Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1901, p. 4

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r i i yourhair fmf ouywdvy i purchacd bottlq of aycrs hair vlor jid oooniywfrioppilco wwmlpot hoover far iii- t perhaps your mother had thin hair but that is no reason why you must go through life wltti nalt- starved hair if you want long thick hair feed it with aycrs hair vigor and make jit rich dark and heavy tupnsday novbmdeu j uwl she ooung yolks mb quthrirs buloblq feualph uarrlstar and morfttni of parliament mat with flatiul ad- vinatmont tha rlmlnal aetie court bleb closd moii uy morninili broiium the puhw lb- name of uuh uulhru w of guilt b preolloelly unknown itirao jeer eu i pi ae ibeess of hie ether donald outhhe a m v p mioulhrio ittfset d otuulun kloepfarrm i in lha ooolee for the ixiniltilii iiuum and when otut won ulifiy from lli imbilir on moving tbe eddres el he opening of ihrlkomm iho criminal assises beieaa crown proeeoulor he secured verdict of k id roar onl o five ol lb jrlrolnal o ee follows kin wee flnhty reeervad oeee king leeti rape ruiltyfiyears kinfi lewis roahtleugh lr guilty king v uowir epe guilty lojcals klnut pollard and thompson aborlpllou no gallly toroalo star stars may be seen from the bottom of deep well when bey oennot be discerned from lbetonofa mountain bo ere many lb logs learned in edsrslty which the pro parous man noter drutni or bpurueon unsightly and foul dis eases arising from im pute and poisonous blood are quickly cured to vovho msm lie nnu i one oonsteat elenieal lo luck iikmuiu solid id tsutonlo pluck km jon tell abaft t it felt the aartbqueka thrill w clung to lu baes and sreete the mnru ull bdek to you elm tb uioogreu bold the lip hot only crowbars loose tba bull dogs bill hoiell as ba locks tba jew uiai nave jlalds uracvdown lbs wloioi monerebe t ibo italda vat lo oplolooa look not fclwjbcv tha wukau ttolhlnf tulod ttioonlo taok tia wbat youailoaa or wbal joo bkv todo doo 1 1 oonauunl but ba alipply uua how it if ion paopl la to pl rlob tbnuooad ho lo rtajo good health the llfat oan ba oh- tainad by eoargy booaaty and aain tb woood kood baaltfa by oiloft gtnav aogoak plowar bboald you bo a daapoo danl aooarar ttota auy of lha tflaola of daapapala uvr eonplaiolt appaodioilia in- dlowittoo to- aaob aaaiok baadaoba pal pltatiooof iba baarl aon atomnili bablt- naj jwlw r1 lha head what xovqly shorn 1nevfr dreamed that auh aboeacuml 1 1 u mala in canada ian i tn t a beautiful rimnlii 1 iilo ilia almandcut of ill loo ao ifrirucfult yu know a yea hallo i mf qiutliiy ahoa and re diy kt m nro aboc nifortnblo ncal aa ilicao nro ft know wo ao 411 llm ml dutira imrraui ibcy am mado in canada ti v won tlio j old medal l paris liuini sec luo ibo lrdmark yoo can kiiuw llnni by i king quality bartooa proatratloa low tplrlla o yoa baad not aoffar another day two doaaa of tha wall known aognat plowar will raulva yoa at oooa hagalar aisa 7s oanta you at gat dr q q iroanarajlalli ramadua txorowm erakjna drofuiut aolon i am always oootaot wltb that whub bappaos for x think ibat what ood ahooaaa la batur than what i choo ilagyarda y allow oil ouraa pralas hmltaa aoraa woonda oqu froatbltaa ohllbulna atlnga of loaacta burn aoalda aootuaiona mla prloa j oanta homalimaa words wound mora that words i oar happlnaas in this world do panda on tba fectaotlods ws at a abla to lo- plra alilbarns burlloj ilaadaoba iowdaxa ours tbs worai baadaoba in from flv to twaoty mloobm and have no bad altar aflaow ona powdar to 8 powdars loo 10 powda si to b happy wo tnoatba trua lo n a lata and carry oar as alon with tis uaad lotaroauy uagyahjs yallow oh nana aors tbroat hoaraanaas quinsy pain la tbaobast croup to uawl axurtully itootaat rbaumausm atlrf jointa nontraot ad oorda spraioa strains burns aolda aula and bltas of luaaou worms affaet s child health loo tarloua ly to baglaot- bcmturam