Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1901, p. 2

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liae wifitmnuial is ifakkisd liuar uottih at kiln on yyediiaailay 1mb at tlia residence of tbe lirlda a brotliar by llev is fowlta herati blnnle lo jeinaa laurse uberp of tweedhlll celadon totoo u ofl lot tal niery ketbeis unml lunilllun nil x iiamiitom lolh by i krtwll van via imtli nl him- wltjwim lnnm al hfjjwlllulil at uia loiiiaiif llistxliu bindi- nu vvalneelay ihb october t f luv v h usalplna ii a ur jidwwllun laortfatuwii lo kin in a uuihurnf mra jouu drabee died iiihtcral bt llano oklahoma tenllory on huimar orlnur bill william lioriop formally bj icdea at ilia aaad 6t years itoaaatoaorgalowii ou liundey october isui klr tboa ue la bis txod jreer ije ufoix jrw rcss 11 u usd ax octoukil 17th 1001 editorial notes la referring to ilia hoyal review al toronto last lfldey lb tlegraxn uyi tba dominion goveroinerit la lo b praia d for tskingtb advloa of tb minjur or mtlitu mid ordilni a nuw whlob will rank per baps a tb cblafaet nlory of tba royal proftre throob canada major- general oorsdy ilely end col otter ceo b fairly praised for winolon leading ebara in tbo glory 6f agreatmljltaryoooaalon educational bodies in loma of tba isrger oium o uo unltd hsv been advocating snorter boars tor yoaofl child ren io or tbre boon a day ooght to be auiuolrnt for abtldrao bay undor t year of age tb kindergarten eluwn ere uiuallybeld lo tba morning hours only alter spending a year or wa la tbla easy way tba child is suddenly lr bat r rod lo a olaaa n blob in whlob it baa two eesalooa a day and ova or i boar of confinement ololx neighborhood news interttstldavttaollyittw mfro p ohkuozfc p carrospordant umuhuubc jullaatiuinlfac or our vllutfore want lo lurohlo lo eo ibo hoys patty but eay tbay bad a uterjw of hi m a or own ellm hoina uf our nor ulrls waranlnaly deoor alld will i tmuffn of lnada iba diapla uaf mad tba uuka and doolie m aaatned to appraolau tlar palnttaklog aa tbay paaaed through mrjulin iilitdaay aud mr john uandar ami bavo ratoroed boroo after pending a abort tlma lo ht oatbarlnta and at lb 1an amarloan mra tboa uarahajl and aon am apatid init a weak at hamilton and tba tan- american mr and mra a dofeblo are lakind hi tba van amir loan tbla week weexpaottba wadding ball omdk in itlniahoaaa and vlololty abort ly qolte a few altanded the 1 lock wood fair laat weak ty b lol aity tlta tftfo 1 htl itotltoji a lr nnritwr t our cltl- triia want to oualpb lor ihq rrcrptlon anotbarnrdar for loooooobuabalioioala at ha- york to b aank lo booth africa baa don much lo kaap op prloaa of the grain lo oatarlo lo tba tbeenoa of aiport ordara for ahlpmani alaawbere the ordar called for oata o a oaitaln wajght and to meet that condition thoalabaveto be clip pad ttaia la dona in new york and the aaparior valoa of ontario oata over a marl oao grain lad to lb planing of a large pro portion of tba order with local flrrna at w variooa polnla in tba province iw poat offloa btattara do appolotmant u likely to be mad tbla jaat aribnr il- 11 blinu that ttooauidr will raoalve iba appoint- bent the foatin tar general having ex prawd blajaelf to tba atfeet ibat tba ap pointment aboold go to patron of tba cmos tha pm o bright and be will b upheld in tht view of tba uattar by oar oltixettt g0rally waballav ur mckln- boo takaa tb am vlaw ol ll ai we aaid belofa mil ton for uiltonlana hutoo ihfvrmtr a large aho manufactory inboaton with 3000 employen a pay roll of f 1000- 000 annually and a dally oatpnt of b000 hnuhd paira of aboea baa volactarily radnoed tb boon of work to eight tb amployaaai u o weu pumed with tb bow oonrtthon that tb oalpol 1 a grat a it waa wban lb oooocrn wa working tan boon avary day an agrmnt baa baan entered into between tb company and it amplojaa thai a vary grlevanoa which cannot b otbarwlaa adjaatd aball be anbmuted to tb 8ui board of arbi tration tb beeerditeraiss tvaablogtoo nor- raapondant aaya vroaldanl jloovalt will rwaommand to oongr in hla mesaag bail daoember tb ganeral principle of oommaroul reciprocity with foreign nation dot tb inaldeot- will not aoggeatany partioolar form of applicatio ol tb principle q ragmrda that u tb proper auction of tb ooogre and aa ma ixmx with which the axaollve ha nolblng todolntbainltuuv tb praeldant la in favor of rlpaooal arrangaoanla and h will quota botnobajat traaldaot alokio- laya now famoue bnfialo hpeach lo favor