Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1901, p. 4

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poorly for two ycr i offered ter rlhlyfrom dyapcpaia vllh rct i deprclonnnilwmlwyfcllnf 1 poorly i ihcn tried ayera sar- nartlla and in no week i wu now ronn john mcdonald philadelphia fa dont forget that its aycrs sarsaparilla that will makfc you strong and hopeful dont waste your time and money by trying some other kind use the old tested tried and true aycrs sarsapa rilla slmamfla 8tjj xtoa jfm rcss tiiuusday blitkuiinuactli 1mi sljr 0oung jmta ffiitt cjviut ijtilo tommy tompalna waa ao vary lw hewouldnlaeaul to catch a thine wlwntw he might e 11 ooul int oatch a tottelae he couldnt oalch a ride liioii ui vary klowaat cut to nailer tiow be triad lla douldni celclf the niaa j la if that bed beenhla wlali and tboosti l bad ilia flueel ball u oouldnt ub hb liul aiila i1u baby broth iteu and jou etu just tnikej up your mlail tnet be oaiurtitaaoielhlaa uianl ctntrnt ireilyurui hlcapli yoa cauil klmp in the oelmeat nnd kill let night if yoor atomaob u weak clrow latlou poor and digeallon bad uooda banal axilla btreorlhana the atomaob iraptovea lha circulation perfect a digestion and t ring about that oonduau la which ileep rtguler ftnd ref rbloi ii doe notdolbla la a day bat it doee u thnnanrta nf paee half ibe world la on the wroj eoent id tbo pnreolt of happloee they think ii oooeleteln bftviofl ami jeuinif nd iubcldjt fterved by other u ooaeiet lo ruing and id aerinf other profeeeor dtnroraond ordinary torn cttwaara danjeroua- decaoae they oonuin ftnjda hot polnmi corn extractor u puraly vegetable in oornpoalllorj it u perfectly pairjltea eef ftnd vara to ear 3aat la proportion ee yoa gain iotory otr the evil which yoa havebooai oftn yourself will yoar epiritael yaj be pantod for a brighter perception of the uoly oav 0hanlrig tbera u no tatta of kldnoy troobla from bcluaba down to brififats dismm ihi doani kldoy luia will not wllave or oorv if yoa r ixoablad with uy klod of kldny oomplalnt qm dou jpj1u lmtyarda yallow oil ia oajol ramady to hv la any bonsa ii u good for mo or bout ulloya pia redaom welling jlaya inflammktloat oarea oats bnro bmuaa aprmln ktiff ioiou tu 1rloa aio ar yoa kuswer with ooroat if oo r gat bo4ll ol hollowya corn car it ban navar baao kooan to fail moraa bo exuavajtaot bopa wckai thou fcaoit bot dream tbou bacdeat nob tbod dcapalr maltbaw arool3 castoria tor infanta and ohudren an awkm question a roodalory laioldotooa of tba dlanl urlotot tbwhooltih chnrob jlafora ha beoroa known lo fama 11 tniuiaur of and aluacllva bra iukrliun rxltnaiaal naila in tlta uantt hi remola pariah id iarthahli not oooalttarnt a arllouurly ptracbtr at tin iuli terationa wfa cbnrch and lhaao bad tba thatt of awaap- l away oonaijrablo araaib ajoomtnoda tlod ooa day altar tba aliratlona had bean iflaclad hn liltd iha oharch jo waar bow it looked l what do 0 ihuik of improve mania john 7 ho aaked of tho baadlr i to provem a ola 1 olalmad john in dlailalu 1 1 a no iroproemeuu at a whanr ara ye tuin to put the folk 1 ob aali ha roinular wa have abnn daoc of room john cooaldarlug ilia aiaa of the cobgrrgallon t 1 that a a very wl lha noo rolnrtod ibebaadla but what wlllja do wben wr kl a popular met til afar f holed and cornenbd wll meojad lha hole lb your uoatere pocket ut itljlbl ftr you had gone lo bad john dear now am i not a tbooithtfol wife t iinunddawoual waller a oo are thoagalfnl uooghmy dear bnl how lha mlaohlef did you dtaoovar that tbart waa a hola in my pockalllixclamge