thay oaass ooo- vuialon and daalh if yoa suapaot thorn ia ba praaant glva df lowa 1laaaant worm byrup which daatroys tha worms without injuria tha child 1rloa ito yaars do not maka aagasi thay only waka old man ohoura and all aoratnar oolbplalaty ra ao qalok in tbalr aatlon that lha oold hand of daath lidpoa thsviotlmri bafora thay are awua that daogar u baa if atuokad do bot dalay la gattlag tha propar madloluf try a doaa of dr kalloga dyaaitary cordial and yoa will gat immadlala laliaf itacts wltb woodarfol rapidity aud tiarar falls to alfaet a curt fool is that ax tba worst of balug brlaoos la of ua um try it it would ba a gross injustlca to boafoand that standard baallug agaullr tbootaa kolaotsto oil with tha nnsaatls louoas and salvia thay ara oflaohmaa uoammatory and aatrlogaul tb oil is on tha contrary amlusuuy noolltitf and soothing whan appllad aiurually to rallava pain and powerfully ramadial wbad bwal iflwai k try to do to otbsrs as you would bavs othara do to you and do noi b dljoouiagad u thay fall aomstlmas british troop oil llolwaut i without axoaptlon lha moat atfaeliva romady or oats wonnds bloars opau soras thaoraa llam bllas sting at inaaotaj u a lams boiuaooaants mavar dpan4 bpon yptiir ganlul it yoa hatra talaut industry will improia it it you bav boo ludnsuy will aupply tba da holanoy oood ucalui u lutkkilliu without tagular aolloa of lha bowali iiaxa luarldla ragulala tha bown ours oobstlpatlon dyapapals blllluusiiaas alolt baadaobs aud all atfaotloum of tha or of dlgsallaij lrlcs 3fi 601 all diutf gtau sore neck tike scotts emnkion for scrofiiuj xhildrulofleujmvc borcaonthc ncclc thit uont hejl up i be sores may come and ro patents may not know whats the matter nor wliit todo suodili is the trouble and slou emulsion is the medicine scotts emulsion heals the sorts hut tlit is not til scrofula leads to consumption 1 his is tho real danger stottv imulsion is the ounce of prevention that lueys otf consumption v iiitihu ilyxilo tcoxr owjk clwirlm to4a painxb oelt1ky compound does thffi good work a ourod man bays it would mean tho ueo of patfob to toll ono half of what patnea gftlory compound has dono for mo that graat and nobl ganlus profeaao kdwardkahalps m 1 h h p ths diaoorr of paluaa clary compound apanayaaralu petfaellug hla prsaoripuoo baforo ba gavs itloa world of suffarlng and dtseaaa ys of aavsro taats and una of tbooaanda of piaelona lives aay ad hava all combined to tnaka palnesi cury com pound ths preean day popnlalf family madioloa palnatf oaleiy compound baa triumphed over bumberlaaa cases of font and drop ssatad blood diacaat it affaotually clean scs tba blood braosa the weak tiervef builds up flaib and a oonatitutlon capabto of raalalingsleknraud dlaaea mr a e hammond afotiaoovllle pqvcurd by palnos calary componod writes thua soma five jeara ago it was my tulafor luuajobaafflloud with aorufula aorea ol hioh 1 bad tlva ott one ufi ani ibrro tha other thato wafe tuunlug auras fi four yaarr in addltlou to this x was taken down with rhaumauam in tb no all of tb baok ao bad that i could bot lt nff my bed and lo further lulauaify my sufferings i had sick headache lu lbs worst form wblu in this condition a friend of tnloc mr wrklu amercliautof thlspuoe eold meabottlsof palnas calary compound with the exursee udderalandlng ihst if it did toe no good i ahould pay nothing for it in acetfllng lhlscitar i had no idea of ever fasting under any obllgalloo u pay for the compound as 1 had no fallb lu lis doing rie good to wy vary great surprlae howevar 1 ru bailer i and by the time 1 bad used three bottles i waif as walt as ever and what x never expected to see was reallaed j tba aorta on my lgs ware entirely healed i it would meet the um of pages to tall half uf what ielne celery compound has done for ma this marvellous cur has been la efeot for nearly e year the pain nuisei and dis tress