Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1901, p. 2

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doh xiboaiiumr in krlnoa frlilse loth novsnibar to mr eld mr kdw j kingsbury olttnli cfulu it t mi lj ol acton esea -o- kami at ilia benie of lila parents lot 10 uon m baqaaalnx on bandar ul hu sell on of angus kaui seed u utuotlta and lu vawta io aeorgstowu oo halnidtr uipnilu mil ho humo utwtiiug mi of uotw krwta seed m years phuilhdly riovbmupu 31 1u0i hdltontal noteq tord b irs t boon ia perhaps canada s viebeet rhultl millionaire ha bold oar jo 000 000 worth of railway slock a to no ue bu t0000 000 look of lb ofml northern iu11 way a 350 000 la the north ud pacific tl p75 000 in tb dulutfa booth sbore allaotlo and 7fl0 ooti in theo p it por soma time mayor morrle o ottawa bu beeo in conflioi with ib chief of polio of that clly charging hlro wiib being vsoils id tbe performance of bla dn iaa tbe charge video uy put tb chief upon bu tnaula and aveonpls if weeks ago the mayor found himself in the maabaa of lb a law to oherfc again t him wa that of purchasing liquor ioth itasssll ilouaa altar hoar ii waa fined 00 and ooala and kooordlcito autata dliqaellaed from fartbar actio aa mayor for two year an age of brot cltlxttrta thronvvd thai town hall ontuatoay ewanlno at trio in vitation of anton oianoliof uia national oanltarlur association practical adomkbalhb wblaf- ino to cosumption our cillsens have beeo kept wall posted ounoeuln lbs alapa taken for tba forma tbm ol th aolon branch of iba national sanitarium aseoolelloo to aaaiat in tba fmnubin and aislulsnsucaof iba innn liurat free hospital for coos u motives wltb ths duublo purpose of giving popular information tr spec tin tl a groat mortality from tuberculosis tha rjauee of the dlaaaaa lu intsellvlly pravulion and oorahlllly and to lutereel citizens generslly in tba ob ject and alma of tha association a general invitation aitaodad oar cltlxsns lo a public masting in the town ball on tuesday nioj thaaaaablubrooo- at a weekly market for aolon la likely to ba an issue at tba doming municipal elsetloae many ar in favor of it aiidtblnkltwoald ba a baaafu lo lha town a oouvaalaaoetotbecltlsaa and that it woshl testlitete thhdesltofrs of both merchant and farmer in tba band ling of prodooe a markat baa repeatedly baan agitated bot tba ealborllls bava tip totblstinw taken boubllbd itf the matter the eendldalea who uka op tbe question at th election will no doubt win favor in ao dolrg municipal election matter are a i moat i m variably quiet until with a waak or so of nomination day end a ueosl 111 tia has baan ssjd op to this tlma respecting tha poesibepersonnel of tha deal eara ooanoll bom ailixana think tba praaanl ooanoll ia agoodonem woold likly u euotad in any aavat and that it woojd he bst for all oonoaroad to sand tbacn baok by aoalama- tlon for anotbar jroaira aarvioa on tba uukaomathlnj uu10 liuida wootd flo wrong ii tha ttsoal atatlon tar moa wan uoklng at tba opaolog of lha yaar it u oorronuy raportad that if tha maitar u opanad for a oooloat that a raoa for tha ilaavuhtp u likaly to maurialixa batwaan ilaava wullama and coodouiot jaaaa if howavar mr wullama rafaaaa to an tar anothat oontmt for tba cbuf maglatraut chair it u blatad that mr jaaju m try oonoloalonvwttb oonnoillor httodaraoo aa to tha oandldaua for tha ooanoll vary lilua oawa haa aa y oma t ba aan of tha pan pan oven log ti 1 1 tbj progrinida mm annonnoad to in oluda popular addraaaea by local phyaloiana and tnambara of tba aaaocialion raoltala by tha pianola aod aonga by pnblio aplrjt ad vooaliala at aight o olook whan iuv j icooddanm a tba obaltmab took bla plaoa tba towu hall waa orowdad offioara and cllbwna at onea fall plaaaad ibat tba popalaoa had tboa provan lhaca aalvca to ba