Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1901, p. 4

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t dad roughs i had m bad cou tor bik i weeks and could and no relief j until 1 tried ayer cherry recto ml only one fourtn ot llio bottle i hewn ncwlnton ont neglected colds always lead to something serious they run into chronic brqjichltts pneumonia asthma or consumption dont wait but take aycrs cherry pectoral just as soon as your cough be a few dosps wil cure you then i si evid iimt i fiaahnauwm an le ee es oatkttoolowl mass ttb bating 3fohm fee ctoit jfm xcs tnaiisuay ootounn aut idol ofsn tgjg p open ibe door ulln toe sun if tislh bulla or erar on j luliallj rn4of uireijrpe fold and gam 11a uiay oliaafa our eers to diadems open the door 1 opan uta door of the seal 14 in htidda pura ihombla which w 111 bee lab bid thar l ireaud bloom willi a iraee dittos a tut tiialr trull eball ba aareetu then ulet of lit tin opan ibadoorl open tba door of uia beert ul to tjjrinpelfaysweel or eusiieer and kin it will takatbabllauluabaaiiaotlr ttiet angola toy enter answers cpao ibadoorl jjruux wctkly litbrafiy prescriptions the folloltlnfl uterer prescriptions ara reoom mandril m ralnjf rooel itlcsotoos for olaerneea reed meoeplej lor 1nlo eal iluree and jlacoo j or aollun ri h mr and booll inr ooiioleeiiaae read iljkwin and iope for dbllniily ilnoncv reetl mllimi iur o ly f i hlnimii and klillnu loiluit retl hlilapare iil job jur foio fl hnjmin pfaiulu ln v iklt- uuoii and ar for almijilouy rad llurup whllller fttul ilui fur nnmilbh read addlaoil and lit- luornr for inlereal in common tlilntte read aue a eaten f for humour raad oba and mark twin duhonic plaoue judglltit liom marine boautlal repot la there a a oonsldersble increase in tbo amber of bnbonla plague oaaaa dor log ibe yaar indeed lb statistics jual pabluhad at waiblurloo are alarming there a lulleju anj ioorsase id american taril- tory but xlrituh kaal india la eafierlnji iba disease aaamlnl l bo portions ol a cholera pldorolo in kuypt and bomb africa u hu taken a urm hold teblle in china thsre j a palpable decrease oanlury oondlllons la tbe united steles re egsjnei lha rapid apreed of the diss qnarantlok latloai ara nrgad lor ita pra- van i ion bar tears ab a medioine in faiala bunmn taara ara ragarded aa lofalllbla r madia againa oartaio obronlo it iti wh yo want painewalobleryoompouhd cured mr jbeeohinor of bhiloh omt op rheomatibm and b it matters mot how serious your troublea are tho groat compound will per manently cure yon autumn mopth bring rapid cbanifaa dlaaatrotta to all wbo olfa from rhautnatuta 1alna and iortaraa inoraaaa ha fold and daalb raapa hl barvaal from tba taoka of rbaoraauoa at tbla bo la ordar to bava a aaffiolan anpply of taara alwaja oo hand tho prlaau ooluot ham in a aingnur mumr wbanavar that fa a faoaraj tba offloiat- ing priast dlatrlbaua amall apooaa among iba raoaroara wltb wblob ba laatraou tbaaa to mbta laoo tba a a t whlob tboy fa in doty bonnd to abad for tbada af tar tba oaramemy la oar b oallaota tba podgaa wblob ara by that il ma naoajly aaiarktad with laara and oaraf oily aqaaaaa thalr oontaou into a larga bottla wbloh ba than aaala and plaoaa la hia modioli obaat ko florat ar oblajoad aj to tba quan tity of taara wbiob tbo wa ipougaa ylald bat aa the prlaata botuaa ara navai amply il la aaldaol that tba lachrymal gland of iarajan mooraara ara ajwaya raady to comply wllbany damand rblob to ay ba tnada upon tbm ramoulntf ektraorotrry a blona booaa haa jaat baao rmoad from nawoaatla bbaxoti both in jno aylvaola a dulaooa of twenty mlla tba owoar mr blavanaon bavng dapldad to move bia bona which bad coat him 1100 000 aoonlraotor