Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1901, p. 4

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my half tiling out and f h- vcrv fail uul win i my nair w r turning fcray very hai uul hair vi flopped tho falhw l restored tus natural color e z ijenornmc oho n its impossible for yon not tolook old with the color of seventy years id your hair i perhaps yftu are seventy an j you like your gray fiairl if nor use aycrs hair vigor in less than a month your hair will have all rhe rich color of youth if jr dmccut mwt wppfr ywa wd won elw w wmkbottto mndjmibnm j c am co lfwl mfo- ti1uiihdax ootoubtt 34lh wol ttbe onnflrjalfea when wib j bov up la ti etll wbw i upt wwi lnt loeauuleborl iii uiroucb lb uuioe the tooottlujlit bfldcl- di tbl el lr the low red treadle bed lublin lb unaled orly head willi wmilbmmi played el hid- end ak with lb- dimple on ab aeo browned obeek wtwo twmbojr llulboyl and ob um dieelna tb dieemtl tlreemed wben i we boyuuiboyl tn areee that thrau lb utile 0r uy folded eyelid eeed iod to bile toe ftllmpee o urn- to b wbce toeuboode elerioo eeemed to mil all tbat we tb iwmlal dream of all wbu t w boy- utile boy id ilk- to aleep where i need lo eip ween i wu bay utu boy i 1tm- u et lb leltioa lb tnoeo would peep ttxirlo br tide of dream to wep tt oxmm end ktui o lb year awer mm ux beert uu u ml and lain andtbomdibdltabmk eneln tue mm i b nerer m ale ibe wben i we e boy- uul bay t fam- i mow tfala yon look da yod hk to beer ht x bot tak booue ktnaulon twill oil oot joo nko t hollow bomim wwl 1 bnd why not hkv plomp ftjtart lo botli dlam kuai ft tnateh oa jod friundship bwmi word will tnoluply fri od rlf ik1 lomio wil wblllplymirb ii tl ibi p lthlh- b wny bov iby bw mm of tboumwd if thoa would l k hlrnd hi hy pol nd b la ul- lo ll l ko lbr i twivnd lt wtr hi- 4- wl- l rll- i uy t i- wilt 1 y procr a4 lt j- oipiilmi tthwlbv mii1 b- lll botoootion- in ibr dayul lb bmkllo j iby iroprll iwli budor1by -ril- u ibou b hf uuubi l will b tclnt lliw b will bid blmwll ilt tby ffcc kr byll from thin aiii j tbyrdvod a utthluhiuod u i uonl dfii- od b that blb found bla hlh roaodurmdrw tbr u oolblll thit om batafcen in chnjt lo ftblul fiwmoilhuxo u uyood ptloi- a fltbtoijruod w madiolo of ut od lbay lhl fwir tho ilod ahall bod hlw ii thai fartlb lh iod diftoulh bu fruodahipailftht lor a h u wa la hu nl alao taj itpaa the morbid principle of rheumati is u acid- painks 0lbrv compound drives it from the blood and cubes thk pibkase th wandcrftll modlolno does a motvououb work tor mr o j mcdonald of cornwall ontario th auaal patboloauta air ol opinion lhal than u roocbld ptloolpu in lb blood who lb ibmmatiain u p thumocbidprtnoipuu ario aid which drcolabm with ut- blood asd acu opoa lb joinu and muaclat oaoaloj lb palna and ajconlca ol icbawojal laloa catcry compound u lb only cunuoonmady tor ihaoomplata ban lab- hmmji of wrary fortn ol rbaamftllam if yoor iolou an paiafol u lb ho wrlata albowa or anklaa ara awtjoluo a boulaa ol palo a calary oompoaod will urtly ranm ail yoar iroobua and paisa jl fti paa book duwaaa ol rha karvoas syatacn and xiow lo cora tbam la aaot fnw to aoy aomraaa by tb- walla a luobardaoa co united aiootraal thl book fiuvlabaa valoahu dial 1ui for vartooa mr maioobld tor tb bo6t of rhaoma- lio ao farera writ a follows after itlotfyoar ialoaa clry com- poaod a thorooxh laallotf i am plaaaed to my a law wonla la llaafaw tor thro yu i aorarad tarribly