of that doolrin mocurovb corners mra albert mognrdy i rccoveilug from a aever attack of lllnva mr mark baaed ratdrotd bom from tb prairie pro i oca iaat vrtday and looka bal and hearty mia mary andaraon vlallad frlanda toronto a few dayi ago meaera t f and w ii monogb of omagb vltltad tbair oooalna th mlaae anieraon on banday mr and mra laaao aafctn apaoi efaw daya laat week with friend in toronto mr and mr albert down a of drom qolo ware the gcaata of the la iter a parent laat wak on sonday nov brd the reftcur prachingaarvloof bt iaol ob a rob will be withdrawn tba trafalgar circuit qaa- ufly meetlog behig bald tbftt day at mannachorch oothpaatora bav tbo ajrny and lie v wm ll archer arox- peoled to be preaenu tbcp oooo k iaibuu bar la a he farmrra thay are bply able lo ilapoaa f alllblr uialu ai aaiifaolury prima but their farm nreda aro alto opclled from the a to a in iba wareboua omaqh of bonday owning ool clb tb ltor mr jlobblnp of lb manlioba oonlarenoe conducted ilia prraobliik earvlo lb lb trinity malbodiit church mr tboa w fox baa badled all hi a plra id oakvllle tba applaa la good onu for tble year tbla tat be only orchard lnhla vlolnuy bat bad appua to aall thmlaea iaara and kadie mnhogb apant a faw daya laat wk with fileuda at oakvlllaaud toronto tliayrvport having a vary good time 1 miaaee mary and llalla ulbaou vttiud t toronto lat weak mr wm ilarry louodebavlbg a cljc- u1 nbllo aoollon ou wedonday oct usrd mr char wijou pant a faw weak with bla von mr uavid rlon near london abhonove nassaqawsya llav t w jnckaoo will preach in iba metbodlatohnrch next baoday wban the aq per an nation collection and aobacriptlooa will be taken- tb annlvareajry of tbo traebyterian obnrch atoampballvlu waa held laat ban- da j dr 8m lib of bnrford preached morning and evening to larg congre gation a mro0nt wife of john cannu died on oct 0b bh had been hi for acme weak with typhoid fver bat seemed to b recover log wnabtiaemtnckualbddraly from heart fallor tb funeral took plao on friday the remain being taken tooammlnavlua for burial a memorial aervlc waahald in th ebeor chnrch oa bondy th maaaagawaya old boy bald a very joyooa re colon at oampbedvllle oa tqav- dy the ulllon ooollogaot angaged th band foa the date and gave a concert in th drill ball in tb evening iwblori brought th boy together that day ifaaeagawey khow waa favored with ex opioaally floe waatbar on today the attndanoa wa oooaqobouy laxgaand the ahow on of lb beat w have had for ym cbew80ns corners mr caleb orirtao of wlogham wa a goaat at mr vm thorn paona uat week ilea orm hoffmao of urand vallaj ha been vlaltlnit frlanda hr mr j ii nixon and mlaa dell apant a few daya with br j k nixon ai uauem tbla work miaa barab aabcnhurat whoa lilneea dovelopad to tfphold tavarba taken a torn for tba batter a trained our a in allandano mra b k ucddell and mra o tborntod pent eeveral daya laat week with relative lo toronto mlaa ida hood m1m atiuie alexander and mr w j alaxanjet wout to toronto lopajlloipataln lb welcome to tb boy a i vlaitora mr mark boat ur ivadey keunda and ur will oheabolm ar ham jrom manitoba krarouaa kxblbilioo vtaaln ruriy reepect gratifying aocoaaa and juckwood la itbap ibaproodcat point iu tba lowoblp at thla reeull becaoe her it waa bald and here the 1realiatl mr jdlm oibboua mat dee- dak not only wa tba fair a auccca floanojally or lo lb mtvr of attendance it iu lakau all ronnd on of tb very beat abowa tba aodety ha vor bald kxua prlao ware t do red ibla year for light horec and tbrw were mora eolrle than baa previously bawn awan at bock wood tb agrlcaltnral and genera por olaaac warn about tb aama aa laat ear in urea u maintained tn be exhibit in tbe mitt lbroolionl tba judging aud al ita cluoa aonaa divaraloctvraa atlorded by hurdl jnmpii g for vlilcb tbare war t re antriea all tboiji a mare winning tl i at prise tb alto of cattle wa aploodld for a townablpfair tlgaauo formed aapleodid claaa tbare are re twentyone entrlaa of bacon bog york berka and tarn worth war all wall repreeented there wa a or odi labia bow of hccti inolndlur cola wolda fialoaalarwaod iowna ihe ball w bavr eo well filled w th grain root and vegetable then ware for eaatnpl exaotlr aixty entrlr of iarnlp then tber waa ajao a flna abow of mangold a and potatoea of cebbigee oaullflnwara a in tb dairy dapailmcnt waa rood tbara ere no loo than forty throe anlria cf batter an axoeptloo to lb general excellence of tb abow waa noticeable