heal ba watchful mothr cn kop trtolr bnblea healthy boiy-chaok- ad and hapdy nolhlnij in iho world la anjji a comfort and joy aa a hoallhy hearty roeycheeked bappy baby bablea qan bo ley i lo perfect health only by havlog at band altd admlnlaurlug when needed aomo purely vegetable haimleea rsmady and oiajl ibu olaaa of madlolnea uaby own tablela aie oouoedad to ba tba beat kor oooallpallon oollodlarrboaa almpla favara aour atomaoha taetbloit bablea in dlftoauoa aud aleapleaaoeaaa tbaaa tableta ars a really woodarful core- yod cat give them to the amajlaat baby wlthonk the unheal fear xiaolad in waur ihoy wilt ba takaa readily tbejf oontaln abaolulaly bot a part lot o of opiate of other lojarlooa droga they re amall wat laxanei that any baby will tkj rwyhtii la itbool objeitloa and i hair action prompt and pleaaant thay will lone dp the whole ayatem and make the hltuona aa hcaity and fraat fronr infanlllo die orderaaa any mothw oonld wlah mrk walur llrowo mllby qua aava i have never need any roedloina lor bay that did him ao mnch good aa uabya own tablau i would not be without them tbia ia the erdlol of kli molbera who have need tbcao tablela they ooat jj oeou a bok all dmgalata aali them or thay may ba aaoorad by aand log the price dlraol and the tablela will ba forwarded prepaid tba vf wllliama madiolnaco ool the raal uaa of all knowledge la ibui that we aho old dadioala tho reaaon which waa giv in ua by qod to the uaa and ad vantaga of ii au lord llaoou dizzy then your liver isnt acting well you suffer from bilious ness constipation ayers pills act directly on the liver for 60 years they have been the standard family pill small doses cure aiiduu buckinghams wefkfe swl ceylon knd india natural leaf green tek icstmhlcs jij an hi flavor hut is iicvlt unipurt while infimt ly sgpenor m quality it is mikin rapid strides in public favor hocausc of tlic ahove fact drinker- of jnpan teas should yivo u a trial qrowino a onanomothbr salaua oeylon teas aro sold in soalod load paokou only blaok mixed un colored ceylon qiyjon froo t am pica aoai addroou bai ada toronto the bct lima a rrlt- mlnala oirliard pcata la lf hry f hale lied vta dara thai a luisiutrf of oil and waltr rtil on in i be winter will titcnt an hind of f r nnm of traalle i rtotllic lultata ne lk imaylnr liod or sntcesh jmaacale auabmawlnlvr txatliis wblrli wa wil gladly wtl fir taauy out wrluoy lor l the sprauotor co london onl ii waa a illlla man only iktea jcara ol 1 but vary bravo and uncompialoice the family had gone lo a new country id the far weal tho mamma thia 1 lua man aod ihe aialar a little oldar it waa a very new oountry vpy different from iho city in lb 1 aat where thay had llt many rlauda relative slid neaieal of all a dear old randoiother j ha ttiamma waa ao buay id bar uaw boibo lhat ba i ad itllla i imo fur the babiae ucrpt in ara lhat tbey vrcio clean arid well tl hvy were touoeurna ki diiriim fuunil i ut on day in way thai- brought the laare to htr eje tho little three yrar old had been very boay and very quiet njakinj a big in u in iho ground with auch etrnnliim of pur poae that ah went to are what waa bliig done the hole a compmrd hni ibn reach td the jpul and in it bad bti ptaod omelbloil that aba look out and rionioid with woodeiio curioaity it wae tba atrangeat thintf to go inlo a liolo m lha lround ku old daguericotjpo k picluro of the dear grandmamma at hum why baby eaolaimed mamma what aie you doiut with y 7 i foonhl aaid tho little mn wlili a tjulverlub lip nd all the pent up lonhneaa and humcalckueieju hie olco 