fronn rhawmatlaco it aaamh to tn i waa foroad to and or air tba aoou and pain that a morul ooold poaalbly- tipmuroa from tb drradtol fntqtf boy may b dowoad bat joa can aaldom ba tbam on lha koo kcomaon e3ptunr koaoa i mr john ion u obllfd k up work taoaalo la lb bona and uk er of hlmaalf on aoooaot of a acrolola bora oo dm ol bla umbe boon ii mr johnatoo raadaa laallmon- j which lalla ol acrololoaa iroohl oored by uooda baxaaparul u ra- olad to uy ll uono iii mr johoaloo ha lakaa alk bottlaa ol uooda baraapaltilu- uu acrolola aora la oarad 11- u fwlinrf airooar baa a goorj appalit and u abl to altand to bla work ha writ- a uau- tnoouj uulni ol bla prunoa with uooda baxaapaxilla and rtoommtooj u toothara iwora tnarrlasa a toan txoldr bta ut lrl a 1uu daar attar uarrla b baoally oanaldara bar a hill axtrancaot 11 attaokad with obolara or aomomroom- plaldt ol any kind aand at onoa lor a bouu ol dr j d kaltoaa d cordial afld ex it aooordlng to dirotloa ii aoi with wondarfql rapidity la aubdolnjf that drvadfal rllanat that waakaoatb atroofiwt toaa and tbafdaauoya the oong ad dall- titk thoaa who hava tiaad thu obolara faudioina ay u acta promptly and ttar tailatoaroota tboroob oar whll aaffro i triad many ol tb advaftiaad tncdlolnaa and awi doctor praacrlpiioaa hot oavat foond a cara ooul i procorad a aopplyolpalo a calary compoand it workad uka ft charm it aewmad to auik at tb vary tool ol my troobla tam nof tared ajl pain ara banlabad and in aty raapaot i am a w an i abali alwaya nonaidar it a pwaor and duty to alronly roomroand laioa mry compoond to all who ara afflloud with kbaoafatlam whan a doabt eji all b baautllol a plaaaabt amlulacbaap and it laolun a good invaatmaot tb graai demand for a plaasanl aala end rallabl anudot for all atitction ol tb throat md aok la foy cut with la lilokua aotr cooaomptu uymp it la a pdraly vialabla compound and act promptly and magically la aabdttlotf till ooagb oo3dabronohlll louammatloaof lonca ate it la ao palalu lbt a child will not raloaa it and u pot ata prlo that will not aided tb poor from it baotfiu louol taraa wrltara aotoally icoajtln thy wara bora pqau aboll10omi8s lkt gold fill 100 l 6ym0oldkul 100 bobtolaam 100 waranta porfaot aahafafiun 6lobe optical co- 03 yonge strwc toronto- a man iloaa bot naoaaaacuy bava to b lawjar to hava good bald aana uowooamulloa u upaol mot i- tbau ooa million dollar a la anoaally vpaot by paopl aaaklng an abaolot oora for at- arrb braoobltla and oooanmptloa hunt arooa ar tb rmdlabattbaoofttanding pra4mluatly abo all tb otbra u octatthoxoa it noroa ih di ba nana it u aura to raaob umid cun on la inbalad into tba lung throat and nasal pmuagaa and bathaa ary part ol tb dlaaaaad tntwwut with iu garm kill lait baaknif vapor you aim ply brlb caurrbomon and it ouraa lrlo si dmu and t at drngguta or lolo a qo- klngauui oct hold by a t llrbwa who n urdof a jnao caught it tb wot of dolntf good oula h au bypooliaad in hi vtteuhl illl dr lvrmau u glaad to tb world tba frulta of loutf kc4i uodioaaaroh til tba wbol realm of rujlol koltom oomunad wltli bw valualila du oorlaurbalor known to matt vot dlialauddbilllud oonatltlona farida waallluaat jlka v bharni yaka in tnblldoftb ttfect abotb a tottia and a allmulant mildly eioluurf lha allana of lid body nivlutt tun- and vikot women will talk cuit lilouiu tlieiu fortk ii n oacli oilier about niil- liurnh iloart axml nolrvo illbt- the grcat remeov roa weaii rnuoi3 