Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1901, p. 2

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k0f j doxrt uokiibmid guslpb on wednesday a oct lolir uutlira j h dryden aeon viwimoatuietlaelpta parses nvertan mi wednveday mil kept to umi end un t a houiltm fcdnuhl lltliaillvln tuoltoa llnmlit hal rjtl hi 1 i n by the llev o 1etut tunclelr to juu kuabtb ueddy bolb of ileurfelowa a toviiw slain at lh raaldeo- of jdm wvutil noewiou mm aolpl thunder w4 wj f j jr ia1tto ml 1ui wrlll botb of lualpb cwiwniirrat lb reeldaoe mr jm wiebl haewieh hire t fllb oa llutrt ewu lo wus ague wrtshi both of dueli umiuat on mlltii of the bride itllll hmmii wedneedey iula by luvllr weleon mfbwtmuon j wtifwt of wr w fl i ule uebel leanb daugbl of mr albert 1til ol maadowveia i uai thv heme of ur ulllera ilfb- arltiar hi aelonoa uaadavlotb he dauabler of ueorge ilarber essd 1 tjije juton jfm 1ztz thuiu1d ay october brd 1d01 editorial motes tho lorolntoo rnnm derived from customs for thetbree month ending moo- day kmnanli to lwi 091 thle is an laoreeee of bhot r nearly half million dollar over th same tim wat year tho nor for tba month c september of 1000 waa 3mb10- t tha loodoo doiy kxpre beys it understood tha whan tho war in bootb africa in over king edward and queen alexandra inland to vielt all tha colonic and india end that while la india lite majesty will bo crowned emptor of india lu saturdays yacht raoe for tba a mar loan gup tha shamrock lad around the oatar buoy but wa overtaken by tba columbia on tha ran home when tha wind wa huh tor tha colombia jru byb7 second a actual time and by 1 to inula and 20 aaoonda whan tha allowance fronr tha bbamrbck lalaclodad tha bait raoe will b tailed to lay li i a tha action brought by eom toronto bolalkaanara to dftplja km to aoraa dupatad polou la ummmioti tha 3oart daoldad itwit tba only hooaabold icood in k botal aitaropt iron taxation ara thoaa in paraoaaj uaa by tba houlkaapar and hia family tbalr conuoucn thai ll waa unfair to aaaaa a hotalaaapar tor bit parsooailty and than alao a him far tha inoosa jarlvad from hia paraonality waaaoaulud tjtraoga aa it may aaam tba antralian oolony haa got a population pntblam aja wqlljloanada and la about to offaal tba decline in tba vrlh tata by lagialatloa an alectotal bill will ahortiy ha inlrodaoad promuiaft to glv avary man with two obi td ran bom in wad look two votaa inatcad oftbanaoal ona tbara la a faallnk alao that mora might ba dona to anooqraga iba amljtraiion of bnjtabu man and woman by aaautad paaaacaa haw uanltoba whaai oomliuj forward i bradlng fairly wall daring tha wak and- iatt baptamhar lalhtharawaa loapaotad at wlnnlpait 105 oar of wbaat of wblnh 0s kradad nil xjyutl 800 no 1 dortbarn 161 mo 3 bortbaro s na 8 northara 10 ra- jaolad a tio pads 5 oondamoad tha larso prop of whaak grading ho 1 hard and ho 1 uortbara tbara ia no no s bard rrada now makaa it avldant that tha balk of tba wbaat u bringing top prloaa jmdtru our dead soldier hero h thw monurnant unvalllrui cwrw- monlaa laat saturday moat v lmrrwaalvai and suooaaaful aooo cittzans and visitohb pnubbnt tha moat uninoa and aoiong tba moat inaaraatjog ad impraaaua rmoolaa of a pobllo obaraolar avr iiald lo aotoo war thoaa atundlntf tha qnvalllng of lha aiannar uqora uonomant at falrvlaw oatntury laatsatniday aftarooon evary- tblng aaarnad to nolu lo oootrlbatlng to tba nnqoa ancoaaa of tba oooaalon larfaot antamn waathar warmly tamparad with plaaaant anaabioa tba praaano of a large nambar of oomradaa who bad aharad tha bardahlpa of war with tba daoaaaed aoldwbaro aa wall aa many mora of hla fallowmntu man of tba 90th and both ragi mania and tha vary mplfaat aplrlt of patriotism on tha part ol ctllbaoa ultora and popiuof tba totllo bohorl wars all al aotania wlvlah uhl maurlal aid lo tba anoaeaa of twtiaya proocadinga tha onvalling of thaoiouqmant artotad by tha cillna of acton oomradaa and ff landa in raoogoition of lha bra vary aod patriolum of clnnner w j moot pf balurylloyal cabadlan artilur waa an oooaaloo mrkad by mloilvd falioga of aatlafactioo and aadnaa it was a aatlafao- tion in a pobllo man oar to reoajl tba good qoalltlaa of tha bra