1 fought may bo if i uuled it uwmr grandma would grow ckimam l or i liver troublee hi lionaneaa aallow ooro plrxlon yellow ajra jaundlor eio yield it the oaralive power a of lisa liver imla thay are aura to cute we havfl no heallation in aaylng lhat pr j d kellofk dyeentery cordial u vfllb oat doubt the lc at medicine ever inltodnoed for djaeulery diarrhoea cholera and all aonimer oomplalutv ea aickoecu lo it promptly 11 v rillal atid never falla lo effct a pballive cilra molhtta thould haver be wllhotl a bottle when half oh 11 d re o ara tic lb lug tbo inoil delicate and moat aaiialblo of vll pleaanrea conalala in promollng the pleakurea of other l uruyore a lilt quarter a worth boltle of tuloua iiid the ual houaahold lliatnant known it curee rbeamatlam nonraluia toofhachhaaalboh aiok atomaoli to fkel la good for everything a linamant ouxhl to be good fur mother qud it the aafeal hllllf a r on their qhlllrm f throat ell on the cheat apratna and bralc navr be without lolaoua mnrvitlue it will ooro tlu paina and aoha of the aullra family and relieve a vat amount of auffrlnff vry year ioalry u tho mm to of tba oul above all of groat and feeling aoula tair ind children cry for castoria our balanaaa la- uot to balld ijulokly bat to balld npon a right foundation kbd la a rlftbt kplill ut 3oeopb 1atkor iioklnit the noeo ia m oomraoo iymplom of worm in oblldrea mothera who eapeot tbslr child la troubled with worma ahoold adralniaur dr lowa riekaatit worm byrup it la almplo aafo kud tilfeoluel irloe it oast i erary tnua wit moat oom from very naua owu aotil and no olbar body men of character are lha oonaclonoe of the koclely o which they belongs kmer- aoti attention in tbo wqld of homeoathlo medlelna haa baenltk very aooroe of pro- lcrea aa in polltlca and rollioo the dlf doaltlea of oplnloua and the individuality of man have been parent to tba dlaagre moot by whlob tba ebtodard of tbeae bodlea have been elevated bo with tnoel of oar lemooe preparaliooa fur emoet in 11 luatratloa nf whwih tratb kianda the world famooa remedy to general debility and aukuor quinine wine and wblob whan obtainable la lie genuine atrengtb la ft mlraoaloua oraalor of appatlu vitality and atlmulant to the genatal fertility of he ayatem qolnin wine and lu lm- provemaat baa from the 11 rat dleoovery of tba itraat vlrtned of quinine a4 ft medical agent been one of the mtjai ihoroqjtuly dlaouaaad tsmadlaa eve offered to the pob- lio it u one of the great tonloa abd and taataral life- lvna atiauuvdu wblob live mkdioal profeeeloa b ave boaa oom pel i lo keoognlaeand praaoriba biaaare north- rop and liymab of toronto havarrt au ly lha prepiratloo of ther por quinine wli the great care due to lla itnportauoe and tho blaudard exoelleooe of lhaarllole wblob thay offer to uie public oom into the warkel pureed of fcll tba daiaota which aklllad ohaervatiou and aolautldo upluloo ate palbud out lu lha leae porfaol prapaxi lloua of the latter btooget mlndrare often thoae of whom the nolay world heart wait wordjwortb yoa peed bot oongh all bight and blatorb yonr filenda there u no oooaalon for yoa ranaloit the rlak of oontrftotlnft inqam- mallon of tbelaejeor ooaanmptlod while yoa qid get uioklee anil cooiatoptivo byrup it promotaal free and eay eupaoloratluo wblob imtoedujaly re 1 leva a tba tbroet and innga from vlaold phlegm tba pleaaurcri of thought ato remedial for the wouoda of tba heart mnu do blael boliaoold fiibs uoal oom vill i ty byragoldfim 100 ueabaiaaaoa 100 we anarantee perl act aallafaouon 6lobe optical co 03 yongostrwot