Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1901, p. 4

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a cough 1 havttmade a moat thorough trial of aycra cherry icctora and am prepared to bay that for all dla- canea or iho lunja it never dlaap- pointa j parly plnley ironlon o aycrs cherry pectoral wont cure rheumatism wc never said it would it wont cure dyspepsia wc never claimed it but it will cure coughs and colds or all kinds we first said this sixty years ago weve been saying it ever since i hart odldl mi 1 1 ehet4 caaaa and la traan at l j u ays co row klav kik rfan xttvess tiiunday ootohkb 1001 je joung jfalhs a ur h wltn i cm down tb town today v little woinia blocked la way 1 t ibkopatl io hue be tuowr bxow llli itilfcl nj wbuperad no uot now hut hart a lint to tampfma tu ito tla tba alec of lady4nllb i ki bl roog i know wbalj til uy lover tnuit dot km bat light oil 1 ra imuauetit tbay mtut b idiot at bo mora iby must b rree lo uit a blot to tamp me wltb bo rvu the the aaiga otia4roiui ho take lba dainty lltu mlaa ah i tuttat hunger lot a kimj and stflil ida ma to lba ficbt and do my beat toauooorwblu i 11 do a daej to umpl bar wllb illitbalacvalhlrmtb ta khan im 7wof swf junt for fun thi witdoa i d jjrooitlirav 1h nonnrnllhi i- ill r praoiiohy hvn iml krp ii y ii i mr bf bin iw ynti hl ii juhg mi nliunk of el- not r tin air dy remind wt post- 1 lb to it v nnlhltu r i at bow a 1 ltd ull t1 tolbla ci lr b x lit jy 1uri i jml i bail brrti brimjlit l mtlo iroiillr h- rr hit- i owyiir bit th- i youf holij illoiin kid or t jir dfiin hiijilni till j o all it we oft coal aah al colored cbuab aomaihlnu fntr ml ffxx mo tba pi in a glow- trltanla to lha lala jor3 rftrrd inhr do rnlrr of da migbu mpirwon whlob ru ean ar mi i don tutu in opafailtlon ramarl tltalr ooal nui do isniml lb- olbr i n ujltitf to way iron th nolicl uuly tlta llm- t tblnk of aaparailtloa i hva bd look sarcasm wasted ooiororloialf- fly ibv tmiai ukva boao aoma mlauk fcbool tboaa ptutuii yoa iold ma yaurtjy lalar wbt wja iha ulur willi utn7 nothing tbkta inat it tbartv wara no bad dom t lb bottom ot tbo baalul by flum ao yoo rot atn did yot7 plokad iiiom oat for myatlf i r leads to consumption it often l hi l i u dr sit mm curcj 1 catarrh qnif taw tho con sumption hisj oxojoll cures uatnrrli iycliino iind slftctims oxjcnuctt cod liver oil cure con umption and coltpfooto elenri itio lnnn tf tlic dihiliirjro- lh lr wllwjyci aiuattrulwattma tratattnt tb oj coal i ad bunjnja ij 1rn uniuali cnhn ttwa b 1 liu i vt un touy i lnjula b than he thouoht w bmu iho r bo iira in vt jff1ilaliajui hoch nno ultuly ioh- htnwt nulfln vlrtr a oo in loin a youn i rfir jual xftrtiii in iii mfa b mil oil bi ii ii a rjalri wb llf ly lytotlf itlt-m- ro tibercle free sample treatment dr slocum cures consumption j tcrsoi pipora in canoja kcclng the sliicum tree oltsr in american vld wwo lo i bo tofaonto jabwatory uu aoviog delay socalled strawberry compounds rank imitations took his month off bmhbkloa aid that joanj mans oroployor yoa tnay ukaa tnoatb oh ob air rphd the dark a toon h ooodcomroasdhufoio ll laao good of yoa to aaggaat u i bar fait lba noad of a holiday for aoma tjma bat ba baaltal d io aak it knowing bo buy ar du m good aod 1 tbank yoa taoat baarily for yoaf consider- ahloo bmltbkln aald tba atnployar ara yoooraay t hj wtr didnt yoa ay i might lakaa month of t carulnly that u wbak 1 aald thl la tba aral of lba month whlla laat mootba oalaodar ramalna oar tba daak taka laat moulb ofl and kaap u ttptodau tbcti what i tambi tbo caam of lty vaar- itia mlcrobatbatfloaulo tba air gaia lato lba throat and laaga davalopa rapidly and axoltaa