Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1901, p. 2

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mauuikd ium o at at ibe family roe idenaa n 4 inn 6 kfl on wenmdeyx loet by he oaoipe ullne of llaltluate- ur john hlril ot norvi lit miss kin dauanur ol ota itu w fci i 7bd at li b oib 1l kiquaalna na hull day oblt7mf ilavut wisaiua aeadct lorral lot 1 on t h od ndey tfhbotuber andrew bilhju lu 11 tout year jkav on ilia wlb rial bi tfealnbla lut pin weltar i- ii umht rresldant uu iltildi ltd toronto lu tjja clic ctonjrse jjreas i1ui1huay ootouku ml 1w1 uditoiual notes steam heatikg plan a4opod liy the pudllo boh dot bord and ijndorsod toy tha murt- jolpal connctl blbctiiician malitzb 8alahv creaboo conerel ooradj haly refer in urmi of high pralsa to the manner in vluch the rnllllla pailormod tho vatloa h11m imposed on thim in ooouiutlon villi tb rtjyal villi a mctld of the cabinet vreoliold en i xaaeday btiernoon at which it le laid a f gooddeal at routine oaatnaea area disposed of nothing waa settled aboq he bye- ikttanr ufa not likely that they will take plaoe nntll motor wretber haa eat tn and tho road are in iod con jit loo for driving- the authorities of the paraetrj bet ool at yau university naw uevao conn have requested the crown lands depart- tatat to give ibaro poriloo of the forestry exhibit at the xan amexioa- the aped rnaoa they ate bartleularly loureetad a are ho eeetlon of tree tb request u under consideration the oero deign ajtaloaa the cigarette a progreeeinjt tbn w o t u haa propoe- ed legislation seising ib a lltolt from foarteen to eighteen year of thoee alio wad to barobaee cigarettes and a petition will baciroajuud ll nooa for tbla purpose it la aleo propoeed to charge a lloeoee fee la da lor a and to make u a miedemeattor for boy and man to smoke cigarette in bablio psrk or highway al tho tobodiat woman mueiooery boolaly doaid at oopb u waak iba total amount approprlatad for lb work of tba coming aar wma m6700 of blob japan gu 123000 and cblna tch0 chlncaa work in briliab colambu 11000 tba hom at kitanaat b c 11750 tba all faoplaa mlaaton winnlpab 93000 and tbafvancb work h tbta hom 11 i 1 aiihmh- it la bndaratood that all tba colonial 1ramlara ara to ba infltad to ha praacnt at king ed ward a coronation naxt jona tba idaa balng to tnaka tba ooroaatlon car mania aa mpraaalva aa poaalbla and at i bo aama lima rapraaaotallva of a vary portion of territory nndar british tou tha formal lovlutlon to sir wilfrid haa jail beo reoalvad u wu it i lboajbt bo aooompanlad by a oantlngant of canadl- aitbnr fouy wlnolngtoa ingnun iord blabop of xioodon ooothbataa an tnlraai log pa par to tba notambar ootmoptmutw on tba ovatorowdlng of uraatcitu and lumadlaa for it apropos of tb diaona- aion of tba invaaion of england by amerl- oas jidmnod qoaaa f nxnlahaa id um waf nnmbar in aaay aoortag engl tab taaa for tbalr oaxrownaaa of inullaoi incidantslly na baa- a hit x amarioan loullaotnal ufa in tha twantuib oantary vrom mtaral aoorom it u raporud that ii wblla adltor and pobllahor of tba ullton jitarmef baa good proapaou for mooring tha vacant mil ton poatmaalar- ahlp tha toronto ttuffram laat friday vaoing aald editor wbiu of tba mil ton hrortxer la likaly lo ba appolnlad poatmaiter of that town tba piu 1axia- will ba vary moob plaaaad lo aa mr wbitaraoalva tba appolntomot cartalnly no availahu man in milton haa a batlar claim to tba ofeoa ha bafl baan an aoargauo anpportar of tha govarnmantl la a raaldact of mora than twaoty yaan landing and baa alwaya baao a worthy oltiaaa of bl adoptad town if favored with tha appolausaai mr whlto wlu tut doqbtadly give tba datlaa of tha offloa moat atlafaotory attantlon uu boaloeaa trail ing and hi invarlabla oar in th paraonal aoparvlaloo glvao bl