soljisr wflo bad toloourlly laid dowobla ufa for qoaan and conouy in a alranga land it was plaaalogtoo to rdct that nltlaans aaaooiaua and ccmradea altar bis daatb hadapodtanaooaly takao aupa to prapata- ats bis memory in tba manner now about oooanmmawd tha prcaanoa of hla falbor and mot bar alalara and brotbara iq daap tooornlng unt a aombar bailing to lbs oooaaion and togatbar wltb tba rcfteouon tba a bravo un bad baao oat short by tba war that ba alooa of flftyfoar who com- prlssd tba onalpb daaaofamaat bad not tatamadt and that wblla tbara u now a bandaoma monamanl nf alrvlaw cam- atary which will tall tba nuoow of his daatb to i atora ganarauuna bis body tias barlad far from boma among tba faltaa aoldwt of sootb afrloa all oon tribe lad lo bland tba joy with pathos tua- biya krrj datwaaa two and thraa oolook dauob- manufrom battary tba aotb and both ragimenta id eommand ol captain lang- ton capc baaula and want buunlyoa aooompanlad by oou john idavidaob john mntria u xi a wullam allan tba introdaoiion of oocamarclal taacblng at unlvaraltias la a raoogniuon of tba grow ing claims of boainaas npon trainsd ability that tha prof ssaions aiona oallad for a ubaral ednaation is an old viaay rapidly diving away tba axlganolas of com- mates aspaoiaily of inurnailoaal com- tnaroa la tba wondarfol proportions it baa aaaomad daring tba laat iwaoty yaara and tbadnlvaraal intaraat wltb wbioblu la fojlowad bava ralaad a oocomarnlal to- a ba plana of dignity and raapooaj- bility tbla rasolt is oartainly in no amail maasnr an oatooma of tha athloal vlaw of boainaas wboas modarating infloanoa la happily baglnnlng mora and mora to- tallr canadian ijiiffatbu tba canadian oaula abown at tba fan- amarloao bava baao tamarhably aoooiaa fill at tha exposition boms 100 oattia ail told canadian and amarloan war antarad for pruas and in all otaaaoa in which oar stock warn antarad wa got a raapsctabla plana wblla in tboas n in wbiob canadian atood on any thing lika an footing lbs tiomlnioo wapt tba board la ahortbora oanad latts took ovar 1000 in prtaxa aa against falb ukan by amarloans lo ayrablraa watooki90aa againai 1s0 lo franob- canadiana ioa aa agalnat 1 u fat oattia 3l0 aa againat nothing la usra- forda w6o aa against 70 in abardaaa angaa tj aa againai in qailowaya tlu7aaagainatu7 id qoarnaaya tlw am aginat 710 and in holstala ill as against 030 canadian stock oaptorad lo aluef t3100 id prlaa a agalnat a uttls ovar 3600 taka by tha amarloaoa although tha proportioa of popolatloo 1 aboat foartaan to ona hvhrton wa ar aorry toaay mr brooa blaok- mltb i4 laavlog tba nornst tba baxt tuucnl lamr bmlth of mardan hutu building la going on at ut uat- ahaua mr joboboparhaabaaaampioyad ur maybood of vanoooka who la ort buway touallfajf apant a ooopla of day a lit tba vulags wltb bis wtfaa rala two mrs caorgs ford nf kllbrida apant part of laat waak wltb aorjaalnunoaa berajtndralatuaa id ulmoaabnd rlornad boma uunday w rally la tha uatbodul bonday uchool oa manday was tjoiu a oooaas wva tnauibara of tba in tar madia u nlasa wrj aaoaivad la obarob mamharablp xiib jlglug and tba addi ssaaa glvaa by tu pastory mr bogga and ura talbot wor good- twirg or owia tirrv o touino t luoa oauavy j vrajik j cltoy oiakaa oath that ba is aabw trtut ol tba nnu of w j obanay on doing bualoaaa in tba atty of tolsde wnsly aad atata furatd asd uiat aatd ttrm wilt bay iba auu of onta iiunduki ixlixauu for ab and ary iu uf oa4aritl that auuol ba aurad by ttiw uaa of ualls oatanfa out vtlaug j uiigmmy uworu to wfora lua and aabaarlbad in tay x ulu mh lay of ummabw a d laaft iwquuiion kotarypmblt tulta uatarrb 0u u taaaa intawaally and sflw n t p of uia ajataui hand ft t fr v j otlbffbtt a ootolado q lluu by uiuiauta vae italu rauilly plua wa tha hast hi- children cry l6r castoria applaby adjataat wldamantvaju jootf ii barbav m l a- major l grant mayor uarrywaathar tba aebolara of tba pnblio bobools tstnbara of tha ooanty abd town oonncils and oltuana paradsd at tba town ball which bad tba flag at half maat and wars lad by tba 90th bagimantal band and aetna const band to vairvlaw oameury tha appaaranoa of tha vats r a of d battary tba oomradaa of tba daoaaaad in