Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1901, p. 3

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bant of hamilton beorptom branctr ageneral ranking businosa transaotod correappndo nco sohoitod saving ikpariimiit lauresi allowed on sums of oni iol iau and upward from day of deposit day of withdrawal no formalities and i t delays in drawing money fdrmerft iinsiiiess solicited note of rcmnuda turners discounted end money tosood lor efptltuato ousloeu purpose our collection deparmont lias eery facility for making prompt imnnn 8ale notes handled ejd money advanced oa account of same t low rate of interest travellers are notified that the 1 lank of itamlltoo and urn i tranche luuo clrcula notesroftba ivovincul lunk of hn limited which can be cashed wit charge or trouble in any part of the worhl head orfici hamilton 1ta1v 1873 capital paid up r09575 reserve fund l 1500000 total assets 7071759 jaiaaa tuanbull cashier b forsayeth aoent georgetown branch the news at home wall paper change new ar ran- meats kim been made with w enkine to handle oar bb una of samples at acton a bet an experienced man in this baalnes you may rely oo bavins every thing up to tbe mark special prices and new hooka for i bo fall 3lac ehsklnb agnl for rhar i mfiics wall lapcf odilph 8 3uott j tdunsday october aitb 1001 little local bhieflets wrtloti cauajht trt byei or ear or pnm prm rdortr thla wk ah helloarta brxt thursday toibt- indian samatr will now be looked i sqaar wlntr baabeeaesperlettced now for indian bummer orabgnllu will try lb parrel voting ithhlji next municipal election it looked 00 thursday aa if people might go to erin sboar oo friday in oat owen soande uk rat la 241 mlllr i wbieb u a quarter of a mill more than last it th ladle araqulte lekao with aaant i holm saw window curtain at lb g t i b ofnoe m a t- brown aeearwl an exoeucat i ploiora of tbe uayal train a ll passeri i ihrookb acton ha ua for the oloalafl of tbe pan i amirlcin bapoeltloobaa bean extended lo tha lath november frank ouyett bob keeper gnerpb raa load s0 and ooaulaai k for vjv- i laiion of tb liquor license act oar local a port am ao are pro i tja number of dear ibay inland loaboot tap serlh dmriajt tbe next aw weeks ttanrai taste of winter stow laat i tboreday abooi aa laob of enow fall ml ii w all goo by boob ttexs day i koni chnrob oootracatloa will alee i ais new rider oxlj3uaday the booalna jooa war made daring the peel two wee mr connor le raiaiag tla doable boaae ateorbrofoharchandwiuoar street lot pautin bmw ailla and a atone found a iooaooer it tbe new military aong dolly gray fa tha favorite air wltb tbe wbullin abonttownat present it u a vflrysudjpo floe i a j ur aiuia aloirtioa waa tery ndfpl bereft of bar j a an b tar km ma oo monday luomilni aftr a few bonre lllnear the jootm wumao oamplelaed of not favllng well bund ay erenlng medical aid waa oat led lu tbetroabledeveloped luto paraly eee of tbe heart and death eeme about 10 30 on uotiday forenoon ura uorrleon feela keenly tb loae of iwa ony daafililer tih langtop le laklna ataju w poua for tbe mmbera of company nr c 2d b ilrrtment to aujoy the winter evanlug lie propoaad airanfili a 1 potaihle to liht llio dull ball with eieotiloe lamp brat tha armory proilda morrit tube for ioaid lart praotioe and a beakj ball olnb a imill mamberablp fee ul be charted and bene allowed to baoom mamber rzeept i boa already belonging to company c or reorolla who will jolo with the intention of icsln into ornip belt mmntr lfore 1rvtntrlyjidiilliommt building aoloq lebalog jo bu a uff of carpenlar wboaraj oooataally otasad