irj the ladle de par t men l in tbla there wa a lrg falling off 5 com pa ted with prcvlona yearn it la tcmuntad for by tba fact that abowa were taking place at tbo aame tiro at tbree place wlthio twenty ave rallea wblcb allracted proleaalonai axblbltor in iboee dlatriat who heretofore here ebown largely at bock wood what waa abown however wa highly creditable to local exhibitor olveo good weather and llockwood abow l invariably a aoooeee glenwtlhamb a vary and dan daatb took plao bar on bttnrday nlgbt by which tbla villag loat an old and much eiemd realdant lo tbe paraon of mr t s oornor mr qornar bad bevn al bockwood fair on toaeday retnrnlog bom be bad rumad work on wedoaeday al trra ootta wbr he wa t a aw day murnlng b coroplained bf being iii and qnltilmi work ba alar led for borne h cot a rlda aa fr aa uoloo in going from tjolon aa far a mr btarret b a pea i almoat four hoar he then taken to hla home tb doctor u called and prcqoodoed lb trooblo eororoer cholera tb llloaaa bad then avdvanoed too far and recovery wa lmpoelble mr corner waa 7 ereof ago a native of jre- th v the lajarejtnra handjjbaugina to luolan from nockwood a wldow two aona and a daughter aarvlv- eden mills- news or the dav oonnt d u venx ba failed in bla attabipt to erne tbe medileranean in a balooo mr w j mccarty of avon more waa nominated for tb legialatore by the llberale of b tor moo l martial law ba beta declared at baville wber irikara bornad lb octroi office and committed many deed of vlolaooe ii m r infetlgabu whlob wa damag ed al qoebeo by going aabore will repair at tfllft tt plr tll rnat taflfl tbeiokiog of tb wander aud tba great loaa of ufa and property a taw week ago wa tb reaoll il la bo abown of tb drnnkao pilot and capulo who had th ablp id charge- aaaeabgar who wr re cod testified that bad it bo i bead that tb pilot and captain of tb veaaal weradrnnk th blp and all oa board ooald have been aaved indeed if tby bad bean aober tb mlagttlded ablp woald not have bun ran oat of bar ooara abd tba dllr woold have been avoided tb captain teeing that bla drink bad ooat tba ablp wlib all it cargo and tuty human live of tneu wo- teen and c head ran planged into tb water and committed aolold tb liondon kog ckrouuu undarataud that there a aom probability that 1uj ulnlo will bot complete tb term of hla ap pointment aa governor general of ca tie ja il ba been remarked ay tb ckronuk that lord ulnto ha bean very littl wltb tbe royal vlaltora lo th dominion and th clrtmltaaurlbalmtlite uu of thloge lo tb unaion which it believe ax lata between tb dominion qovrnmut aud ibaoc bor general in tba event of lord uinto velioqaiablng tbe poat to wblcb he wa ap pointed in 1ww for th naual uini of year lb la uud ibat the oovrnorau reiablp will be otfared to lord d uliqulif alxtb baron of ardklll locdondarry land tb piopuaaj toootad at ttifl biaellilgof the iabllo bcbool board laat friday avaulug lo hav tb acboo balldioga baa led by tam from tbaoucirlo power bouae wll if found lo be feaalbla be both popular j and au oooumioal projaot with tb fur baoa t present to ua lb aoliool u not comfortably baa ted and during luolauieuk weather tb acbolara and taacber auqer iu noneequenoe tbe promotor of lb acbente leal ooaddaut chat tb beating ou b ejmoi enurvly aooompllabed with lite bauat auam bow wealed at the power bouee and that by kplnt tb building continu ally warm wltb tbe axbauet while tb maobinary u in operation a very trifling emoooaof live itum will be beoeeaary dar ing th boar whenthxbaiuotvet able this woald rvqalr but- a am alt amount u any of extra on wberaaa tb ooat of foal at lb eohbol at preeeut prioe of woo4iboot tlcoper annum and tba propot ar that wood will advaoo in prio from tbu um the alug tbn ffsoud would in very bot time pay lb ooet of tbat4m bling plant wbil tb qomforl and b4th of aobour and tnbr t of ooara blgber ooatjdstfttlod tb board will lnvtlgal tb matur folly and 4od protnplly wbat aolioa will b lakga o tost it praollnabl th plan may w put ioto operation for tb coming wlbtar qalt a bomber from her went to goalpb on saturday to attend tb recap tion tendered tb daks and dacbeac a leolore will u given in tbe metbodut obnrch oa friday th 35th inst by bv w h garnbam th uotor i entitled a trip to tb brltub lais mr wm carrol be sold bla farm on tb 3od lln to mr 3 w hlewatt of acton qqiu a bomber from tbl neighborhood will take in krin fair to- morrow mrs- onllan of llodaay apeol aeveral day