Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch agenoral banking business transacted v correspondence sohoitod ijavmh department latere ol i alt nn i ui day of wlthj dalayalndri lore allowed on lumi ol one 13 lr i alt an i upwar from ly at depoait in wal no foimalilie ai no wlnk money faiiiiorh husniesh mllcltbd note of reaponail la arm ere llacownted an 1 m nay louwd lof cgihtnal ouaimsi nurpoaos our collection department ia every facility for making prompt returns sale notes handled and money advancad un account alaunnat low rateq of interest travellnrvare nt lifted that i ho ilanlf o hamilton and ita ltrancho laaoe ctrcuu note of tha iv ivtncul hank of ln limited which can ba cashed whhewt charr or trrmhln in any part of the wort i the news at home moatly of at looal chratar and vary itam interesting head oriice hamilton hitabuahort 1q7x capital paid up 19957 reserve 1und 1500000 total assets 17071759 jauk tuauiuu caallcr b foksayetij agent qoortfotown branch wall paper chantje new anangemenh have boon made with w irsklnp to handle our big una of aamples at acton as he la an experienced man in this bntinesa yon may rely on having every thing up to i lie mark spfcial pkicis and new uoolts for the tail sst q rsk m b agent lot dhas l welle ij juton jfm ras thursday novkudeu hu iooi little local brieflets whloh causht th eyaa or ear of f a avwee raportara trtla weak te r th preeol year in nillfl on lha doll thataxr midlind la 25 secure a nw aupplaroeotery oalaliaue at the free library oo baturday evp don i forget that wo print a nolloa of your ale la the ut faaa ii yon hav joor bill printed at tbla ccuo to pauiooat wnil la the la teat ail meotof tbejedle itooraea from holding upealrt aalh owner a walk th a treat a a large nnmber of oar nllains at ended tba fonoral ol lba lala llobert 0 swaokbamnitr at chnrohtll on bnuday tha king a birthday u vary quluy obeerved bar laat saturday about tha only people who bad a holiday war ike bankers honnt foraat la making a moat dur mined vffott to pereaade the meaar mor look broa to leaveoaalph and eetnp thai man nf acta inn ealabuabment in that towq brown 8w mill oompleled tba a col laat friday tha new mill baalvn tery eatlfaatory eervtc aod in tbajiandi of bawjrtr orippa haa turned col paidldlatarunibar joaaph kobl hotylkaoar waa ffoad 60 and ooata at tba polio boort on monday fox obatrnotiaft uoeoe inapeclor oowan and ona ol tha potic in making an inapeotton of the board of 1 rad llotal mr o tot top who has bean tlokat agatnrafxnwn latloq the put year haa bean promo lad to tbo agaoey al ioqrld ajf condon mr i afobrid of drstnptoa baa baan appolntad to the vaoaney bar wa bav to thank oar many fiumla for applying ooplaaol tha itthoctabar whloh adilloo was shauatad ooplea ware bant bi from obaarbara an far aaai aa ottawa and a far waat aa baauloa ktb tbe n amber required baa now bean received tbaaddiaaaof troopar mnltoy at tha matbodltt bunday bobool lat bnnjay aftarpoonon tba oardo of the uaart had many uaaona of vaina to tba sobalara aodwaaluuixed to with maob inuraet by tba 360 aeboura taaobara ofocara and alaitora preaenl tba aaorad dual on mandolin and guitar bythamlaaaa llrlllj ol gaalpb waa alao greatly anoyad ulat j oil a ikmilun bat la ooaof iba aocaaafnl hnnorgradoataa mot lha tralqlna aoltool fur borvaaat hamilton qaoaial hoaplul milton a mittlng waa bald in the town hall wt