toronto- fellua dlaturbauoea eauaa ua lo aay poor fellow if our own pat ia oat if uot tboy are ajot of demon veal deatroyara mllburua- hurllotf ueejanha 1owdrt are aaay to taka harmleaa lu anllon kud are to oara ktiy beadaobe tu from fi to 0 tnlbubee afler an kltaek ol beat proetratlou ft baff of oraokad loe faala kwaetar od the brow than would ft laurel wreath thrift of lime will repay you la after lifa with ku uuuaary of prodt beyond your moataaugulua draama w p uladatouo yoot medicine scoltm emulsion of colliyer oil is ciuily food and tiiedi- cine t a little of it sui the stomicli at wol l oil some eusy food lhit isiiitdicino iiowdoiitsct the stomach atimirk uyniiuiiii strength by crlaliny strength by turn ing the oil into body and hfe that is food oj i 11uwnk cuotul itumu 0- fowlers extof w diarrliiba dysentery colic crampspain in the stomaclr and all summer complaints t kvfatots auk niuivatuous it ot umm a hamm aaatukf almost lafstamtamkou fashor atjd comfort for once fuhion nnd common ciiu invo joined m tho cauwe of comfort hi ladies footwear tlio really futhloiiublt wltoo 1 j built much like a nmnu shoo on u womunly fcculc tilts falnon imi the mlvuntiifje of it fine 0pc rmcc comhiutd with conimonhli o comfort und will therefore be a pirmuuent one won tho gold madur nt piirt cpbitition 3 mid si4 sold evcrulnrc genuine only when tamped kino quauty made by th- j d klngco limited toronto osus ek bhss cresswell march 28 1901 tho t mllburn co limited toronto ont dear sirs i write to say that ihavousodburdock blood bitters with excellent results last spring rny daughter jrot all run down and wau very thin and vcak hor tnco waa covered with rod- spots ad a ilrgo boll tormod on hor chock i procure 1 2 bottos of bb b ard by mo timo bho had finished thorn tho spots and boll disappeared nnd sho has grot strong and fleshy agaln iconldcr bbb tho best blood medlclno known mrs i davidson rlo 1 lha lha bort that had drat klhaiat- l b merclr ior inurnul or external uae uagyarde yauow o0unnot ba el celled m it pain roliovlofi and aoolhing remedy for all pain a man without patence i a lamp with oat oil a de alueaet her honxt llko a polluted sprint mrt jamoa srlfiley lelea luand ont i saya i waa fur ftvo ycara kliiiclcd wllh daruiw4a conatlpation hcait tiajm and iicroua protlration i cuiel the heart trouble with dr agnerwa cure for tbo heart and the olhef ailment a vanlthed like mlt haul rollof in half aa hour hiier ibe firat do ay sold by a t drown b peak log of mueio drlnkiog aonga ara not the only kind written in bar how to cure headache tsoine people offer untold rj leery day after day with headache there ia real neither day or bight until the oeivwe are all uaatrnng tba oauaa la generally ft diaordored alomacb and ft burn call be eileoted by bains maleoa vettble 1illa oonuiiilug man draka and dandelion mr fiulay wark lyaander 1 q wrllea i find 1arma leea imla a flrat olaaa article for billooe haoaoba itobblog ieter to pay iaul lant ao bad if yoa only remember to pay iaul mks i stheves edgetts land- injj n b writea on jan 18 lopi i in tho tall orbogl w ti troubled with a severe pun tn lha back i could scarcely yet up out of a chair and it nve mo jrcat pain to move about i took one box of doani kidney pthu and v t completely cured i havti not been iroibkd with it since what is vf v castoria comoru u for infonu and children caatorla u i linnnlntui hubntltuto for cnator oh pntcfforlc dropn nnd fliothiiin syrnpn it contains neither opium morilliiuq nor otlinr nnrcotlo bubsuuice 14 in ilcajuutu itm tnturantoo in thirty