sooth alrioa in kbakl oraatad graat in- taraatandoonsldarablsanlbaabam tbara warapraaeot bargt bajlantjoa tiaorcatovn aaaom inot ooalpb w ooall aston camnball ttloraj vuanian uaalnb tnofnaajuaalib tr w rartrtdga onalpb baoainjbtnlla ktoolbboa monimiaa drlvar baxdgau daalbb ataaoofertn lloltoaaaalph u bauooudalpb qobxabaab tlaatla i nied thr dat entry iaain hair i vthal but thy racv fan dill in ombtaaa who ilk thyaalf my kuklr ami may tu i tbrouli ctowl and atinrntiirm- ll abiilr wllh m i i icarixi ff with llfr al uatfl in w nu wclabl anil ini lip iwlri wlmtv la oil ihy vkiorrl lunipbulll if hum nm1 willi lr i vral thywlf lfe myiumugwta tthltic ihnnik tw cloont ami hia ntr l 11k kklra in life iil ilcatli inl atuov with wo- i luv j k codden u a followed whb a farvaot prayar buoding t7day in tba piaaaooaof tbla moon moot whlob ahoold be a itandiag memorial for agaa lo oornv ha aeknowladgad tha divlos aovaraignlty abd maroy in qods oara ovar tba nation and ovar tba oontlngaata wa ara on tba aarthaartbly but thoa art tba lord of ilaavsd thoo aavivat otla tha midst of blsdays to out c0 this ufa so fall of promisa wo tbaraforn bow bafajre tby tint ukts onhhhd uooh gram portnji ukw by artlat ilsnubaw jaauarv 3rd ib00 tba dayba latt for uoatb africa almighty band and raslgo onratuas to tby almighty will tha prayar than invokad a bbaaaing upon tho mourning rvlatlvaa that god might poor upon tbam tba rioh- sst of hu baavaoly graoa and com foe i tbam with tba 00m for t whlob oomatb from above giving lbm to know that tba school of moomlng laaaebool of haavanly learn ing and to feal that it la good to bava bean baraavad and ooorl tided wltb tba lords irayar in which all jolnad ur u p moora of iba fama tajt who baa acted as samtary of tba afoontnaot corneal lie xbs rnsbpttun nf rhw aabaorlpliaa hat than oj plained that ba waa tbara in tba poailloo of chairman at tba rvqoaat of ilia worship heave wil liams 17a btaiadtbal lbs soldier bam to wboea memory tby were mot to do honor waa a bora soldtar or yvara ba took a daap iotaraet la the local company and langtot for kdvioa and ooonatl and to ur john n hamutao proprietor- of lha jtaolta- works for fsjs gaosroalty in iba maltar off tba prlaa of tba motinmvnt tba ohalrman than raad a latter of regres from mayor hard man of i batury htoaasaof inability lo bf pr lo anvail tba rooaamant owing to military prvpara- uooa for iba royal reoepuoa he also raad a almllar let lav from lieot uocrms who ba aald wrote a s brother who had a haart and showed hla appreciation of aveota in tba naraar of tba lata oannar moor in booth afrloa whlob bad tooohad him tba speaker referred to ona snob inoldant on a night of jaly wlnur on tha vrldt d oattsry bad bean left twclr boars apposed lo rain awaiting tba tranaport train and conner uoorr at oooeldarabla dlaooanfort loblmeajf abarad hlablankas wllh llaot uccra aa ibay lay node a gun carriage it waa jot aoob tnoldaalaof kindoaaa lha had dbaraotartawl mm broaghoo ute campaign otbar lattara of rgrst bad baao raoalvcd fiom mr c a willu aurora bav t albert uoora uamiltoo oal uaodonald unalpb and bargaoa uajor ucchmmonuf tdurmo uxtmiau av uaa u- a awrrn tba oarvnony of unvaihug tba monn- mant followed lhecbalrroua addraaa ifc waa performed vary appropiiiuly by um c b d01i1i1 lb- daabter of lb oldeel anrrlvlng colonel of tba 20th in iba abaanoa of the odnsmandant of d dattary oannara it and goold of i bittsry aaaiatvd ura bmltb in ramolng the uoloo jack and mapla wreaths whlob enahrotttlad lha monnmant- as tba oeremoav was parfoamad iboa 00 tha platform respect folly nroev tha bands play ad nearer kty ood to tbaa the man in kbakl remalnad in eelnting poaitlon and the ulhlla shouldered arms than tba man of d battary filed paal and saob deposited a sprig of ma pie iravaa on its baaa and tba bcnolar oomplatad tba earomony by decor ating die aod baaa of tba monamant wltb with tba bobools floral off arlnga aa follows 1st dspt7jaonia smith an anchor of whluaaiars and amllax ipbill p uolaua a wraatb of rosas and c 3od dapl myrtle ihlle wraatb of rowas and oamatiooa bart uolmaa a boaqoat of white and purple aster brd dapthlonia uokaagna a wreath of roes and oarnalions