Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1901, p. 4

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colds i had a i sir bio coul and could hardly breathe 1 then tried ayera cheny pectoral and li fiaa i im mediate relief 7 c layton swell i- how will your cough be tonight worscprob- v ably- for its first a cold then a cough then bron chitis or pneumonia and at last consumption coughs always tenct downward stop this downward tendency by taking ayers cherry pec toral i ska- m nm ia u sbcrsuop long uie yoqioalmmiwk wmw who old is snull a wlb pfeflt bloom of her youth you wowjm how ll is bar at mint of lit raeooe bh kniw bow u lortfa dta ibmu bb kept ti dmtm wall lu hand and lo dieted lhm on no on rill muund lh eel ol yl pleasant hu did hot ci loon i rum bar ffilje xtoit 3fm ilress tuunadiynovemilku uth 1001 qcbe dcuwj jo i us a ttauat of bread and a aonw to tlep in a bain at to stall and an boor to wp la a plat ol j of end a peek of trouble and barer a laosb bat lb taeae eom dobl and thai i uf 1 t mlofwiithiwftthwb4tmiimflr and a bwm u lb an of folia lor tencbta 1 ltd that u lit i why oaurrbozoo cnrws gtunb it boaa to vary affaoud pt and kills lb arm ihit kp up th diseased condition calanbokoa nr lrriuua bo i sumolat tii tnaooos linin ol lh boe thro nod long to normal action and kpa lh baaal j a ira from oftanal dlaahsga caiaxrhoson ooolain do dangerrtm drag or oplaba and la dahghtf ally pleasant and aimpbiiooaa gatarcboxoaalaanabaolau y oartain ear for any form of oauxrh nod alia for a dollar a dracguu small mix a oanta lay mail from poison dt co klnp- atoo oat sold fay a t brawn tnabravaa only that i a think ol hlmlt ual taa l lost which on ur dizzy then your liver isnt acting wrl yousuberfromblllous- n constipation ayerv pilis act directly on the liver fa i 60 years they have been tlu standard -family- plil t i doses cure r i r nmm ma t twsas ee buckinghams dyebksk xin u u uaavan of tn emit in tnaroy an when lh blow la evrt johanna billl halyards yellow oil our priua brnuaa bona wound out frostbit ohilburaa btlutfs of inaecu harna aslda oontnaloajl a to irio li oanta t trosparlly g m ra uaohac advhy u a ruur pollution jjampara lh tnlod prlvauon iraioa and hlranlhana ll uaa itu milbrjrna burtln uaadaob owdarfl tjor tha worat haadaoh in from nv to twanty mldqua and har no bd afur- flaou on powow sc b powdar 10o 10 poanlara sso- who haih m known hi foclans b knw hlmaalf or hu own lrlna matlal or oou woonda obubulna nhappad hand fhanmallam ailfl lolnta bom soalda biu of lnou oroap rxm and eolda ixa yallo ou will b found u molun inrjy 1ru- 3t5 eu all proaparliy u no ioai koala adnrslty la ih only balanoa to walb rlaada ilo- latob- by lb alrmta tj by aadby on axxiro i th boo of kanr lubarpa huxlir u4aab powdar 1 woman prom pi tatlaf from monthly palna and u no bad at lar affaoia what- vf b an you 04 uubarn 1ito 10 and 35 oanta all dcmlaia adnralty u th ulal alprioolpla with- oni u a man hardly know wblhr b la booaak or nol s uldlntf castoria tot infuits mnd children admralty nlhfloi of 4laltlnjt lal nia wblob in proaparona olraomvianoa woolr hav lain dormant unrao ifaoblld aata ravaoooaly fldda tba uah at nlghtand pl l oa may lmol b oaruin it ha woroia aud litioltt admlnuur without duy be low ll ant worm hyrpp thla nnjy txialhitt ill wn oathartld llf lru hfo la nol mar uuardluif acmioalaia butgrxwib i fcooj and uwald good tjoullty of obaracur biaulfla lualf la loop bou u it u uol prowidd with ikkv doiu now is the time season change we cant change them we cant pre vent the coming of cold and damp airs dut we