Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton geor b agonoral bankingbunineaa tranaaotod conaopondencd sohoitod savings ilepaihiuiit lutcreit allowcj on mmiiil one dol lar and uiwarla from day of deposit lo dav of withdrawal no formallllr nil delays in drawing mdney farnioih biisincm solicited note of responsible farmers discounted and money loxnod lor hillmato business purposes our collection department haaavery facility fur matins prompt rsloou bale noteb handled and money advanced on account of same at low rales of interest travellers are notified ihal the ijank o hamilton and lis llranchoa i moo clrcula notes of the provincial hank uf ling land limited which can bo cashed without charre or trouble in any parr of the world miead officii hamilton kslabuahed 1673 capital paid up i99575 reserve fund 1500000 total assets i77 759 jam us tonhiitjit cashiof b foksayeni aaint ooorfiotowji branoh the news at home wall paper change new arrangements have been made with w prskfoo to tiandte our bltf una ol samples at acton as he is an experienced mm in this bnslnns you may rely on having every thing up to the mark special prices and new books or the fall sflt 13 r s k 1 n agent of chas l nllles wu ipor ouklph he gutq ffrb jpreas- thursday ootobeil slat 1901 whloh cautfht uiaeyes or etof fr prsss rsdortsrs thin wssk all uallosreeo november lo morrow indian bammtr xsestber the second instalment of texae i due oa saturday north of eugleudpopl hallow en tuflt oraok nlgbl agolf mateb with qeorgslowq u ou lea lapis for saturday w have had a laro eruoiiul of orlons fall weather dor i tig october tba eleetloo oj elders in knox oburob 1u take plaoe next sunday rev h a mecphsrson preaohed an diversify sermons at belmont oo bouday ooui1iom ntgbt yon mast look la the glm u yoa look loo enough your tras ioe will pm a by law prohibiting the use of trading tamp alter january i next baa been pa eed by the hamilton council 8cruonlal services will be held in the hetbodut chnroh next bnnday the rooming aerelae will commeooo at 10 bo oolook mr d j n mcleodofqhloajjo was a ftumialtbehom- of mr a btepbsnson ihjswesk the quarterly aaoratneotel eereioe ol umboekwood circuit will be held next sunday at ibe driok ohoiob the furgos banjo player enurlalud aatoo friends lo a aerieaotjollytuoes last jfildsj and tle reolprooated heave william generous act lu prlnkllntf tbe streets on baturdey and mierday we muob espreoleled tre brown of ilipley speni dy or so tbli week with aoton friends bbe wks co roots to fair heveu syseblotttou lr john matthews ol toronto who baa be hi for a ooopleof weeks u spend ids a wiek of so in aoton w isoupsrats klore pasaed a by law lest thursday by m eou df idl to 18 lo boons j o mud dell jlco larnlture mauufaolursre lo tbe moo at ot 3 ww trooper mulloy who had both eyes sbotootbya boer bulltt will be worth evlng and beating in the to wo hall lo morrow esult uslloweeit is corning have yotl taken any preoentioos tgajuattbe frteudly ultsol the boys ystr yoo d belter get a gait oo if you want lo kep jour gsle on the anton flour mill is sill opeu and baa r full supply or l hluds of feed end floor we will also xouau feed w floor lor whtalasusuel cuxixx ji cum 1be fx iftkjut will pay flveoenle per oopy for the flret ave oopus of the issns of qiu 17tb lf at ibis olllo tbs issue w caheoled aul seveil ooples ars wanted messrs 1 iwnl mom co kud lbs aoun tanning oo have lied the pelutsra hworklhtldih-lrlmmi- lion rltj balldlnge the pt lw w three hundrl ud hfly gallam of uilusral pain i has bea ueed lo the work d kmmersod o clauds writes the j pftaae reepeetlng prlutlng aenl him last week printing received 1 ero more ihaoplraeed with ll so is erery ous to whom i have abnwn it 1 lhauk yoa for voaf pewmpluess whloh wee rauob eppreo iftted a good story told at the expense olbooopiof eraok marksmen who call them selves dead geme sportsllti last tbareday tbey entioed trustee matthews go out shooting wllb them knowing that be had before even dloharged a ebotg uk tb afternoon was epsul with the aid of a ooqple ot dog in running