Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 10, 1901, p. 2

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iiutik hwitll atuiartdaoo lb brld iro in hmttlrie on wednesday oei and bv j a ii a elaopl arson leers hmllti ol i tin it to annie lauiu ar o ur jama tlatllu hllu i n i i ii u it wed uf 3u t ln nr 1 y iu ur uil a ur la 1 190111 v 1 i lil j i i uui ta uj ur loi vv llslllntffl a veryd fatality mr frad olaba instantly kulad by 1 tha saturday momlny bxcrh no lonlt wttnbbottd ths tbr- x lridl hl- jglg w hk acton jxt jrfis i huuh1ay ooioiiuil 10th 1101 buitohial notub ii rxiieated lh ontario government will li i i two bye election thl all on id il huron ud 000 in eml kant th leul itnlllubmdhkoq ao lh lleu ar nady later census return iron remits dletrlci will lacraas lb population of tb domini hi uj about nvanvabalf million it le ill ontario will ba urg bar 1m tbo increase a tho general aloctlona in nov bool la lasl weak- tha liberals won lb g to lost victory in lh history of canadian poll mo ootof thirty eight rpoeoultlve in ths ivovlnoul uous thirty u liberals bav been returned lh recant bigb price of bogs have brought out liberal receipt and lb paok or have ima well eapplled tba past week or leu days frloe have daellned however and it i not improbable that lb receipt will diminish iorawht m a oonsaqtwnos canadian bag products ma fa u high fa tor a eier in british market and export of canadian product con una on a large okie the flua weather and tba fall fair bavs kept tho farmsr bsy with fall work and lhal has prsvsnlad them gelling to th tnsrksla in a largo n amber aa wond otherwise bav bean tba oe itatall bual howevarjhab beeo vary good through out thn provluoe and merchant a fa buay preparing for iba increased demand for au le goods that n ur to bo axpartnooad whtrtb latoclj wutbar rradurttf tb jsrv iara ltwl lit lh aaalad pkckafta ba nptuarl i kama raamtaoil u oonialaad a oambfc i t atlnaaa papj a todtldarabla iam in bank till a rioantitjr of alktr an 1 00 j mr and tha following uhar whtob w urmlm i jtiij vl irmly ihn irafl f uilor a ibwtjnautly n uol ik 1u01 j li waii tbaraara now tblitoan vaaaoolaa la tba uoaaa of oomraodb tbe foqx laal added belog tbroogb lhaeltioa of ihrwamf l a totbe baooh sir loais dftvlaa mr b m bikloo and ur thotnu prtln and tha dh of lion h cuxka walleye inirtly k ui by il 0 3 i m i rone mttisitet tmrrv tlir uia- 1 ud family niolia- imitf poa ill- i mr tulx wm mil lit 10k tor i ilia atallun by 1u i a maoplieraou who aocomi ai ia1 mua kraaer wbo bail taken pall in tha fair nllit v uoarl tba avonli u bafurr atid waa retunilnj u ham lloti by iba early train tba train ttltd wblle mr mftcpbaraon waa on it and ba jumped off a little cut v tba ulloti uirutm on welklnk ba ba waa lion i fled la ana a few feat before liim ilia daoapluttad body of i a man with arm croaead lyln on tb ouuida of tba aat rail of tha main traxk aod till bead ou tba innrf tide of hie rail ho rtoogolwd it aa ibat of mr glebe it would aatu from tba poaltlon lo wblob tba body waa found tbal iba an fortunate man bad fallea aoron tba rail or had deliberately lain bu boavd wirothe tall banaath tho bajaf okr and bat bt life waa otoabed oat aa won aa tha oar atarted tha trainmen did not know of what bad happened until tbay ot to georgetown i mr qlaba was a practical miller and oame to anion laat jane from mimroay w bare be had bean la tbe mllllotf baeluias la koooaeafdl partnarablp wltb bla brother n uw ii boagba lb mill formarly mn by obojne biotbart and apeal a rood daal of monay lo patlng u in rood abapa and in batldlng a nw roaldenoc he bad been ulllng bu acqaainunoti laltly thai he waa dlooareoj beoaaaa tba rwlnrna tor thuoxpenduar did nokoomo lnaoqabikly eaba thoobtt aboald and ba wu some uqm qalta deanoadenl mr oube waa a good man ootucuntlotta and tillioaa waa e gnerooe lopporlar ol church aud mlaalon work aod a mini bar of tha uap uatobaiob tbe avenli loading up lo bu aad ending point wltb oon aider able direct naoa to ft pimhiltld aot of wll dealruo lion but if tbla waa iba caelhet li no doabttbepoor tna waa a vlollm ol mental abarratlooi kobumsd ar wltneaacd tbe torrlbu oooarrano cuu rf elgl tn rfaj o i tilt lay hook autdurluti ll a alublann ilfcr wlati ujjuii i e mill tat 1 it own banaat lha oalpla ur ot o pit g or ultiar wajra ui bliii to 1110 tluoflro sooi ti laid