Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch tvqonoral bankingblisinoao transacted corrospondonoo sohoito d savings departmpuf inlerauumlontumiol onf ioi la it and upwards fit nr dsy of drjioll u day of withdrawal no formalities ai j no dcuya in drawing money farmers hummus fxilidlod notes of rejn rpit ui farmer discounted and m fny loaned lur riiintato oualnms purposes onr oilleotion dojai nient has every facility fur initial prompt 4 ret urns sale notes lu handled and money enhanced on account otmmmo at low rale of merest travslloxsaxo notified that the bank of hamilton and id brunches u ua circular notes of the prrivlncul bank of fngland limited which can we cashed without 0 or troublo in any pert i ho wort 1 charge o r r the news at home mbntl of atlooalcharactar and ovary itam intaroetlng head officii hamilton satabuafced 1872 capital paid up 1995750 reserve kund 1500000 total assets 17071759 j auk tubkkuij cashier b forsayeth aejint georgetown branoh wall paper change new arrangements have bom made with w knklne lo handle our big line of aim plea at acton as he is nn experienced man in this bn tinea you may rely on having ovary thing up to the mark spfcial prices and t tall books for the brsk1 nb agcnl for ohas l welles wu ppei gbelph thcksday october 17tb 1001 uttl local bbieflets which causht tha eysi or eaie or jrwe praia raportara thla wetek nomiatekeabte onluipn weather november olb lb lung a birthday 1 now a bnblia holiday idld yon ace lb dake baa been an oft interrogated 9007 the paat week a weak i ron next sunday will be up worth league day it ibe msthodtat gboreh a fav from thla section went f uam illoa and some toouelph to eee the doke and daabsee the farm oooapud ibe past five years by jinim barry dairyman la offered for aalaorto rant beaton last waek passed a by law for 7 000 for an clscula lighting plant and atreet improvements bld ji co of hamilton purchased tha baakxnpt stock of the b crannon co loot weak al 40 mou 00 the dollar tbe eleotrlo light oommittee bod the hrfit barrios commenced 00 tnxsdoy karl risers appreciate the service hev mr uoalplnee class in mnslo reading g growing vary taocb nureeted in lha splendid tuition ho is eivjng tbam than are now twaoly ave member iu ibe otase bar jamas barber m a of iforeal wboooonpied the pnlplt of uuox charoh last sunday preached a vary able du oonraw the congregations ware much puaaad with his sermoov the very raepec oeugalioo of 11 altiaens went from acton laat tbnrrday and friday loaltsnd the raoapllan to the doha and lraaheaa of cornwall aod york and tb boyal review at toronto alex mocutcheo a familiar character h e40tldjt nesr bpeyslde far many years diad in milton jail laat weak be was kept there owing to oar aoauy aatboriiiee making no other provision for the poor the groelpb and boy el city busiueee collages have been amalgamxlsd aod mr mcoorraaok beoomee pttuclp mr wig i ios ba baa bean lbs saooaaaf al principal of tb boyal cuy collega goes to herllp to aoospt ilka poailloo thare utrulj i owtaff to iltoeea in one of the bootee of lha coareatlob the aooial uodat the aoepioee of the daojbter of the ktnj of tit aibant ohnroh annonnoed to b bld at ufa raeldeboeof id us afoont has been lo- drlloiuly postpooed an editor of 00a of odr exobaogee aays b and bis wife dlaajtrra wilb eaoh other djattitily bbsatu things to right and ha will lbluc4o est boa reads wbal otbsre write and he wiliee what olb tea lead she keeps the davll out of the boese to tba bail of bar ability while he rsulos blto 00 all oooastuaa and eoulil not go to prase without him ttbe knows more tblogs then she writes ahd h writes mure things than be knows it it htoicy son m ktaplayecm at homo 3 bo employees of w ii btorey a boo will bold their first annosl at home in ibe iowa ball oa friday eveniog 2h lost- qlloltnae orobeaua of toronto will provide the rn odea port of the even tag m proosedfnge