uodartookth job for 135000 tba pel abad brdood fltt- lnga war oarwolly ramovad and tbao tba too block ware bam bared lakan down and loaded pn car tba bona u ra- araotad at bbaroo and lb total oot a aat down at about 180000 canadas lovaltv vbdatcdakaol yorklravallad about canada being aaao by hnndrada of tbonaanda al oloaa rjoaxtara a bo i bar royal paraonagfl waa travailing invaatly dltfaranb fahlon al dunkirk tba osar who waa to a ring frano waa aorroandad by ao many guard that ordlnajry paopl ooold 0oly aaa hlu with the ad 6lflildgla at oomplagna troop olrd tba alraata ol avaryooe bafore ll u daamadaal for llaaau rolar topial hbalnia all tba tnhabiunte of tba elty war ordered to ramaln indoor wblla too our of all tba hoaela waa in tb vlolntty advice on marrlaotl a young man raoantly wrota lo tba adltor of tb laditt fomt amrnalaaklngl what bar yoa to aay aqorjyand fairly to a young roan of twenty nln who la about to marry v in tba octobar journal mr bok tta for hi aoawar it aajlank yolnu ara tba that tba m0 nboad makaj tba woman of hie oholo hia obam m well ae bl wlfa that b aboald abew ha tb blgbaal ooaaldaratlon aj wall aa iov har that ba ahonld rmmbr ibal ba owe bia wlfa lobar bolbar and treat hi toother in law with reapeot at leaat that u abould keep bl wlf informed a u bl i doom j tbat be abodld give bar a regular allow aboe and ibat be aboald be bl hie inaared id bc favof and abore all tbat wbeu ayouugtnaataarrleaba kontrmaoi bmi tbat be uav a world of ejf and anlere into tb world of another abd elf ieople ealdom impro wbaotbay have bo utbii modal bat tbamaalvr to copy altar ooldamltb good eomafl to heart prepared for good but it cannot ooole to heart full of worry and bad hbd aelflall ragret awll llarr if one doea not take ear ouae whole life llpeaweyln tborultig w wnt a aeoond oaraar for praotloe knlou a wla man day i wdrtl a foola ufa aarblo provarb uootiquiy i til aaay olialr of ulj ay frail kl hi ltulldred of people oanjialk for otia vho omi thluk but thousand ou lh ink for one who can m lluwklti mrrror scales etc riicrc was a nun and his mirror said sallow skin and the scales kaad losing weight and his friends did wag their heads as he passed by iut benijj a prudent man lie foithwilh swallowed daily cei tain pleasant doses of scotts emulsion tiun his mirror said ruddy fttv and the bottles sunk beiitath his weight and his friends llwld upon him with aniar nut lh is no fnblo but is truo ihutory w ii h 1 1 u a llll i lf ii yuuliv mi ii iiowfjk t iutl rwta auoer cranl thai ibera era atui people nnramllur wllh ihetalaphona la f roved by the reeant axperlaao of aoerllln man a wlahed to have laupbnnlo oonnecilon between bl loue and a new nni built for hi eon aumtii reamann tim boat nu took the wire or iba cotiaiie of an old lady to whom he htd aptillei fur par iaalou til make the allfbt ne cit hrr roof thai waa neoaaaary tbeuld lady u liar oonaanl but made a orm aupulalloo al tha iimi time im willing yon ahoul 1 run wlrca over my roof and litioh em wiarvar you aeo fit alia aald plaaeantly pro i jed you don t em afur nine o clock at night that a my bedtime and im a light aleepor at beat and lh nolo of folka talking overhead would be aare to krap p twain unimpeachable if you ware o llle untqoalud vein mo juuunlmpaobalilo lmllmonyjnfaii5l ilooda baraaperllla yon would upbraid yoorarlf for ao long druylng to take thu affective atternatlvo and ion la medialne tor tbat blood dlaeaee from whtah you are auf faring i aradlcataa aorofula and all other humor and ejirawedlihalcaberard and out a affaou take ilooda if yoqavreaeufferer from any form of rhanasatlam oast aalde tho medicine tbat yoa bare ao long experimented with and teat the virtue of