in rebuilding or enlarging tbe immpnee worka at tb fool of kllu ilueat tbe bualoeae oontlndaa to noreaae and in ordar to raara ooorenunt loaauona for new bat id lag ible firm bar jaat oomputed the pnrcbaaa of tb land boo lb of qqen street beloogg to tha ealau of tbe lata william uaaaier on poitioo of lb la properly a new bide bona of liberal pro- fcjouiou wiu be ereoledf operallooa opoti wbub ar to commano at oooa kpwoff toabn saadmy nt banday la epwofth leagoe day n tbe matbodlat cburob tha aorrioea of tbe day will commence wttb a h prayer meetlag at 7 80 e m la tbe aobool too to to wbirb both tbe membare of tbe jleague and of the ooograatloo geoarally ale inn i lad hpeclal aermona batrlag pertlcalar rafrrtnc to oaeg people and tbalr work will be preached at tb raur boora morning and ening tbeepwortb lagne aonlverearua ba been ooeaalona of lotareatlnlbepaat end na banday aervioaa are looked forward to wltb proflt able aatlojpetlona keiljaa joodeat j ooe morntng laal week w jjnabocoogb had a very idling rxprrlenos while on crock street taking order for hi employ er mr npetureon batcher whil in on of tbe home bie bora took fright and roehed down tb bill oer tb oreek lo jjaio fturot boyd clark the young tnin- n n ibeftart urlt- orant seoratary traaanrar of i lb hrrlwu hoolety waa la town oa i fjalatrday plng priaa taooay to tb auc mmstbi axhlbitora tba employeea of w l storey a bon i m laobiag forward to a vary anjoyabl 1 tline al tbeir at home lamorrow even- i log la tb town ball amonjl tbe many vullors from aiton i lokdn shoe laal prlday wr be i wllllama j b wallao ooouolllor mat- tbawa oblaf lawaoo oo lb 3slb loel the electors of jinn- i dvrg will vote on a bylaw to grant boflue i of t 78 to be paid it tan inatalmenle to a bra foandry n ihat town i be u al aepbereoa preaobed tbe j fltviof ierna of all or eight eermone i uaatrauvaof lb pilrim rrogree in 1 knox chnrob laal banday even log a fellow wbp waa taoantly aaked lo i sbaorlb for a paper replied thai bu i fa who bad died rcoeoll left blm a lot i of papere which ba bad not yl reed locraeeed abrlvlng ia neoeaeary lu tb i ra library ta aeoommodate tbe reoanl j nornhatt ofnew bjoka wben oomplaud i bar will b proalalon for nearly aooo 1 wolamea j mr abram btaoffer a ad family bav aatliad in tbalr newly tabttul bom at tb i oornerof cbortbandkltflohueet tbey i vt oomfortabl a tbalr nw ear- i roandlog lady to an aotin yontb of tender j ntri dota joar amma ut yon go oul jooaal night my i ll tie man t tbe hyooagelar yeem alw aint efeerd to btay by bareelf i to thobu about to marrv yonn mm or old ma wb intend lo i marry all be pleaeej lo learn tbatlbe naw marrlega aot u made quite almpt by applying tc ll 1 uuora laauer of marriage t at lb paaa piunw ofuoa call i law day before tba ocremooy and bar the aatlar aitalned- privet effloe all baaieaaatttdotly private and oonodenllal i oraillaas u aaui 4 at tb time and aalberlgboonded along b waa thrown over tb daahboard bat be caagbt vnd bang oa until malanv blaok- abop waa reached wban tbe axle broke and raa thrown off bat ceoaped uninjured tbe bora we oaorbt abort y after one of tbe aprioge waa broken a former faaiore jodeilarirj the wiagbam jjlc4 ayv with re freno lo lu b uobba who we for three j ear baitor of tbe math id tat gburcbber a apeciaj tneelmg of the official board of winbam metbodlal choiob waa held on wedneatay evening to cooalder tbe qtuatloa of eopply for lb year brglolng jan 1wj3 it tmanlmooaly decided by ballot to invite it u uobba lo remain a fourth year it waa fell that in view of work be bad acoompliabed and lb preeant condition