Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1901, p. 3

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tt georgetown branch iageneral bankmgbusinose transaoted correspondence solioitod f saviiikh dopartihpiit i lot crest allowed in mini of on11 ooi j lau and upwards torn day o dcpoilt 10 i day of wlthdrswal no formalities and no delay in drawing money i fttwaora business solicited note ol rcsjmjnslblo fanner discounted and money lowed for efltlimatn f dullness purpose j onf collection dtiparnnpnt hi every faclllly or making prompt t return sale notos handled and money advanced on account of aajno at low rates of interest traveller arc notified that tlio han it o rhamillon and lis dranches issue clrcuta noteaofiho provlncul haul of intfjand limited which qn be cashed without chargo or trouble in nny part of the worl kllead ofjick hamilton kiubuahed 1b72 capital paid up 995i75 j reserve fund 1500000 total assets 7t7 jamb tumnwuix cashier b forsayeth agent georgetown bronojx annual paper sate we have instructed our agent j b mckee to own all our wall papal aov discount jfor tha next tan days- a bio bhaf to buyers ichas l welles otjblph lltf 3utok jlu ttzz i thursday september 26tb 1001 lrnxetocairbrieftkts whtah caught the eyea oreara of prtj press raportam thla weak overcoat and tors are on deck again brgesall state of laxslioo ii 31 mills ad mills your itrayed and straying aotoda bljt fair nut tbaraday and friday c tho lcav f sssumlnr tbo eaum- al tlota 9 halton oouuty exhibition at milton morrow bramptons rate of taxation for loot ta bmo flxad at 31 mill mora than 5000000 peopls hav vlit i tha pan american exposition acton baa a rood kraln marks and ricaa ra rollag vary satisfactory i tba young folks ara taking beech lot og taaraiona now tba crop la very qtlfnl i ea 3 k ooidsn m a will preach ipaelal sarroons in christ ohorob omagb t bonday qqita a number of eltlxsos bars bean aatlfylog their plot in ffalrvlow csms- xjthl weak tba muob oseded and long looked for ma crossings on cburoh street ara being lldthuwssk j rbsntobw tba do veiling on saturday t yoor plot id lbs eemelsry trimmed op tayorta morrow i tl h uln modoneld who bought tba aptopaxty qa lake ave and not mia attt al orations rsported i tbo exhibition to be bald bsra next mja will hatha most uooesefal aver bald u th w is propitious aooordlng to tba utest arrangsmsqu i uprobahl that lbs royal train will pass too en rosue to qnslph and dsilln bnnday osxt will b rally day in tba jnnday soboola thara should ba a larga ftundsnoe including many parson who 11 abow tbalr in tares t by ibslr praaenoa tba tblrlmnth annual oonvaotlon of ontario qbrutlan endsnvor union ill ba held at brpoavills on tuesday lrtdoaeday and tbaraday ojl lat and lard i m oobbao has oar thanks for a ipy of tbsaplandltl lloyal boovanlr ban rof lb ottawa vttl ttlig fall par- lalar and illustrations of tba royal visit eribvtb wsek i mr aus uouragor of tba olovsrdala lalry baa laaasd tha farm adialnlogjpajry lka at preaaat ocauplsd by mr a if juyna us will raniova bis dairy bnslam ar id tba spring rally y sarvloe in ths afaluodlst lodaybohool usxt bpuday will bava a kul of interesting faelaras atnoug lis wilt bwan addraasby thskapsrutend- it of uewmetkst mslhodlil uobool vif i q jaoksou 1 yoabai- ooa no 0 cooking suva id one parlor oook both wood stoves tkjytabraranno al tha stors uaal f sold this wtk w2t p bmltb aya apeolsllst will u in loton thursday ooiobsr brd one day fly room at agoea uoul tt ya vaanj dtltot lo ionr ysslgbt it will iy io sail vtn1 ralah p oall aailyjwr you may wak appolut it u a t ilrbwis drug blow the news at home 1 tfofltfy at looaj cnaranxornd averv itam intaroatlnir tim wcmteftt jmoursou tblm ttoo- llio annual tfoalarn eicursloa ait tha u i h will take puoe on thursday friday and balurday of thla weak good to return till monday october lath mo slop over is allowed prices run aa tallows from aolou ta port huron and uatroll 4 00 begluaw g 40 