Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1901, p. 2

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ruamal hi felhere hoina lot in eon i ataqueelnf mi friday ffth november llooert o hukudr auhtlonnrui ikavl1 huk bemei iml v eete end 1 mo i lib ft l i tjlijc eclair jfm nrss tlhllthllay novkmiikh wih 1001 ud 1 ohial notes hi itluluuur mi of dmt roil wuk in ontario ivint ti be rf xhium already ioe fifth if hi lownalp uf th 1rovlnon hav abandoned that ytait ami alojui he cash oomrnun latitat v ur rioraa i wallace wn uoralnaud by lhcouurvllv- of waal york on hat- ordey lo oonteel ti t vacated h th death of lion clark wallao al i tli candidal m brother of lb lata mam bat tbo ojrwrul aatoouuoit of thl ooqul decided at ft meeting uf bo umallx held la ml won 1t wk hot to plea a candidal id lb md for cm tam this conclusion wa trilij at id view ot ih daelarmllou uf uon o v holhtlblrovlooil aleouou will not ikka plsoe baforo noil june tb canadian uovaipmebt luud oom- pcftlnt that bur bonjibt for lbs brltub xrsy were htppd from lb united but pott rtpftmtd tiilba war offio thai th ahould be blppd from canadian porta aa a mult of tbla th war offloa baa ordered that all canadian bora t booth africa moat bo shipped from canadian port preparation for tba coronation ar advancing rapidly ik bi probable that that will ba lb moat reprattv embl ot tba reigning bouse of eorop known for a generation tba oerman emperor will ba prawn t and tba ktnperorof atutru tba klnr of italy iwglqm bwoean portrijftnd dan mark hav ccptd invitations according to cor ran i report the royal train li being xblblted by tba canadian paciflo railway to plaam tba datural earloalty of canadian who uk pddurarail4rttm tba finaat trahvfo the world only tba limitation of british railway prevented it being aaot aero tba atlant for royalty uie at homo it f built on too larr 1 feritiab angornenle- tba proceed ol ajmlaaion wtl go to charity canada raises the fiw- est poultry a liverpool irnportar wartt a thouaand perrnrrto band hlrn fowl wants boooo prom canada jatraa unddln reported to ba lb iargat commission man in liverpool aod lo ba worth 110 000000baa wiltlan ulur to tha author i tla at lb ontario ariiaollaral ciur omlpb whloli wlllfca tnaplrinr lo ontario paopla who tlilnk of fiolng iqlo tba poultry baalrtaaa fir ltoddlo haa ihia rllopaotl a frbidv in toronto for re ofivlntf fowl and for cold aloratt ptirpcaaa and baa now many lhouiaoifa of llrda auinfl tha hon1ih gbrutma rnarkat tluma of ihom ba roolrd frotn 4h o a 0 and ba wrlloi ai follow t tmmluy i bat in my taparlaiioa of over forty yoara t hava novor mat with any i man wliocan turn oat potftry in to good a ouiidltiun aa tbaoblokana th from yoar oollj tby iro or edit to yoa in ovary raadaci botb oolor faedlng kllln ato 1 only wlkb i oodtd ret 600 or t 000 paopla at dlfferant polnla in canada to turn out poollry in lb aama fumoa i would bo only too rud lo hara ibo qpport unity of tiklntf ail bay hh f hop to hato tbrouith yoar catahl lab moot at ooalpb fifty tbooaand baad naxt yeaj of almlllar jollity to thoao rooawad tbu yoar mr ttoddltr baa boon la toronto for bomo day col kbrns euvaror des troyed tho bulldlnff ontl voooo worth of urnln conaumad by plr about onaooloak saturday morning or brokaoot in wm kama a coa ori uvator at dnt ling ton and in a abort urao tb ballding waa t maa of rulaa tba origin of tbo or i ft myatary bat lo thought to ha bn inoaodlary tba olovalor oonlalnad 10000 baahau of wbaat tb vlll4i r daprtmnh workaj well and tba watar aarvlom war good bat tba boat tha flramaqcoald no wu to kaop th fir from apraadlng tbrongb iba village thrao boat hoaae baar th olovalor war daatroyadoobolooglngto joaapb aokland eontalning 0 row boat and another owned by t a lapatoarol bad one boat tha boabl wore borned karna a co- will loo oonaldorably tba grajn waa loinrad bat tba inanruc on tha baildlng waa light tha loaa li atlmalodftt 