kooj until futuriltr miloot llialuait vo i ill xuitilra lo tako aoiua iir aoo1 iuoii aa oil wood fmtal ai il r laple luiqtar all at cod prloa goottall lawaoti waa otllod ktv avldenoa o tba lecurltig of oontenta of pockita uf daoeated produced above dt tbomal cjray waa tbo laal wltnetf uuij f lhrw decaaaed allhlly from profeaalonel dtallnfi with him he wao ft ory timid man did not riibli any ymploma of aulolda in my association lib him i think in baalneaa matura b waa in a mtlfeolory and aolfenl poaltlon he aeemed lo be aahrewd bualneaa rran but wm impatient if there ware not immanedlata roaulta aa ha autlalpatad and would naturally worry about it fn my opinion ho waa hot affected willi melan oho i la i nava noticed auy mrntftl daflaunay itl i 1m ife impraatod nio aa beluga religion man at 1 dul id any way loeliuad totakohle own life ha waa i know iniarod i think lo one of tba fralar dal order tbo irlttlvea lu formed me that nolll w lalt tbo coroner then brtifly addrtaaed tba clary after which they retired in about twenty ml note tha foreman annoauoed x their vtrdlol wee arrived at t waa ai followa wo flod that prod orlokotba oamo to bla death on tho mb day of october 1001 by being ran over by tba morning eapreae and that no blame ta attached in any way in tha g t it emplojce 0 ronoit iikki m foreman tbare arvftlw tbraoi vaoajiolaa in tbo da ata onoaacbln qaabea ontario od nova hcolla cauaedby tba deaaba of senator vlllcaenvr allan and almon rapctily at tba mealing on toaay of tbe a look boldani of tba orued trank lullway in london ling tb report of tba president bir cbarlea hlvan wuooa waa rmanlu oualy adopted tbe report tvferad to tb uaeedy a buffalo n4 aaid that u vroaldent iloomrell tooooeded in oarrylog out th policy ol rsoiproclty indicated in in retaanttf6tcldlylrt wpeeob li woald remove mux of tbe most eerloae barriers to lb prosperity of canada and at the orand track llallway tha by law aabmitted by tbe george town council to the properly owners to lorjametfll brothers acton 10 000 wd other donalderatlana in lieu of tbelr removal to georgetown was oarrld last saturday by an orwbelmlflg majority the arnold qlovo vncka will oonaeqoaot- ly be removed to tba town in tbhftr fntur our cltlkons regret tbe removal ol this in doe try from the town of it blttb growth and pro parity tb firm give a their principal ron tax removal lb dtflloolty of seeortng a snffieunt number of operative owing to tuving to oompeia wltb tb larger work of meaer w ii storey a boo who j ftbl to offer bur tnduoemsnta in lb way machine mn by power lo tb mpears arnold ixpwet to bave a tanob larger and more ooenput etabllebment in georgetown fod b i o poaltloa tbaro to 000 alder ably inorea tbelr oaipot tbe mm wube tbam every eoooe and hope tbair prloo wtll be fry different from tbat of tba other manofaatory wblob waelndooed aoma years ago to remove from aotoo to another town upon tb tempunk off of ft llmllar 10 000 loan the roll op honor at lbuminallonftttbpabliabobool lb 1 vilday of september tb follow lag paplla won bleoe on tba lloll of llouor viaar bxriktmurr 01m v joan mcqaaoa 36o mary loodev ulb george oram 300 olaae iv ben jonlfl uolbarvon 370 jenni bmltb and ibillp uolrae 308 harold mloklln 203 olaaa iv jan frank uavil sctt mary hawthorn m mary orabam afi mark poealbl 800 t t mouks toaober acoomi uuiatulutt iii benlor uyrtl bop sos uyrlu illlla jiu wii1u 1lant and gbatll mai thaw j3u marks potalbl 26 iii junior vlnoaulooodav 107 vlorru hpejgbt lclt lena uoldan 10 mark pomlbl 300 0 moljjiil teacher viuaui osrairmsirr j illkur williams his iiaa1 matthew juo ltru drown ids ii olaaa balty arnold 3j0 hoo it jli leonard wordu u01 mmalbl jj fartll irry iiomii w tiv uieut and lillian wllllnne w ioarl hhap berdson h4 marka poaalhl 1u5 m aadixky m uo voufttil bsriatntrtir uaulor olau lormft all n 17fl watrn hrowa lllo wiunle orlodh ktl marks poeslbl iho lutertuodlat isrl garvin loo lxut wu 10 faullna ulldanbranil lho marka poealbl itw juuluraliarulj lludjlok uh huie llauer and flhal llarr us uertl bnndra via marka poeelbl m dr coroner wa immedu uly notlflad of lha sad vnt and altar vtawing tbe temaloa decided to bald coroner a inqoeet oblaf lawson was mol faawaaaeoa e j ttfl uift tl rmelna were oonvryed to tb uliderukliiifvalebllabineut of jobuatono i oo alter being vlewel by tba jury on on bjtturday meruit am