lotraaud lo lha nnloctunata and dutraaaad and wara poaaaasod of that faaliogof pospal brotharbood whlah roakca all tba world akin tba oral dnmbawaa a pianola aalaollon by ur j m ilall thla waa aral tlma a pianola waa pot into oommlaaiou iu iba town ball and tba andlaoea u mttob intaraatad la lia maob anuni whlob prodooaa auob wbndarfol affaola and playa lbaplanocgnal ia many raapaota to tha tnoat akllfol pianist dr ball favored lha aodiaso with aavaral aalactlona daring tba avening tbaebalrman tn bia addraaa rafairad in tha bialory of tba mnirtmetii for tba aid of oooaunipuvaa which waa inaogoratad ft years ago by mr 3 w gaga toronto by bla eoolrlballon of taooo towarda iba erection of a aaaitaiiam at gravanbnrat for lhair tiaatmanl thla waa anppb tad by anotbar gift of aijaal atooant by lb lata uart a maaaay and tba prif ganaroalty of tha praaant aga baa mad tha tnovamenk a gratifying aoooaaa mr goddan apoka of tba awfalacoorga of ooo nmptlon which according to tatialioa baa today lo our cwn coantry 40 000 victlma tba objacta of tha national sanitarium aaaoolation la uaallng paitanta and cbaoking tha prad of tba dlaai aaoaiiog ibo problbitiooo apittlnk 00 tba aidawalkaand in public plaow nvpact injnfnmiml wllh ap lltoratara tba impoittnca of ha audatukibg wf aaollaana who form tba toe orkan laatlon fa bndad toiber with tba drjlkhlfiil pnrpota of lwl intf olhara and wo mp0 to wlo or ri pvraii li and hatp and it at id am m baa alwaya abown bavatll readf 10 ami i j carry lo iccaaafnl tarralaation avrry inaitar ao ira led lo bar wblob uoaarvfng of l hair oonpdeqoa and aupportaad will doaolntlila tba baiflnnlug ia half of tbawltola aald ihoanquul uiaak tbu ia true bat it ia lha lat atap wblob win tha raoa with andaautad paralalanoa wa ill win and our rflaru will result in bringing tba bloom of health aod vigor into obatlui wblob liava baan pal id wltb dlaeaaa lo our awn town or la aome other town mr inrryjaan who baa alwaja provau bitoaau ready lo aid with liuaplaudid voloa in aoxooi oauaa during lha aooto of yaara ba baa rsaldod hero aang wilb apundid cdcot twaoty yaara ago lo night hlaa jouula umltb waa tha aooompauul limbhou86 a teams story guprunhd orkatcv frqm asthma and kidnby troudlbti feiant soma tlma in a moapltal and almost impoverish aid hlmsolf uuylne msdlolnoa without qana- llta dr williams imnk pills curo aftar othof modlalnaa fall our municipal lboiblators small docks t of buslnaaa at last monday kvanlneta sasslon ooodoll mat last monday avanlng tn ragular ssml moothlr aaaalon mambara nraaaat iusts wiluama chairman j no a handaraon u bwachbammer and u 3saaa- tfca oommltusou floaaoa praaantad and raoommandad pay man t of tba following aoooanu oan oanatal mlaeiri bapplia 10 00 t t moore poue 1 00 u p hoore printing taaabbbaa work and aappltaa- bo ui jamaa utxua enpplutf t john harvey axprewj j paaraoneatata enppllaa a tr moved by ii bwaokhainmar aaoondad by john a- lteodarsoa that tha raport ot tha oommltlss 00 flnaooa jot rsad adopted- caxtbd msaara obaa maaon and oao aguaw waited on tba coaooil in tba iourcau of a0u0 ootoat band taking tham to mil tba fees for tba town ball oa tha ulb inaijl a ibtohalrmanotth town ball oom mltiaa was abaaot tha maitar waa l ft oval bnlil aoolbay maallng ooanolllo j o favored tba withdrawal of tha charges as tha band waa a pabllo inatltatioa and bad ooms behind la tbalr kwoalpts at lbs oonoart given 00 tha utb aoobimunloationfrommi johu uarvay btaj raad aaklog parrolaalon of tba council lotuld a klona ratalnlog wall ou lb doitb hiuaof mill bt 00 tha malglu down lha bill from bla raoa ally acqolrad piotrty moved by m bwackhammar aooadad by3oo a uandaraon that tu itqwal o mr uarvey ba grantad tba location of tba laid wall lo ba approved of by lb btraats and walks oommlluo ciud council