Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch ageneral bankingbusineas transaoted correspondo nco solioitod savings department intcrnf allowed on s iail and upwards iron lof onk ikh day of dep lay of withdrawal nu formallilce end 10 delay in drawing money farmers liusinesm solicited notes of respoaslblo armor discounted and money lotnedlor oilinuite omlncss purposes our collection dopar for making prompt salo notoh handled and money advanced on account of same at low rate of interest travellers are notified that the hank of hamilton and lis branches issue circular notes of the provincial flunk of england limited which can b cashed without charge or trouble in any part of i ha world head officii i hamiiton yii 1872 capital paid up 109575 resccvc fund 1500000 the ne at home mostly or a looal charaotar and ovarv ham interesting the totrnmblp tejr collector j tlio oolleatora or fan noting township have bean appointed as follows polling hubdivlaioo mo 1 welter hbortrecd no 2 iliobad dick no nsnry wilson no teler olbbeus no 6 james nibkell tip 0 tbeo notion the ool leolore will be paid tb sum of twenty dollars each jadgmm cofarf kfrtsian juiltfa tfamlllan held bis goad of lufliou of ll vours list bars last wednesday bat bs found little to do tbeleeders of the looal polllloel parlies had nst and arranged maturs very amicably on lbs gitn aod take basis and the judge msrely ooo armed their arrangement of the name to b addfd struck off sic a urg narabsr of dames ware obangat but lha valoe w the psrttse by tbs changes is conceded to be about even tie fulc drug gtoro cbmag tlmadm fversino lbs death of bis wife a year ago mr j d mokee drugjdat has bad nnsetlied and laoly decided to dlapoee of blabtialneas in this be has been soooas ful and mrw kraaju of toronto ate of grand valley has corns into posaee ion of the bneineeaof tbs xelaoe drog hloro which was flooded and bolll up to a sucoaaafnl volume by mr alckee mr lraklne come highly recommended both a to as ii as a druggist and uptight h alton coupjtv old boys the oatherlna at hilton provpb b grant 8ucooaaa warm weloomo mi lion hapl 27lh the reunion of halloo county od buye hald at milton today during ttie county fair mm a suo ocas in every way the hamilton canting ant about 100 strong arrived by apeoisl train about j p m and were marohed to lp town ball beadad by milton brsae and ileed hand tbetorookooontlngcnt about 800 alrong errjved at u 10 p m by special irajn sooompanled by the 4tiih highlanders hand an i also tnaichad on to the town jisll ths prooeeaion waa than for rood and marched to the halum 0 d boye aaaoci tlon tent on the agricultural hhow grounds wbsrs apecchss ware mads by lbs president of the hslton uuunty agrloullur al association mr ijilluv preeldrnlof the uslton old boye association the president of the hsmlll n association of ial ton old boy a i tin eating major of mdtoa soil others id the evening s greud cunoett ws given in ihe skating liitk by ilia h b highland era hand atlei dod by fully one thuuaand psraona the fcelr waa una of the m gaooeaeful er bald in the county local unibflutb a cuftomar in mlluft writes da 1eea 1asas job iriullug arlmont i em highly ploased with lbs work jut received please supply ma with 000 envalode at same rale as last lor supplement to the acton free press vol xxvii acton october 3 1901 parmbrb fnstituttib no 1 f the important work thay ar ao- oompllehtnn throuflhout tha provlnoe tbe wejoaus character of the work dans by the parmere inailtate ia relainff tb- standard of agrleolturs and anouaragintf improved metbads of rrmln is genrlly raoogaiaed the report of uuperlnundaat ormlman far lut yaar ban juat bau leaned hevrniieslal u eaaat af a xtaur iufomatiou ujva tile toul htembar ship of the yurouri inlltota in jnns last as mht as compared with 1u 0m for the prwlous yaar the lnur lool intituu is that of ualton with a memur sbipof 7r auonaurown a 11 hv -4- uiltoa did bereelf prood leal kuy upon the occasion of tbs vlalt of ibe melton old roys to the coqntv fair th tare sad oootatns a ert dead of matter em bod j log the uieei oonojoatoos of spanlaluu n every department of frm work i comprises lu addillon to a reoord of the progrees of lbs movement a number of addresses and pepere read m institots meetioka with explanatory dist grama and illnstratiooa among ibe ebauges made int ibe eyatem witb exoalunl reenlts eo far a um trtia fsaaooe of ibe lotur work haretofora earrled on by tbs u or usui tor t booletuu to tbo ipartmnt of ernere instilatas a bam bar of lha local bodl w i fntn bold their annual meetiut at the liaarat fruit ksperlineot hultoo where tby mui bave the based i of tbe prsetlaal iualroiltoti in wrsftlug epravintf etc tbe abject of poultry has rcived mi cb attention bpeaiaj poultry mealing bave bean bjd al wblob ldin poultry apaoll lets gave demonstrations as to tbe beet methods of killing and dressing poultry in accordance with tbs requirement of the markete among tbe speakers at tluse ratbarinits were w u or- bam vnl a o gilbert j r meyer and 0 it oottrll welf known as poultry ex parts a notable feature of ibe yar la the striking increase in the noubar of wonjta fastitates of wbiab tbare ere dow thirty two in operation mm of ibaot bavlnti a mamberahlp of nr one hundred as 10 pre loos years esoareione ba been run to tbe agricultural colli itlvlng many tboaaand faro vara al opportunity to 1 familial with tbe tnoet twxuru e of soiaatiutl acrloultora a ei too waa alao takect to promote tbe atlendanoe the fioviuelal winter vmlt with tbe result that j fllo tnembare tap- reeeotlng thirty fonr faeiitutae mv la aiteodanoe a apveial proatramme was provided for institute wurkers aodtaddiaa ee delivered by a large member of protnla ant ejcriouluiriets and ineuruolor seed faire nave been eetabllabad in con oeotloo with four loetitulea vl kut york south wellington weel wsllingtoij and soolb grey tbeee are held annually la marob aod tbe farmer or lug tbvlr bael rusplfl of jtralu for of xnhao- a ldiotopo at id t tola me tlug was thai of oold atorage rerardin wblob a ooddeal of valnaue loforcnatloa has been foroiebed da hog tbe kneeling of the blperimeota unua ih dewatee vtilud tbe ootd storajte plant at the aarloalturj ojllsge and veaeivad an losbjbt law tb pro ease of raf hgevmtl oo reloome to tbaold boys was moat oordii and they appreciated it vary highly if as is hinted in some quarters an out elder is appointed to tbe poeunaaterablp bar therell bs fis big a row in town as there was in a neighboring town lu tbe ooonty when sjmilejf action was takes by the other polit oel party a few yaare aa hergi major gunnlnubam ax mayor dice fdilor whit couuly counoillor feaoock and a number of other oltlaaoa attended tbe uuvelllod of ounnr moore mouumant at aolojlon balmday tney spaak of tbe oareiuonlas as moat fittlofrmnd impraaia and iuolrih rnouuruaut lo us m handaoiuri tall i vmi labl latlte llumbar of onr cltlaartrf tb fair at acton to morrow tb rhy lu the malliodm school lut huiiday efuruoon wi suooem the aoboolroom deooraud with out tlnwere and pis aarvioa oooaiatad of raaponalva addreeaa ad addrae of wait delivered by the suparinlaitdanl w krnnwly ii i and 11 huudy a urut uatfally nt- n illngabnd omm waa mr h coming and going visitor to and from aoton and varloua othar paraonal notsm tbs laaa pases invitee ajliu readers to eon- ultiutatouilaooluma if yosvov yoftr friend are going away on a bolide trip or u yoo have rlenda vlaltlnat 1 drop a card to tbe irakn mrs d bwackbemmsr teflon friday to visit friends in bsginaw ura cbailee medley left on friday on a visit lo friends in dalrolt mr alex wsllls rstorned from bis uip to it e northwest lst thursday mrr cliarles taylor and babe of tor oulo viajtad aoton frisods this week mie l ualunliue spent sunday with mrs john ilallaotlne asaeorgstowd col jqbu mauu m v pwasgussi