jlay city 10 w olsvqland 10 co grand lupld- ihss chicago and cincinnati 11m portbarf larlriilr ill te givvit by any of tba rati way bosnia tha wmy of the tanagrcaaor o mlohaal m qnuningof toltenham was errrslad in clarks ilotel ou batarday afternoon for being drank and dlaorderly and using abusive language us was trlsd boforo juitloaa williams and moore at sight oolmli trjxt avanlng and fined 9 00 and ooats in all th go or twenty days in jail at bard labor lie at first elected to go tojali but atteg aleeplng off the affects of bis dronksn debanob paid his boa and departed pmvormblo prtdlctloam the georktwn lltrald saya tha prix lists are out for he liooaalng fair at actouop oot ii and 4 the prsralarq are uoaiaally altraotlve and should draw a fine exhibit tba alilloa fonr makes tbls comment tha hsqneslng agr societys vail vu to be held in acton on thursday and friday oct s and j promlaca to be another grand aaooaas the mlltno champion says we have received a prlxa list for the exhibition of hnk imeelng agricultural boclaty to be hold at aotoa thursday and friday oot q and 4 the society baa bean making great effpits ibis year to surpass all pre vious fairs tbsy cflor vary good prlxaa for all kinds of stock poultry grain gardsn and dairy prodaaa domsallo mana factors ladles work floe arts and horll oulore axhlblu uasldea thla they offer big parses for raoss special prl horses aud a liambar of mlaosllansoua prises the prlaa list is gotten op in very attraoliva form eualaecf gibhtiam f i a tally gemldud last friday afternoon air thomas olbbene tde well known engineer at beardmore a ca sols leather tanovry had via exoitlug and painful experlanoe which might have been attended with more serious recalls ha was sngsged in open log tba 1 low off vslve on one ot tba boilers wban the valve flaw oat and wllb the pressure of aaenty pouuda of steam on the eighty horse power boilsr tba room was volt-al- aalaiast eeeaea la aaaosaanl xo- aerurnefflo ilirarri cojege itev oliver uooully outsed hli pastorate in lli disciples church last sunday hi was in acton during the three rrtnathe his aacallon and returned on worlds y to hiram college ai uiraro ohio ills mlulstratlona wars tnuob appteolalad by tha ooogrrgaliqa afr nttjb umanm fmrlor hoetml a very enjoyabls evening waa spent at the psrlor aoolal under tbn ausploaa of ilie ladlvs of knox churcly at the home of mr jlugh uann quean blresl last tbnraday evening ttie programme was vsrv iofor ma and a vary pleasant evsnlog was spnl by all mrs uyare and ulas uyers aided at uann io exindlrig a oordial walooma to thote who lin to 1 tho tipleadltt fmir wight concert with audi a galax of prominent and popular entertainer the show night oon cert oommltteo are prrparad tl assure lbs pnblio an axosptlonally que programme and t hero is no doobt tbaxjrowd will be present io enjoy 4ti btudy the list nd remember their unduubtsd ability to entertain mies jardine thompson toronto soprano uiss uy waldruiu toronto boottlib sopf mla li uu frassr hamilton sloouiiouut ur jtmti feitoroolo humeri i uiss fanny le rockwood aocompadlat coming and going lf vlaltora to and from apton and vhrioua othar paraon-wovia- ialermo aroppstp making catsup 0soausof its spoiling too much loss 1 tljna labor and matirlal no danger u u yoa dm parks oatxop flavor slid mr injuwl of splosa a natural red itaap it tharesall and ous thai will keep loos ma bolts will flsvor ooa or two rtbals pf tomatoes raoloa for making k oall nd oampu of oatsup 1 bj a t mowodtbawi d unrnay re sob lbs doorway be bad to pass tba es caping steam and boiling water on his hands and kneiv and was aavarly scalded on tba left arm side and face notwith standing his painful injuries mr olbbeos immsdiataly prooeaded to tba eoonaellop between the two boilers and out off the other boiler so that ll would not also be emptied ho also drew out tha fires to avoid danger to the boilers- tbo tannery wax ao oomplstvly filled witb the escaping steam that the