Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1901, p. 2

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ucuaaraa- ltlleullllaui oil wxlsuii ootobartlili mil mr auu uduuim v tm tears gmrviii i sriuut in kb6i cnurtiti mllhrn wliuooflutyr wv k unit luultlt ii a air jolui u campbell atlj alias i iiiol nil of xllltoa kathiiixllf luat huarbouina hi aliw ajul 1 leouae torouto ou wednaedav bath liiletiibar by kav holomoo j olaaver wiiukuik henaedy to kdua only dausntar of niuniasulliar ikiui or wliioljiatf mw llavuauoh aaatirrsomu al 111 boras of ute lirulaa uala mr uvea i morris it totrflo on wednesday sl oololfer by ii wbraoo mr mil loo iavld llaodaraon ddui lldnaa ki m i aeloa endajiaa agnm j arrnilroox of toronto onowlt o aaton ilauabtea- ol loots aiomtroug kfj ofklunau out ije jttton jfm wss huhbday ootobkh ub 1901 editorial notes canadians rqute boers and capture a laaaaf after loi- inn two man nnd having tliroa woundad closing in on doerb iiiktuhu oji jo- a force of cenedlau hoouta surprised a ttoer laager near iui- liiocal tbe ilnere flail after a short u the canadians had i wo men killed and en ortloarkini two men wounded t nw yoa ont lhproni nswoasll natal oonaaiwiiilinl uf iho senus- adlapstohwhlut sas hist a largo number of lloere are near pouuid abuses tongolo porssl and klsngaplr loulhsssurn transvaal while a oomrosndp of coo holds a position soullicaat of piel llallaf com inandaut gauaral roiha hu dissolved ida foroa which numbered j 000 audi heslell ilia man loucipa ki bel lhy oaii he himself with a fat followers haa gons oorlh through a small unguarded spans nssr piel heller tha main interest ol tha momtol y the dispatch centres in thaoperatioos around podgolabosoe where ths british ra graduslly enclosing the nib muffiqipal council mdoy iday mii in arrangements hav been made by mr 0 c oreelmen ha per in undent of i be puidmi institutes for eight hundred meeting in the various institutes of the province during lb winter the imigratloo figure foe the year wa doi yet complete but whan hey ere it will be shown thai lb bomber of immigrant arriving in canada for lha year wee about coooo ea looreaee over last years figure or 1 u bryoe uepoly uelauar- oenera1 baa eent ool notioetlooa to the monlolpel reulatrere of the proviooe notify ing tbem that note the montbly retnroe of deaths esd birth ere eeol la lbey will be proeoated ud flaed of tbe 13000000000 letux annually duuibaud by the poetoffloee of tha world hooo000000 are addreaaed in eoftllab ladb000000 to qarmaa end 10000 in french all tberotber langoajiai have leee bat00000000 betereen tbem irocnlneot miliar atu lbl ibe alj of vl30ehacrloo floor wblob the auatrejlui iovemmen propoeee 10 impose will if pot lo force abut canadian floor entirely oat of ib anstrmlian tarkei it n tbongbl tbtoeiade had an opportunity of dolnffa larfe trade in floor with the anatrejian ur a 1 weetervelt secretary of tbe i xa flteaea ai thai 1300 anthee have been reocled from ootario for the poultry and pat block bbow af tbe panamenoan kipoailloo if canada doee m wall wltb poaurye tbe ha live atook tbe reeolt will be highly oradiuhw k s300000 fireat sydney uelnaae poklon or th btlrrtntf tdwn daetroyad on saturday btixar k b ooi 1u chaoe riaa in bydney tonlgbl where laige and floor- labiug maroaotlle eaublubmeata atood eater day tbare la now nothing bot amoold- etiaflrnin tall ohlmneya obarred brick walla hndamokloo pi lea uil tbe etory of the greatest oonflagellon in the hlatory of bydney there are very faw etore atand- log and those that are enveloped lo dark- dae and dlaordsr cltlaao and llrsman all fought vlgoroqsly to euy tha prorraae of tbe flemea tbe are originated lu tbe forollnre alore of gordon a kaith tbroorh the opeelung of an oil stove nearly all the atorea and acmelwantyflverealdenoee were destroyed lot a animated st imoooo a statesman 8uiciobb nloholaa flood davln of relna shot htynealf throuah tha hadatwinnlpaar wixmrao oct 10 nichols flood llavin mhot bimuin hi room in tbe clarendon hotel yesterday afternoon aboc foor oclock the loloijo waa pramedlta- td and th moaxle of tbe rsvolvar wai placed in tbe mouth fired opwarda death waa inatanlaoeotia and there was no algo of a wonnd on the faoe or body wbsn a bolal porter john balrd made the dis covery mr au saaa to winnipeg frnm ufi duelnoaaftranaqted ai etvhnlntra sooolon theoonnoil mi on m wm montbll