tnaaday v ti ti tuonanui a hora tblaf eaaoolatlon tba tba ikaglvb g bupr in tba uttbo dial obnrob will aellpaa if polbu ail pravlooaauurlaluuiauu xbamambsib of tba commltt are akottli it tbenimli ibelr varloua alloatloiia of iloty uayor daaoon baa daquatly anooaooed hlarallremenl from ovll poalllou at tba o j of tha prut yaf u baa fallbnly and with 1 ralaawurll y dig ilty lulfllud tba datieaof tba mayotallty during tba yera o bladooatnoy of tbe offlc- ohlal oonatabla uradlay who rroantly ra nrpfjiruoi uodali baa bten re ibaul tad lu i la ojd uma offlo tba uitlou publlo bobool gave their qioal omfunoantabt lutef lajnmaqk in tba to wo- ball on tueeday waning it waa wary anoyable tbekiih hlrlbtay waa obaarvad ay quietly ou baturdy joa dornat who haa been apandlngflva mnalba in tba hatturiamat qravanhurat itlltbtduotnar laat wek moon improvad inbaajtb a by law to lejuate tba aady oloalog qf iuabaa been introlural by the town oooool to cum a cjlo in owa oav take a tiaiue lltoaao qitfuloe tablata all rtrorealiaaereoawantoeaaln the coert of ilaalalon for the conflrma tloo of lba engloaara report raapactlog tha frontaga meaaaramanta and aaaaeamanu for lba new paramenia laid tba paat aeaann will be bald in tba cooed chamber on monday avanlng tttfa inat at 6 o dock jl floefal tea pauf jtafarfaiataiaar a aooial u and entertain mint will be givan by lba ladiae of tba dap hat obnrob nn wnlnxfy cvulug november mb la will be aeiwed in lb baeamenl of tl e oho rob from aia to eight a frae will offering will be taken at tbe door all are oortliatly invited mew fhmio ef th ihmrlpim m char oh iu o a oillalu or kraa a gradaale of lha oollago at knoxvlllv tddd la in charge of tba diaoiplea chut oh bare he la aforcllla apeaker u at affkbla manner and many hope arrange mania will be effected for bla permanank i appoint man l taj at war chmlle mr dooald mann captain in bebcjr of the i miuouw tug of war teru ttif antlber column tuuaa a nbauangy lo mr neil 01uia4 and bta team for uu 00 1 ar tioulara are to be arranged uur mr mean only at t pa la tea that be be allowed u rapuoe one of tbe man who pnltad at tbe eeqaealug palrcontcal there la evident ly good fan for epectator oim tlte big tag of war yit to ooma haooraefafen ml morymj u- m jrnkfwtao of the hollywood hoi i korval nunde having a grand ahootiog match at morval po thaoka- kiing day bhooting will a tart at a o look p m aharp a large nnmber of local man and a nnmber of part ira are ajtpcclad from toronto and other plaoaa pifty torkeya and fifty docaa are to be ajhoi for hbootlng at different tangaa acoordmg to atyle ol ilfla naad ilnlee and realatlana will be made known in tba grounda on tbe day of tba mtftb maeara coftto and moaibboo of georgetown meetra toal and thorn peon of olan willi m and uaeara orbuu and oallop of jjrvmpton are to act aa manager jvew uooaa at la ree xjirmry u y ardnooa paraooal effort tbe free j library board aspect to open tba 235 new volume recently norcbaaed by the hook committee lo the raadare of tba library on hatorday evening tbla addition oootaina a aerie of vary valnabl and oarafally elected volatnr dutr looted over tbe vejlooa olaaee an aoellant oolleclloo of hi lit pry end bcieno and art ha bean volutin ttmuow en rmwty partlcnlaraof a ea fjna halbaern party hav jail came lo u aara of a fax i aaaa reporter aenlawaan approajched mr david makeowk r wbo la at praeaut