palo celery com pound tbat great apeeiso for rhautuatlaoi that haa worked aoob marvallooa care la ip p permaoeally oared after ave year of nfferlnrt nrgea the afdlalad to qae lb remedy tbat aaved hi life lie aaye for five aar i an flared from sciatica end rbaauatlam at time being ao bad tbat i ooald not walk or put my band to my month if i attempted to tlo any work i woold be crippled for week i took ta ad leal traaeaaant patent roedlelna turklab and mineral bathabat ell felled to meet my cm i teled iaiaee celery compound end afur ualng alx bottlea 1 feel like a naw man and can do a bard day work and feel bono the wore for 11 i hav ajeo gained in walght and cab truly aay 1 am permanently oared atmughters danger a chatham mothortollj how har daughter who was troubled with waak heart action and run down system was restored to health every mother who haa a daughter droop ing and fading pain weak and hauoea whnaa bnaltll la not what it ought to be hould ritad tho following atatemant made by aim j- h heath 30 hlohmond btreet chatham out bomntlmeagol got aboxof alllbume if cart and norve fill at the central irag btore for by daughter who a now 33 year of age and had been afflicted with week action of the haartforsoonalderabl length of time thee pllla bay done her a world of rood re a to ring- atrong healthy action of ear heart improving her general health and giving her pbyafcal atrength beyond our etpectatlona they ere a a pi end id remedy and lo any ons suffering from weakneu or heart and nerve trouble i oordlally recommend tliem r mllbumanoart and nairn t11u are 60 acbox or 3 for ltt5 at ail drujgista tb human heart tsounh very aanaltlve oa beef a world of nffarlng before it brea its ao pleaaant to take that children cry for it bat its ear death to worm of all kinds tjrrjoweaworm byrop tre vi cent all dealer- ko matter how you fvl the wla eoura i lo go ahead and do your duty how thin tea look do you lik to beer tvy if not tak boolte kmulatoo twill oil oat yoar saukan eye hollow cheeks and tbln band why not bates plump figure do not lit disease a leal a march on yoq lu yonr palleno are atrong mr 13 i browning dont soryet about your corn care tbara in on night by palmati infractor il lalure lafe peio lees guamnteed to our or yonr money uok lillarty and duty ate inseparable lruu if i ought i can kent castoria for infants ud ohildren tub tlaul abjamem duzzsz learning without thought l labour lut thounht wlthuul labour i fmillca oou tuolu v xliere are w many oiiughniwll ulue in tha market that ii i noiualliuae dimcult lo tall wbluh to buy i but if w lie j cough a ould or auy aqjletluu of tb lhrot or iuum mi would uy iliokua antlcou budiptue uyrup tliua who have used ll thluklt later eleduf all other preper lion iracommaiidad for aoob thmipleluu thellul folk ilk ll as it 1 aa pleaaeut a ay i up yoiir faith muat be oue your aotloua uu aud una the beiluar uiiitor whloh you com bat ueslul bolld loul tim heat clohl fill do ojrecjdvilujoo bstmase 100 we gnsrantee perfect esusawlloa globe optical co 03 yongw rsjt toronto her stipulation onlyo what anln bog he has lalhas tba ahogahaad full il brain 7 a business mens backs tk nxich ruali and buatto work ami wirryful to the- lot 1 tho oviraio i m lucre man kilneya rant atund it j ihnyftillo filler tho kilaiiila from tho lilood projnrly urinary tmithln niinrellaniiloraiid pain in tho back rue thn natural roiulla a man ovnt attnnd to hnslnom ritflry if hia back ochoa no uao trying euro remedy thai tiovcr fjlla doans kidney pills take nlilnt frjjt ijbihj it ivrhotive used thnntl rtltttmaknn tjoart r kidnnr 1111a i procured ct tho medtael iiojl hare for theiimatlam end palm lit tho a mull of my hock wllh