last weak ai tb home of bar brother mrwm oarrou mrs jea gam hi and mlaa ulna spent a day or so last week in toronto mr alex and ml b arthurs of kaqoaeing apant banday ht mr wm gsrrou mr and mr tbo gamhl and malr uarby of acton spent bnnday al mr da gamblea mr and mr wm bweokbamtuer apent bnnday at mr bobt wanaboroagb mr and mr j grsweon ralnrned on friday from begin ulab wher ur orewaon ba been apanding tb ao comer bh u now greatly improved id health mra ale uolnlo who wa ee tartly hi i w ar plaaeed to state recovering mr johnetona of btraban i vtaltlng her daughter mr u orawaon jr oborobtown a larg bomber of oor cltlaana want to toronto oa friday to sea ih greet uoylil luview and luoljuthy to e lieut bal- laulyn woaua bla boulb afrtoau wr medal from tb band of tb king aou lb duk of cornwall aud york gol goodwill and mlaa young wer gaal of tb officers at tbe luiyat lie view at toronto laat friday th oor log club wa reorganlaad laat week with the fouowlngoffloe reldeui x c mckay volre 0 mckay tranrr b g m fareayetb lucraury f j barbr council or management u 11 mcglbboo t it kamxey j b mo- laod dr badfey a d tbompaon j 0 mckay and y j barber the lover or ibis bra bootih gam have an eijoyu aekaoil 111 kullclpallou wm- coleman lave to- jay to at ten j th bcbool of monnted lufautry to toronto hla enure will ritutr until the nw yer lo ootiiplai mr bald and otbr rlatlvs of lb lab jatne kaatuii who dlad in toronto ou buuday vtaut to loudou on tuesday to aluud tba luiiaral thdtbob uunduy of mr thorn a a lloi irvinovas on of 00 r oldeat and beat oluxium mrdlva was a lulecuuoateuta- tloua oillsen but kueuy know of bla pracll- oal warm beat udoe and all who know blm will reepect bu memory 1 bad reached hie seventy second yrr and died alter s somewhat prolonged lllusa tbs fsqr on tuesday atlsrnoou wa ii ubded tbe dsoorstlous at tbs g t b bajurday war rather maegre bat tbs boyel pattymid bot stop lowtv enough lo say good morning tb station platforn sbd yards war crowded wltb otlixens if w ooaldnl see tb duk and daobee il worth good deal to see tb apleudid royal tralu bs w b moalplus b i atuud- ing vh annual rnawilog of tb uaptlst association at uasvutford this week ltsv and mrs wsllao went to uatull- tot on monday iq take lu tb rcptlon to the dak and daoh lirln show la tb attraotlod for maoy eltlaeos to day and tomorrow ba i snare largual it dsol oi mr uenry h or top of udo mills and mr jabls uortop of toronlo returned batnrday sienlog ram ohio go wher tby assisted at tb f oners obacquls of their brotbsr tbe ulp william uortop on wdosday last mr lioriop died at kl boo oklahoma tsrtitory on ootobsr gib william bortop wa a son of lb late uenry hot top of eden mills hi father wa on of tbe pioneer tailler of ibeee paru and william was engaged lo ih same boalnsss for some year mar re cently bs lived in gaslpb where be boajiht grsja and also berried on a floor and feed tor foorteeu year ago mr lioriop removed to tbo buua a tiling first in bioux city sbd sllerwarda la obiosgo wher be lived tor ln year last bummer he want oat to oklahoma and oubllbd a sooosaafql rssj ssut bosloaas there he had been 111 only six weeks deceased married jans lwert a member of a well known naagewey family 111 wlfs predeod blm foar children sur vive two girls and two boys harold oscar and daisy live la chicago and boa in waka texa two brothers llaury of bden mills aud jatnei of toronto aud ouasltsr mary in brmulfcrj ar also left to mourn hi decease mr wm hatnplon botdier at dn mills bat opened a butobar shop lu uiu place tb boaine will be couduoud by lis son mr ceo hampton tb boy of lbs so lb who war lu toronto al ths 1 loyal review are proud of in part they took lu nhowlug his boysl higims tbs fefflclaiiiy of cauida oltisen soldiers milton uajor and mrs d4oon luut daooii stid mlaa daoou arrived homo front ibur trip ihrougli great brlliiu aud lb cote llbviit laat week tb trip was vry lens hols slid itlie4tlui throughout sud lb mayor ktitl hli family njuyad it very inueh a urg proportion of lb population of tb towu waul to toronlo lait thursday snd friday lo lertlolpal in lb rvoeptlou to tb duk sod duohaes aud ih boys ilevlaw t 1 the stiuouboamanl of ths death bf bo bertfalrsoi mlltouuutll receally s ding apprentice in lbs smploy of j a 7 1 to mar man cam as saver shook lo hla many frludjiu this city ou friday la i he was takvti bums from tlis hnluiium at grsvoiibural and rspidly sank until death summoned him ou