workman oould not see to oootlnue thatr work mr oibbeae woonda are beating nicely and ho expects to ba able to return to work next weak tho rlr nemt tfaejr tbnraday morning of next weak will find everything in readiness for tbo big fair to bo bald in aotoq on tbo 3rd and 4lb of october the demand forprixe lists is preoodsctod and the indication a point to tba biggest exhibition anion baa over bad the largely enhanced pruea and the specials are attracting exhibitors over a wide ares acton has alwaya been a popour point for a fair and thla popo ity continues to grow and will bo amply dsmonstratad on tha 3rd and 4th pro if one weather prevailf among the attractions tha following may itiooad all team in liarnaea will ba awarded 8 00 cash first pries herds of oattls 10 00 prises pans of hogs and bheep 00 and fa 00 prlass j road and carriage blnglsa in harness 16 00 oral prise doable tarn out ifioo bingje high buppsr 00 b peed lug ooo teste parses of tgo a splendid list of specials tugs ot war pore of ig0 ae least four teams expected to compel two hands ara engaged bioglo faro over the railways good far four days and tho grand ooboart oa tha second evening sndrfen peafb o my t idttbtira tbomas milbaro bead of the firm of t ullburo a co tnanufaolorers of proprietary modlcloesv toronto died vary auddeoly issk frjday morning of heart failure at his residence no 10 hransilok avenue ur hfilbaxn was at bailees on monday and while fee hug indisposed dur ing the past few days hi frisnds had no suspicion that his death waa so near tbo morning before his death ba appeared to be fairly well bbortly attar b oclock mrs ullburn found him in a dying condition doctors were summoned but could do thing for him mr ullburn was one of torontos successful bnslnssa man us was born uu king btrest aa bopt u6 1b37 and received his early adacatlon in thai city about tba year loa5 be btatted tba patent madioluo business at aolon and built up a suacessfal trad hero tbo field however waa too narrow for him id in 1873 he moved to toronto and itabllahed a manufactory lu ocojonctlon with meairs jjtituy and pearson ou francis bueet the businsas though it andsrwant several changes baa sines proa- pared with muoh satisfaction mrs ullburn and four growu up sons sarxjve him mr ullburn waaluaotoo the batar day before hi death to vlew th remains of his former partner mr 3 h pearson and attended dm funeral on taedey tiaootdl umrvi hoaid vak tbo members ot th llrlok ohuroh kite highly gratified at tha suooeaa of thai harvest borne festival last thursday aveu- lug prnprstlous had been made far a very large gelbeflbg and lhe faith of the worker i was amply rewarded tha alouo shod at the ohurob were thoroughly cleansed and enclosed aud load au liu- itteiua dlulijg room the sumptuous bill of faro lubludkd ood voait fowl bat potato vegetables aud a u aod less variety of culinary daluliso and preaervea tho tables ware bedecked with dowers and tha repast was tt all respeou moat appetltla lug lbs progrsmme presented lu tbo cburoh was praeldad ovr by hsv w if orambatu u x the paator apomprtato aod iutaraatiug ajdrsatys were delivered by luvs ui uludlyi 1 l flagg u 1 and h a maopharson vary acceptable mueloal seleotluus were retkdarod by ulao vara hoard of duutivtllr mr u j tiartteraeunuassa alfred parke w ilo kbsno 0 ii willeon and ii uartlu with mr obas a uriah as aooum panlt thi malequarlalte of norfolk bt oharob ouslph sod iuetrumsulal uiulu by miss onrvle and ueeirs umrle aud anderson at j iluddall ijracnoea and or iullliliy gave several recaitalloua which were woll reoelved the church was protussly tdouoratod with frulte flowrs grain and vegetable tto proceed 4 wore about foo 00 last wedneeday tho ilalun ulatrtc bona of temperance held tho semi annatt eeasioo in tbatemperanoa hill jelermo conei4riog tba busy aeaaon the alteadanoe vaa good tha morning and afternoon sessions wers largely attended by tho memo re of the order in the evening a public eoteruinment