owntxialnaaajviui ba tranafairrad to pnblio aoalr and atabd htm in uoallant tad tbara uaalloka wo old by i no municipal cvoooliaixl ilia itwio flottool hoard o tbdrbday vauliig lul lha prinalpal uiplo jndar dlaaoaalou at bulb baing lha adop tlon of auam baalliik for tba iublio lobool ilaudioga oouooll mat i aiglit d clock all lha dumb bclutt ptaaent and itaova wtlllmli llocltiir f mali hlaotrlolao applud lor at inoraaaa of ailary atating that ba ha an offar of 7fi0 from anolhar town mr i francii addrvaaod tha council rqatink tha prirllira of nalug tba jaqt a loam from tha power houaa for boating bla rcailaooaadjololna movad by john a ilwdutvoo aooudad by h jaani that pormioalao ba glvao iba fnblio bobool hoard or ibla monioipallty to oonnaot tba pipaa of tbalr propoaad ataara hoauotf ayataao with tba hollar at lha poworhooaa for ho pbrpot of h sating tba aohool bollding by aieam tba ooal of aapplylng tba ataam to ba dalarmldad by tha axtra amoaol of fool oooaamad and additional ootlay or lb parpoa of or log dnriog tba day tba council raaarvlng tba right to oattool tbla arraagamaat ah o aid it uturfare with tb afflouooy of tba alaoulo lighting plant carriad movad by jno a uandaraonaoondad by qcorg ilyoda thatf rad malltz u grant- ad an inoraaaa af alary of fllty dollar par an nam making bla alary blx unndrad dollara par aonnm tba advanoad aalary to dau from lat otovembar of this yaar it la bndaralood that ubt work in firing for fobllo bohool heating ba indujud in bla datiaa and that tba aom of ifloo ba in foil for all dotia b may b raxjolrad to par form car lad tha uoanoll dcfildad tbay oootd not va aotaktalh mr franola propoaal for alaam heating connoil adjoamad at tea oclock tba board of troata of anioo toblla bohool mat at alabt oolook all team bat a war praaaot chairman holmaa praaldlng tb sacratary raportad tba raaalt of bla taurviaw wltb ataam fi tiara and ax porta in toronto ralatlv to tha aa of axbaoat taam at aoob a dlatanoa and alavallon loay daolara waa itnpractioabia and wonld not glva aatiafaotory raaalu tor maxaagaaaod mr orindall atalao that having board th abov from lb saoratary thay want to onalph oo monday and lourvtawad u w ihillipa alum flit tug o and that b tbam that tha aohool eoald ba aallafactorl ly baaud with llv atam from tha powar- hooaa bollar and waa praparad to gnara taaaaxiafaotory baatlng wltbanaxtra oc anmption of ooly twanty too of ooal attar mataraooaaidoratlon of tb jn tioo it movad by john agna arooodad by w 1l kaonoy that th moololpal oooncii having vary ganarooaly aignided by tawolatloa tbalr willlminam o grant tba naaof ataam from tb eowar uona feolur for haaliog lha aohool bnlldlnga that in oao tha rlghtof wav for tha poillng ii tha pipe oan ba aaoorad from tha owner i of tha pro pot tie throogb wbiob thay konat aaoaa pta lhaj tb oommltta on ataam haatiog bo and ar baraby tnatroot ad to prooaad at ono to aatar loto an agraamant with it w f billj oootrao tor qaalpb with roarmnta dan jor tb pqttlng in of th ataam haating apparato and all can oac tioo xpt th a tioo for pipe and lambar and work in oowrlng aaro for lb an m of 47j 00 and that upon oomplatlon of agroamont ba b tvqalrad to prooaad ab ooo with th work tmdaf tbalr aoparvlaioo oarrlad th board ad jooroad at ian oclock llbtousk a ptik1nm pilii o t it vicinal caoaojj qultoa qfa hi llie nntia kiln on tnoaday our flrtui wern ptomptly od tba acob an 1 aoon llnitulahatl lb flamaa bfiro itliad nvko mucll tinailwy mr mil family iiliittl inorlnu tu toronto fur tho wlntar wa liopo lo haa tbam wllli o agaiti aarly in tho aprlug mr jtjtn mimjraixl mr julio ilamlar on allandnl i ho annual meeting in milton ol lha wuuane purest mulou hoolatua laat week anil rapoil a good hunting mra v ualu anil cbil iran liavo lelt for lbair boina bom in