10000 of which two thonaand laonth building and th romalndar on th eontoota all balog oovarod by hunr- uw a follow building 3 o00 com iittl t n hiftww t the ljktt bdwaiid nicklin ciqoa of lora onil honorablt crr hlf century tn acton toiay tb bordaijfrrmdbdf tmgft ontabet of lb loading citloa of tbo unllad btfttoa wllthftto nprmanutlrf in wash ington dalagftlea to call open tb troaldent and aojlcil hit intoraat in th mailer of olomr relation batwoan tha uolted bula asd oanada tb intention u to bat blm laoorpormt in hl maaaag to con- rtiwi alroog raoomnundatiod for aooh maanr aawlll maka poaalbhi ft falro irad polloy toward canada tb ulaagow idtarnfttlanal exhibition eloaad on balarday bight altar ft rcmark- ftbla roord of floanolal aocoaaj th ggrogat attandanoa haa bea nearly doabla that of tb provioa exhibition and th groa raoalpt wax largaly in axcaaa of thoa of 1b88 thar will bo ft handaom orpin at tba dupoaal of th town corporation whan all lb xponae bav oaoa mat thanh haon do aaorlfioo of bootoh prloolploa for tho rau bav boon cloaod ovary banday tha bnaloa rnanagamnt ha haon oxootunt and thl rnoat prorroaalvo mnololpalltr o tbo xlnlttd kingdom ha profiud lo wany way by lti ftaufprur haapaur ha pad ft bylaw to prohibit xpootnratlng on tb aldawojk or opoo tbo floor of puoea of worablp or pobllo houdinga and otbar boo of anurtajo- mot hotabi twunmiu abop ofuo4 os trpoa tb ftpproaohaa tbarato or upon th floor of alraaa oar hack oah omalboaoaor olbar pqbllo ooovoyabom th bylaw fixad th ponaity of broaklng tb ftot at bo lhan on dollar or mor than tan dollar for oh offono oommllt- a aoloo ahonld follow ilea pa we ox amp la thbt raapaet wlh allgbt modlfioallon porbapa bat aboau ftd4 rtqomt thai all udia dlacanl ihd trailing aklrta whfoh awoop opao many abomina tion and dlawaprodaalogrm thatarlrtcomrolttootof lb canadian uanafaolarora aaaoolatlon nal sir wilfrid laorlar ftttd aoreral olbar aflnlaur at monlraal lait thuraday and proaanud a potltloa urging th inoraaa in th laxlf on woolun good air 1 w elll tbuu iraaldaul a a 11 kltr-arj- h ba bad moat aftuaiaoiory lolar- vuw with tha marnhor of th oirntnont ai prant in thl city in fact i dont think oar ftaooolftlloa vf had ft mor plaaaant oonfarano with ulolatar ol th crown thy ahowad th kaaoeet la tho tnaiur nndor dloolon and amad to tborooghly ftpproiu tb altnatloa bom of tb blggat abiou each u tb lnor- 4 demand on woollen wr not axhanal ivaly dioaaowvowlod tb irapooalblllty ot oomnlauly oovarln tho ground lu tb umatoor dlapoaal w ar wall ala- fld bowaaar with th oanforanbo lfot taaw tlmo ft btimbor of our olllxaua hav n inuraatlng lhamaalvaa lu th atfoiu of tha national uanllarlum abadcla tlortlo provom ihaipraad of oonauuiutu ftnd to aotaftllab tnoao for tb tratuaiit ftnd ban of thoao bfillolad wllb thl tlj4 whan tla understood that tba boajuu of lh provluo hav olod thalr door ftgaloal oouaomptlv and that oo allth of th daaah from j1 oaut ftra du lo tbl duaaa tb pnblld guf rally will turaly wwakaa tj th baooaalty for tklbj ftafuio lo provont tbla dl rom uklug lb akwr of our young manhood and womanhood juit whan tbay at nioai valuabl fta hum and lialluu bulhur to tbl ud a luoal aaaooittlou ha b formau ftud ut urdr i wi information ftma taaalliigj uf oltlaauo will bo bald kiaat tuday avenlug lu lh town hall fallow lorf th lnallng a naitiraa of our oltlam will b mja to awiur iun1 for lb purobaa utid biulpmut of mu act tit hadlu h y 4 huapltl ur touaumplub at qrawuhurbl tb vulpl f lb brotherhood uf man a wall u thalgf t cpraoarvatufii u lituld lu ahu m iw tuaot footftaeh 1urad in ima mluut nut only toothache but ftnv itarv piln i inalanuy ourod by tolaon karvlllnv tbouaaoda bftva tavtlnad that it towarful panairatlug pain aubdulug pfopartla rrakal ll so ftbololdurfor dauralgurbaa maturo tootbaobo orampa oollo and all otbr pain ftnd ah that bab mankind th world u halungd to njoj mrvtlln a ft bo itargo boltlo u