uslurday ulgbl at u o- oloca bs was ft favorite wlib vryou wltb whom be asm ill contact geutal sud gauarouh in iilsiialat sud puaeeaaing blgb hope uf m proeroua future tb siocr- av vyinpathy of blrleuds here i exleud- ed lo 11 two slalvr who alone survive blm hamilton tim halloo old bos held tbsir s moutbly mealing in lbs tempi uat tussdsy night says ft turouut deepalob tbay wound up ihabasluees iu oonbecllou wltb their vlll lo mulou show tb twmlpl roujtbeortuoart and aaieol tiokel show- lug cooturtebl belsuca ovar iba ax peodlture it wa decided lu bold a ocqvarst for tbs enurtalumsbt of members aaatbeir fawike io tb temple on dec 6 sod aoommitts was appointed losonr talent sbd arrantr a program mr a boeeb bs uft tb urvlo of th grand trans bavlog secured tb position of bookksepsrsl tb carpet factory at a god salary he was a tuoal ttlolsn t agent bars of tb u t b- or thirteen years mr it j mclnne- tuoved hie family lo buauocd last week tb annual to mealing t bells mountain uolou buuday hobool wll be bald on tpesdaj svsnlng oct m tb 7tb of oetout is lb data for th anniversary aervloss in tb maiibodut obarab ad soterlalomsni wll isk plao on monday svsbg vutb net 000 a war between boss is and japan over sores u predicted by dr nicholas sena profsvsor of surgery in tba university of chicago tba oxer ba xpiaed a daslr to meat the bowreine of xutrle slid italy to ducom i heir growing antagonism tvsr balkan a fair a military train from chatham for court right snd barm van into a troe that bad blown downscros tbe track t wsltaoeburg no damage wa done a lady arrived at brockvtlu by host from frsscotl sxd and oonoluog a doctor wa found to b anffrlng from smallpox prompt solloa su taken to- pre vent infection mr taylor of auburn n y propose to float over niagara fails in a barrel her manager ba bup notified that bs will be bald rmpodslbla for tb death of th woman a joint deputation of lb london trades council sbd tbe bod el democratic feder ation will lnvle lb london oonnty coon ell to make an experiment wltb a muni- olpal rlurnt it baa been found neooeaaary lo atnpo ulp on uf lb fingers of dr oamhle director of tb iasleur inautuu at perls on account of a bit fiom ft cobra from whlob b w extracting th venom bapper gui of tb i loyal ttnglnear hoi and initantly killed goober ollnnlck of the boys canadian artillery at kmjuiu tb abut was lo leaded far gunner mahouey who wee sitting opposi i cuunlck al th time at ik catharine tb five yr old daughter of mr tboma pbclsn was fsullv horned while playing around a fire ftudwllluhl williams may loe his life from injuries rvoalvvd when be threw tar inlo a furcso at bbsnck factory consujjiyejpeopiile d8tntnoth i ths llorvdsd blood ma do by ur wllljnma fink fho clvao now ol ran at ft to liory norvo hbru nrd oman of tlia uouy from hie llu bl ii u it among tba yuunj dib m hheltiurur there is bona to- jay who umig fully beare the impress of tfrl hrallli than mue lillian dor to tl ly this wss nijialwajs ths exsr aa a few jeare ato mu4 durrrm brcamo u ei il her frlcnda feared that ehe was golm itr drclirta a doctor preicrlbed but hi metlicitie did not have the desired flact liar treuith iradusuy uuhcr rr apllle failed he bad ircqcrnt helaoli- waa irry lr and finally vrew o ur etc lliol walk f faw rods would computaly sn tbe toong lajys family wjrrowfully uhertbj that ehe wae elsadlly ful anl fraid that conaumpllon would luim tmr wa a victim one day a frlsnd urged hst vtio sboald give ur will la ma 1qik lmf a trial bot the ides at rtrl was rnt favorably entertained it termed mias in rrel that any rurjlloluo would hrlp her after the doctors treatriliiv had fllnl hiiwerer this kind frieo 1 till urged ltd flully pre vailed bytlu time tbe third ux was used there was au unuiltt sable improve- rieot in mlaa dnrf ees aoodilleil cheered by this tb pills war oonutmed abd in tbs cooveo of a few week the ttntntr invalid wboee atranglb waa taxed by lbs sllgbtsst vxarlion waa slmurt restored lo heal lb the nee of tbe pille waa till con tinned and a few wroka mote found ulu dorfee again enjo ing pcclcct health to a rnportcr who interviewed her the id ibellavolhst dr will pick pills eavod my ufa snd i oenimlly kcaum- rosod them to all who fear that eon- simptloti had laid its urahp ttitou tlleul that the facta related ouivo ara not in any way exaginretrd is hlro out by tbe follow lumal at emeu t from llubl o irwlil lrqlhe well known elljutidiary ml trsle fuc the muulolpalliy