rebblu but the only i oa uno i by mr millhews wllb his urst sbol he oertslnly bm al0 on xhm n now and u using it lo ibelr ooet si ery i qppotuply tocurg ac in on8 dav uliun ioo qelnlae tableu all burefniid tbe monmr mil fiw i groves liatusu on eaabbpx o ihvttlrarf ot 7 ltr coat w i htrlokiand or toronto i bsblgiieeof tbesstsleof w j lee tailor his woutid up the bat loess end on taw dss morning the looet creditors recievsd express orders lo rover thtlr olslms on the i ekis of seven and one third oanls an lliedulur ol the i31uc8 owing by mr lee to the seven merchants end bntiness roan in anton hey receld n ell 110 12 ilarn knuttio by ijiutlrend tackle lsei friday mr juhn mclean farmer of lrln raised socceealully the now hank baru brt had jost framed for mr itourt kmuli lot jo poo 0 naasagawet- eery thing went togotbar without a liltob and the onlookers were delighted with this safe end irgenloue method ol raising only ttiroo msn were rccjulred in addition to the inlftftrslirtlsnatu thfrtrmrworfc of tire- j jhno heru wbloh ia 8 a 00 reel a a jjrjjareme afeiob a match game or gall wee played between the ac loo ocll club aod bpadlna oulr club lyed over u bpedlna links in toronto on baturday last resulted lo a victory for the bpidlna oolf club mr ralhattandmr wallaoe led in 4tlb game but both players were tsry mnoh off in form f w braoghall and a j maokln non followed saob making bla first drlvs in a i form mr wllllsma and mr mo intosb viad asoli with tbs othar in judge maiil as to the oomtet plaoing of ths sphero and we are pleased to note that mr moiiitoeh tbe youngest member of tbs aotoi goclab outplayed tils opponent the captain and a strong player of the bpa dln club w ii walker and w stark pleysd a friendly game bat spadloas ohatuplai did not meko any of the brilliant soores so maob talked of the eoore was loll al uoixa uouif yibs o u labbatl a j d wallaee a w llroubbell 11 a j uaeklunoa o 1 a u williams tt u uoleteeb 0 w it walker ib w rtatk 1 1 tjpf wrjjjoy to morrow hvata4 aoton has ahuwn benalf a patriotic town ftud our oillxeos will no donbl lorn out in urge numbers to morrow evening to do honor to trooper molloy the can adieu soldier who lost liseyee by a boer bullet during the receol campaign and to hear his aplsodld address mulloy is an iruhmaii with an irishmens iltwjasnce and wit rafluad and i a at r active says ibe midland r vrtu tbs brilliant blind hero and buroorlsl may be seen lo morrow nilthtetthe town hell in bright hide or tjlffi op ths veld he will eppear lu i hf khaki and oonoluds his bo morons and lo slruotlve snlsrtalnment with a vivid das orlpllon of the engagement la whloh the borrj made a target of tils head and ahot away 1 l sight this will be ao opporlun ity for the people of aotoo to pay their rsaprcls loons of tbe uoblast of the khaki heroes and at the same lime enjoy all ovsnlng of rare entertainment tbe 1vcurya fergus correspondent wrllee lo ibe editor if you want to pat in good dllthl go and hear trooper maltoy leoture tonlghlt n gave ueetspls train treat here aud i would ilk you lu heer him ami every military man should go ta iower or ttu bplrlf the caalph utfcury 00 monday says a truly unexpected even look plaoe in tbe catholloqbnrohlast nlgbl wbsn stirred by tbe euxiueoee tf be falhar okldi b j and lufluanod by tbe resolntlons grad ually lorrotng dorlog the week of tbe meo s mission nearly every man in that immense oharob voluntarily rose and with uplifted voloe joined wttb the preacher in tbo promise that for one year tbey would not exespt when ordered aa medicine drink intoxicating liquors no suggestion of a temperance pledge bad been made and no cue attended for that purpose in a qulot voloe lbs praaober spoke of tbe opportunity afforded by tbs anion of so lergs a body of men for mutaet help and ibeu of the evil dons by liquor to some he asked all to bslp tbe few lo whom intemperance is a ouree aud even moder au drinking ft danger if ll was possible for- his hearers to lake ths pledge they would streogthau their other resolutions give a ibank off ring worthy of the ocoes- sion