uc fowl sapper has beeq i a fortotrfresh inner man the auswuuoe will be ootiflod the nmployeea aod their families iii hatth aiwtfmm wmr medal giiumr w j uuuldlt vory prood d jnail ao of bis booth afriaan war medal for two very valid reasons kiral it is lha tangiblo evidence that he baa aerved his auverelnn and foagbt andvr lha drlllab tlu whn bis aarvicee were need ad and second be rcoelvvd it from the band uf ilia koyaf ilishneaatbe lnke otoornwall and york ou the oecoelon of i bo kreateal military revtaw aver bul in thie pari nf his majesty s dominions jroriaejex s h coavaaticuu i 1 he annual oonvention of the irovinual sunday bohnol akaoo atloo will he bald j in tba metropolitan ob or oh toronio he hjad 23rd an jilh inau 1 fctrano andolharlnfoxaialiod can he bad from mr t yellowleer manning aroade torooto all uunday oohools are entitled to eend one dsleges t and one more for every band red 00 the roll over 100 kerb tgwnabipand county association is re qnaatad to aeojl three ddrgstsev ullleta are promised to only accredited delegates whoae names are ratoroed 00 proper forms al t oee ludeoed farea on the u t k a vina youbm mma cot wmt mr chester maltha left qp afuxlsy t tt linverool where be has seoored a fine altoatiou as telegraph operator and book keeper in one of the oflloee of the colorado iron and cool co mr maltbewa brother mr a e matthews has bad a situation with ibis urge 00m psny for several yaora and his experience is that the company is always ready to reoogniae merit aod ww p to tlxwe who exert tbemaelvas to faithfully perform the dotiae oaalgned tba to mr cheater 4 hoaldees traloiok will give blm advantages over inexperienced toao and tba faae aakae looks forward to lbs j plaosare of recording freqaeut re porta of 1 his advanoement and succees tie will be very much mlmeed by bis many friends in aelui and especially in the choir bnndaxbabool and epworth lisegne here be hoe given so geoeroaely of bis servloae both rnoaloally and in general wuidrmw to a thlluu the committee of kiqiieaiag acrii tare boolaly on tha iuls of war conleat have drclded that tba contcala thall a tatly decided here on tneadey tint 3dod lilt i the offlcar itve i auxl ireul auoouttciut the ooutest for le j oitxitf ibe park there will no duabl be a urt nnmber of spectators to wltncae lliu ejotl ingetent jtememborm him old er ends mr william fiilbook br who waa for ysara an eataamad reaideut of acton who has for soma yeara been realdinn at moslsj liirmliinbani fog hie tendr reoullactlona ol our n tr rtalienl- on tuesday he for a i aw waa iu rooelil of a lellar nrjufring fur pmuuui t lite ueth of tbo itte j ii li t mtlburn 0 i o t imt mr fltubrook exteiida ma n att ua t da fiun la in the bomre named an 1 alx ii bis r rarda to all other adou irieoda 1 tie faaeluamaiavorad with oopiea o the xtthwlim juehrtur 1 r 1jd luit ittg giving ompalerepoils uf tb i aumanical oon ferenbe rrcenlly bel i in the aticletit bitropll boahoof ldulation a jatertmttum oleewfjiem woddiag k wedding f rvmlrwiu leuaait ta btoppso makinq catsup bsoaoae of its apoliiurf too mueb luas of time lebur and material no daugar bow if yoo nee tarkas catsup flavor aitd aavsr inateod of sploesw a halural tej eatsop u tbe rcanlt ejqd one that wul keep que ja bottle will dv6r one or two bushels of tomatoee ueclpe fur tneklug free call dud see sample of oalaup sold by a t drown draggle and carney a co grocers aeeoa to thobk ahout tomarrv voting bed or old men who intend to marry will be pleaeea to laaro that the oa marrlsg act is mods ttjh eituple by gplttlbgtch v moore bsoer of marriage moinrt at ibe voss iaams offloa coll a taw daye before lha ceremony aod have tbe matter explained private offloa all baeluasaelrloily private and oonfldsntlal axjiuinm tn in ctop5thb couqh and works orp th ft- c lp alnlne tablets sure eol mo par lrtee beela eaders took place laat wedoeeday i afternoon at lha home of