Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1901, p. 3

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thenews at homb laiitfif llarniiii 6qietown branch ageneral bankingbusiness tranaaoted gorrospondonoos olioitod savings jicyarfcment interest allowed on sums of onli dol lar brnl upwards frpm day of deposit io day of withdrawal no lormalliles tin rjo delays in drawing money farmers bnsinesa solicited notes of responsible farmers lo mxo a uenglvlng lu wit pieced discounted and money loaned lor egitinulto i the ueletr dusinesa purposes oar collection department has every facility for maling prompt return 8ale notes handled and money advanced oq accoojit of tame at low rate of interest travellers are notified that iho hank of hamilton and its llranches issue clrcula notes of tfae provincial dank of knpland urfrfiftrl which can be cashed w fled which can be cashed e or trouble in any part of the world head officii hamilton lutabllabed 1b7sl capital paid up 17995750 reserve fund 1500000 total assets i7 jmk ttiamituu cashier b forsayeth georgetown braxtok mostly of local charaqtwr and vary ltm lntarrnjatlnat xew ftct 0 rbs tom seal jtfoaara lleerdmoro dr co be jutl com pleted be erection of a new sal of ian aoo scale is the ot il yard at the bead of cjburob htreel they are eovarad and will be very convenlenl wtien ablppirp and receiving heavy freight relandaetl tho irhth ii ueorge uilmovr of lvmdou will dell hi- llastrad 1 rota re on iceland an iial n ue iresbylsrlan oh or oh ibis evsmog ilav mr oil moor a highly spoken of andad enjoyable evening qne qpal noplbme chas l nelles the big bookstore cuelph ohrutmes iool rrt boaic jwbjww rta a at book blalm book xia j-anoj- goods nam stutiaamry our star 1 on of to lmtfwt in r i mad it wu pax too to da to of shopping t chas l nelles r ottblph trje 3tnn jxtt reas tbtjb8dat november 88 ittu jjttle local brieflets uhloh oauht tho bya or eara of ifrai prua rdortrst this- wssk ouethsow today canadas national thanksgiving day hiss emma tabby toronto is a goest t sandetund villa mr j p seoord of orlllja was in town renewing acquaintances yesterday the blglogof war oodtest wul lab plana in tbe park this afternoon at 3 80 mr j q obeyne of knox college will oceopy knox church pulpit neat bnndey blngu fare ticket will be issued over tbe railway today good tq return nst monday ttaa pobllo school board offers lo sell eighteen oords of dry wood at the school uwst attend dnioe earvloe this morning and manifest yoar preulqde for tbe many osamlea received wurrsn bxpsrlsooad lady glovs raakera good wagse to rood people apply to freatod qlove co pxestoo th first oouar of the season was oot oo tiotiday morning it has been laid op forfatther sapply of tbe beaotifol bow- aver mr psts mehabb reoslved isat bat- orda hksagbulbad msdelaod olasp for astvto in btewalttown company of the oolh batulloo ibm thsr will be ditine bevvloe in bt aibane oboroh oo ttaankaslvloif day at 7lmpm ofjattory in behalf of the aged and dlsablsd clergy pond for the neat few weeks when a man la praoooapud ii will be sale to goes thai h u wondering bow to bay 1100 wottb of gbritlmes preeeote with a flo bll est e h flsgg d 1 of n weca ptaaebed ezoslleot earmonp tbaafalbodlak cbqroh last soodsy tbsy war praotioa logloal and hslpf ol union tbankagjflog aarvloe in knox chnrob this mornloq el 11 oclock tbe btptlsl dleoiple mauwdtst and preaby- taftu oongrsgatlodb aoltet give thanks fori attbnr proposes to so ui tain mei u andf aon at a banquet on tba oomplslioo of the ontario luln bivar railway wbloh will be within irohlhtlloa mmotlmg mr john a utoholu the rloqueut pro- hlblliunipeakerwllldcliver an address in the ilftpuat ghttroh nail wednesday even ing irbhlbitlon la now a live lasn jn ontario and a new lourest laooaaeqnently tu intbla great question tbe pobllo gennrelly ts invited