remained there ball lit 1 o cloak monday morning wbeu they were conveyed to tbe family reeldetioe on mill stleet tha funeral eervlo waecoq dbolod by llev w b mcalplna li a itld by luv u a macpbareon and rmalna were takvu tu uaoovor for lernirut in the family plot there xhu rii ceicet km athle of he eutlta mif impneagion op a visitor tb kdltnr or the tiwmii hm baa lha following 6orapllmnlry peregritph rreaung aotoo id it last iiauo 1 tbo bdltor o lh atroatid wlfenadlb plvaeuro of aprpdlng ftavaral day in aolou uat wch iba tiueata of mr an i ur n m h r wiiomi ptlatlel rnaidano eur uii ld by a mol iteautiful well k i lawn 1i1lli ruiufebaa i ol jol leeaon to iba illlaana goiierally an 1 inuat have fttl iidioi unt reflexb flueuoo in lha ketieral thllueaa ofltie oorporailon ttmlbbta t0taa velvet carpet border oil by owe- 400 flower log geranlnma and 100 cknu wlib an arllitlo founteiu hi tho rear and the whole eurromidod by a low cedar hode i ior a l wu of it alae act in la cup of tb mot progrestlva in thn provl 10 tb population laouly about 1000 but tbay have ildgighl etaolria llgbl ci lo evoa ui jle being wrl llt u1 ly aorna 07 in aaneeoente and near y of a ml of grano lllbloaldawalk give an up to dat appear tb lu la put down by theoarpora- tldn on tb fronttg ln the 00 i being lojo per wiaara fool and tba lax being extended over twenty yeat newmarket neda aomalblng ilka thlr it le a long way cheaper than lamber in tba end and dive a eubatanf lal aaprot leal haluriuy wis an epooh day in tlp history of anton when tbo alllaen sealed tbelr loyalty and rvoognlavd lha bravery of one of her eona gunner moor of d hat ury wbo died in booth afrloe by nnveil ing a meaalve granlt monument suitably ongratod in the preeance of 3000 people which locladad the qaelph artillery two oompanloa of vol an uera tb georgetown military band and tha acton oltlaena band appro prlat ddreaae were t durd by military officer tninuri of 1arlla ment and other tb monument 1 placed at tb entrance to tba cemetery and la aoolhtr tribal to tb infloeuoe of tb fss lmaaa the coat klng provided by voluntary aubacrlptlona through it cilnmna tha cemetery u oorporailon property and i under the control of tha oounoll tho allele a wis choice nulnto having done much wbtbh will aid lo ll utnr beauty 1 hare era nineteen acre uoloeed and ft natural grnve at tha rrar t 4 high elevation forme a besutlfuf btokartoutid it la only teu or twelve years elno it waa aorveyed hut there ba boon a groat develop ment add lb pobllc tak rrval interetl in it a manlfebtad by lb unmoroua flower and well kept grasa plot uet balurday which ebocld b an inoontlvo for an annual uaooratlon day not it tabllabed by the acton people w alao oommend the lesson of health is oni tauohtus py thfx hx- phltlh othimb loam this laoton wajl rtl tho llavairoo of olaoaow wtl no lontror be uo provnlont tho bt ory or on who rlna urxn uunanttod and who otforo hhr bxporlonoo to ah o thorn horl qu amoug tlo multil 1 illy hi le f aili that a 11 lot r ki- frw tbat gh ihej tu th bbbieieallnn lha adnpllnn nf thr ro aruto tillryxitmlti itp or dyepoplib at ll la van ualy ollj bulb yomit and o d ir him lilu li la altoka an i it arllriiv tlirnyhiut tie cuuulry aro iiumbored 1 y tene uf lh u among the dlaarable eyiiipttiie whloh aoooidpany dvw la tu i miki ik oaally tacogtilakblv aro wbiiii niimili and a heavy fellii4 in iba altmoh awr eating a feeling of weitln aluk heal aoba and dlxzlnaaa palia in thn aloitianli onedalvo breath irnublllty u ordl nary modiolnaa will not oum dyapptla tbty may relieve ll aympioniv um jural lly bot tbo troubla elwtja returna and each time ln au inunaltloj form lr willi ma i ink i ilia ia the only medbjiia wl loll will etteollvely aura dyapeple tlieaa pill aol nut merely upu 1 the eymploina but on the dlmaoe lltalf ttitluh tba blood linno throiigh vuimabh whloh la eifengthenaj to it tiorujtl funotlona alp lutalor ly well k ui in horal qaeuonenf i h many who bvo bean relod from tho olulba at ilyapejt ala tbroogb lb ui of ir william i ink i ills and in lha bopa tbat her experience will bo of bellcfit to aoma other to rarer ah alv tb following story for publication for over two year i was a auflarer from dyeppla or bid dljetlori tba dlaaaae beoamo chroulo and i waa lmol a oon tlnntl eulferar from hladaohea heartburn and heart palpitation all aeneo of taal left