ycarii mto ly mill tons of mother costorlo dmitroyi wornui pn4 nllayn fovorlli- nckk caatorla cures fclarrhoea and wind collo cuittorla rchovoh tootliiiiff troublca curom constipation nnd piottiloncy ciuitorha aualrillatoi cno fowl rttulotc tho btonutch nnd bowels of lnfontei and children irtvlng ltcoltliy and natural sloop castorla is tho childrens ianacca tho mouictet friend caston caatorla u ao xlltit htetlletne chillrd uolbni liata rrpeainlly told k ot tla jood cuvd upon tlielr thlldiett da o c oaoooo lrmtu ms i cahtoria fr mcaatortat la ao wall alapleo o clilurn kna i that i rrromntnj ii aa aspatli lo any i ecitpuoa known tome 1l a aacaaam d brilrn fj y the facsimile signature of grand trunk railway tail ii rla i i fu m 1 ui id v i i to iii raa f ii ut mall t lu u tail c m in i mt t i i 3 i i tium hi wail ljlu vb1 i 40m l mii i n 41 i loliurajil iu11li ii i r i m till lillio 11 in v i i i i ki 1 m u t 0it lfitl id00 sun savings and loan co iiiad oi i ici touonto ont authuru mpitml yo ooo ooo 00 1enyur inalufily tharrn arr paid monthly inslaltiintn t jim- r thairt or l ao month when iiyniniila c ki oo aid in malurliy xaluo lo no money to huui at aitullit loan or repayable in monthly hirlalmenla on nppll cat tin to r j mnabb agent aoton procrastinate appears on every wrapper to know bow to wait la lha ureal icrel of tuocaaa de male ur- dr von sta plnoxtpple taxbltrts medical acieoce w accident dit- oovered ilia potency of hie pmippu na a panacea fur stomach trouble tw immam- perccntakaof vrtetabhiuh couiid in lha fruit male it an alnmllmliipihurvmlrln caiea of dytpepu bhii did trtlioi one luljct aftrr rach iocji will cue uwt chronic cai 6o in a hoi 35 cent y sold by a t ijroui theia i uo and lu nklurr tut awry cud ia a teuiiiiiliik 1- mini v bait rhoum yottcr ecronia thcaa dlirlig wklu dlacs rwlittli by one application dr ajnawa oiiilmcui ia a potent cure of all eruption ol lha akin jas gallon wulcavire ttaji 1or nine year i vru dlafikured ultb tetter on my hauda pr agnewa oiut- trtent curel ll 33 coala 31 sold by a t urowti tbat la tba beet rardau which pruduoei tiiot rooia and fmlu dr johmtiu woriua oabiiol axial allhay in ohlldrrn or adult wliu dr lowa worm uyrup 1 tiaad j 5 j all daalara uhalaul liuit ii lhat ot eiaiiipu l harne hay vavr icruiu aw nov vloallutf about limy are lu tba air avarywliara too inluula to but juat waltlu u chauw loketiuto your iuk iheti thay will play bavoo wltb lour brvatblu kparalus aud youll wonder what lo do lha doctor will jay you bad better iiihau oalarrhuaoiiaor it klila luy vever arma and nioreovar lu dead certain to raaoh ihttu oaurthchguei euraa avry tlm and kbaoluleiy preventa lha dbaaae from elurulnii you inhala catairrhcaoiia with the air breathed it tou directly tu ibe aouroa of the trouble aud mrnalt by imuuv u tba nauaa at drututihu ur aaiit wltb huarauueof oura tu any addiaad for l 00 foiwaided tu lolauu d ju kiukaluu uut pleuut bipld heluhlb elktul eiery hoosa shoold hive 1l hi jour dinlst tor it tike no ether price 350 iauoum la tti rtua kud wlhli irt ut fuiutuda and lha rareat loo uuakln tbara la not a mora djluejaroua eitu uf diaordaik thill iboaa wblob tffuot tba brealhlott or nana nullify ibla daiiitor wlthdr thoiitaauuuotrlnoin a pulinutilo ol aoknowlodjikd rtnoajfoy it curea lam ueaa aud aoraneea wlieu applied exlmially aa well aa awaited book and urlok in bha baub 1 and aa an inward eieulua pjaaraaoa usual auhatanllal claline v publitf ooull danm tba flrat rule for ipeaklntf well ia lo tbluk well mmo de lanibcrl tho bijuikcuaho stotfa may