eifun ajrmbr4 preeene umv wullm cliulrnil juo a uxxirmiu ii jnna and ii hwaokhnnr ttia commiltca on kiiino- prafaiud thair rixlleruth report and rroniiimandad ljyittilof iho lulhtwink aocouula i3j pit ii t3 111 fa uuved by ii bwetkliauilnar feoitail by ii jean that tbe repoi uf the comiultme on finance juat reail he edopud cef rled air kdward n ok ih put m a cljm of 130 ylni i ho corpuetiou fur dar and uieoloitl mleudeiice te a leull of a fall auaitid ou icilu hi some timn ago mr hoaokbammeralatad thai ihefsll waa not do to the oarrleasneaeon the pxc of the council bui waa an accident movad by ii jeana aeoooded byu bwackhfinmsrlbal he sum uf 11 be pad to kdward nioklln in vtttsmant of hla claim for damsrea aud madloal itan- danoa agalna the oorporatlou a the teanlt of injuries auatalned by him on juna suib thla offr i rnade wltboat prrjudloo carried dr mokeagaeand uf if urlndell wait ed nu the count in olareatjof the bobool board baking for parmlion of the council to bae tbe power bonae bollar aa mtanfl to bast the publla acbool tbe matter waa laid over until thursday vaning to he decldad at pi apcial meeting ofcouocll thecounall then wdjourjiod limbhowqe- if- cuualu chlldun of limine ia vi king at mil kliirroye on hu iiuiii liornn irom tli ian a met loan 1u- m ijidy a vliil fdaiida in ffuih mr j no tiudaaj of toronto apent iuly with irtanda bar abhomovti a teachers worries 1mequfentlv mestllt in a urbaklnqdown of health uua ida jaiiulon of tllifl tt ilia la lb hum i of mlaa alianda mf uavid iltp of lurnbui la illiiit at mr john hodman mr and mr hotart uamptwll and dauahltr of ullluo apaiit monday wiib fralida iharr mr and mi ii umk m1i maude in klu ut ak mr tboma 11 d f cunwilltu- a lakliik a drivlntl ulii uilic nlo end iit nlw day erhh rffihu anniversary sarvtcae will im uld in lit utbollit cburob on hunday nov srd folio wad by a laelor and mailoil program at monday evening tbe laot are will labile by the paelor ltav anatln 1ulur and ihe ubjtol will he lumlnlacenoee of aiarion war free library readers approach of lhatons win tor bun i hae bnhnnoss intaraat in tha frao library the board of anton piae library met lat friday evening at the call of the chairmen member praeeot john cameron chair man l 1uv j k ooddn m a lueve william and u 1 moore tbe librarian preeenled bar teporta fur august and bepumbar aa follow a auumaoi of tbe financial affair of tbe 1rovlnoe of ootario haa joet been pre pared by tbe provincial treaaureta lr partmant ahowa that tba tarplo over xpenditnre i i370bg1 the total reoelpl for tba nine moo tha ending september soth ware 3ji7hgs and tbe ezpanaea toulled t309u70j it i aeld that an effort will te made at tbe next aeealoa of tba ontario legislature to aacara legulatlon compelling tbe oloeldg of store and other places of bnelnee at an boor bot later than nine polock on satur day njght booh an enactment would be bailed by hundred of thooeabd of tired aaleamen and employer with mnob sail- faction the coontee of aberdeen wifa of tba lata o over nor general of canada speaking at a gathering in dundee bootlaud said that orwat britain had squandered bar kon and her money in africa while bbe allowed the american to bnlld tip com tnarcial inureetj in canada this aba remarks u on of onat britains palpable miatekc tba omoll hat of award obtained by tbe ontario mineral exhibit made by the ureea of mine at tbe ian american xblbitlou show thai the exhibit waa not earpaeaed lu tbe mine building three gold medal tba highest honor conferred as tbe exhibition ware awarded the exhib it while with tb exception of mwioo wbicb aiao rsoalvsd three and ubili which kottero bo other stata foreign country or s individual obtained more than una viva of the noitbed oonaulusooie of ontario show a total increase of population a compared with lb0l of co sal tbe total increase for lbs whole of ootario was o3g47 algoma mnskoka and parry bound klpplseing aaofrew north and booth therefore have saved ontario kbow- iog a deoreaae in population lulurna are hlill looomnlata bot raosul return bava shown a great looraaaa of population tba returns- lor algoma inolode tba indian population tbe total while population la jfcww xbe return so far teoelved from th north wo t territorie giva tba popola- tloo inolndlng indian aa lsh000 th whit population of tbe territories ui bar lsu000 glna on october ulb ou tegal busloaa and raguterad