of cborob affaire would be oawlae to obaaga paatora dui conferenoe and the aalary for lb year cemmeuclog june ot waa advanoad from 1000 lo 11800 air uobba bad otbr iavltatlona beno tbe apeciaj meeting tbe invitation of lb board waa eooeptcd eahjeol of coarae to tba confer enoa 8l- liooing commiueee atuntloa jb tng o war a tog of war ba tweed kaqaaelg boaton and bpajaide taama pel led off la tbe park oa toeeday of thl weak reealtad la a victory for tb keqoealng learn alter aa unnecceeearily long delay 1 waa agreed bat tbey would teat their btfength in a time limit of ljf ta inn tee boston nod bpejaldo tcama soon settled in favor of boston time was nor celled and daring eso minuter tba spectator gar vent to tbalr feeling bpoc tbe neat etreogtb lest boston and eequeelug teams lined up etqaeeiog tram the frasber ware not long in proving that tbey would win tbe drat draw which tbey did quite y after a abort rest and change of end a kaoasslng again proved tba victor ifafaiaae the brown brampton 3e irvloa massagmwaya director hugh clark norval and jno moqaanaoton jaferiffalap s mmrt aa la wall known former resident of acton form quit a colony st baolt bu aferl x letlet frcmone of tbernto tbe paaa paaa gt lb following luterestlag newa luv j w bar of torooto jdbo- lioc foraterry of acton waa tb pf ittejpal apaaker at lh uanday ucbool coo vent ion bar laat woek ilia kddieaeee ware much enjoyed aa well a tba peraonal call be mad jobu hjtaanedy ol acton baa bean vlaltlug here a ooqpla of weeks and may settle ber but 1 undecided yet a tbd dbe bewlbreefctory solid atone block cooreauf erecllon by by moo 4 campball formei ly of acton la neailng completion it will be one uf the building bar tbia firm 1a doing well w p oampbsll who built w bore in abloa ba bbtabed and oh but third bona alnoe com lug bar laal spring and tbey- bav tbe fourth ksady to piaaur tb family le talking bow of taorlcg to jtcronloj mlf carlo wllllama baa a good poeltlou at bla old trad al good waglur 11 ulug- bant abd family ate doing well tbey all bav steady work ah bblb waa abd tbalr pcuspeola ar koellant ixuuily vrwuvj jet rttrwi during bptbar mlm kdtia millar of wlublpeg apenl aevaral week will for mar fruoda in acton aud on tbe uiib lil fir toronto the uat day b wa unlud hi ludy wedlock to mr william n kaubady of wlbtiliivg by lur bolouiou o clvo of lb bbarbouru fl treat obuicb mr cuavar bad beau tbe pastor at lb youug paopl in wlublpeg until july aud ll u a oolnoldeno thai tbey were iba nl couple lie bad tnarried hiitc removlug lo toeotito ur kanoedv oobupla a good position lu tba arobltaata dapertmnt uf lite 0 p it at tbe melropolla of lb prairie iruvlnoe lh marriage wa a ult boa aud after tit ceremony lb btypy couple look tb boat at lf talon aud from tbeno tbey want to buffalo and visited iba pan atnerloau later tbey took a trip l bl john n d aud eluiued lo wlublpeg on hie ltlb oo tuber ibey era nom oomforlablv eattlad in lbtr uew tpm al 2u uber- beooka btreel wlauig 1hefaul uuja heertlset oougrtulallooa li lb young boa pie tocukh a c i ona dav teke iaeuve tuemo qoufoe tablau a dralmaurefuihl lite feuoaeylftt tails lu vai u vt itvtea teaalure i ou eaeb boa aic afr iugb afanda inioureaf inrcnfon mr llugli uauu an ii f uur caleemed iallow cltuii ur iiatb main r td brctber of the woltanoau nilwaynllll kmltvv mann in invi led and pot into aucceaaful ixratiuii a track ning machine wlikli paiform tha work uf 100 mat a drepstob from wmnipsg aaaa a track lajibgniaotiibo dial nill pul iliwn one inlla of trl per hour 11 tba leeull of many monllia of bard wurk ami esrl mant the manliina