ho juki that incipient form of kidney illuue which if nolbctod will develop into alub born and dutrmalndlaorder that will uk long iediou ireatmeut lo cure don t netf lect ibo backaxlui atafa of tba moat lnaldloui of dlboaaei booth american kidney curo atopa tho ache uiaiahouna ftiid curea tjo s sold by a t hrown mo1biui oaii oomjuaror lha oounolauod of uiea for lha ounaoleaoa of wau ii tin thought of qod violor huflo uttdar iho nerve leash tim nitmu nnd toiiiictit of tbo vulini of lurvou nmrltoil uim twrvou tmuluy i una can ljblly aalliiule ulko lu liol lwn uinrc t lulbleia hull i tlirui raliulril huiitarl f k- m witltama at 1 oulwuli 0 wu tr f hir i- ira ft llrrvouj whtck sill itulllri of vhllll alkrtuutt krrvlna woikul a lidimla and i u iluctiv tw- uiiiiediuua sold by a t urown tbebuckaur may allck lo 0110 occupa tlon and kuu be a man of many caluug if fonnraud with coma fjava youraelt pain worry kud duirea by ualug tba never fallmtf 1ulmana ialu- corn aud wart kxtraotor it i rei labia uid tot quickly oma peopla are poallively to only that nkau thd luoaqtluoe woul bit ihem dunlop all kinds of rubber tires for all kindnof vehicles iuulo hitjclri lirr vitruiimlu crrluyo tirol bttlti hul ur citrtiba lin ilhillclolrljrc itrrfc fcr uoi ourlnctii 1 be dunlop tire co limited yahowto glbrrinc sklb ok furniture at cost speight co have decided to clear out tlieir stock of furniture all lines at cost prices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash ia not convenient j x speiglttrfe co war or ooms foot of willow st ftcton no dont do hit but come to day to tlic acton pump works and yet your pump repaired or buy a new one ae can do it watering troughs cistcnih and a gcneraljobbing bubincbs done satisfaction guaranteed oh able 8 ebrage main si acton boboura are irrquautly to ba mat with who ara ignorant of uolbluy aava their owl luoiance ulnimerm a votorcuv btovy aaorj lowl el miamokin la wrlica i autt airily year of fta ihavo bn irouhwd with catarrh for fifty ye mid lu my lima 1iu uaoil ft groat many catarrh cute but iavr bad any oiu until 1 tiled dr aunew catarrhal 1owder u10 lox cured titav couiplolaly t cent 1 bold by a 1 drown a brftva niau airauoualy uublltik ikila not of tliltla inuniph now aud tbcti to kthrp him lu bean oetlyla mttlplessrtw adnby hmit ail- iuu uimuiiuiu cuitf vlf illi tin rl of tlw kumdt uudiiiuiimil u w wu to dmuucl uiukvill o11i fir hrlvayciift it ll alllfilr fioill llirutimtuil tnul lilt vaah lilinuilf f td blniujf or iln ut hmiuu after luhjf la ullu vu ahlo in 1 n ly oil uiid tim i tliukittbi luv tf mo fwcwr no dultlby a t llrowu tauulu ara ul uurturod lu aollluda ubaraolar la heat formed 111 the ktoiwy biilowa of the world tloetbe ruby lips and a clear completion tbtipildiof wimaii llauoyu loat lhaao cliaim through torpid llvrf onslllilun bill uajtoaa or itativ niancaaf dr afiiiewa i ivor 1 ilia will nature them to you o illtu uublea iii ft vial tu coula act lite a chanu never i0 j bohl by a 1 tiivfi no mftuda dear tba employer who baa a uuiily tied doeaul klway raiaa waga ubcy hvr vail mr it m uouuhuer lkuntnu write for ftboul two yoara i waa troubled wltb luward pllea but by ualmjarmelee pllla i wa completely oard hnd kibouib four ye have alap ad alnoe than i bey bkja uot telurued pkroi-i-a- luia art autl i lllouaaud ft kpolflo for the oura tif kidney aud llvr oaiuulaliit dyapapau oottlvenau hd ftoha pllea ato and wll ruuti ihu aecrelloiiv aud loinovd all biljoua milter oblutnii alwuy tulru tu tho hubt oh that krown up man would du likewise jutiui llftte area sure