at the clarendon tjnllke him self be appeared very touch depreeeed and drank heavily he walked shoot the oor- rldora ulklng to himself when anyone passed blm be became nervous and an noyed mr detln was off years of sge a native of kllfiaahe irelanj he name lo canada in 187e i waa member of the hocae of common from 1hh7 to ibm and brooded mnoh over hladafaal in that leotioo ii waa marrlad in 18 t waa pobllsbar of tbe ueglna luirr and wa author of half a doaao blograplilcal and llslorica volume the dukes farewell h and tha ddohaaa wore won- darfully impreatsd with their tour- throufth canada uiurxi n 8 ool 30 tbe farew addrea to the oltlaans of canada haa bet issued by tb duk of york tbronjb lort mlnto wbicb 1 a most interesting epistle the closing paragraph we wlah it bad been possible to remain longer in canada and by availing on real of lb many preealng invitation received from different centre to become acquaint ed mora intimauly with it vatloo dl trlcts and thair people but ws bava seen enough to carry away impsrlababu mem oris of effeotlonau and loyal heart frank and independent nature prosperous and progress oommtmltlm bound lee pro ductive territories glorious scenery stupen dous work of nature a people and a noon- uy proud of its membership of th kmplra hod on of ita brightest offspring our heart are fnll of saying farewell we fee that w have mads many friend fa all part of the dominion and thai owe and gladly extend to it people oui sincere friendship and good wlshe may tba affectionate regard that all vaoa and c have so geoeronsly shown u knit together tb people of canada and strang tbenlbeexutlog tu that unit lbs kmplra uellevams dear lonfmiolo very ainoarely yonr bgued ottorok they do municipal bualu in a funny ayal oakvlll al ux mjuug of tha council last week to strike wa vta for tb ourrrant year tbre motion war auh- mltud i on auppotted by the mayor to make tb rat 30 mill a second intro- dnoed by oouoolllor for tar to strike the rata at l mill and a third by councillor a b cblsholm lo da ik st ad mill wblahrauhe olalmeo waa naoae4ary to meet the eipeodlturee tb id mill motion oarrlad but an additional alxtaaii- buadndtb of a mill waa ube added taxes fall du november 1st but tat par oaol will u allowed iff taxe paid in bulk on or before deoewber had no wonder lb lakeside town tluano are getting muddled ouil liv stoc luadti canada mora in prlxa at thw pn- amarloai than all artirloan exhibit otfiwi oct llthahowbg of cana dian live stock at ihe pan american is oaedlngly oredlubl u canada tha de partment of agrloulture his juat reoelved a summary of the award compared with the winnings of ainrlcan atock the caoadiaua reoelved mora thau oowaral ihe expepae- of exhibiting bollowlug i a general summary uf tba wluulug vtt uatuu ajutao kbaf iusa hlu idsa aav akuio iludalo n y oct 10 tb following additional canadian awards bav fceso tnada publlo by th 1au amarloau poode and hair aooeaaorlse ullver medal deparlmeutof agrtoaltora tdrvnto ool canned trull and vegetable cauadt v t iii ou xiuu xrrtd 1 new literature now in th book btorw and rapid ly paaalnb into the rssdar watda oo of the moat eeiterly onghk aftsr volume o tba present month i llsll oaln new book tb kurtial oily jnat puulahed by oeorr n murang a co toronto thu author prevlou work th ohrlslku and tha manx man war tread with avidity and bad wl j clrouutlorj but tha prospect are that hi new production will be even mora popular with the treading publld ik 1 a lory of torn in whloh tba novelist vijfor and artlatla instinct are mora clearly shown than in any of hi prevlou writing xbs hero of lbs novelra tribune of tb people and koto era faaaluitlagflgnrrara creation that salsa at quo npou lb imagination a paaalouit low and a raleutlea working wol uf dsttlny glv lb romano an uuuaual power oeitalu fund etusutal quesllou that ar everywbera dlacuasedar ulleii by th author for th nsnlrel theme of the story itome oweu a lb scn a lhalolty i al oti lb oldest and lb youngaak city lu lb world and i typical of th nswwvolutlun of th tint lha hutrouuddig uf tb actor in th drama ara lull at sutigaallonv prloa cloth kl 60 ppr 16a qsorg n moranit publisher toronto willi olrll st iua by prauk t hutun author at tl orula of th th cachalot i on of lb ulaak public tlon from lbepee of william llrliui toronto th velum 11 dedloalad lelh matqui of northampton by th author in