matno mra n il iindaa of toronto vlaitad frianile bara latt week cilbwsonb cohnuds vanv serious accident robert swaokhmmar thrwahaf painfully muulatod in m maohlna whiu tbraahlng on tb farm of mr malcolm molbaraea lot 18 ooa 6 eaqoaaiog laal tbnraday af tarnoon ilobt bwaakhamar aoo of da id qwaokbamar tba wall known thraahar root with an aooidaot whloh narrowly aaoapad being fatal tndaad tb young man i at iii id a praoarloos condition bboally aftar atartlng tb maobln aftar dinnaf tb halt wblob rnn th beater allpped off and yooog dwaokhaattav ran to roplaoe tb bait with th maohin la motloa itj aoase way th ahlrt lv of tb tight arts wa oaojtht th in poluy and h wa thrown with great foro agalnatth due wheal hi bead oame in oontaot with tb whoel and bla aknll wa fraotnrad and tbeflaab badly laoaratedf reqairiag a bnmbar of atltoba tb arm w fraotured in two plaoea nia tii bo older ao raaob lujuted that a djaan atllohea war naoaaaary it at wn drat thought that reoovery wa itupoeiul bat the ouog kneu ba a aplendld ootiatltutlou and bla youthful vigor 1 biuou lu lu favor hlno tu initial draaaldg of th wound th doclora bav further operated ami thay now dealer that they iiavo kow hope for th patient reoovery no htfllhaletid itifl ilia awful ahook th young uieu ha mover loot oouaoloualo although lb akull wa oruahad uned and lb bralu kpoaed tb young taall i twauly yaarri ol ago and baa worked al tbreablug willi blfatbr fur bavaral year 11 baa many friend and velatl 111 adumi and vicinity who all uult lu lb hop for bla ultimata recovery th weeltbieat mad u- h who ii moat aoooomloal th pooraet ba who 1 mot miaerabla ci am fori utatu am omiu orrt o yuuioa i iuoa oouarv j viaoa j cbaua uiake oath that ba la aaulor partwat tbe brut of k j ubeoay a oo dulug vnatniaa in tba oily of toledo oouuty and atata aforaeaid aod that aald arm will tb uut of 0nh hunuiulli 1k1jauji for aaab and vary oaa of oatanb that eaauot be aurod by uia ua of talta catairb our v- viiaatx j ctluhtcv uuib tu bf4mra tue aad aubaoilbwl lu uy pi an ii hi la dili 1iy nf iamni ir i li land liyij notary fubll hal a calarrb uura u talon internally a4 aeu dlreeuy on in blood and mnaoo eurfaom of lb arataui head tor taaliaioula frae y j aftxmur a ua yido o bold by urugglau halb vanity ill la ar tb boat kino udwardjhas cancer trtrwa oparatlon have alraatly lonoox ool 88 reynold irorl lf jft paper 1 th drat britlah paper to aaaart that king edward la anfferring from oasoar of tha throat in today uaoe it daolara that aino hla majeatya aco thre operation bav been par for mad for tha removal of papilloma on th left vooal chord aod that on wa removed from th right vooal chord laat weak aaaletanoe wa haatlly aommouad aay tbu journal u hu majaaty wa hraatblug with dlfooolty and an immediate operation was preformed bat ll wa ragardil a only a temporary relief th injured apitbalum now having beoocn a oanoalooa growth and aariona davalop- mntaar4 thb pilosidbislts absassi n paysj ckoldoan waa blooutad at auburn prlaun at 71b tuaady mornlnif auauw oct 20 at 7 13 bo oclock thla morning- leoa y caolgoo unrderat of iraaidaol milllam mckinuy paid th extreme penalty ejected by tba law for biaorlm u wa ebookedto death by 1700 volt of aleolrioity ua want to lb chair ahowlng bo particular algn of fear but d feat doing wbet few hav on talking to th witnaaee whlu h we being atrapped lu tb ahair i killed lb lreeidanl baoena it wa an eoebty of th kd people of h good working people lam uoi torry for my tboee wer hi word aa tb guard harried him iolo lb chair out tlltf bust cartalnly lb uloal llfltka uirlalinf th king aud juaeu ar luoa offwrj tbu ar by lb yuy ihfu uu1 ufliy kur of moo i real ll thilr autm4flur and what u tb ua having awylblug but tli beat ll- xuiv l i alao lb diatiligulaliaj