falrvuw plaoe dntiog bjs stay n town measre kerrbrowb and john 8 moore tooka wbeelloglrlp lo toronto lass wi mrs w h btorsy and mrs janes firetbrook uud frlsode la goelph oo monday uer julrmbeck of berlin waa tbe guest of mr and mre a t brown on halurdav mr a b forstsr editor of er gekvllu favored moorecroft with a brief visit last saturday e mayor dice of milton was lo town on kalurday attending be nnvelllog oaremoblej mra wo carroll went to olovsyvllu n i dojjelmday ta p uitublr and mrs tomp- vulted friends st ll week yj w goodeve 0 a js spent a day or so this dial borax u g jackson of lbs jve a mnob ee teemed lei tors trlog tb week oodland and mrs john iron t j are goeslt of pmr jon iloee gottsg ttyne and ilamsbaw of itad at tbs borne of mr jharcb slreal this week firetbrook and maats ungolsbeae are spending t friends in their former jihsumaiism j no othar disease makes mm teal so old it stloens thalolnls prixlome amoneas and makas every motion is mful it lmactlmso be t sa wis lyioalsa ble and i should never in- urqiorted m j urionsld trrnim ont bad it aher a severe attack of the nrip wra itsttle turner bolivar ua had t no severely aba oonld not lift enyiblmt and coaid acexcaly net op or down autre w ii bhepard bendy hook onn was laid up with il was fold even in july and eoajd not dress blmeelr aorjordlns lo tesllnionlels voluntarily given these sufferers were itermanrntly relieved as otliera bavn txvn liy hoods sarsaparllla which corrects tbe aridity of tbe blood onwblcb rheumstlsm tleixnda and bullda op the whole syalem llooal riclan 8j 8pbculf0k saturday 20 pounds selected haisins for xoo too pounds grann- latcd sugar for 4 75 remember we are headquarters for all kinds of frail gem jarsy pickling spice and vinegar pays to buy at bollcrts it 1ayui flay at liolurls tbo notod tu btobi and china palace j a alaatara is ooeverybos of the bvabis i laxative bvomoquiiiinc tablet isarsasrambiseeeay i j a mccrea cuclph luu the fpvtb lejue hl i able aoolal avaiiiitu ul il 111 uy ninlit ry aijoy cuatwbofjs cohnbffs a lafite ou tribal- from i jr altsklaf th unvalliug neramoniea of outiuer ilooj m monntnanl at aoloa laet uturtly and war touch lotaraatad in the jmprvaalv event mrwm oripps hss ranted ida farm lo mr taylor of 1 jn mll an 1 ha purohaaed lb farm belonging in mr c harris tb many friends of mr and mrs g hat bar of aotol war eorvy to bear of tb death of their lulealecebte- oo moa day evaoiux qultaanumbar from bare lotand taking lo aoton fair on friday mrs uamabaw of barvl is vleltlnt al thtoaiof bir daughter mrs ill j hn- suin mr jobnoreweoti ar left ia friday to spend aouia tint viajtlrwfriiuds in mlelil it sb auhorovu mrs w uouincoo vutud friends bera tbtswaek mies minnie holmes of norval w ova bondav a 3 ii ntxno s mr edgar- buddell aid mr itobart wrubt a pan i a fw days at uis pu amer loau tbte week mrs l id me of toronui was a gueat as 0 h 1reloas saturday mtas hakab aebanburat baa beau ii tar some lime with malarial far mrs coruy of mount foraati le vultlng br parvots mr and mrs ttaro appubs uev frad tbompaoo of arthur is at bis bom hers and la peosireeslug favorably an lajporwupln lb lnlea of lb f fc t- tsro work was taken by tbe appotounaot of sapehnvaodant oraajnau to tb poaliioo of assistant aeoretary aod esiltoc of lb as aoclatloa of oeoadiao fairs and fcsbibi uoos wbieh will glv additlooal opportnn- ity for advancing tbe aohowl very eubalentle prares wu mad dnrlug lb yaf ouvered by tha report laatweak od the eve of the departora of mr a l thornton and family la their new bum id oak villa a ttaulw of fiuods aod belgb bora aeeemblad and prautd mrs thorn loo with a fur nape ooot in a while the beet o meo feels ilk bain a bar bar leu je4 for a few mlulu vsttlag ootobtr 11 tea will be asrvet aod a good programme rendered la writing tip belaid uavsilug oetmnfile tb guslpb jfatcwrjr rafara to aoloa a tb lovely illuelown actons attractions will