d miration of hi common sens obrlstian th object of lb author la o put expr- lauoeeof rallglou ik at sea into entertain ing and iolarastlng form aud tu thf end b ha written a moat realistic description lf ufa at aaa a b found u throutih many yaeriof seafaring vloisaltujea urn aaye i ha triad with all luy heart and soul to say without bis what i rem m be uf tltoe dy lu tb mellowing n of memory and my aarneat hope and prayer i that eonae good may result the story la simple truthful and direot aud th volume will be welcomed by th rsedsr of either sunday boliool or public li ur arise price olotb 1135 william drljrgs publlsbar toronto alambenblp leak of month hooks issued ti r illatory llloxrauby vojraa and travels nanaral lluntun foatry louoot lulbjiou xti iffii i fl ul 1 10 l xo sam movad by j k ooddvu axonded by j william that the librarian reportr juat read be received gatr led the book committee reported the par ches of 335 new book which will shortly be catalogued and acoeaaable to th reader moved by if x moore seconded by j k coddsn that mr cameron be r qua tad to pal in temporary ahelvlng to sooommo- dale the now hook and have lbs ready a aoonas poealbl carried the board than adjourned erin uhowop i ooi notwlthatandlntf cold weather booo vlaltor oatliarad last friday erin township agricultural boily- urst fair of tb new oaotury and tb flf tyflrat of u hie lory with the usual suooas wbicb oharactariaea tfal wellknown fair which cloae th fall fair aeaaou last prldsy bad not rnty propitious weather but ths crowd gathered nevaitbala and tba gle roelpusk lkc aggragstsd 573 ib tbe show was np lo it splendid averag of past year and all visitor appeared pleased wilb the showing mad among tba attraction in addition lo those of tba pr la list wa highland dancing in costume by utile miaass lucy and lis- ale jsffray of torooto to mualo furnished by piper jllobardeon of lb same place erin band waa alao preaenk and antartalned tba crowd to a vary good musiasl pro gramme the day prooeedtn wound up with a conoerk at night thar waa a large attendance- and when it la said that jams pax waa among tbs psrformari- lh public will undar eland that thoe preaent enjoyed tbematlvca tba offlosra of tb uxuaty are to b oongzalnlalad upon scoring another big aoooem this year tby ate a folio pmldsot 0 ii walker vlcsprasusnt john watson bacratarytraaaurerjamt klrkwoodi dlnctor danui motavlali jam mauaulwl teste a j lind say william ttlleutoa ii 11 bmltb ii j kerr alex maxldtxm jr maloalm fo- aular ilooarary directors a 0 mc millan john currie jams near qaorg ilobluaot arch molsohlsti a j ourrla w j byru henry mokluuon aud alx soolb news of thu day mr hugh quthrir m p of oulph ba been appointed orowu proavoulor for tb criminal atwlxs at toronto wbloh bcglu on ool 3d tb prluolpal oas b or tb court will ujhi of 1rj l llioa charged with tli murder of consuu boyd ofaiai laatl lb 6lirjllri boleii ual who i charged with mautuughur hi nounectiou wltb thadeath of hi sou hoy and dr blepbau pollard obagsd with r- formlug a orimlual uparallon tb governor oeuaial ha raluruad to ottawa from halifax mr w u h my r111 llhtly aurday but asily thl mornliig wasaalu ryweak 00 bulur haw beil valuved of the com maud of tha tire i army corps audoen prenoh appolnud oen hitdyard acting lu tbamaabllm tr jus tio aaredl tb lis purcliasad a chime of l uu in puluj which h will present lu bl paul githedrel london out mr oaruetile agent nhr tlo000 for a public library at wlutilpsg on the usual condliloita a iiw oiw uf smallpox was raptiitad from it iiorr yeslarjay tb acbool in tb vicinity of th outbreak hu bu nloaadaud th houai if sll vmlvad par son quarantined urita os ouio vvtt ua- tohsuo luuia jouayv wank j cbauay uiaka oath that h 1 balllot taktbar of ute niu uf v j oiiauy a co dolug husluaa lu lb ulty of tuuli ouuuty aud hlate alotaald and that uldlt iri will y ui- hum of ohm iiuhouhi luiuug for aaoh and ovary see of ealarrli that ealiuot be eurvd by the use of hell catarrh uui vuxuh j uhunicy uworn ui bafore lue j tuladrllaj lu luy piaaeuttethuldth day of luomubar a t luad ll iw lajibon lil nuurylubllu hal caurrb our u laksu lutorually auu aal dliaxilly ibtf blood and uiuhu autfacv uf tba sjbtaui hand lor uitluiunli tre v johahuya ultoloi y hohltiy druaglata ita hall xani 11 y 1hle at- hi- lal milton r e conr ihe pall asui war hld at tb house on monday messrs