can prevent the sore throats the coughs coldi and lung troubles by takingsrotts emulsion nothing duts mote to miue the it ider tlnoit tough nothing gives bitch strength to weak umgs oout take risks when its easy to be safe 4owisth season jor takiiig scotts emulsion in season owl btvr wnrk oma iq lir 1- llha tnlihml bar uuluoa and du nol buav 11 hi woij wlokw nd unkind hli rltavj is mllo nnd ni- mthial itlt baorrotdl hh fomul tbat kind word and a inda noat notbtn bat nra prloelaaa iiraaaia to lb dlaonral bb did uila ntlwr- aa aba would b doua b an 1 nnw ibat uld aua ha oom lo bat and lhar la a bl ll blla blr aboal bar snail le la luvl and nuital larad thcra la tba aaorat ol lon lila and a sappy dr woods norway pine syrup a poaltlv our for all throat lung and urunolilal duoaaoa nlltig and aoolblng in 1u antlon ilaoaant to tovo pronrpt hid ottoa- tmal in lla twaultn ur cbatt johaaon iur klvor k 8 wrltoal i wm trouurid villli lariifiraa and torn tbroat which tba ibrrtur pru- douttotxl uronahttlfl and rtwomnioiitltu ma to try ir wooda norway 1lno by nip l dirt o and hftar uaidk tbroo iruluva 1 waa ailtroly urod take n i hxauvor pill bf rellr- inff trtiu wort wlilb foil lo wltli- tiot a crllr 01 m ciirihk bllloumicaa eonntlixttlnii kick htatlinlo and dylp- a ami luttkn ymi fuvl uttter lo th wlrr i lpet w a case of kidnoy disease that could becured by ordinary drugs and medicines the brkad disease was bakisbed aptbe use of two bottles op paines celery co a btatment carrying warning and enrjouraemnot to every sufferer whu tb blood u th ufaof th aruir carry ug to arary part iu abar of foro and aoargy it u alao th tnaana by whlob th waau tnatur tha rou of dacompoal uoo of th tlaaaaa a tamovod from tb body if dlaaaw haa uocnd th kidney a tbr u gray danger and ddly opproa lion will aua apod tb body anil talttd ifyoabamany of tb ymptoma of brlnhla dlaaa or dlahat pain galary oompoond u tbonly tnodloln on artb that can atay tb ravagw of tha duaa and oora prmoouy mr 0 kaalll ol banaford oat tti0 a follow for th paat flftaai yaara i bay been iroabtad with dlmaad kldnaya ofun whll wotklog in a alooplog poafdon i wooldflod udlfbonltto autughuo op at onoa and ooold only do o aiurpmbo- sart wblla ondof vary mavara atucka of my tronbla bwwnt wry bairna od- ooatlnnauy had urad wornout laollnga my taat at night md to do no rood aa i alwaya fait tlrd in tb tnoroing i bad bn taking tnsdiolnaa and m gttln won all tb urn at 1 ait i daoldad lo givapainaa calory oompoaod a trial i pttwn a bolt and took it aa diracurf ajr4joohljva illoot wondarial lidor i bj aauhd tb drat bottu i fait m wall aa r i did in my ilia it baniabaj all t mtba and pain and my mrrooanaaa dimappftanx t can go to bad bow and alp wall and kia la lb maroldg rld and rfr4hd vrabajiplu oonaul not in tnultltnd of trlaoda but in tbwout and thole ol tbm arvo thau aomalhlng 1 wrong to tba young it alway maoa tronbla it la a warning to aayon onlaaa tha alraady to fat booua bmnlilon ehaoka thla waau and bring op your weight again u who would b a grat aool in futor taaat b a grt aool oow br low worm byrnp li a aafa aur and rtllahl worm rplur aou eqolly wall on oblldran or adolu b aar you gt ijowj white watery pimples five yoars ago my body brolcs ont in white watery pimples which grew so bad that the suf fering was almost unbearable i took dootoni medicine and various remedies for two years but thy were of little benefit whtnever i ffot warmed up or sweat the pimples would corns out again a neighbor advleod bardook blood blttera and i am glad 1 followed his advice for four bot tles