ma and at time my tturatch was bo weak tbat f waa unable lo koepany footlon it and tbla canted me mora fliatreel than on could imagine although i trid several remodlc boon of ihotn ava ma uy relief and iwgao tu rogard my ufa wa burden rather than a j y aa it ahuult be ou day aa i waa reailli g i oam aaruai a caa almllar to ttiy own uurod through the ntoof ut willi m fmk fiiu to in tbo hope that i would reoetvo simitar bohoilt i decided to tak the pllli on trial i bad not taken thn pills long before i 000 1 1 bb that ray bopa for recovery were being realised by the time i had ukon half a dozen bore all tymftomii ol my trouble bad dlabppoarad and i abln to oiijoy tiro a i did befor being arllml wilt tha malady t havw rii heel tat ion in baying we part with jbjlire furs at price which am not high but blgb rnoogb id cniure the i cat jnalltlaa iakticulariy vwv i inf of i ufis iteady to bo maiu up into garments lo tbo purcliaaer a order alao fur remodelled to i be ulerl alyle tlio large aworirnetu of 1 ura ever shown in guelpli ilrlu abljrrliariiirnln cliomlml ijvu tla adooii 1110uii01 ft 1 mm ll haa bau ariai i ll at ulnars t i ii liaiuahaol it ant i i till ib il ofaiatli u lho dgurei on theaa are xtry oltractlv in i wo ate already selling largo number to arly i uyrre laloat stylos in hots caps and clovos at l n e lafohtjuhps wliulcaale ard lielall furrier notioi all i 1 ilin1 i i v liiniiuta i am ai il i 1 1 v oil luillll will in tlatiaillw mk all 1 li i r will tlaa nail a 1 uiitln 11 ur ui it at 1 on a 1 vary tiiunti i liil caru of t mil jamaa lury ai 1 fail 1 1 v wl ba baan and liavlnc llj 1 i ll 11- to tl auk lha 1 v- ul l cola ol ai uiat unu lory fanu and halartlay lha toth iiitl llarr u thortlv change in drug business w erskine hnvinj purclitimml tho oriijf and sutltitry buitliiefta of mr j l mckcu tbo fotiiiiter of tbo hiisliic derlrcd to my tbat i10 coiiiol to acton uftnr hnvlnf litrk taiiorictito mi n tlupcnlug tlrtijjitm and focu confident tltut lie can kw ull lintomcni tlte ulraosl iitl faction mr 1 ruklno hope tlmt by ulrlct voruiml attention to tbo buajticfid and cu rcful lttidy of thn wanu of tbo public uiat u10 large circle of customer who have fuvored the palace dm storo witlt their iatroiiage will continue to do no aoemth wantkl lor uto life uf ii ute i reeldentmeklalaf i rl utily iiu a netolaomil portrait oi l real laul uckiour iacu loel aa will be airan a a remltim wlui eekcb copy aoltl ur u prefored a oil ice ol hlne oilier premium ploturae inclulutf the iluka ao4 uuoheaa xt vi r- loo to par coal ol hi al lextna tralcl pall ii ay era lha laat a prai addreaw wunu umuii tiktaaio juoheaa xt vi h i roawclut tree aanil o par ooal ol tuallli a c1h jilvau lltar tut tralcl 1 p h ur books tiullkll koh hale- dv ten ok it tkwdkith will bavaeai a1 t y ll a uti1atln tduplo tburtday till hovawiwr uail- rov lb alajmlln and lallaa timlker a taaul lfomyl timlker owmtn mmurlml ou um weal ball ftllouianial oonnaaaion ol efjottlok auqaeeloit ool tib 11 n iba pretalaae or lo 110iifutu0m lllloti waltning ana n at dotioelllntf coal a aim a eartti or hubbleh on tbo htraat notlut u l11 r elvu h a kaauabu fif 11 u uiunulpality 11 at lly law mirubar t wl leb probibita any paraoo tu nl daonelun nual mbaa 1 dirt titubwtli of ail mud wluiout lau lulou b ulo the tala liudar penalty wlllbe blrieuy liy order of tb council t110m v uaat uuuulnal clark tlock liir curcfully uctcctod drttpi and medicine will always bo found in tim book stationery and wall paper department will receive tbo a tiltciition an it baji ill tha pat and a largo lot of new good bad just inflwd into htocl bale of ijanhvaio buqiiiw sualxu taudai aodreaaad to lore tuvlll kieenuir aotoo 1 will be raoaivad by hi hi op lo eod looludlng uomlay ilia slaiday ol ootobar halt for tha twanilaa ond batldeaa vitad on by lha uu j 11 1 aartoti at a e ton thareai eatat i lo four bloea lourlae irutol ullland willow ula tbarauabuwa orv alorboota barn u alao a rwjaiioa in oooneotion with tbeelora tba uutdt la trad oooaltu oi hardware stock a eroall qttaauly i irooantln in all sarlae crockery tt mabl mava taohr tuobar t onaais tl vurril iiarauimkirr beiilorsullda maut and llasal uurd u charlie dell and krnat uarr 73 intermedial lawraoo bunn b0 bylva arnold 7h oraa matthew 08 marka poealbl 100 juulor 1 willi maulu and juhu4s henderson 0 flv melararj