mrs john craham qlanwllllams wbaa mlas km ma orabam who baa many friends in aaton wee joined in holy wedlock to mr jamee wilaou oeorgalnwn ha w b mo alpine b a performed tbe interesting oerentony about thirty gaeets tbe immediate frunds of ibe prlnolpeli were preaeot to wlioeee the ooeaaioa and do haoor to the happy eoapte tbe bride 1 loosed oharmloft la bar travelling eatt of royal bine broad elolb the oaremooy and 000 gxaloiat ions orex tha young poo pie and kqsete repaired to the dialog room aod all eat down to a dainty and somptoous wedding repasl among the many beantl foil bridal presents tba daptfat choir of which mie graham boa bean a member far lqyesra presented hst with att elegant aler oyatat bowl upon their return from their honeymoon tour mr and mrs wilson will reside in 4eorge uaymt ipmrty aitiualph tbe lioyl city was bghly alaled with m nine minute oall made by the iloyal party 00 batarday morning itpoa arrival mefor kennedy wee preeenled end pon dncted the joke end loohees to tbe front of the platform in fall view of the o00 peraous congregated he then in a few word expressed the pleasure and gratl fade of tbe nitlaena at being favored by their iloyal highneaeee with tbe slop tbadakehritdy andaa informally 1 spiled as tbe duke and duo bees res chad the front of the aland the cadets presented arms in the royal salute and tha 3600 eebolers lid by tbe band oang the aral verse of the national anthem along with the xuke end jdnobeea there alighted from tbe trsib iord wsnloolf visoounl cricbun ulrcharlesooel mejof maude major dealaon end ool bberwoodia- apectorof the xiooilnlpo 1olioe ot ottawa mlas dorothy kennedy daughter of the mayor daintily olad in while presented a handsome bouquet of roses to the xlochees ou behalf of tha school children of ouelpb end mlas la are hamilton daughter of aid hamilton chairman of the reception oommittee another op behalf of the oorporalion oalte a dsmw of people were preeenled to tbe dake and ducheee tha duobeee expresaad a special deal re to meet the wife of the mayor end mrs keuuedy and her slater mrs lleynolde ware presented the party stopped for ulna tuioous attar wbloh they returned to the train and to the itrmlut of the maple leaf the englaae with their diailngalebed freight palled out to jkaymirour tbifxttjh aaiaii while acuu waa bot favored with cell from tuir iloyal lllgbneaees tbe duke audlucheasi of cornwall sod york a large number ot oar loyal ejrveos bad the plaaaare ol seeiog them at toronto at hamilton and el quelpb about a i ibooaandreeldeote of aotoo and vlciuity gathared al the q t 1l depot on bator day morning at tha hoar announoed for the peeelug of tbe iloyal train there was a hope that tbe engines would slop here io take waler but oa the train approeobsd the sttioa aboai 10 10 it ruahed through without atopplug thoee preeaulhad the katiafaotlott however of seelug the iloyal urein of led spuuulid ooaohea and two eaginee alpllot eugiue prsoeded the lloyel trmla jislf an boar it wee o x 1l of lhm mo ijv and was in chakite of ooojuotor illehard aoti lu llsrotl and fireraen fly nil the iloyal train waa drawn by engines 70 and 700 aud oonalatfj of a baggage oaf aud the ful low log bbecbes lu moral allautltf traluon indie tioulb afdci uattuhtiaham auatralian atada yurk and cornwall it wam in obarge uf co it duolos lltlly kloepfal one of the moat popular oonduolore on the road this im said to be the bret time that a 0 1 il tratu mvmt paaaed over the o i ll traoas tjiedecoratloue at aouu stallou arranged by axeut ii bl llulmee and his aurf were highly crvdltauek ibsre were bgndrvda of qaga on the atalloa with frlsae of red while aud blue buutlug running the enure length aud both suds uf the atalloa fever greets 4 surl maple branohes iu beautiful automu tints ware used la profoaloa ibroogboat the yard while from the top of the big water unk there floated a flag ef immense proporioos