io be present the ohelr will be taken at h oclock soeldofl tm m br te i- it ratorday mortiloc as alex lfswse an smployse st- tbe works of the acion tanning co was passing tbroagb tbe leaob honae while attending to his dalles h a misstep and ploued bt right tg into a laaoh of bolting hot liquor tbe leg waa badly scalded from the fool to ibe knee ths deepeat barns being at the ankle prompt medical attendance end dressing did moob o diminish the pain and the ohwrfat yoong fellow u doing very will jda vttmt jekaf aree wld lip7 the lsst payment ol the twenty year ffi000 debentnrea lasoed by tbavoorporauon in novambsr jbai for iba psymant of tbe then new- town hall contracts have j oat been paid tna debentnrea boaa interest coo pons has been annually clipped and forwsrdedjor payment have been ralnroed to the mdnlsipal trcmsnrwr and are sofbe- wbst of a cariosity it 1j a sauatactloa to the corporation as well as to the rate payers thai this annnal payment of t43 bss now cesaed and town hall is entirely free from encqbibrano- tbe bmpiui xmaitm aid focul a very pleasant evening waa spent la the kapiistcbnnih last wedoeeiay at tbe invustloo of the ladles aid a large oompany gathered after partaking of re traahmestsltt the baaejnaot the andlenoa took seats in the aadllarinm a pro gramme of about a dostn numbers wssosr- riej ont l sdloaeuob of ki hbntui- sd fear ipunjld qnartsltes by meaera mo- alpltie llortop warreb davidson daatta by missss oraham and mcclore sevara as lections by arthurs jtamlly ornbsstra i a pathetic reading exosllentlj rendered by mrs a t brown and a very belpiol addreaseatiued the miff tree by liev mr mdalpine tho fsrvmaau court or xaytmt ow- the conool met on monday evsnlog as a conit of usvtslon to reesivw appeals from ibe englnesrffsporirgpon the lands a able end of the special asssesment end of ihejaocarsoy of tbe frontage meaanrementa snu lb proportions in which snob asaeas- menla have been made for the new perms beot pavsmanta there were no appeals one property owner met tbe council rvqoeellng the privilege of paying his imaot in one instalment instead of the twenty proposed loalhs bylaw mad i no provision for snob payment the by authorising the issue of dsbeotnrefi to cover the total amooot szpendsd for tbe new pavements is in ooatae of prepar ation xmbwt xraiflaf ft pom j try jzaiewrw i dr b a mokeagua who la a member of tbe ontario plvmoalb itooka association has banded the vmnm paxai a pamplet isausd by ths o a 0- goalph dseorldtlve of a short wlntar ooureeof inslrcotion and usinlng lulpoqltry ratd tboooarssr will oommsnoe no the 10lh jsn next and last foe foar wseas ho tuition few will be charged and any man woman boy or girl may enter for tbe ooaree tbe only condi tion being regaler at tendance at all lecturej and demonstratloor board and lodgings can be erenred ail convenient places tali will afford a splendid opportunity of reotiwln preotiosl information reepeolig poultry raising from the period of loouba- uon bnlll tbe fowls are dressed ready for the market apply io jama mills prvsl- dent o a c cuelph uuo churoh otholmry tbereeou of the eleouoo for su new iderelu knox church wsa announced lsst baoday morning- tbefollowiugguille meo wre elected messrs hugh wallace wm- 0 oho stops james lackey james mnmiltan itoht t johnson and a t ulnn ths annnal meetihg of tbe bon- day school was held us wsk wban offioef and teaobsra ware elected as follow t bo pi ceo uyoda awt bupu j r- ksri- nedy beoretary mlas bans waluos aast bee ed llyder treasnrsr phesur vyellaos librarian m us maggls wallace ass librarian h e liolme twaehere luv u a mcphsrsori mr folster mlse audaraon mrs 3 il met- tbews mus lambert mr jaa laokey mis ada uyodj mrs aured soper miss mabel cook mia garvin mia maggie xussell mrs g h bmltb and mlas m moclore oio h kenntdy pa wane away alter n lortft