Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1901, p. 2

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j r uakrijid joiiwiiim it the retlrletiewnr nitrmas lunula nil welreys1lli no lit a uajpltnmttur uauuew joh of neasax- i i to tiers datiihlvtltf alaakeiler wtldlt kef ti nuaaiiuf ljuuv- lsokau at lit bonis 1i- lit buva uuele mr leoree vvae vieeltun nit wedttaedey uui 4nraauaf by luv dr lutoaunan llr muk lail vreeiio u mvrue lley deucli of itmine marem ottftpb high standing of ouh d1kik bvairlanniiovn waaneaaet hotemlie laotb mkauaadjr j i atl co yhndwunthi acton jrce ras tuuhbday novbmdeu us 1001 boitoriau notb8- al tinaurmo tbilglalrargeuerel itumber of infotrnajliio nave brnied aabaa ipersous who it it tlloatd era reeponsithwor lb registration of certain birth enarwerrlegee and wbo have failed hi thai taapeot voodatooheiperianoo with th wood took waggon company wblob threeuna is move to another town beoo of apaclel favor greeted to new industries lise a eaaooin h for ejvryialcjpsliiywllcb ha tha boon habit toronto star tbe note olroulelion in canada oon- tlnoaa to aspeod with tba tncreeaed bgal- mm requirements- ol the country or money xb7 total amount of dominion noise to elrealeuon onootober bl wee 90 473600 an loor or yhe month ol 11114000 th total ou ootober mat ltl900 we 428118000- oouilo udmi appear to be balding their wheat tbe tffering ar light and inlllarsaeem to be having dlffloolty in gat- una th grain at pr proolebls lor mill log owing to the eollve demand or mill feed and tha high prioee or feeding tods miliar ar u to make mora profit oat of floor than tbey olbarwlee would brwimrxrtm ootaho awept tba f anamariean with harfims exhibit one buuinaw york bad greater variety ol trait buffo a general dlaplay ot fruits of enpeiior iouao ontario imtrtd lb gold mada3 on individual esbiblt tb provlnoe oaxtta ol so gold medals it butw medals vv lf uut ruedi honorary m th imperial government ol germany tooattoelnmiubong th people of lb bmplra muluma of uajeuu informuiii lb iiiimm bow to goard nint tnbmr- ookwu of which 100000 gcnnaaa dl ach jw th oottfttmui orgm tb mop to boil lb ollk thiriw to oid axoam ol ftloohol nd tobaoeo to alaap in oool rootna and to quit tb am of bar and oott womantur told to aban don long iikjxta and aj adilaad to tak puntllal azweia noorlmbln food alawp long and guard lb caoaral mat of ihalr baltb incldanuuy warning u ooo- daaoadm highly daogazoos th privy cooooll jodgmafaa in tbav lanitoba uqoor caa glo laat vrlday u a triumph for th roinoa thalx ixwdahlp flaolwring that iha ijagulauf a a ha joriadiouoe to naol a taw tb manitoba prohibitory uw louodood by hon hngh john maodoaalfl abnti pqt ail aid within th provlno lor oibar than madloinal o mann an taring porpo u allow importalloo and munfaatar b manniaotarar oaunot mil la tb provlaoa oor oan importation ba mad la lata than wnouaala lota tha uw will probably b ptoolalomd at oooa to tak aflaot at tb trr7 ot thauaotw yaar may b0 in viaw of tha dolruoa by ba fdwy ooooou thaitba mapitobaprobloilloa law u oooatuquoaal una qovarnmaot ot ootariowiu no doobt b oaliad bpoo a oaa to anaot a almtlax uw tbay ar lodaad pladgad toaoxh oonra mr q uartraxlaadrof tb opposition in tb lgiabuui xpremd blnuau a followa on saturday raapaeting probibitlon all i ean aay u that 1 am dallgbud at tb raanll of tha fladawi of th privy oailooll and x bjpa to aaa a bill praaaolad in fvor of prohibition in ontario x hava bo haaitatioa u uprlng tbu oplnloa itbar w barn bad a mardlot of iha paopl that wa ar in forof boitlbltlonl with oommaodlbla