so juulora anul abrabatn ao dora clarke and lloey walkr 8 marks poulbta 50 kalua alum tacbr the pall f ut of hklt ibltloo whloh will most lntrt praw pree raadara uaatr wlllnuu fergua uaipbollvill oet 11lf oat u oeu lall oei- lfle fallowing oltissna war empanelled uao hynda a t brown jao a luodaraon t t moore j j lawaon d h wordao a 0 warren a h qurney u d orabaw w wit llama j d waload john kenney tb jory elecld ooancltior george hynds s foreman viewed ibe remains and tbe aoene of the fatality and iban ad joorned oolll eight oolook on monday vwnlng on monday evening tbe inquest was ramd ooroor maodooald presiding and connty orowo attorney matbeeoo in a t tendaoo ilev ii a maopbarson was tb brt witneaa called after being sworn ba sold 1 a far aa bay avldeooe 1 ooooerned iher is vary utile to toll op saturday morn lag x was on my way to the o t il station about 0 16 tb deoeasad- frdr lok qube walked to tb sutior about twenty yards lo advano of ma at lbs water tank h oroassd al right angle to tb joutb bwitob aad than walked b- twn two unas of freight oars standing tbr wbn i rwacbad tbe sulloo i looked la tbal dlracuon and tba hut i saw of tb doad all- b was looking aero to lb station tbroogb lb opnlog bslweo two freight oars wbn tba train came in from tba wast i boarded ll to go a east for a lady friend tb train atarud bofors i goeoff aodl wasearriad aboni iwsoiy ore yards bslow lbs atailoo bafor ijnmped off on walking baok to lbs tlatlon 1 dlsoovered tb body of lb deosaaad lying on tbs north aid of lbs track with bis bead and lb hatha wore lying btwn tbs rail i tb bad was eatlraly svrd from tb body and lay a foot or so away from it i afe ones notified wm snumland tbs opesator at tb ataiioo wbo noil fled tbs ooronsr tr maodona to lbs orowo attorney i bed do oon waraatlon with daoead when i saw htm beiore tha train cam is i nrly pasasd a token of recognition to tba coroner 1 saw no avldanoea of t strnggl at lh point wbors tbe body was lying x looked partloolarly to aaoartain if tbar bad bo tb bands cm lo belying bod le tat bed one aero bla breast and lb other atbldr it w4 ellgblly frosty on tba smooth ground whir i jump ed off tb train to tb foramen deoaaeed did not appear end tad oor tnoiv knelabcboly tbat morning iban x bad seen him previously h walked along uiaarely x do not rw number slog blm after b wa between tbs oar on tb son lb awltob x bad known deoeaae for mvaral month to a jurori tb or supa were not mora allppary than uenal though aom- wbat froely to lb formn i did bot notloe any alrangar at tb elation who dl 1 not gat on tb train mr h 0 holm agnt u t 11 sworn said x kow lbs dooeaaed elno last spring wbeo he orel earn lo acton he waa a cnuor x know nothing about tb daalbot deoaaaed i wa not at lb station bnlll 30 or a mlnut afurwafd ut was then lying in tb poaltlon deaorlbej by luv mr maepbereou i went id lh station wltb tb coroner tbe body was iban rraovd into tbs station bout by tbs order of tb ooroo there we afterward a paoel baodtjf rflpby ooustabls lawsoo wblob he had rerooeid from tba body and wblob weaaatad and initialed i lbs paokaaw was bar pfodooad by constable lwon i oannol glv any in formation a to tb otuaa of tbs fatality beoeaeed wa only au oocaalontf anilomer attbaststloo uvr said aiiythltig to m to indloat luteolloti o salold my uckvt clerk atata tbal be purcha uo ticket that tnomlog tbera wa tin oar of wheat or other basin wblob would bring blm to ibcsulloo tbat toorulug to tb ooroosr i know nothing about bis baaintaa to lbs foratnab i bav skd tb engine bremen brkamn and wood no lo of tb morning xprea which kllld doa if tbsy kow of tb matt tbe say thy never knw anything aboat ll until they rwosltod tb ulagram at gn- town the aooldsul most bavsoeoorrad just fc tb iralo waa eieeutig would ibink tb arsl wbls that struck him woald b lb trailing or tear truck of lb baggag oar next to ths euglo toads i tliluk tb first wheals piag sevsrsfl lb head tb position of tb body was as described by luv mr maopbsraoa to a juror i ooold not say wbetb it i would b pomlbl fo tb body to fall lu tb poslupa in wbloh it uw wilh lb train in mohoo ho family iu tbla torrlblo beraavemont we lirn that the day lkfora 1 a decetao mr gibe sold i l mill pruporty to meair urardmorr if co and signed ths paper confirming th sal tb relative are noil aatisnad that these negotiation should go through