and raise tiielr people before god and the worm he would ask them to epeud a few minutes lu silent prayer aud decision and tbsfl woald give tbs pledge for one year lo iboee who decided to lake u the minute passed aud then the whole oongre- gallou of nine hundred men wllb com par lively few exceptions rose and pledged tin m selves lo abstinence for oue year it wsl moat impressive sight a voluntary otoraeoul seldom equal led and a credit to lbs sincerity of ibe people a very itajoymbje ut bomc for sevsral weeks pleas arable antic i pa lions respecting the at home to be held by the employees of w h storey bon oi the canada olove work were indulged aud by b bo friday evening tbe high water mark of eipeotatlon bad been reached this being i he first gathering of its kind it was ragardedtsa eomewbat of an vxpeil uiout but it wee oil areolar laed by very gratifying suooess and afforded a very pleasant evening for ell ibe two hundred employees present tb halt was beeotl fully even artistically tloooraled with buutlntf flul tc aud the tables prv eaulel a spread whltli for beauty ud geitsr ettraotlvailtas are rarely equaled at a publm banquet at t bo the first pari ol tbe programme which includsd orohestral selsoliona solos reblttlons readloge aud quartet us by employee of tbe firm was opeiisd councillor 11 jeans fursuiati of the uutuug dpirtmeul took tbe ehslr and altar p few liinaly remarks aiittouuead tbs drit ttumber tbe programme smbraoed the rollumitig v 1 muuou nilouuas oiclimlrefoiuulo u ttulu uijuwlikllu h lualuuou ilia ada llultit4 4 dait uts aklue sud us uatll 0 juattstte klrt jvabs ilord uoiulmii ati luitllui 6 iltvellou oichaalra tuult ura aklua sud uusuattba- tt ithiilalluu ulas jobtimlu 0 juirutt uhs jaalw tlod uiuumu an j dull lb 10 halmtluu v oloheeur at 10 110 ihs prirauime being over lire employees ware sealed aiouud the tables tid partook ol the tempting fowl aud oysters provided needless to say lliu was thotnughly eujoyoj by all after supper vuus of tbauke were lendsrsd tbe varlou ootiimlttees for the exoellent manner in whloh tbey bad totalled thslr duties tbom who snjoy tripping tbe light fau tatlo reiualusd aud uudsr the direcllou of prof v o timltb and lo the rythmic nadenoei of the italian oroheslre enjoyed ihemealvufor aevsralt hours longer the old established arm of w h blorey hou are lo be congratulated upon the unpen ot llieir employees urst at llotae ae wl as upon tbo very oordlal leiattous e4stltig between the sinpluyees and their euitluy bis strira tub couoh and works off thb cold 4- vooar titattmoom hiamtoamry worlt aiie anneal visit lo knox jhuroli or rrprearritstive from kmx collrge rlatl 10 the inaaalonary work undaitakeii ti tbo itudrnlsofibacollege i kpuco lasl htm l itev mr moot wlio w tail var missiduiry at bwan lko i alurla prsached tuoriilug and avnnliig anil in oun nertloi wlilil laaaim tua rrcoulil i in t arret lug iperioiora and reform 1 li tile rios budeiiouuragsmmitt of the work 11 a aainipiis ware miiah 1p i the chrut ian lodsavor boolaly hvn duilng ths ant jeer sopparltd vrtn ot tlia uuluge mliel in arise in tlio north wat an i at tbalr mrel 11 kimblin lay evening in tnl utoj a liberal oftviliig fur tills objret rroihnbto hpwortt i endue jervinre i pworih lvagus ul tlno i y in iii mtloi t lurch u wcalon of much ii teres ii i i roll t j ti- sorvioe oommenornl wlllia stliirlee prsyrr insetlng at 7 00 e m whloh was atletida 1 tiy the urksrs of the luo uloiineijl brrprboliodartr7tn eij3 gbop m by bev jletloy jl wllon of los angtlaaoalkorui- which ware vary appropriate hl ful an 1 inapirlug the text of the morning diooure was john 17 i andlbieiallfeateni that they might know tlie the only rna ood aud jsans ohrist whom thou hast aeiit in the evening tbe eermuu waa baaed on joshua s banrtily ynurelve for tomorrow ihe lord will do woudsra among you uolli urmoni had artlculr lofrnoo to tbe oliriatlan rxperlenoe alttlnable and the work that may bo scoomi liabed by eernesl obrlillau young people bandel to galher in auab drganlsuona aa the epwurth league there waa mnoli of