realdlug with i tr daugbiar mr john aiaphanaog main hi rla term lord to la bar krandchildren a hallow eo treat and at lba eeroe lint k4ap ibam from lha tamplallon of oidaii u annoj anoe to nelgb bora by the enatnmary ifallowa an pranka iivitaiione ware aooordlnrly eeot oot in dee time and when tie evening arrived ryooe of bar ll ity grend children ware praaaol tbe nld lady and har f rteoda i a i trnided moat enjoy at 1 evtnlng tor he young ok wloe terl lulo tbe prooeed inga will ml ho an j able and aallafac lory waa tl a gatbafliu tbt whan theperly biuk up ibate waa lrjt u deralauj int that a atmilar grand cl ildran a kalbeaing wit lake placental ullowaau if all u ii v coming and going om ao raonail vlaltora to and from varloua othar pi oton and rfotaa uovnh we uiui-rauud- ibat td and bou i ave laaactl i 3 ciii i rfauf hobt na 100 acre fan i wid by m eapant sunday wilb and family dromouin on kunday nov bid tbaru waa bo aarwoe t lllhol uaotodut churob owl g to tbe qaarlarly aacramantal earviora bell g bldal monuaolnrch mlaa hl hoaaa u attauding 0kvllle ui kchool palermo the paat r or the mll odlat chuiob ia coadaollnga aarle of rlvl aarvloee iu lba eburob barr ytruat thai aotn good ad may b aown mr aud mra tnoe j meuogb of dfumqolu formerly of omifb and tbair frund mr itobt aaklo ol mark dalv were the gaeet of mr aodjdra flpaooe of tbla plaoe a few day a ago limehousg mlaa kvu bcott ha r tin rued borne altar apwndlng a few w aka wilb aolon frund lu hory k v 1111 of moor fit id preached an axcrlui t terroon 1 ill tba ualhodlat cbarob laat buudy after noon a large ndmber of tlie 1 rnldauta 1 af tbla vicinity attended lba fut fral of tba lale itobt bwackbamm ou hunday after noun ajtjad wi lie toe addition of work of ll40trapby voyaga travvli and ad vanturca genenal literature toetry and the oboloeat new thing in fiotloo are ail attractive tba obliging librarian will be nld lo aopply all who call with do pie of tb daw aopplamantary oatalogo jsageai rfo coaoerf co tomight al great expen aolon oornat band baa arranged for tba appearaao tbla evening in the town ballot tba gajl it con milcompay od of tin doatt ma ileal oraanlxallona catering before lba mutloal poulo today to oootpany atand pw- eminently at the bead of concert an tar tain art and preaanla a oarefnlly eelaotad pro gramme ol pleaxlng varaty tmbraolsg dot only bomber from tb olaaaloa bat well known favorite rwarrangvd m u lo pro dace ttew barmonlee aud unalca iffaot tb com any oompriaaa harp vlollnoatld and two mandullua and a aoprmno aoloiat tba uanddeeervea tbe moat genaron nat ion age of the public in bringing tbla plendid company u acloa a full bouae lo nljbt will guddao lba commit la and a good programme la aaaured coaaly mode ffcaool uoport tha reealu ofthe work for october a practical teaching letcbology muhodv bobool manaament plan uooka jgaad geoarmi olaaa work delarmlnad tba etand- log ol lba etudeate- t tba county mode bcbocl milkae aa follow klbel curam ferzaret yoeng uerria uertwall ueaclaoouk uajiaab tlerber lull klualnj kvura uiu herbert fioduy lotlu loody eld u uuka kalua to it will u ubeerved thet mia hllay nloklin tb only kladent frord aotou atabda beooqd on lb lial of fourteen toodlil4 th unlhmllmt chuweh u 1uv hanry hill occuplad lb pulpit of cbuioh laat bunday wtb t aaadaj- of moore laid tha method ut i boh acoaptanoe ballinafad another diatrauing lltmkl