whu ajs i dlallnctlr remrmber the pal ao of mia lillian durae and the tetirete of frieods ss tboy expreviwdl their oonvtotlon that she woold aooo be com pel lad lo syfarswrll to earth mlse darfee hownvnr nrrlv tbe uumliakabla credenliels of good heslth and frequently expreaoa her indebtedness to dr willums pink plle palo and auaemlo ulrlsy or young people wltb oonsampllve tendeuoles will find rsnevred beelib end bodily vigor through th bs of dr williams pink pill the pills ar an upfslling core for all disease doe to a wabrry condition of th blood or shattered bervss bold by all dealers in snedidoe or sent postpaid ou receipt or co rwnt a tvv pf f j b0 f of six doxf by ad asthma culfftee aihmalene brings instant relief and permanent cure in all cases si nt aiimjmmmy frbiton uuck1it op postal wkitk vouij matk and apuurbh lltlnly chained for ten years nolblng liko aslhmslenc relief oven in th fltto bbrrlisniinta choitikti imjtl uia an 1 lu imi ariaus i i aua kaaii ilia an- m til a iiuiihihxi iii intf ml u- aalo t t urun liayna a rlllll in iieatloo ir l i tu oliopp- huur kaltm k0r saijk on to hi nt tlkro la brings distant caifa it cores when all dan fails 1 the icov c p wbils of vuu uhlge hi says your trial bottle of asthma- leno received lo good condition i cannot tell you bow tbsnkful i fen for ibo good derived from it i was a slave dial no wlib putrid sora throat snd astbna for ten years i despaired of ever being cured i saw your advertisement for tbo core of ibis dreadful and tormenting disease aw lima andtlwughi you had ovcrxpoken yourselves but resolved to giver it a irul to my astonishment the trial acted uva a charm iend mc a full aired imtlla 11 ik farm ti aaatluiilts una wll ii liaauulk i man did a juom ii onard i91 f l hm cuiuu ir m vist pat lieu lloajuel card and bavins tlliuii iwoul ol aciuh tjr llialf tuff that terra wa latf tanu ami will bid attar orr sal t i bck hatnljar the iu j in ok thanks 1 an1 kattllr who ire to i haul tbe kliiduaasas dor ir u uia dr a itania vliorttr liupliioa rv dr morrtn wsuihalor ksbbi of the cong 13 oil inracl new york ian iiooi olbar rim i on lloti da tarr ilso mxllcss co i tntiumsn your aaihmelcno is an excellent remedy for asthms snd bay fcevr and lis composiijoa ellcvules fell iroablc which common wltb astbauu us access is astonishing an wonderful after having it caretouy analyzed wa can at a to that asthmalena coot sic n opium morphine dorolorm or ether very truly yours kkv dr uokr1sjwjsc1islb1c inaanlooant x trait t 1 raalitaut isklnuy lhrv liirltr- tl ss a pieuiluiu wlib ecb oop aolrt or it liraferari s rliolcs of din ilullnffui duke dressing ih dr willi medicine co brockville out dh iit bam mcuicimta co guvtlluiisr 1 write this testimonial from a aertse af duly bxvlog tested llw wondcrlul effect of your asthmsjcoo lor tbo cure of asthma my wife has been j with epasmodlc asthma for the past ix yesx having eshwsled my own msnyotbers i clianced lo see your sign upon yoor windows on 30h street mtw york i at once obtained a toltl of aslhraalene my wile commenced uking it b00t tbe first of november 1 very soon nollced a radical improvement- after using one utile her asthma ha disappeared and she 1 enllrely free from all ymptoms i i can consistently recommend the medicine lo all who are afflicted wlib this distressing dlneaur ijrkndkllh will beraoelvxlli f x valnptn ttiaradat lib 1miivi to ibe staedln sort fallen umtar pa i yours respectfully o d phelps m d d tyr lltos mlihcimucu txui u i was imuhlofl with astbm for 33 yeals- leb 5 igor f have tried bumerons rcmedic hut tliey have all failed i ran across yoar advertisement and started with a trial itotllc i found relief at once i jiave since purchased your full size bottle and am ever grateful i have a family of four children anl for six year wa unable io work i am bow in tbe imsi uf beailli and am doing business every day this testimony you can tnaka such uuj of as you see fit i lorn address 315 ulvlngton street k b aph aul cl bast 0 st new york city trial bottub bfcnt absolutely oxa5 ok hkoxipt ot postal do not delay write at once addressing dll tait bros mkd1c1nb co 70 list 130th st now york city sold by all druggista attention in lie vrib t liomepath modioln has been t very sonron uf pro rrees a in polities hnd rrilglon the dif oouttlv of oplnloua snd the individuality f meb have been parent lo the disagree ment by wblob the standard of ibea bbdie bsvs been r love tod bo with