uamstrast biq marchants adopted tba oaab down plan of boalnass on lb lulh october and tbe result baa been markedly batlslaotory sery oust tomsr la obliged to pay for goods when purchased the methodist anniversary on tar tain nent will be hsld on thursday usib ovsmber mr wro uloau haa rsmovod to toronto liter a residence o forty ave years in this town john albeit ueaty of omsgb baa pur ribaaad tb foundry property on mill street from henry lublrson of omagh the latter having bought the prvmls of john johnston a abort tiro ajco tb milton presaed brick co ha been awarded tbe iur tned1 at the pan- a-or- iqn for preeeed brick buj terra cotta till i particularly ratifying when it la known that they war inooro politico with thegrea teat clay industrie on tbaeontlnenl llssdaohes backaolie olxalnona fo6r apoatlt ind inibmnla theoutoomohow to avort thsta troublsa vtniu ue luvlaw wludaur out only thoaa suibt in ihn uaihini p faseloo roelue how much i wurry an perplnllyiamcl wilb iail it is lhor foia titlln wonder thrtl thorn aro o ni tiaalih braaluluwn rjoily ton vounil ladlei who follow llit nalltntf mil chilallua pare- of 0ili- oi is on who has suffoixl much tu tliu ioj set 1 a reporler of lh winder iuuu mlaa wat said for aavvial while leacbiug aohm i i s oillnnlly triului will hoado dlxfiotaa ami a wk bk i triad levral lxt 1 r bot jot no relief i ukjo hi badly run down that i thought possibly a chant of ni- ployment would glvo ma allf i uavo op my school and tried other dmlee hul th icsalt waa dlaaappointing jk the troubled srosd to bava laksu aawm bold upon rnr the beadachee ii trau aud mure tr- roy appetite fatud rue aul f was dompallad tolabva rott lu uir lo utrr coma dlxxluom a fraod ad viae i mcrfct try dr wllliaina ljuk pill 1 dciuj i try a box and ieforo they weroall uae1 i found much rvlisf 1 ooollnuad taking iho pills for soma time lon every day gaining new health all j auength and liow i l a wu a or i did in my lifo snd am never bothered with ihe nd tronblcr yun may aay therefore that there is noth ing i oan recommend so highly ss d willisms pink pill- young girl who are pels and weak aim 0r from backache headache lo of appetite palpitation uf lb heart and other symptom utat overcome so many lo early womanhood will flud a certain and speedy cure in dr willam- pink pills the pill mak tldl rrl uood strenatbrn the nerv slid give baw iii and vi lo tha whole body tb gennlua bvar ihe full namr dr william pink pille fur pale popl on tb wrapper around svery box bold by all dui or by mall post palp al oo cent a box or six boxes for 13 60 addresiig th vf williams medioicco drockvllle out asthma clibeereej asthmalene brings instant relief and permanent cure in all cases mnt alliomu i lv ikll on mcuut ol iostai wllin yoiik nauk aki adnukku rlaimlv fiilu ttbrlirmrnts cllorijno i mill tba acrttiinumullmi of lie larnura it 1 lialwit ilat mraar 6l a uriwaaap li amu uuur mill lnewtauaa luv it intiiia nllliiu all onlia fur eliofp- ln an i tli u ui i r alli ul dmir rockwood- tb road at the west end of tb bridge at tb river la being widsnsd and fanocd an al home waa held in tba towo ball tuesday ovsolng under tbe anapioea of tbe womans ausillary of bl john cborcb a ohoio prograroma of music waa given mf hunter of guclph wa preaeuk wilb his grapbopbooe atwf rft ooncsri n- freshment were served mr hugh black waa a jud on root and labi at krln ahow and mr black on lanoy work the aoqaaliflej cooudano and good will which obtain between messrs harris at cooflheuockwood woollen to 111 and their employees wa amply mauifeled last pit day evening this nsuaroos heartsd drm enter ul lied that evening ths qlty qe so ployeeson hlr litis in a moat bospllable manner thanurllnmant was glvad ii the ware room of ihe mill which waa teat fully decora ud fur thsoocaaslon no forma program ma walvsn butarnqetaojoyabl evening wa spent by hosts and aneata during tba pssl coupl of years large ad- dlucns aud renewals bavsbssn mad to tbe machinery of lbs mill and the firm u in a prosperous oondlllon tbe firm baa a high reputation not only for the quality of tbs goods it manufanturas bo i also from ths spirit of integrity and nprlgblnaaa that ha alway characterised it dealing georgetown the oskvill star say lie v austin poller of georgetown gav an sxoallent and ubtaftalulnglaotura on lb american civil war on tuesday avsnlng tb uo turer himself wsb a cavalry