager w barber bros paper ivtalters georgetown ontario nows colorod p7tprs john r barber the ontario seed and grain separator co limited fkrous oni wh hbmshbb1 aolun haauecurod tlmajtciicy lor ilttlton county for the perfection fanning mill and v grain separator manufactured 9 jvwfus 1 blu u thd iiill wblch ii creallutl o luucli talk and ncllemeiit anions tlwi lhj of farmers who havo ulliieiwhl lis oporullony in cioinliik and wiiafalliik all kinds uf uruln nnd hrotu at ilia ontario arrkllllvral col loe tiuolpli durbut iboaxcuralanu ibroiikb iba liionth of luua it u tba mill wblcb took a baf and a half of timothy accd cleaned by one of lid ulleuwt uibbi inuwoved tiillh ridy for aowfinf jut sl u 1 day during tba llallon varmfra iticutallml and rcihovlnl ovf ptkof aeoda of lujutlihia wood including buiiu juaiior canada iblallo aboep borrol cailwl dock plitaon wood catch fy blnj- pc1 atul fjlaa rlx it will jay fannaru lo have mr hani reel allow tbein tbu mill uforo nurkflh ir pieislii liuli uckltu uid aoetla fur lipp waiirtu uatlu flllu irwu 111 atary nuuutf tu rvpraaeut tenia cdluaay o alld flaaiinlal rajtuuilool tva iar year imtvtl wufcly a ar day abaulutaly mra aoit all aa baoaea auaiatlt boqaoda dapniu aalary no poiuuilaajovi aiao mldatula tatiia at ipmh mooey a4auan aaeii weak utah da1uj uuuhh 1 uataaoaitttt unmiuo 1 i uil or tad llnportrtl rrnldhulu llwruoukc aud ucticronto these ao ilie brands wa handle all high clai cnnient do tq lo dito and htto your mftble collar and wood bouaa doors lahl cement sjkciii prices on urto quanllhe our prlooa art alwoya dltfht john m b0n1 co ii a jtd f a ms guelph wititu u ihttii 11 cookin run jml attllu rund ulor braawtaal wblla luhin uoinklil thamaat- tlial a uu 1 dlaauvaiad rikl dtlo wban luy lulllldaarly u luurulu wliau ui ilook ba lii uun lulrhay ait il a oottaa i ainiorlu aollty ai ui tihmiara u ooln ur day xu jouiia iikoubii tli nll bllchatl wlndr thd lik a brakl in of l 1 vaatanadoo tu lit losui cl dunu lj tba if4 bafiira urn- auw old a tllantia ouulaotiioluw r ulbf m llaln h la might ulul aii till yf u uu tbo t uli4 tfttauar llh lilyuoulntato all i in alior i hava uiuuriiu than iwa oatur lit lit day uioualiu tbat i fl- jl mtri around hlor braaklaal wtilla luuuucuoklii u-ta- a ullf 1m l livr i ihuu tur iba u i lilutbar an lid ii uu inallar j it ituw you hata tromad bo inatlar jat wttar yon may roaio ait ilay oooia furtf lilalo at aleb uiouianta aa tliayrua in tba una l ly till you aorta laao bank la ue auadden ok tap iii j the tntala in joar aya i vuu m yuunalt onaa toon a toddle a roidfia around ilia b arth lliara ail bear ui- old voloe telth tha uinalo to mihloli uothlualae oau eompata than your thoughts uavl cnwunl an oonurd a you tb i ok of your boy too au moedar wharavar ba a roaiuln af he evat uilnka that way of you lira thua tbapaat ots ova an a glad aorttraadneu ual aallln arouad bafora braablat wi lt 1 1 i caold tbs hiaal i if r d7 binder twine 9 10 l2o a lb standard and manilla the celebrated mccormicu the best twine made for length strength and weight guaranteed auo their rreal hinder mower nnd sled hay ltako call nnd se iboni hay uakcs 10 and lac each i in r vot cloves 13 30 nnd 33c each- rarlsgroen 3oc lb potato iltij killer 2c lb hellebore 300 lb slug shot ioc lb instant loua killer 35c can is filbert dcilh lo lica 35c jiu alma sprayers of all kinds geo j thorp sick os attalt iajxicjaicwrj jrrc cuglph z rockwood chin9se lkundry in lojrson dulmlilk willow slrcol acton ltundry colltd unil tolunied ruilly wuhliir t rvuoiiabla raleu all work don by hand no itiiclilnait or climlcali uk61 iicl kim uiil mun luis proprlelor acton- livery bus line well kiqulppad aud btyluh lui ofl ku ways be seourod athlsubls a oamforubla bu biaou all utua ulwa lo a lu and tuo t m