xvonei iljoiily mluraj ual vifn rnnlv w curf her or fcrv land veaknola techc pots coiw in lnr ch b wbol avilckt jhn h n ioi r kiinlity c ul i ihi a knana heart may b la tba klgbt plana bat it doeant cat any oongeajad waur wttb ii bla fortno a mueln bbb cures to stay cured tharaout chronlo dlstutficd of the stomach llv6r bowola and blood thousands of tosll monlala from thosd who have b1en permanent ly cured by the use orburdook blood btltera bpeakor ltsunral- lngr efficacy in dyspepsia bilious ness sick headaohe livor com plaint ecxema erysipelas scro fula sores ulcers bofla pimples hives blngrworms and mil blood humors if youwanttorbrictite6rto stay cored use only bbb lvlctilcruflvlk mfh lmtw cfli ft ijwffilivi-rxe-jnnrm- hiro- 51 jiihn nu reusbrakpcrmia ll lliircdyaa follow i voraimocjii i hare bo troublrd wiih outtrnnit of tb heart and diinncva acconrnd by a tmalherm feci in i which pruvcolrd n from rwtmff mv npimlilai waa or an ia much run down and tmn iiattl s th minf klilbuni ikrari and nervn pdla tlw mnolbcnnjirallnr hi roo my bnrt beat t now rfirnlar tho flutlrrlnbam llnercd aim t tiaw uen uonderfttuy bout up ibnmieb w tonic effort of tho pill i nowfoeuirtknyerand bctlrf lhan lo many yar and cnnot m iootntich hi praitoof tbmmdy wblcb uond my lopgt lot balth ilaoll of imparfaot dislon preaaing op aalnat lh hetrtlt xoll aucmlnjay tap- toma inalvit rillcf it ffo tiled bytmri half au boor atlar lh- m- ti drota ol iolann a narmtuie in a kill awaatautd wauc rlrvilln alda dtgcallon aipalla tho gaa and imparla a aana of comfort narviuna a good or lot ol otbar lmn and wjw paopla keep a 35 ont bottle lu tba boaaefor rbeomatlami crampa batiralgla toothacba to try it hold by a t orowo if aom people were to wib every wdrd ihey otter it would he dmidelly uurii be acila a woman in lo for tbe ft at tin la alike biojcjeruon nj down bill with tcaspar- uocad banda 1 i cuiait u r heart runa away with bar wladom liver puls thats what you need somo thing to cure y6ur bilious ness and give you a good digestion ayes pills arc liver pills they cure con stipation and biliousness gentl laxative a dluu i tf bhidlmluil buckinghams dyemr j nkuvous prostration is only a failure of strength 1 1 takes btrtingtiilogctbtrciigth get strength of stomach first your stomicli will then look out for your body scotts emulsion of codliver fl ena bles your stomach to jct it from usual food i and this is the way to restore lliu whole body w iluj uiiu i ir a va lik c0tt imjwnt euu tl thar weajitiollulou of whla that ol tim rau down tlielof pocluno and 0ar thiew the rider who- nama w 111 out of eou uy diploma baadaobe loa of appltlte furrd umu tcenral in- dlapuatori t ympujblf if kvgtold dvelnp lolo tumtdla4a it ii a lulu aaylui llikt au ouno of pfvulou u wofth a pound of cor ud n iitiu atlaji- tiud at lit polut may 4n mouiha of alok uu and lr dootorjbiiu for thl oompulut take frum two lo tbr- ot ivrm- tuaw vkttll lmlj ouyolnn to bd and on or iwq for thr uluhla lu auomatou and a cur will ba fcltd iha hian who wftiilt to iarry hapiv ahould pick out a iuod iiiltareud mi try ouaof lr dutbura any uu will do lb urlghut flowra wua fad- lut youea ilvae aodeugarad by ave oouyba end oouj blay b leard by dr inomaa houctlid oi croup wbiwplog ooogb brooobila in thoit all affection of tb throat and laoga are relieved by tbu euillng prparllout wblob alao rmdle thaumauo pelua awerf btuuf pile kid ney difficulty and u tuuet aoooouilc