frig a cot da ut occurred at lha farm if mr o cook laat tttureday fotanoon j oho ifanlnar i bra dr waa worku g auul ija ol n j aa th maobln wee in tx ullou vim tl key of on of tba wheel caught 1 ir biuock alcev tb aaavea of both tha am wk and efalrt war torn off and ihw arm wu aa deeply gaebed that tbe main atury wu aerered and for time it vu fid the poor fallow would bleed to death fl abauldar waa ahm dlalooeud portuually tbe tkw of uood waa alopped abd or ilredley a rlvad abortly aftaraarda and ureaaed tbe painful woood which ittiro al t or un btitobeathewoaud rxlvnda from the inalde cl it a atm at ll a bow urmlual log at ll e wr mt v d u nvrr tmn lnc1 oa loug churohill daatb anded tbe tuitoilt u of itwrt uwaokhammcr laal kri lay it wan bnped for aome lima that 1 would roiver fro i bla tanlbla ll juriaa bat lie ibock wa mora ibau tb con ati tut too could elth and on friday b bank lu bla lot g up tb fnuaral from ble fathara butilif lot ib cou 1- juaalug on eluu lay aftar noon waa paillata tb lartit that ar cam to ohurol iii oemury over ico fsbavnuana gathered at l a rcaidenm and by en lima lie actou croaaro 1 wa reached fitly or altfym fe ware kddad tbaladevaladdreaee war made by llv dr uindly and liar v t moalpue u a both of whom made vary feeling re mark rcapeotiog tit- a 1 event tb ryenalna ware i kid at teat in th family plot in tbe prveeuce of an fmiilrt ee ooc onrea dff people nassaoaweva he mornluif dlaooaraa waa baaed upon john 3 it llaloved bow av at tha eon of god abd it doth not yet appear what waaballbe but wa know tba whan ba aball appear we ehell ba ilk him far w ahall aaa him aa ba lf the teat of lb ivaulug eereoott waa inn lb 73rd pelm wbou have i in beaten but the and tbarfl u buna bpou aartli that i daalr bw bid thee tlotb of lb eerntoua war abl and lboabtfal vnpoaillooa aud full of cod for eerloua tnaditatlou tb eougraga tluu appruo ated very maob lb beautiful aaoied kolu feodated al tb evening aervlo by mra j w uewa of milloo luyood tba 0 a ua of 1 radue by uobt akiug mra daw la always welcomed ui bar old plea in tbla ubulr mr w hegga com panlon to trooper mulloy aooompanled mr ilwa ou ibo orgeu and akilfully rendered ahlmprovleed voluntary at tl a cloea of the aervlo avion uraaek oaaiurjuay uaolaijoi a meeting ol tbe executive aotoo llrafcab of tba national baotta rioter aaeoolatioa wa bald lu tba oouucll cbawbar ou moo ijay avablng all tbe knambei wera prwaent luv j k qodden u a pim jag tb bam of thorn i ll herding wa bddad to tba ootnmltle ll wa veaolvad to tuvk a qktivaia of lb el aril ably dlepoeed cltledi lu order lo aeoure fuuda for tha puroba of a bed aud tilling for tba vi lloepllf fur ooueatnpmve at oravenbuiat at a oo of 50 lo 1100 and tbet lb bed b knows aa the aotou bad 111 orjer lo giv ufouialiuij irranoti tf itiw aaaocutluii ita ain aud purpoeeal a niaa mealing of oillaeo wtll be held in tha tomu ball uexl lucedy vpiug lutb iua tb programme will loci 3d popular addreaee oj tb daeaaa of oooaumptloo and tb otalboda which uy be adopted for ll preve tioi iraaimenl and our and other pheee ralallug to tba diaeae by our loon pbyaleiau aud other tbaaa addraaaaa wtll be iuleraprd with voeal and ine rumeutel mualn aud an tfforl will be made tu make vbe nmoaedinga lntt tog lo olliaene genarerif tb peranual ooopeeetluii tjf tbe pei pie of ontario id eeelatiug lo ehsak lb epread of oonaump- ul and to aecota