and barlout ittnesa very peaosfnlly titer passed away al georgetown last wednesday evening at tbe family reeldeuoe georg ii kennedy one of tbe boat known and rooal highly tlteemed reeideole of ilalton mr ken nedy had been hi for some eight months from jsundtoe oeorge it keobtdy u a eon of the late cbarlae kennedy who wee born lo maw jvreey lo 17w his toolbar u kllxabeth williams wbove 4iarrlae to cbatlas kennedy look plsce lo 1h1b the tte ororce kannedy aftr whom oeorglian was namadwaa an oaoe of the deceased tbeeubjeetof this sketch waa born in iht ear im06f the faim at oeprsalown- ou which be spent lb freater part ol his v u wm b lul k iltnity the ol bar mam bare were john kanoedy late of ueorgetowu jsntse kennedy late of prenjevila mrs john burl late of krio ml william boyle late of geiafrak and mia juhu osinbl itof al 4 onlbeldhof oolowi irtwj mr kan nedy tofrrlad marttartt wlkr who i euree him and wbo daring lile loug sickness continually mtulatsrad to his comfort tliey had uu of a family five of thec however jiej in irfaooy laaving following ii w kvioody b a john w ksnoady miasee mary and maggie kennedy and an elopud denghtareirr j w adams tbe two sons are now la bo tineas io oeorgrtown s central mar ofaanls mr kannedy wee a vary active mac tbvfjrsi claim be oonatiarad was bis fansll be was a rood i besband and father the molhodlaclhe fehurob othta latbr waa bis next attraction and for dearly half a century be was one of tbe most snergatlc and soooessfal workers in georgetown metbodtsk church ttvery department of the church waa dear to him and every ctneial position wllhlo its gift was placed upon him he was a most acceptable local preacher avod a forcible speaker oo the missionary platform ths iqree of tamperauov too bad a strong ally in mr kennedy and oftan to his own noooveaienos he gave time lo thu impor tant quest loo publjo matters also commanded wa slteotion oommsncing back in tbe sevea- liee mr kennedy evinced a deep in ursa t in tbe business sffalrs of the township and waa elected a mam bar of the council serv ing for a leim aa depatyraave in tho year 1b00 b was elected lleev of george town and reelected by acclamation in 1601 and vi retiring to april ivrw to eooepl in comingand qoing vlaliorn to and from aoton und vwrlous qthnr personal note clerkship of ths township of keqneslng blab be had been appointed oo tbe death of col murray thu pjeilioo he fllled old janaary -1000- whiu uae of georgetown jm was also- a member of the county council and in these various offices always displayed the asms marked husluass ability thai ohsraclertxi4 ih mansgamant of bis priau affairs- ha was slo for a term a msmber of grorgotswn ujjri bohocl board and prior to thai a school troau- he wasaiaofnrvliomberotyaxraajnktioa of tbe peace and in alt oasea coming befora him be gave the rool careful jodumect favored uo mu and wroajl nooe tbe f ootraj last priday was vry iarrly attended the eaakst which wjt covered ith floral tributes was carried to ilia church where a mcmottal aarvloe washalj rev austin potter prea chad a very appro priate discourse and lie v w b mralpine b a and iuv l psrrio b a assisted lo the servloe tbe following tellow-work- la tbe church orrudheoeskfltt uaary a held d williams dr l l banns u gulp wm bowman eth alun uolmea will vou h 7 ah opportunity to do urwat good at vary sllahtcoet- tne raan faaae invites all trlbats to litis eolana if von or jam trleao are gouag aijon a bcttdar trla or it yon have hisatda vutttng ja drop a eud to tbe vasal mrs m himpsoi of toronto u a guest si palrvlew pi- mrj bmuel ltjrd qf waterloo spent ilaodsy at bis borne bs re ilov v a gaaaily m a chairman of tiotlph 1u trial spent e day la aoton set week w luv k l plestf b p wsa tbe goeelof mr alex heoord during hu stay in town mr ftmuk gibbons returned from oaie- don where he had sf sot