and meesrr uaardmor dt co tas ove tho property btatulory xarmanabt cr of xota fund as w are totd that alroady a number of burial bave taken plao and no friends remain lo look after their grv tbla saaoras perpetual attention whereevor adopted and a oematery wbloh lo day u snob a credit to anion should ns every facility for us future ropou one butter uvfrv timb it seem to matter not wliat other bwapapers may ottor as promiamirtbw y jurau tin i icfrlif luir of moalroal osn always go them one boiler and tblyr thy bv clearly oatolasaej all bompetltors bubscrlbar to that great family paps will this year receive the hlggesl value ever offorod in addition lu a vary much improved paper oaob sub earth will receive no lees then three valoablaand seasonable prerulam pictures tba picture are urge portraits of our new kiog e lward vii and the beaatlfnl jason alexandra each 1h x 34 i nohee on baatla1 psper making ft lovely pair of picture ready for framing and whloh ahqahl ba found la every canadian home ths third picture ta a grand aurprta w bav all beard of the renonned gains borough ploturs tbs duebos of devon sbtr tb plctarej stolen and recovered aft 35 years and recently purchased by 3 piarpoot morgan for t7s 000 oaab the pabllshsra of tb amity uttald air giving each subscribe tbl season a beautiful oopy of this hlslorloel pjolor 12 x 38 locha lu leo rich oolors stm a original along wltb th picture of tb klug and qaaen all thra plctnr and a year snbaorlptlon lo tb best family paper on tb continent for f 1 00 u oerttlnly a big dollars worth the plaua of tb king and queen will ba a surprise ko snob plates war eve given with a newspaper uov shot at oakvillk oak v ill oct o tbs tanaral of frank t flsbsr lbs 13 yearold boy wbo was soeidanlly sbot tbroogb tbhail 0b ihare- dyby ailboy uardy will tak plao tbla afternoon 1 he lt ulls of lb stfalr particularly sad hardy who ia j3 years of age aud who was for a tlm a school teaobor started out wltli lh ltd lo shoot a oat tbs animal eapd to a bou uu baatb bam and young liebr went lu to oh u out a moment or two later h emerged bsad first and hardy thinking ii waa the 01 ural wllhoutlooklug farther tb bullet took heat lu th hed uj detb reaiilud au hour orsouur ci1vi ua tha cry of an infant la naturua blunul of dlatrwas liahua dover ory uulea tiure is torn very goad reasau for it ths cry ut a bhy 1 uatuie a warning signal that that it the s1pton jurv dlbaorrhd than prlsonaf ahd hi wire qroko down anothac trial in about rouf monthly loxuon ool afur spending six frnlllo hour lu contldaring tha svldtno the jory lu lbs bu ton murder trial report ed last bight tbet ibey were hopelessly divided in tbelr oplnlcd wbereqpon mr juallo mnmaobon ordered tbelr dlsmlaaa tb prlaoner and hi wife wore both in oubrt wheu ths announcement of tba abortive result of lb trial was roadr blfton took ll coolly but bla wlfo became byaurtaal and hruk down oomphtuly bo did hilton after be wss taken back to ills call ilia defence ba oost blm much mouy and if be la anally acquitted ll will b to fao th world a rulosd msn ii will be triad again four months beur flockwood llookwood bow wa lb rtd letter avsnt which always luureet tbl community at this season of tb year tba weather on monday and tosady was dul for a show th result every gratifying lo free i dent gibbons abd bit staff of citnoer and director tbs attandann waa unusually large and lb exhibition throughout wa a prsdll lo cranio agricultural boolaty tbs farm of this motion are much nl treated lu lh sugar beak factory project whloh gnelpb basina tnn are promotlug lrvf aviubcdmr j m doff adjreaaed a tnllngber on monday evening and created quit favorabls impresslona wllb lb farmer ilia llkly a lajg area of sugar bet crop will b guaranteed from this section luv w ii anhkin 1 1 wu oll ad to bis former oiroult at arkwrittbt ou monday lo allstid ui funeral of una of bit 1st parltlilotiera front what w oan learn m sa fanny la msiuuluel th goldsu oniuloos fortiltl won ftl lh fair tlight eouoort al acton usb friday ulgbt ft aa ao- oompalulat tbatlqr williams fink x ilia are the beat known our for dyepepala an i 1 wo lid strongly sdvss sl kultira t glv litem a trial tba old adage experience is tbs but teacher might well be applied u oaeo of dyspepsia and if sufferer would ouly be guided by lb experience of iboea who have suffered but