than adjoomad cnewbons ornhhb mf o j palpi t of tba melhodlet ohurcli hfllw oa banday morn log qalta a qumbai of vpurle fniat aotou apaot a day banting la tba woods la ibla vicinity aa wsdnssday last maadlaaa to eay thay wars not loaded dowu with gama mr and mra j porbea and childreu of acton spaot banday at mr n ktxbm mrs oao barber of aclxi vllud truuda ia thla vldulty during tha wk me john jirehadi baa accrwl u poallldd with lbs coalpit oartags co and utl to work last tnaeday wa wlb lilu wry iuv 0 a olllatu of aolon disciple obarob uuad tba tnembara of his oou btwgniina in this walttbborbuoj qu tuet day i miaalonary aarvioa will b itcjd itl lit methodist church bars 6d tiubday tb uth inst by tha iuv dr oomuli mlaa hllaa mails la fepniia a moolll at ashgrova tboas whobavs auffarad much are ilk tboaswboknowattayuogaaga thaybavs to laara to audarstauii and ba unuantood by all catarrh uanautll lurad vvtuj luaal applloallotm m tltav oamudt rwob ba seat of tha dlaaaaa uatanb u a tluod or a suua4ltulloaj dlaaaaa aod lu order to turn it ya moat take internal vesuadlm hall 4 oatarvb oars u dot a quae tatadielaa tt waa preeortbad by cue of lh beat ubjauuoa in uiu aonatry for aod la a rcnlar praacrltllua it isaonopoafruuilhabeatlunlal anown coot blaad with tba tieet blood purloam soua dlr aauy oa lha maeoua aurfaaa tin perfaet noot blaatlonof tba two ureduat la what produee uab woodarf ul raaulu lu auruik mulrii hand for teallntowlala f res r j oukynal vo 1repa toledo o hold by all draaauta ptlaa tq aenta halls varally ptll are the bast we attract bear la by tha yualuus ws display i ws retain tbem by tba qoslitlstl the llmehooao achool abildnen had an sntarlalnmaiitlaat friday af mrnooo t tha sobool boaas and lb largo bomber of parents aud friaude who gatbarrd there wars wall rewarded aa lha aoholara raclla tlona and aoogs wars wall worth 1 ulan intf o kvary credit la dua their luohir uiae kate kennedy tbe acbool hone was taatafully deooralsd with svargfvana and mapla loaves sad looked vary pretty mrs urook or toronto la lbs guaat of mrs aub kennedy mayor and mra jnn kennedy aod dangb tar of dual pb waftuesta at llm lionie of mr john hooralbia week mr ja jranl u buma agalu from man i toba looking bale aod hearty alter tilt ihitamoblha tllp mrs b orsut or toroulu ia vlitlng fruoda hare misshlcbol ofyoodatook uvleluagber auit mrs j as bharp mrs or batberlnd ha relurna lobar boms in bl calbarlpaa tiflar unandlng a hoil tlma with frind iibihij louuvlpb mr iveuaid family hve moved lq oroatoforlbe wlnur and ssoarlng foods to irqalp tha ft hospital for tba poor who era affile lad with lbs discus wars all impressed mr qoddaajalso assured tba andwoc that this was bot a money making affair for any on there are no shareholder bot tba whola movement is ons of tba most msndabls philanthropy dr thomra gray in very interesting s ptecbtccuched lo langoiga in svsry way rsmovsd from tba tach local addrcsaed hlmsalf paitlcalarly toihs eaoacs of con somptiaa or labsronloals por agea ba said tha dtssasa bad baan looked ppon as smallbarsdttaryandlaoarabls baoanuytbs oauaa of tba dlasas has bsen foond io bo a germ and a strong movement is oa foot lo eodaavor to eliminate this d leasee a other dlaaaaa soch a hydrophobia cbolsra diphtheria etc have bsen slimlnatad or largaly obsckad with tham effect preoaatlonary mass arcs have besn adopted and wa bavs no each spldsmlos sj srpsrlsnosd a fw years ago the objael of tba prse oaupalgo ia to stamp oat labcrcalosla tba germs breed in tbe 1 tings nd parsons sdllotsd should a pedal ly ba problbltad from spitting 00 lbs streets fljora carpal eta all spotam sboold be destroyed there very utus drsad ozoonsaropuon from heredity now a predisposition of wsaknee of the oonsthouoo may he inharitsd and tha person oonseqoaotly