th laoutlon i reel men t a jd our of tboaeao flaring irum lhadbwua leooaolihe moat worthy pbllnthlpiai of tbe pteaamtluy mia alary l and mr geo a blluja i of campullvlu lift on a vuil to thalr j bolbr attorneytobn h biiuilpla i luartjoe now maltloo it waek tby iutei datayingfor aaniallnie ihelr many j fiiauda wlah ibant a very pueaal and enjoyable aojunrn in tb uoulli knatobbull abowed ita loyally to king ldweid by bolallng lha flog on bla birth day laat saturday i tf email aarrler be etijojad ike eplen dldvoadalbljfil ou bla tri weakly trip j but lb prwapaou are tt al 1 will hud plenty of mud fur a few week now mr geo deklinhani ol llrllu wa tb gueei over uuuday of bl brolbar in law mr o a gaddee mr dr lvoaird witaou of armada micbibpeodiugajwweell with frlitj in tbla aecfloa a half acoraol oualpli buuler pi t lha kuge birthday lu tl awai ip tore tbey bagged a faw rabbit- but to blgtar item bab uua the moat irwoloun thlntf in the world to a mothar how to oara for llttlwonwa no prloe hauuld b too graat lo py fur tba praaar jalluti of tba perfect rny aluidy health of a baby nupilo would be too gnat but aa metier of fnt tl a bjlla ia mary fiiiiall ahnly jmcaullou aud 11 a xciae of gootl ju iginel l jt i boa cod jodamt t to give lba tender little lufaul raiotdiee oouuluiug opiate mid lb to ceiled ooil ll y tnadialuae alwaya oarlalu o ula ll y t not out tllayouly drug au i ttuj ify it lltuaon haby rowu iabutaaregauiau lead lotiaiilalu uooplalea at 1 no harmful drug it u ll baat niedlol i fur liltu id beoaua it la irotiilly ffotivi udabaoluuly 1 kruilaa v ruarvouiuaa bla uaauaal omifctlpeluiii collo alomaob trouble lba trrllutluu aoaun peujlug 11 jutting o teelliaudotlcri ifab ileuoulii xleby aowti labliu la bayou j qua i ian tleult adloluaiiillawodl lllabul hmeat aud tulaatit 10 take auddlaaclv ad in water oau be ilvti with auolut aafaiy to tba yotjtgeat infadt wo there wbuhav uiad 11 1- ttediulu for tbelr ulu onea hiwak of it j i tba mtal euutual atlc taroaa tballathe beat proof of it affioaoy mra alonao felt mate whlta- bfad n b ay in my opinion baby own tablela at na talud for fthlldren tbaytakaii readily audit regulataa tba boweu onrta ibam of p vubnaat and u a graat boliar in te thing i would not tbiok of being w tbo jl ts tl lata bold by drojrgura or aant poalpaid on reoaipi of prlo afi nanta a box bj addraaaing tbadr ww lama uedlowa co llrookul ool tbe rasa paaaaliivlwb all ita reaaare to aea- irtbawioutueolamo if yea a year friend aregole ewey oa a holtday trta otr if ywa nava frleaja vtaluac ytm drop a eard lo law laaa i aaaa mra ii ii wordea a pent bondey ba toronto mr j ii mallh friend lo toronto mr a v uurney vial ted frlende lurlin ihie week mr ilobl j belh mo i glomloblgau mr andur a t drown vlailed frlanda in lutlin over handay hi a madjcok and chlldran apvnt aavaral dajel in oualpb thta week mita may moor baa been a pending tha week with toronto friend mr and mra wm hematreat vuud riunda in milton last weak u i btnlal aing viaitad at bar father a liome in ilieropton tbla week end mr hubert u crajg ara moving to lb aall work near detroit mia celia wdmor netted at tba fcoana of mr ww boott llmebonee uak weak mia clara v moor la apaadlng a taw daye wlb friend in oeorgatown end ah arow trooper molloy end mr w dagga war goeata al mooreorofk from be tarda y till monday mlaa frreland and har niece mlaa little of wetarloo