muril of uik tba vary ural ukaii aflr tb klimj afloaliii to th tbrou and bav llierafor an blaurloal vela that tin utliar portrall will poeaee wbau oti ua lb beat al lb earn brio a au inferior aitlol lhar ahoold b no tlm loal lu obooalutf and aartaittly th amly uu plotur of th king and quaen mr beyond coni- parlaou with atty olbaru befor tli pnblio in addition lo thro two portrait each obecrlber teoaivea we onderatabd a par foot copy of lb tetowued caloa borough picture tb duobae of uevou- ablra fclw loohaa lu tan beau i if ul ool or a it 1 pronounood a parfaot km all three picture and a ahaoripuod to th famtin turuld aud ikerlry hittf fot un yeer la lha dullara wtb of th beeeou then u llgb ooll for tboa hi tore aiuoar wlah tua and dkuaaa eoouitb toooofound tho of au optaxlta dlanual tioo 1aeoal children cry for castor i a nwg mr wlier e il y or trrt t ibi on monday itruoon at ha iiiiiinitr raldnoa lll t frir eaal if luroilo aflar an llht of aeor taroka with typlunl fvar ua waa tin yeara of a jr and wa manager of ttm manny horla buaioraa lu tba 1ollue j mil al 0ia miixuy john uuobell priiprlcuirof llo urutiawlak huul waa fined lz untlr ilia ontario aol for refuaink lo remote lha blind from hie bar window lulrctureln th church ho of imdey votntt laat by luv w ii uarnbam wa wall attended and aa ory inuraallug xt sabbath guarierly hrwa will u hatdlu biloam ubpjcli coittiutnlij tbire will be otroarvlcoalto lb obutoh bar mr jaa uamblo and mua imia are epandlntf a week wilh ft land a in fort kri and at tho 1ati american mr and mra j no murray apil hunday al mr i hwaokhammara iju mlaakllaand matr llarberl gamble of aolon apeot laat weak at tin ir onrlav mr ja caniblea mr cbaa ahd mia uiua camhl apool a few day during lb week at elora mra wru carrol ia vlalling friend in oalaevo a9ionovii mr wm mcdowell ha been ill foraome tlm wltb brooohille mi uamutltrimbialrcoaing from a aaroro illnra mr jama halna of brampton vllld at mr luobard graham during th week mr petar biok and mr vrod wrlggl- worth war a few day at ii am 1 ton tbia week lie v a utir ii 1 ol oikvllu praaobed bar oo hunday lie vu warm ly welcomed by old frlead mr john wright mr daa wrlgbt mr u j orabam mr wtr thomp- aou and mr w juhnaloo vlaitad the ian amarioad laat week- mr jame blmpeotii of toronl will preach annvraary aerroon in lha meth od ut church oo sunday at 11 a m and 7 p to hit slmpioa la well known ep- worth league worker and a quant and in- teraatlog apeakar on monday evening rev aualin toltar will lacloraon iumin- laoen of iheamerldtu war mr totura loot a re lbild to be exoeedlncly intareat- ing mmlo will b given by a lad too gnaatiallaftom qaoraalownmia oillft hoffman aud olh lloc a big tire occurred in urv lime kilo wood yard itat wodorjay through the heroic effort al the peopla the 6 re wa oonuoed to lb wood although it waa feajrad aavoial tlnua durlug lha alterooon that mr iticbardtou raaldailor labia and ablngl mill wonld lo ibry wvra ou are eeverar lima but tbar waa alwaya plenty of water on hand to fjuenoh lb flam mr lleotor mnoroa tceldeuoe waaloln grrat danger leg a caupl ol boar a mr if arvy callmataabl loaa at i ww upon which thar la no inauraac tba worat fcalur of tha loa i that it may orlppl tb lim butlaaea a mr uarvey fear that ha may not have enough lo laal until b can get a freabhapply mua mary uill lia been auctaf atcre- tary of th oonniy w 0 t it tu afmrry ootraapondaot aay uooora ar being ahowarod on gnunar j w jame lately weak before laat bwa presented with a booth afdoau mdal by ii il 11 tha duke of cornwall and laat weekh waatpraaeulad by hi wife with a young daughter jo ahould b hippy trooper mulloy tb blind aoldur hro of booth afrloa will give an tnlrtaliraiil lo tb town hall tbia evening thb township council caquaalntf