that id peptic suffer after every meal cm all be permanently removed by hur- dock blood bitter- it tones up and re tores the stomach to norm d condition o that it digests food witho causing ducomfdrt i lires proof positive mies ftt spludo dalhouslo h r wroto tliu following i have iwon u uffarw frou liver complaint ami djf pops la for tho paat two year and felt tory tnlsonibl i hm l inwo nu foo1 na it hurt mo to eat my rrlnnda nld why dimt yon try r u ik i did bo ualliff two bottles which mndo ailoh u eomputo euro that i call how oat any thlnjf i llktuarltliottt it causing meduwom- forl old age adds to the reaped duelo virtue but it takes tiolhlug from the oonltmpl in aplrad by vice it whitens oiiltha hair i u ward klid uulwnrd belf surrender teachahlenets obediecoe these three principles are primary and at root they are not three batone and in divisible mllburbs hterllbg haadsohs powders ooo tain ticllbar morphine nor opium they promptly dure alok headauhe beur algia headache beadaqb of gilppe head ache of dallokto ladles and headache from auy cause whatever fxrloa ilk and jjo ilandaomt la as handaomtt does aays ta proverb but it a girl u handsome ah does as aha please in the clutch of consumption doot neglect that pomlfuxd hacking con till you find yourself in lha dutch of coittumplion ilb an cay inciter to slop it now by taking dr woods norway pine svrup tula plea sent remedy heal a ami soothes tha lungs and bronchial tubes and cures lingering and chronic coughs when olhof nmedlra fall mr w p cailh writing- from morpeth ontith i hotietlly bellave i would hav died of comumjilloo only to dr vvnode norway imr byrup i havo uaed it foryoaraana consider it has no aqua w mvara colds and throat trouble visitor 8o haas your famjly ara vege- urubs an uieyt uaus vet wliou i hey fiaut g truitad at lbs butaber ahop aluuuou lu lha wbrlt of hoihkilh modiolus has beu lu very eoutoa uf pro hroes as in politics kuu rv dir floultlee of ojilulotia and lha i mil vidua illy f nieu hive been par a tit to tb disagree tbaul by which the laujerd of uieae bodies havd bau tlevatad ua with moat of our famous preparation f 11 luatrallon of which trulh aunds lbs wtwld famous remedy to general debility aud utuor qulnlna wliia aud whiob when obtainable lu lu genuine atreuglb is at tnlraouloud creator of appotlle vitality fcbj itlmolnl t j the geral fertility uf hd sysum quid in wins end t in provemenl has from itm fltkl dlioovery uf tha groat virtues nf qutulua as a tnadlcaf aieut lean uue of the most thoroughly dlecuaaad rouiadlam vr olfaied to the pub- llu it la ous of the great tonlos and and natural life iviug vllmulaiila whioh tha uiedlaal prufaaalon have boon cam pl to reoogulaeand preeodbe ueearanoitb rop and iiyman of tdvontu have given lo ha pmi allon of lhair pure quinine wine ikv great car due lo he importance and the ttaudafd eaoelleooe of the article which ihey utfar lo tha public domes tutn the varsal porgad of all ih defeats which killed abesivatloii snd solautiflo opinion ara pointed oot in habit pmledl prepara tloue of the latter r children cry for castor i a the inward t ffveta of liucnun tjrajtotae than the outward they weaken all the organ inl mococs merobranev causa cilinlitl urtiubu- an laiinef the wlud wyum iioodeuaraaphiyeradiolarihllhum ira aud niirnmll th il the grjjvvuerative and toulo medi cine whose merit has been ovary where ea ubliabed accept uo buwlitulv give every man il iiie eir but few hy voice take eeoti niiuj cenaura but reserve thy judgment aluablo lilvled lu rleuinallcs lat meat sparlujily and take very utile agar avoid damp f t el ijrlok water abutidautly and alwe lely ou pulaous mervllliie us an absolute rellevor of rhaoma- iia pallia llelng five times atrongcr that other remedies lis power over palu ia simply beyond ballaf liny urga js caul bottle to day tet it and are if this is not so poisons wervlllue