wa hjuj lutho uamo ball tbo crowd was io large that all ocald not got aooommodallbn one of he but dut lot alnoerts ever held in was given the cbalr was filled by ro j m walton q w p of kvttlby omaohf mr wm if cunningham and son lloy of port credit and mite bsrb moore of cedar rapid v b a ware the guests of tho misses mcllugli oo bundsy on balurday afternoon tbo behhetb bchool la oonnootlon with christ churcb omagh held its annual pic nio on tho uocartnoy flats boyne a very pleaaaol time waa epent in game races ate jjotb of the pastor of tba church wera present agrand harvest feelive in connection with christ cbarch omm- will be held next banday at 8 oclock p m rev j k ooddsn m a of acton will preach an appropriate aartqoai on monday evening a grand tea meeting i held in the town hall ooocerlwni m a iiuod progrs oonsutiagofaoagafrom mr harry dennett oemio voceliat of toronto mr uaxter and mr tinning of toronto mr w u tuck ofoakville the palormo orohsetra etc tea eerved from 0 till h milton- tbo public bchool hoard has raued tha teachers salaries to tho following ngure w p inman 7b0 mies pauliou ili0 miss moloan5l6- mlsa lawrence 380 miss bowes 1305 this will bo the old county towns big geetweokof the year- with the county fair tho meetings of the haltoo old ttoyo of toronto and hamilton and various other attractions thursday end friday will be vvsntfnl days the executive or helton bnnday bchool association will meet in uuox cbarch bchool room on friday morning at un oclock mrs b uantiaut haa beau appolaurd poet mletreas until tbo new appointment is tnsde mia ada uamhury of qrlmeby will have charge of tho ceulls of tbs ofnoo mr w 11 lindsay la vry favcrelly apokan of for the vacant puilmattvrablp tbe iuv 1l f ni formerly of oelo- rainojf an has ukan charge of tbs an lloan pariah of hornby aod btewarltowu which baa boon vacant slnoe the dsatli of rev w mooann last february at lett meeting of the council tbo doanoe oommlmao reported that 74 bad been paid in for dog taxes and acme la doge had not than been paid forr james morgans esqueslug was up be fore d robertson j p and l hartley j p charged witb using offensive language towards mrs mary wilson and also threatening to shoot bsr il was ctuted by mrs wilson calling to eomeetockot mo kenxieo on the road to move on past wm- sooa mckenale paid tho cost and give bis bond for floo to keep tho paaco for a year and the case was dropped ckapuu local bhikflbts preparatory aervioo will bo hx oo batnrdsy ftb oot in kuox church and commaniououbabbatb following tbeu qrennanco hav decided to dlecontluoa thrlr bualnees in acton the store is bow closed aud tha block will he sold mr oreonxu baa secured a pillou lu with a financial company which promlt to ba mora profitable mr h bwaokbammsr ojpriuge loot a valuable brood tnaro laxk friday a large yorkshire boar with long link was n the asms field he ohar tho mar and tripped her abdomen that the inleat lues protruded tbo mare had to bo destroyed the followlugsams have been received doling tho week to aupftsmeut tho otinuer moor moaumanb fond hev j k ood den m a m cents john it uaruh m p p 110 1 t li m baoordljkxcoaaalllor w 11 denny 1 hx mayor h knuo oualpll ij a few tnbra dollars will or alls the oommitteo to balance the expendi tures iu full to thobt about to mahilv wh voting mh or old torn who intend to marry will u pleased to learn that lbs now marriage act la tuado quite klmplo by applying tc u p miore issuer of tuarrlagd lloenaea at tho fa a it paaaai otlioo oall a few days before the oemmouy j bav tho waller explained lriwals ttllco alt businoaaitrlclly private end ooiinjeiital at tsalionoe lu evening tim vumm iaaaa invlua all tt axibuia i utla odlumo if job or yoor fruad are 6lna away on a holioay ulp oa u yoa have rrtf tuls vulun rm drop a card to um faaa iajua mrs ii j ournaj ie vielljog ralatitaa tioar rockwood this week mies annie btopbensou tfpentsevaral day last week aiilh friends in qaetpb uiss daley iicklin waa