uaraful ahotlonlao toiwyorlr the wanu of uairtmfoultjraval larttully ui roiin williams dunrlllmtou wnin voitwant t flour i uul j oatmeal ouxoun ooc3m mills i3hhnd vtisbut in ui intibbt all wll wk ll6u us it uiu iullty iihbu iltil ii1nhy iioiitol hctoki mills cumber lath shingles and wood ditkhaiid uimmm nouoir lumukh liatit hihnouw and bvovi wood ok alu kept con8tantiy on hand c janieb brown jjermb cash tlc western express itv luv hyikbullll lltj lovli br motbfr aid oul6d kicihll ha waa cot in a ueoeral w much of a lalkor conaeqoeolly wbaa ba spok bis words had ihrf walabi bf aaoae airrsaty mrrntys- t qow old udy who aat sraot bafore tba olaar aaaool hra waa too tnuob ei oiled lo oon- aldarallbl thd wife of uy son quloa aald aba hool 1 be a ldy bora abd brad noi ona of thoae nd wbo bave bad tt uubt lb world until all nenllaoaaa rreoa and qu- arflflihns are groand out of tbatn no i oati oawar glva rny oodkenll tbs yoaoit man smiled slightly uothsr iad bs tba diamond iual hardly poi its irua llnsnolal vju until lbs fole are yrooud witb rauoh frlollon uunlplll stld mrs- utsrball no oiio s talking about diamonds i rnsy brliirf bar lo see von mother t ur uiurbsil shook bar bead i bava no dealre to reoelve hor said hi hut guy hers are lhn uoktu for hmiry irvlnu to nlht carrie oblppeu- dale ban pi4tueaei to aoontiipany me of oouras you will be oa hand al halfpaat aaveu to be our escort t if you wuh it mother tba old lady kmlled lo barsalf whan qulon was your a lllus mahim6nt aba tbouibl a utile judiulous flrmutas and ouy will k1 oar ibu boylsb fanoy of bis the idea of abop itlrl for my daughter inlaw for mrs qulou kstarhsll i i think iba lad muil have taku uave of bis mhim i atld in hr seorak heart ah tajolood wllb au axoaodlnu ral jrjolon wbtd alia oblpfkandala arrived thai avanln la si pale blue moire rowti out deoollate wilb m ttllllodnri nook lace arouud bar parfaol white throat and a buucb of bat bona roas in bar corssys if we are lo have a private bo said mies chlppeudale lultoulngtbsaevautoatl- tb baltou of her lava one may aa well go la full drsu doutyou kuowf my doer you srs looking lovly tald mrs ktlerhall approvingly mlas cblppaudole was a sort of human camalli japooida fair uraoaf ul and serene witb bin kprtsslonti aa blue ajs cbtrry- red lips llii hold hair drawn tiaffy orlmps over her forehead and an onobadg- uu soolaly sraile par pain ally hovarlog araund bar lips tilts bad been blbly bdoeaud and 4he was deaunad by bar parents lo make a brilliant match tba ohlppaudtlss belongod to the mrutoorsey that u lo ray lhay hod bevar don any work hid had always spent a rraml deal of uioqy and mrs kurdals hsd decided thai carry chlppendals was tba very wife for hir ton if only slit oontd oouvark oulon to tba skrna onlnlon oulon itlarhau was txceedlnttly oodjr- ttou to mlsi ohlppudal tbal hv but not a whit mors so ibau be was to bl owu mother ihe old lady was somewhat dls mppoluled ilut usvar mlud ah aalj to barsrlf oue muat bave patlauoe bbs wont blioppluk iba usut day id install a shads of ileillu wool to buy some lice tlouuovs and to daolde on baw portlares for liar drawluu room down at kaurbalt manor al ous or twd obltwk be at- itarlsiiotd not bunttar but a lady liks uu satlou that tired iutura aom uorupf iweit itorstlon l uo inlo marlooltas bethottkhl uurlojius wa full as it tiaiirlly was at thai tlma of day but preasuily lbs old lady luooeeded in obululuil k seel in a ourlsliiad snu whare the waiter toflk her order for a obloksu salad and a cup of ua jut tbeii ilia brd a cuar low voloe on ihe other side- of the drapery as a party sltllad thelilbelvos al ft rairva table ulu oblppeudales toft wall mod uu tad oh yoj irving was vary flos said uarris oyatsrs puaas a jon slaw for 011s and friturs for two ktid thta oupe