tntaraat in tb walng wnrauontbpqbila bobooljwoard ba had nodar oooaiduatioo or aoro tim aotioo wblob ir couoosmalad will moehlaproldiqgopportatltfarur u it lug advanoad atodua lu tbaboma aobool tot a yaar or two loogar than osaal for a pnbllo aobool aaloo bohool baa takku a vry klgb aiaodlng aa an adaoatloaal inatlta- uon not only in th ragolaf 1obuo boliool oarriooiam bat in tb drat uoi high hobool wotw sldnoo ot thu wu antpt alhaualdapaltnintal aaminatlooawbn oem oor of thapapua in tba eonlloqatloo ill tun aooodd io paaalog 1art i of tba junior matrunlation axamlnallott it u fail howawr that graaur adaotaga wpoid aooroa ii an additlooa taaobar ware adtbd io ihapraaaot utf wblobaooordtnj to vb inapaotor u at praaant ovarorowdad with dotlaa wboaadatuawooldbaipaoul- ly uigb bobool work lnoladlog tba lang- taftgaa wbioh ol ooorta ba bot up bi tba pcaaant baan toolniad bar with aoob an addition lb labool would taoalra ajjllloo- ajtorarnmaotand cmfljity booooll graola and ba antitlad to hlgb sobooi aaa on thothr band oar paplla wno p tha u- traaoa and tboa of nfghboflu mboola oooupat io ihalr joolor year at tba bom aobool haat bbma abd ava tba arpanaaa dl atuudlog ultb bobool dnrlng at u twu yata away from bouia- wub th adopuou of lhla puu th boat to tba town woold bot ba craau tb inloal azpaodltara of flttlog up lb room at tba aal and of tbaobool vaoatad nloa yaara- 4lo wban iha nw aobool waaaraotad woo i j ba tha oblaf ooat of batting tbu plan into oparatioo vb aalary 61 a elaaaloal taaobtr woold ba taso o 400 par yaar and- tba grant aod twa will rwiwoa to andaaroai ooat for- tola additional teaohair to btwao it 00 and h tb propoaal la worthy of tba toou oarafnl oaoaldaratioa th board will no doubt ba plaaaed to baa tha paople ixpraaa thantaalwa upon iba aubjaot ininaotor oaaqon pmy mlah pow- pllmjntirh noaitt con at daw an advjrou oarrlouium btem heating onohr wav tbr importani maaain- ol tb lloaad ol acton xabllo bobool ha baan bld daring tba paat ooapla of waak and tha mambara eapcolnlly tba eotnmiuaa oo loam beating jiawa tptnl a good many boura o tbf valpabla- tima in oonaidaralion and invmuvatlon of mattara of impohanoa to the wv ate ol iba aobool tba acbourr tbalr present comfort ana tber fatar oppor- tanltle at a nwatlng utt weak tba oom colli on tm beatlog nported that tbay bad foqdd it icndoaalbla o utxf aaluf actory arrangemadta forrlgt ot way fcr the ataam pldaav foro tba ktwitrlo vowar qonm tbroogh mif 0 bmub i ptoparty to tba kohool tbay raoonwanded there- ore in view of tba abaolnte iaclty or providing mora aatiafaotorily healed echoo rooroa that a ateara boiler ba pleoed to the baaamant at tba aebool and vb beating be tbua acoorppllebad at about he eame ooa aa tha original nropoaal- tbla tha iloatd oopalderad in ita varlooa ralatiooa and tba following reaolatloo we adopted moved by john agnew aaootidod by b- a alckeagqc that ha oommilta on euem heating b tijatrootad io proceed opon tbe plaue ibryiropoaei that tbay procure a tsb p- boiler mm it wbillaw wootlatock at aooatuf 1b000 oompuu laid flown at actonaud thattb tender of ii w rhlulpatoaelpb for pattlnit in uaui ipaa and flxtorea at ttixlo with contract goarantealbg tba work oocoput and aatielaotory be acoeptad oarried tha work baa alnoo been proceeded with and ibanva rooma will a all probability be oompleteo aod heated with ateern on moody nt at the meeting of tbe board laat tfrjdey evening mr j- u ueaoon puulo bobocl laapeetor u preaent opon invllalloo of tba board mr baeeon gave a deuued report pi lb aobool aod ita anootapliehmant and