be mora subject to lbs disease bat if every rssaonabu precantlon bs taksn to avoid it the danger u mlmlnu sd tba spotam of oontompuves is tbs ths greatest oaoas of lbs disss is tbs asms precaution sboold ba observed io tbl ss is now so tally obssrved lo tbs oass of favsr and lb sttlngsnt lews relating to other ccntsgloas diseasee ehould bs made id include consumption any one coming in oooucl with aoonauraptlve 1 tlabls to take it the tootor teiuratad that all pot am should bs destroyed palisnl sboold ba a far as poaalbls isolated should bot tat la crowds and should ksep lu the open air lis solicited tb support of cltlxens for the worthy object referred to and said ths moakok banltatam will bs a glsat blaaslug to many iuv tl a macpbsrsoa lit treasurer of tb association referred to tb porpoee of tha commitls tha initial oca of whlob was to place a bed iu the pre hospital at iravsuborst to b knowu a tbe aolon bed urn ssplsiaad iba i lb otaoera of ths aeloa breoob iuund msk lug a canvass vary shortly for food for ibu purpose and expressed the bop that evry bltlsso wbooonlddo so would help in tb cunltlbulioa sad that svsa tha buy eud gill will wintrtbalsa alts a lie felt that aton has aufncuut iuutest in others 10 give a hearty respooe and that it would bs shown w hev a united bpl la tbe mailer oj bslplitg lbs needy dr john macksy uaodonald wa lulro doosd sbdtald that bs desired to tell lbs ludisoss m little hbout baoullology derm life wa sapmiied aad their nduuloueas wa lmprjd wlieti ihv doolor statu ibal with matiy of tbem whell lile a thotitt 1 tlmwlby ur brly illuro i bi to a moti of good vvai with a barta of mlafully iprepalad oltlt ths form aud susof a uuoiher uf dlea uarintf were vluldly 111 uarlt j km thiir habit aud lbs ligation they lnlt w tooat atsrvmllujily elplaiued illujtralloua of the germ of ttiharoalosl diphtheria aud anthrax spd the bacillus at typhoid fsvsr lb dlflareut spor sod parasite wer showu and eiplaluej in a irlle aud osreful wsy tbadootor ooooladsd by solicluuk tbe bssrty eoppori 0 in oillsus lu ill osuse la bsad mr up mount ia of lbs ol sir msu rvfanuic lo our lord a beeull fol itory of lbs bamailuo and ssld thai id it ws are shown that all who deed our help ere our neighbors and wheu ue ssld oo end do tboa likewise be luun ded that ibis ssburtatloo should a a down through all tb agee lo all people in ell climes sodlo whslsvarrlroameucoee help is needed it thie fs trn otbrothehood which brtu ibla lari arowd hare to night dv aller day lb phras ah illiela ooiite tu mntt tnnr and mora it u this daspciili ft roosaa personal sad mutual ubllitatloii which ekulus nsoy soalal pr mnu uf our day ajar ounveull 1 al ivlr anoee nn lontr salury ws neri ibo reality of brutheiboott yu bav tlauoad t the nad of ihu wmk if lie naliooal baolisrlom aiocilloa spd aohqrove mis umiiis vsnslakl of palermo spent lat week with friend her dr mocrlmrnon d w p of palermo paid an offiatei vlalt to hornby bon of temperenbv on friday svsnlnff mrs j au sender returned on pr day from a weeks visit with toronto famade mr patrick pltsimmoos baa rented bis farm to mr joseph bojd mr qeoriie hardy and wise jessie eu tsttainad a lsrge bnmber of their friendi nn wfhjv nve of last week j of war asms jf 001 asbgrovs and tiornby stlioojs are having soma esslllng tmnlsete at pre eeot the soors stsnds even bjttd a di cuivs pell is ukd of hsllon farmer institute end the womans inatltuts will bold meeting in hornby orange hall op saturday el lorn 00 n a union meeting will be held lu ths even ln mr oeorge andersou le horns from msnitoba mr anderson vuio favorably impressed with that country that he has soma thoaght of moving oat tbsr vium ue tleoorder hallfsa u h mr wluism coobraoe a well kaowo lesmeur who uvea near ltaatrslifax polo qtoonds