of vluiiiu ohivwiuls 11 lor i y frothed waller llulsjl tbs sams i uaaily died oi annul tbs l1 1 lady is tbs uuut dreadful boreyou var kuaw and ouy is a hrjulr prltf iaudum know aud very launlad of eourss buluuadoul wan ui be on full dress parads as lo one u brains ibs whole lima ue uul half as itioe as wredoua rortuusunly piwr drar f raj beaus a oeut to bkas bmelf witb and pape looks tbuudtrruluuds t ids wh be oolli hut uuoe im hirw it aohtml of wyll btsd ttkallnit littarrupled uarrlaa wud m- kurball roeehur tlodly from brr et graaped hor yloves ami rjr au i mtds all baale out of tbs riutauiaut when the walls oaid witb ihe ohlokatl iltd and tba te h lo md hi niu turner tui e tteuuio iiolaus i bjlaa oblppeadale and her risnds enjoyed ibeir vienna obooolate tod ojalar fritteri very mnob lndnl mrr k lerhall dcidej lo return to iba manor at 00c canle fjhlprxndalas uraooful ireaohary lik1 lion bar more that aha bad doml poaaiblr iidlaailng ft hastily wrltlen hula to rjlu lu oulon that aha had alard bar un ae took the ula i kprrba hoh ronhrd clovalaud juoolluo at itloa lliio ooiiukjiidu with a branch iralu frntrhvli fuuoo elbe was travelling alunr a her maid remaluod l pack up the nl thluiia and follbw hor the nrxl day tber had baau a havy anow fall iba blbt bad a ii 11 down atk and tms tnoui and ibeuajil wa runulinf bahiud urns at ual ucama lu a ful atop mrs lerhall tlarted from a iloao and looked anxiously around her ton oclock i some one laid oontuiynrf a watob why outidurtor we are dne at clavadon at flvo mluutaa bafore nine i ya i know lr apoke i in oflklal but the roftd i wh blookad and the western express la overdue at tbi poiul were welting hre lor the signal to move on and wlvalj lo kp 11a from waiting all buhir petolanlly itijulred the old ranlle toao notbimt air mh brae is beard from mrs kaurball be toed con doc tor bald ibr u there any denser of a oolllalou t no taaato not as lontf an wsra on this bide of the swiloh liot there k dining oar attached u this train r no maam this su i tbs th rough x pree but i hope wa hall not be detained here much lunger tbs conductor added cheerfully blowly the mlnule drauijad tlwmscivas by gradually umthehlug into hours the paaaaukers maumfed iii knots ud whitered one or two of the morw advenluron spirits hot ou peered into the darknras decked only by ibs driving ailow and then got lu again witb the euatomary noeotnnuinnl s ihe weatem k to be a bllle fright i p upuir nrt mn uaut mrs kterbl wn nervous aud tinaooualomad to travtl xliiie hhs b lo ory softly behind bar v41l ah she tbonuht if evr i lfv to got aafo home again ill atay lb- ill biver tempt irvldaule moif ou tluae ulbt roadr aoroas the elite two jouuu urls ware aaaled the one pu faced and rather plain a mrs kilerhall had already noticed by the light of the cliuur of lump nndor llldb the ware aatfd lbs other a brll llabt joung buutl wllh ml haleys peaoby obaeks stid wavy dark brown hair brnehed oirlaaaly baok from a low broad forehead treaently the latter roae and oomlng lo mrs 1iur halls il is asked in a of t sympathetic void are you 111 midam t n no aummerexl the otd lady julle forgetful of bur society dlguity ouly i am ad tslut and weary i ipolad lo dlna at horns long before ibis boor j and i took almost uolhlng lo eilbfara i atalud i hsvs soma nks homemade chloko baudwlnhas in my bag auggitd tbs pretty ii r i my auut iuiiited ou my taking thsm although i dined heartily be for leaving borne and i haves utile alcohol limp wllb evry oouveuleuoa for making s nup of good slroug us u wall if you will allow ma to prepare it for yoa mr kaurball wai a re n ulna ins mauiao a new brlgbtnses cims inlo bar aj as at ibis lugilaltloa you sr vary kind taul h uut you will want it younelf no smiled ibs girl i dout oars for ua uut my