tmnto tdnbyltt vltormst- 000 mnohtr i 1 000 gor mi 11000 commercial union 13 000 coo naollont osprinqb a vary aarloua aooldant bofal mr kdwl awroy lot ibooijj erlowbuo returning from church uat sunday kltornoon wbiudrlvbifdowd tho hill on lhasndlin bftar hi homo on of th trao hooam loo and th hora ran awfty mr and urv awray and lbli littl tbryroia girl war thrown oftt end tbay all aaaulu ed aailou injuria mr awray had ha ffto oat and brulaod and hi ug badly apralnod mr awray and the little girl tacowfld wound on lb head and both wr randorad uuooraiotii borlou r- utl hav bn tea tad but up to tb pre at tb injured one ra lowly bat favor ably progrcatlnff oeorobtovvn llat uugb uaolaau a former jiaator of tb uaibodul ohhroh bre died in tor onto on toaday agd 71 year mr arnolfj th aotoo qlovo manafao tuteha parchaaad tba veoant lot t th corner ahov bpolgbt drjrady maohlna hop ll will commotio building oper- auon on hi daw factory immediately troop mntloy addred ft aoroowbal lira abdiano lat friday avonlag in tb town hall but ao plad wera tbo premnt with bu apundld tcoltal that an effort u belug tnftd to have him mak ft aeoond vult tn bajqitboj ba bn given tb vacant room at th 1obuo bobool a ft plan for praouoe hot lby most fegr not to uaa lobaooo in any form whll tbar evflrton tb kp worth xagn bora wllb all thiln leaguer read th book of matthew dor- logtbemontholoctobar than followed th young xaople a day tbu7tb lh piator hjctaged for uoloa raaettnsa th three xiftagoe of lb olroult mat together drat ftl hothel than ftt kverton nd theii at tho wtou ohdroti tueaday wedneeday nd friday night rpotlvaly th -h- am proved ft grand auaoa bix paper or ftddreeee war given aob bight hitbr- aperard wllb obolo albglng making vry interesting arvio inded uunday tb 8rd lul llav a tovell of guelpb praobd morning and veil lug in tba dlaolplt church hero lla mr ztlemmlug being ftt cleveland- uj uutfalo for ft few day 1u mr pawlu vlelud ut uiuiur of hi oongrrgetlon bete holding prftyef tuet lug ftl tb bom of mr adam wetberaloti laat week w are eorry w did not havs trooper mulloy leoofhar a fw ward favored by hearing hint in hookwooj mf lioitap bk baerl maklug bqlii i provemanu in th tnlll itrlday evening lh upworth lague her wont tweuly itroug lo ltookwood and took ohajfg of tbarvio ther it wan ft beautiful night ftitd all enjoyed the drive s wu lhtiefvluo uwkwiwl tr our youug pupu right royully mivlny luuub h iim oloe of tile ultmlilltf w axpaot lo rluru th ootilillinuitt nn wtw ue uy mvauing th jo ih wh thay will nonduot th lueeli ngi4 lblauuurri wrlookiug forward m ft proflifchla and enjojll- tlm thu uuat chiiiutmab olpt koi a ltttlu montv ufcul ftl u year tiubaorlpilou to th lyoix ciuut for 1j il will buy lb iwu buiiilrtd unit flty yaaojuftliug bloil in the new vuluiuu for 1u0j f u willbiiy thu tllly lulurtfcliun iiuoul artlou ooutrlbulil by lwui iufu aud woman in ih tiaw volume for lt0j llwlll oulilh the new auhaorlur who md in their ubiilpluiu now uiall the turi at ifj cwlmhltti fur tb reiuahtl ng wk uf 1001 fra it will dtju lh tw uuprlber fur 110 j to on of 7 a 6oliiajuew otled- dlf for llmifl lllhdiraphdli tweu oolor ftodgdl full lllulrald ftnifiutiuaiuaut of lb tiw volumfirlt0i wlrtmharlt any adlra re tiik youtub tjoillan ion 1u8 colacnbu aouo lialuu u that oalt heroically wndure atvrlly will bear pro per i ty wllh nual timlita of aonll for iheiuliid hal ooniot unlfj ol- d by th fur iur l not hkkly lu b hn- p wuh thu w yij ih death lat week of icdward nlokllo aolon inet on r it met highly ealeemad citlaeii anil otie of n bt famillee bid adieu u tbo lie ad ol hie home mr nlckllu waa tba win of jntjn and mary nlaklin hetlvee of bteflurdahlrr kngtand who oairta to canada in the yewr 1010 they oettled in ttlklngton near iiora where on ibo kith hep lh2i tho icbjvot of tblaakeuh wa born he waa ona uf a family of twelve ecen aon aud five daukhtare of whom mr kllxabeth tbu r tell