completely cured mo that was three years ago and there has never been a 4uyt or pippif on me since james laahouse brechin po ont ttka tba wit ar long lo uarnlng tbat tbar u bo bu work or thm than lb bit gm palm inlo ibajr haoda co ltaxa lamt 111 vry nuht for thirty daya kntkaa a ootbpuu our of bllboi a uid oooitlpatloa that i ol s5 oanta to b oord in ordr to oonphand moral thlag4 w wiwl w tbatniioo not only uadar oar jm hot in ourlv4 tb tjjjo oooitrhiida onlywbawt projuo aluutloti lu 11m uorld of bamaotlh tnwllalu baa boaii lu vry miuroa uf pro graad a iii politic klul uminiii tllf ttdalltlj of bplnlooi and tha individuality t tnlti bav bsati lratit hj th diugro kuaiit by wblob tba atanilard of utaaa bodu bv betllavalad do with tuoit of onr famoia prtiwraliuia fuivniotrttl ii lustration of wbioh truth kuli11 tba worm famoua rndy in ui tlbkily bj huttuor juliiliiu wlur and wblob wbail ohtaluablrf u lu ufiiulllu truilli la a ti1raooqui ermltir uf b vitiu vitality mid allmulaul lo tb tatf frilluy ft hi aylaiit q ilnlua u ibj nnt lu im provbtiiittt ban front tin rtrii dlaouvary of tba ifrmt virtual of qulnlo h titdlra ajtvot lti oim of tba unwl ihurouxbly dlaonaiati ramadba fvrr osftjsl to tb pub- li d it la on ibtf urt loulod and atij natural uf mint alliuulaitla wblob llamahnal rofal t ll jl lw bsait own trl ul4wilmhlil irrlihr mivr- nottl ropand uytnai f toratilo liuvv ulvwii lit lliv iwrralult l lluir ura guiitiw wn- 1 ureal rutat du ill lv mimii tmra ami tba li lr wll f luhliu lil ihy ttir 11 ui itilhln njiuw li u ibr uarkt tiritl tf al illruol wbkli aklllftd oh ktuuino f ar polo 14 out in iha lilt irfol if par tlotia jf th uttt- ohtldrerrcryfar castoria ittopl un rally uu nol who b latl 1 ay utltlai troop oh ltivlmonl 1- uuiurpai 1 by any linlmaot on lb mark o dy it la ootnpoad of beiliotl aoolbing and nlaanilng yagatabl oili and ilraou put up in urgo bottloa for lb amall prlo 6f ii oanta ou bow bard it i lo du and not b abl lo laava tba world any batur fur ouuj 111 u liull it i almoat aa praatuptoua lo think you oa donotblug aa lo thiik ou can do iry thing j r and ago and llkllaua bratig mania ara poiu1y ourd by tha ui of rarmla rllla thay not only ouaoi lb alomacb and bowali from all btllona tnattar but bay opao iba exoratory vali oanilng then to jour ooploo floaloo from lh blood into th bowali after which tb corrupted tnaa la thrown out by tb tiat oral tauga of tb body thy ar uaad aa a ganaral atnlly madloln with tba boat raaolu a good brarl im ilk iha for ablm bright acd baw obaogea and kaepa ita- oonra trnly vannd at last a ur plu that la mall a aur ibal aou gantly qnick abd tboroogbly tbat dot bot grip li litrrilll poiiihr lh qnalllur and ar a aur our for ur complaint oodatlpatloa alck brad- aoba adwamity u a dumotiddot llaavapol aba iu lowahl with ilalgblop mllburns heart for weak jeoplil tha bllll our all dlanoae mid mm order aruink from waak htmrt horn out noire or wntory blond audi aa 1alpha- tlon mklp ilooln lliwibblug bmotliorlntf puiltiett mutikorvuliilhvou anoenilo karvoiiiucim blrtih kmieat brain vag ontirmil ikblllty uiul luck of vitality thny uro ft mo heart tnnlo qnirvn food and blond nnrichcr building ip all j ronuailujr all tb worn out and waud tlui n ut tlm boily uiul rtmtorlng prft haollh 1iln guo u bov or 3 fur vlks tvt all dtuirclhu thar fcwaoul in dili warll that bava tit gift of htiihtij jiy avarywberd tbgrtluug baalar i found lu that koalunt biadloln aold ai blokuii anil gonaubtptii flyr u p itboothaa ami tl ululabw lhaiwnrlbluly of iba mmbrau of thatbroat hndalr tuuaagm aud la a aovaralgu