soldier for tbre year iii ths american rabrllioo and recited hi experience from memory th council at it masting last weak gav th arnold by law it third reading whan it was anally paaaed it ii reported that mr aruold will commence building operation at one there 1 considerable complaint bar couoernliig ih quality of ths ctactliu light supplied from uieolen power bona tba uialur was dlsousaed at tb last meeting of tb council bat no kalian wa ufccm mr it d warren of tb llmtlj alien- dad tb baptist oouvautlou kt buffalo last wk u pro n led a vary aatlafaclory report of ths babbalb school hoard for tb year th wiughsm iiw says mr and mr w d pringl who for a number of j ear have bosu sataamtd rsldnl of to ratnovad thtwk to georgetown arnold bros of aotuu ha been voud a loan of 10660 for ilxlsau years to ublub a launsry ami glove factory in oeorketowu thsy noitimsuo fct one to arsot a 15000 building and mutt employ at least forty bauds from th first mr prln baa a do plod a situation with th firm a mauagsrof tha tannery part of lb bual- usai tb dijiwmf regret tb smoval ol buob xcllsul oitlxen a mr and mr prlngl tby will u mlued lu lb bp- llsi eliuiob whara thy wr valued worker no nhws ok miss btonb mora mlaalortarlaasant in tiattroh mma tallkn dead cowstastiwoirlm oct 33 should no new be received during th bexfc b hour from lb missionaries who are seeking lb dsptorof mis kllen m stone and bar oompauloii mm k s trilks mo wl- hlonarle wlhbekeul lo assist lu locating tb brl baud ill under stood that ui mlaslouarlss bav bu wslllng at place lu lb vicinity of wher th brlgaud ar suupooad to b axpectlug to keoelv a coin muulosl ion from thru hi proposed uuw that a asarcli psrty b organised to pattslrst to tba brl gaud ratlaaf mibu ootv found arrnatod in london shu rialfuaad any bxtilanatlon of her action jawuoat 01 33 mi lsur doty lbs ouug girl who haa beu missing for over a week having dlaappvatad while on th way from amberstburg to 0kviller wu arralw bar lo dayby duolije too niuklby datsotlvs met th girl ou tbs ureal slid vedagnlaad her al one- from th description which be had re ceived only an hour befoxsu wbau lakes lo lb polio rttllou aud questioned by cblst william- th girl arnncadmllid her identity but refused any pi a nation whstwaf mj- dolv fisnd lu oak- vlila bavs bisn lollfled ml doty poi lively dtcllns to be iutarvlawad the clobino of the can tluvvila n y oct aa tha board of director of th pan american hxpaeltlon thl afternoon adopted atrceolutlon that batnrday november sod at midolghl be fixed as tb lima of tb final rldsiog 6f tba kxposiuon at thai hour the lights of th electric tower and other ll need in the brand illumination will b anally tnrnad off hlb first lesson ho was a nlo young man bul but ub so slow sisow i hb wa an even nloar young somas bot she liked not th aloia- mentloood damdau he bad called lo take bar to a theatre and thsy were just dieisppearing dwn lbs garden path wbsn be informed bar tba little nannie tha pel of lb bousehcl 1 wa calling to bef from th step ob user im in such a hurry ah ctird stopping raluolantly what ut tha little darling saying llegjnald sb bay youv 1 or o i leu to kte tot how strange i remarked tb young lady wby should sba waul m to kia yon ltaglnsidt but tbr nevsr mind ah went on suddenly slopping forward and pressing her red lip to heglnald rodder fan we musk humor lbs litis saeetall wo can tba worst enemy of ui jusk right tb pretty near ifb pralty nai hover ucceed soft harness d as tdoatt sewtr lac litzkttall eureka hartestoal axaeaboeelooaineaar i a naaw staoa e7 i ra oaavy tuilwu ou wily pnpuvd to v ad uaa vnlliw sluli arvaeywhans iua kj larolu tl bsatlxt eixcelsisr bakery a grseery tba bummer woatlier u now lioc in ejttn ctt in addillon to cur dally supply of bread buns cakca ulc we ttrd now prepar ed to supply tha public with fare ice gream sttmmer deveraqes and w aro makliuc a ajiocul ly of lea cream bodaaitd bodadrluku generally ws hava in a brat claim soda fountain nd loop it put supplied with lccald soda and the purest fruit llavora a larger stock of grocarina thin over bo- fore and tha public know our prions srd right wddin cakes svpacialfy t stathamson main st acton for ten years tttcra le nothing ilka aathmalonn it brings instant relief even in i hg worst a ll cures when all clae fails tho h c f wiills of villa kidgo hl aays your trial bottle of asthma uno rcceied