ioos ol those wbowllllngly bear taallmony to the coalw powers of dr williams pink 1tlls a reporter of the ji tat tut jtteonur wbg bad hesrd of mr coohranaa aurlarliiga au i aubttquenl c ire called at his boms wusu bs uavs an account il bis sutturti g suulsnllall aa followa ue bed or many years bveu a ct t auffsrer f 1 in sail in acoamian i u an sygrhvkitd i 1111 or kidney tr uljle tbs latter troublo caused severs pains in tha back sod loins and si times hit offoridga ware very son to ho ssld ha bad almost loipofeilabvd hlmmk n buy log madlclnaa of all kjinde but lo no pur pose the trouble continued to uruw worse as tbs yars passed mrs coclirsno said thai aba had frsquenlly are 11 tier btlsbaud oboke op and fall to iba floor aa tboottb dsau and h woul i have lobe workod with sod rolled around bap he wouij revive a few ysarsago ha arut ten days in tbe victoria oaneral hospital tbe doctor a then ihouuht that tha palua lo the back ware due to over tiartlon in bla i imlnee ss a teamster bot nave him no material help after testing lbs bopit hs uwd botiles aud bo tiles or medicine i ul failed to llnd a curs a btihu r uf his mr itowe whose wife bed been msdo a well woman af lr years of sickness by ibe uao of dr william pink ple advlasd blm lo try thsui ha bsed s ooapls of boxes with- oav apparent rsealfc end frit somswhst rilscuurged hut mr ljw advised him lo oootluus the use or lb pills slid before ibo third box of pills ws tin b ml be began to improve dr willi n pink pills have been a uojaeud to me salil mr coobiansl tboy are lb only bwllciiia wblob 1 have ukeu that mimnl to do ri sny good i had one preecrlj tlou from a doctor which coat me 1 7u a bottle which uka many olhtr meiilolnea t took wa just ao much money wasted i have used sight or un box of dr williams pink pill end oan y ihst betora i begun their na life ws an intolerable burden i imvo reason lo he tbsnklol that i followed th friendly advise that urged me lo use this msdloluaw most dlsssse have llir oiigln lo poor blooj or weak nerves snd it is because dr williams pink pill tnsk rich red blood kmllt i n ih hss- co to tha georgetown- carriage shops l or yoiu ilugjnbk afajrket ar i umber wexson also or your carrtmw tlapttirlag ot mji dom arip houm jctwaaaoemf tjl nimakaltlitn a complain no of lows ami plow repairs j ist o neill qeouqbtowm n a 6 sao aw ttv a tha anniversary of the nielhodlst church osmpbsllvllle will bbsld oa baudey and monday nov vitii aud u5ib iuv jo m uagat m a ol anion will preaoh pnorolngandsvsnlug on monday svsnlug bav a i buyder 0 preeuou will deliver hi popolar lectors a womans toagae iuv blslr and hsgar will also be prsssdl lufrashmsota will be served at tbe close the hnloa bundsy bohoot at no 6 school held it tloaing euurtaiutneol on friday evealog the prograaims 00m prised 37 number tbeee were given by the scholar of tbe school ebsneasr choir and by mr luid of oeprlng addresse ware delivered- by bav k l puffg u a mscphersoa and a lilair tbeohslrman mr thoa utorey gave he ad diss of lb evening iuf resbmaote ware served at the oloes the attandanoe was very lsrge and tba financial return ware ootlrely aatu- factory tbe eddition lo th barn of mr john plstchar near darby corners was tale ed on prlday mr john osuuts has sold hi farm a mr j mahoii from tbs vicinity 1 f gmp uluvlllr miss orteu tbe svanbelltt 1 sgalo in th nslghhorbood bha addressed the oongregatlon of the 1 benemtr ohurch last banday morua lor her irxl slie look nsftof the 17lh terse of lb sib ohspur df bi j4ia lhaddrets we a vary toooh lag on mr jsf oatrnohsu bl inovtd bu old boats across th rod wbtpb makes u mprovemsnt to uis look of tbs plsor mr u 0 agusw was lb ovrser of ths job tbe mail carrier 4 sill tjolnii lb dry weather but uuforluiiauly ll bores i ul up tuesday morning b w sesu