aro now well aud happy tbroogb tba use of d william fink fill there would be less die tree throughout ths land ur williams xink 1lhacati be bad stall doelar in msdiolnaor by mall poet paid at fcooenlaaboiorsix bo for j 60 byaddreaelnglhayjr williams msdlcl oobrookvlua out it will afford pleasure to the now proprietor to liavo cltlacnx and rctlilciibi of tbo kurroundintf country euc rally call mul become acquainted priclii wllluilwuy he found rljjht palace drug siore anext merchants bank acton w erskine- la an old eaublubed bualnee and i bftrd tot sala to wind op the aalala teooara will be veealvad for tai atlale and aloo in trade in blook luo separata uudars iii bat i or any teodar not naoeaaallly aoapl ad in ran lory tod slock can be liupeetad 0u ula pracn laasat aetoo t mtoreale will ba made known ad aft lloa bollclto dyeing llhlu wioig bvsry mother ought lo gtt tu work lininrdlalelv to hud out what that sotiietblng wrong may b if tb frirulua aud irritation ur nut caused by sxlarlor souro it la oouolutlv bvidaitos tbat lha urylug baby is ill lh ouly safe un i judicious thing to do i tj admloute ilahy own tabid without tb slightest delay fur indigestion stcspleesuasa tb if rile lion accompanying tb cutting uf teeth diarrhoea oonatipillou ool id and slmpls fevere tliov mftrvallou hill tablets bav given ll in thoasatnl uf caa and saved mny preoloua baby uvea do not give a baby socalled southing luediuluaa siiob only aluplty and pioduo iiuuslural sleep llaby s own rsblale ar guarau lead uioonlalit iioopbilor other bsrmlul drugs they promote sound bsaltby vlaep beeausd tbsy go directly to lbs tout u baby kruublea dissolved in water the lablau oau be glvsu to tbs youngest latent mr wllr brown mllby qua ears i bav nivea used auy uisdloiu for baby that did aa muob good aa baby own tablsu x would bot be witbout tbam uabya owit tablet ar for al t all drag llor or will be sent dlrvotly on receipt of prio jfi oents a box by add rasa tg tb ua whilauu mjtdlilaioa xlrookvllla 0a i lutuemwr all wbnbava vr sbowu ui auy klnduau uayw oyer cruet li b grauful usury wdufsher chewb co a good u umber from hsr atunded th aolou and ilaokwood fair ou fri lay and luasday mr h oibbonsla tbsuaaeurof avery industrious gooe after rearing flock ut goslluga it again eltrtsd a aw week sgo to uy and ba bean laying an egg sry day slued mr j uoper has a pstub of tip straw berries which la q lit a r treat fur october mr willoraham aurtedjal wk to atteud collagtaa lulltuu tu uulph mlbadlamas otodnto la vllt lug at he ubclaa mr ii browuv ulsa mokee has been in vary poo health of lata but w bop that ah may soon kgiu hsr for mf sltsngtb mr wm drlpp lulemj going farming nd will bold a clear log sal un wodnea day ifjlb mr orlppa ba not yet veuud bu falul though it wa slated that ll bad in laul wesks iseus oko tbe promoters of th arnol 1 gbv factory by law are jubilant over th sueooes o tbs by iw last bstoday al five oclock lb vote hood for 1117 against b i mr w a ire tor suttur rtluind to bis bom here ou monday from torouto where be u operated uion soma week ago for appendicitis luv w h maaiplue h a and 1 ditor warru want to acton monday morning to attend tbo funorftl of mr v q lob who wa killed ftl aoton tuuou uu qaturday moinlnif a bong uervlc will be held in lb math odlal obureli next sunday tvuiuk at a bsalneas meeting of tb caugrega lloual ohurdi last week a motion favor ing lb union uf th georgetown and ohnrcblll ouugregallau was unanlmouoy earried mr thomas clark i vlaltlng hu daughter in chicago he want weal ou balurday death of the honj m claiiku w lion n 0irkd m f for west york died on tuesday bight at hli home in woodbrldge u waa fi7 asra o age and wa born jt woodhrldg why not buy dur fall hat from nelson the up- toditc furnibher and hatter newest american soft hats latest shades and shapes from 2 oo up latest american stiff hats from 225 up sole agent in guelph for the celebrated struyvissant hat the latatcst new york shape one quality and one price 3 00 sto our big range of new fall and win ter underwear every line is up to date r b nelson ono prloo only oo wyndham st gub lilph gualuells dvu1ng awd ci uan ing woukb gui lfh the place for gentlemen to have iheir bullaand ovcrcoaia and ladles garments and household good clexned and dyod ostrich ilumes anl tips cleaned dyed and curled miss feftltyuam agaot fanoy a