whit li baa been invented and cerofully iij riival leateii end r modal ld ft rn lima lo tlitii into lie promut tffniue lor in la llm work of 1 1 null uauu cotiiredior ll ricint a final tret t n miioday and hae aluci limn ixan work log wryeatisfaoiuilly in tba ulng uf tb tracks for tlo haw 0 1 it arj it 1orl ung tina tnanhltif u r i by railway men anil oorilrentmje one of llm achievement of lliaprnant oilnrv l the lmejf railway onalrnollun it uilbvd for it that it caueaally do ll- wolk of 1 00 men aud will uyou adlu of ties and ateel par lour too jeodorsnarnimiroku jtupfinlm a ary ibtvilnn oarrni ny look yeetiruy afwiiwi ut two ulok t1 h morri ureal loroilo abrii m ljvld mihou undaraou aoil ut 1 ueodaraon esq u p of thla town ami mian agtiea j armacrong dao of uaor arm alroog li 4 uf hraiuoik townaip were uultedjii lba boiida of buly wedlock tbe caremouytraa ikerfurtnad by llev ii a alaopberaoii 1 ho bit le praatllad a very lovely appraranoa lb bar bridal cue tome of wbllo luoheea alln tilmmad with lacked chiffon end duiias nor hli uac ried a boiuel of bridal loaea ilia brides uald ulaa jteaele mouonald of orab waadreesad in white oraiidy with valan- clannra lao trimming and carried white roee mr o c llenderaoo brother of tb groom was ibe k the goeet ware coufliied lo iho mtutlale relttlvea of tb young oaujl thoee who ktteudrdfrcm acton warn mr and mi d haodrraon m p olono lini ami mr j a ilaudarvon or and lira miuegua ur charll aud tlooiai inmlraon abd ulea dodabd itie brilal alr led laat evening for a trip to uufmo and otbei- atnorloau poltita whan tbey arrive honi tbey will oocapy lh pretty two alary ool tage on wuiow bt opitoeue dt albiue obarob tb oongralulauoua of a vary wide circle omrlenda will be showered opou iba young ooapld mr llondereon made many friends bare during iter reel dance in ac ion end mr uondaroo la a gaoeral favprlu among tba young poopl of tbe town mr ueudsraou will roele on wednesday and thursday novnnibsr ctb and 7b pabllo meeting of hie luiii ill be bold oo wednesday ttcotolt vulng ootober uoib in the ooutioil ghamber bnder lh auaplces of tb national batil unom aaeoolatlon to qiecb tbe aabject of eouaamptiob with a vlw toauilailluglt ravagm tb object fl tbe aasociallob ar lal to atabliali initltulltlk for tb isolation ire a uu ii i nod cure of parson affected with palmoiiary tuber caloetsul td obeflk the apraad of till drsaddlasaa in canada liirougli kduoi llonsl abd lgiutlv maaurea tti meeting will be addreaad by mr walter jameebrowu who la qura1 uorury of lh aaaoclatlon it i deelrabt that a local bran oil aaaoclatlou be orgatilned in acton for lli following purpoaca 1 t to agitata for lb lulroduollou nf auoli local meaaore aa will avoid ilia eprrad of consumption wltbln tbla trunlclpallty for example tb prohibition df dtlibg on aluewalk la publld ball placth uf amaamnt conveyance etx lb itiepao linn of niaat offered for al aud or dairy bard aupplytng milk and tb disinfection of room and home df lb alok and deceaa d oooaompllvss und to dlatribot educational lltsralur wlib rslarauoa to tba nature abd prevention ol luberoulosl rd to obtain aid for paor pallenle who may ba utii from thl coniinutilty to a saultarlun for treatments and 4b to luflusno lb dominion 1aillauiaul tb local teglelslur lb council and public authorities generally on matter relating lo tb prevention of tuberculoid and lb maintenance of asnltorle for oouaump tives- th national baultarlucu aaaocla tiou i erecting tb ueworavenburel pre hospitable fur oonaumptlve for ibe poor and wa earner of tbla 1rovlno thl lnalltullon which 1 paibap oularlo