bom from tba count model bchool balurday and sun day all may lfegar on moaday for bin hi- ftu har she will leflao for some lima 1 mr and mr william deltcnof mallon vlalud their daughter mrs nelles and family ut week luv j u hegar m a want to wal- land on moodayio spend a weak or oo with friende therr miaa hiu buwart of bt rebecs speaj last- wrk vilijng at the home of mr joseph colcmeo mrv joepli holmes end miso ada vlalud the in ameilcen and ooffelo f rienda last weak mr and mr jamci itobioeopof oo4r lob waregueau dnring tha week of mr ii h holme dower avenue mre cbarlc jeoner of johnstown n y arrived last friday to spend a few weeks at her fathers boms here mr aud mrs j w husband celebrated the twenty qllh anniversary of ibelt wad ding day uet friday 20 h september mia williams and maatar dan mann son of d d manneeq oftortmln wars gussts at the home of hugh mann last thursday rev i a ireland of urand rapids midi was a guest at the home of mr h frenkum bower ave this weak mr ii mouastarand mr jarneo hon deiaod of mlhou wvrogneat on toeaday at the homo of d ueuderaon m p miss edna millar who baa bean lng a month wllb ontario friends several weeks in aotoa left on tuesday for bar hems in winnipeg mtesas annie and nellie mnlbclland bate returned homo afur spending their holiday i witb friends at toronto re cheater and at tho paa american mr aud mrs arthur lain of ash were grwu of tbo mlaaea lalng this weak mrs adair of omaha nab mother of mrj la log accompanied them mrs flnhhan vwtnmed from o on dyspepsia from foreujn words meaning sad cock has coma ratlaar to signify oexf sfeaaaea far the most common cause of tbo dtseak a prodlapoelng want of vlror and tone in that organ no dl lease makes lua ifioro mlsjcrablr its auosrars certainly do not us lo af tbay omatlmea wonder if they should imtte flea w a nugent deilvllu troubled with it for ye oaara ban claim wl afflicted with ii tnai bo was nonroba sleep- lee and actually sick most of tho uroe obtained no relief from medicines protea- tonalty prescribed navat hoods sarsaparitla acoordms to their own statement vol untartly made tula eras i medicine strengthens tbo stomarli and tho whou dbp ajratcm tto sure to t hoods 6a jo vntry box of the culne laxative broatoquiiiiiic tauete otsksl sk tqcje dry special fob saturday 20 pounds selected kaisins for 100 ido pounds granu lated sugar for 75 rejncmber we arc headquarters for all kinds of fruit gem jars pickling spice and vinegar pays io buy at dollerls it fays t ly at iiolurls notod tea btore and ohjhapaiace r j a mccrea cuelph turkomrn rugs 73 we have just received a shipment of airkoman floor kugs in sizes and prices quoted below kor 1 nice drawing room library dimng or bedroom carpet iherc is nothing to equa these rich oruntil squares they ire here in all the wealth of color and uniqueness- of drmfn and having imported them direct from the makers we offer the mat at extraordinary low prices we arc plicin them on exhibi- hon this week and invite jou to see them whether ou care to buy or not i he sijes and prices are as follows tuesday after a very pleasant visit at th capital during tba vlelt of tbo duka and ddobtas of cornwall and york mrs 8 day who daring tba past ooesple of months has been bereft of bar husband and mother is bbortly to remove to toronto where a camber of bar relative reside he principal grant ol qosem xjni- voralty kingston la lying very ill tn tba hosplts id montreal ho was taken with a severe chill wblo returning down the bt xjawreaoo from england he and mr a hamstrcot of oleos fells n v apenl a fow dayk this weak at tha parental homeo in town after an abeeooe of fourteen years their friends war plesssd to bava oven a abort vial i from ibam agalu tho aad be we of the death on battday of mis mary kennedy daughter of pal kennedy esq who removed to now outer lo leat spring leached friends heraoa toeaday much spmpatby u felt h4pr the bereft family dr m uoqarvln of butte montana was in town last