ooto- pllmeotad iba board npon tbe vary high euddlng wblob la at preaaob raalntainad ha apok of tbe aoooeea of tba aobool with lu enuanoo- and contlnaauoo olaea papiu and kaferrad tn kindly tartna to tb eplaadid work balog dooebytb prtooipa and hbrataff of taaoher bpaoial rafarenca maje mlaa mopbaha ra aft foortaen year of moat oompeuni and aatielaotory aervloa and tba regre alt at loalng ao efficient a taaehep bfraooa waa alao mad to th aauaf aotory improtamanta edeebad in tbe aebool pramliea daring th aommar at tb rtqoaat of the board mr daaoon gat detailed information raapeetiag oon- tinnatton laasand iha atepa neoaasajry to atonra further tuition and inotaaaed government and mnnloipal granta lie abowad iba value ofam ploy log anaddition- al baachar who wonld tak olaaaaa in angnagea and olhar lligb bobool work the chairman and member axpraaaad cordial tbaaka to mf doaooa for bla inter- eating information and bla complimentary etaia taenia oonoarnlog lb efboienoy of the aebool bararal boura bava aiaoa bean oonaa in dleonealonol tb toaixar of tha amploy- mant of an addluooal taaobar and tha el- pantaa invoued and th natiar will ba farther conaldarcd at a tneatlng to be hejd naxl waelt coamuninatlona wera read fromrmia allan diraetrae ol aba primary da paitmant aakiog an biota of aalary and from mia howa raqoiaung promotion io mua maphall room mlaa alllna raqoaet wea grantaj bat in view of the leot that mia uowea promo- iioa woold alao involve miaa oarrlea pro motion to tb ord deportment lb board tnht that tba three obangaa woold be delrlmanul and prefarredl to ooounaa mlaa uowee and mlaa ooxile la tba rooma where they are now giving eoob exoallent aartioa tb aecreury u iaatruotad to advertiea or a profeeeiooel aaoood olaea taaobar or tb aroond daparlmcnt at a aalary of s0o upon mouoo of ir mokaagu and ii urindelllhe taaobera were engaged or looi aa ollowa t t uoore talaelpal atwj uarcar tlosem srtl dait- w 17 4 ten coirieh dent w mallle alua primary dafii- kt1vn3a ufs r from llllly parr ynd at dronk- ja- tlie follolnlttr from our boy at preeant oa4hraldi bo lu adoa- let march to join jttf lloath african oonila- buluy oroea will be raed with intereet bronkbort hprnlt b a- golobar tod 1001 liumia fata xaxaa daia 8ta i reoeived the faaa 1auut and yua can iromloe how glad wa ware to get a eight ol tbe dear old paper joe iijfnd and 1 reed it until we wore u out we will be very much plcaaed tdget a copy of lu i waa more than aorry not to have lime to oall on yoa before leaving or the land of tb ut t will try t lv ou uimmi ii kcooont aa 1bavlotoar doinga alboo laavluc ci ada xtboogh arlliile different ffomlife in anion wa ar not naving averv awlt- ing tima it baa not beeo oar furtane or mlilortone talievo bcirt lit any fighting yat itar laevliig liallfas wo mada jolte good time tlmltlpottly letting tweutyhv da a the wealhjpfwaa vary pueeant bat our asileujgrrftiy na mene laiaiioua a grat part bf the dok wa taken op wlib thewinahm the vaufuit u a freighter and the eftardeek ttaed ae a boapltal whleb wa pntly loll there were bo oaea bl uiaaala maropi end ecarlet fever ate alter peealog tb cape verd jalajjdi no land waaaiichtrd noitl gp town reached we only etyed long enough thereto iel aiud out our uxmm bio jaraeye end overall crolel a oooelderbl amoenrof attootiop we ware alerted up comtry the same day ae we lauded and alter ijye to open tracka through ae oonh a ooanuy e can ba aeeu anywhere we reach id heidel berg wbeia we a lay ad a montb oettlng onr firet taate of active ear vc drilling all day anddologgnard at