always cures rliau nutdm what is tliat we are fully prepared to supply your every went aa far as para drag eod jitedlclobb ere oonovrned careful an accurate family dlapetiting e our forli we oonllubally alro u le uur patron lu iwo great eaaaialala ullly end lot prlcrs our took f lul i preparation- wl lnterit ou lhi u cki buy lelnea calary compound la the ne you should us when yon laek nerve anergy when the body la poorly ntiurlhed when yoa are woak rondo wo despond tl nr aleeplaaa palnee crlary compound ua up the bervm itrenglltsue the uar and vldneb abd uleanase llie t t drown dragulot aolon oot theeegleleunly hlf as liaar to th amarloan haartas tbu double eagle is glveuutluwaye corn cure a trial i removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any palu what ii hae done pnee ll will doegalu thaarlflabmau ilk a ull of twine d wrapped up in hljneelf the groat tnati la ha who lu the mldal of the crowd keeps wth per fall awaalneail the serenity of solitude uout let colms torment you punlop solid ruuuer dgarriage tires wrrrx trrj lw7 kjs ami withstand hard service an cycrcotbrfactdry cosy- ridfntf wfwxl tire every set qmaranteed can be ialtedt to any wheel vajj for cnlnlujuo 1 dumlopyireco support a wife h lis luallwfurs i 1 ho temperate in uytlilik 11 ave wlieii yon are youuy li anu il whenioo are otd v mrs celaaln coon tlyraeutr n y writes for- years i oouu hut el many kloda of fond wlthuut prixluolug a uriilnif eioroolallug palu g my blomnah i louk prmruea phls according lo illrcollona under lha limd of dyapepeuor iudlgei tluu on box eutlrely cured mc i can now aal anything i ohooee without dla resaing me lu thai ait theae pills do hot cause pain or griping and ahoul 1 be uiad hen a cathartic is required this gate wan broken list evening can alalica do you know how it occurred 1 yes father love luveuall tbtii plaaeetile ayrup lolliln rqiiali it as a worm mdinlni- the name la afilhr grave worm kuliriiiinktnr 1 hu ureal aaft rartnvatfyef-nf-luasae- age ducm not irmml timii y but upuu lempereliialil aud health hunlii til h are twli ii nvir ota sc castor i a ciuturlu ifl for infanta and children castor la a lmrmloju nubstltute fcr castor oil paregoric drops mil boothlnc syrnps it conulna noltlior opium miirjihino nor otlior narcotio bobstanco it is fleasant its fiiurnntuo is thirty years uso by millions of mouiors castorln destroyn worms and allays fovormi- lichs castorla curcm jdtalfrllo3abillwlndoolle castor- rallovos ttiotlilntr troubles euros constipation aud rintuloncy castorla aulmllates trio food regulates tlio huiniacb unci ilowels oflnfanu and children iclrliig lioaltliy and liutural sleep castorla is tho childrens iuiuicbft- the mothers friend altlnd teunk ba1lway ooisi wkbt matt 10 ola iu km mall s di tn i usti tims u- f ij 111 litlouweat 4 qaaj ejid 0 oulii iduiu an 1 0 i till utile labia vtt ui oat ltli 10od wwhn ff iv p id u c3 ui w baiuiera bros paper makers ooatorio castoria ulorlk la mi rltenl ilkle for t aalarla la ao wll altll l cllwiaw dill i ii lmliia liave ntny toul toe- tlul i rrcotaruaud ll aa wpcflut to auy l- u 11 iiou1 rrt iuii tliclr th 1 1j mi acriotloa jtoowiuoiiiv im 1 t twh tn f il a aacuaa u ii jlroiilm tf r mm fl c oiwodu lolt m the facsim1le signature of appears on every wrapper m ontario s61as s colo rod pkp6rs john r barber um putnams corn extractor which outes ootus it on bight without pain for 30 yean 1uluxms has been the sum uatd cure of great hrltaln and america try it hold by a t brown of all aarlhly mualo ujat which reaches farthest into boa you la tlit beating of a truly loving heart constipation dotj your head ache pain bjck or your eyes bad tstc in yoiir mouth its your livci i aycrs pills are liver pllls they euro consti pation headache dyspepsia isc alldfurtuu buckinghams dyeofao a woman without sentiment is a nilfll of bar aek krtoumatlejrn whatsi ihsj oauso7whoro