in good condition i cannot tell you how thankful i feel for tbe good derived from it i waa a alava chained with putrid aorvj throat and asthma for ten years i despaired of ever being cured i saw your advertisement lor the cure of this dreadful snd tormenting itiaeasc asthma and though you had ovorspokon yourselves but resolved to glvo it s trial to my astonishment lha trial acted like a charm send me a full alxed boitta hev dr morris waohelav hsbbl at tba cong dnal inael now vork ian j toot das tart ubob matiicimk co cimtuuim your aalhmelona is an excellent remedy lor asihms snd hsy peverand its compoaiilon allevutea all iroublea which combine with asthma its auccasa is aconlshlng an- wonderful after bpalng hi carefully analysed wo can state thai aathmabtio contains no opiumimorpbina cloroform or ether very truly yours ftllv oh mokhis wlciislhu kaum koit haijk ull to hunt yt mtupulata ituit al joalpli card of thanks mil jam- rtatry and lly ho ltav baeo lo tlia dairy bualnaa uta futhra year and havtn dlihit of lrlr to thank tba paopta or aoluii lr llirlr mauy hhjjjiaaaaamn oa utat tarut w ltav iu u ua lie ixiwry arm and will tuuv lo lurrle aluitlr aflar orf aala of suck aixt hiiiiuuianta o haliuday the lui lual cleth wamtkufor tbe ufa of i ho late a main jhtfc wldi each copy sold or it prajarad a eholoe ol nltl ouiar premium nleturas including ut iluka sod uaabeea of voih lroialtia tra aand loa topayooatof nialllna oradll cliao tlfcar al taenia halbt paid k our xmas ooohs iii are lii a iraal a premium willi avry ona aonraea woaun runruiiino uompahv quauu ostamia imtfkuki ivrrilfllhls tesllmonlil from a sen so of duly having teatod the nderful effect of your asthmalene or the cure of asthma my wlf has been afflicted lb spasmodic aathma for iho pxxt u year havlog rot baas ted my own skill as woll aa dtitiit ilan- mmiicihi co clmtf wonder ft ilh spasmodic aubma for the pxxt u yeara havlog rot baas ted my manyoihera i clianced to sen your tlgn upon jour windows on ijotb alroet vork i at once obtained a bottle of aathmaleno my wllo commenced taking ll abont lie first of november i very toon noticed a radical improvement afler using one lxttlo her asthma has disappeared and shn is entirely freo from all bymploma i feel that i can consistently recommend the medicine to all who urn afflicted with this distressing disease yourareipoctfully o d miulpfi m d da tavt liaod muhcink co sab 3 s ckntimkm i wa troubled with asthma for r yeaia 1 have tried pumoron remedies but they have all failed i ran aero your advert i semen i snd al sited with a iris bottle i found relief at one 1 have aince purchased your full size bottle and am over grateful i have a family of four children anl for sis yemrt was unable lo work i mnowlnhalctoriiellhandamdolngbudneeveryday this testimony yon can inasmuch uwtofa yoli see fit home tuldre a ltlvlngton fitreel t haphapl 67 easl 150 st new york city trial uottlal bbnt absoltjtjcly hjh on fejcosupt oit postax do not delay write at once addn 70 hast liotli ji now yor k city dug dk tavt bhos mbd1c1nkco sold by all drnggistd t we part vh1th our furs ml blnh but lilfll enough to ensure the best quaillla a particularly pine unli oli poits heady to be made up into parmenl i o live porcbaserb orders alao inrt remodelled to iho ute t at y lea the urgost assortment of pars aver shown ln cualph tim figurei on time are vary attractive ami we tun already sailing burga number to 3ily buyer latost stylos in hats caps and clovos at l n e lafontalnes whouaile and 1iiui turrlcr guqilip1h m m m 4 crktes in one week you will uy tlmt is a urge quantity of crockery to got in at one lime and so ll u it u ouv earuott cmdeavor to hlwaya keep our block of crockery complete and lo give ttie public tails faction ax to quality and price call and see our dinner and bcdioon seta thny are wo nh your notice c f goodbye co mill street acton bl acton- livery bus line rb uttdx aaaof 1 wall alqutpped and btyllsb lug oa al waysbebooured alblssubls x onnifoitab bus uimu all aud 1119 pui john williams faormiariiu h olsievinz k nt6d hotli comb and natrauexl fj lowest prices and aay liow put up samueij h lkwis co london ncfotences furnished wantatufjataburliabuluiu in a ouunty u kfraaaiit lariie ouuipeuy uf solid nnauolal riulatlou iim r tear iiayabu weakly aarday auooluttil- aura and all wma sualabu boaa ailavuahita salary tuj