trad graham boaqoal th lapt uary mlluo a wraatb of wblta oarnalions and rosea uarold enl- dick a bouqnat gib dapl ulldrad uauuwaa wreath of rosea j jobol handsraoo a wreath of mapla laavaa and roan following lb impraaalva oaramooy tba hand lad oprn in aining maaj uy cod to 1 nearer myfiwl tolhr nrartotn utn tbough it w etc ytytruab to ntlltall bay max aball in- nnttf toy cod to lb mcarrrtotbav batton qoalpb w ounlstav qaalnb tbara war also present bargt- major connlngham of milloa and bargtmajor lorn walker of caalpfa of tha first ooa- tingsat the parade waa a texf fl oos v0u0w1 log tha mn in kbakl who war u by its 90th bagimant band undar bandmaaur crosa war anton company ho 0 30th bide oampbtllailla buwartowd and norval coafpanua and ofoars aa follows bt ltcol applaby capt langton adjt capt belti capt hobla major ftakbar m p 1 major grant lieuts good will la barbar pord warrao morri son thee war aooomjanlsd by officer of tbasotb wallingloo rifles aa follows ltcoi mutru m t 1 capta wlda- man and malarafl lta mamar watara and by ufnoers of tba 1st brtgmd field arul lary goal ph llool davidson and capt marawatbar than oama tha anton cornet bend lad by x o ulu bandmsstar tbapopllsot aoton pobllo boboolaad tbrtoher to tb bnmbar of abonl thraa hondrad followed and tba mem of tba tows council county coon- all anil ultlaena brought up tba rear tba scholars ware especially altraeuva iba girls being nearly all la while and all carried ho wart or flaga tbs pvooaaal was wltuaaaad by hundreds of ultlsana along tb un of mar on xi vatavuw cutbtaav upon arrival bt tha oemslery tb rahllvaa of tba daoaaaad soldier baro oooapud aaat 00 tha platform on 00s aid of lb moonmeot and tha spaakaaa mllliary ofnoara msmbars of tba ooaoolla and wardana on tba olbat tba raullvaa preaaot war mr and mra thomas t moore and mlaa may acton mr and mrs t jamas uoora coalpbl mr and mr jos m moorl caorgstowo j mr and mrs bart moturribao toronuii mrs gbaa tenner johns to n n y mr and mr ali fawcatt klmborly and mr aod mis john aosman toronto tb awardana praaant wat ueaara warren and uavlll aoton and uutobeon haaaegawaya ooonolllor eeoook aod aa mayor dlo milton war alao preaenl among tha oulalde newapapara repraaanuj wer tha dekvui fiiar- by a h forautt tb qeorgatown 1 1 trail by it- x warrao tbemulon jrcorew by ll wblla tba haw market ant by l- 0 jackson and tbacmlpb afvcary by j i uclntoab among tb ladla from a dutane ware rlrv j 11 barber od mu yoan oaorgetowa mrs capf lanatou toronto tba ulasri moblf nortalimr wldamanooalpb and mrs uooibboo morrlston tba m of l battiry and tba mltllia tormada oordoo around tb plsl- fovca monnmant and bands and two thousand clliaans and visitor war mass ad together aa bear as possible to tba drooler plot whr tba monauant elands van toavbilixd oaakjomiaa tbs prooesdldgs opanad wltb lb baanu- idl nymn below abide with m- wblab waa led by tha massed bauds and snag verylmpraealveiy by lb vast aaavmbly abu with w faai ulu lha avculu 1 yh daiwnraa turttaaa 1 imit wllti tw l44a 1 wurrt kbr helper tall and u flew u of h ulptcm o ably wltli m i hwlfi in iu clow m vmuva utile day 1 itait ba joya rtuw dlwi tl gtuu lway ctuuga ad decay lu all aiuuud 1 aw ibwu who changes not abate with wa i they must bring bank pain to soma wbo ara gathered bars he wtl knew htanuy uoor and tbara wvre many poiof aboat blot that wa all cn admlrr enamlja ba bad nooauod babaa left ua a noble aaampls la bis willlognaas to d stand tb rights of brluah objeots ltcol houa ui 1 wa not peraounlly accnalolal wltb irie daoaad bot baptaturod iba gatlaniry with whlth tba m rnan aod una offlovr went away to tba front from gualpb and the an ihoalaam ottba poople at the tim of ibalr i dapaytotb tlamf erred to cot allan aud tba bravery of canadians wban ibay faood tba fanlanaat quaanatoa ilalgbt and waa proud to know that tba moan of ttie hero of that day are aa brave and courageous today and that lbo reoord of ihsta4ll of faardaborg show a that canadian are as lb old lima regiment it va- ttying tim wban in boys drat smelt powdar bot ibay stood aide by aide wlib tb famous cordon highlanders and wblla we fait proud bf tbam all tb world discovered that