tho oure7th act ho irritating uuu of this inot lululul ol ulicahs is wiltanod uric ac 1 lu iho blood sonlh american rheumatic cure ticutnu llics tho aclj poiion itellove in 6 hours and cures in i to 3 days o llohl by if there is ay ihlnglftal keeps the mind open to angel viaiu aud repels ths uilultur of evil lis a pur human love bevaraooldaareaaally cured by the um of iliokleti anil consumptive byrup a medicine of oxlraonlinary penetrating and healing propel lias ll is ankuowladged by those who have used ll as being the best undid do sold for oaugluiroalda lnflaitmii tlou of iheluuge aud all aswllon of the throat aud uhaat its agreaahlaovas to tha taale mak il favorite with lbs ladlasbd chlljrn nora bow wud ye lolka f hov a hows of yr owut sure pal oid lolka it olm tlrd of boaalu oilier peoplas painters kidneys til vorst ihlntf a jialdlrr um to toiv tundultli is tho lur- tkiutllio t im lend of course la had too hut llu turpentine cuts tlia kldnnys ln- llitiiigm uild wtiakcns t ho in niulou thu 1j painllru lifo a dan- lvi roim uiul trouhte- aomo ono win ii n ivamlcr u lui km hi lln timo for hint to iwylu trejiliiig thu kidneys dqawsfflt will fix tlilirt up i ilia out tho inllaiiinmlloii uiht coibii fcll uivo oke ti thd uciilii lt4lu mr j tvtmwkt thowlllrww jiu und dtlorulor c atord hi luriml ou auldi alwutcllduuwuki iakii with mi rtirut utlnif p uiiln uiy lw it over thd kldimvs h w mbidlhit my wlf hud lo iqiply hot cloths till thu doctor uhm und tavu i la moiiliiild uoaaul iho troulilu was duo to iv ltdin tuaalnjf from um ulitnt v to hid bladder my water wan luaild willi u brklt ddkt tleiioalt mill tuuirtl ou lawldur willis in uuu loudilioo i lu aid oflwii 4 kldlloy pills bud stall ml uklig ihlin 1 it was not lof lidfora i vol tulk f ftom plii suit i avo u011 inipiovlikf in hi allhvr mue my illinois now il jr und tin m i sruart mo tid i feel btllcr lluti lu yoaia 3tsr pills jxnir ac easily nd nktnmlly ou tlio 1 1 i c i y in in ivirflal dlavlii away all bile and coiisthiattmi billotiaitew hiwlache hoarlburu waterhraeliull appear wbad tuey ra used icim u6 art ulhaeppliatllon of kooeladne to a practical end one laxe llv vll every nlht for thirty days biakes a oonipuu ours of billouanees aud couatlpelou that ll jnat u5 cents to be cute our enactions are oar life we live by tbem they supply our warmth eljxtvty voatsj old oatamrri thirty vcarj ur agnew s caurrhal 1oujef cures him want anyatroncr evi dence of iho power of ihls wonderful remedy ovnr ihls universal dlaoaae want the truth of the case confirmed write george lewis shaniokln va he says i look upon cure as u miracle jt relieves in tea utc fig mold by a t ilrown r a v brown many a iiiina bejl ihniikhli ppiarul in yaatenlays papr itohlnafflea dr agnevv soinlniditt it itool bgalnit the torincnls of itrhiug jllcs thommuli cf tetllmoni iln of cures cfltctod by its un- n ci o too itjjfmxat i ii or too long aland mi for it lo lcoiiib comfort and euro ii cures in from 3 to o lights h ccutoj uold by a t brown life is too ihoillo be spent in narlny auluioaities how dr- von ctartai pinoaprjle tablet qlva irtatant r oil of they r handy 10 carry lake ona alter eat ing or vhoiiover you fuel stomach dutreu coming onauffefers have provod it the only remedy knowu that will give lnitanl rdlef and permanent cuw no long tedious treat ments wllli questionable results heat for all tort of fclonjocu troubles 3s cent 96 bold by a t brorn when some people atajidutithelr dignity it wobbles kidney saarort ij tfhta hav you backache r 00 you foel drowiy io your limbs fel heavy have you palna in tlui loins hamriyoudiiiliiri luvdvoua tired dragging ruling in ttui reglniisol ths kidneys any and all of theid indicito kid ney trouble south american kulnoy curd is a lujuld kidney apeclfic and worls uon darful cures lu iuo4t couipllcalod cauu 01 uold by a t brown holid oold fewj hdflooliuill ibo