blht there la a targe relugte oemptbere and i had quite a few talk with tba eorrvndered barnbera who all teemed euxlou tat the eud of ibe th troop wee aenk to bokabant ow uay 2th whale we dng trenouee end did out poet duly till tbe end of june wbei kitobenef took command ol tha division and we were aetjt out to form a una of forte baterean pratorle and heidelberg tbara araelr matt and a ban com officer i art end tba forta were a mil aparr- eo yoa ae wa have not had moon ebesee of eoolety- w bbv been moving a few mlll to tba north evayywwek tber a a uv of bard work in balldlnji a fort and the man al ijatunkdl tba oaoera of tb ooottabolary ate far from popular- moat of th men will boy tbairdleohargasat th doe ol tb war and i will baoo of tbnambe xha bad endngb ol tba u a o and tb aoonet i aa canada aair tbe better x will plaaaed i tbar aura loia ol boara aronnd bar onr or five laaxara within a redlaa of twenty mile some of oar tnea got a very onplaaaaut anrprlee a ooupla of weaka ago after oomlng to oorp aamp waggon war aot oat to tb kraala for meelfaa oblckanl and piga oo mornlpg two of tb ofnoera with tan men want about a mile and a half ram amp to a kraal thar happened to be thirty or ao dutch men in it and yoa can eeaily imagine wrjat happened one man waa killed and one wounded not a abot waa fired in reiorn tbe offiaere arrived la dam p a good flrai all tb boya wanted to go oat and roond op iba boer but we were uot allowed it looked very muob like a oee of fnnk ootbe pari of tbarmnovreaih boer oould all have been caught without any arthevloe of ufa w aspect to go to a place near oraylingabad io two tbreadaya 1 nndeeelaad wear to oii oolumn operating around tbara ao wa will probably ae aoma qxhtlng a ebang la a good aa a raet and w will all welcome anything a tb way ol a change well i think 1 have um very tb log of intareet that w bava been doing eo i will cloee with my beat raapacle to you al jsm aura and re mam her me to th bova and write aa aooa a poeelbla joejoina me lu eending good wlebea i rmalu alucarely joura w ii iili cimwbons cotlnetfls k card we tb uuderalgnad da hereby rae to refund th money oo out botue o oreaava warranud byrup o tr k it alb to car ynar ooagb or oold we ela natanua a lift caul bottle to pruve ay la- faeiory or money refundad a t brown ouroo why do you any tb waddlu waa paarioua t algarooo well tlie bride we red lb greoaa waa wbltatand bar albar wbo bad autha buu ubr tu liar at tneallrjg on toaedey evening lb oommlllae ou fluanoa preaented their tetitfa kaport and reoommended payuui of the oliowlna aoooanla b wbluaw ateam uoiur d etueb- tnecu ate 4lm w a v utoan lor oil and aanarbw u u jobu uarvey relabt and cim v d ii lkixxexpoe t ad u uoberbxuloounty- huu 1 u i contmllue epeaea w eats u moved by j u meltbewa aeoonded by ii arindltlbat tbelrepon bl tba gom- knltuaoa viaanoajaetreaol be ajopud- oarrled moved by br uokeagoe aeoonded by ii oriodalltbaltbbalrman and aaoiav larybe luatrncted to nagotleta a loan of 1600 or a term of tbre yaaratt the low eat poaalble rate of lotaraat with privilege of repaying at leaat ijoo and interval per annum for tba peymanl of tb tteem beating ooulraotv carried tb board adjourned to meet al tbe oall of tba chairman otioroutown tba aobool of live apeokled trout la lb aquarium lu knight mat hhop wlujow u muub admired by paaeerahy luqpenlug aervioe aflb ifaljuruu dhurob will be held ou hunday htb dec uploutbabkalvlog aervlo will be held lu the melbodlat obumb thia ntorulug luv w h moalplne b a will be tha preacher dr bradley will plv up hi practice