lanllatori mat lnat weak and tranaaotod th rollowlntf bualnas tb eooncil met porauaul to adjotird tnant the luev ld th oliair mamber all preaent commuuloalion war raoolv ad from hamilton ilrldg work co and fraaldent pf board of trade gualpb moved by councilor orahara and camp bau that uamuel mouaaurb and i her by appointed collolor or divulon no a in plan of thaopbllu horton ralijuod and that th baal of th corporallun ba attach d tharel carried moved by council lor gaotpball and mooibhoo that tb treasurer ba and 1 hereby authorlaad to pay th following acooanthmul momuf rojialrlng bill on aid road lot 00 ooo 0 ti 13 ihoa who them on day wltb team id above hill 13 a varguaon on day on abov hill 125 john appalbo axing breakwater and tilling lu waaboul timber lumber bolu and nail 10 v b nvar bauotiog jarora two day tu j a treoy beuolittg juror two day 6 j johu blug ham aeleoliug juror two jy 16 car- tied muvd by councillor qrahatu aud cook thatch following autuu be paid by tba tieaburer w browtitldg for operating road rnaohiod bin day rvpali aud oil inh5 i wuj hood for tiul toad maoblo to cinta john ilunur for aaw pip furnlahed lo m aitked and flahar iathuiaura lu utbert mouaa tar for taking car of toad tuaohlua car- iad movvd by counoillor ucolbbou and couk that the traaurr pay 110 lb trillion f wm ii krrr and founn otbar fur lb rlnf of jopli murray b uitng lu ludigant olr- imalauoa crrld movrl by cummillor mcqlbbaii mid cook that tb truaurar pay lb fi uowlug amouut ixlug in ch nana two llilrda ia of limp lllld ty d lb ownr llianof bring uuktiown quo wuaun 1 apl co jiirt turner 1 lumb jsj rjarrud ovd by couiicllluracwik aud urahaitl that tlm treuauriir pay lb foltowluj ao count aux diuclalr for ull yanl- of gravel ou 7th un i it ul and s3 at 0 0ni4i pw jardlh co john ii illtvj vilhy aoraadlug gravel at vl pr day nylf7bitj una d a ii murray for rehiring ouj vart aid s4 yaida 17tetlu paying ilk w appeibe fur teaiulng grewl in htartlowu to david laweun for uam lug ureval in utwtlowtt w par ordr of win ball wmitiiluir cpt null fur bailor end uillk aupnliid lu tin j cunt peuy at niagara lljj j maliu lutnbr and repairing brldg 17dj mao pbareon bridge plank ill ho bnlkaj5 caol plank 57 cut work ll garrui movad by 0tmaillim u irt an muulb bou thkl tb olrk u iiielniula i to ak for landarafor ibq inunluipal prliilti or lliu baulioaof tb year movd by councillor campbell anj ok thai tbla council do not adjourn o meal ou monday jstb of november nxl carried l pale young girls a oi1hat oallwav ihecbiogn milwnkrraht illl hall way co owiia and operalia 1000 inile of thoroughly ritilpxd railway ll operatra ll own luilng cra an 1 dlulngcra and ilia aorwlo i tlru claaa lu ovary iaaal i uaverata tho h i pin i i n of lha htloa ol illiuou wiaootiii llauhr llnau 1 0twiblliu luwa mliljuftt minota houlh and tyonb uakou it rum clactrlo lighled alaam boalod iraina it baa the abtoiulo blnok ayalcm i it uae all modaio pilimioo4 for the co ip foit and aafaly of ita atroua ll rain employed ar olvil and ubllg itlg it ttlib lo give eaoli pabiaiigec value ra- oaivad for hi money and it aaka every rnao woman and child to buy ticket over ibachloajo mlwak bi 1au luil- way for it la a creel lullwiy tim table map and luforraatian furnleaed oo application lo a i taj lor canadian iaiaanger agaot m king htr baal toronto tha canadian wool tnarkal are itlll in an uo tali factory ooudltloti tba rlae in price al ilia reoen london wool bale ha not materially a too tad our market and there la little or no inquiry for export tha aituatloain tha u u apparaully uol per mitting of any importalluna af tha preaent time how thty mav oaln oliiqht kvhb anu notlv cmuikb tho dtory of a vouijh qlrl who siifforau from hondnahb olxxl- rloaa and falntlnu spollo hor haalth hooamo oo