inflammation ac tba oaaaa u ai almpl aa a thlatla la tba flaga u ttr t lhlatla away goaa tba pain ialfoyiho hay fafer garni yod got wall that why oatarrhoaona aola ao marval looaly in hay atar lta fragntnl vapor to you briora cora bat to lba mlarnb dntb catarrhoiona u aa fjttiok to aot ou tbaaa iiloiotooplaorgatilama aa iibtnlii ira- vstiln an wall tm oaraa hod i always auc oaaaful diajtglau 2a avnd tl 00 or iol- itoil aoa kiogtloa ool the quacks cure it id oiio mark of a qaaok wbauvar ohool ho may baton to that ho ttmvvt atlmlta blaown gooraooa a hciago doctor a kind of a quack in irauutl ma balug axamload at au loquaat on ilia troatmant of a patlatit who bad died i gftva him ipaoaoaaiiba ba aald you might jolt a wall bava glvaa bltn tba aurora boraall aid tba ooronaf ladada your booor and tbalajuat what i aboold bava glvad him naat if ba ujnt jlaj the genuine 13 dtfowlebs mp ili yauoar afrvijipa- cure dlarrhaaa dysontory collo cramps pains in tho stomaoh cholera cholora morbus cholora infantum and all summer com plaints safe sellable harm- lcsaeffecttlnl has no equal nfowutj c x r r wi1d slrawbc has no equal wbaoanar you attampt a rooj work yoa will find otbar man dolug lb aama work j probably dolntt it uttor litivy lb to bot uaury dramtooud wham ucdlral rrunca palu tba worat of baliift a fool u that xparlettca la of no uaa 1crmaaeat mutralar hlreiitli tbora l tbo bbo inbcl ll- day wbrtl ao many y lion j man ro glkliiw m mnoli aluiilloti to muacular deilop maut in h imoallo atid kllilollo axarolim lliatlhara oaiaiiotbo parmabant rpnaoolar atrangth whara tlnra not blood atrvngtlji llooda haraaparllla glvaa blood uoiigth promote taatloii and aaalmllatlou a ml bulldaop lba wtiul ay for k you oaii niaka adilld liava a i fairy talea- or ulk uganda of aoy kind you punlltu tailo aa it ware on tba very bad- rook from whlob all lltaraiara growa constipation docs your head ache pain back of your eyes bad taste in your mouth its your liver i ayers pills arc llverpills they cure con si i- pa hea jyt sse all draatata wailt mr miutaha at baant m baautlfsl kroadaoal ilackt tban ttaa buckinghams dyetstflv trua glory lakoa root and avail aprj all falaa praiaiioaa ilka flowara mt to lha ground nor can buy oouourfalllaat lon gloaro n1nej0ils four running sores tba t milium cd llmlloj torotiln j3nl soma tinio ago my blood got out of order and ulna imgo boila upoeared on my neck brsicjj tiuiiieniiin aniill oito qi my ahouldcra and anna pour running aoroa appeared on my foot and lemnd i waa in a torrihlo alato a friend advlaod uurdock lllood illllorn df procured ihrea boltloa aftor llnubiitk tlio flrl bottl tb boll kurtrd to diaappoar and the korea o bcal up artec taklna th there wni not a boil or aoro to be aon itatldea tit tho hraifacfietf from which i auitered left ma and i improved ao much that 1 am now atrongf and robuat aaln voura truly mi maho wo h tiii kotow feb jrd ifjor golblo out llagyarda vallow oil la prompt to tallavo ami aara to euro oougha oolda aora throat pala in tba cbaat boaraaoaaa yaldy ale 1rloo stj nanta tellinu a ho hsus aqu a quu who wantadtobay aboraa aakad a frlaud how to uty a boraaa aga uy bia uaih wm tba taply tba iiaxt tuy lba man want to a borao dealer who uhowfd blm a aplandld ucok bora thd wonld b parobaaar opauad tba anbuala moutb gava a glaaoa and turuadooblibaal i dont want hllil aald ba baa thirty lwoyraolj utf had oountad bla uetb to oara rbaumallam and all tba tlma yoa arfr dadully7wby tloal you gat a boltla oi 1olaoua hirvlllna and try tltatt rob ii into yoar ailffjolnu aora arm lama back bant ahooldara wliarevar tba pain la atjarvllina baa ourad plenty of paoplala lbu way and that ought to ba