krealeat need will ba ready for occupation lolboooraoamontb of six week it u hoped ibat lb cltlntu of thl lowni will lake au lutsreal iu thla lr- ilaapllal aud do all lhy cab toward aatltlug wltb reotlcn a thl la one of iho most 1m posianl utoeeoaent of car lima and u a matter lu which avery lt ten ihoutd be lu- uroledtbm6llngof wadntaday avulng should b largely aluiulad dabva illu eyry mother should hu in a poa i- tlort to promptly hollov tho minor allmortta of her llttla ono tb baby who i fclwa plump eviay basrrood appalltv always has a claar eye aud a rosy cheek atid i alwayi aollva and playful 1 ibd cboloaet uaftkur ibis uf afforda th tiiidloliia wliloh keep bable iu auoh a oondulot or wblob r atoree ibrin lo it whan lliey are iii 1 ceilaluly prloale boon to- huiuaulty there are many tnedlclue which produce leap but tbalr ecllou upoil tlli child la similar to thai wblcb wbliliy or opium ba upon a foil grown mat lliey dadeu bbd e tepefy and are tb iol injurioua thing which call ba given to children tbunlyaaf tour i to uia baturda kmdj nalur b provldad a variable oorefcr tverv ul and br rthtji- for oblldreu dlordor afr i olctilillaaly oom- pouuded lu baby own taltol por dlanhoea oou all pat ion colla elm pi fever croup irritation when uthltig ludlgestlou aud all lb dliordara til children so familiar lo tuolhara ibl rmtkiy i oon- oeded by the niejlo profaaalou lo b wllh- uut au 11 tffcl ugautu bootlilug protiiptly ouiallv aud iiaver falling it will save pain aukiely doctor bill and perbap a uf all mother who liavo uaej luby- owu tablol for ihelr littl ou apeak of bid it urio of vruiaat pralw ma ban heward var ool aay i iiava used llfcbya oao tablet klid cat lilgblv reobmmeud lhm to all mot barf my baby wa nulling bl llb aud coming an goitfc vlsltora to and prom aoton and vsrrroua othcjrpraxnl nota oluifaauiiiuualuiuaaall iu ieadejiuoo tiibtiui u thli o1 u ran if you or vfur friend ar suing away oo a tiajttlav brio or if 70a bava triaiuuvlaluutf fn drab a cud le ue vans mriandmr korrl vlelted at carry halloter llumlay mre ii hire seer of wei ar loo vlelud frlebda here ihu week mua tlj wlrt le the gueal of lercodai h j t mr luln diiuii wholiaaaaltuelloi in berlin w i lv kuolj mleem i milne of lorooto vlelted acton fritrnd during lb week mre j m kanuj of loronto apent a law da- in invm during tb weak mr wvlhnitofl hmllb returned laetwssk from a vlll tti tb luuamttu mailer itjy mlluc of ultlay bai beau vleltltig relallvea here lb paeb weak mr ira eiteart bifida la vleltlng tbe itoma of ler father lebu hliydal- e ml mar hwoaand melll allan vultd friend in triauer during th week ltv ur willlsmtouof berllu wax lb uueelofmr ami mr a t brown tt prldy mr amuamaaoaabd mr wirf oould- ltigo ubadowvlllevlilrd aclon frieud lid wk mua molunliof toronto was a goes l ible weak at iba home of mr bob allan main hire mr a x jeolle and babe left on monday for berlin lo apend a week or so at her felhera home mr if wlleou o cblcaito and mr w iortor of toronto have bean iba nueela of mrw j sorter for a few weahs mr prad olu wee la tawnoa monday aud 111 day ptoklng up her bouaehald lk le preparatory to removal td hadover mr and ur carry at landed the mar- rujo of tbalr oouelu mr w porresl to mlaa ada hlbbatd at uomby laat thar- day uhrk jmph aguewaud willie hard lug returned from their trip lo msnluiba lael week 1 bey enjoyed tb octlog vary much hv a j belt m a of milloo be been elected ltufal babof llajlcn to u- cred bav canon worreff of oakvlllr who elgoed a ooaple of week ago ur george btatbam under wen i an operation for tba removal of tumors last thursday tbe