aoutinlaaiou salary paldsaoli llaltidtay lul eiltenaa tilouar adaancao baaii vt4 htmh villi i10uuh i uaaasmai br cuiaxuo nd id csjiccially prewed f tbouj by a thing o bcauly ii at j0 forever mgko your roomj bcxotiful by toudung up tlto dark spots with tjm ttormmwilttamm fatillxpalnt i i teudo at limited bjrtacel ny caii j can uad it k t bromn 1831 tuvauty aaoouj yat 1002 the country gentleman ths only agricultural hews- 1 akll 11imotiv yum l1ad1ng acuicultukai jour nal oll uk would btoia ttlu couqh and wohku ofk thu cold children cry for castor i a tfvery d liar till all t wtltta4 by hpaflallat tba hnlla1 laujoitu 1u uw atotlkt lllla- nil hilar liw lxatana u rxiulkaat willi ii la liuallnwlluue oradliuui autf tll- lliesmiuulturaj nwwri with adof nuuitilalauaaanotavau silamplaj ly ulhai inditipaintiaulnl to all country he8ident8 who wihii lo kalnlu up tu tfmku ima iutstiljjitjojj jtitto two iubjfcwj ions 4h 60 rf hu bae tioax trf h uikoralinduoicuttntutoiiaiajciia blr la o rulrk- aunfjs ivjaj 5wj 60 oasts llucistlill fjoliku iii t 1 lllj tr4 vn keuet it will pay uujy lularaated in anyway in nooulry 111 lo uutal lur lliaul amiaa lba liiuluual luthkii jtuckbh a bon albany m v snve time travel money sy uslntho telepjione a moaaage by 1 olcidkm bring mi im n tod lata answer i ti10 mx tfilqilione co timber foit saiju bv tender tikhukiul will be raoalved by tb uodaiahjn adilpto thuraaarr vth notamur nasi- rortbeatanditwt and faltsn unttiar no teraoty bra aeraa more or lass on lb wee tialr of lot ai in the flrst coocaaalon of kaqoaaltic tba bl heat or any lander net oecaaaartly aocepcad foe roll portico i era ajpty on lha pram lie or to aotoo po u uoukutbom llltoh ataqoealng oct 1th idol wakning asalnat depositing coal ashes 0arth or rubblah on tba straat otioe i hereby ilvon uie vaabunu of till ntualclpallty that llr law bambw a wbuh roil 1 bit an paraoa trout dapoaluag ooal aaliea n uarpoajuog vubhlah of any kind wllbout paniilaaloo bdar paoalty will b aulotly upon tba al enfovoad uy ocdarof tba col lalo of hardware jiuaiueks skaufutaooeaddiaaajttoaott ravtll hiaootor aelon v o will la reeajrad by hlmttptoaadlnpludluc afonday tbesiatdayof ritahur ht rnrf t t lr lrnaarwnytneulejil peareoo at astnu tbe real estate la lot for bloi foertaao onror mill and willow st nalwsala sfaere storeboese bain ato a lao a realdaaoa ioj eioa lotrad eonneouoo with the alore tha mauwoo wiu ut iiora 3 ua atooh la trad oooalst of nardwan atook a small qnantlry o iroeertes- crockery ato aatoaalibg la all t- abool two taonsaad ona hundred dollan tbl mlftlrlfamlabsl ala to wlod np lb a to wind np l teedarawlllboraaalved for real aetata and stock in trad to blot alao a paraut laedan tllchast or any under no daowauily aooapt inventory ami sleek ean b inapaotad on tbe pxav at aoton t maof aala will ba knad known on lpplloa llo l ri it ill r r to laonr llavlll o w- a af okaum dyeing chmmills dyuing and clean ing works cuiilph tha place for gentlemen to have tblr suit and overcoats and ladies garments and household goods cleaned and dyed ostrich plume and tip cleaned dyed and curled mian patlutyasah agent xanoy cjobda aoton acton pump works main street acton e in need of a good lump diber af iron come to acton pump if you a in wood works clstama blade- all repair promphy atlendad to wall gleaned- chickco werswtotor is acknawledred tlw lightest running and heal windmill manufactured i am agent for this district call and investigate before you buy t ebbage main street aotoa thc pklkcg drug stofte offer n specui hartaln in toilet soaps 4 cakes olive oh and cucumber soap for loc- 3 lb bar best shell brand castile fioau 30o- our alock of stationary school hooks hool supplies and fancy coed is complete and our prices the lowest special discount toteacbera iwecrlptlou compounded with the great- st car xud the purest of drugs only used our aliri aro lowest prion quality aoouraoy purity and civility wni erskine ssivs paijaou dhdo btorm acton ont co to tha georptom canlap shops pur your also fur your carwax aiaiwaj 0 ajj iew- owpciosui mai bjaoeimg aui utad aasvi tbiaf a tuniploiu iho uf plows and 4uw repair j n o 1sibill ujnouaatowm afino showing of phll ikbpics 1111 trousors top coats urid sullu oomo tarly and clioow itoiu tt coinljcla block wm m- coopkfl uimuuhi iaiioii m hcton children cry for castor i a

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