impress onr ua biassed visitor tbeaks to ueevewuuams were beard do all liam for bis thodbt fulness lo bav lag main street so wtu aprinkled all tb way to falrvisw aveuoe last satorday la vtew of tb parade lo fairview cemetery it has been suggested that lteeve wuliabm be puuooedvproolalni a olvlo holiday fo aoton next weak to permit oltlsso to go to toronto to pardelpau iti tbawaloom tolbadult nd doobcm of ckwowal and york t v btaltbypolslut will bs in aotoo thursday ootobef brd oo day only room al agaew hotel if you i have oy aafaol la joor syesigbt jt will pay to oall aod see blm examloatlon irr oall early or you may appoint pea a a t brown e drpg btor itdppb wakind catcup deoaoas of lbs a pel hog too aaefa lo of ulsrt uboc od malar lal mo danger b0h you os park oalsup flavor and inetead of sploss a natural red nalaap u lb rsswu aod oo thai will keep oo toj bdtu will aotmam or two boaheleol loauttoaj luojar making fraa 0u- od aainpla tl osuap bold aw t browodruaal ni aroy aoalpooarr actpn ifeaderadtf coat muuaory ones fig miee lusoh and mles ioriaod were favored with a urge uumbr of visitors at tb olelgow- uoua yaaurdsy ibe oooesloo of their autumn millinery open lug tha rooms war gay lo their loyal dsooraliorj of red wblt and blue and branch of maple uavee and tb beatttl foj new mllliosry lent an especial obarol in tbe uimwlngsltls very liolioeabls that all colore ere in vokob ihoojib red predomln ue aud brown aud green uxm slid lo favor the fraoob oomblnallooa of fur lao slid flowsrs era quite plsntiul lllaaais and tuills are all tbe rwgs and there is klao au abundaoo of jat sbd autos b ha prs are vary flat tha psttnke btiiig sna tooca popular tbaa lu lb spring tbe glnsboroub qou- tiuua lu favor but ii bow appear in carnal s balr vffeots for tb drsl time the hampton bat is very muob lu erldsuoe auj lbs wset folub is aleo sbown lu pretty dedans and color logs ueaver bau are again to tb for tbe dlapley tbrougboul u highly creditable two hunohbo bokrs killho suodsiisi laort unla uraatar ttoan at plratndor44l lautsmttunaulbepluo tb urjllab aorawaxt italarnow knuwu to pave bead greater hibltba at oral reported two hundred boera were killed and mure hao mo ware wounded or oapturad wbso a feller trie to git eometbln fur tiatblu p doa t sdt iil bs moat always tblukk he t been swindled ku itturaatiug talk to the m ilal mr l jlaih left od monday for new oulario ii h looalad about 0 bill a from north bay i 11 v auatin fotur pcucliwl antiivr eery aarvioa b nerval on sunday mrs maudaon bae rvturnad from lor onto whar she hae uaeq taking alilrio treatment for tumor front dr i hat uarl bbarrall btlutar lllraat slid tlioliull u01 fulr recovred uie dr ia oothit that a permanent cur wilt be affoll snl that sh will be ablr lo raum iim- tuii in muaio lit a abort time a bit ting of ell i in to oousldar ths arnold uy law was ball in tltetuwiiliil on monday evulng th hweiwouj il tb nhsir and th ily owu-r- r t war addraad by ii d warran a d tiioniiami jthomas clttlk vr bi wett ii w kntdy comoillim hurley stid brdly u forutti 0 c iw lir iu f good willl hl j malo1 tha apoks favorably to th loan of ths 110 000 and fr taxa propoal but ll was mi in vl-w- of the faol that a two thirds vole of the ro party holders kiid twanji y laaa holders o if leas than ouvnfth vol sksiui it a thrflftha voir is oaoaaaalry to carry th by law that it was beoosaary to appoint a com tnllle to mak a syauntatld oauwau of th tuclors if u yasaajw is lo bsscurad th nsnvaaaare appoinid si it l warrvu l ij iuuuit h a coffiii 8 ii maqlbbou b foraavlli john baird t 1anigy win brown mark maw m mocsuu and id gally limehoube mrs aux motbm of orlllia vial ted friends her during the wk oar hernial was pretty thoroughly daclmalsd last saturday afternoon by the peopl oearly all looking to aoton to wit bee lb bnveiling oeremoula in coutlatf una with the ouunr moor moauniaul aotoo will aitaia be favored with lb balk