tbe aplnatar oarrlaa a wauh to auabloi tier to huabaudhet llntd and the married wometi fur lbe puroee ul tlmlotl hr hua baud castor i a vac incauu ad children a maa lu lo la tik an ilectrlo oar that foraabojt umicocao0 the treck but la very aooa pat on again you ktcdat yotinaadnt kp on icaliuil dlalreeaad atur aatintf uor btlohlog noy experiencing ueuaaa between meala in olhecwordi yoiuadul keepon being dpapaplio aud yon certainly abonunu hood uaraeperllbi ourea jyapepaia it atrengtbua and lonaa tbatamacbparfolf dlgetloo ereate a uormal appatito and bullda up lha wbol eyalm love rau a race with oomuiou uum and lov wuki when that lava died odmmoo- aaaea mad or bird hi grave cloth and gave biw dcoent butal hagyarda yellow oil 1 prompt to relieve and aura to our cough oolda aor throe t peiu lu the obeal boajtaetteea jmtiwtyot iricu s6 outi vbn a man inarrua ba llilnka beii gal hog a htata bot olteu tliu auppoefei mat lurua out to be beplaiu dunlop all kin uf rubber tires ifoxallklri dtof vehicles djulop nlob tiw iticuiimllt carriaii tiro hdid ituburcarrjurttire invftlliclmlrtirra jtir i fcr llhy camagre jfhcbunlop tire co limited toroatto m a cufttaln dull8liye aaportiogguumao wholia4 lha vqu atloo of hoing a sry i mi tint rvrrnll invltn umeol hialrivndalu tllnr with 11m ii before dimrr lir rlxwtl tbcni a th on llin i am ltxr will a ultt hi the bull- tin j tin hlnlttllkmi yrl iliiiiio a uy iiohnvnl hlmt ii rl i ll tol en atr i on onu f lu hl h1 it i llr wnrr- rpioiliimd tu win vili r 1 1 y ilil ihl lhinitliiil i i itv hi tarr ailbv blb 11- i llinll1 haeil he won lu i al almir th- loaer aknl how u il url- uli k tit minllliol tlifl i1 l xwrll i allot he uullit- l the door t a liueiioe ol l00 var ami thru 1 inlil ihelargft fotind ll dlllumiv anu coiihup1ion a voter in oalway iiulnl vficclvad from aamlidate jut bafnia aletlon uy a rathar auontf nulling liar ho obolcj tatalltig it but llin ilonur bruuetl lilm to tiv oo tnultluy ee inyo waa no oa- atbla queatlou of bribery ititha mallor bbore ta nut hrllxry im fearlii at all aid ial lla anl ho btiurted lha lira jual a tqatthtr of corruitloii no assistance huquihed hlukatome aa if e wee llryl lu maka throuue brohuuo ma au the oik ahuire nlrr a bill ii ol wetitcd to make tb rouble for anybody 01d do it lor tbm thotanot ao able lo do it for thlm ailea 1 ivl kidney- disease vegetable prcparalionfbt as slmllaltnfitbctoodnndretiuli huuicstoniadiaanimoviclsof promotesbigcslionjcheciful- ocm and rest contains odthtr oinuntmorpllno normmcrol hotnaiiootic jsf i for ten years a glen miller mans terrible trial he found a cure at last in doans kidney pills mr i m llurk who la n wllkuown kwaldoiii of fllan ulllnr lfiihlltlipi co out wna ttfflktod with kldimy trouhlo for ten yoam bo il ftsrd lu hit at lmvlm found lu poana kltlncy 1111 euro for mh nll- rnnnta wlilnh hi hud 1miiiu to tllllik woro lnctirnbl1 thot li wrolo hi following auunmiit of liu etihb nn tlmt ollmm klml- wrlynfmctmiiiny profit byliloxnriimo i liavhlmwiiamlltulwith lldtiiytroubl foralxiut tnii yoam and imvo triml aevoral minwllik but luiviir rclviml ctiv rral ihiimllt until i aturtod taking itonua kjlt y iilu wy bark il to ronatnlitly etibo and my tirluu wi4 liljjh oolomd and milky look 1 ii r ut ihmt blnci i liavp finulirml iho tlilnl i vox of doniia kduy j i urn i t aut wm efc ixiummd with baaknnhn ht all and my urluo u fllenr aw cryauil i fuol coufldotit tliot thao pllla aim