la lit uet remaining member about uio year ihttt tho family laft 1 illktnglon and aettud in acton having porohaacd from mr ltobort hwau that part ot the adam evtulooi whloli u aituated lite hoar mill oomprlatng the preaent cook aurvay mount campboll part ot tho tiroilb aurvey tha fmi ocoopled by mr a ll oheyn and palry lakr bhoftly beforo lliu limn three olbr famlllca who had boon neighbor of tbo nloklln in tbo old horjia near dora bad removed to acton tho matthew th mooroa and the naby tb farm of jlo four famlllca wera ftdjolnlfcft or very cloae to ob other lby warll mcnbr of ihoaamo ohoroh and during tb mora than atty yearawhlob hav intervened lb war meat frlendeblp baa fxlated between thaa lamllle wbtab era now in ih third and foarth genaretlon tor nearly forty year tb floor mill bar war operated by tb mloklloa when tha father paaeed ftwy unarolu and edward took charge and it wa tn tho family ootll lhlr aonx juldio to mn- bood aetatr when thoy ongaged jo other line of baalnea and tho mill wa finallv dupoaed of to mr john lfrvy wbo aleo ha proven hltnar it on ot our mot worthy ouixenx on the lulli of juno 1b1 edward mlcklln wa uujud in th bond of holy wedlool lo mary catharine daugbler of tho ut john uwaokbanter on of th pioneer ot bwaokhamtntr nil jtav 11 ira to penny fttnuall beloved early paitor of ihl acjlon tuxt uto nuptial knot their ooldeu wadding wa oelabrajed very joy tally last jnnoln the praeenoe of their children tlvo belli aud fonrdanghlor bleeeed thl union and ooutrltmtod lo tha happlncimof ibo home mr nlcklln and lb following childrtn mrvlvo llobeit at ilrandonmkn albert e of tho w ii rtorey a bon i mr it e nclaoo ooolpli wtnr and mir jelo at home lu lbiui lb family rtmoved lo ouelpli mid for ltn vtftr operaud the ojd ocldlo mill at t iheau lhay returned lowever in 1wu and hav kino reelded in aotun edward nloklln luiu of ftluug ohareottr uprlht hont and oonaoiei- tiou ho vnjotd tba rjktm of all uid had abaululely no euemlaa ii o wa for many yvar ft rnviuber cf ibo mathodiat charch aud we on uf tba liulldiug oom- mlttee ol tb preeeut olmrth ii we all hi uf ft total ftbateluer ftild wa on of th charter member of aoloti llvlion bona of tamperaiio wbloh for yortv ft trong and ftollv fsolor hir in lh development of lamperano aenmmabt earlier in uf ba took an iuactiv inuraat in education uttd tuuulolpul intltgii and ooeoplnl toaltlonun both lh vubliu bchoo hoard and the council mr niokliti waa on of tba mn who believe tbal ft fair amouut of racrratiou i ueedful for a hualthy conalilutlonl oud hoaiijoyod uulhlug batlar unit a tramp through tha wood with ft guu on hi hhouldar and ft faithful hound by hi aid for many ear he cok at annual trip to tb buah dr hunting in thai dya tb lata mtobeal bpelht wah invftilxbly ft member of th party ilatar ho enjoyad bunting with ih local aport and wan thl fall though not in tuggtd health it inada aeveral cxourtlon in tjucat of itmo lu neighboring watnp ii wa avorlu with all a good mxn haa gona to teat lu tb dealh of edward nloklln tb funeral waa held laat uxtuiday ftftornooot tb serf ice being conducted lu lb mothodltt church ilav jo m iltgar m a i preached n able and fitting rmonftbdluvli a maopharbouaaeuud luthsaervloo owiug to ihe nou arrival of mr llobrt nicklln lh eldtel eon from urvudonmen ohtll lb fi 11 triu th reraaiun war not lnlrrd until 0 ooltck whou luv mr maaiiliarriou otllnuttiliu till abeoiic of luv 2 m i1agtr whd wa obliged to iev for moor 11 id by thv evening train ilia following friudjtrom a iluunp fttlauded tbo fuuaral hubert nloklln brftudou mr and mr- h e naleoo nd mia edith hlcvllh ouelph ml dty nloklln milton mr cuaihx nloklln mr wilbur nloklln aud meaud mr e vyf iouaouby it n thurull lugoraol mr it crteou uratilford a tubby toronto mr clara e ilumber- bloun kwlou brook mia k ktt toronto mr ilnrrv oro torouto m cooper qaorgetowu ftbfl rj d olivulu oualpb tb florr frlbuwi wrn uhmeroua and