proof aooagb that it will enra yoa loo it an unoaually alroog llnlmaol that ourea rbaumallam a aauaaall ijnlok time daat booabold unlmaut known 35 oauta ooouluo duly too llltl bo round of llf tooamall no work too low if it oomaa in thy way aluoagod tblnka ao muobof mark ouy laraa biok baadaoba bowavar annoying and diatraaalng la poaluvaly oarad by lai idar rilli tby ara ekay io taka and uavar grjpa vva laarn by uaohiug tub nu h daughur oh daar anob a uma a i do bava with that buajabd of mlna i dont hav oua mlunua paaoa wheu baa lu th houm lla a arty oall log mk to do bomatbltig oi lha otbar abkiou molbr wbaljoaa ba want now v daugbu wa want u to go uulr jut tolbrad anaadlaforblm ao that ba can bund lila olotli tbaa huh buntimunty tliay gothr blia era looking over tli pap to oil my bow funuy i laid what i it v ba tukad why boraa an advartlmmaut ttiat vj ho raaaoubla offer rafuawl what ia turo odd about lhait nouilut nothing kha tpliej trying io blueh only thtw ar my muii- iubuu aiioliar wadding borlly mnaurns heart nfrvepills qovernment approval of the spramofor iwiollowlnx- trut- vrifl tw ww lba ured4 irrtovafrriaauadlag ahhioial bhituu liny ba poikatwd lb bvrmiaf only alwf ltulufiiuiu bad uu koalj awa oiimrioruj of tkai tual tj coatrol of ika oll ff alain t yotl iib by um pre4tua tbii u io canity tkal al lba coar- rtf apptuala kaibl ultturl it bipll ik rull khm1 btuloai ci uatajla u wkkw tkam wa iainuiaitsbtutalpaiutijca otf iloo- i l uuit u lktlt dpt tj ail biuo tmobi i lara etal plaavaurv la mailar ikal lba lifaimxir tisaa your cevaay b jiwrt atilrailinka ouu duvuen lllnbirt ai apkullara ttn fqdaon spnudtmcf uwtlwlina la tba ofy dw inp i kav tjyw a- cbk nlituch ukukuu k iflshkr cbuf luptum bu jim sob ii vduiuoh of camaqa t ajplat rckul tj 1 florj m lluayid ltxuaud ctorckjotnsorf cailla quuauuua ijllui qjbl 1 kah kkh l4ku id ulan- vim iiht um wlbl uxill fiuarivdaj trf luiitu u tiu j lba rntuit mtfaallo- j a couturk u vsii-p-clo- n i baa ibanomflaapfly ta a llljflsll lr spraauiarfuhtban otrk walm l spn- oi kaapwrfc i tvaaaja jut n v obj iiwilicolas tcnvkorr itfofaaxatmu ibe aallalamiyo atikulnu ttmju t vib a kmtal tarj wbh youf ajinu to the spramoton co london ont a ad lry l nj y iimiih h ftfig nj faali patnlcabua mjdtm lkl mrajlag mtbla- tbeso pills are a spectllc for nil diseases arising from disordered ticrvci vvcuk lionrt or wutery blood tlioy cur palpltution tliuutp lu art n ml b it rt f tniiir lllirl luar1 unl d not codlivkroil but scotta emulsion of cod- liver oil they are not the bime far torn it scotts emulsion in codliver oil prepared for the stomach ket codliver oil alone if you need it when your physician oulers toast do you breakfast on flour lure codliver oif is hard to rtjlie and jiafd to digest a man that can keep it down can saw wood he thinks he is sick he is lay v muhlythiillulaluuru7imllaa qcou a novvng ewuu tbu tbara u no fool llbu a lerud fool inalanl tallaf guaraiit4d by utlug mil urua llarliiig haadscba iowdari no dapraaolng atur tffoi smothering tuint and wenlc upella sltorlitetiu of breath two1liij of feet add tinkles nervouanetnt njceplcus- nesx anusmiu iiyttcrlu st vitua hince purtlal lurulyttia bruin fnj fcfimlo complttlnn irenernl debility aud luck of vitality price 50c u box no frolly llvlfig in a blllou noun try abould ba without parmudi vsuoiable imu a faw doa takaii now aud thn will kaap lha llvor kollwd olaanaa tba blomaoh and boweln from all ullou inat- tar and pravant aguo ur j l prlo elboala uavdn co iutl wrlt i hv triexl a boa of rarmuuaa imila and find tbam the bt toidloitio for fever aud ague i htvdevar u8tl ood aanda ua no glu with oboloar poaalbllltlaa lu it tbau