raioojy far all ooutfu ooldr boaraum paiu or aoraufeai lu tba obot branoblliati9 it biy oura1 tnaby whan oppowd la b far advauol lu ootuutup tlon 1rovuatio bu glvao bop aud ali a i oonipatimllon for tha tntiy or of ufa juhcj and paluj you koow by ajaparlauoatbat tba aolj and pain of rhaumitutj ar oot parmau- aotly but ouly uruporally fallavtii by sx waal iraoladlu thau why not uu an luurual riuisjy uuodatgraaatuia wblflb oorraoia tba r idltyottb blood uu wbloh rliftuinatum dcpnda aud ott lb iiaw t thla matlloln bin doo trior for iba thauoiatlo thau anyolliar madlolua in iba woru advaralty u iba aril p lb lo truth- uyroo tor ipcrfcct vrvlx spray your orchards inulltaul and ttotly tll tuaka yaur oifutif luutiauic 1 ha tilmbiuotor la ilk i till of ual- ful aiviuiil u4l u left tin 11 up lodai wt th wniultmiffluiiii kttlion u ll imlututl uf lt lurw tumitl htl ci a j tti tu ywu tha hiaiulur hu lir u dul all caf aji1 brmaa cylluiuia itaila fiuu iliawtt ito nawa um naow toe fphhat imlbwi aptay lo a o ystcslas thk opi tulcal bntum aululum ptay lo aolul a wilt au vhllrh r wlul uur lululkma iraalua fur your aaoiaaa tmk afh london ont txr llraaa n6u thla iel tbat w ar folly prprod lo bopply mr ary want far aa pura dtui4 and madlnihm ar oonovoad caraful and acotnala family dlipotilt la oar fort w oontiuuauy aim to aaa ouirlpatron to two graat autlalaiuallly and low lo our alook of tulut praparatluna will intaiaat tou 1iikh lui couriuxi- ilnaa jlry compouod la tha uicdi olnayou abould ua wban you lack narv nargy wban lb body it poorly noorlabsd wban you ar wk ruutlowu daapondaot or alatpuu ialnoa cilary compound braota up ut narvaa kiraiiglban uio liar and kid nay a and olaama lb blood a t ilrown urogtlt acton ont tb tool proilaa mara ibn ha on par tlwilmtmlia ilr win vndrroort hydnay oroaalng ont wilua w have bo mluglarmauaa and find iharn by far lbbit pllla wvavef tuad fur l-ill- cau and dablhtud conatitutlona be liill aol ilka a charm takau lo ampll doaaa tha altoot la bo lb a ton in and a ullm nunl mildly xolllti tba aootallona of ta body glvluii ton and vor it u any to daapla o nndaraland a ranch batur a lllcjrt rittr5 wlui rnnlip tira u lull in higher uotlmatlim boaum ha makir put a paffcot fuiuh on ll you nanlave jouulthi tiro wltb thg i hick on rj redd oa nny whoa yo buyuo itrti rjbgxjre a ipoonf ul of help la batter thau a diibf ul of advloe mo ona beed fear obolara or atiy am trier oom plain i 1 they have a lot lo of dr j d kallogga dyeaoury cordial raady for ose it correal all ooaeuaaa of the bowaja promplly and oauaabuhy and nataral aatlon tbla it a medicine adapted for tb young and oil rich and poor and la rapid ly beounilnu iba tnoe popolfr tnedmlna for obolara dymiilary lc in uio matktt qaodpooptaara not really aoaroe in life oi ly one mtul look for them b lleaboolilviu 160 tbywgoluiu10q bmtqlawwu 100 we gnanuiua pcheot aatiafaotioo globb optical co 03 yont btroot to onto- lop little and work tnuob la tha ah or t at way tb goal to louob a sour stomach nd a sour tmpor travel imtid in hand and aro th iinscuriora of mental mul phyilcal urock nino hundred and ninety uluetlmealn a thou tatid food ferment indificatlon ll lb cu dr von slna imncaiipla taldela keep hi itomultaweet id dlgeatlon veep hi uervej cetiire vjl launcrl tlieyrv ujilurai pan kcca pleasant hjk barmleaa 35 cents s3 wold by a v brown alway do jour part aud do not deepla little tblngi dropy la ono lollilvo slen of kldny olaoiue- llavo you any of threunuiutakablaajgnsm under tb eyea bwollen llrobai bmotberlng feeling chaiut of lb character of tb urine