a new power bad arleeo in tba west canadians are the making of the beat aoldlsra to the wot 1 4 bot wllb all the honor ll 4erd u bva a aou ilia soar from bom h waafil io era that lb peopleof ifallou takeaucb kit intaraat fa lb militia loiu thamcn warv called opou if make great aacrloore nod i bey bavdad noouracmnt fvary ttallon at lb pcaaent time evama iq b praftring for war and lltar4yno ullni what tb- out- ooro may be wbaoever nppirtuulty oronra bow tha wiuotara tbal yud appveclata lhair i tjaty tba caonly counoll of wsllindtori has at t au xampla ho waa proud at a spaoial meeting oallad whan the oontlngeok wont to ttouth afrloa thayvotad 3oenla a day to avary man from the tim th al atuud do til tbalr return in addition to tbalr ragalaf pay ua admonished tha people always anoourag the boya for ibay haver know wban they may b oallad upon lo defend our abore and tbay appreciate klndnaa major john ii barber u p v was plaaaad to b pre ce and take part la do- ln honor lo the memory of una- who as parbsps mor than any other li kaaplng tba boya in good haroor ii spok of three els see of soldiers tbo who war always ready at their oououy a call thoaa who wars ready for action if doty demanded and i boa who would not go if ibay oonld gat out of it tba baro of today baloogad to tba first aod moat honored elaas and lha people of acton bad don tbalr duty lo kaspbg hla memory grn 60 years banoa many of as will b e forgotten bat generations after ba will honf r gonnar moore aa a baro who died for bla 000 n try tho chairman explained tbo a 00 of change in llantcol geo b goodwilue lbs 00m minding officer of tba 30tb itaglmaol by elating that ba was on tbs ooaaa bound homeward and that rv j m ilsgar m a wboa nam waa alao on th pro- gramma was alao prevented ironl being praaant tb bands led tb peopla in singing tba avaniog hymn 0tory to the my god tbukirht uury b lb wy co1 lllia ltlbl for all tbo ucaalng of llv li i ktttt wi o kc bi lilng of llluir uctkatth lliluc mu almlgbly wlu- i voroiv tau iid for- thy dntr umi yhr hla that x ihu day liaye ikutc tlut wluttbawnldiuyacu i eie 1 alccp at lra aiay tacb tuc to live tbt i buy ilwad the kian aa ullte b4 tny ut i tcacb nc lo iju llt ait t may uir kbxloua at 11m awful uy c lei my aoul ot tber 1 aad huy atrcet aufji talne ryxluu clok tucep that abatl ute moti vltfotoua loake to mrv tny coil wbeu i awake iu w b moaipiua b a followed with prayat beeeaching almighty ood to hlaaa tha oataa of krlght and to ceiablub pae and to bring abob tb um when the nations of tbs earth may learn war bo toore closing with tba benediction tba bands plmyod tha national ablbw tb eoldurs aalntad and tha oervmony wa over monument to gunnufc w j moore unveiled 00 utatday attaruooa at valrvuw oataatary a4toa raglmaut and whan the boar war brcka out was ona of iba first lo volunteer ii was a day ul in galling to toronto or ha would have enluud wltb tba first goo lid gaol later wban lha call weal forth for a aaoond contingent b waa au nf lb ii tat to join wban b and ganoar gould left aoton lo jan nary j lt0 lo joia tbda taobmant stcutelpll tba peoul of aofoo had met to aay godapead aatbylu tbalr felowoltlaeos fait thai lby yr aendlbg two good and brav man to- aght for th qun and kmpira for tea months bjurwttda tba peopla of aoton and aarrobodlng ooanlry bad baa daeply lu- tareeled it tb lattara wblob oama bank and war pobliabad la tb fax faame raooontlng th incidents of tb voyage and lining aveota on ibatoelii of batlu than lha ulura slopped and mhltirday mom- log 6tb hovamur it broarna th sad duty of tha speaker abd mr a t browu to proceed to lbs bom of tb father of go oimrf moor and break tb bewa that b would but 00m bank wltb tb oomradaa who want awy tb na aaat a tea dog of gloom over lb wbou bom muully and arouaed a feeling of elnoat sympathy with tba family bervd lm toeduuly a dlr aroaa to do aometklng iq nommauioral tit memory of par jilup hero as ewuu um it we proposed every body wanted in oooulbuu it was at flrt thought that tbay should put a tablet on lbs town hall but tba uiantier lu which aubiorlpilous nam id boon auured them that ibay could do far btor tb children beit in tbalr paouua anddlmea