bar bboruy kud temowa to uarula tender were leoeully aaked for tba ljwnehlpprlntlug by the oouuoll and at tbe nieetlugoumihiday tba rrttija lender wah aooapted 1 the foundation for tba arnold faokury are completed tba uloku era will have eold nogeranelura lbalxwulk tt fluubed viral our paeeione ar like travallera makluga brief atay ttteu like rueeu vle- itlnguaday by day until at laat tbeybe- oumf oar maetert holding da beneath their ewey catarrh oa he cured with lma1applieeiltteee they eaeuet reeob te aeet ot tbe dieeeee ualadb u a blued or a eooalllelloualdueaia end iu oroea- la aure u ton luuat take lutemal remedue ii alls celenbuure unea a qoaek utedtalne u wee praeerlbed br eoeof lb neat phyeleuee lu tbla vuowy for yaera and ua reanlar iraeeilntlua it leauufpaee4 tromtbebevi tealea ktinvn eout- blued wtb tbe beet blood partara eetlnf dir eetly en the wueoa mwfaee tbepe eoeni 1lv df ouruub j turouto- who dedloatedlbeutthodut oliurcb bate to tbe winter of lboo70 preached ao eheel- lent mualonary aermoti here on buudry nornlng owiug to the euuotcy ol the waalber ihsoodgreuauuu wea bit a urite aa uaual very law who watewminbota of h t bon gvee auiwi w bed 1 oorniebr formeriy preached bar are ml during tba pant lew month a larg number n reeldent of tbl and tba urrouodlng uliwbo4- have kuharvd nun thieve wbo broke iuli tbalr cellar and cleaned tham otitol all thai eatable oo babday uigbt tu 17tb luat mr w xiamba oollar waa brokett kto tbe tblevea gaining enlrabo by removitlj one of the pellar window when they departed they took evary thing thai could beaakiled away leaving obly perl of a loaf of bread tbla atbaaeeoad tlmalbrideof a few montb that mr ilamb cellar baa beau raided whan thadoorlaadlug to it wonrely looked td tba inelj bot thkt did but atop them a tha iitabradeia are kuowo pretty well it l likely tbet if thy bou- tluue uj4ll lawlea praotloe tbay will to brought io juatlo an bnauooeaaful attempt waa mad to gain an entrance luto the reeldeooe of mr wm bennett on batardey blbt mr 4 vorbe compleled thu aaaoa biaeoalngau vridey ljtl mr vorbe bal he bad a vary bey aeaaoa be bad- bl tneu having bu employed bine early apring he ha now a urge number of boatreota for tit xl eaaeoti mr jab u orawad ban been very 111 durlug tba peat week and i kill i lit a hery preoerlou oundltlon mr w y cray ud ur wm murray be alao beu 111 durlu tba pelt week mr lbill wauaborouuh baa leeu lion- tine t3 tb bou during ibe weak wllb ft lem aukl w maalie la waj lor leeutaomlala lae vj oilimil a oq iria toledo o bald by all ftnnvph uaaata lutie hedl y vmta aaa tb beat ntnv condi rijoko ner bhith4- oi igirqa haqpntmlatrabldaywinuaiaoi laevt nlhhmndi jffcwf and ulmb btttf and qwotlart i btfaclr vtom ue lueord hmltla ratla ont- there le wonderful alk about lit wtl- llaraelmnkrillawhydoacyootrytbaui tbeee wend were addreaaod to mr andrew oordlnar of rmllha fella by a friend wbatt ha waa tut the daptba uf daa- pondenoy ratfardiog bl pbyaloal odpdltloo tfor thre yaera be had buffered eo raacb that llle bad become a harden to him and oftentlmea baaaye be eltnoet wuhad that ba might die then bo apeul mlaerabl daya and aleepleaa nlgbt bow beje enjoy log life than bla fe band and limb war atlff and ewulen and lie waa torment ed iilb oonatant ttnliri orjiy eenaatlcn lu km body which rr itittt i ral day t nlgbt now b la aa aupple a aver he u and tbjt atlffnaae tba awrljlng and creepy eeneation all goo ue at it all to tha u of dr wlujajowink villa mr gardiner ia artatiof about t year ao old aud blghiy rttjwcul realdoiil uf bmltlte valla uavinx