oynigolduli 100 ilgloiikori 100 weffuaranuo pcrfoct aauafatujn globe optical co ol yonuo etroct toionto- tact does not mmovo dlnloullles but diulsultlos milt away under uot why orurrh u fata 11qiuj u pours a flood of polaons into tin cuuiiutlon that sap alreiulh an i dlgailion jo materially aslorndar ihawly hmspihld of reiltlng dlaease and ooiiaumptinn la ths mult clarrh larjulokly cured by 0iarrhoain a fragrant germ deatroying vapor that ioea to tho root of the disease it aoothes aud ijeals tha lnfimtjniucoui aurfaces olaars the haail ami throat and liosltively iiaver falls to perfectly cure llronohills asthma aud catarrh nothing is so yood for diseases of the respiratory organs an qalerr bourne lurgd outfit 1 hmall alas w druggists or by mall from pol son dv co ktugtfton out hold by a t urowu thoy are uevor aloue thai are aooom pan led with noble ihaunhts dr lows worm byrup li a safe bute and tellable worm expellar aou equally welled childreu or adults ilo sum you get lows a gracelul and honourable ol 1 age is the childhood of lmiiiorlslty h6nd6rson st co new arrivals in millinery homospuna u skirt stuff waists actoif pump works main 8trofat acton if you ara in need of a gsod pump clllier r hi wood or iron come lo aclou pump worka oisteras made all ilepalra promptly attended to wells oloabad tub chichco jtortutotosa is ttcknowledgcd tlio lightest running and 11 windmill manufactured i am agent for ihls district callund investigate before you buy t ebbage main street acton gloves clothing all the novelties of tho sc son will be found 111 this store our stock of suples is being constantly added to til today it is the largest and finest assorted stock in the countiy henderson o strong amd vi every organ of the body tonod up and invigorated fay a woinaus uarves alien make a man usrvous id rutthoi bo doitd linn 1 11 for aglit ihd tortures uf inuiniill llpltutlnn an norvoua iwllchlng o my ntiiclet in dticod by slmpld nelocl of a little iiull lion h l hbbb uru tlio forcolul und wiirnlng wards of a ud who j ro almu that her cilrw by boulh aunilcjii nirvliia mlmi evcryllilnittolte had luilid ujs a tmuhiru mlracld afew duaes ives mllei ijj hold by a t brown uu4 delighutu true houeat lb ukers oot 10ona dut worth u dollar aul this is the lealluiony of luitulrtulu who vi dr agnaw s liver 1 ills 1 hey krd ao aure so purn so phiatativ uuii ttaay tut lug the deiliand or this popular llvm- iteguulor is wo grast it is lailitg the makers to keep ujl with it 93 hold by a v browii lha lovrf ptitiulplels attunger thtll uis force principle bladders dothsl orv thw in- oroamo looi ptaiekty well and ippy 10 day tomomiw are striken down and in ninety aloe cases out of ftyery hund red lha heart is iba cauwi 1 he king of heart remedies dr agncw s ctre for lha sari is within reaiuglall it lollevea 11 jo ndaulas and luios must hionlo cases yi botdbjfat llrowo with pnlpltiitlou ultorliifss uf bronth alltiplobsnrias und piiln 111 thu luiirt hut onn ikjk of mllburuu ilenrt mid nurva pill oomplotuly rcmovlil till tin no dlu treaahift nyhiptmns i huvo nut bufmnd aliioi ttiklutf tin in and now uluup woll and fool etroiiu umllimm mllhiirns ileiirt uud nurvo piiih aura all duoubou ariulng fioiti weak hoavt worn oul uorvo tlasueu or watery blood it la uot by ths grky of lbs hair that one knows tha ae of lha haart are uii lining v i fill thau uomethlug id wronj to tin young ll always means trouble ll lu a warning to auy onn uulfiis ihey era uliuuly to fa uootts lmulaioii nhacka this waste aud bring up yourwalght again jin who would pass his jolliiliig yian with honor and oonifort should when young nonaldar that lis may ona day bo oomsold niiilruiiiqtnber whau ho is oil that ha has ouot hetu young a diiinar ill i many peraonu inlfsr oruuftllnu agony attar partaking of a htiarly dinner ilia fond partaken is ilka a hall of laad upon his itomaoli and iutaad