tb work ing people tbalr jusiur and tb gcuorvj public tbalr dollarw aud tba tnud witboat aolloltatloo vary eoon aaeumad booelder- able aggregate odwbtattoary guunar gould arrived boms aod w did oar beat to glvw mm a pordlal waloom w war gad of bis raloro bat the reoepttou wss marked by renewed expression of aorrow that color- bargt moor would barer reltiru oa 7 lb 7n a mass meeting wagbald to daolda dpootb uonumaatt a great many daslgoa waraoupsidecad sad after aaamlnaiiuii tha oolqt dsetgn we baa lodaytbauk of whlob bad bot been mm lu canada before bad bean selected a small oon- mlueawaa kppolu led composed at ilaa williams mrs u b bmltb ibdubur tf lb aldeat living colonel of ihs win regllttsiil aud lbs sueakar sud they bad audaaaoxedlupsrfuim lbs wuikaa willai they kusw imiw tha oomiwiiis wtr very maab lrlebtd ta col uavldaoo and capt yhoutfb uklb watuurer daylbjblall ko itoikrt be ovcx tor uy teat a atua vet lnuydiraualdbe nare toy gel lo meaier tu thee ybcac 11 the way aftxar uepa uu to beavcit all llat ibwu aendut ue tu toeicy rieu auku u bcktm ui hair my ood to tuv nrertrulbc lie h a maopbarxoo halog lblrodoo- adhy th chairman uontraalad tb aspoot of war that- tba people of this eeatlon ara aooaatomed to tb glory of lb reeull with th nw vkparlanos in oar own town it takes a brav heart to bid fax a wall lo paraota sisters brotbara and nam- psnlood and laav tb bom of child hood and tba pleasure- ground of hla manhood to tan tb sxlgauole of war in a foralgo land and ha draw a lucid piplra of gun oar moor on bu dying bad in tb hoapitalalfratorlawlrb tb laat tboogbia of a brav aoldur for bom and moth tha ulw heard tb nwa with tb grwat- sat of btaman sorrow bat vh maag from ihu toon oman i fc wlp awy bar unoaaalbg tear and an aboold fael bat tba victory which shall yet o bil lons ha bo bought in pari by tb life- blood of bar eon gunner moor waa always tru to iboa whom h looked opoa m friends bad when biding bis ooenrade goodbye ws uy b em h did not forget hbl fruud la aoton lt col ixvuimm of guelpb who sworw lu tb gualpb detaohmaut aald that it is an honor lis would always pru tb swearing in of tba uoalpb oonungant tat boulb afrloa abd wblla th praaant oooealoti called forth baartfall sympathy it was rsenarkeble that gunner moor was tb only soldier out of si anllstad a tioeipb that waapravsbud by death from ratornlng home w command th family baraft to our llaavanly faibat who alon oan sootb tbalr wooudad haart if vs a ganaral favorlu beoaoa ba always looked at lb bright id ol ty difnauity and putaifakiul aocoaragamant into tba boys and w honor blm today baoao be obeyed tb nail of duty to m tint jo lha briiiab nag andaatnbllabtqualilgbuuithal far off l mr david uanderaooi m f waa vry ayanpatbatlo a his address bsoaoaerbarwu awara thatno mtur bow oompllmnlary oa words may tragardlng tb daoad tba procassiod than reformed and pro- cedd to tbc town hall where tb eoldlara bands abd invllad vultora partook of a vary appillaiug lunobson ona hbndrad and silly est down to tba luncheon and tbay wars daintily tarred by tha following young led neatly attired in cap and apron miaees caaai mopball lottia is upslgbl margaret hoa jaale hicklld nalll alllnchrlatida maophaon tana 0 orris maggla fyfs 01 ara moor anni bupbanaoa ada if yude adsb fyf ball btsphanaon ada frauds jen tils bmltbandidagrindil usadamaa c b bmilb i franola aux beoonl and ii i moora war lha luncheon uommllt and tby deeir tbroogb tha faag tana to tender cordial ihabka to tb wtvas of lb farmer wbo- so geoarooaly supplied lb fowl bulutr broad buna crvam pick u a eta and to bj other who an willingly aldsd la mskltig tbs luncbeod aa enjaymbls at tba oooolttelon of tba repast gapt langton iu habsu of tba onsborvmd met thanked tb ladua foc tbalr bpleftlld repeat ma staled that it was tiol aa ma- uaasl thing tot tba ofncerv and man of no 0 company to be an treated and proceed tb nop that lb people throughout tba county would smllarly show tbalr appreol tlonotui tbalr volunuars whenever op portunity offered dating tb luncheon ilper murray of toronto discoursed tvatl and abllveulug strains upon lit pips to lbs sujoymaill of all who hat a tracer of uooltlsh blood and