kind old aunt would put lbs iblnge in now i am uled llial sb did bo lu five mluuus mr kirlarhall bj vateu tutd drunk aud fell lofinitsly jrefraabed uow il bsppenid tbs did not vuw to rjueatlon bataelf but h praaotitly found herealf redlining comfortably wllb bar bead on h pillow impoverished out ctf ibs foldsd blank bhawl thai bolongsd to iba yoaug girl aud mlnitlad with imr drowey ratlrotloun tams tba soli low murmurs of iba sweet syad burnelts who bad obangid bar seal aud trsl of hir eompsulou to lha on directly back of mrs klarhbll and was talking almost iu ft wbuper no i sui bot going back and i do not inland to communicate my tddra to any ous not aven lo him f no not ivoti to hint llul bu iuvbj you dar yis 1 and thai bi lbs vary vaaaou i am dolarmlusd uol tocrettsdltstusoabalwseu him and hi f rlstuli isrhaps bs will for ge his he will lisver do that hut st ual i shall fei tbal i bsvs dons my duly said lbs hsstel sjed k firmly i ahsll tove him to tha end of bis day bul i sbalt not have ruined bu future and all this ou4 ilia bompaulou out of daurenoa to lha whims of au old vibmattwtiorrryou have haver km 11 out of dnrucs lo bu mother alios geutly oorrsotsd iba first speaker what a fuuollc notion i dreamily muud mr iaisrbsll hut she has su onodllenl i ua of duly ibu dark aytd lltlta glll that is yon all over lltrtsl said tba friend you are alwajy rfiaoliig jduraalf in faor ol soma ou alia hrr you sift giving all jour tea and ssudwiohas to a poiiou jou have navertitanl of bbandon lug your wt lo a poor llttls wumhli with ft or j lug baby because ii is a trlllo u6rr lbs lovr aud to cap svsry tblug giving up tba tutu you lavs sud who loves you b causa llsciuis it la my duty id kills llfasa a hor dooi ul us duouas iba puttor suy longer il is booause i luva quylballeiu willing to acruoe avary tblug for bis sake luvl llleas my soul 1 ouyf thought mrs imnball bitllug buddsiilv u hut of douri there avo utbsr ouja uiu miua lu tbs wurll jual thau uiaro vas m llcttlltf vutha froaail grountl umur ibem a roar and ruah of llgt tad- vara l tboi1 1 ha wteurn icej at last i hhoutad tbii ohidodo old lruumau bolting up in bis seal llku all tudi lllbber bait all abooard i u w led ihe conductor with a tlub at the bell ropaj and un moved lbs train at labt creaking aud groat lag llketsoaui woneler aerpeut tn pain mra ktrhall leaned ovr the bank of tbs mai toward tbs bsltsl eyed girl my dar said he tlwn the tboba oflbeenluo ie it jo loo 1 lurhell ibl yon weio eprakluu uf t j the kill eurled a id colored llhe could 1 not reprtee a cry ot eurprlae yas7 i lhuiilil ai come ove bare and alt by me i am his mother and i want to talk tu j uu it wa two kik iu the morliing when they reaohal ktlerhall hlellon hut the oovctod llkh was witlug fur ibtm wllb bol aoapatouo toot warmers and about halt ft doaan uf for robe aud wrapolua and kdla dallas looped inti iba lukurlous oonvojanoe witb mra uilerball for ibe old ldy bad inelaud on taking lhle home home witi ber to llm manor oho auob a ooutrael in every wav to that aelaaboold hear led ablppendale glrj said mrs e lor hall iii telegraph to uuloo al onoo iualjy it dtxa aern aa u there waa a apoolal irovldtiike in our iraln being kept so long wailing for iho western klprajs to pats as if tboio ilola aprolal iruiideuce 111 avry tblnil that happens in tbla world of buret reminiscences two applh theeb litbllahy notk j he mil 11 ok compeu j of toronto have brought out a danty voumo intend cd for thecbrialmaa holiday ira fr colli ltd buutaof ihe kuutb it is a eailai of vfrareerildrawluge by howard weadon aill r uf itaml1 llalliu and hldoaon thn wat i ha relator note aaja ihor iikmio aon and pktnrra aiiblchad rrm thn fading rnmianl of apiiio tiuw neatly pssiud away arc only vluabp- louu lhn paat i alway prnuma