turning tb lcuslchhull nomir wllb a horasus orr 1i however letsrned lu good llm wltb a sited mr j u mcoregor snd family aud mr w h orswford have returned from their tilt to lbs noribwil a moval twa in jj cauailuth qrottr uf omober 11 su soeouiil was glvou of the very txlemlv bueiutsjufmr i h veuhrooka lbs bt johu k ii tt importer and usuder wbo lud rlose lei is sold throughout ths itowsr provluoej an i newfoundland lu yurbea snd oulsrlo utd now in uml lobsud llw nottbwvel tfmilnis lb otoe ugad lo wflcouii mr t 1 aurok to lb iul of iu regular kdvarluinu slioue aid lochrtiloldlbs fact that lied lloe u ws lb ua used by ibilr luvsl ilfgbnssiei tbs duks sud duchce of oornwall and york during lhair etey in ul johu mo hlgbsr ootnpliniit oouu l paid lo il fjuallly and rvpulttiou tt marked a urooerugiu cuhjjjiih orour oct 25 soft harness hus as ian ss tt eureka i harness oil basks a pose looking bsr- keas new aude mt f ears heavy wltad oil ey i esi sly srmrd lo wtuv a sod mwrwtws jaos s 4 i will h vou wan i i bunnt j and oatmjbab t i oftoult i 9usrhon rnd j don 3hs i bhhnd x t tl lm1 iitboniaihst i alf l lrawaa daura ue- it- x talis lualltytwlo lto t itinuy hoitior asthma cure free athmalqne brings instant relief and permanent cure in all castas sint ai160i ul i i y ikpii on kfcfipt op iostai- wu1tk youu nasfk amd adoiutsa wlluv tj iktsalu eja carilt tnet with such buiorsri lu curing kldnsy trouble ibeamsllsm prljsie bl vita dance anaemia berau prostration slid kindred unable bee that the full nsms dr williams pink pills for klo people i on lb wrapper around eaob box if in doubt send direct to lb dr wlllisms medicine co urockvillv onl snd ths pills will h mailed pasrj paid at oj ceitte a box or 0 boxsa for li 0 walltkdcaable tellable leouil in every count lo ketreaeol urr ootopejir ol solid nualiclaj tuutlou swo per year pavabla weeklf 3 per day abeolaulr sun and ail a imnss vuslfiht boos 1 do flt iu salary uit oonimualuu aalary bald sacli beulnuy an i iiim nwoj advaoca1 bum w2s btah fcdllo lloub 1 uaianoam n ouicuuo acton- livery bus line well equipped uid btyluh wg oaa sj way be beoured jit bis bublss i oomfortahl bus meet si trala batweeu lo su and 810 p lu carul atieuonalvea to every order tile want of uommuolsl travel ler fully mat john willtam8 fountoln ayrlnos hot water bottlos x atomlzorft etc wa oiler special lltrgmnv in nit kod for llm nest two wtxku tlic arn ill superior roodii nnd our priced mo till maxked down one llilnl wit exskine zi y p ulin call cirly iiul avail ounclof ina valujhle ocrvicca is tins is anrc oikortiiiuty to have your eyes hor ly tested free of clurjjc no ucsb work but a tciciitiftc certainty ijifu cttlt ca co accurately fitted ai t woku guam sti 1 i 1i ovtf bl blvn1 lj will up at agnows hotol acton onu oxv qnlv thursday doc 6th children cry for castoria drsiocums hewcurtfor chajneii for ten years jlftn bbtrtlstmtnts chopllnd modstlon at us lartners it cuejoe 4mtds leap um acton holler ullle loopesatlou tor tbs porpoee of ttlllna all orders or eboyp stock of floor toe tba porpoee of nlllb lac sodute aale of imss oinim0lhhlh btoito to hbnt house there is nothinc uka aaibrnabme 1 1 brinrs aslant relief even in the worst caes- it cores when all else tails the rev c p wells of villa rldjre 111 uys yoar trial bottle of asthma lene reoctva la good coodltloa i csaaol tell yoa how thankful i feel for the rool derived from it i waa a slave chained wlh putrid aora throat and asthoa or ten years i despaired oi ever being cared i saw yoar advertisement tor tbe core of this dreadful and tormenting disease asthma and thought yoa bad ovorspoken yourselves but resolved 40 give it m trial to my auonlshraent the trial acted dke a charm send me a fulleixed bottle opposlla caioa ik slain hlrht nil laulas mill ilea a