auwrapimd 111 buffering cuoambara and tiiolotu aro forbidden fruit to mauy proti ao conatltutad that tbo leait lniluiiiioa la followed by attack of oboura dyaaiilary griping do jbaaa mraou ara not awara thai tbay oau indulgi to tbelr bearta coulut if tbay hao 011 band a boula otdjjqjxelioggu jjyaau tory oordlal a tnadloino that will glva 1m tumjuu rollsf ktid a itirn euro for all umnier complaint lly thauaxt imp nitir law- an ml ju lj- ai 1 fl mlew ihinkiigkiul waladvi iitbli rallxl upit i it- i him bi vry uil i- b town aa tba f i i 1 lifn w tmlnlnj iiil lliaiwi lin in a xtl of iiklttliboily talk in ut nm ital imeilia iiaworiwt then tbauhlug ibi young man be put on til bat and waa altaut tn laa when tba younu man thr him if h bonbl charito tba advioe ftr wllcb ilia f we u dollar 1 ho old callow wool itli vlnlnnl p4l li ill awir- in nar wollld pay ibrtolltlg lwrf u 1 i itllil be would ma blm if li t fl tb obi rail iw want tlnwi ti lit illui fitii bim hoalng jn hi rn id i thai young acatnp thai jiitt 1nia in to town ii iropprd in to naka a i ly nail cn blm ami ba nhnrgfa mo flvo doliarafcr lagal kdlrlcr harva1 you rj aal 1 dm jl l ynti bail no bualnraa in bv nnnli iim ilut luia 1 not to pay it judai 7 of oourtr you havt wall tlioiij aald tba mail i auppoaa i muat kud lia utll nit ilold ou aald tba judga araut you gu ingto pay mo 7 1ayyoilt what for j for legal ail v i co what do yoa ohnrtfa tan dollar tba raaatt wab that llioold follow had to pay flo dollar to lba joung lawyer and tan to thaoldont ibi i of odlial iiliui fai advanoed lliat lllukla anti coiuutij ll byrup will not euro but none to lij that it will not glva relief tot oouub oold and all affecllon of tba throat lung and ohtat it i a nparlno whiob ha never beau kuowu tu fall it promo ta afroaatiii tay xpaotoratloii and give ilia dlaeakad purl a 4 chkuoa to hal what is vaxsxsnnxjv vxv- sssvy nvvwlv or i a cnstorlil 1h fur infuiitu and olilldrcu cantorln is n linrinlchh hubhtltuto for cantor oil paregoric drop mid htiothliijf hyrtiph it contains neither opium mnrpliliio iir ntlitr kuroouo hdbntnii cc it 1m picojuuil iu ctntrnnttio in thirty years uko by millions of mother ouhtiriib dotttroyrt worms mid ullnys ptvorlnh- uuiutt cuiitorhi oiired jlarrhciv aud wind collo ctuttorlo rollovch tnnthliiif troiilfl cures constlpatloii mnl i hiti i ion cy ciuitorhi ohsiiullateii tlio food rognlauyf tho fitoinarh mtd boco1h oriitflutts and children iflvinjr ihfthhy and nitturid hloop castorln it tho ohlldrons niico4t tho motliors iviaml castoria castoria talorla la art ricrlloit tilnllclne fur castoru la ao wall apl1 to cblmttra rlillibrit xotble bqva irjwalflly lll w that i rvcolcnueod it aa superior tu uy jua- nf it rood rtr uikiti llielr tbildrcu metipiioa known tn nw ta o c omlooti lmmtll xtaif ii a aaciiaa u i jlreeilr m v the facsimile signature of k a favor of a man a quarli nvraka fi ao boar bafora dli tba proprlatoraol aro oonalantly 1aoeulng leltar almllar to tba third bollla rxphtin ilalfmr john i qaam waterloo ont wrlu i nav amdanymtdloloatbatoaoetiaallarraalea pill for dyapapala or har and kidney- oomplalota tba ralief axperienoad attar ualog tbam u wonderful a a aafa family medloiba tarmelaaq pill can ba givan in alio rnjnlrlng a oatbarllo tba poor man atory uat ona to tba rcof oolnilo put him on orutohos jm smith ilalryinsn of grlnuby out wrilc my limli wero almost uulcu from axlatlca and rhoumatum ami not wltbalanding my citeciu for pbyalclan i mut glvw tbo credit whero it belong 1 am aenrod man today ttnd soulh anerl can ubaiimatic cum mint hava all lbs credit ita a marvel 34 sold by a t urown tba amauurvlollnutltooiitlnually bow ing and aaraplug