baard a cood deal ol talk about lit lnprovemai ffotod lo hie health br wilbama liitk vill tl lltfid ecnt a rortr lu aaceitaln flu exact truth and mr uardlnir told him aob- etautlally whoh le rlated above ho aaw that be tried e nurobe of doctor a aafiood doctor aa there were in the country- bol got uo lelluf ha waa given to undaretand thal the trouble waa cauaed by bad circuit lion of tha blood bu nothing did hint any goutt llecoutd not wear bootathla feet w ro ao ewolun and w bun he tried lu walk huite tel like a l lake vinallybawaaio dnoad to b dr william pink villa a trial lie took eu box be aalj bub did notaee that he waa muob baiter ii de termined to jail taklok tbara but waa par auaded lu oootluue them for a little while longer when be bad taken tea boxee he we rreetly improved and xebtti be had taken twelve boieah waa ao will that b did not riked any mom it 1 veral moo i ha eluoe be he takan ibem and be ba bad no return of the trouble when the reporur aaw him be waa wearing 111 ordinary boote and he cald be could get into aud out of a boggy a wall aa eoyman of hie yeera in the couulry drwflllemi vmk villa are tba friand of tbe week and ailing tbey eurpaa all other meltuinea in their tonlo a iron h then tog qnahtlea and make weak people and and deapondent paople brifhv active and heal tli y tbaae pllle u aold by deaure la madlclb or o be lltt pual i ht oenl per box or aix box tor 1 k0 by ad aremldglbedrwlllm medicin oo brookvllte ool prohibition in maniyooa provlrtcw may conatltutlonnly en- not suoh a uw say tho irlvy council tiondou nov u3 yaatafday the vrlvy oounoll geva jujtimant id tbe manitoba honor caaa their lordshlpadeolared that the latflalellve aiaembly uf the vrovittoa ba juriedlotlou to enact llie liquor aot uvgatdlog tbe kubaldury ideellou tbe principle of whlob weta whether tba manitoba liquor manufacturer lioeueed by lbe dontlnlan govarnmant alld hlao iba iludaotl bay compauy ware eu eject to iba maulloba act thalr lardahip aald uo baaful aumwcr oobld be lveu ieckbato wife doeent ohallar a muob aa aha bead to mo vaokbam cured htr he told ber that when her hpa war cloa together tbey formid a perfect ouplda bow kara cure far k ktliu sauxe maladic of tbl typ ylati iiataotly to- iolaana mrvllland if you auffar period- loally from ibev complaint jual kaep kcrvillno at hand a fev drop in awael- eoad waurglva iuatant relief end lo tha couraa ol half an boor tba our i oomput a largaasceutbotlu of narvllme in tba houea will eeve doctor bill and a vaat t ot autfering avey year cbnfactlotiory canned goods mrs anna maddcok thanka her num rtroua cuelomcr lr their tmrafpatntnauo and announce lhal alio haa added cannhd cook and luhsh oyktiks lubcr ttkl oukilill lljiai ht bread nrul cake oro received ruin itiolili every tuesday tburedav ami luiunlay touonto huiiad tjioiili urtod la recebaml every monday wednesday 1rl day aoqtiuitualar 9 mlki anna mm00k utf uthviet acioj t c 9 atrttll citaiui3 tvr sptcuusf lirt-i- vl t1llu 1lu ul v cull curly and uvail yotirlfof ins valuable r rvlcnii ur this li n line mifitiiiuy to have ytmr cycr tmi-i- ly tcstcil free if charjic no iuet workltut alciriiillii rrtnluty-lliiu- cnlt cacty arcn rutcly titled atl woitk fluabantlkii lt er ilt etolm k will v kr aknowslhotol aoton omt tv owtv thursday doo 5lh 1 a speight co willow st aalon- undertakers and- furniture deateisr tjndrrtaklnn in all llabratichee all ended to promptly and quietly furnliuro now slock sure to plea our cuavoniera our price are low excelsior bakery and grocery in adijltoit to our dally aupply ol