of balug a hsaltliy iiutrlmajlt u bsooniim a pououlo tlia ayaleul dr 1atuitlttj vagatable pills aro wonderful urrectlvssuf suob uoublss ihey correal aoldlly opaii saralious and couvsri ihe food patukuu of lutohssllhy uutrimeul ihey ar just th iiiadlclue to take if trouble 1 with ludl go lion or dyspasia u the act that yuu liivni auy volue la 110 bhiium lor pradllalug ihe ouruul in a ihiukly poiuleted ilalghborhooil castoria for ititouu ivnd gbuflreuu tuf alsuu alnalws cwt criminal neglect of eyes some kinds of neglect come under the heading criminal the neglect of childrens eye is one eyestrain stunts the intellect we will give you reliable information if you suspect your childs sight is defective consultation free gb d pringle waluunaubtt ami jlwtlilu gtjelph spraying potatoes ha tho sjtiamfei 20 acues sally ul j iosiuimii lnn ll uu kl i uulu iott i1iil1 aud hug in it ojmiiljii lu uuu wliti a muaiib 1 uu w iuy so im lu m iki sltlamol ou d ut ou tul -v- lloiuu ovjiisi iju1 but duiuyli ni vtil uf fun i uj luutl l ll lh u ily way i 1 110w lal viltuu iul will iliuuu ill 0014 ill a ulfllaj tu1 b j 1 1 y- lr 1 1 1 i v ii 1 nil vui re du uf ilium il iiwiim 1 i4yla auj full imitkuliia r ll 1 i ualhluh utlitt lkli i uvl ij ll a tfiiiiia j cm u ftjzjtf a iihuuii1i of tlullaia aimuill jl wlu t4y jairjt imlr luluilou ij tpm th sjaitiolor co i lotulort out f ypv uviujwiiu iii rpiiamoiouviii rs kullily ladkal huiui i rull vur- aujlaih luju in iur lik iul nuivl tu cat ull tlio eye 11111i o10 mind at tho samo time la the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying ia especially to those wiahjng pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents if the book to handle official authentic cheap sella ousifebt to everybody and anyj body can sell it capital or experience not necessarjl send for fieq outfit and make money the bradley inal carret40n co limit brantiord call and examine the mcritsof this superior shoe made m alt modern styles ol lasts and best grades of leather all sizes aa to ee widths lor ladies and gentle men 1 this shoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of thejeet burning oftheject and it wrll keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm il cold weather boot knd shob dbrldr bole aokm fott aotoh m itdplteltbodum toay be sacnm by oar aid aiurna yh vkxtmt kecoaq rajtjwoa ma photoboeiwfvw or any class of eaigr avwg for advertising pvrp9ses catal9guesmaga2iaiesse jjljones1jgj l66baysytonito pmosisuanaira our tee illume i if ult any oue miuiiuj akccch mil dftiit luu ol huy luvenll 11 will piwiui lly irt ihjr oiiluu u te con ttnluu he luleiitajillly of uuir ilow to ul uiu 1- luuut aciit uuiu if iimi patotla utikj lliti uli in n kciiluil i r wile at ournivti u 1 he 1 l lalru pi t tliriwiuu us reclv 1 if hslitwllli intcuurt lutiia i aruwr utuwu en illuiialct mil wllrly climulcl juuiuil colliullr i i y uuuufiililui buat luvlix bcull raitutetiiy fbce auij viotok j umahh a co owfeaf attaftityt j tfvsnsr fdias wam c uinil 1 f yi nr in s help in ii in mugh akuti vitl uii 1 iweour claulst 1 ulj srvtlcallohs tin mmaitiivly inwulcl ly cuuliirt hilly c i ill fl iiia 11 an t wuiliiut hbliiuulte uatni itmipl- 1 ly illiiwlcli uuik an i tifuv ucuie 1 alnils lilnl diiics 11 uuulrral llili iii i 4 almiuitbalticluciiliuii ikilictlfiaiuaa skiila piocmr 1 lit jilt miiib u h ua ibui rlvnkuiiwtlj wlllin it lbaieelu dlilili uud tliitudboul uocuuy 1 latent titiuchi i ualiun luiiiasildmiiul- marjion marion t patent cuparta and solloltora oliuaem bo veana expeniencti tnadi maiiko daaina covhaht c amnineamitliitl a akalrh aiwi iitili4l l uiaf riilli la w lial lr ilai u 1 miln lhimlulr wiiul uwuul ii i ialaiiu it ub uun a fwji awlal nutba wlllutul abarse lolke sdcnlllic jimcrkan te kss vzrw mljmriui l boul tawlan co new york a bu waaalueliw uc- ds

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