bad that hht wa foruod to jlvo up uuhool mi catharjn moiiuu ia a liun lady wrll known in gharluiietuwit i 1 i and mroally eataomed am nt liar aoijtulii tai era 1 ikn a many ll nr nung ulls ihrougbuuttb laud mi ml- lu ml a victlm to anaemia or oornab of blood and alibougli bavcral inedloiui a win lild alio found limiting to 1m in lior until 1i10 ugau uilngdr williama 1lnk ilin fur iu lsopla mia mcl llau utla vi btury of itor hit- a follow i i am lion vlglitaan eai ofaj aud for a oon aidarabl tlma uorod from anaeinu my blood had elmoet turn t wirr and 1 waa very weak aud palftllu act ouulltjuft uudargotha laaat exaillou my appalita failed me i auflared fruio baadaobe it i aloppad 1 would hocomo dlrxy aud fre quently i au flared from fainting r la i triad aateral kind of luediclue and doclire praaoribed for iu but lnud uf kuiiig bettar t waa gradually growing weaker aud eventually bad to dlaoantlbun iulng to bohool about till tuno i roail the laalitnonial of a girl whoa condition wb similar to inloo who bad beeu cured by dr willlama 1iuk illl i theb daoided lo try theaaplll and have every reaaon to ba gratified that i did ao aa thay bo oom- pletcly roatored my health every ono of tba aymplonnrttmbad made my ufa bo mlaerable have diaappeaied and i am now enjoying al good health a any girl of my age could wlab aud i abould blwaya have a good word to say fof dr willlama iink 1u1 mia molellaii further alated thai wbllv aba wa but ileeiruua of publicity lu roattara of thla klndi ahe navertbeleea fat l that her experleuoe if known might be tba moan a of brluglug boa 1th to aomo other offerer and thla la the vary pnriaeworlhy mollva that haa ludaced bar to give the above statement for publication dr willlama 1lnk vlu tnakaricb red blood and glv ton to lha tiarva it 1 bcoaua of lhta that tbay bllngjbdgbl eye roay ohteka and light fooutap to girl wbobava baan weary pale and luuae and haa begun lo feel that ik out burden xala and ftiiaomlo glrle every whar ahould give lb pill a fair trial aa they are oertalo to- restore haaltb ahj btrength baa that the full uarua dr willlama pink imia for ial pon la ou- th wrappar arouud every box bold by alj asthma cure free athmalene brings instant relief and permanent cure in all cases mni ansoi i i i i v ihik on hv illlroi iostai ulirtl oiiu nauk and adduehh ilillvtv lehi amirrtitmunle k0usaik wmi n k 1 v lrll 1 r h oneywhnted llolh comb am extracted quoin lowcal price and xxy bow put up samueb l lewis co london nororencal furiiltliml georplown carriage shops tor your wgonm alao for your ciirrjr 3l4htrta at nil dm- oripticuim iahojujr and ijunkxniithtax a complain no of plowi mid plow rejutlr j ist o wrbilllu p tfou w- otnrtetrnrbotirpcbrtpi aix boxe for l 0by addteaaiug lb dr willlama madloiii co brockvlli onl excelsior bakery af grscery ttia luiumir wruthor la 11 jw bora in earn eit in nddlllon to cur dally mpply of bread buna cake elc vc arc now prrf-ar- tx lo supply tho public with pare ice gream summer beveraqes und w are making specially of ic cream soda aud sodadrliikw rcimrally wa hav inafirslclaa aoda fountain and loop ft put supplied with icocold soda and ilia purest fralrtuvonf a urci- stoclt ol roccrie thsti aver bo fovc and tho public know our pricoa are rllil wmddiag ckm a apoojfx t ytathamson main st acton children cry for castor i a j a speight co undertakers enbalming done in all its branches by the adoption ohlie low est living prices wo have cleared out our furniture stock similar low prices rule in our undertaking when in need of anything in this line call and learn that our priceu are lower than you can get elsewhere 1 j a speightob co warorooms foot of willow st kcton chained for ten years there ia nothing ilka aslhmaleno ll liinis instant relief even in the worst mi