balurday renewing ecrjulntauoa in th old town which for rorty years was bis home the dr is well hale and hearty and iulle in lov with the weatern city which for un year has been bis boms mr abdrew oloyno returned front th northwest on balurday ho enjojed hie outing very much spending most of tbo time lu lbs dloralno dietrlct lu boa there manitoba mr cbeyne says tbo vuw of tho crops during the harvest joat past was au event ot a life time to an ontario man us thinks thai while there ere many oppor tunities for making money rapidly thara are drawback which counteract thla feature tn a large degree in favor of tha older set- tlrd province absolute security genuine carters little liver pills must bear signature of reti foeeuzisns rmtiuensnt reittthtura fmcsmstimnei ru tuiiwwil the lions semi- annual jvlillinery display toeaday september 34th anj throughout the wek am days act amrt or our special semi annual millinery display and fashions lineal fancies will bo 00 exhibition daring thai time yoa will iiava io co mo hero if you want to sec tho latest and heat in the muuners art wo will show an arra of eicltuivcncm 9q imrmln a to rommanf tho admiration of vnrf feminine haxri wo will also mike a display for your pxrllcula r benent of ladies jaukkts 4jolf fjajpeh juildbenm dlstekh ladies uk jacheth oaperineh kcpfhmcffs fur lined capes and ladies caiintleth wo also show an unuxually tempting reaaonably priced collection of dkehs coodh beautiful hiliih ttatte lafjem tkimh1ncs pkentlla flannels etc visit our blare and le the now styles on display d e macdonald bro the lion cuelph the right house ljraiiiuiu 3 hamutotvs 1avoritk shopping place onraall order department u entirely at yonr ervle ordeni ailed luune day na received ud ury uooda to the valne or 95 oo and over tteat cdreju charses bald to any station in ontario the best spot you can search tbo world over and you cant find a letter spot than right here fat your buying wo xearchedj the tax lets ol the world over for goods and have them here for your selection borne of tho now stuffs for fall waar laok dree bturra ybereeretwo duuuuuhlng feature ot og etm we alv oury an abeodanoe of ue ul no daufcmr hut tb4 yon eaa aad jut what yoa want ard elllta riabt prttm iie erw tba bl valoae vo can and biacx viutnou buoatclottf hutt lnuu in eheruote aad penoa bnul habtaadbeeywejahl aed u lnel wloe and nrtoed at atju axorlsxjo aadaxyard biaox vj4n trinlbif hlloao- oloth ttalunca wltn eamalabalr vw hvuet aovallue ooo of tba very ulat aovallue u laebael wide and beteed at faoo yxd blaojt nubzm and uouktuuh bultlmoa madlora aod heavy welaht laoea at aso tie ixb and i ha hfcxc trabfoli olikvtor huit 1noh all wool and a run ehed tj duea u tnobe wua at ooa and too yd bo itoehae b fie yard and u faelmmaiai to j0 ynf uljlujt canvxh jlotu l4ju luid enue rtuuti vry u end elytuti tmlrae aaljsaudl30yani luoiikh3 ott youk hultimtlw idauaa wide aa all wool bleak fraixu m and stylub atwl brud at laovud colored dnsa btuju we tn showing a bt teeny aitimo- uveoiltmrarofwotnea all wear beua- uilns all round lor ibl tall tban w ve ttribcnnbtlan if very novelty from ui bt tnaaera ara ban in prafoaiaa loot and look tbem ovet at fcta me and mm loohes 111 wool itotneaptitui lu lawn hsfaf xj oxford raeede bavy and brown atrde vila 9m and boall wool cheviot 0 loonmahadeo of ugbt knld aad oifoid gray bavy brown and kvenant bavy rweadal brawn tnyrtle llabt navy ead4 and vtaux mae at ionall woo venn ventlane 4e loebee oua of the isle buveltua io dress in sbadee of brown lawn ny aey eardinal and toyrti at mxota inane vmuu lu bbede of trey davy fawn aod brown at u and 4 ijofti loot veouoa cy fawn bdwo awd tttf ebada at ljouuehaa of tork ttuluog u luabw wide and ellwool bad ot bavylawu brown tuld any and oxlord thomas c watkins kingsteaat cop hughson st hamilton cuheoick headache in the mjaalm op tlttaurv and 1 h t iliere w aobsrmliia srray of luvllueas atiha aotuniuopeulnguf tho lujbt house uamiluu lal week