whloh i hav xm n for tbo peel alx yeero tltoydld me so much cooil that i heartily roco n oud tbom ai enezoellenttiiadlcltiaforrh iimilio trouble end beoksclie ctlisuts o 1iiskv ioelar la agricultural implements ottilia oft doeni kill iiny i ilia euro hackacho lama or week back bright j disease dlaietaa dropsy graval anillvnont in tho brlno ton frmjuaiit rlalngii ct night rhanmatlaui aml xcekno of the lildnoya l nhlllreu and id iwople llemambor the namn natia i i rttuae all othora tha jioan ichluoy ihoojoronlo ont- tinning lores mr stephen wescott rreeport ns gives the following experience with burdock blood bitters i was very much run down in health and employed our local physi cian who attended me three months finally my leg broke out in running ores with fearful burning i bad thirteen running sores at one time from my knee to the top of my foot a it tho rnedteinotocrkrdielne no good so i throw it aside nnd tried ii b when one half tho bottle was pone i noticed a change for the better and by the time i had finished two bottles my leg was perfectly heal ed and my health greatly improved vr nga v it f ip h fas of induatry a good estate franklin rior throat slid hoarsrura willi thalr etteudaiil dannars may be apduy avrteiland reiradled by the use of nrvlllo uxoelladkto gargl with un time batur than a mustard plaatar end more oonvaiileot for the ouultl mar vlllne penatrata the llaua luatanlly too tba lh pain allay inflammation and cures soretbroalaud hoarasuejl imply be cansr that what ll u made for tha larite 35 oaotboltl o narvillne u ujbioii ed as a hoaihohl llnlnleut it cure evary thing bold by a t llrown the prndance ot the beat haad i oftau defeated by the latiilarneu of the beat of heart flaldlng sick headache- food doesnt digest well appetite poor bowels constipated tongue coated its your llveri ayers pills are liver pills they cure dys pepsia biliousness 2s all ilroixuu t imi4 iwauuful buckinghams dye tor abstnoe of oooupallon le not rt i mind jolts vacant la a mind dlilraased cowper magyar t yellow oil i prompt to rellave and aure lo cure coughs ooldv aor throat paiu lu the oh oat boaraeuss rjuiuaeyet irlca 2d coiitl tbore- i uothluj iu which ood braed ing i keen ao olrerly as iu a dalloale regard for the feellug of oilier peoptr douotdtliy in galling relief fur the utile folk uolhar craves worm kitr mluator i a pleasant and aor our if you lov your oh ltd why do you let 1 suffer whan a remedy is ao hoar at hand f coajrae parent uaed not be aurprlwd if thalr chlldrau ashihlt au utter lack- of re fluniaut the drugfliu are aerved that the moat reliable coru and wait e mover is iutttiana patiilaa coru and wart tlitraolor whloh ba beeu md with una versa sallsfsotlou for more hun thirty yaari we raoomniaiid putliieu bolj by a t llrown lack ot revar nee fur jod and oods law belreyti a dulluee and oradity of uiqial ua lure government approval of the spramotor h ayae-aaeftk- fchej tuhiam tlfia juil- t utlw14 w- mriuus if yuu slu ly ika ailte u yuiuie j uhlaniu m 1 u1j mutv j ike lj u ciij of ll- vuli kimt- llh out uiiwikuiu vmtri4cm al lllluri tal iti 1 1 jj- ij1 ef astl bliur iwwlo 1 un siil pleatiilu maliui ul il sw efdj diy- ctiiy li fatltmiwil john urvuacwuljuf akuliwa tua f lee hmmolf touill hi lu- lr oluu tuc i kiuarlur apilylan titpt j ankulih otu oouimion ta rzrrztrs uwua nl t- m uj m tjlgulkllkitaij u ottouawoiiniow ctiuqijuilbm4ilin qu i kiv taii h lui l liilt f ii it ms4 be fyituuiua tfcll- lu in rtl ashifellaa j a louiukk u v1 piw i urt lkuvwatjr v kuiola xrw i bp vteujti nh kotahltuukorr tr4au ulua uuuny j a wiba a tll uj wlih yottt ktljou la the spramotor co london out al tk ni m en t swatl lniealer taaaiulag ihk hpafe matueta