it curf when nil clao falls tho hoyjc i wells of villa kidga 111 aays your trial bottle of aalbma lena received in good condition i cannot ell yon how thankful i foci for tho gool derive from it i was a slave chained wllb pulrld aore throat and asllma for ten yeara i lea pel red of aver being cured 1 uw your advertisement for tho cure of tills dreadful and tormenting tllteaae asthma and thought you had ovorapoken yourselves but resolved lo glvo it n trial to my aalonlshmenf lha trial actwl llkn a charm send mo a full siiod boltlo maw ur morrta wooitetar kabbl of tba cong dnal israel new york jan 31001 dh taar uaob mnincikk co cttnri vuntf your asthmelene la an excellent remedy for asthma and flay levef and ita coenpottilon allaviatea all 1 troubles which combine with asthma lis success u astonishing anl wooderful alter luvlng it carefully analyzed vo can stale that asibmalen contains no opium morphihe cloroform or ether very truly your kisv dk mohrib wechblhk dllllvt llliolh mxincimf co cihtduri i wrlto this testimonial from a sense of duty baring tested the wonderful effect of your aslliniolena lor tho cure of asthma my wife has been afflicted with spasmodic uhnn fof tho past j yora having exhausted my own skill as well as many olbors i chanced to sea your sign upon your window 00 130th street new york i at once ohtalnod a bottle of asthtnalooe my wife commenced laklng it about ibo first of november i vary xoon noticed a radical improvement after using one boltlo her asthma baa disappeared ami aha is entirely free from all symptoms i feel that i can conslilcnily tecommend the mod id no lo all who are afflicted wlib this ills t reeling disci so yours respectfully o d phelps m d cii0iting 101 ii n mliuluull 1 i ho mm it laf artiib t ilil ai1 lr- a cliayukaimh antotdji llulllfchmll for itiliurixiaauinimiik all it r tlt 1 luu ami tl waloul 1 roaeul i ik 4if al ur farm foit kalk oil ru ml nt l tlon whll ha jama hairy ilalrin otliwl tut la r ainiljf lo i llmlla it l c lit rfrui imi ly al 1i juljh couilnodioih suno huuso to hnt rfbooouifiiiurtoawiiolttiio in illii hlr x upiioall- oaiiinnia i aluh sllll llu un trul will trot 1lr liil alyly ii v uooill ve i i0irl timber imit saiilo ov tlindcm dm tavt ilhoit mkkicihi- co 1eb s loot cemtfkukw 1 was troubled with asthma for 33 yeats i have tried numerous remedies but i hey have all failed i ran across your advertisement and started wllh a trial boll in i found relief at once i have alnce purchased your full aire bottle aod am ever grateful i have a family of four children an1 for su year wa unable lo work i am now inlhe best of health and am doing business every day this testimony you can make such use of a you see til home address 333 itlvlnglon street s uaphakl tc east u9 si- now york city tiual uottlk bent ausolutbly itilell on ilttckipt ob postal do not delaywrite al once addressing du tait ukos medicine co yoljsl 130ii1 st new york city sold by ah druggists 7vtttms suits saturday november and we oiler 15 mens suits sizes 36 to 39 regular price 1200 satur day at 525 this is a line purchased at a very lowprice to clear i hey are made by the best manufac turer in the trade and can be relied on to give wear do not miss this opportunity j a jvlcintosh son 77 upper wyndham st gu9lph ioo dinner mo tea set piece and 48 pieces silverware tirrr rwi iwawlk atui kuu r ua skttuil ewh s wudl in in wlv jrnuwwll mllsaw i ftvm if w k j 4jwu w i 1 tl ia skin iskjim wtpjifi w jit t tl y 1 wu miwufu taubdvcodassaf tterwat- owa emplaof tli kundrwl of taatlmonlala we era deity receiving wswtiratairuui 1 kv tm kinim u bar hm i- v h w tmjl bll i iihlt i iu ukmw uifctlhkl- fcjrftiii 1 kiifci jhr muiwi mjutl i ukalikiwadslkv crybt ykofcb iutau t raikil- hend6rs0n 5t co new arrivals is mill inory