mxo per uiootb aylr ii 1 uootttt tukfwor challenge iiikukiir ehallenss the kaquasieg wbleb waa eai lalnad br air till lee to of loaof war lor bum hundred dollars a pall side a aue la now a dohulij uahm caplalo of unieliouse 14 llav dr morrla wsohelsr hahtil ol thecoag iuuu israel new york jan 3 ooi das tset ilaoa ubimcixx co cbmti kmin yoar aslb is sn escelleat remedy for asthma and hay pever and its composition alleviates all troubles which combipej with asthma its u jut i 11 1 nlshlng aoh woodcrf al after havmg li careluuy analysed lo can state that astbnulene contains no opium morphine cloroform or etber very truly yours kbv ur mohkis wl ciisi kk of dohy uhavtn tested tbe r asthmalene ior tbe core of asthma my wife has been sffllcled ds rrt llio mhiucimkco cumtiumum i write this testimonial from a wonderful effect of yi wilh spasmodic aslhma for iho past 13 years having exhanu4 my on skill as well as manyotliors i chanced lo see your sign upon yoar wlndovrs oa 130th street kew york i at once obtained a bottle of asihroaleoe my wile commenced taking it shod i like first of novemler i very soon noticed a radical improvement after using one bottle iter asthma has disappeared and ahe is entirely free from all symptoms i feel that i qui coastutenily rcc jmroend tbe medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing dueaic yours respectfully o d phiops m d ds tavt 11bjb m kdicima co cuntlkuhm i was troubled with asthma for 3 yeais i remedies but i hoy hsvtrall failed i ran across your advertisement and slarled wllb a trial bottle i found relief al ooce i have since purchased yoar fall aim bottle snd am ever lrawul i have a family of foar children anh for sis years waa unable to work 1 nui now in the hear of health and am doing business every day tbu testimony yoa can make such use- of as you see fit home sd res 35 itlvlngloo street b kaphaki oyllasitaqst new york city tiuax uottl1c sent abaoltjtxly vbxm ok of postal do nol delay write al ooce addremo dr taft hros mi d1cine co 7q icast 130th bt new york city sold by all druggists we part with our ifiirs- at lrlces which are not bleb but high enough to ensure i be best qaslitua llnfe ok fobs ready to be made up into asrments ii purchasers order also pur remodelled lo tbe ulert styles tbe largest assortmeo of i or ever shown la caelpa ttwj figures on these are very atiractlve and we are already selling large number to early buyers t lalost stylos in- hat arid clovos al l n e lafontjunes unlrmllljrrb gulljhi kings birtladay saturday nov 9th on ac of the holiday lulling on saturday and a very important time of the year both for customers and merchants wo have decided to keep our place of business open a day as ubull tell tale signs guuhimi lion doew bob ital in like a tb f in u a nluht xliu d uy irnuu tnsy u d tun lutt for 1 1 mtlui or ynn burruwl iluoir aiuld 4ier uuttl tl whu n nului liiudly tral down and sum tn ttio tu 11 a final atluk d ycu ifinw the tell tale aleua and w itt ticy 1110011 do ycu mints pntr you aro thoy weak and delicate lo yo i hava a btlibborri coujliv do ou spit up phlecitlv are ou uubject to cotdn tlmt lung on j aro you paa mtiil thla u your throat tore and lit faiitod la your nvitlto varlablo hnul poor are you fottlf flticli dj you lak uttiiiiliul mid eti- duraocu hkmi syin i i i mil r i li rtlf if i iild k r 31 ir f tin i suiiillv u 1 it tt m la lut in trwiti t kn wti to fc l nc ill it will o 10 u uuiiilbu uml allillxnm i wtllnir t tt 1 11 or- fallbih tfili 1 1 1 tl ut tu tl if 11 imixl wiirk ibrthiuliuut um uiultll tit wiiim trwtuiil ur prutinwlvo iuhiliii iutlnif vocvther klutuit i trn 1 lt ik tnw lunsii nl suriux and bu ulmi healthy iul write for free treatment ttvoiy sun rr oau uiv a pull prwe caars of the flhu aloctlm tsulatlelintr whwutbist of