firal- clau bread cake iluiiif hjc of our own niiinulaclur wa arn now surnilylnji lrsh oyaler ol the beat braildj our oyator- parlor i now oped and palrumi will find their order ailed vlth entire miu lac lion a urgar ktock ofgrocaric and pro- vlxloni thill over iwifcra ami ota public know our price i aro nlway rcaotublo tstathamson main st acton children cry for castoria asthma cmrssil athmalene brings 4ht permanent cure in ifl relief and all cases sunt absolutkly fkiik on khcijiit of post a u wltltk vouu naub aki adooksa flhnly chained for ten years fttta abbtrliscnunls chopping ire cttern cliej oe beep ute aetna hull at ilia inopevatton t lbe imirpoeeof ailing eu eroare torn eltjj-p- locdd tlie aala of faaeent atock of floor comftiodious 8touo to rbnt hooso there l naihlna like ajhhmalcno it bringa in at ant relief oven in tbo worit uv it cure when all else falls the lfavc p weils of villa hlde lib uya wour trial bottlaof athma law reaivetlin jtood condition- 1 cannot tell you how thankful loalfcwth eood dorivwd from it i waa a slave chained with pat rid aore throat had aalbcia tor ten year i despaired of erver bedog cured 1 saw your advertlaement orjh core of this dreadful and tormenting dta aathma and thoueht yoa hadovcrapoken youraelvea but reaolved to rr ll a- trial to my aalonubmeni ibo trial acted like a charm send mo a fullaucd bottle- e aalottl atone tieoae im uelti urul oppoalt uatnamaa riaaloa mill ilea noma wilt rantfqvtaxopev tuooia apt4v rav dr morrla weohalar kabbl of the cong dual larael now york ian3 tytl daa trr liana mxdicikk co tamtlkmem ypnr aatbmelene la an eictdlept remedy air asthma and hay 1 fever and ita composition alleviates ail iioqbjewbjchcdmblnwllb aathma its aucceaala aatpnltb i off bum wonderful after having it carefnlly analyaod we can state that auhrnalene contains no opium inorpbioe cloroiorm or ether very truly yours filiv dit mohh1s wkciisiek it y uooiti iteae oroe- dry wood for balk dv ttcnoer ratrhdrilu will le received by u under- x alltted ep lo meoaat ted dae fa ib eorda of dry maple and baaeb al uta iullte bebaol wood to he dteaeered at ilia eakool and paid tttr wbeu nseaeored ttia blsueal or aa tender aotwanaeearllj aecepted ii rjmoouk bcretanp publle bctiool hoard aetna hoy atod 1901 now is tho tlm dh terr bi xtiiiuen xikiiicii rile eailmonial from a aenao of duly havlne teated lite wonderful idee i of your astbrnalane lor the ctircrof astbm- my wile has been afflicted with tnamodtc aethma or lbe paaf la years having exbauatea my own avul aa well aa many other i chanced lo ace your abjn upon your window on ijoth street mew vork i at once obtained a butlio uf asthmalene my wile commenced laklna it about the first of novemtier i very noon noticed a radical impr after nsinjr doe bottle bef asthma baa disappeared and she b entirely ree from all symptoms i feel that i can conlmently recommend iha medicine to all wbo are aoucted with this tllslresslng disease yours respectfully o d kuelbs md da tarrbaoh mkdicimkco leb 3 1901 chnyimkn i was troubtedwllb asthma lot ti yeata i have tried numerous remedies but they have all failed 1 ran across your advertlaement and started with a trial bottle i found relief at once x have since purchased your full- aire bottle and ever bratefol i have a family of onr children an1 for alt year wa unable o work urn now in tbe best of health and am doicuj burines every day thia- testimony yon can make such use of a you see fit hume address i hi vino ton street i ualhahi 67 east my st newfork city tuiaxa uottijs ok ajiaoltjtatr ahtx om b o tostal