enoonragcmvnt end inatruciluii an i ths large oonarrgalionh both morititig eud evening snjoyed vary much ibe splendid sermons delivered b mr wilson the prooaedlnge of tbe day oonoludad witli a service of prayer and pralao another foliar front ih ha tilt tbe fnaa 1axas la in reoolpt or a utr from mr w p ktiiib1 wlltuli gives a number of inuresilng llmi rssprctlng baullbu marts he keys it is a tins ptsoe lo make mousy evary parson seems rto have isnty of ii four miles of aewera have been put lu through the town the peat summer contracts are let for street oar lines to be in operation by the coming an going tl vm 1 aaaa invites all tie trllioui u till column ii yon or roar frtend ere going away on a bolt lay u or if yon bava frlauda vultlng yoti drnn a card to the vaaa mia ton on l y nlobfln waa borne frt bun lay mil mr i lit nl of ouelpb spent ill ly in to mrs oun i n i family left oo tuesday u r tin ir now home in ilvrlln mu hurl a hpaltt pnt a oouple of mk with frunda jn toronto mr- v 1- bmiih returned home leal wwk afiar uniting in muuok and egerlon msaars mar moijjugall sod angna mo- eschme vialtsd ihe iau american daring ibe wpnir miss- msnhs taylor daughter of mr cbetlee toyleeyelsltedtbe xap atn last wsek manager or tbe irlin spent tuee- lst atwiy next the nave shops almost feady lot nratlhn tiisy will tnro oot a oomplele oar every daythiiy rnvi when i name up hare last winter they were jost taking out the foun lalloo for ihe alee plant a perl or ii vf iii be running iii a few weeks there were then only two vsys now there id a network of roads mr olergne has built iso hew house ibis year for ills men ills company is bulldlugs dock twrlv huudrcd rct lung thsy are uow bulldlug the grsl tleni at the rspjds nf ut marys river it is a wonder ul umfprlaklug autl will rlte brl us like four reel and give itmneme powr ii will bequishad uwxi sumtiio- i have bttllt four single houses aud on double slues came up bars and have started the seventh tbs fax pnstfi is liko a lillr from home give our bt resprola to all anion rtsnila between twelve sul on otljok uat thursday momlnrf mr john ii uittoii who weuttobl joeths iioilal oiivlph three days ufor was favling fairly com for table and i lie nurses droit rd him lo be improved a few hours uur lid was aud deoly laken wore aud bvfore uoou uu tburaday dsalb bad claimed ibo mortal frame mr mllun was at work in jwrd morfa launary ihe saturday hsore though feeling aomswhat unwlt for sevaral days prevlcualy mr j a mcqrailaul mr j k flloua of montreal brothers in law of the daceascd wrilt 10 guelpti ou tbureday and arranged for the couveylug of lbs rsmelus to mrs kdltene former home ah biohmond que mrs mlltsu andoblldren and mr falloua accoinpaliled tbe remains an j arrived at itlolintond on friday afternoon the fuuorsl was held from ibe home of mrs disny slater of mrs u lite a on saturday morning at 10 oclock and after service interment icok plaoe in ths family plot greal sympathy is felt here for mr mltleu and hr hllle ones in this saddsn lereavsmsnl mr mitten dtros in aoton from braoebridge with mr j a mcorail mansgsr of beardmor j co a lannsry oprleea years ago nine yet ago be married miss falloua aud three oblldren of eight five and three yean are left ho was foreman of on of the dspartmsnts of ihe tannery an industrious lutalllgsul workman ant a thoroughly opvlgbt end couooloualous man us was a gool cllkm slid his death is much deplored milton auanlbuelaatlc young iople bocltty was organised at graoe ohuroh last week with tbe following offlclary i free jf mailed vice xres miss b dloe bo a wlnui aael b0 mas l fauloil tres mua hunter orgenlsl uus wluoa aat orgaulst mlse han maellnxs are lu be hl i each mouday evsuing and prcfluble evnliis of t toy lauullged in milton baud lulud glvluua high cuss oonoeit about hs 18ih ul novsmbar the besi bveilable tsunt wl 1 be secured and every tbiuu potalblt dauelo uikke a 11 musical event lu milton s caicsr auuinber fioiil mlltqu atleiidad ihflii era of the isle andrew 1 mill to campbell ville cmclery yeilsrdy hulordehlp ihe lluhop mlsgra oooducud