beautltul a modern scourge n o i dldomlo in tho laat quortof of n contury ho carrlad off urn mnrty annually o fall vlollma to lonnitnptlen la inli noril id jtame qnv 1 ghoul ootu iiiuui alarm baa be o itilt iluiiou th peat few mnnlba at tlip umbjta of nnlljhi lltt ha- ooourrml lo vrlyu jualhleaaitd thouaaott of dollars hat teii elpan ll all i riilly edn auiprratig ii ami yi j r iii and jer oul lliu 1 tilry niiffar- fm plau uiat olluitnor ilulliu ully lh have hotit drli i if by any pi ilurtufti pl imrlr ol uotiirs o umiiillin ml meat uhl patut it ll- ilhu llioroluh ilreailrd lliao ty epl uoilc i- i itlr toroiilth ot tuu r uumur i l lulliinitml i tiut1 ihruugli ll rvk bright jouiijj lui in ever piarlvr ere bronght o ell untimely end whyt thuro aro loo reaao lb inald- moncharaolrr of th lle and all too nlclll uluf that ih ae whit inhadt weak luuga am orudixtinej to ail rarly daalh and j ihtlhulitalmatruu lu- ll in glv thnlovrd una ump fiy rlir ill i ho jouroy inward the rvr tliuu agicat nlaakr mliul olir- how know that oonum tlun whan it ha reeobed an aout atago i ourhr hut bettor etlll it le pro- wutibli ou ffot era from weak lung who wjllblotho themaelva properly who will keep tho blood rich and red not only noed notdroadoonaomplion bot will ultimately beonmo healthy robust people among those upori whom comumptlon had fasten ed lti fang and who have proved tho dla wo 1 onrablo le mr ilde bu ueorge of bt jerome fjnti hi story to ft reporter ot ivavenlr du kurd will bo of interest to imlur aufferer mr ht ceorga ay up tp tb kg ot flfletn year i had alwayeujodthabeelof health hut at hiatal i beoarao krtl run down i loal eoler uttered oonatsiitly from head kohe and pain in the allies my appetite left moand i beoam vary wau lor up- ward uf thro year though i wa having mdlcl treatment the trouble went on theftvweu ftt leaked by ft oougb and wa told thai i w n oonaamptlon then tbo doctor wbo wag alunding mo ordered tn tolholaurentlan moatttaln tn tbo hop that the nhanga ot air would bent hi me x remained lhar for soma time but did not improve and relumed home feeling that i had not much longer to live it wao then that my parent dl jed that i should u dr wmutna xink fill ft lid i ug taking ihem atltr uaeng evrl bono tv smtetlt wnn to return end thl dyeing icmmi i t ilyiini and i i an 1 works uiiih i ho plaio fir kfnllrmrii lo havn i heir uilennuhiroats omllihfh jruifnia irl hooutholl l 1 ilyrl oilricli iluuink an i lips ticaural ilycl mfu3 rehkyman nlll feiioy urxxla aoton i asthma cure free i i i asthmalene brings instant relief and permanent cure in all cases hlni aiisoiuiilv ihhh on hfckiit op iobl ll wltltk youit naub and audubuh piaihiy fittis blrlibtmnto bread ciuirrlt la ti thrril wllb loeal apllmtlou u lby caiinot rvauh li seat of lh rua4m tuurrlt i a blood br a cquatltullapal dlaeue aud lu dnlsr id ear it ytttl ujul uk luutual rsnleua llajl urili our i net a yusok niedlelue it waa waaerlhed by oueoeuie beat phyallau in ihl eouulry for kttd 1 a rusr fiamilptlou ll u eotupaed trout utebval loulo kirn w ll twiif lined willi the beat blood purlllanl mlllitf dlr- eotly ou ut tuuoou burlao th lerfaal eoin bltialloiiol lb iwo luadlul u wbal pioduo ttieb wotldaif ul ttulu lu outliig ct4tll kutld for leslliiiouul lre v jgilkynl aooprfliietoldoo jkild by ill df dftjdttslpr lo tai hall fauillv i 111 ar the t t tatarrli it ft coiulllullonul dluftu itud oau b uooiully irvaiid only by ft fcuutilu llotial rintbdy ilka hood baiaspeiliu wliluh iborautihly purli lh blood and raitiovr tha aaiufulou lluia wbloh uaum oeurrh thu great number of ifaatltuuu iitt from i ho wbo hav bean gured by llitolu bnrsuutllu rguw thu jinililad ikjwttr ul ihla ttisiliuidu ovr ourrli some reasons why you should liuut on hvinj eureka harness oil uneqtntlwd by niiy olhrr render liaru leuthcr ofl eipccully pr paled kecfm out waltr j bvy bodied oil ilarness u excellent jiresorviitlvw euc coat of