will oy uaililol ur b i ig old end km i woiity four ijualtit eoiik of iii- uoutli re ivti and rath is em u 11ili j will a beaulirnl portrait of a tlploelwgiomiaracler apeeklngly up 1- f t 1 t iir v uf ally blveuf tha but j t lrw mrohanh tha volume is a gem the lelur pre i porft ihe illuurellou are hl arillla ami ibeblndlig is uf a auporlur uallty and of a olses worthy a placo 011 the table of the cl drawing room thore are hft lu our to id i quite ft number uf rellot of the daye of long ftgo which srrve as humeri toe of olrenmstanoes and ooourranoes in the live of tba fathers who laid lha foundation of the 001 muully tlieee illuatrele in an imuooll lutertatltig snd oftui smntlng manner modae of life and olroumiubcee whlob would be atraugo o ibe rising generstlons and which witb preeent day habits mfgbt be oflrn imiiraolloable to them may 1 glte a couple of r ecu in licence i waa standing in company a few days ago wllb tba vooorahlgp patriarch of acton mr asa uftll new paat bis uotb year when on one of hi frvquent vlalts to tbs old boniealead above tbs o t it oa maltl blrttt on tlls properly btlll lands tha old houae which was srecud about 70 jeara bo when intra were ptrhape only two or throe if so many jiorat wltblu the limit of tha pre en i town calling my attention lo one of iba old apple trees tteer lbs old 11000 wliti it boiigu glfnttcg lrly stands at an angle nf nearly s decrees bssxplalued ihe ohuae of its peoollav shape xrolracud meeting were being held al ibe churcu and ft uoiatr from some dulauce away in lbs country coming to vieit ihe family having txpriiitd a dtelte to attend lha oxen which were on duty tbrouahtus dsy vera pre empted for tit trip to the ehureh and accordingly were hitch d lo ft slump close to iba house becoming lomnwbst test ls lhay kblllejjtound iid btraddled the apple he in question thru youti and preead the joke sgslnet it so heavily that the roots 00 oti side wore looicnad so tbal it look the angle mentioned and bill lllubtratu the truth iloud lbs sapling bend the tree ualaiug his- walklug slick and pointing to another t lee be recalled au incident in its early bietory it was quarterly mool- ing this time and was to be held with its oombinad baturday bualuaas meellng aud sunday asorsmeutsl bervloer- down lu trafeuar aoon balug then probably 011 oakvlll circuit ur iibii look down lib him a young tain mr u than a prumlriug young man uara both in ohurch d buslueas life tba balurday services over mr ixkll repaired to lha home of a friend tlear uoruby mr ii where ba and hi young companion wara ootuforlably iuatalled iii lbs svsulug ur u took bis aenior gueal out lo the orchard leaviug tbs young man lu lha boms lo diecuyi propably mora oougaulal matters the boil mbulfested ao much luureel lu pruulug tbal our friend ditarmlued to learu all he could ou lbs bubjaot bo wlisu lis cams homa ha atlaoktd the tree pointed to aud took off so much ihst 11 bad thr ftppsarauco of being almost destroyed however lhat fall tbs crop ou that tra waa aim ply kmstlng parllculstly in slaa aud rjuallty his youug friend probably dfd uot spend tbs svenlng in vain for ba eventually brought to aoton cna of lha fair daughters of lbs boma vufteji lo ahara bla forluuei lu life thtlr imluttry and lulelllgaul efforts gave tbsm a yood 00m patencs aud now they ara both gma to tbs great beyond after useful bar vice lu oouiwotloii witb tba church and com muully aud have left behind a family from wboaa character and labors much moral and malarial straugth to lha com muulty is avolvaj tbla la my story of lbs lwo apple trs wblolt although aimpa il la on a of mauy luoideiilareoalladby tba fruitful memory of our veuarsble frlaud wall wen it fur this community that its fouudatioua ware laid by tha class 6f man who first salllad