v aablouk folblao have a vary laro place in the thoughts of the fair sex at molt lluiee partloularly lu tha autumn season when fashions are set for the fall ami- winter it has ueuarelly bead looked upon that una of tbo beat places to ooa tbo latest and uiosl artistic uovelies far th adornment of woraeu folks is at tbs ulht house it is uo wonder tbsrsfore that at th autumn opeulu of tbls femoue fashion oenlretbe ladies turned uut lu tucb large uutubers to view the toper b display th hats and bonne u fur tall aud winter war of course th tiislil atlrao lluu and the largo and beautifully spuotnt ed mtulney astou was taxed lu iii utmost to aeoodjuiudate the tbtoue of alghlewsrs the opportune cu ii aud buccess la yours this is the opiioriuna imuf to lake a business couiaolnthn l business col uses of oularlo wllb schools el cualpb tor onto hatnluuu lndon oluwa sainla uerlln all bt catharines uuaineas tnon all over the province testify to tba thoroughness of teaching tn these cullestea royal city business college tracaauank butldlna j w wiooibih quklph ont rfeiof i fall millinery opening wednesday the 18th and following days ooor mats s bo rugs2jiby4ll go rugs 411 6 in by 6 ft o in 450 rugs 5 f 1 6 in by 8 ft 9 in 7 00 rugs 8ft sin by i i ft 1450 ruga io ft by 13 ll io so j there is no question about their reidy ale at these prices and if incrcscd we invite your early inspection e b bollert fe co 2o and 1 wyudham st guislw1 h6nd6rson si co neiaft fmll goods our stock for fall trade is now about complete in dresjs goods silks fancy flannels flannelettes wrapperh hosiery gloves underwear and clothing our stock will be tound more complete than ever before keadytowcar hats in many styles our millinery staff are at work our formal opening will be announced shortly henderson co lau have perfect sight between perfect sight and partial blindmikb are many degrees of seeing modern science enables us to give perfect vision to nearly all who see however imperfectly savage co jewellers guelph v gentlemen i dexlio to direct your attention to my larv and complelo unorlmeut of tuitcius in imported attd datticatlc bulliijs ovorcoilns serge and trowserlns 1 hoy arc the utut ami moat up lo date ifoods 1 biiccuuy recommenu ilie ueiwarp berca ltl vicutia 1 lioy arc absolutely fast color a two years guarantee kocs with each piece anyarllclo of uel- warp stamp bowing any change of color whhtti lao years with constant wear your money will le refunded all roods aro marked in plain fi one price io all i employ okiictt wotlmm and uu nothing bui llm hel of trlittmlck you nay depend upon totlink all clothing cotrti lu uyle tit ami workmanship if you hxvd never been a cuxlomcr ol mine i cordially invito you to ltuct tny stok my axletinxii are courteous aud ohllulu and it never tinv iron bio to iliow tfoodx and you are never uried to buy you may have perfect frwdom to look through my lar o aiock y uiall bt pleaicd to lake your order and aiaurri yonof put tool sat itact lot r e nelson one prlco only oo wvndham st gublph act0rrs6heatest store mm new fall dress goods arriving daily visiting dlplumaoyoouly a polite way o ullin a us aos tha otbsr feller wont data dot to believe it tba burden of suffering esios m tomb eluu bun about our tteokr while in real- ity it ie ouly the weight wbleb i neoeaaary to seep down the duoc whll b is nan tins for parl jaao laaul hi lobar every laxy guolph during the fair should not miss seeing our display of latest designs in millinery the j a mcintosh soisr 77 upper wyndham cuelpa we have now the iiest display of dress goods ever shown special lino worth s s samples on application new french flannels in stripes or spots socjpei yd heaps of wool blankets at low prices special lie of ladies vests at iy and 35c oil cloths hosiery i weeds flannelettes cottons shirtings towhnga extrj value in table linen and napkins gurnet co he new stqbe in tho new block hcton j ut

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