v tailed anion f rteoda daring lb weak mr dobot plliouapantaooeplaoldayn ibla weak wltb bia dobtr it ore pllloi t hamilton mr prank oilockpott n y waa lba gueat daring tbe week of mr bradford church bl mr and mr j w daw of mutna were goeau ol mr william hmeire4t over bnnday tb mlaa drill ofgnelpb were oai at tbe borne mr a blrpbeoaoa oa 84 or day knd buody mr gordw ueodaraon of hamilton epent aoooplaof daya tbut weak 44b family raeldenca bower ave mr h 1 moore naa ben appointed a member of tba executive board of lba oourto lord a day alllanor mr tbomaa ueodaraon who ta a atndeot at lba toronto bobool waa at bom tor lb king birthday mr bteobeo hornby retorned laat weak rheumatism no other dlanaae mate ona leal ao old it auoena tba joint a iroducea lomaooaa and maftaa every motion tlnral jt la aovjmtlme ao bj aa wholly to dutar ma and it abonld nevd- us neglected m j mcdonald trenton onl bad it attar a aerrre auack ot tbe grip mra dattte turner 1 tot ivor mrx bad it ao aararcly aba maid not tin anytblua and amid aurofiry get up or down aulre w if sbrpard fundr i loo conn waa uld tip with il waa raid ereo in july and eobld not ore hlmaelf accordlnet lo tratlriioi lata vol tartly adren tfaaae aufferer wero ttam i tt tty rajtevod aa other a have tfeoit t y hoods sarsaparilla which corrects tbe art i ly f tlte til d on which rneumatlaiii drift ta a i im ii la op tbe whole ayatro ara yon ihlnktng about jottlngmaxilad it ao yon will want m dtancrset wa draw your attention to thrca apodal iocs all this icveek onr 07 ptcce dinner set gul and t7ccw cnamclkd at uoonw hui alla l rtifmat ju a elcweaere la on every box ol ibo connm laxative loitjrijdquc tauot a www w im in oaae tnj a opr 73 raeca dlntaar set gilt blamln cd and enamalladai jo oo y onr i is piece dinaar sat gilt ulunv- inatad and enameued al f 1600 qpooory department 30 lba good kalalna for i no 30 lba granulated sugar fti 00 tbo notod tka 8tobk ohika paxaagk utd 7x mcreh cuclph melbuen manitoba wbara ba epaot eavaral mbnlbelo barveatlng and tbreeb log mr and mra alfred cowan of holatein apent aevorelday of ibelr boneymoon tonr very pleaaanlly tbia week with aetna fneoda mrv uurtoieeofa of llranlford kpenl aeveral daya during tbe week al be bom ofheralaler mr i francla and other friend m 0 ll lioloo dtelrlot menair rf the m llual ufd aauranm compiuy of canada wa in town eeurdy tag lba claim outbelutetif tbe ubv john mitten at tl- organ nation of th mtliojut ladiraof the haw fulllamen of baull mtrlr o t w hollo by tbe inf uiatalra ceilmwllbamewaaalaotadvio xraaidrul av u 0 a utararyolubuajuat u org11 1 ad at habit bt matu onl and among the officer a w bolto tb hem ol j a ueoill formerly of tha o t tl bet aa vice preur t mr j b decod i oil a bobopl loapector viaited acjon i ublio bcbcol on toe- da tbiiv iu drat vlail alone bla uip to grtat llrllalii and tb continent i arid bi many ftlenda bate we ple lo meet blol agalo mia craig of parana and mia leal clark cjoull wr wtlb u d m heodereon leal wadoaiay and tbaraday aaalatlng to receive lb acoree of call are who went to pay their reaped lo tbla cha mtujbrida tb many maud of mr l p bnydar bl ctbarloei will bl pleaaed to laam that b u bow ou the mend and gradually egalnlng alrength af let being for tan week iu bed wilb typhoid fever mr boyder bo waa lu a very arltlcal oooditloa laat aek la alao aoroewbat improvad mil a grace hager