li- haustiotl ttiter leavt eiertlnn lfyoubav ibrrna dropsical tendency and you aliouldnt dnlay mi hour in putting yourlf undo th gteit bouth amedcao kidney cure 86 bold by a t rovn ouaoiuul to thbt who ask it but for 6 oautiul upon nana hoatrt blfcnaao noilovod in 30 minute uf aljiilu ti cum for tha huirt flvca tieriect relbj in all case of organic aryiuilhauc lleurt dlfceaiv hi fiotnlnulcra and speodily rtfatclv a cum it a porhua remedy for ivtpltatkm bhort timinf uttdthstiiollerliiu bpelu pain in left bldo and all aymptomrf of n blaeioed hurl on doaacoovlnc bj bold by a t llrowu to lla uowber libeller tbau to uu tba truth avrywbr bouktii vatanfay cured to- day mr o c hurt uf 36 lirojulvy new york uy i ain surprlum and do lighted at tba chaiiku for tb better in my caa in ona day from iba uto of dr agiwrw a catarrhal itawjer it worked ilk magic tbnroa to encun for a person bulferlng lain with thu iuiidy within rucb jo cents st bold by a t llrown wltdora la of tlliuaa uaaier whan w tloop thau whu w soar th paul of rhumatio pains whan n butlerer inula iiermaneut tnllof in audi a meritorious medicine tu boulb ameri can ltheunuilc cure how uld lia u to tall it c wmyhworthaenevill ont couldnt walk m badhliiucu orjnqihiiour yara togo ibmtbollloa of thll groat mmedycurad litnt not lal alnce isnt that encour- igeiiifaiit or rheumatic suluirots tj bold by a t llrown what u obaipml lu you now li hlily to prove deateal lu tba tint what tmaoi you bsbohdrw luillalumiutllgihiaukmlw ilavo tim liervs conir 1 rown llml uiul llil am you ihrai miai wlili nervous ivromratliii biuib aiiieiitin kervtnk t baluro sumfnclnr tiukis uio sinaucb llil lvt u woild of iwrw fone ufwiiilbncir cubulfiu prlei1 a reulur unliliilkti imilur fu- 1 miuiwii i44jd oil uily uys i owj uiylljluil t bold by a t llrown 1twuy lathatnusloof ihaaouli and aba klluf ureal and feeling aoull have you ta buln dlsaai7- teller ball uliaumvctild head ulngworni uceeniallcbluibbdiilchljiccrslllnldicd cblvhila lryalelu ijvor svoll ivurlo iaorbtoli or nlhrm eruptions of lb akltt what iv aincw a ointment ha dan it fur others it can difir you cum yon oiidttp- pllcalluui ives rollei jj touts hy hold hj a t llrown nut it rt wliiu lint s utiike dp cuar lbalr own way and wlu to llgbllnurowliii whafathotroubo- skk uaiubo u it illluuiit t is it ihig uh lkr t u yuiir akin uow t do o feel muo deal tliail ulivo i viur aylc m nitads hilokyour uer li i big lis mi i i in niw an new alllllelltu loceuti fur 41 tlown wll wurkwoudeia or you hjj bold by a t llrown dont bit afrjuo ocufaiuc joe thing that kps 70a ntt men down 1- their fer bl work they aim to flod ira lel oociiullini eo ibay on dr wj l anil thflr elabs an i ha ibibu with llie lips of tbrlr fluger thnf do nnl ilk to gal their sboul lere npdar ibe wbe and they prater to gln orders tu other r figure as miller an i lat aunm una ale d 111 drudgery tbr- i iloubl thai indoleno and ualneee ae lib chief ub tat its lo suoocer wbin wee a boy who baa ul eeoure i apoaltlou take bold of everything will bulb band und jumprlgbl luuibii wrk if be meant to uoad wo be oonfljeuc lbalbo will prosper hat it be ataal around and asltj juasllooa when loll lu do anything ii be till you thai tbl and that belongs lo eotiio other boy to do fur ll i tiolbli work if bo does pot try lo carry out bla orders in the rut way if be want a thouaand esplanatou wban kd to run au errand and makae hie amplojar think tbalheoould hav don tba whole thing hlniaelf onafseu ilk dtaobargln auob a boy on thsapji for he i ionvinood that b u nut out out for suooeea that boy will be oursad