a sohoma for hoatlnn tha public sohool by btoam prom th power houso a meeting of the board nf trustees of ad ton iuhllo sohool waa held laat friday evening at the oall of lha olialrmxn member- preeint it holme chairman dr mokeogne j axuew hanry irlndrl and j ii uallldwe the oommittee ou lneucepreeealed their moot lily report and recommon li that tlie following acoounu be paid wni albhoaa wuik onelouta 3 00 jahn b colainau do 3 t3 tiaorga woeden tla 6 io w il walkaf do 0 co 0 a ranaabeokar auppllaa imj toronto utile co eamant 1 moved by u urlndell eeooadedby j ii ualuiows that the report of lh0 oommltte on tlnabas just read be adiiitaj carried ulas 0 mcpball precouud her reeigna lion as teacher of tbe atooud doparlmaol uoved by johu agnew svcoudaj by ii urlndell that thla board haa received with regret tbe resignation of mias c molbail teacher of the aecond deparlmaul bni in asmooh ax aha bos prcsacu for securing a i poeiltoa much more advantageous to her lbs lloard hereby accepts the resignation to take effect at the end of tha year in doing ao tha board deeliee to laic upou record lb air apprcotatlou of her faithfal aucceu fnl and ostisfaotory services daring tbe thirteen yeara ehe haa been a marobar of onr school staff and onijn hi the 1 ope t coming an going vleltora to and ffom aoton and varloua othor paraofial notes the fotare may be in every remct btibt and ocogenial to bar carrtod tit mokeagae then introduced a projaot for heating the electric power honef it waj lated thai thetohil h not coin toil ably haa led lu tbe room tin the north side during cold weal bar with the present hot airfaruaoas aud after inv it a bellaved that with steam the pramlaae cn be heated mtoj mora ta uaoiorily and that the saving lo oast ofjllolaud a reduction jjllha caretakers dutlee will in a very few yeare equal th expenditure b omeery put in etaattt dr mekaagoeandmr ii orlijil were appointed a committee to take charge of the matter and tbe secretary waalnatruot ed to correspond with steam tillers vnd oon tractors for lluraa as to cost of the steam outfit board ajjaurood at 10 b0 1 m ouflfonulon trade continued growth shown in latuat roturria from ottawa ottiwaoji itcanada s foreign trade ihlch laat year outran all previous record a lalnulua a oontluued growth iuiurui re today given oov jy the cuatonls depart roan t which are of inlarest to all lasineee tneu tbe i to parti for ll a flrl laarter of tha current yiar up u the oloae f beptemherhsveamounlaj to 17024 713 abd the duty oollaoud lhrou to 7hi3 ww confgdnation not aw i8sub newfoundland will continue to got alontf without canada for fa whlla vot iliuri oi 15 confederation with canada is not a live question in naw found laud at preeant dalaroj the ifou w hlfarwoad attorue oeneral ui the aoclent colony to aaorresnaodsut at byiluey today mr liar wood arrived la byduey lost ulgbt ou his way hbme from buffalo and new york ha further daclared that a o am bar of tha supporters uf the bond qovarument ware coo federate while others were autl citifoj rates oonaciiueolly ibsre wis htlls chance of an ateotlou with couaedsralloo ah an iaaua apart from a little tiwapapr talk the jusailon was rartly diacual mr hsr wood loft for 81 jubu a u bluhl tl asa i xnt invitee al iu irtudia to utla oolmuu if voa or roar frleod ealtm eeay ou a bajidaf ujp of u voa have frteoae vu1ud ype drop a card lo tbe rasa liiu mr o a htorey vlalled ibe pan amerl can thie week mr alas wejdu was a joige on aheap at book wood fair mra ifettie mocnn weol to toronto on uun lr f r a few dy miae hiaofa vialted fiends lu her home at hamilton ihie web uie itainahaw of caorgetown vialted aotnu rriande cnrini the week iu mluri ifeitar returned from their vacaliou al wetland uat batnrday mlaaflatll mcqueen who la residing at ourlph woe at borne oa tuesday las maggie ii matthews of toronto is apendlng a week with aaton friendi mr and ure charles havana