lo tha unbounded delight of that veteran of tb ttotbgul w allan action cornet band andtbauolb luglinaut band klaoplnyeda ubaral eelculioos uf patrioilo tunas alter tb luuobeon at th own graud bland drug business w erskine v having purchased the drug ami stationery llualrte of mr j i mnkw tltc founder of the buvincaa dcalmt lt toy that ho comes to acton ajtof having larj cxarlenci aa u dbilenain druggiat and fcvla confident that be can glva ail customers tho utmost katinfuct ion mr kmkine hoic that by strict ipunal attention to tha business and careful iduily id tbo wanli of tha putdic tlutt lie latke circle of citsloenor wrlto bnvb favored tbo ialace dru store with their alron4jje will cunttriueto dn to kltba abbtrtisrmtnlb nothjk ft i uaes dlaual nt nv bwlihm jv aasla to baa itil sitl4 ummii lau all lndatit u a lilaaaa call and mtla itialr ucuunli mu vaymucbolllta jij uatthkwit reaiilaotlfekliiuf friea only ijm- a maapl ifoeualt og jraaldaat ucklnny uw iimiui ulllaulewb a a rloai aeb eopy boldoe li peatarad a nhotee of nlna otba phmlun ulaluraa loclndldg tb and oacbaa of i- crvditjrtno htar- lbay a tba uau a pramlum wltli avarr t addraaa w ruaumlrtau uoarui iviuu uv4aio card w 1-i1ank8- tub uddejkned daeli utajaka to ttie nian kind to tu in gel rdmit baavy tb kind acta and btinpltua bnub appeaolatad by ua all aod tba li taken by th council adtbea la paid uoo we will rvmaaiuar wltb a fiiltti r vary altiaaraly ulth j ii ttkalwom and family anton tlapt wuii itoi iurc caiefnlly bclrnctcd ilruffii and rnedicit ill always lo found jn tbo uoo ktatlonnry and wall pajicf lcartmciit jwill receive the uatmj attention mfit ha in the pvt olid a largo lot of new gttod ha jtiat luoii ibibmxl into utock t it wjll alfonl pleasure lit tho new proprietor to have cittaans ami rrhidouu of tho aiirrotindinjj cimntry urrnc rally call and become acquahttetl iriccs will ulwnyrt w found right palace dru store next merchants bank acton w erskine actons greatest store new pall dress goods arriving daily ha now-tw- dicp o treri rinodi ever shown special line worth sp- z samples on application new french flannels in stripes or spots 50c per yd heaps of wool blankets at low prices special line 6f ladies vests at 25c and 33c oil cloths hosiery tweeds flannelettes cottons shirtings towlings extra value in table linen and napkins aurnetqo the mew store in the new block hcton 0a1u of thanks w tb oiwlaralgnad dealr to unit la as tv meaaaloc tbrocah lb taadiooi of tb vmmm rauimrbauulllhdkiioumcluuna of aetou and aurrouodldt oounuv ad to bla munulm foe tbatv veey ntanlfaea kladuaaa and ympatoyul car heaey baraavarnaot loadaalb o our w laat novaoiber at lvtnta hoatb afrlaa we daalra foiuiar to ackoowtadr oar klmtltod toajloouearnadfae llmanmuna of ua aplandld mooosubi to bla rmiuory la vmlrrln tla atary last hataedar aod tar tb aomaroaa kind boa sd ympatbella worda toab- 1 tidy aapraaaad ta eoanaatioa wltb tba udvaillng wnmoauh jala naaduea to aay tbai w preclata all uj1 vaey etooeealy aod aball eae abarlab tboogbta of it with rretlliku mhanuwilbpimfajlt uoouk and vamlly aaloa oct u1001 procrastinate no dont do wit but come today to the acton pump works and get your pump repaired or buy a new one we can do it watering troughs cisterns and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed cbafeies ebbaob mn suu bxeelsisr bakery the rammer wcalber la ayw bar in tarn- ml in addition to our daily kupply of bread buna cake ale wa are bow prepur- ed to supply the public wllb pare ice dream samaier bewrafleb and wo am making a bpecully of ice cream soda and aoda drlnki generally we have law oratdam soda fountain and veep i put supplied with icecobl aoda and the pureal fruit flavors aargeralocvof grocerieartban ever be lore and lha public know 00 r prices are right wwdaur cakaa m 5jiaf ty t btathamson main st acton uoh a yav truim uomuyamv tb mobtimsot is of vary bubalaiillaj proportions u uf unlqa design vvy skill ally vaeeuted and a trtdlt alike to tha people of acton and to mr john tt llamll ton tb oonuaolor who executed the work u waa largely ihrodub aid hamiltons ubaral treatment of lbs com mil ua that so una a mouumsnt baa been erected tbs