tbo preparatluns by stu odes and as press addro that a 1ucum chcmical co ueuisd 17t klsf uasl wl tareate pw saatimf bloovma free offf la anoan paper ploaae send fur sarnp- laa iwmi r i piios catarrh- j a jvlcintosh son 77 upper wyndham st gu6lph ioo dinrer md th set piec snd- pieces silverware totueratui tufocxi troubles 3 notice 10 ckeditoitb in the matter of the ehtatc of justub bottum pearson ol the village pf acton tn the county of halton hardwarc merchant dc- ecabed n navli died on or about the uu day oi depokuber 1u01 sra recoeeted to send by post prepaid or deliver to im havtl iuj loloo i o lu kreeelotof the rl oo oy before tlie loth das- ot kovsuoer 1901 their christian tul be addrseei with full parueclars la writlnc of tbalr elalme and statement ot their seooeats and iba nature of the seeurltle u sa duly verified ly uiatuuuy and take notice that sf ler tba said kkb day of november iso said eseeutor sad tl kueaui will prooeed to diawibau the assete of tha ssld d sipoaa the parties sntltled thereto bsvlos regard only lo tbe claims of sbub tbay shell itieo have aetloe and the said ksaentorandfieeeula will no be liable tor assess or any part thereof to any person or parsoesof whose claim nolle sbsji oot have been reeeived by tbero at tbe unie of soch dlatitbuuoa w a uolexn uolulor lor ttieeutoy end fclul lstd toot october ital dyeing gpmmuxi dyking and clean ing wokkb guprph the place for rcntlcmea to have llnlr salts and overcoats and ladles carmecti and hoaseliold goods cloincd snd dyed ostrich i lumc sn 1 tips cleaned dyed and curled miss perhyuaw agent fanoy oools actoru- hon6y sntpcntsd doth comb aod extracted juote lowest prices and say how put up samuel l lewis co london bread cakes jco nf eo 1 1 o ne ry oysters canned goods mra anna maddcok thanks her numerous customers for their liberal palronajie and announces that she has added cannkd goods and pkebll ovstukb lo her stock gupuih drdead ptc llrcad and cakes am received from guelph every tuesday thursday and saturday toronto uklad toronto dread li received every monday wednesday 1 rl day and saturday mlts anna haddock miu bthtr actom dont let the cift question bother you we iw done sll tbe bothering for vou snd the result is the largest ami handsomest collect ion of holiday klft ibat we have ever shown make out your list aud come and check it of here that s th eisleat and most inexpensive way we ve somelhlug for everybody jusfal few hints all the popular gimai such as upvlhsi plirchiibi utc- naw and rich deshrna la plowluhd ttssob 1 awu for making ineipeasive aod dainty xrau gifls papetuihus flnebtatlon puvand i anly blaling wax all colors a fresh supply of ptvrpumks audbeiutinjl atom1tuus simui vsiuo in uldub and i uuhlb we have secured a qusnlity o these so we can sell them for i psb 1iian who litialu iron alum relirlnk from business vjm will he idcased to show yoo jowls and lay ssldo any at tide you wish at bruwk okbuiut and btattbhur aotok j hylw4 imlkslmty i in lm tow sow hwi v- whujiiw i i u tauw t luryjsus r4uyu i rihwlmi l- wuu ouwry tkoawl tlfatalaylr 1atae mm do you uqo youi neighbors telephone lly ul a iliil ynn aiallijmltiijlilmuuimu i uici n i mil ii u ii uuibu fir ynu lo iuvj a irloiilmua in youu nam1 this bull tluphmo oo if anuila children cry for castoria j a speighl co willow 8t anton undertakers and furniture dealers uodeilakiac la all us branches stlemed toprommly end quietly t urnlturo new stock huia lo please our cuslotners our prices are low smiling approval- your clothes will be uppnved by ibo j oti care lo please if jon have ibaui made by us wotmakothonirlght intute ynu u precl dt and ftusranloe thai llio sxxku won t fade or grow shalihy i ha best tlma for lot bo ir iiuw wj1 x0peit

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