operation waa saooeeafal d mretatlum 1 rapidly recovering your aose that la what you ihptild b re unfit rou all not jour mouth buttbgro may bcuiowa wlien your c tarrb la to bad you cant breathe trouh it nrealblng through ibe jponlh la nlnnjs bad for tbe lungs and it la iinruhy u- when tbeir delicate tlaatus tuivo txvn weak med by the scrorulott condition ol iba blood on which catarrh depende alfred k ylngae iloemeratown pa en be red from catarrh for ycara hie iwad felt bad there waa a ringing in hla cars and ha could not breathe througli mm of bla noatrlla nor clear bla bead alter tiring aevaral catarrh aminr from which he derived no txneflt tie waa completely cured arrordtng to bla own ate ionian t by hoods sarsaparilla ttil rreat mod id no radl tally rtud pnr manently curea catarrh by rlcanelnc uia blooil e bulullnn up too whole m tloooe rure itelba cntlacalhau ua mr thomas eaatou went lo ocalpb on tuesday to ellaud the general board meet- lug of tba w m b of tb metbodlal church a a v liter bb i the goeet of mia uodgeon mr audmr jcbnlavarty vlilledatlh bom of ur aud alai p braltb a fw daya a couple of week ago mia maggie bmltb relumed with tbem after a two week vialud ibr mr ilvtl a maopherroo and mr iuvj m ilagar bav un appointed ileleatta from aaloa to ibe provlnciel w 0 t v qonvauuoa to be held in btret- ford next tuesday wedaeeday and tbbrs- day mr 4 v hmjlh abd bl aops jkfeaar jtna vnd alll went to terntaoauulng lo attend to tbalr land and do aettlemsot oulle mr brollb vrllltetoro in a month or blx week and jama aud alll will ra il n all winter mr jubu milieu foreman of ueairdmor a co sol lather tannsry who was taken to bt joseph floe pita i ouelpb on monday uttering from a avr attack of pdiutnonla la mncb improved aud t rnek ing fv0rubl progr toward recovery local bhibflets oa winnay bad a number of children from lb glen varying in age from b lo 7 vetra before maglalret mclsod ibu after boon on a charge of breaking an old atove giuaratiteed value 3 lb cat was dls- mliaetl willi coela- ftfi ltrahl t lbbagd who for about forty year ba dou iba balk of lb pomp baaines in aolou iellll regarded a l old rellkble pump and well expert in addition to bl pump stid cletarn trad be ha secured tb kgeuoy fur lh well known cbloago aer mjlor wblob utrgardsd a on of tb vry beat windmill man u reel ured lkcau quo i vary low price on lb mill a orla reader of tba pre library kept b i book out so long thai bla hn when be returned tba book a week go amouuud to l do ho oarafal reader i aver buad absolute security genuine very oroa mltali i gave the lo bin tbay aolrd ilk utaglo b out bin teeth almost without rue ktiuwtng 4ud gav him auob lbl ibvy proved ablesalug both to child and uiyeelf lid ba but been alok alooe i gav ihan lu bint slid i would but be without iham in ibe boua bxyvtwn tablet bail ba proourad al any drugglek or will h aalit post pel 1 o reoaipt of 15 ttn by addralug lb ur william mdune on urkvllu ool l balatfi killu on p i turning out vry ealleletuirlly and tbi price l nh vr ban waa thought albl 1 ur eight weak ago hplndl1 poletxe at melting bar at 50 ajtd 46 oul carters little liver pills mutt dear signature of e iwbhau uiwit ualow j ia elsnature la on every bo tho cnulae laxative brotnoquininc tabic uw remedy that can a r m in one ctny special fob 8aturday 20 pounds selected raisins for j oo ioo pounds granu lated sugar for 5jj75 remember we arc liladquurlers for all kinds of 1ruit gem jirs piclcling spice and vinegar pays to buy at botlerts it pays to jiuy at liollerts millinery tho hotod tea store nd china palace j a mccrea cuelph we lender