daogblar of bv joa al uagar u a bal raocued tba appoint htallt of teaober of tbe new dom bauaoe oepeitment at alut oollag lullavllu alia- hgr i a gtadoala ol coluga of domaetid bcieno hamilton aud u ti b bougrlnlali up in tbu import ant appointment absolute security genuine carters little liver pills fcfluat boor blunuturo of ia vgub mvi tops th tt couqlavi utfqk orr thk colo alitll ttfe oulniaa t 7 wivaf verr aiaeu wjt wukeaaaai ciio carters im1 mcauuear nwdiuianr nu wuiivuiti fmtmheuvt roi eamtimtiaa roiuiuw ana raa nccaannuai the right house luruuunn namiiton b 1avokite shopi inc i lack a jsfotrerrlber sale at tbe right house u a a tullr ol etnwal aeraj keowleder that tew atorea is canada le buwar vlliae caii aeeti a larn and jrrand a ofpvy unoda ea te eiwave t 20 per cent of blaok dress goods they aro laid ont on two dargaln tabic in tha centre of lha atom tbeyarea raoal attractive lot of dreaa goods and wltb tbla special sala discount aro a very groat bargain everybody ahonld aaa i hem table lin on sale j all perfect gooda coropruing sample a and ovennakaa direct from lite mannfacturcia al ona third i one half off lha regular prices tbla u ona of lba beat 1 terlng of linetr 1 cooda we bae ever made al the tamo lime we are taking a bpeciejducounl of ao percent off all regular uoeoj in stock white blanket salo the low pr ice printed but acek will be continued during thia week the mock la large fa 75 dlanketa fur ta oo al illanketa for is 50 tl 73 illanketa for a g 4 35 hunkctalor ij 40 oj dlanketa for tsifo 5 50 dlanketa for 0 down filled comforters fiono satin tope wath sateen uack and 1 ifled with purest iown an elearanl comturicr aaleprlra j 00 f7 0o mneat saltecn top an 1 hack filial with fneat down aaln price f 3 00 cottoqfilled comforters good quality 1 100 belter qullty 33 i fimc qnajlly a 00 very choice altecn covered comforter fj y bco oar window bloplny e h bollert co 25 and 27 wjudliam st guelpu istlign print blurs when print bluri irritable temper and general discomfort result wcpositivciycure lliibcondition with glasses coiioult our optician tseot ud areata varlatlaa ol guoea thu ba baeeel a aveatl j liamrt hnab tea the una oau wl m we have lo taileve coraetvaa e the awptoa lo dbake ri advawna ablptoeola of ttiataopda tbaaa oppoatbaltle v lha eelraa mow lull ttiatcoodi aeuod ihl uuac lhatil be cetel al paiaae u hpcdal sale of coiared draa c1h vawuwluuatorhuirjr anal a mnot t uooom a tbe kutbt ueeee 0r im trade datuatj tbe aa uitluwl aqcb vow u sod la oal la llamlltiai ueooeuiedeoeaallvat uruaa t4 ela u aeoala taakaa toj yarda ol cuuxud uraaa uatartal to a ranfa at klada taaladlaa cbeeolta finai hwluna the atiadae atnbtaca eatdaa uoaa aaat baeaer oalovd aafa wtd ud daril aevr thirpta taaaila guul u m trean uj duk vad ut wtduaa mm troea c lo ai teehea and all of tbaoi arm ot tl la muoc m tnvke and laipwtalios wre lvrntdr kwtoad aiataodlujard vruayaaaualardav 75a tlnmuil aunketa ofquluf inaroj eaearoua llw all tuada aiwially ttof aa aadlflmtluuv a uuaha bate iwi cu au deuendaaee la xlimit kuolaaa ad atwlhglvlea liahtlae we ull mi bl eaum thai e4 uatead at e aood deal laea than vaetlar and if you are head lea blaaketa al all ihao it a eerteialf to veor baoeai to robm and tae tbaaa xt sm raiitaii wool uuukau a lba la waixtat and aoxtm to- etaa wulf beat dolevad bunlai it s3u 1 jmii all wool ilia bkahl t tw ldwaltb4aiu