kidney ory pjrt in tba bck la tba cry of tbej klduy fwl4o- x nejhet the cal 1 i to deliver tho body ovarto a dlacauwt crual ruiblcu and flually ufa destroying south american kidney cure ha poyer akin ta miraculous in helping tho ne kidney- out of tbo mlrn of duoaao it ralkvea lu tlx hour sold by a t urown tba world la qoda world by right our only ly gift and hulfuranoa aud it oauuot go wall with ua if we try to abut iii111 oul of it uladalond atutiuod lu ii40 world of bommalblo nopear fin into a abut mouth hoi id ilold uf ltot hold wu lbo oyrloldii 100 balllaoa 100 we suarantaa pwf not aauafaouou globe optical co 03 vonubbtratet tornto tlaouid ihookbla ar baal tta tui tleaant u taka uiat children cry fur it 1 butlt dealjt wvriub li ltttaat vr liowaa worm hyrup xrioa id all daaur llut your cbaaka nut wltb padul on lha ouuria that i aaally wubai off lut tba oolor on from ll laauifl hoolk kmuuiott alia tba obaakajyiulitiob rod hlood u a color that alaya too uf pro ur ai in politic and rllglou tba dltr haiilluaof opluluub mid tba individuality of man bava been ptrvitt to tba dlagra itiant by which lha alandard of thw bodlo bava hti rlovalej ho with mix of our fattiioua praparationa toramoat in 11 luattaon of which truth nuuda tlw world- faiuoua rtuuily to gaiiaral debility and qululno wlna and whlob when ohiaiiiahtn in ila gouuhie trotiglh u a mlraonloua creator ol appulu vitality and at i umlaut to lb gunaral ferllllly or ba ay torn q ilulna wtua and lu ini- provtiinenl haa from lha aral dlaoovery of lba gruayjti ot qutiiluo ai a medio agnl ui nu or thtw luoal tuorouiilily dieinud roinudird ovar offerad to thu pub lid it ik dim ol tba great tnnloa alid and ualural lit- mnu alluiutaiila wbiub lbamallal liw tal bw boaii ooiip lu rooogidartanl preairlba mr norll rop and lyman of toronto havrf glvou in iw prtirllon of thfclrautiaquinliia wiiii tw grrat cara du to ha important aud tba alaudard nkiwilauo- of iwarlloia whlob bay offer to lha puhllo bom iuli lba all puruir l tn dnfecta whbdi hkllul ubrvalloii and wilaiillftu ophihm i pjliilwlulit lit uw i 1 pl ioua uf ibalatur 1 notblng la iii vld u it la tint 111 ukin a aofl auawar aomliuioa tutna awy talk ono root in tho ttravfj ii tw thouund ol pnopb who nuh tu 9c wodhy a tamody a bouth american ker- vine j laat resort would get it aa a ftnl resort bow much mlory and buffering would w wrd if ipu have any ncrv cllaorder you hmdnt atltfe it uilnula longer a ihouaand lettlmonlea towova it 36 sold by a t urown oura am ilk prooiun tlioy ralarn to wbaiioa tbay leluot runnlnit boroa tbo eulcoma ol neglect or bad blood have m boirwr falling balm in dr aguow olutroaut will heal tba moat atubborit caw sootboalrrilaiion ulmoit inxtantly after nrat application h mlievd all itching and burning akin dltoatta inn day jt cure plha in j to 3 night 35 cjla 39 m sold bytt urown waafth la uot hi who tuakaa it but hia who 6ujoa ii stop ihd ioin but dostfoy tho btomnoh ttli u uly too often uie ciw so nuny mucou hoiuuiui puipm litig to cuc lib ll cud do tba ptlltnt imnlanaely niur lanil tljmgootl or von btan a innojppla tabltti mia a iturcly vigclubla vpu prruralon oi luirniliii 111 null onaulur cjing prbwuit nity diutidrr of llw dltnlm orgua 6a in uok 3s tent 40 sold by a t drown uohemlal lba happy laud whora th vorrow of tba morning ara lorgoluu lu tb joy uf lba tilghl worm oiua faverliuej moaning and reatlruuea during hlaap mothar oravaa wormllalrmlnaloinirplaaaant aura and iffeotual if jour druggut iiku notm in atook get blm to proaura for you brii liny moat peopl aeak ayupalhy aalradrtrw british appears on every wrapper j frank question are yon satisfied with tlio shoes you wenr knot