our ainccro aklr la he many cu homers wltoae orders owing lo tbe moua ruxh ol tlmiuet two urcke uo uroro unalde to execute aa promptly ka vto had hoped we atartotl i tie wawn wlrh an incrrauxl alntf of mllljnera but the trade has been away beyond our expectations wo have ertfs lurllur aulaianta and liopo from ibis out iu ckocuto all orders willi our utujl prrwn nines wo would ladles aa a favor lo placo i heir order will ua aa early in llui werk ae ikubl aa it will rnahle ua all tba better lo do them full jusilri another shipment of milllnctv noehic baa been opened nd arc ondldaythn week i v i dlucbuuaulna mlu dawsoa our manager l proving an unqualified auccess as witness the many hand oow cost urner turned oul and die in variable cipreulon uf sdruhailon ami complete aatlafactbm which we have rotvlv ed some of the rowm worn at lha isle oacal ftaoepttoti in toronto urera mla by us and were greatly admired we assure ladles who have leen holding oft lo sea hat the nev dressmaker at dollrrt a would be like to piece ihelr orders with mis dawson wjlh the ulmoit cnolidencc our guar an lea of aatlafacilou willi nvery order drtas m teiual9 last week brought ua furtlier ablpmcnts of t ixtuno clothe our present atock of dress materials la the finest e liafb ever ahownnnd prices will meet the keenest com petition in the land wo elmply ask you to aoolluin weliavejuat opened home cto gant materials lor evening wear including lorled i billon and wis boiuln and urib tianio chliton fancy ail over i aces jelled iloleroa ulsck and lttfjun iacc intertioua new lnamellwl ilultuiu nnd a ikwi ufnov elties suitable for slylieh costumes and clovef the right house hamiltons iavohitu mioiwnc irjlck grekt izklles in the best makers of the world all have their representatives here and yon can easily see the beauty in tbe lines we show but we also want you to notice the ieturo the quality the- weaving and tbe last color lnji this sort oi an impaction will prove the great excellence of thl superb dress goods stock just n s wb asn c v slue a so pronounced if you cannot be henj in person we shall be pleased to forward you sample on request and parcels of ibe value of fj and upwards will le sent carriage paid id any station in ontario colored brea yabrluu kllack lre fabric black homkspon suitings all wool and 56- inches 3 quail lie 65c by a 00 vr yard black 1 kikrl sijitikcs 50- inclres medium and heavy weight at 05c fr i 35 and ii 50 yard pannk finish bkoadclotii with carnal hair 56 inches wide tlte bit eat novelty and very special v alve at 30 and 9a yard black suiting in zebeune canvas and venetian weaves 51- inches at iraj vt s and f i 50 yard black cheviot suitings all wool 46 laches al 50c and 65c yard and 33 inches at 73c and t yard very special value at prlcea black ihisu poplins distinct ly new pattern and very rich elfecls far dress skirts 45 inches st 6 lig ami fa 33 yard black ckui ol cukhe in weave several quail ties to select from at 1175 toll 50 pannh suitings all wool and 46 lnchcswldo nice bright fmlab in greyrt awn browns tavy grenal cardinal myrtle and reseda very alyliilv for afternoon nowna ll yrd bkoan cloth 46 inchaa all wool shade of bid rose grey fawn browni tnyrlle reseda tiavy cardinal and seal priced at hjc yard nkoadcloihsal isoaa yard 54 inclic all wool in grey fawns brown cadet navy cardinal myrtle elc particularly adapted tat tailor made costume pannh cheviots b incbe all wool very handsome for street wear lu shades of navy grey fawn rcsoda und brown priced at vi 35 yard homespuns 5i inches wide unii all wool shade of reseja mid grey oiford