with mediocrliy or will b a tall ur tliere is im puoa in this oentury lot beusymdif tljwtl be pushsl lu tb wall what is ssv5vv8jaasv utll ntihduo them i wish juhtj ah aald regretfully i bad bad aano enough not to daetroy all lb uture you wrol m during th year and a half of your courtship nmlldin grailud way i knw you would rtkgret tbat aooa tlm b wjd indmd i do an replied i newu a tit- ll change the worat sort of way and lb tnan who buys rage and old papers w bar today uow wasufnl warn lu ouryoutb 1 ii looked at hr rcpruaobfolly and al most involuntarily ms band aougbt bl pookslbook it la asldom indeed that ire- eoaruful wqmali ha4 lo make a direct ta4ott for money therateatiumbr of vartsue of corn 111 lo ways com car will remove any of them gsjiooyonr drujujul anl gat a bot tle at ono consideration la tb daughter of klndll na ttjjf tbalnr wl oulwcar btoqypj two pir of o nil 1 wry coijimoii hublcra sarcli tho world mid you wll 3mtlatt by livery uubbci uanuraitlrtrml iklu but un millatioii lias ourejwcuilty matiufao urcd kojwi ciinviui or duck iba qiily fabric which can bo thoroughly impntiuitcj with tba vara cum when worn out havti uatlkfraola put 011 mul mjs far u liow hoot tlinj rklncoilmhl panuints s jtp uuhber don t buy unlcvs thu words hubwr 1 ul otlicm ant frauds upon tlia tniblb a whn you find yourealva overpowered as ll wore by metaoholyxk bt wy i lo uo out mid do fcamelhlnj kind to aom body flrrat ihtfreure lu cora curi usuysre dslructlv to lb flb datigerona to uw uut ibeold rellabl 1ut nam corn litrsotorratnovn oorns watts aud bunions without pain in ill hours no pain no failure puluamv our hbtin no auvy poaaee ho bar- pltieaa tell tha deaf ur j v kellook druc ftlsl xarth write a customer of inlna bavlug htt ourd of daafness by tbd of dr thomaa lioleoulooll y rot lo ireland ulllng bis friends lhar of tba cur in ootmijuamia i rrclvd an order to abd half a doitu by spr to wexford ireland tbuweek 5 vorgst tb good thou beat dona and do uuer lieaaantaa ayrup bothlugaijuau it u a worn msdloin th nam la uolhar q raves worm kxlormlnalor tba real ast worm daslroyr of tb aga ouly lifes loll uiohs us to prln- ufas tfiakures tailors baxl baxjcs the oramp4l np poi ilini ux which t tailor worlu ooinerf liard on hu klduay suul luud oil bbt bmk vary fiw eecapo baokonh iwiii in ui abu aud urinary troubled of und kind aud mother oftuuum th out wurolug f klduay duaaew hi kieglouud think it wulb all right in k day or two but tdok udaoyii wont go well without bolp doans kidney pills ar th beet friend of klditoyj tioehn aealitanne luad tlm rool iron fa tailor wrlio baa thad tlnuu mr john hobpriuou tnaroltaut tailor durbatd ont glvoa hi tuipurlmioo as folio wei xhad been olllni with my kljnejs l knor than a yur wlmu i otkniuieuoed taklur doana laimy 1ilu whloh x got at v iaiunes drua ubiro ami am ainoerely tlink x did ao lb urnug autlon uf m klduayaiuad i110 ulok all over and nautt lu much inootivbitlutwi uiul ldn that 1 tinw a tiling of lh puiiu lhuauea jwu icltlney 1ilu nurl iio x hwi hadi troubl oa iimxuivunieno with my kidney w baok fcluoa x look tliwe vrmarkablo pllfu and you iny u miw tliat i 1 ully tum bluutham uilitbi luxdiiaia- laxfl liver pills am tint ladle f vorlt mwufiiie they jo hot purge grip mnken or aiokan i hay fry o tnral nml t t iiamibiilkc ljowbjj auring nisttiuillou dypnia beadaaka aud bllluuauaaa- lxlo uo castoria comtorla is for inftwtif and cuuoren caatoria u a linnulcsa bubntlttito for castor ou parfforic drops and huouilnff syyapit it contalu ncltnor oplutu morplilno nor othor inarcotia subatunco it u