t lo lie baa -evktv- j iyi work whtto 3 on cicniji without unnh agrlpa or jaliifiitjfj bllloua- ifrn coiiatlpatlon alcli iod ll vck aohe and dyapelpalnsud jimke nil a c you- fool bettr lit the ttioniilig rillo trice 300 at ejl drugyuti lf a door aint liaed ofsn the hinges l aeon git ruaty landanoyof catarrh i to apread juat a light mailer at tlrtt and because alight neglected but the ad sown bring forlb s daligaraua harveal conauoiplloti whioh lalhehtrvaat of daath hatter spend a few momaul aaoh day inhaling catarrho son an aromatioantl avpllo that rsllava at oiicaclcara tb llaaal paaaagr ant rt- store loatene f tusiidiidellth immsdiale effaotof oatarrhoxone is mul al ao prompt siideoloiejil curelacartalu and perm ana tit if you uao oatarrbosone frio 1 bmsll sue 05 oant at drug gist or 1olaon a co klngaton out hold by at llroo will dltltlon that do not move the haarl of the suppliant mora the heertrot omni potence tthonipeoti a bottle of dr j d xqltoyga dyaatilery cordial in thalr poaaaatloil as change of water oooklng ollmste ate fraqueutly brlug on aammir qimplalnt aul ihird a nothing lik balng taady with a aura remedy al hand whlab oflautlma save great auf faring ami fruantly valuabl llva this cordial haa gluad for itaalf a wide spread rpulallou for affording prompt rellaf from nil ummr oompulut kumomyvf the good gsalua whoa praaauca guhlra the footatap of avery pro imroua man hr wl ivrroal illl poaanai tha powor of aol lug apeolnoally upou the diaaaaad organ sllmulsliug to action tb dormant energies of tb taui lharehy removing diaearr in fact so great i be power of lha mad- icinairrcleanae end parity that disease of almost ovary name and nature are driven from the body mr d carswalloarewall v 0 oat write i hav triad iarm lva 1111 and find them ait axosllent med icine and on thai will tell well nothlug u aver done beautifully whlab 1 done lu ruelihlp nor nobly whloh 1 done in pride iluikln btlll another triumph mr thome b dulten hauderlatid wrlle for fourteen years i waa filleted with piles and frejl uently i waa unahl lo walk or sit but four year ago i was otirod by ualug dr ihoniaa lioleotrlo oil i have also bean aubjact lo ijuiuay for over forty yr bul ecleutrld oil oursd it and it waa a pnntn out cure lu both oaaaa aa neither the pile nor iultay have troubled ma aluoe the houae al a tidy ionian and a inollon to ad jour 11 ar alaj lu order dunlop all kinds oi rubber tlr for all klndfiof vehicles dunlop wojclo tire iniuinatio cnrrlugo tiro bolld llubber curriage iirre invalid choir tires tlna fur ushy currbige the dunlop tire co uiulted tononto atuullou tu tb woill of hoiueorath medlulus has been ita vry sou roe of pro greas aa in polillos and religion the dif auului of opinion and the individuality inuulnv beeu parent lo the uluagree meiit by whloh thu btaudard these bodies have hu eluvated oo wlllv nioal of our famous preparations foremor lu il lualrallou of which trulh alaude tha world faiuauu remedy to geiioval dahlltly and aiiauir qiilnlii wins and whlab when obtainable in it ganulnu ilrunutli i a mlraoulouu creator ot siiiwllu vitality ami stimulant to the uanijn fertility of lie ayatem quinine wiisti alj ha hu pruvuiiibiil liaii from the first duaovory of lh ureal virtue of quinine a a nudlcej egaiil lii juj of the uiost lhorouljly dfaauaaad ruinedus ever uttered to the pub ua it i oue of ihir ureal lotiloe and and natural life- ivlng sumulaule wliluh he medical profession hsveboeii on in pal to reonuls and preseribe msaera norll rup and lyuiau of torouto have glveu to hs preparaliun uf lhar purs qllliilitd wins lbs great care due to it important mild lha htalidsrd aioellauo uf thu article which bey otter l the pulllu oouifae