tryapairof kino quality thcyloro tho most desirable hoc on 4i44m tho kino quauty ijioo u all tlmt n really firstclasa bho should bo comfortable easy on the feet stylish mid durable buy tho klna quality shoe qt s3 a pair and gat satisfaction mde by thk j d klmq co umltrnd toucmtto troop oil jltniment spralasv sualna cut vounda xfcfttt open sorccfbuiia stlif yainutmu ad stfng of inuijt cough colds contracted cord ktuumatuvm neurald broacfaltl croup sort tfiroal quhucy wtoopba couh and all palnftj swehmga a tjlugt bottul 3so tfiare aramny peraoo who think tbay lava wagner who orly lav noli vroiu tlio kitstoti toil otllrc oonitb word that mr jam moouira a again at woik ha waa laid up with oonic ou lha nolo of lila feet but waa prfctly d by potman paluua com aud wart uatraotor nordor to mlaa utabaat in ufa iguora all nave oonveullotiality to know only lha worat irani pla it aulirly umlar foot gentlemen i deiro to direct your nltenl lou to my large and comnlele auortment o nattonia hi imnorled aud domestic bulling overcotlng serges and frowtcrliipti they aro ilia uiest and most up to dato good i specially recnmimnfl tho ilelwarp 3erge and vicuna they am absolutely fast color a two year guaranty goc with ucb piece any article of llel warp slamp kliowliiff anycliatifio of color within two years wilb conslant wear your money will bo refunded allgoodaartfrnarked in plain figure 1 oua pficd o nil i employ einert workmen and uae nothing but the heat of trimming you ry depend upon getting all clothing correct in aiyu fit and workuiaiiililp if you have never been a customer of mine i cordially invltu you to iiuruct my slock my talesman are courteou and obliging and lis never any trouble to show good and you are never urged to buy you may hava perfect freedom to look througll my large block i shall be pleased to tnko your order and a sou re you ol perfect saiufactioti r ernelson olio prloo only os wyndham st cublph uur ul gurnant i piula without poo kt beafstsbm or 13 votive un3- itnurtlroiraclwl cuinnli mduce il noaa in many caaoa lajt iteii jonnnr of toronto caitstta was tltut lor 13 year from ciarrh all ireatmeuls 4 1 ted to relieve dr agiiow a calarrbal toujer gava blm relief in onatuy ami in a my short 1iiib tbw daahie left blm aulirdly it will do a much for you jo cauls 33 sold by a t urown dunlop all kinds of rubber tires for nil kinds of vehicle dunlop lliocl tjrori inniinatlo ctrrlau tlfc bollil kulw currinuo ira invalid dinlr tlrt tint rllul ciil tlic diuilop tire co limited yorout0 utter but children cry for dastoria marrlagm ara uot aa thay aro tnsda au thuy turn oul tttronu wovdai by at now votrk bpoolsmltwt allar yaara of tttallngaiul cnrnparisou 1 lisv no hotllslion lu saying thit or agnarwacura or the heart is tba ijuickast tule aiad aurat known in mfldi- cal hcunca i usa it in mv own pracllca itraluve tba miut acuta form of heart ailment inside ol thirty minute and no tor alia 3 bildhy a t llrowu tha fly that iii lhtuituiuo brtaki ila b-air- joaloua rival cannot turn hack hn tlilii llhil ilnbuulfur urajuawa llllla mil i u marvel cheap to buy but diamond hi quality lianuli bauaealmlod tongua walei brah pain alltir eating sick bajtdache never gripe operate pleasantly io cent 3 iktld by a 1 wilfuwa gar wood rl- weak yet barve lu llud big l nobody talk inueh lha do uot oasiotialty say 1111 win ihlug his a ht dublin ii unlit ib algblllaanl wurtla were uod tu to dr tliumaa lohotrlo oil by a gutlaiuau who bail thoroughly uitd it tuorlta in hi own oa having bjn cured by it uf isma ua of tba ku of thraa or four yra standing it ntvr fiu turmavasoruaaa sn wall u lainiiieka and la au inoomjiar alia pulmoiila and mrriolud