of oar popoutloo on friday whan tb big fair is in progrea there will be a number of exhibit from iblssaollou tb special aarvloee lu tb methodist cburob hav beau aloaad and 1uv mr hawar has goo lo welland fur a real senday was children day at tit irae- byterlao eburob kvry ordit is due the ladle of tb ooukregaliou who taatafully dxoraud tb ohurob ihe aervloa of tbs day wr very luureatitig and profll able mr itobt brown of ibe otb llu is tuoviughls feeldeno bearrbls new baru mre ki kctjy of gaorttetowu and f batts balllnafad and ublldrei war vialllng al mre johu ntebole mr jas nawloti is vlaitlug br bro tbsr in hernia mr wtu nlchol baa iturued to br bonis in baruu afur spending a tuoulb with he suur fluk 1llla aud i would kirougiy a- aimllar auffarers to give tbsm a trial ivxperlenoe ban rovl dr williams fluk 1ill to be without an ijusl a a blood builder sod tierv ksslorsr ll is tbig power of aouog directly ou the blood and barvee tbeee pill st sold by al oaalar in medlotus or 6au be luul by mall postpaid at wd a box or six boxes for 3 w by addreaalng hi dr willlsma msdunecourookville ont tlba- aod ml may and t of oriliia war gosal at jt obarlee davidson us i tr onslph anrt miss oroato wsr la tend tbe unveiling ors 31 tlrosby died in goalpb saturday the death of tig mlnutsr is very moon and maggls laird bav dsllghtfol visit with their a falls and at the pan tall of k ad g ibbod of morvlaton war jmncipel and mr t t day william maeoo muee tnd haxal aod loltlf aod bsrla maeoo attended tbe bert meson and mis va e yesterday foulffs of aookwood pre goalpb district kpwortb town oo monday arranging for tb annual qoaveotloo dwood oo 4tb oolober axas sxeod oordlal aym p downey editor of tbe and bu family in ibe irfsred through tb daatb of v j bowoay oo batarday fffi tb seven moo the- old kod mrs georg barber kmarred under kad olroum barber i away in british i mrs barber and tb baby i lb bom of bar parents wmlelobman 1lute security genuine arters liver pills doaf slsnaturw os kogbledk wsaw bseses rjaard krugar sot of th former frsaldeut of lb trsuavsal rsoeully aur rritlard to ilia british baa ui died after short lllltaas neinnctr nkaanans fbi tiumtnttt foi tatnaura rot caatnmtiul muuivsoi rnmcaarunsi storm proof heptonettes too need to fear th coming stormy ibeolulely rain and storm prool ifoptpnetfc waterproofs are y the bight house hamilton s pavoiute shopilmc llack sp6rking chrpgts wed ilka lo inlerest you in the new line with ih uieat tall tints aod beautiful patterns there ore so many diflcrenl grades but each has its own ipoclxl features in each you ll find jualllle which rocommeod it and reasons lot buying and whatever the kind you select you ll 6nd they re absol utely dependable jvw ajunjssiarof ys piece and t cholc pxltems at if aj and i jo yard jva wooi 14 piece all new and good patterns to coooao from at 60a to 00c yard jtaw ttniojuc 8 piece good serviceable colorings and priced at from 3j0 lo 45c a yard jw wlltoamc jo pieces jo handsome ti 35 ll 50 and 1 1 75 is tav yard 40 pieces 13 goodpallern05c 8jc l 00 and ll 33 yard mmw tpmtrjm 60 pieces jo splendid designs a variety of prices at from 35c lo o0 yard in furnishings for the home every needed thing to malt tbo bom bright 1 at prices you 11 surely admit are eminently wo show an immense slock and cheerful you can get here and fair and reasonable our fall campaign u planned on ideas of econo tot our customers and credit for pur establishment we are sure to captnro lb trade of those who want the best goods si the right price we would remind out of town customer that orders by mall receive prompt and careful attention and requests for samples will be attended to at ooce tltomas c watkins king st east cop hughson st hamilton splendid values in new linoleums core ick headache amateur book- keepers ctm have no tight place in any business office tbe student who graduates from tb 1 derated business college of