your luirnr aver burrut the leather lb ffictency u imrted ecure best lcrvlte ufchc kept nun brwkluj iseoltlnall loc-jlli- aeonied to mark the ohang whiob lrougnt hboot tny recovery for with lb improved ftppeilt oatn gradual but surely locrcatlng strength r continued tba ub of tit pill nd dally felt tho weaknees that had tbroat- tiad tn eiilfmy lir dlippear until tlnally i wa teln oujnjlng good health and now a thoa wlioknow me oau x ahow bo trao ot tb llhias i patted through i ultevopr williams pink vlll saved my life and i hop tny tlaumnt will induo etwillar ttuffamr to try then vr williams ilnklmumiknew tkh red blood willi every do lh blood i lengthened th quantity increased and thu th patlstit u not uulv enabled to raalatlh farther inroad of daee hut u aooti raiwrajl lo aollv hellh and atratigth if you ar ill or weak or a u flaring from any dlseaadu to poor blood or weak briea lak dr v 111 innk till al once and ihsy will soon in ike you well theae pill ar told by all dealer lu midl- oltit or will b sent poat paid at oo cent a box or alx box for 13 koby kddrcatlng the dr william meiuciae co llrookvlll onl fro parity t loo apt loprtvdulua htm- inlng our conduct butftduerslly uail ua to lhlitk properly of ou iiwu ttud 1 1 moat benftoiul il johuaoti th acoettllal lutighaallug prlnnlple of tb pin tree ha finally been auroee fully pratd and rtuned into a perfeot cough madlolu dr wood norway llo byrup bold by all dealer in at guarantee of eell faction trlo 35 oenu cokoa cottfoctlonory oystots can nod coodb mrs annamaddccu 1 hanla her mimumn dialoincru for their hural ttaltonate mid unniiiimc lliat aim haatulilclcannid rooh ufl 1 ulmf oysriilts miheretiwk oki lilt ithlhad 1 it llmad and cakes are received frnui itilph oiry lueaxlay ihutrd iy and slimlj iokonlo hkiao tjroiilu ilictcl la received rrty monilay wrdrwulay 1 rl day mid salunlay mrs anna madhock mm brurnt actom chain eq for ten years go to tho georgetown rjanlap shops tor your hungtiv unrltot or l u in tin i wacfoajt alv for your carrlmtt liapairlntf uf mil j0o- crlfrtioam ilarmoghoaiatc uti illmclcawluiiajr a complain tm of pluwd and plow repair j m o nbill obouoktowh foutitaln syrlnfios hoi wator botlb alomlzorh etc wo olfer special llir lu all good for tho iict two wtfika tlioy are all aujterlor goodii and orir price ar all marked down ona third hej palaoh droq slorbl wm brsjkine druirifut nid chombt acton ont iltsiii tiaiiey fcilvauceil cli weak willi moimik i uitiwitoum v cute children cry for castor i a irsiocums cure for thero la nolhlntf uka aaihmalcnd ll tiring insunt rollcl vo in lb worm cawt li cure when all nine falls the hav c i whtls of villa kldga hi uyi your trui boltlo of aithma leno received in rood condition i cannot loll you how thankful i fool for ibo good derived from ll i was a alavo chained with putrid euro ihroat and aslhna for ten yoara i impaired of eer being curoil i aaw your adverliaoinenl for ilia cur uf ihla ilroaiuul and lurmonllng dloaao asihiua and thought you hailovorapoken yourselves hut reolvl to give it a trial i niy oslnnishment ibo irialoclod llko a charm send mo a full slxed boll id hv dr morrlft veohusi- ftnbb of tho cong itnai laraol new york am j iooi daa urr umm mhicik lu ikmtlliutim vour aslbmelrtno is an excellent remedy for aathma and hay 1ever and lla composition alleviates all irouhloawhichcomhlno with aathma lla buccej l atlonlahl ng an wondctlul all or having it carolully ana1ysedwa can atalo that asthmalene contains no opium morphine cloroorm or ether vnry truly your r rmv dirmoithiswhcusuu dvtivr llann mi iiicink co cthtiimitx i will this teallmonlal from a aenkn of doly having tceltxl the wonderful elleet of vour aalhmaleno lor tho euro of asthma my wife ho been nftucted with apeamojic uallnm for tho n la year having exbjtnttetl my own skill as wall a many other i chanced lo sea yuur ign upon your window on 130ii1 troet now york i at once ohtalnetl