coal to a private individual wtjuiu bava been 00 but ibeoemmltlv secured ll for a sum cooalderably la lt klabds ta a commanding poaitlon lu lb olrcalar plot lmxtt llolruumfarano about 100 fesltruui tbautraoetoour baantlfol osmatery abd f aos veirlw ava this place of ground wa raerdse ku oruamautal plot at lb olrano when tb park was surveyed and lb alia of lb tnonbment was geaaruuely dvdloaied to tba parpoa by lbs municipal council on lotb jnu lastupou motion of oouocilloraliyndsandbwackbaluar tb alon u of canadisu gray grault and wm specially tjuanlad for tbs taumunxut apou lb order of uontiaolor hamilton to lb buuued quarrlaa at newport quabao it wasdraasedpoluhed aod naorihad vntlraly by tb bklllol workar lu mr uamlltoos aleolrio worka inuuajpb tho bottom baao la 4 feet 0 fuaba aijuarat aaopud ba 1 leal 4 luob iuoar and tbs inacilptlon dls t feat inohag saiuarr and 5 fret blab the total at cos d a speight ccx have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at cost prices there will be bargains lor every- body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time willbe al lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash is not convenient j l speiglit cb- wardrooms foot of willow 8t y p baunr tsnumnfl tn grccuintt wm h- vob huubju aj t call early and avail youraclf of his valuablcscrvicetva ihu is a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper ly tested free of charge no rue workbut a scientific certainty lifb cukmmj accurately fitted att woual riuataaktkeu nrlb will be at agiuyvs hotol acton ows pmv omav thursday october 3rd height uufeet iaobaa tb enoobmanl wrlgba 7 ton 6o ida ol tb du ba luacribed on u vb- tualgnw of tb 6u usluieul the balta roaaumiouuud by ibaorawn abd tb fbtara at la tb uenlre under ntb lv tlie word helton aud below that again lb word oolof- hergeabt aiour on tha treat appear tba union jack onctbenaath it tb follow ing inscription tbla knoobmant wa erected by thecltuuma ol ac loo and oibat frlanda lo matuory of gonnar w j moora d battary lloyal canadian anjlleey lau colorbergt no 1 lorn ltlfl uallon baglmanu who dlad at no 9 milluryunspltejlraurlaboutb atrlaa wblla la aotlv lurl utb nov 1000 aged e year balovr tbla inacrlpuod again in urge lallara acroe tbo aaoood baas appear iba bama moors oa tb bortb sld 1 lb creek nf th lloyal canadian atultary and tut lb wl a battary kud hbd words our aoldiar baro dyeinc guuuhlls dyeing and clean ing wouks goeljfl tit place or gentlemen le havw tbcjf sulla and ovarcoota and ladles carmen u and llouaahold goods clasnad and dyed oatrlcb llumo and tip cleaned dyed wiss jbruyman agenl atanny aoocu aoton tb caramon ua wer moat impeaealv abd effectlv tbrougbbuf nearly at tb plots of tb cemetery war laabtlfulty deooratcd wltb flowra abd hags and lb oamstary la all part waa moat attract ie aud indeed tta beauty vbd geoarol attrac tlvenee wrr a surprie to lb bnndrvd of vuitora bino tb lash report lb following aabeeriptloua war received f for tb toon d man t fund a military friend b0qoonnciltor john arue ooanty councillor 3 ii leaoock s0o tbaoonlamctor and all other enpansa in oonaetioo wllb tb uoieillng cars moo us th tunobaoo ate have beau paid and generous 1 bav baaa th ooouiba- lions that whoa sll subaorlptioa proaak ed tutva been paid ibtre will b a daflgll uf only 11 hi jtalking aheumf u you are talking ol a fall suit w want lo do a littler talking too our jry0ofa arw jsurf ik o wa are uuercstod and w think wo oan i s is rest yon by ibowtnaj ibam elegaaa hulling lijjjoeaij upt coma lo and wo them wm m coopklt mhkclukttalul fetr sfkmr rcton jucorslbv it lakes loaallfy acme people it lakes very lujla hero to g4 tbo iwrat of balufcctbw from our 1 iuk3 now la the- uue to save luonoy and get tha beat values aiao tu luvo yoor farm resnada of remodelled at nrrtmar prhoaa l n e lafontalre wbdlouu ik hill 1urtlr cuelph pare spices per pickling sxlsvck atcppssri fhlte pepper uimuxer mnamaral vui itftuutrst hm1 vryaowdeir tsthcrlo mmt and clove bof aaalad loc packages xjjcx ctmcanr sasiar ajrmrajrjrrj hjcaxjuo jfiatr h vuumu rimou k t brokn uhumist acton lunaawiwirttiftihiir a

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