the wet khluoy upocilu oouulry bomellroe there la nothing whatever in a name mr and mra low arc ibtloj for a divoro in kw jeraey ucnt vurgat about your com 1ulmantf oorti aittraclor ootitilua no acid and la aollrtly veubld in oompoaltlon pulmenauaver atlug or eauae diaoomrort it cure rjuiokly pal til a y rmaueiillyj- uoijbya turown hold bat llrown i win man in buklufcm may baa fool in iovb tick headache howavcr auuoyliitl and dlalreaalog ia poaltlvdy cured ly laita- liver lilla tlty ar aay to lake aud neteritri uouia muuivnagd to kacp from bclc lu poeed tip3n by beiutf iutayrmiblr vldney exporlmortt tlicrou no time for expattnieiiliiig ului you a di- coveredtltat you ara a victim of tomo ojm form or another of kidney dimtt iiy bold of ilia treatment that thousand havn pluued their fami to and luu cured quick lyotulpar manciitly outh amrkan kidney cw atanda proemlnont in llie world nl nicdlclila u lbs kidney lumercra irueat friend ul tlold by a t ilrovvu apofrtt ilpmcdy forconsljp- uonsourstiimmhdwrrtjioca worms convulsions fever ish- ncss mtdlos of sleep toe surah signature of new tfohic see that the facs1mile signature of okanp iiukk iiailway ull 1 1 u 1 i i i r j iliiuuwluuu iul ml lu uiilnii i ll jkti ml i i m tlil mm- ii i will lulu nri i u x i is on the wrapper or evem bottxoe os castoria ioaitaruukabeewattmaly h haetaauukalk allaw aajaw t aall foa aattuag elaa a lie alaa ar afawlaa tkat it u ft aa gaad 3a wth aaawaaarrrat paw rutkrtjata0l8teix chines e lrundry in ivwwk hull tu ullbw sutcl acttil luiiliy cuucir entl ltxt1 i mil wmhii lit icauliuhlo rilra all uok dun by bawl no nuchliu- nr cbnulcau el 1 l kim and mtin l11- rito bread confectionary fruit store hav w porcbaed ihe huinc ulrly crrlwl on by my brotlwr j c matlliewa i ixtj lo solicit i coo llnuaico of iho gcitcrout palrotiaj o uccunlsl him i will cuntliiuo to tuiply illcuilutacii with- jlj actons greatest store 111 new fall dress goods arriving daily whave now the finest display of dress goods ever shown special line worth 501 lor 25c samples on application new french flannels in stripesor spots 50c per a woman doesnt really want lo n un reaaonibiebot alte vltnply oaut balp it wlicii ymi wr a khif qual ity thoa ui 1 t kll tbo alyld hid ht mid tin nil found in tho 1kt auniikliuh ii10 klujf ynhly failoty u 4lllwtljl t ijjui i tho only ltdiu sbtuim h itji lli amiuanmiicu ulmb tiiielntv cuiuda willi u 3 duty taken uul fit tiiijihly fluti kiiij dumbly bmiid la wuty ti avw jriiuthii ttaix it 1 1 imp iulo ul aluxi ljstu1 of ai mdi jf kll u 4 wkiiiih ull kit ilindd ivinti vuuhty l41 medal uu attiej et ilii im j ihghtvltlilrt iijihi huila bk itua j d kin co it will work while you bleep without a gripe or pain curing constipation biliousness sick head ache and dyspepsia and make you feel better in wie morning a iovoims utuay marriaito i ilka a atraat railway neither grecef ul nor vary comfort abl a batexaeodltigly oonvbulbtil lllto yoarlric tho ueart bttrn it ii wl wltlitn thoconcnp lion ol man to mcasura my great aiifforliij ram lieart duaamt tor ycirs i endured almnat coiuuut cutting and tcarinu pajna about my heart and many a hum would lixvn welcomed death dr ajjimws curo for ilia heart ha1 workad a vori tabl mlr- uxle lhas illcva perth onl 59 ilolduy a t drown atuutiou lu tho world of bomeojalb mudloina baa beau lie very aouroauf pro- gioai fca in polluoh aud rllglou die dlf aouluaa of oplnloua and the individuality