the omttsr oo monday mr welter beard more end ml ueerdmore spent bunday at tbsbrard- more reeidunoe mr and mr mark lrell of praelloo vlaltnl aoton frieode during their booey- nuua tour lat wveti mla hiu camphvli of boffalo n y speol a ooopleof daye in tnwu renewing old frtaude ilnriug thsweek mis minnie meloon spent a eoople of days durlug the week lu georgetown the guaat ol mra john it barber t ur aii11 ofpeoetang gate act on frieoda a flying visit last week ifs said when be left borne they bad six inches of snow sod good 1 sighing mr and mrs frank gamble end mr and mrs kdwsrd oisave mrrn p moore and mrs moore attended tbe inneral of tbe utaaiorfl ft ksonedy at georgetown on friday alias kllu if mcqoaen has been tugag ed as teacher of the school n waterloo near moeboro miss mcqueen taught for lhree years lo aoton before scouring her pofauioosl oertlflcale hhe will no doubt hsve a enoteaafol career in her usw school mus daisy niekliouube oooxrauuaud upon seoonng tbe position of teacher of blio school no- h kelsoo near kilbride thu u a one school in a good looallly and had for teacher for fodr jara mrs dr fred j forsier cee miss koda feather- atone prior lo her coming to acton erin 7 zoppidliver lm aoiuatlincaroaponilble for dltdcnlt dl- ewitlon uutis dvfipkiflla vvbenula what headache dirtiness constipation what ota of dospondroct what fears of imaginary vrtlls rondooa wlththe distress alter eating- tbe sou mesa ol the aiomach the bad lasts io the mouth and so forth to make ibe itlb ol the suf- fanrr scarcely worth living i dyspepsia resulted from torpid liver in the case of mrs jones 232tt n ixtb sl fhlladelplla la wl was a pcet aunerer iler statrmmt made in her 77th year la that she was completely rarvfnf it and all its attendant sches end pants as otnera nave been bye faltltful use of hoods sarsaparilta tnal sets on of the dlxtmlivn organs cores ilyrpepsia and clvn pcrnmikut vigor and tune to the whole system anayonyjvtt i il railr it ao yon will want a dinner set wo draw your attention to tbrcn special inea w what may prove to be a fatal aooldant tbrough the aooidental discharge of a gun occurred last wednesday aftaroooo be tween two and three oclock in krin town- ship tbe unfortunate victim waa david t bxs rj- ocnclngbam tot llooo s near oapringa tbe gen was in tbe hand of a 17jsar old lad named nlchol and the contents of the barrel entered yoong ccooingbam left side and arm james irwin sod wm teraweu came up for irul thursday afternoon before judge jam it son a set however had been come to between the par tie and the defendants were fined ike nominal torn of 1 betwseu thsm they will euo day tixcmte of the suit which am saidtobe in the weighty hood of 10 they wan also bound ovvr lo karp the paaoe for three years winter orders for bpi1mo dbuvhrv j ii hamiltons kieotrioel moon mental works at uuelpb are now taking order for granite and marble monuments to be sat up in the spring at redoosd price with the splsndld new alactrio and poeumatla maohloarythu jtetabliahmant u able to exeoote far more and better work than heretofore and in onlsr to keep tbe machinery running all winter vary low rales are being liven for work ordered now call al tbe works or drop a card to j u hamilton guelpb babys hbalth- oakvule has somewhat eerloas oat- break ol diphtheria there are some twelve or foo risen oases and two deaths have occurred the public soboais hats been closed theres good safe skating oo tbe poods her now- that wsa hardly the case laal vaak for one hsasrdoos touug man want tbxougb the ice anj took a vsry chilly hatb oo friday tbe annual mtsilooery masting was kjd at tb brick cligiob on moodsy jsoug rev j m llagar m a was tb aptakar of thai ulna delivered a atlrrlng address jh mattbswau making a specially xd haineat oaade from country tenoed leathsr which be ssiiarei oustomsrs u