bars lei ui obarlab iba mtinory of thoea dapavtsd aud lha prowuca of tboas still lalt aud try to obtain and prssarva many of thklllua haraaud there atorlaa of lha old days for ttauimisslon to our children aud ihelrs akthjluhuu aolou uapl intli 1u01 ttumohouu mr imt why that dlguited 1wk iann mr isnil always put on ty heavy wlnui uannnlj thaxlet of october la what la 1 political oroakirt well bsa a mau who blve tho country will go to lbs dogs it ha doaaut aooii iel lulo a gooj fat ofrtoe i have mat ramarkad lha old man hat two utiluls women lu nly ills iba innocent maid gtitsd into his fata aud aiked who waa tha other woman haw delightful your dr daughter playa wugusr im afraid you have mad a mlalaks thats lha aarvaut firl down stairs working tha clothe wringer iollia makltrale you are scouted of stballng a rida on lbs railroad what have you uot to ssy about it t goodman uonrong you may search ma yr honour uut vreeinsii wh i thought uu kpew liur hhallviii in tho iiams arjuura with you mus haulloii larhapt bul she dua tint muva hrihu bsma olrcl what ft mis bead jour boy has said an admlrlug friend yw replied lbs foul fatlir btj olr iba uld bliwk alnl hj ojy uy r yes father liauhur uaiii yeeter lay that i was a young uuokhaaj iap what ahoy js are to aak ijua tlone juhuiiyl i uetar uaed to uk so many i4ftlou when i w a boy johnny terhape if yvu bad pep toil mlgbl be alts l buswer eouta uf mlu vet mora than a decade ibe books and booklets or it at eminent christian scholar speaker and author irof henry drum rnond have been highly popular in all relleious olrolee the death othie good man in ihot dl bot interfere witb lite olroalation of his literary prodactlouu and thonaenda of admirers will welcome a now and very readable volume by hie fellow worker and intimate friend cuthbert jaaaot enllilad llenry drnmmood a iwographlceleketoh wllb llibllograpby in this interesting volume of icq pages the author eoocerds admirably in rvoalllng and record log iu permanent form the alory of irof dromroondework for and witb onuerally sludentm as well as giving inaimpla bol moat charming harrallva tba oa island log facia of bla remarkable llfff tba writer haagalbared all bis informs hon al flral hand where bis peraonal knowledge wee difloleol tbla in tore i log volume la publleliad by widum brlpg torouln and well bound in cloth and sold at mo it la a vluma all young poop is will do well lo sacura and pr fit front us careful peraaal wllir voouwtll uni otv did hlowolenlubt xa filin all 1 byualioeetllltt out erihiu du i kieauin bill lloui la inoulity drsary llotnmi uk an akeery llayiit tu lo wliiflu will now bit a uiui1ty trylu tu thybiluarylii nt lilt e 1110 ii i klu ettn n llho viull our lit i in day ihujior wlli ill hunt a bl i a vlli aty inatrt liiduiiooueu aulitniab dy u aiiollili loiiul lli i libillihitea llln wiid lutlj lal hlj ll wow i retutaullulll uui u ovl all do i hi late bid wy ullalllubllil n luiulavllu whlptlu will wunl aiy dll uut lnufiie dunliit why wombn dont qht high new ten commandments thou shall tiol go away frcm heme lo do tby trading nor thy son unr thy daughter ii tbon shall fultouus thy home mer chant and thy home printer for yes verily dolb not thy borne printer spread uver the lend glad tidings of thy loodneas and greatneas and they alull palronlxi thee- ill thod shall employ iby oca meohaulca thatlhey may uct bo driven from tbrir homes to flud food for their utile ooes thou ahall alao oonvlder him s thy ueltli bor above them lhat dwatletb lu a strang lowil iv tbou shatl uol ask for oredlt ai tha goods ooat njuolt mouay ami tha mer chants brain ii burdeuaj with i ilia v thou shall not ask fur ruluol pile for lbalufluoncefor bohcl i kiili la in tblns heart add lha merclittu ruimh it llkaanopau book no lau theo