servlovs in grsod churoh cu buuday lbs w sotls ooutraaud for some time sgo by the council are being placed lu position ths pen ainarlreii ju lu awrdsd mr jamas murley sight ptlue on tint rtgl t hsed of poultry tie rxhlblfd ihrr ldllor whtue mock lusiiifally r i g in abe ran or ths vut oilmasirshlp hi will till ths ufflo well if lbs plum is- h wat jed hint ntfu lituiiatuiiu cspulu luviukhaw or lbs maid of ohsapslde by 11 n uispbetis nuthor of fbthp wluwooj laud atijuomy lo the king tiii jnil beau isjuadby the co p clark go limits fubluliere loronlu ii au attratltua 4 lory of lbs lime uf quen t liasbelhs rlgu aud will rank well willi the numerous produoliuiis of modsro authors who delight lu ihe rum anoes uf earlier llmee lbs history of queen lllaabelr arforjs meuy exalting luelaooe of love aud wer land oaplalu luveushew lead up lu us rsollals to lulsuseat inurael aud the fortuuee uf the heroine uf the plot followed uulll ahr is hsrtloslly and happily rescued xtt ilallau railway omployve ukuled p nlgnacoa working uu ihe grand irunk track waa killed two miles bbbl i f oallle oo monday slier nouti about 1 u otook tie bad stepped out ol the way of a west bound freight inimsdlalily u form or the fast east bound i ise and wee initantly killed mr john hutchison brsitlibupt tannery b dy in tow mr vfvauy ke ol hso t bte marie ouuri l town ihls week renewlne acgualutaucea mr james moorewas intorvblo sevarel days during the week visiting her eons there and other monti mr clias mcllmlslton baturday for midland and lo spend a week or so hunting deer in the muikoka wilds mr jobnt ewolwent lo cempseilvll yesterday lo etund the funeral of hie brother tbe lte andrew kluot mr j handeeon m p and mr thomas allsln attended the funeral of ihe 1st an drelhiot nssisgewiye y eater dy mrs iuv ii a msopherson want to blrattord lo attend tbs provincial oonvsn lion or the wot u ae delegate from anton on tueeday ubv aud mrs u a mopbereon and mr u p moore attended the thirty elxtb annual oon vent ion of the provincial sunday hohool asaoclatlou el toronto lael week mr harvey who oame to acton aboat a yaar ao from brampton to takea poeltlon sa drlvaf for beatdmsre a co will abort i y return to that town he ha purchased a dray btilna there mrs j w bmlthsu active member of grownoouucil ut of t eodof zlootab- rnackle hamilton died friday mornluf mr bmjlh wasoneoftliepaaeangersontba illfattd hlplabrador which mat with dls- astsr near tobermry two year ago mrs bmlth gave her leoture with lime light scrofula what ts commonly inherited la not eerofule but ihe ecrofulous disposition ttils is generally and chlrfly indicated by cutaneous eruptions sometimes by neto neas nervoutnesa and central debllltr the dleeaao arllcted mrs k t knyter union bl troy ohio when she wav igbleen years old manifesting itself by a bondb in bar neck which caused great pain eras lanced and became a running sore it amicted the daughter of llrs j ii jones parker city ind when is yyarsuk and developed so rapidly that when alio wm is ah bad eleven running sores on tier neck and about ber ears tbe enfferare were not benentrn by profeaalooal treatment but as lltcy vulun tartly ssvy were completely cured by hoods sarsaparllla this peculiar medicine poittlvoly ror rtcta the scroraloua dlapoaltlon and rn 11 cally and permanently cures lite illeeeu cfc wt ale eicbstare i on every box ot the ronulo uucatlve bforaoquiaitic tbi- 4 swaroa m rm to rj-j- dinner set sale throo loadlna linen 700 in 700 sets utc have 15 different designs and patterns 1000 in 10 00 sets we lnvc 14 different designs and pat terns 1600 in 16 00 sets wc have 12 different designs and pat terns you arc cordially invited to examine them hefore jou buy china palace 2nd floor thonoted tbajorbni ouina palaoe j a mccrea cuelph pays to tyiy al fiollerts it pays lo ihiy at iiolurls 25 per cent discount wc find we hdjl rather ovci bought in the grcut st quantity of black dress goods this stason j he prices were bo templing nnd wc bought rather too many wc have decided to tu nficc profit in order to get the sur plus quantity