aqaal lo tbe bod o ualhar of twenty eaantforxraw- rrtose- rwu 4obaea aappllaa 1 now tbatwaotysblrd annual meeting of the oolmio agrloultntaj and hxptrlmanul onion w be bsld at tbeyivinitr4 noltafeonalpb ontario on lbs dtb anj lolb nf deosmber 1001 oooameaolng at 1b0 ntnlockrilonday af lartiooo t pboltbyaspaeuulat ih b in aalooty nay only sooma at an oul it yon b dsfect lojoor yuiht u wlu pay to nail and mft blm biimlflhion free call wl od may makn appointment 1 a tillrown drn torn the teethlnnporlod dangerous to little one and very try intfto mothora to cork a oolb i oni dav wa a xaaatlaa brwsooqalnlae tablsta all tisrixmpeff ii latl w dor txrumibbu ne what mother dews not look forward with tred lo the time when baby shall be teelb- ing 7 at that time baby u restlwu fsvsruh irrltabls and frequently there u some du- order of tbe bowels and stomach tits poor utile soffsrsr u oghtlntf one of hu flrsb baitlse lu thla old world ot pain i if not ausd in bis qjhl may be overcome isvery wise tnothar belpa lbs little eufferar a much as she eau ahd the molbr who have baentuoatauodsesful lu this tespeol have fuuud that baby own tabula glva ittat suoh assulalce aj ibe little one beads mr wjr wright rrookvillo say 1 bavs used baby owo teuata quite froaully and am much pleased with t und umcq aaneouiiy jialklmtory during babys oral ysar i have used them lo teething in vomiting lo oolio lo indi gestion and lu disorder of tbe stomach and bowels uaually accompanied by rest useoeee and far tb action of tabuta has always bean all that oonld be deeired babys own tabule are a sweet plea sant little loaanga that all children will take readily tbey can be ornabsd air ab solved lu welsr and edmiautared with seiat to the yonugest infant oonrtn- usd to contain no opula or any peleon- ana toff that mask tb3 aooallad sooth log nssdlolns dogrcnsto luueoney xi von do no fiad babys 0n tableu at yonr drnggists send moents to the dr wll- llarjm medicio co firoikvllle got and a box will be aant yon by mall postpaid the following utur from the offlcere if the reedtraj camp mom maota tnoob lha lumbermen of oatarlp sxplaina itaslf and will it u hoped interest the reader tubokadino qxue uovbukuf xuqhtl tdk luslhbiulbn ov ontab10 tn wluauoa kash winter the establishment lu otfr prlnee of about 600 lambaa esmpa th mspi avarace abont to man seen in all an army of 33uxxt ua btmod thalr winter in the woods away tram etvtluauon aud its rebnlug and vstsinlag tpflaaneas twealgolacajit feats recti b- dcted uist thst the creat msjovlty of t lumbannan are tot it jean of sje saoond umu mativ are illlisrale tbe appael our appeal to you la to halji la tus mauar of provldlus ailing toeltar for t kon ths lumberman and ihairuuda of this te are pcovldtiig radiog oatuia tleababtua or booses for tealtog raeceellon aadtsejddaaupurpoaaa in about tl damps boms stteeo ubrarus have baa alraady provid ed we are appaeiln dow for the oihss ax toe will that w are only trying to a kood start tbu ir boping to hroadail our wats so that by uovwrameot and trivta ajfort ery oajup tnay be ultimataly pvovload for what we want yea to uo by m library we bma a oouaetiob ol ay id hooka and as koanymorsaa poaalbl hook that are vaed- able dctloa blaerepby trawl adtaature speelajly book lo atd eobdluoo oalltcr vbat books jla oen uftbu sort box them eearaly add any tautailua aaob as sfoolons uarpsr cantury buaud ale ate end tbem to a reeding cetnp the eddraa of wbleh will be lurnuhad by the lllnarlan of tb toovewsnl sir ua hatdy uodaay ilaase pnpay the f ralcbt lr you eao i if not we villi do that a ymvltauss wlisj catrras owr u u awautsm luurc j w uaxl giartah ont tayubuaxsj e a tuatj lotdatv oat uhsliaum the fssapaxas would ilk to see aoton hsvs ibe pleasure and houor of supplying one ol the twaoly llbrsiu asked for w wllllnses the vase lvkas a daput for the next