ileanant iu eiiarantoo ik uilrty years us by millions of mother cttirtorln destjoya worlds and allnyit foverlioi- ncttu caatorln euros duurboca and wind ohe castorla relieves toothing troubles jurcs constipation and flatulency custorla osslnillates tbt food regulator the stomach and bowels of infants and children k healthy and natural sleep contort is tbi ctdldrens lauaeea tho mothers friend grand tivunk railway gaatoripl u la an excellent tsnluin to chlldnu uothcrs bare rtrtmlctlly laxd tse tj tu good towt upoa ibdr chiutn ti- c c oeoood lmtu mu caatoria f trltf t a well atlayted to tblldnna thai i mtaoueml u pw to any celpuoa known to wm tx a aacnaa u d jrlj- m v ool llh lum in os a n i iuum vi f n u 6 ii p l mall u uanietxk 10 aui ami 6 lal lo wrlil lulu f in mm 1 r 19 11 1 id 10 1 i sun savings and loan co hiad olfici tbllonto o autharid cppttml r 000000 oo ten year maturity kbaies are paid uonlhly inalalmrnlurif 50c per sbai or jro months wlien payment riaaokio on au in maturity value ioo 00 money lo loan at y siralgbl itun or repayable in monthly instalments on appll cation to r j inabb aftont aoton the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper nerve energy and eyeglasses lumber latht sh1ncleb a ho wood dttfcsskd lumhkil houom iwmiibu latrhmlnolkh andt0vk wood 01 att kikdh itept con8tantuy onhandi a constant dropping wears away a stone a slight eyestrain injures the health because it is constant the strain which first manifests itself as a- slight discomfort should be remedied at once this we guarantee to do with glasses- consultation free delays are dangerous a b phiisraiie watoujjjukk nd jewettkk gtjeiiph j a speight co undertakers enbaming done in all its branches by tlie adoption of the low est living prices vie have cleared out our furniture stock similar low prices rule in our undertaking when in need of anything in this line call and learn that our pricc3 are lower than you canet elsewhere j a speightrfc co wirorooms foot of low st hcton to catch tho kyo and tlio miud at tlio saw time la thd art pi advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying is especially to those wishing pleasantand profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt thu only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authentic cheap sellson sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for free outfit and make money tltobwadleycairbetaon co llmllo brmtrortl o kcton saw mills terms gash james brown smiling approval- r t your clothes will ho approed by tboie jou cam to pleaaa l you have litem made by us wo maketheirtrlht imuro you a perfect fit and furautea that tba roods won i d or- grow tdiabby 1 ho boat llm for clothoa is now wm cooper wwaciiawt taiuiu mill stbutt hcton em itoweitcpoduu ntay tw aecared by oc eld iililiee the patut record osmacre m photqoraviaio or any class of emgravino for advertising pvrp9ses catal jljonesbgc 16sbaysttoront patentguaramied our le lytudcl if we foll any one mlkiidb skatcl and dtiprtou l any invent o will kuuiijiy c4wa our oiilnlurt fice comerntua tmlcula ullly ul aaiue jlow to oul rtul mitt ufiu riurkt tatriitri m tbitmattb us tyculnl fur ailo at our t wiw ufum layewrkii au hlolilea aud wblely hvtiulcd lout coumillrilly wiiufaaluittaod iiivrdths ucudltrikataipldcuuy rsgg adlr4 vioton j kuams a co uuai attorney gvaasr jiag was patents iprdmptly 5ecure01 writ iw our l bovi f tulp and how you ewlodud euduae maid kxh trf imkl yr i chiton ormiruvhiciii and tarvlllirll yu fnwour n fc- u wtitlhrr ll u 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