f tdia bivd beii piroot to the dluigrea moot by wblob the ttaudard of tbaea bodlo hawi beeu rlevaud ho with uloel ol onr femon preparallooi furaiuoat lu il lualration of which truth alauda the world fatuoua teiotdy w general dabllily atid aiiuunr qululna wiua and wblob whn obtaiuabu in it ganuiu alreiiulh ia a miraoulouh oreator of appfctlu vitality and alluiulaut 10 tba ueiitral fctrilllty of bs euu qululna wiua and ll- im prnemnt bae uaflit luoary-oi- tha great virtu of qulnlua ai a iiidiaaj aiiit bocii ami of tba moat thoroughly dleouecd reinadiri evr ofred lo tba pub ho it ia on nl ihu great tdnloa and aud ualural lifir ivlugauinulauta wliicli lha modioli profaailin htvabnt oonipel u ivotiilxa and prtaorlbe kura norlb- rop aud lyman of toronto havo uiveu to tb preparatlou ol lb mr purd qululna win lb grcai car du to ita iiiiportauoe aud tb buudard exorlbyiotf of tba attlala wbloh they offr to uia publlti come lul tbd warket pureed of al tb dafcola which killed observation and ealouliuo oplulou are pointed out lu the uu prfno prepare tluuol the utter lbiutvornt about our form cuiiithaiu in mid uighl by iuluuii- coru luueotbi it latino aula aud palu- 1ea guaranteed tu anrd or jour money back all luuleoiaet lueu u ibe fully of bin blt 1 ually li nd i a lu au le llixniit are your ooriia batdar lu ttl tboae that other have bad t he had the aeina kind 7 uav lhay oured by ultif llelluweya w try a bottle love tbau e tbpy hot uul beeu ru uuiy tba man who wait- for eouiuhlit lu turn up la apt to uitooarthat uiahla lore dr aknour olrtrront curc3 plloa itchlne niredmi and illird pus comfort lu ono bpniutlon it cufea in thrco lo al nights it cures all ijkla dlteases lu youn and old a remedy beyond compere and it timer faila- 3 centa 63 holdby a t urown keep your hand on jour piirao 10 day l you happen to gat iuto a crowd a oclskat of atostrl dr von slana ihoapila tabic li would prove u rrot aolaca to the illihearlaoetl dyitwpllo ijki would but tet llvetr poloncy tlioy ro veritable nmj in prevenllnff tba atln o aloinjtcb diaordera by aldlntf and atimufat- indbjeatlon 60 of the health ivrlu in a box and boy coat 35 coiila hccom mended by moat eminent pbyilciail 64 tjottt by a t llrown xmv and lb bloycl rltlar ara gcorolmln ubtll tby oorua to a vouuh tlac in tha road foaall pliu tlio donnnil la proof of lliolr mixtli lr auiww i r iuu aie lieathik out many foml rmnl iinl a quar ter a bon tlioy re bottur ninjicino eikr doaem utul 10 cent a vial a ihouiand alluieiiu nmy anvs from a disouliircd livor keep tho 1icr ruit nn i you ii not imvo bick lloailachc mi hiuiiioi wuuyia cuu- ailitlon anililhiw mm 61 hold by a t llrown iroblai i a duad aimr- tlieonlyuaod au obiat wrtikro bootorctdoujrool thy aiciaih no loutr coiuliler 11 cabrmj to imickery iu roconimciiulnu in p aciuo 10 tuerltorioiib a rnniedy lor in luutl n iyriuniijnorvoiiiaoustiitli sim 1 caunnrvluo 1 hy rmllirt tint it i u 1 p lu aj waned tn mwll ul bclnncn umln into uiid pormauaut enra for duuaui4 of the tnnumh 1 lt ulttulq jnu 6a hold by a t llrown hopa la prlly poor ticuiily to co to a bank to borrokv itionfy on odfldjort is your if any- botly wniiu a wdttcit fuaranlro fioin ins ikniumlly lu my wonder u cuio dam rlkeuiitatlam by south american rheum ilia cure i will bo tha ulathleat womiut 111 tho world tu rjlve it uya mia lithit uaiu- nioulof illora i bail iwialrd ot ra- covery tin lu lha lima of taking llila woudor ful teuiody it