do not delay writeaj once addressing dit tartbros medicine c6 70 eaat ijoth si new york city sold by ah brurists- like is the old sayirtg and is true if the leather is firstclass j h matthews want lo atale that he has secured a newlanasjfa of lea t ber tanned in a country tannery farmer can depend that it u tanned tbe same as tb good old leather they used to buy twehly years ago would be pleased to abow any thai may be ihlnklntf of purchatinrttlamesa tuxlttas a pood mock oil larnesa made from above leatbta which he will tell cheap foe cult or wood a big atock of kobe eur coala blanket bell whip trunks and veluei itepalrlng l and cheaply done j h tvthtthbiats 1 kcton we part with our furs at price which aiw not bloh but high enough to ensure the best qualities a pahticulauly e1ne une oe itjus itcaily lo b made up into barmentato iwrcliaser orders also fur remoduxl to the ulevl styles the buynsl aaao of fur ever abown lu cuelph 3ss 7 tbo figure on these are very attractive and we am already selling- large numbers to airly buyer lutost styles in hat and clovos i n e lafohtmnes wholesale anl tall iurrle cuaailph tbo wise purchaser looks about him fur tbo beat cutters and sleighs to buy i haseat very oil slock ol cullers and sleighs of my orn mske which you should inspect before you boy- i also have a lari e variety aecondhsod buggies carts waggon sleigh sad cutter which i will aell at low price lo clear them out i have the best makes of uoot pulper weigh scales and hag truck qjo band j n o nb1ll aipaoirrowk do you use youp neighbors telephone lly a lolnt you an lnilllloglll4lulne jhustnt itme mlo ll ouibu tut yau in hiv a tlephoo la youk namii tlio boll tclcplibno co of canada wiiem you want i jblour oatmeajb oet oub eusbton hmd rim 3wilis brrnd ml mihnb um m it henry hortbr new cutters soaaonlopi-i902- juav ir all-bargains- common seated terr cash or on time also kobe uuukeu bug uubbcr aprons whips hiuerajrt strap hlc all al kpcclal price gfceo j tlibrp opposite market qoelph criminal neglect of eyes some kinds of neglect come under tho headinr criminal tliu neglect of childrens eye js one eyestrain stunts th intellect we will give you reliable information if you suspect your child sight5s defective consultation free gb d prinqle wjlttiauakfeb and jkwellkk gtjelph dyeing ckuuliis uylino ajvs jluan- 1ng wouks oolcull ttia uia ir koutlautbii lu imiv lllr ull kiul o ml initio ckintnl nil uuuwhuul cuju clatomj nil ujfmi imiiuli iiiiim nl tip clcual jl bluis vshttyuan ait truw qoqu aauip llolli comb ml ailrctil yuolo iowmi pfica u4d uy buw pui u sahuela lkwis co t london children cry lor gastoria sfnulng approval your clothes will b approved by thnee you care to pleas if you have thern mad by us wo makothemlrlght insure you a perfect fit and uaranlee- that lbe gooda wont ad or grow shabby th beat time or clothe a now wm cooper miiachant tailum mllt stttbar wcton christmas goods we would liloto tell you particular hltigalwut our 1 splendid lino of holiday goods but apice ulll ooly iiermlt uf a mere uiuuiiucculcuttjuat a fw htnlato let you i know we have a nice lln of rf dreaaimi oae aaurmiu beta comb and brush beta shaving 1 beu collar and cuff bose jewel cases hail brush beta vurea l iwrfum ato miser bmokora bat aah trays tholo wfam albums musur boxaoaamadous audiabpemxnajmagaauae books bible musln books toy books xmv cards aiul gaian- tlara kto icto our price will 1m a pleasant hurpsiea irj you come early wi- exrskite numulnili pala0u ukdo btohhl acton ont jhis

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