a lolllo of asthmalene my tfe commenced laklntf it about i ho first of november i very noon boticod a radlcsl imjirovement after ualng ono itotllo her aathma has duippearcd and sho is entirely freo from all aymploma i fel tliat i can conalalently recommend iha medlclnato all wlto atw aftllcied with this dliirointf yourardipectfully t o d ilielps md du tavtbiuhi mimicihl co 0 lb 5 100 gitmtfkukn i was trotihlm with am lima for jj yeaia i have tried numeroua rotiicxlles but they have all failed i ran across your advertisement and alar tod wllh a trial bottle i found relief al once i have since purchased your full aha lollle and am over grateful i have a family of four children an1 for alx yoara wa unable lo work 1 nm now in tho bcsi of health and am doing bualness every day thl testimony you can inako such uuj ol aa you see fit dclier f im mt luiikhlatlni nt tie lumill h 11 airaus itla cliarue lh afllo itnlla u ilia iii oyerstlou or niltpie all omaia fur cbo f ul laaul luck 61 flour farm for saijk oh to niin r x umi itlml ll 111 ucauiilw by 11 1 ot lu l ul ur iiubitl ik uuh ulll jm ll ullrw ifl coiiiiiioilionh fcilono iluiiso to rent rt llhi htit 1 iliu iluluk tllll llu lt ruulwlll tilfur iuu nuulli aul 11 1 uooiiij r irc 1 ih otto 1 lorn adlr j3j klvltikton irimit s haphaur ci hill i jq at now voik clly titrai liottlb atwt auaoititttrjy sruau ok nkokinr os- sostajo do not dly wtli l onc uiareulok hit ta1t uiios medicinu co j0la llolh si nw yorv clly sold by all drnggiath 33 pk1rsof worsted trouserings made to your measure at s395pair priced to go quicklv wdvcgot 23pairsof fancyworstcd troaseringofj dark and medium shajles the rtcwebt uptodate patterns which wc bought at about one halfthcir value theyre worth regularly j00 and sli00 per pair but aa wc always give our customers tie benefit of a lucky purohase and make it pay you to trade with us we havetpriced the lot at 395 p9r pkir- our trousers ate cut to fit care taste and experi enco combine to make our work distinctive d e macdonald bro the lion guelph we part with our furs at prcowhiah ar not high hut high uuqdgli to enaur tlia lesl quail tl a paut1culahly pini line ou rurs uoddy to uemadtj up into garment to purcluuefa orders also lurs remodelled lu th utetl fttyle th large it aaabrtmeit of lur ver thown in gulilt tell tale signs oututuinpuui dito tiol ate hi llko ft tub f lit uu night- th ddly nt nnf ui duvalditlaarfwr uiwilli or yn burruvfliig duuiur fttut tlkr untllthd whole ayiutu mwll hreal down and hiuxiulilli to lh final ftltaok do you know the tell talo ulga and vliat titey mean do your lung palm you are they weak and delicate v do you hnvea atubborn cough jbo you aplt up phlegm are you bubject to cold that liang art art you pwlo tnd thin u your throat stare oiul-lii- flanidd r 1 your appetite varuble ami poor are you lolntf fljtl da you iftck btiuriliui and u- tin- hrtnpuui rail fr iihk riuf if vii irtill nwro yurwlf uu w ktimmjru u lot nm i hnt mm trituii nt jtn wu tubuamtlut will iur1 wtiuiiiiiipuirtt and all dipt hiding to i i t falling irvtmut utut u uliig ft iffuiul work lbruuboub th undth hbkuui trmttnit vour irotrwi0 lutiuul fcvtlug louwr kiltlug cm vruui himllitii ttt raw lufumol euifwm tuul building heedtvy rwi write for free treathient btry utfrr ean havo vnm ceeiro ol the falitou 5iocum tubatmbnt ouudtlng or th wr preparmuooa by euuling tai p uou knd ui ailtlm t tft t a tlooum 0himical co ueuted lit klafl gtrl wett twaal frdooetn blooum froe iffmr in amenoen panora plow anod fur mup- 1 to toronto weiik luil cdtarrhjl 5sthitift s fit ijr if cinrl throct 1 roubles 1 hbtfiyjasl 1 tia fioiire do lliaiu ard very mtractlvo and we r nlromly islhnjj urfi nuinber i ally buyer b lalest styljs in hats caps andclovos at l n e lafontaines wholeiale an i uaiall rurrlar qugll th tiikofwar chiillongc iltluuily aballeufie ile lituuminff team which waa eentalni by ur lillee lo a pull iirtuttol ear