cured complololy 58 moldby at llrown oluit a man atanda ball buiittw ullluy ready to watla tba ullur half onb short putr cloat3 tho hfmd htkia your lu jill ui im llavn yim paiiia over your eye la iho iuiwj1ijii- ahtjr llnan ultj rerlalu t mtik mu of ctarth iv aivi a cat u httl im h r will euro tmt klubbiru ran a in u nir velloualy kl nrt tluto k ymivo h ul caturilt a week ita a hum ciua if it a 11 filly ar tnuliiif hajuit aactincltvd ijiicimlw j hohl by a t lliuwii tba hro pbolorapbti 3 borruwur llku a uoo la au arprt totouohar children cry for castoria- heaps of wool blanlcets at low prices special linc of ladies vests at 25c and 35c oil cloths hosiery i weeds flannelettes cottons shirtings towlings extra value in table linen and napkins gltjrnett go the new store in the new block kcton weston 1 and wulucamu 1jebt uukal hums cakes fctc will kren u 0o1 atwrlrimiit of con llictionl hy andl hi bll 1 kll i it aeaulu i will olideavor to uo lallihcloty illetitlou to tho waou of cicry ulrou mlls anna haddock mm srtn it actoj klthe famm call and examine the merits of this superior lioe made in all modern styles oi lasts and best grades of leather ah sizes a a to ee widths or ladies and gentle men this shoe will curie callouses on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of the leet burning of thefeet and it wil keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm ir cold weather boot knd shob desldr boms toent tolractoh t1 b uneu tnloal thtti1 1 tionr hry hn ti icr a mui ul ul m nrttrltmnlkwlli will nnil y klil of 1 fl vm of 1m vf m71 lutbtat a fr ws j pu1jlh m fine book i ii uuol vlnl r anfayliirf nj rvry fhrf kld of apyla wbuli v wilt lully h ii fi louy i the sprauotdb co london onl fwtzzgaa clbk1f2ing sklb oir furniture at cost j a speight st co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at cost prices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speigm co waroroomu foot of willow st kcton to cutcli tho kyo mill uui mind at tho siniki time is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying j especially to those wishing pleasant and prqlitible employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is tliubook lo handle oiiiciil authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or expetience not necessary send foi kree outfit aud make money tho oradlevcarretson co m druntford onl llmltoft to went can um liim or any class of emgravwg pop advertising pvrp9ses 1 catal9guesmaga2wesse jljonesejgg i68baysttoromto ipatenmlluarftlieed latti nuiuiti e ll j tlinuiuli iiaaitvcillsi lrulcatc i blcuta taleil out utiuiili ua inneiimi msjrwll1itmlcliii lu iui i atitr utcoau nu kuuilmlril ami ulkly citciiulct lamual c iullr ly maiiiiratliuriaaiid imttuo lcii1 lortwiuiiuccty rot aulicij victotl j qvawb a co latent mttrneyt kufiar dlntf waau jhk im iilvi lulo ant llw ju4ieawluuj i u u rvuitb alvtli i r wuj1 n ytir lu nil ii omhiviovciiciii aiul w willllivx jaonr oliiliu gatiiulirltn r ll ll im11v laieiitalu uucutt uhjusuf li bfi kil rvriu fully tifrwhr ly ami ua11 l utaui t mail tkr lkilitnil uocully ilalriit um lie j ul jjalmric- 1i11 audit marion marion meteht expert und uollollor rul1 t nw vel t hj l mv rteeueeji nilce aaetyiuwto 1 bo vcah8 experience dcunnii covnkiiya ac un 1 1 nu mild scientific american if luutyl- vihaly rrmi i r i lt ti41 ljlll twlj kcd hewyork j srv ta v ul wubuwiow u c i

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