ontario with schools si guslpb toronto llamll loo london ottawa sarou berlin call hi catherine has i lie advantage of expert training lit book keeping and accountancy no bettcxiltne than now to enter royal city business collete t radar bank build in j w wiooino quulpm ont mmclpmt it e a misfortune lo aom fok to nv a for lone left em ir to represent large eon lelaj rapuwiee me pes laehly gaper day abeoleaajy ei arson la eveev ipsay of aeud year payable 1 all ex ilsaions safety paid eaeb baiqrday and ssueeae momi advaaeed eaew week attajt dxubouhb wbd yaoaal as not bio bat tbe bad paitosometblng its belter a look mmb- wbet else children cry for castoria linoleum u tbebealiblesl ftooi covering rnxje ko accamaulioo of dust of dirt can lodge on its surface we have inlaid uoouunt with tbe pattern running right through ia th back the design cannot wear out and ll s sasily cleaned onr unoleum ocn from tbe very best mill in the work rora such well known maker as nairn of scxl und and ibe greenwich junoleuni co of loodon their quality makei oof offerings worthy of your attention every piece l bought at cloaca cash price and aold al reasonable margin we don t sell dolurbnoioonj forywrbut ww givw yott tbetbest jjc unoleum you can gel lo this country and tbe best lor lb myney ai any otbaf prlce well mention few nairns unoleuui up to ai yardi wul at if if and i 50 a square yard english i liioutitrt baw ilealgns up to 4 yards wide at 50c 05c 73c and i 00 a aquare yard english moor oh cloth figured dealgit at jjc and 40c a square yard canadian floor oil cloth mad 111 canada by canadlaus all widths ujj to 3 yu wldo at 05c and td a jiure yard you if not wonder why our delivery waggon is so buy when you se tbaa velu d e wiacdonald bro the lion cuelph jjy nwiu of a nice all wool twill coved coaling or herringbone design pp o o absolutely toalerproof our gturanlee for this goo with every coat we soil tjtey are superior in all rubber waterproof in thai ibe are odorless and do not iwrden of ailnen tboy fanoao elegant street wrap to wear in dry orwetwealber and take the place of a winter coal wo have just opened two caeca received dlrrct irom the makers injceds england they arejn black navyawn hronui liht brown and gray in alias 54 6 jh co 6a wo shall be glad to show ibem and quote prices which are the lowest such joods can be bought iotj oue omrantbe with evkity altmejlt e h bollert cfe co 25 and 27vvyulham st guelph h6nd6rson si co we cordially extend an invitation to the ladies to attenct our fall jvlillinery- opening on wednesday october 2nd and following days mlliinuily fur readvtowkau clothing ron mmi boys and chilihun mantlui dluss good iadilis skluts and waists henderson co sergce suits wr arc offering two special line in mens blue and black worstcdberge suit line no l black serge suits sizes t to 42 regular price 750 ypccial link no 2 navy blue serge suits double breasted sizes from 30 to 11 regular price 1100 special c93 j a mcintosh son 77 upper wyndham st gu9lph near sighted 1 people see deoily dose by and or ihu reason try to gei long without kluies thereby suffering endless misery and sometimes blindness follows w arc competent to mmlna your eyes we uit iii most modern jkhenlilie tnelliods and guarinlcc satisfaction qdprinqije watoeaaass and jewelikk guelph m m 4 crktes in one week you villi say thai ifl a lirfceqiiaiilliy ofcmclery lo got u at one linia and to it i it u our tutrnast ertdcivor to always kip ottr stock of crockery complete ptul 16 jive tha public utu faction as la quality ami rtrtce call ami see our dinner and lied room sia tlwiy are wonh your tiollcd c f goodeye co mill btreet acton m have perfect sight between perfect sight and partial blindness are nmiy dcyroea of secing modern science enables uu to give perfect vision to neufiynll who see however iniperlectly say age co jewellers guelph i 1

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