lo aoorii and aboulelb to bis lis ba i vi tbou shall do whatever lloth in tby power to encourage and promote iho wel fare of thine owu town and ihltis own people vii tbou alull uot suffer tho voioa of ptldfo to overooma thw and if other towns tulloa tbaa ootisant thou not for lion imjnit ba deceived viii thou shall spend tdy eamlims at boms that they may return from wlnmae they dttsi aud give nourlihniinl to auili ai may boms atler tbe ix thou shall uot bear faua vritnsas ajilut lha town wherein aliou duo uth but speak well of it to all men x thou shall keep these commitidinsuts abd taich them to thy olnl i run lo lha third and fourth gcuerih ibttliay may b mada to flour irh snd grow iu plonty whan thou art laid tu rrht wllh thy fathers jjyal0t doctoh9 in conoultation travtlbug ou anbthtr ftllow1 pais la uomallmes a daugeraua thin asld a well- kuowu wau not long ajo i bad ooaaslou to gdout of lowrt and borrowed a pas front h mend of mine who in a hjslcun in addillou to being odd tf thcio favored by lha railroad tor political reasons the conductor took up tba pea wllb lha oilier for over night as ia tha custom aud i thought bvrlhig waa all right but about thri tolock in tba morning i waa aroused from a sound slumber in my berth by soma one slinking ma i looked up alartled it waa lha conductor sorry to diiturh ycu doctor ha laid but ultras ft mau in tho car yrry aiak wont jou laka a look at him y heres a prally tla thought i dul ill have to make the blutl gowl or forfeit lha paaa lo i tot up slip ed 011 my clothe and lookad at tha patient he was breath ing heavily i felt his 1 11i10 snumuly tiisasujod il by my watch aud ihpii said as though i knew jint whut uihl hliu la there sojons hers who bus a fink i i had half siltuu tfuia in a mlnule oiva him two tsaspouusrula of wluskj avery uu mlniilae aald i aud baiha hu head wllh im water i knew llul prasorlpllon wouldnt hurt him anwy after tha flril dou tha patient lalllnl aud 1 wai just coiigrsiulsilng mjsilf whm llm 0011 duutnr oiuii up wlih unothrr pasieiiir hems a ftllow pli slolsu doolori ho aald luihapa ft ooiiiultsllou will ba in order 1 shook bauds wlili lbs nawcomar iretiihllug iri wy boit what hava jou given hlmdnolur ha asks 1 iharply i told him iacbllsnt hs aald lha pa haul gol tulter and thu rait morning whan wd had alighted at imtluhurg thd joks being loo l1 to v i mads ft oleait breast uf il to lha phylclsii ha i lurrhed ho you re uoi ft doctor wl all ihf ha asld liiu sgslu anil looked about him taulluuely ray jld man ha ealdlu a whivper lhet u a good una neither am i whi n 1tl balu will oo 1 lm baluiii is doomed a boon aa chrll llalis louuh ellowe ai lung a a wont llghl unleaa tba army uie awurde ajld ii ullleea u live luluw atl3 u ubleas it uaos mnakls and l ui ls lfues platuls the j aaluou ioiojh srs hklpy sud safe neatly every women wants to be rich bul she has veguo idea of i10w slid rliquhl go about making money b e ed in pajier about eomo woman who baa beau bucoonful lu luck oieraltouri and tba flri sikare cash alio gel she hivoju iu ltook wllh tomo curbetane broker nbut nlmi limes uut of evary hundred aba loses her eatlugf thtu shes dls ouuragod and believes thsl l s not poeeiblo for women in meke money hbo reeigns heretlf to keeping home for the rnetof her lifr and her laleer a a capitalist is ended juils womsti went about her ask in tha wrong way and so does nearly every other woman who ulartu out to biocmw rich thoae miu who say that ko wmnan in ua has the money making liutincl ara very nearly always right wompu liks tu spend money but they don t know how to make il if ihey could becomu rich in a day or ft mouth all wool i ry but lhay oau never tnsko up their minds t work jears tu accumulate a fortune as mm do women would much rather pettd thai