ingsreoll vtaltrd fijends in acton and violnily last week hi chard bomsrvule of london apeut a fo days dnriug the week with acton friendr tr 3 i cogbtaa bee re moved from london and a now oomfortably iostalled i uevalatoko b o mr thompeoa of bandford and mr xavl lean of uxbrldge visited at m t bamervtlie e uat week uim file b bunffer of felrvle hilt orton spent hut week with bar alater mrs john w unydwrcburehil mra bob i kennedy arrived home from ivoiluioh laat wedoeeday after a very pleoeant vilt with her daughter there miaeallle leing weal to bandridge muakoks laat week to a peed a month or eo wlb her brother and his family there mrs q b hmllh waatbogoeat of hon j w jue premier of onurlo al the reoepllou to the aka and dnobesa at tor onto last week v mr john h moore who has been on the foes iseaa staff the pu t foar years wed to toronto joe week to take a position with a loading firm of printers there mr kdw kingeburjmmd family and mr alex holmes left kiel week for their be homes io now ontario tbe bait wishes of many frleod here go with them aod mrs h p moon srera goeets of tbe canadian preee association at the ileceptionof tha dake and daabets al loeontoaad at tba boyal bselew owing ltftbe oanoelling nf all ibe morn ff h laatoq hatflrday to iaaye lh rood dear for the biyel train mr i henderson m p waa ucalle to attend tbe i faneralof the late hon clarke wallace at woodbrldge mta caaale mopbail has resigned her tuallun as teacher of the eeoood depart ial of actoa pahlic bobool to uke effect at end of the year and will take a position a uaoher in tbe new york public bctopbt brxl janoary nrdtm maalststld basttjeeital bichmond uich for some time has ec oat led a call to harbor bprlags in iba same elef itev mr maaalas has been la poor health for some time and hopes the eheugs will he beneficial miai ju k wbltworth daughur of uev 1 dward w hltworifa oi erin who oeutly graduated from tbe metbodiu deo cuuaas training school at toronto has commenced her work in bl johns neet foundland in connection with cower bt church fahmbrban btoc brhephrs it will iutereei tha ieraaers end stock breeders of canada to kapw that mr j b bpeocejt who bos for sevan oare been ooeoclate ediler of the tarmtr aloooxu hoe teki tecured by the family ilwraxl and lijy star of mantra and will in futnra be ideotioed with the agrlauhural oolamns of that ureal paper mr bpenoar is a reoojmleed oatbortty in ell branches of form work and tbe evaatiiy jerau aj llerly star will taon than ever be oooaldarad tbe farmers friend tbe umliy herald le to be oongtatulated on this ocpaieltloa to ihair already able staff and mr bpeaoer slio in his coo p with the loadlug paper of the coot leant mb ki1uqhr dubiously ill baaut ol is the jukkmut zel tumff loday prlnu a die patch f rpni hilver o which says that mr kroger in spits of all denial is severely ul j to ours a c i one d take loxaijve rtiomo quia tee tablets all dimmtete veteee tbe aeoewy ul falls io core w urovee alenotors ts co eaeb box 13a tub boyal bbvibw a moballxatlon of cltlxan boldlers superior to any prevldue cethor tnu in ontario toaomio oct 11 tliojireat reilew on the k ootumui this tiiornlnj at which some twrlve thouaaud uiad luelud lug tht tlower of the cavalry mi ulury and infantry of he militia of ouurld and hundreds o the vsuraue of the ihiperlsl rmystid of lha oampalgas of lugfl iflils aud bouth ajrjoa marched peat the luk id duflheas in tbe reaauoe of fifty i bona end spectators was oue of tbe moal allr rlug ekclaoies aeet by the boyal oouile luce the shores of tbe i la of wight fsjid from their view lu may usl lite tuuaur was vary botupultf ihair various brltiadee havlug their euibulaitod wiui0oa abd all the socahoilea ravo uhi tjk rt au i the comments ot tba duke wrs highly oonii ii mmtary tbe staff of orloare v s follows major gen o orady uauy a auff ailjt ueucol aylmura a g a msjot a o veye 11 c il ia d 0 major