lur otio mtitilre1 dollara aid dosaiu uamm captain of uiuln actonm1- th iwa timber for sabe uy tender npknduilu will be iu1t1 1v uie ucdanlao x d my to thursday 1th november bait- or the alsndliitf sud rallao tint bar on teieoty nvesereaitioreorleeaoa tb weetbak of lot u in tho flrat oooeaesuia ot hsgoatjn tba blah oat or any tender not necessarily seespleit itor loll pertleulsrs apply oo tbe premise or to iclon io to uoiikiitsom lilioh esquaaliig oct 1th lool n0tigk 10 citedlt0ts in the matter of the estate of juhtua bottum pcarhon ol the village of acton in the county of ilaltort hardware mcrchantdo- ceased nolloe i baiaby llveii pursuant to use m of uiap lfe0 11 ii ov imtt uiat all persoo bavin claim ur ileuuuid atftvltut the estate of uieaalil juatlee hotlntn 1earson daeaa who died on or about tbe 13 ul day of keptambr ltol are reuaet lo send by poet prepaid a llellver to u llavll aotoo i o the hi ecu tor ot uie deoaaeed on or balars tbe kmh day o movamber 1u01 their cliruuan and bqmsnie arnvdria with full butiogjarf in hiluntf of their olatm sod sleteidatil of tlialr seeounu and tbe ualur of tbeseourlua ii any hebl by tbeut duly vartnej by utatatory declaration and take notice that after tbe said sotfa day of natmur 1001 eaid ttieenlor and uie kleeulri w proneed to dlstrtbou tbe saeeta of tbe said ilsoeaaad among tbe pertle enuuad thereto bavin regard only to tb elslma of eblob they shall itiao have nolle and the said kieeutorend limuukwiii not be liable for aaaau or any srt thereof la any person or iieraon of wboee elalui noliee eball dot bae ean rwlved by tlm 111 at 111 utile tf tucb nliftlliihinn w iiuelblk acton- li very bus line the uudersltfnad veepeetfulysollolt the bslrou aje of tb pobllo and inform iham thai vfojlrauljpped and btjllah ltlgpan way b boeured jttblsalahle a eomfortable baa tneeu tralo liatkeau 10 a ta ajid 819 p ill careful auenuonalveu to evary order the went of dam marolal travel lor fully mat john williams excelsior bakery and grocery in addlt on to our daily supply of first- class bread cake uuti ktc of our own manufacture we are now supplying traih oyater ol th bl brand our oysto parlor in now open and patron will find their order filled with nnllre satlalactlon a larger ttock pi groccrle and pro- visions than ever befcre and the public know our prlcei are alwaystetyjiablo t stathamson main 8t acton bri yoob grkin to hockwood elevatohs do you uoo your neighbors ti telephone f lly u oolni ou ar injiuinulilbuilnoai arillsini kalls nnlo il poll luryou lo lkvo a lelnplious in yoult nam1 tho hull telopltoiio co of caniulal i a sfkioirr co willow at aoton undertakers and furniture dealers uitdrrlakluif u till iuhiinijiin ullcndntl loprtiinptly an 1 ipihitly puiimuiu new jlikk ltiiu lu deaa out price are luw browns compound syrup o white pine with eucalyptol and honey iinmdlalely rallavc and rjulckly cure a cough cold and boralhroai an ounce of prevention la worth a psmid of cum see our cheat protector fftmi 30c up a t lutovvn oiibuiut and btjltiomlclt aoton nlmcteu quold i pill ul hon6ywk nt uolh comb and lowoel prlco ttiui jy he samuel h lbwih it co london hlare 1 a untlil we pay mora than anybody we want 10000 huthel of wheat from 53 lbs up 10 000 bushel llarley weighing 44 lha and up 30000 lb oat weighing 30 ibi and up 000 bukhala pas can uie soma bitgky peas i or sain hour oatmeal salt oatmeal o ileal 0 sulphur halla corn kic cbo j thorp u i may managih st children cry for castor i a call and examine the merits of this supeiior hhoo made in all modem styles ol labu and best jradei of leather all bucs aa to ee widthu lor ladies and kenuc- men this shoe will cure callouses orj the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of the eet burnlnu orthe feet and it will kep your feet cool in liot weather and warm ii cold wefithcr boot hmd shob dbalbr bole agent or aoton

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