out at once we have laid out on our bargain laolcs in the cenfrc of the btore about thirty pieces of choice black dress mntcruls high and lowpriced goods and shall hold a special black dress goods sale at a tr light di count of 25 per ocnt oh the market prices let the figure 1 speak lot thcmsclvt for instance c yards black dres 6 yards black dress goods at 50c 3 00 views lu aoton a year sgo last obrisuna mr johu il ksnnedy returned last week from hie two mouths tour lu mnltoolln island and nsw ontario he enjoyed bu outing very mush bat decided that there era fw belur l ucefl than anton in whlcb to reel if mr kennedy lies deeldsd lo remain id his native town 1 lie puxa iaase is u receipt of tb uojel bouvai ir number of the toronto fir- it ii u k of artistic prod action end ll oontalim a foil aoeounl of lb tour of the duke aud duohsae while ia canada with full page illustrations of tbe boyal cuujl and also of tbe king anj qoeen the uumur throughout la beautifully war trled end rrfleou grssl credit upon tb aularprlelug managers of tbe siaf it will be kept a an biitarlcal aoavenlr of lha lloysl visit by all wbo possess k oopy absolute security genuine carters little liver ms must dear signatures of fulubusf roioiniwtt roa tiuomsttt foitoanaum rot conmratioi iailuiwidl nanucoaruiiu oure slok headache inorease your wages the boy who starts work afief a course in iliu college will alart at wage two or 1 tire tliiici iitutlcr thai 1m could hop to obtain without ihls special training col leges at guelph roroulo hamllion lon don ottawa ssnila berllu calf bl catherines now is a tood time to enler all parllculara from 1 royal city business collage coodsat ifer 25 7 25 ir oent uik- count a 25 er- hienty iii- couht 7s oct jiur the right house tlbtabllkll 43 hamilton s iavoiutii shoit1ng 1lace our ca stobk in every grade from the lowest up to the highest priced is of the beat quality and selrcted carefully from the makes of ibe world s beat weavers yon want your dollars la go as for as tbey will and vrn 11 help you we ii give yqu values every time whlcb mean economy and satisfaction your wants are always nnr r-jr- and in rfimln rwi for vrmf mw rfwprlng ynu et a certiinly of absolute sallalictlon in every case when in hamilton we invite your inspec tion and approval of our magnificent carpet stock handsome tapestry carpets taiestky cakift in varioui oriental and floral designs and ail the newest colorings 8 besuilful patterns to select from with 34 38 and 34 stairs lo match very special value at tr tapestry cakift 10 wire s borders and 3 4 slair to match 8 beautiful patterns in floral persian and conventional designs la all ihe latest and best colorings and tbii make ol tapestry will give as good wearing results as some linea ofdrusaels that are retailed nl higher prices very special pcc yard tc tapestry carpet in indian peciun and floral designs in shades of olive browns greens reds and blue 11 elegant patterns to choose from wllb 8 and 3 4 stairs to match 60c yard is generally naked for ihls line our price soo tlnelapestkyukuksllb with 5 and 3 4 slalre and mortlere to match in handsome shades of uelglan blue indian red terracotta light blue olive bronie blue and in scroll oeistrral and floral designs ij very choice pah era in ihls lot and good value and at jqc a yard special at ooo beautiful brussels carpets- ilkusselscakpits in floral end conventional designs in greens terra catta blue wood shade and olive 10 really choice patterns to select from this la a grand value for the price per yard fsn ihussblbcaullvr in olouexl effect lu self colorings in blue ceriaeand green shades 9 rldi patterns of floral and conventional designs to select from a splendid wearing carpet per yard o oc brussels carpet in elegant shades of blues cerise awns reds and green with 10 very handsome patterns for you to choose from in rich floral indian and conventional design magnificent values at the price per yard 9100 jl mus iirussils cakpll the very best quality manufactured and selected lpectally for our i ratio in shades of light and dark green