earn and becauto women spend so much they are hardly aver in tha field for invoat- lug when tha ohanco comae blung no on can ilivfitl nn he hsa the wbtrg wlhal moat greet foituhes have been llaittd by meu vbo saved aljd aavrd and laved and dually bad a few hundred or a few thouisnd dollars lo itivekl wheuever lha opportunity ahould comr ihera are many wcmeii who earn good salaries and who might lay by a fw hundred dollars a yiar if they ware so minded llul this ia not lha way of women they ipnd tvtrf oeul hey msk and in moat case hava their mouthly salary all pent before itaiu their bend as long as woiueu woutbavo re cotliktly to hate miuy woman millions in ihfscoultry mrs hally ureeti in sufff the dllleutoit saw the point railway director who can uka a joka ai vel aa ha cn glvn ort la thu cootl ns lured auojeot of tho fcl owing itory ooa of lha ttiilots of lha road rahda appllostion to him for a paaj in order that ba might t bouia to visit his family yoii are in our employ t siktd iba dl reolor r yea air and jou rtctla jour pty rrgularly ido well ut ua mrfcio that 30u wara working for a frmer would you aipct your employer to tiku out his hariea every balurday night and driva qm boma7 no air aniwered the man without ft moments bedtalion i should hardly ex pact him lo do that hut if lha farmer had his hones out and wsj icing my way i ahould thiuk bo was ft pretty mean mart if ha refuned to glva me a lift aud tha more iho director thought of it lha mora it setmed t lilm that bla que- tlou had beeu vary baliifeclotlly anawared riia mau get hi paae a falloht duf1cit a waatber atalnad croaking wagon draw up iu front o a photographers establish miut in a qeorgla towu benasth ha body a isau hound camo lo a stand still auiaucladla jaaoa trousers hums sptiu alirt aud gilllesi of coal or viat emerged from tha vehiolas anurlor sx tremlty bolting bin soft alouob hat on tha baok of bla hand ha adjuiled his lot gallus aud gau tho hues to the wlfa and baby wltuiu uthlnd ibesa from tha doms uf cauvkh beyond poored big eyad aud aolomu immsroua edillnna of the lord and mai tar uutarlag tho ahop tho atrangor piuiad bafora ft caaa of aamj la photographs and polutlug to ona said miller what dyar oharga far ttkln piolars like tttkt threo dollars a doxeti rojllrd tba ojork uhruallng his handu into hla pnokau bo turned thoughtfully toward tha waggou f ul of offspring waal i reckon i ii havo tar wail a til ho bald softly to himself iaiut got but loven opt thu tnack ilia fallowing utary is told by a traveller about ona of tho local railways in iraland 1 wa wara bounding slung ho said at tba rata of about haven uiiluu an hour and tha whole train wan shakim terribly i b 1 pooled evaty momriil lo sea my bouia protudlug through my ukln iveiotiyrra were rolling from onu end of iho oarrlaga lo tho other i held on llrmly to tho arms of tho aaat lreimilly wg utlud down b bit quiaur l leaut i oould kuip my bat on and my u4ih dldn t ohattur lhara wai a quiet looking man oppoaita ma i looked up with a ghastly einllo wishing to appear chuerlul ami ssi i wo ra gulug a little amooihor i uo yoa ho sslil woru oil tha una now hu tabbe a gentleman j was appolulod lo a uotenimsot poit that technically was lo baoorul d by a lawjor whioh mr 0 wan not ihe batichuru of iho law hotilcly howavnr uid rtouk lo nhviuto thu trobulcality and uiliud ni of uioir numbar to iksmiiix 1im uu ii i m know tadia of thu uw well mr c ulri ihurxsiuimr what lo 3011 know ahoiii lhn uwj wttllinuii llm uulh usid modselly i doul know atliit11 tlilii i liavnuuiniikilmr 0 in kuwudgt aul thu uw im uumiuur stbtonill lila mill iftvil anllulho butt uf ittkiiowlrd hi luf o auuvtud all the ipiftalioiismiliril nirnull i t h u hi liimualuiill il lllk iii liu wob doit llu 1 h ill oka lli wubtiuni