ut ii uewetdu l qr mr gu culloc a a o b tt cl nails il o i a aojll tlaptyklta7yn c o a a v o llout b qifikbu tthuiolk qiltaa feature of tlie review was the hand inuslo the lufsutry bands were lrlgailej uivlalonelly hud the leylug tf sdoh immauae utualoal corps as were tbua produced was aimply lusplriiig h wu worth golug to loroulo lo har the kylug of god beve tbe khii eluue tbe duke and duohatu ware ruuoh iutvr aaud aud wera uf oouiae lbs cynosure of all eyes the xuk who we mouutwl ou a npberh while obarr looked vary eul dtertyta he nplfoem ut the honorary colonel or tbe boyal vualllars city uf londoo ileglinaut ibe uld lievauth so dearly ajeociaiodwub the lulljtary bllory uf canada tr its so pleeeeul ti take that children cry or tt3toot s aure lueth tu w ruts of all kinds dr li vm llyrup 1 rice 34 osnta all dselsrs absolute security m genuine carters little liver pills muat beat blipiaturo os am iwslaaus wnwar lue is aomotlnics responillho for dlfflrult dl- gseuon uiet la dyflpklhla vhcnltlx vrwtbtadsche dlaxlnrsa rnnitlpallun what flfe of drspondayy whet fesra of imaginary nvlls roi dure with tbe distress after eatlnjr ibe sounieas pi tbo stomacb tbe bad taste in the notilb and so fortli to make the llfo of tbo auf jarff scarcely worth living i tyspepsb rcsulled from torpid liver in lfce case of mrx jooee 233d n 12tn hl ftiuadelphla pa who was a great sufferer her abatement made in tier 77th year a that ehe was completely ntrwl uf it ami all iu attendant arixa aid jiolna as ol tiers bare been by e alllilul use of hoods sarsapariua tbat ads uti all the dlreuvo orcens cores dysepsta anctclve imirmanent vigor and tone to tbe wnole ayateiu a him eloaataee is on every bos of tba canalne laxative broaxhjuiniac t om teaasay lael saaassi a eld in eoe ita7 sbjecxai fobsayojujay 20 popncls selected hatpins for i oo ioo pounds granu lated sugar for 4 75 remember wc arc headquarters for all kinds of fruit gem jars pickling spice and vinegar pays to buy at bollerts fur opening special- discount sale tho notod tea store antt china palace j a mccrea cuelph oct 17m the right house hamiltonb lavokitk shopjinc ilacl coldweathetatear tlib uncertain weather is wllb us and genuine winter days era not far away yoa 11 ward lo im comfortable and al the same lime have the things tbat are dressy and alyhxh looking our story thie week is of furs aod fur garments yoc are invited to inspect the fine siock wo have on exhibition quito the bcal dlapls ihjt h tvff lin wn in hmllmn and tha prwa ry rsaion- able its worth your while lo pay hpecixj visit lo the rlgbl houaa lo sea the grand values we are offering in hand some furs block aeirachxa coals 1 laches long quilled errners sal in uolngv priced at 00 block axirochan ciata uiln lined 34 inch at ti 50 37 inch at i36 and io inch u f j8 50 lllock aiirachan coats wllh ullt ed fxrmera ax i in lining j6 inches loag at 3lo black aatrochan canes jo inclxts long mercotixed lining ml i14 ay inches in length at ii 50 bettor ijuellly of fur aud sjllo hnl at fn 50 iwalan lamb caps weduo iiiape specul value at 1 3 15 cacii astrachxn caps wed ilajvj at 140 crey lamb caps wodga khape tor men or women at fj jh vj tion 3 75 each cape of fancy aauaohon or uleclrlc seal specially priced at j 75 black atraxhn gauntlets splendid 4 values at fj75 i4 03 and fj 33 pair crey lamb csuntlels extra well made 0114 and vj pair black aatrachan siorm collars at f 4 and jj each jjjf opoaanm storm collars al j 55 and coney sjnrra collars at j each caperlaee of black hare large size long fronts at i5 and f 30 black opossum caperlnc at 16 50 and 7 50 block astrachon caperlnes with edga of thibet fur at 5 73 and urge aire at 13 liloclrlc seal caperlnes with long- front very special value at lio mall ordr tarolo the vatne ol 9slro and topwnrdi kcni exprcau chance paid to any aiailoii la ontario thomas c watfcins king s east cor hughoon st hamilton i vary