into lh it srkel purttdd uf all lbs defeat whluh will 1 utearvetuil and aol- u ulln opinion are pjlntadbut its thtliu ptrfttr prapara lloue if lliu letter iia the door with the ruly liingae ihvl duaa the nioal sipjaakin ohildren cryfor castoria the tllo ohip8 op the pabt gitfauuo as are the aca montleil devand by the moilarn shipwright have col reach 1 llio dimensions of the mitnntyafual at irialan legend wboae meats were ao hlgi thai a boy sent aloft lo bear a hand ramr down a gray hnadrd man whose darjk waa ao apcltiii that lha captain hd ti gallop about on biiraebank in kivm tla iflar and whote lanulb was en great that whan ewinginif in the ohaii1 her alern oreppetl lhe elida if albion while bile her ixiwapri awept the fnrle at 3atale llul we have exoeixud in loim renla thn dlmnnaloiis of itiilamy a great ahlp wtiloh wa four hundred ami twoyly l lontf fifty seven feet broad end eeventy two fact in depth of hold and whloh carried four thousand rower and three thousand iitarlnae bealja unnumbered soltlurs and paaasiigor of the ureal hlp of lllaro king of flyraouee tin dimanalona have not riled t bat the was a lasit aa large ak ilolsioya oonalderlng that the freight tritar00rrttrewinrstjf nrrrtrrlootml jar of salt nh 30 000 talent jrtng1iruf wool and of tilhor cargo 20 000 talauta in addition to lh jfuwlaioiia rnialrod by the raw and lhat khn wa ao large thai ho harbor in bullv rotili contain her thia prublani or harbur accommodation i one til i 1j l troubling tha owner uf modern ateeiu mouular end i placing a limit on ihoirgruwth moitlhltf jtlru a natuiiau cuiiu what la tho remedy fur pivarly t demanded the lecturer lu thun lor lone lib paused for a rej ly and duilu llio pauae a man in tho rear of the hall uried out you m lnh i try the otd euro flick headaohr however kniiobiu sti dlatreaaltuf la ihwitivtly uurnl by laia- liver litla ihy are rey lo lake and never gri the atreiikh of a man virtue le tat u be measured by the efforte he make under praaaura bul by hi ordinary coiuluot help tho ovirwo rkod heart is the great engine uhlch pumps hfo through your ayuei hard prcued omr- tsjted groaning under ll loot became 1- naao visa clogged t pr annem a curn for he heart u nature lubricator tunl clatiier end dally domonatrale id heiri1iirerrst that it la the safett turcul and nioit apecdv remedy that medical science knowt 67 hold by a t drown dont mak light o yar own work folks are likely lo bellevs ye ibll sd el phi a u cord south amorloan rhoumatlo ouro ourei rhoumatlsm it in safe hannlcet and nc iiicl khc almost instant rellnf and nri ahilulo cure in from nnq n hirrg davit unrke wonders in moat auirwtfay- 1 form 01 1 nculo form o 1 rlinuniatliu unit mans lealtmony i spent 6avrela 1rbcd lo6ra coiitmanclng its ute 4 uoitiu cured me 66 hold by a t drown its a atnart fallar hot 111 how good tha feller wa thet licked him have you eczomn7 hove yoa any ikln dlteate or rnplinna are yoa subjoct tb chafing or scalding df aijiow a ointment prevents and cures any and all of these- ami curt itching dleoding and wind pile bothlo ona application brin9 relief in ten mluulci nnd cac cured in three to six nlht 35 cent i bold by a t drown many a fellers fell in the mud while hs wui look in at tha 111 oou hut thats bet- tern never lookln at all uttlfj bravej time tuiusrtor- abojt purgerarn quilting tho field in whole ballalloua dr agnow a jliilla till at 10 centiu vtal are driving them out utull point dcau they net gently more effectively never pain and arc easy to tale sick ileadacha luccumh lo one dose 69 ijoiij by a t llrown a woman dont never try to jrlve a lialj with a hammer f there a a nail bruih ny- whera arouud dr affnews oatarrhaf powr dfj hav w