navy and brown j ejuxlltlcs at 65c hc and i yard thomas c watkins king sfc east cor hughson st hamilton th6lions ready to wear overcoats the highest character known to ready mades vear aau uud oh caay rocauuacit roi dinmtu nil wuoauiu robtoinouvul mi const1pat10i ror iuuw tajb i rot nccompuuotf wwiaa cure sick headache increase your wages the boy who starts work slier a course lu luetollego will start si wag- v u illtee time gicaler thai be could hope lo uhliun wllhuul this special training cj i- ut cuelph ihiroutu hamilton lun doit ottawa sarnla berlin fall lalliertiui now la a au particular we bae gatbfired togellier iblt season everything that i desirable in ilk way of overcoat 1 rom he heweil creation ol the voke at vm v lbtcold wailr 1 rleie ulaief al 5 hie re i 3 cliaracler and fteslmem ol style to ouf overcoat this seaaoll that the good drosser aud well informed men will approclale and ibe style and character is not confined lo the high priced coals ibe same correctness l shown in overcoats at and n 1 hen we have a superior stock of gkly chlvioi 0 coals in medium and lung lengths itaglan and chesterfield style very fine bd bo make with side or votlcal pocket ut ta- well mention two more line hr but li would be belter for you to come and see the style and value mono boavor ovorcoata in blue and uutk fashionably cut hi two lengths good ltallau body uulojf ami mohair sleeve lining slue 34 to 44 at 6 s s i o 1 2 wigivb english curl overcoats in heather mix grey blue autl black cheater field alyle boa back ttj vents well made and irlmitiod at fls st o udsaz pur display will remain on exhibition n ow dayn longor this week kvery lady ahoald boo our ologanl show room for pura e h bollert co 25 and 27 vyndhoin st ouklilil we liive fjonc to some ex pense in cngighif our watch ueptirer and may say we accv in 1 better position now than wr have been for irs to repair itlno and compuoatod watches give us a trial savage co p1nb whtch r6phirsrs cuelph istlayisrtot buy your fall hat from nelson tho up- todalc furnisher and halter niuest american soft ilatsjotcst shades and shapes from 200 up latest american stff hatijrom 225 up sole agent in guclph for the celebrated stuyvesant hat the latatett new york shape one quality and one price lj3oo see our big ranfie of new fallr and win- ter underwear every line is up to date r e nelson one prlco only ss wyndham st g u bl fh dress goods d e macdonald bro the lion cuelph a lood time lu enter royal city business college trader dank bulldlna j w wioaitta ouklph ont prfaoipaf a good time piece is arfaithm senanl we make a specialty tr rconnlnt the wontto kind wben we repair a watch or a dock we euarantee it to eo accurately anil jtuarantee it to keep afoln accurately the success that has attended our dress goods department has been most gratifying to ut it is true we expected a large trade from this department yj purchased a large and varied stock paying particular attention to the heavy weight goods such as hombspuns and fnihns our efforts have been crowmd with success the purchasing public responding nobly if you are still in doubt or undecided when to purchase wc would say go straight to j a mcbsttosh son 77 upper wyndham st gu6lph gl d prinqle watiihmthh and jewkltte guelph hetniderson st co we cordially extend an p invitation to the ladies to attend our i ipall jvlijlinery opening on wednesday october 2nd and following days 1 miminuitv mantixs dituss goons fuus- ladius skihis anu waists rltadytowualt cloiiiino lok mlin uoys and cllll ullln henderson co

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