j hornoapuno skiits t skirl stuff waiota qiovob houiory clothinp 1- all the novelties of the easou will be fouiul ll this store our stock of taplu is being constantly added to til todiy it is the lugcst and linest isited utock in the country henderson co 7vu st kcton s mens boys underwear the largest assortment of these goods we have ever handled the quality is something to be admired ako a large range of mens and boys stockings c f goodbye co mill street acton rfkhnujih win baraclvad bylh ut1rl x d up lo ttiuratlar till kinamlir 11 il for ilia un4lno and falln llnilr nn tvanty ave aeiva more ortaaa an th wmi lilf fcf int w in the tlrtl torrcaastno nr hi tl hlfliut or till laorir uol liaraaaailly f3ola1 for toll paruflqlara arply on uia prauii or to ieloo folo hollcuthom llllori squaalutf oat llii 1u0i notiok tojjttbdltolts in the mutter of the hbtate of justus bottum pearson oi the village of acton in tile county of halton hardware merchant de ceased nollflihrliy vurauaiii to hc al of liaii 11 it o ikrl tlst kii tou liavlo nlallii or ilcmsujl taaltil ilia huii u lha said jutlo- lutltum takraon taaasa1lio dlad oa or alwtil 111 laill day of hitml ml wit la tnumtl to nd lay ihhi uraihiiil lit lalivar to oeorse llavll iui acton 1 u the klhulw of ul deoaaaed no or ttofora ilia soth lav of novambar 1dc1 tlialr chrutlan and ho name enit aadra m tlh loll particular in wrltlna ttt uialr claim and atalaniant of tlialr eeoounta and uie nalura of u meuritla if any bald by uiaui duly vartnad by hi to lory declaration xila lake bolio- that altar the said boul day of nomir isot aalil tfiaaulor ami lha icaaouul wlllptocdlodlsuibuta tha asset ot tbesald dacaaad atnoritt the perllee anuuwl lharetabavintras l ia claim nfwhlth l hay shall the baa ootloa and ul aald saeubirana ksaoutil alll not be liable for aaaataor anv pait tbanof lo any araon or ueraetn of vhuu rtalm noileai hill pot bave itaari raealvaj by tetn at tba tlnia of inch dial rlbo tioo w jt uolkim holt tr for saoulor and clfwrillrlt cuj fettu ocibtr iwi dy gemmells dyf1nc cllan- inc works gjllph tha place for rcnllcnicii to liavo their suits and overcoats and ladle garments and household goods closiied and dcd oslrlch iluiucs mil tips cleaned iljcd and curled miso eltryman aetit fanoy oooda aolon wnkn you want i i klouft i i oatmeajj i 0et ouit eaeiftom d od6n jutllls brrnd tb beat in the uiukat all ua awsko daalar use it- kslra quality irlcj a ishl i henry iiortoi the 1831 country 1902 gentleman the only agricultural news- paper ivn auairrrkiilv yim leading agricul1 ultal jour nal or tin world vary dauartioaut wrlttau by miwuluu tli hbibeat autfiorlll i u- ttilr kolv llii- ho othr fabar luvlow ul riul4t with it lu uuallncathma of fltortal staff ujva uia ajjilaullural huwtl with a jrrm of eouiputua uot wvu atumil ly olhi indiailnal to al country residents wiiowihlf to kkltp ul tu timec siajei iuijidwjifiou 1h0 two hubaarjpucnm u 00 rlv suhacriptlaus 5 00 sp0llihduoefbntatouaiiui ov la q youf imirjm ajaj t bo oaulm u101u4 collwh insllad fn on rguvt ii will iay way lienmilry uf to lia yubllaliaia luyhh tuckbh on albany n v zw ml sold ols lrcjiarctl tuf uiouw use a ihlng oa bciuty id m joy forever mk a your room- bofutilul b touching up -j- ihu dark pot with r shfwttttviiiiaws cog fawlypa1nt i is tnojlo fur limited uurioco- anych 1 j con uw it 7k t brolan call and examine the inurits of this superior shoe made in all modern styles ot lasts and best grades of leather all sizes aa to ee widths for ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of the eet burning of the feet und it will keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm ii cold weather ml jazillifcs boot knd shoe dskluh boi aoknt vok aoron

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