h main put or cf ho haptut kmsnuel church iluflalo ivoe strong teitlmany for and u a firm imlicvef in dr agnew catarrhal powdor ilnlu trtexl 1 hi 11 y litnlaof retnrlua without uiail after ualng dr agnowaotarrlial powdor i was benafilcdat once ara hi vnrd ii la wonderful remedy 50 cent 6s sold by a- 1 drown in luoky that a feller weak spots aint all where they oari be eeu indigestion that rnohaoe to human happlnoea puilru in in eu4ull nltl tin retrvfcl if 1 i wtoii h11 luct itscoimiurrrlii botilli auieiilin nrrvirn- ilu 8at tioiiuch ami iirfo icim ly iiunulitci igration toiiit llle licrvli hi h ciiliiiiiii n drive mil imfiurllitff dltvl cinicullui 11 ml ulride ibck uicgluw of wrka in ilili iur hurtjrlfo thionlci tlut hue i illlctl phy- tkuni ib ffnld by a t drown its mighty eay lo find hasp o fsult where there aint none at all oo bpesolatflata on tho oao in the ordinary run of medical practice a greater number than this have treated coke of chronic dyapeptu and have failed o cure hut dr von blan pineapple lablett 00 in a bo at 31 cent coat hava made tha cure giving relief lu one day ihese little apoculuu have proven their rcl merit 73 hold by a iv drown many a foliar loat his grip becua he hopped to iplt on hi hand boo oleu a oryo holp anoln in llio back isftcryol ihakitlimynf irlielp south amcri can kidney guru la thetiiilycure thstlun t ft failure written ngainit it in utoi of urlgltt a illwate dlaheu a intlamhiad nil llu bladder grew i and oil r kidney ail ments donratnloct tha aj irnntly inu g- uiiicaut algtw this jumfrlul llipiu apeclfio frnvbifl oiulcurc 70 butj by j t drovui theres una ihlnu sf fulka dout talk about ya they don l gat h ohtnot lo plok flaws lu yo if jwp1 would only tfat oouliis and onhls in time with dr wood norway llua hyrun tlioio would be fuwur homoe dusouu lhfcevurestoaiiihii uinl cold bronnbllu aml croup and the ural olayuj of oiilump lion yield readily tu till tumuiful lung hiuilliiil ruimuly llmlwhatmre thiw carurnorlhivort out kuouil loinjit auuvuro ouulwliloli setllud on my ihiniraiul lungs so tlisk it oould uosrovly bikiau 4iikivh a whuikir i also had u uirrlbu nougli wbluh my friends thtmght wutiltl imiiui me tu my gravu x ltll difficult reimlm birt all hua to du mi any gmul until 1 tnnu dr wundn nor- wny 1ine ttyiupand the imiiilenul uf oue botllo oompletoly ourul me j iheree twu weye althl up in hie wtirld une by illniblii nvr it is fuiioe an thw olhoc by urawllu under ui what is jnxs castoria cohtorla 1 for infixnta autl ghlldrorit cojitorin in u lmrinlchh hubiitltuto tor castor oil parefforlc irtih uixl booth ing byrupn it coatalru noltltor opium morplilno nor other nitrcotlo substance it is imcatuuit itii kiiuriuitco is thirty years uso by millions of muthtirti oimtorln destroys worms and allay fovoruh- newt oomtorlu ctircs dlarrhooa and wind colic ciuitwrln rlrovcw fkthlgihhlbj7urconatjpjitlqii uiill llutnluncy ctuttorla l jfoo rofftiluua th stomach and iloivcut of infojiti and children tflvhitr ilicnlthy and natural rilonp cajitorla is tho childrens ianacc the mothcrrl irlcnd grand tnunk fallway mall 1ft oje 11 jla u ul 11 ki r it in alall t 11 1 11 iti 1 wi ioi si l a j a r id u a 111 11 iv j tn jo ui 111 iuli 1 1 iom 1 w ii inu wi t u ilia 11 ai 1 1 1 l lolliif 1 aal ul in in all ii l tlile-lim- ul 1- osl lb lu0 hi t 1 uuwt castorio aalerl la all aarciuiit rilnllclna fo clillloil xlulbce ilmatrilly lu tu uf it 100i ffnl u tblr chit ircti us o t oeooon mj ae i costoria m is u wll aupjrj clilm thai i treomtorau it a buimiw lu sy prv ecrlptiua known lo me i ii a ascmksu b jlmwim jv y the facsimile signature of i aoton movhiuu anil itimiair kliops 111 mt iiiiijl i i i ril srlaiillnial imliuuh uta