cure for nervousness sleeplessness ner vous prostration lossof enortry firaln vug falntnnd dluy spoils loss or momory molanoholla llstlossnoss ayl effects or la gi ipuu tulplutlon of tho ktmit anoimla gonornl debility unil nil troubles arising from a run down bystom theywtll 1uu ytu uii ilcli- red tiloud und lvo you vim und eucry price 50c ptrr box ttr tliito box lor ji j ut tlini- iisti ur will be kent un reculpt ul- hrim by tu i mil- hunkco liuiltou lorunto oul utter iarkppers all up lo date aud hrat clat bultof makera who anrt proud of tho quality of their butler t j should tiia printed butter wrappora ihua giving ihclr production 11 dltllnctum and cualomor an auurmnca tliat ihoy am bottlii v the euperior bullcf tliey dealro llio i kkit pklss bu put in k good ktock of genuine vegetable parchment for butter wrappers thlatuperu not tlta inillntloii which haa been put on 1i10 market under lb narna ol iarchineiitlno but la the enulno turclt- uioiit apeclally mads in germany for the canadian bolter market lla uultary iualllle are perfoci it will not taint tho butter like ute chcati iitiltallou nor tcajf lulo pirlulo when beiaffrnmovisl noth oottiiowsttroks looo shaeta riatatly prlntd with nrrte wpatoleil- buttwr bramil kind ftddrweei for tt utt goo uhuftu for j- 12tt coll and toe aainplea at llfi rtoi3tr rr8fi hqton ontmrio unequal eyes do you see equally well with both eyes if not both may be defective oae certainly is ttakihem properly examined we prescribe glasses only when absolutely necessary anitcuaranlee satisfaction consultation free q dpkingble tvatounaukit np jewkllkil guelph onftrt call and examine the merits of this superior shoe made in all modern stylus oil lasts and best grade oj leather all sics aa to ee widths lor ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of the feet burning of the feet and it will keep your feet cool in hot weather rnd warm ii cold weather laz snnllik7us boot kno shob dbkldr bole aosnt vor aoton m m itopitehteoodldm toy hi aecurail by our aid audiaaa thfi patcnf necoio iuhlaaciaau vvoodeaoiiavwg phofoemgravinie halftorve or any class of engraving for advertising purrosesj cata tguesmaga2liesc dlj0nesljgg i68baysttoronto patents guaranteed ourleetptuiiiel if welall auv oncuu una i kkekli uli i tlchilitl 11 or uuy lnciill 11 will iiuuiiuly receive our 01 lit lou free ci iicrnilua lie wteola illlly or ulue ifiiw lo ol uim a wunl mill ria ir iifu wlcnli aeiuieil tliinimliuau ivtuinil i iraalealoiircxruu 1 ulciila taleu t uiu null ua it tit nu u hiiwllhm uliurii- in luulatuhtllu- au lllnmnul anil wl lely clrcuuul i hi coiuulle 1 1 y auimfarlurrra mul lntaoia lit uj ur inline coy vuzm aiuku viotoh j tnarj co iwrmltlarlll patents promptly 5ecured wladud i y ur lt linllvhi lapiiluily will- i r our lulieuutf u oa italp att i llow yu ai i ua a rough akauh t x fct i retillivii orlniirowiiiitiil ami w na unr ti tin un aa in ul dlirr ihttotlat la uafxtej am luallu haeil aoixoalily atirl wailillltloi lyillaliwfkblljliil klvi lv irilrilta anlnwtilaiulielitscittli 11 luiutt nielcuow l4liita iiritcure 1 llirouilt marino k ua ml rxtva niu nolk wlilw l cuaraa in vet uj iirwaiuiia illniilml 1 tint ilylii the ih iiiliilou spailajlvi- tuiriaaudulifliiei maklon marion 1 rwtent taaterrta aind selioltorai naw vwb i u u 1j tf rwalraej allnll iim v lr ll i coevntahtavc ar hmii tlfiaf a ttrli aiul lcaawi liitu lb 11 ux ll if ultajia lion 1 uwaauhllr lilplll hamlin jj scientific american k i 11 la ijoly ulilitr1 oaau 1 l lr t

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