cod aoton children cry for oastoria upevhidf a vary happy ivanh look plao last wsduiadsy allernuou tb und lust allh bums o fjgr poetrnsalar mr jania martin tha luyuua oocaslou wa lh marriage of bis dauiihlsr an bla lo mr george bmltb of ktqueslog i it rile wblob mad lb happy pair mall aud wlf were performed by luv u a maophetaou of knox church aoton ihs brld wa vary daintily slllrod in bridal robe tber war about fifty go est psaeeul many bandaom present were received by lb brld mr and mrs bmltb drove to milton aft tb wadding fel and ioqklblrainlhrt6r hamilton a great daal of in ureal waa manifested by tb seeldeue of tbla section in tha tug of warabantmt at aolou show i sal friday oo boy pulled wall for lbs praotlo they bad togstbar bat tbsy war uaabl to win tb oovtd pure aoton show wa tbla year pronounced a bflndd suooae by tb litany wbo weak from tbl ssolum is there aiij thing tuord annoying iban bavlug your corn steppad upon t is tl rta auylblug inorsdallgblful tlian gelling rid of ibeui r holloway a corn cur wtll do it iry ft aud b oouvinoed nothing uuiora dlajraoaful thtn inulu lly cloafo- uriyhbtfouio titv ov tuijino 1 1 luasloualv i prauk j cbituay inskaa oalli llial 1 la luiilur uarluarof tbanrui ol v j ulauayaco lolug butluaas in tb ally of tulalo toouly aud slat alorall an luial bald flrui will iy the 1 d 0hu hutiuilul uoii allli for ouli very erftaof celarih itiat usiiuul by oyrj by tb us of llahacalejlll gun pllaktc j olluhuy llwuru to laforc m au 1 lulwirihl lu 1 ly plaaaum till dill 0y ouuoallllhir a i uail j- 1 aw iii ahum lii kcurylubllo hal a caurili cur i lakau initually auj acta dlrdtly ou lha blood and muoo ia suifaa of lb mjaleltl ttaud lur loaulllouu in v j jlllimy4ic0 tolujo 1 buljl ftloujgubi v4o hall family 1 ilia ar tl a ll cljbkpzalstg sklb of furniture j a at cos speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all linen at cost prices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any room in tho house a short time will be al lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speigtitob qo warorooms foot o wihow st hcton new telephone directory- till iu ll tf1fph0nf com j a ny of canada will issue a new subscriber s directory far the district of western ontario incuidlng the towq of acton early in october order lor new coanecliona change of hrm nmfcrlc should beplaced 01 once to insure appear anoe in tjils book 7k t broxain looali manager bread confectionary fruit store a01on mahiilio aud ucuair bhoph iilkuvuiunubli loprletu i hie 1 and lo do all ahmwet mjutppaj witb tl the i neneaaary ttfeaenta all iepatr try rt bartoulturalimniainaola au alndsiirbueaij btlina boreaabualngaudaurml ldahrallblug woodwora a pal re worloiaied p a aslss aoeovy oiaoawr maahlno or ttnplmaut kununlog and ruio don we dsm repair any h avino purcbiwml ibsbualifitsuiely carrud un by my broth j t mutihowa i lcg lo solicit a con llnuuuce ol the generous plrouaga uccordsd blm i will cunlaiiu lo supply all customer with wfcbton 0 and willxajata uttut 111ucad liumu oalocb to will ktp a good assortiiiant ol con- i 1 ci ioni uy aud fill bu fhu1 1 j in aoaaoii i will endeavor to give lullalictory tlotrtoitrthoatvxp mllfl anna haddock mill btusm go to tho gaoriblom carrlagfl shops for your buggioa market or lumbdr wogonh also for your carriage repairing of all descriptions horaeshoeing and blaokbmithlni ohlldren ory for castor i a a complete line of plows and plow repairs j n 0nbiul- iirrfinr lu 1 culp uckeaila c borg btown pure slices per pickling lslaclc pepper white kplr 4llnplc clnor fctusfjird whu mantnrd hood jnrry powder tumeric unre okid iovl bo our acalod ioc package spjcx cotixa nasi juto wax o sjcajlixo k t qrosajini chemist actobf mj hsright hs cwrsr b you tbla no cliaiicea when you coma lo us for your clothes you jlc tlm order lcavd your inetute and wo make iba suit it wu1 bt woh mudu fasmon tibia attraotlvrj a credit in you itiul lo us we have lime tight now fur your unler wm w rnn iliiawi taiiok mlli sthklt kcton wahtkllualal leklulll4ml lu ave oouuly to nimut lerue ih iauy uf well nuaoalaj ra uullutt swj lrvaar pavabl waall3par ly auauluuly tllra aud all ai pee eat auabjbl vbwvo u taniiil salary 00 ootntulssioai aalary paid auti halurday and aapenaei nteney advaaead weak htam uaulf uoutiu iuamw it uuieauo l

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