an to do a kltulauf tm ottlutf bikjaaalioaliiiaiulaa4v blaekainllliliib- wuulnnt roaa iwrnrliled n aaatlafaou ry tuauur wo cea riwlr aim macblh mr- lavfilm lumniliig aul nilnir sun savings- and loan go hhadoffiar tohonto ont jurcorsd csnitsf 6000000 oo appears on every wrapper tie njd6rsqn st go we cordially extend an invitation to the ladies to attend itajl js opening on wednesday october 2nd and followin da miliinerv mantlui dnus goods furs ladius skihts and waists kuadytowhar clothing iou men boys and ciiildhkn henderson co xing of them all 1 king qunhty ihoe 1ms been awarded tho gold medal tho highest uwartl ut thd paris kx position wliero hundreds of titakefl from uie bcit slvoe jfactories of tlio world were uso shown the lady who wears a king quality wears the beit ltdles shoe in the vvorjd bcjuty offmisil handsome dcilpn perfect fjt appearance nnd comfort with tha prica fight made by the 0 d king co limited toronto glbhring sjtlub op furniture at cos j a speight co have decided to cfear out their stock of furniture all line at cott nrices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any room in the houbei a short time will be al lowed for payment ol goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speights co waruroomu foot of willow st hcton tu cutcu tiro kjo juitl the mind at tlio sawn iimo is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only hook dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle oflilial authentic che ip sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not necessary kund for free outfit and make money ths bradlevcarretbon co limited brantfofd ont ten year timturtly tharc tirr ulil monll inlalmrnla ol 50c ier liar fur 130 monltii vlion payment cui vuo aid in malurlly value 100 00 money lo loan at 3 hiralslil loan or reayable in montlily instalment nn nnlrrv catloil lo r j mcnabb aont aoton w berber bugs paper makers georfietown is rjl onlarid colohsd f7tirs john xi barbe a fiuo showing of p35ll fhbrics ion trousers top coats and suits come early ami cioom from a complete clock wm m cooper mtfmciiantlalloit mlu sthlkt kcton n ite pateht gooil idaas najr lm eocured by ear alj adilrvaav the partar aecord pltotoekcravwg hautiweea or any class of erngravwg for advertising pvrp9ses catal9gvye5magazimesac jljonesigg i68baysttoronto our 1 ittiinit t k e tail any one mtnllui aketcli suit il of nuy tuvenlii a will 1 loiitlly receive our utiiuiuii fr cuntinld lie tmlriila illlly of aaiiie how tu uutalu a wtcnl witt uinii 1 t lelrola kmeo tlirouuli uaaiwitlicn r aule at oir isiltiiu taken out llikhiah ue mclve iittcla 1attimr itkiosd so ulii4tr ultl a 1 ii widely lirulauj jnual cotimillc i liy llmiufuitiiifiakud luvcaluie ueud lor u 111 lit tl y frck ail lie victor si kvams v oo uttat attorney patents jpromptly 5ecured1 wille w mil- liilrrialliiir ka tnwl 111 u ant llaw yeti ere eulndtetl keuslt akalxli ur knwll f v ir iii altulalls merited eppiuetufe tiavcrfi xail ucvtuly tnuctilttt ly cutilut fully aiiuli im i till re in klitntrrat slut witli 1 1 ulini tlilulllluaiuti iiii4 ly ulwult uov uiul i illi ariuic i eltiile eewuutaallicliivunlluii llliru u cieiuraa aleiile iwoturr i itin iiiii atlnn h ill tlun rialve kaculiuitlfd wltlinut cuarve in vr llkl uvwaliikib luilillllltlv hill llulkuut ritiiiiltircia marion marion patient enriejtu uiiu coltoltore ko yeano- experilincc t11auic rvtaijkj dr ana covmiatitti c lliistilltatllilijll in air jnl i i- iiiriiojubu ui umtearlutirr nrl j- iui i- h 1 ul ils mill til i i lludll ft lhllll 1 i klnile tk- t li uti uutiii ti r ire tmu4uu4 willi ml tui uiliij scientific american ahrltr llltll mm fnil lr-

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