kaull u k eacy ta lake ae cqmo lntiubacit ro nuzuus rei uuhuaxs reiturauvnt ro caamrmioa rwuuaeiiia ramccaaruma clothing stylo quality aud economy never stood out bolder than they do now at the lion all our previous efforts are utterly eclipsed our tables and shelves arc now loaded down with the best things produced by the master mmdi of the tailoring world and they await your inspection every attention that is given to our mens clothing lias its duplicate in the care we give our boys stock they are made from perfect materials and are 1 correct styles the lowest possslble prices ate tbo highest we ever charge d e macdonald bro the lion cuelph on wrtlncaday at d foil iwlng days of this week wo khali pi ice on cxhlt i lun in our show rooma an immenae display of i urs w have gof0 lnlo tfteac goods very emcuivcly thim acaaon plating lufonh early laat tying when makers we to prejiarod to olfar very special illacooma in order to keep their staff employe during tbo off aeaai o wo luvo carefully avoklod the low grades of nualliy anil while our pike wll lm found lelow the regular roar be 1 we nlve ourgnaxantet with every anicla sold wo invite awctybody tocorua and see tbu dla4ay 1rtcea ure all marked in plain figures and oa tha basis of strictly one priro a pecm cash discount of 5 per cent will be taken oil all r during this exhibition but not hercaiilf wo bow ladles seal hacjuca ierslan jacloia aslracl an jackets flectnc beal jackets j ur lined capea cawiine collars buna cape toms caunlleis ac ac e h bollert cfe co 25 ami 27 wyndliam st gvelvj1 new fall dress xoods arrivinc daily we have now the finest display of drlbs goods ever shown special line worth 501 lor 25c samples on application 1 new french flannels in stripes or spots 50c pel yd heaps of wool blankets it t m pnrr- special line of ladies vests at 25c ind 35c oil cloths hosiery i weeds flannelettes cottons shirtings towhngs extra value 111 table linen and napkins gurnet co the new store intho new block 7sctojsu m m sh 4 crmtes in one week you will say thai li a luo uuxntlty of crockery to gat in al 000 lima and so it is it is our earnest endeavor lo always keep o tr stock nf crockery complete and to give ilia public talis faction as to quality and mice call and see our dinner and bedroom sets they are worth your hotlco c f goodeye co mill btrcot aclpn est hendgrson st co l- have perfect sight between perfect sight and partial blindness are many degrees of seeing modern science enables us to give perfect vision to nearly all who see ihowever imperfectly savage co jewellers gcuelph dress cure b1ck headachk increase your wages 1 1 boy who alerts work alter a costrae in this college will htarl si waves iwo or throe tliitee giealef lhat he could booe to obtain without this special train log col legea at guelpb toronto hamilton loo don ottawa sarnu berlin coll bt calhcriaea now is a good time to eol of all particulars from royal city business gullets tradara bank building j w wmqqihb outflpm tjnt jviaoljuj life goee head jong we oh see eoate fly log eeheaie or we are banted by some fear or com maud behind us km arson we- cordially extend nn invitation to the ladies to attend our fall jvcillinery- opening on wednesday october 2nd and following days milnnenv mantlks dkuss goods funs ladiiis skiuts anu waists rkaiviowiah cloihino lou min bovs and children goods ib hendersotn co the succtij that has attended our diesu goods department has been most gratifying to us ft is true we expected a large tiade from ihis deptttmont we purchased a large and varied stock paying pirtlculir attention to the heavy weight goods such as homioiiin and funis our effda have been crowned with succees 1 he purchasing public responding nobly b tfyouaie still 111 doubt or undecided when to purehuse we would say go straightto j a mcintosh son 77 oppbh wyndham st gu6lph

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