reds terra cot i a fawns aiulllghtanddark blue 3 j choice pal terns lo choose from in floral conventional persian and arabian designs a splendid wearing end satisfying carpel in every respect per yard ijll33 jaw thomas c sstatkins king st east cor hughaon st hamilton net price 5 62 net price 2 25 the discount sale opens opens on tuesday morning and wc would advise in early call to get best choicei 15 made up suits- wc shall offer at the same time in our ladies costume section 15 madeup suits all new goods in grey navy brown and black homespuns none of them were less than 8 most of them 10 and 12 to clear this week at 6 for yonrohoicc e h bollert fe co 25 and 27 wyndliam sf guj5lpu new fall dress goods arriving dily w havn now tl finer iispl iy of prcsi goops ever iliown special line worth 50c for c samples on application new frcneli fl innili in atripci or spots 50c per yard heaps of wool blanket at low prices special line of lidie vests at 25c and 35c oil cloths hosiery tweeds flannelettes cottons shirtings 1 owclnifjs extra value in table linen and napkins 6urney co the new store in the new block hcton eyeache and headache eyestrain causes both brugs relieve jonly temporar ily pro perly adjusted glasses remove the cause and effect a permanent cqre satisfaction guaranteed consultation free a d pkietgbxie tvatuualauek guelph k fbij words hbout j w wxoaina irtaoliutl i bank bulldln quulph ont the phlkce drug store acton lo male room for w tarre- shipment oi import xlitas goods we have tlechled to cjcjr a lot ol uools at leas than lialf price and ulfer 100 bopkai paper bound regular 10a at oo tmloh 20q cloth bound booksi regular attynd soo atlbo uaoh or 3 forqoa and a lot uf other ifooks al t ite same totluctloti kemetubcr we uie leaduuartcie for all school supplies iooo bcnbloys just eri rived and ate oktru value wrn brekirie gf talaob dbdo storw auonf ont strples it easy lo lol nam slapld uuods at koitidalores and low itrkee nl others uul ll un lofien you hud ikiiii at ihe hjtim blora as you do ikjim newr wasour at a j jo atocaraoiiivlihift and never have wa beau tihle to offer such excellent values uu we are iliowlnjj in ihu lepiraluout ou flannela in crey ulue iliacl and military flannolottaa lu ill in ami 1 ancy for sklrtu and the douhld widths for bliooflutf shooting wo ahow a miletidldhrtiiiue of bhurlied and uiid ulthuiclted kll widths in plain end iwllled plllowcottono all widths lu clrcuur mid jjiln ul plcs i list have no fancy tln linono towels lomelllna 1 able i luen i ray clolhs o clock lea cloths doylies linen 1 tllow crtaos and sheets ar a rnitge uf prices that is wide enough to suit any teats and any poliol book thin isnt all l or u tiwil k llithiianil yanlv of ukui uml odik colural isttll tl u h au ll 11 ik we part with our furs at prlcci which are not blub hut hlh eiiouttb to emure ihe boat qualllus a part1culaklv i inii uni ok fuks heady in be made up into uarmenls to ibe purchaser s orders also 1 urs remodelled to ihe later styles i he uracil jswjrimpnt of 1 urs ever shown lu cunlph tlie figurea on these ur very ultracilue and we are already anlllnif urd numbers lo early buyers latost stylos in hats caps and cloves at l n e lafontaines wlioltulc nj rclii 1 urtlot ouslph we liivijone to some cx- penbe in engaging our watch repairer and may say we are in a better position now than we have been for years to repair pino and complicated wotchos fcive us i trial sa1tage co fine lluktch rephirsrs cuelph ffitlxy not i thing fur lumfuf tors at a price that is bo a yard a paltry iojhi e macdonald bro the lion cuelph buy your fall hat from nelson7 the ur- todatc furnivher and hatter newest amoricui solf hats latest shades- and shapes front j 00 up latest american stiff hats from s35 up sole jfient in guelph for the celebrated stuyvbsan f uat the latitest new yorlt shape one quality and one price ifj 00 see our bu rane of new fall and win th underwear u every line is up to date r e nelson one price ohly oo wyndham st c u b l ph apjtlitifipftirkfvyti 1

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