most of our fern oca preparation foremost in il lustration of which truth stands tb world fsrnoa remedy lo general debility and stumor qolnlne wine and which wheoobtsioabl la it genuine strength is a mlreculooj creator of appetite vitality and stimulant to th nooeral fertility of he system quinine wine and its im provement ba from the first discovery of the great virtue of qalnlue a a medics agent been on of the most thoroughly dlacnseed remedies ever offered to tb pub lic it i one of tb great tonlo and sod batura1 life- ivlng atlmuuut which tba medical prorsiiun hiveboeti compel to recognise and proscribe uuri nortl- ropand lyman or toronto bare given tb tb preparation of their par quinine wine tbe great car doe to il importance and lb standard excellence of th article which i bey offer to the public oouiim into tbe market purged or all th defeota which skilled observation and ecleullflo opinion ar pointed out in thelesi pit fool prepare tlona of tbe latter wc part with v our furs at ivlces which aro not high but high enough lo ensure the best rj oal ill apabticularly pinc une ob runs beady to be made up into garment to tlte purchasers orders also rur remodelled to the buest styles the hugest assortment of for ever shown in cualpb ths kall pains let ar exhibition which will mob internet frwa prwsa tteadr palst your cheeks not wlib paint on tb ouleu that 4lly vuu cif put tkbolor ou from lb luaidr boon biuumon fills ths oheek wlib ilcli rod ii004i it is a ooloi ibat sis a loo ikiutvoret about your corus cure ibanj lu on mlil by pulmsus coru hxuaelor it itsur aaf kaa a- lea guaranteed to eur or your niouey back iu characur iu manner lu alyl lu ail l4iog la simplicity longfellow trriv or oaitn nr or foutuu i lotus uoustt j lajik j cbauay maka oetb thai b i aaulut bartuer of tba bnu of k j obattay a tio doing bualitaas m tbe slty of toiadd eoutlty aitd alat aioremld and that sebltlim will wy the tutn of onu muhuukd boixllu for tacti aud vary ease of eeuub uiat eanuot ba eurad by tb be bf kalis culili oat vlunic j oiiuhmy hvorg lo befiww tus nj bubalbd lu my praaueuiubtlilyclueaulbar i uwd il nelary vubll llejs caiartb cut u takau luurually aud aeu diratly ou lb blood and uiuou autfaas of th sjauul haod tot uauuioul f iw v j cllumyy a jo toledo 0 uoubyuutuuuvlii llalu ssntuy hiu a lb ui tir mulha its bard work lo lake oar of children aild to book sweep waab sew and uleuu beeides it maves a abed of tb buoat shop loo wbrlxtu hour make sv day aud yit there i mdeb working overtime uoodahsrsapavrllla bajp tired tnotbsr ia taauy ways it rwlreahaetb blood im prove tb appetite and eaeuro taalful ii ba but leevrned tb leeaon of life who doe uot every day lurmouul fear bmroti notblug le mora disgraceful iban lualu entity cloaro children cry for castoria mix trot ootnmuu lo tnny to uwb l maoil ujr1ildldfi bread confectionary fc fruit store h aving tturchaved the tuslnest ulely carried on by joy brother j c mailliowv i beg lu solicit a con tlimaitce of the gdnerbtiaiutruuidi uccordol blm t wlvrcuntlnua iq juipply sllcumiouiei with wtbton u and willuwil satbt biubild bumd oakjui xt- a will keau a iood muorliiieiil of -con- iuctionbry ami puhh luullb lu aeaaoll i will endeavor to give ualukclory ntleuliuu to lit waul ul every julrou mlls anna madd0ck mill iltwbut acicih bluinc iiousu clianinc and moving sllow ihd liecllc 111 wjy uf u6w nabsaqaweya saw and planiny mills lumber and shingles ycr uointbst puicos hill atulf cdt lu order wood al i 00 a btad nt thu mill pa savers proprietor want mix dsabu rmuaiile veraoti lu ever puuutv lu viraaut u nuuiuy at villd hnenoul keihtletioa t lar yaar labl- weehlail e uy absolutely sum li4 all ai etieefj itielgbt lin ttja tlunitlu aalary no euuiuaaaluu ajr ielit ueali uelunley sih iianm money aifvaecetl an week utah lejoj uogum t umaasuh r vuiauio the figures oa these are very attractive and we aretalready selling large number to early buyers lpoataiyoa in hats caps and cloves v at l n e lafontaines wbouuu jnj h11 lartlor cuslph the 1881 country 1002 gentleman the only agricultural news- paper lili ibhrrraum vie hading acblcultuual jouk- nvl or tub would unary iljparimaet written by soar ut lata jii faiqtiaat sulltuittaa lu tbotr raapaeuve loa n11 ottiar tlr txatatxl ui nomuala wltb if in nualtncatioua or alltoria lulf lva um atirleulturaj natwtl vlul a daftree of ooiullalhteaa uot amvu ailamplad by dtbei indlbfkhbaulk to all country residents who wish