iroliably lhara lu nolbingsu onovrlftlu sa a sura ihlug l all up ta ilato and first class hulter makara who uro proud of tba quality o their hullr nhould uu printed bullor wmppera thus blvinn llielr production n dlittliictlon and cuslomorii an assurance that they ara getting llio superior butler ihey ddiira tlio i mel iulb i hits put lu a good stock of genuine vegetable parchment 1 for butter wrapperb 1 his papr is not tba imitation which has baen put on the market under ilia nama ol 1akcliniettlna but is the j en ulna parch inunt ipclally mmla in germany for tha canaduu duller market ila sanitary citialillo arfwrfoct it will not taint the butler llld tho cheap imitation nor tear into particles who it being removed noxlfl our low pri0eb 1 1000 bhaata naatly nrlntbd with niam upacdul buttajr brand and utjdres for mibtt boo flhuou for m 1 30 catl and me sample at kcton ontkrio quand tkunk 1ailway mlt 11 trj i i nil r tn it k u ul i i i r ihmil ii i- f it 11 mil a ip i 1111 ii i l ill m 111 13 li h vvn1 0 til m in ami 1 111 i i ii inrl l0nil uiiu 11 tn tll ill ul la m h 01 i siuiil oct i lb nxm w ijarbkr v- bros makers georgetown fel ontario roo k h girls col6igi p7tirs john rbarbjfer kcton mills lumber lath 8hincles and wood duiisid iumitkr nonab iiumuish latil8ilnoir2 and arovk wood ov all kindh- kept constantly on hand janies brown terms flash amateur cameras knd supplies- premo poco ray magazine gyclone printing phames 4 a 5 and camnil- cent printing papers solio ar1sto velox phqtox photo wstiar kctoh a ntaplteiteuulum al tnay be eecarad by our ajj addnaa t fatekjr recojto battlaacia ma pjierfqjltgravawg r any class of ea1gravwg b adverti5iaig pvrp9ses catalgusmagazwec jlj0nesablg3 i68baysttoronto ipatentsbuarantieed our c tctuitical if wef any one aaadlna bketcli and dfavcftabktl i any lnvnliuu will pcoimiaily 1 revive uur oplbkiii frte mrtilu be ftulu illlly of ume huw to ouiiii wlcuf aaiit txiu triwj llettla aeruj tliiwiilh u blvitlj ule t our eln lateolil uleu out llltull u iru iwcld nalw wit bout char b lu tiia payhht uiob au ilhiit aie1 uitl wblly clt joutuiu coulultl- 1 by waiiufcmiaujinvauat bud fairuiuilerotiy mil amiea viotott j ktvjtnq a co jueot attorney m v kwaaar dlag walm c castoria for lafuu ami ohuilraa to catch tho eyotuii tho mind at tho sanii lniio ii the art ofadvurtimng tliia ad illustrates how true thii baying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitahle employment canadas sons on kopje and veld t only book dealing exclusively with thy canadian contingents is the book to handle authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and uny- body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for flee outfit and make money thubradleycarretson co brantford ont llmllad patents promptly secureol witt t r our littmltng bouki help and i low yj are mt u a hxaiti alietcb or mod i ulbiil orhnvnovaiiiciit and wf will tll vhi lraaoiir uululuuattto wlulbar ll iinulwlly of yirlu ailullyki and w dab iii ly tllaimtrlt wutk and iuukly n lilt irruiirt1 ikt uiu recei oft ndnuukl ii llfualal bit ul uubrl nbuu jirocurrd urmijili muilnu k ua tuj tmilbx willnnil cuiifai lu alula uulilbiitrd tluouudmut tb ik 11 1 1a ffaklajtyivteiil itilucu i uitiiife- tiiaaliitiiuluiil wtarion marion tuht ekpatrta land solicitors aifbw j nw vimk t ii liwv rtted 1 wavbul bo rcaoq experience tnjrdc man j dcsuant cofvrklhtfi io alrimia aaflillnd aakhcb a 11 j rluatcfli lhi rttl tvtu vllhimtubarwe in tba scientific hmcricin a halwui mlr illnhnlat wmhlr urnl rjr tulaoifi r if lolort hgi al two m a wi frh butlbrai h- t co a hew fork haa w a kl wabuialuo uq h

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