in ata bal loa bordeitiifa vary wartu and eoinlurt at aou rilurtaa ah wool blanket wuj h lba walahl ood budera la at 8 151 alll vtoe iitluy uaabrlak abu blanhata utiho in alae aj walahlng v lb attractive colored boidera at aa to i at jt vlo neat rink au blaaaem of quality aiifu la aiaa tib in weight beat calimed borderta at aa3 paiu vine uoal hahau- uuakata u lba in walsbl a4 tub inalaa aottaod awa aod food colored 1 lutaeea beat atnalub dlh d 1 abadr of eerdtaej iwriile laara baaavv wink yellow creaae ueaa ead uuk faaaaartv priced at tou aod we jd elaahag ai loo of ta from alt qoauty haalariaj wlut dounoa atrapoad lad i with 5 naa of truu and eordedwelt bal ab ed end woejd be esealtewa velae at 14s epaaujalfa 30 a redaction aaieot floraata arareebeoe- tattlly to twoear tucttl uoaae oovaa la optodate atvle at grea red en d oclbaa ueionuerty ml aad 1 s uabt yai oolv faomia g a 11 u il ti end wore eate jaakoa in ahada of blank wblteaad drab alt aiaae la verioo lot bal bo all alee in every baake and thomas c watkins king st east cor hughoon st hamilton why not buy our tall hat from nelson the up- to elite furnisher and hatter newest american soft hats latest shade and bhapts from 2 00 up latest american stiff hats from s2 25 up sole agent in guolph for the celebrated stuyvdsant hat the latatcst new york shape one qujlity and one price s3 00 sec our big range of new fall and win ter underwear every line is up to date r e nelson olio prloo only oo wyndham st gublph shykge st co pittb snihtch rftif2rs cuelph h6nd6rson st co new arrivals in millinory jackots homespuns skirts u skirt stuff waists gloves hogioiy clothi all the novelties of the sct on will be found in this btorc our stock of itiplcs 11 being const intly added to til to dny it i the largest and finest assorted stock in the country henderson co 3ucil1l- st hcton actons greatest store new f dress goods arrivinc daily cure iok headachk increase your wages the boy wh 1 atarta work ajiar a couraa la thli collate will at art at wire two of three llrnea greater that ha could hope to obtain without ibla apeclal training col lajtaaal guolph tor to hamilton loo don ottawa barnla lurlin celt lit catherine now la a good limn to eulef all particular from rsnl city bhsinss coltefie tradara bank bulldlnat m hgllo ladies and centlemen we wuli to inform you ilia a havo a well uuorled alock of wooden ware and bruake aucli an wanhtubh i sixes 2 hoop woodou vails fibio pailh clotlics juaskets itolliuix viiia our scrubbing whlttwaili slova shoe shavd an 1 lunnliler urualtc ato tba latau would bat pleated to liavoyou call and eiamliio gooda c f goodeye co mill stseet acton kb j w wiooihs oumlpm ont we hae now the finest cji phy of dress goop9 ever shown special liije worth 50c for 25c sumplcson application new french flannels in stripes or spots 50c per yard 1 haiiru of wool blankets at low prices special line of ladle vests at 25c and 35c oil cloths hosiery tweeds il iuihltttes cottons shirtings toweiings i xtra value in table linen and napkiiu gurnet co the new st0be in tbe new block sc kings birthday saturday nov 9th on account of the holiday tailing on saturday and a vr import int timu of the jeir both for customers und merchant we have decided to keep our pi ice of business open ill day i usual j a mclnfosh son 77 upper wyndham st cumph

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