to ickfcl up wituth tlatxfl- siafl silkmtirjpuod 0xso tvno kuhacrvptroruv 3 bo mr 5uhewpcion 4 oo hlilolalihcuoksskntflujualbkra os la o ui- aunrav 3vrif thft q oexir uiai0iuicoiisui will ba blaiuj fr- oil rjlwt h will ty auytiody lutaaalal ui any bay la eoumtry lite to muj lor ibaul lildiu tbe thluiabei luthett tuckutt a bon albany n v kctoki a lumber lath shincleb and wood oltkhsko mjuukil rough lumlimi lathinnolte and 8tovk wood ov atx kindh kept constantly on hand icrnib gasli james bjewn chlnes e lkundry i it ioarbods llullding willow slreel ac ton liuudry cullcclod ojut lulunux 1 sjolly walilug at tcjetuiiahu talc all work iluuu by hind nu liuubliiou ur tbcnllcabj m ill- kim 1 miin iai ud vpeulor children cry for castoria honev sjhisitd both comb and erirarted quota lowest prices and say ibow put up samuel l lewis co london ski time trairel money by using tho telephone a message by telephone bring an int medbue knawcf tho hell tolophouo co co to the 6eoreetown carriage shops vor your tovfgi watr or cumber weeoremst auo for your cssrani xjtrimf 0 mil eripiiiitut mafmxhaiajc- aj a comidet und of plows aild plov reiutlrs j nta 0mibilil obouottowm aoton mkchine ami keivaii shops llstmuyuulmdslllll woprialw austwall euultad with ail tb bluhjllary baoaaaajry to esaute all repair to blsalilu ary au1 aeilaaltorml linplantaaui and to do all a tod tit a taut alti ng rnkseabaal it ana hleeteiiilutlng woodvaih u a satlaiealuvy tauutf v- tuaeblue ur imiaautaut or auy 1 pimtulug sod allu iloaa boalu soj muatal raivice baifiuuiaj pure spices for pick ling lluck reppcr white kcpprr iiimpico loer hnrxl while anurd ttcd urry powder vuaierl blace and iot s our malxl 10c uuf xxckluutt waoue uixxo via eojuca nasi jjiu wax run tqbjass kt3roirtrm chbmist aoton f pay roe riallinb ai terms fitltt mm h- tbay are iba bast- a pram addreae wrtui 1vu uuilrii ostsbio timbbb kolt balk e uniarin ave aeraa mora o u in the flier eoneaa tilliaatorany uojir vor full peruaulsr aatoa 1 o lo eaqueaioi tut tui iu the waatiielf at lot ien of keijiiaalo the it uaeeaaailly baapuil ly on uia urowltae or le warning depositing coal or hubljlsh on utretnte trnni daixmlunif ooal j wind will tout laiiiilaauat ar paaalty will be ilruuy ily tujr of tiiu couimi11 sale of hardware busiuciw csulxu lendara adlraaaod to iecrsa llavill o riaeutov aeu i o will la rmltal ly him tap to aad ineluoiof moeday it uat day m oetobat but tor tba nramia oeil lioalnea eerrlad on by toe lata j ii taaraoa at aetou tba reel aetata la lot four block fooitaee oorner of mill sod willow bo titara e a lar atere eutfeboeaa barn ate alas a tnaiilaoee in cooneetlon wub tbe store ttie stook to trsd consists of hardware aioch a mall tjuaautj ol uroeerles crockery cm amouutioa in all to about two tbooaaiid ni- luadnj uolun tbla la w old ealabllabed bualueaa attd la eltavad for 1 mtala and itiraa lory end lock eajj ba luapatad on the p laaaataotoa taruisofaele will la made buou on hi jus hon lo jaorca itavlll or wa wafdtk dyeing ghmmlxrs dvlinc and ci-uan- 1nc wohks cukltll tlia atco lot benllcinil la livo llil sull vil ovefcdal and ljultetimniwil ami llouidioli cooila cleaned ami dyed olricli ilurn nod lip cleaned dyed and curled miss 1euuyman jlkonl itaony aooda aotnn the rpklkc drug stor6 olfers a special uarfcajn in t01u soajw a cakos olivo oh and cucumbor soap for i oo- 3 lb bat- boat 8 hoi i brand castile soap 30c obr sldck of stationary irfbool ilooks sciujoi bupfille and 1 ancy gocd ii comiilcla and our priced tbo lowest sikeclal dltcouill lo tcicltcrs wrscrlpl loos compounded with the great est care and the purest of drugs only used our almb are lowost illou quiuty aoouruoy iurityauj civil liy wm brskine paijaob dboo stoku acton 0n1 nd call and oxaminc the merits of this superior bhoc made in all modem styles ot lasts and best grades of leather all sues aa to ee widths lor ladies and ciitle- meii this shoe will cure callouies on the solea of the feet excessive perspiration of the leet burning of the feet and it will keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm ii cold weather sa willi htvts boot knd 53h013 qbrldci bolb aoknt vom aoyom procrastinatelf no 1 dont do flit cut come today to tho acton pump works and iet your pump icpaircd or buy a new oile we tan do it watering troughs- cisterns and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed ouaklbs ebbaqi1 laln si aclon

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