two weeks fur reoelvlug book denoted for this worthy objal hero la an oppor tunity for the young peopus tloouwa of the obnrcheeto dd good work lu oolwt lug books of belptui and inlaraallpg ohakad ur lo seud to the lumbar camp all don ation ol hooks will be scknuwledved in thaws column- tbe fsjch pssas ttatf will open lbs llel with tbe following oouttlbu- tlooe h p moors five vol u to a m bmltb two volume it k tjolmaw one volum krttaat wiibou ou volume h fyfeone volume absolute security genuine carters little livep pills must bear slgrmturo o i asf pen flwalla wrexw-a- p i hu alj s u ob vrvrr box of the cwmlne laxative bnmioquinibc tablets ichtaamaay i out 97 piece dinner set gilt enamelled al 1700 cd and enamelled at j 1000 i our ne piece huuicr set gill illum inated and enamelled at 1 1600 grooopy department ao mb rmxl halaina for fl 00 ao lbs granuuted sugar ti 00 tho noted tea btouk and china palace k kmcreh 9uelph thatnrsgtving week we offer special values during the 5 days trade of this week which will make ybu thankful fqr profitable buyingand us thankful for very liig sales if you take advantage of them j it avill mean thanksgiving every day thisweekr tablo llnorts may be you didnt take advantage of our linen sale two weeks ago if not this is your chance we offcp special prices in bleached table cloths bleached napkins bleach ed table linen by the yard meaning a discount off usual trade prices of about 35 per cent r largo floor rucca ivicnds are comingtovisit you this wek you want to touch np the floor covering a little our turkoman rags from one yard up to five yards in length are just the thing a number of them were used t on the platform at the late ducal reception and having rcceivod payment by the reception committee for their use we offer -iht-m- at abig discount- i he historic association of tile day should make them double in value mens uhtiorwonr special bargains in mens flcccclincd very heavy shirts and paints all sizcp for little men or big men itoc each or shc a suit they arc splendidly made goods firstclass in quality and we venture to say are as good as those sold for fully double the money the right house 8j- hamiltons kavobite shopping place a reduction sale of lapses coats half price on soma and lossthan half on others in pawwl my thn crtsfs stcrs oitririrtg r these am tbe rcducllons ff it f quality cloths tbevembraoovrujos i lea vers boncles etc soma are plan garments other nicely stitched and strapped and in black and colors theres nearly all aires in each lot bat the range of shade u complete in each lino the largo numbers wa buy and the continuous and heavy selling leave us with various odd lots such as these and to clevr them out were making ursa reductions in price com and lake yonr pick yon can aavtt x on tbo lowest priced coats and on olhera asmuch aito larti iblv worth bolherinj a boot 7 135 germcdls lo all to choose from 13 for coals that were formerly marked and sold al f 4 art j f 5 ijjloe coal that were e ice 1 lent value at their original eemnjf pue6 and is 4 for a pick of cuts lhat sold al 7 and somooflbvm as lo is for choice of garment biunca of kinds which wera formerly priced and sold al ty to lis each mantu department scconj floor table linen- at 35c 56 inch tabln uneri lull bleached pretty fljjral tlrsigu al 40c half iluachcd tabic linen 5h inches wide und usually joc yard v al 60c formerly 750 a yard for half kleacbed tahu lioeu 7 inches wide rood palle n al 8vc worth ii yard7a incline half uleachod tahu unen cstra fine quality leoy palter n at 30c formerly fojc yard full ulcachod table linen 7a incites wide nice deslgol sf alt ojldkhb rvealreapaeuj anj eajalnl atlauuon and all order of dry uood to the vajoe of 4jm and upward ar sent oharcaa 1 any atahrwi in ontario at 75c hegnurly 00c yard for 7a inches foil illcacbed tablr unen splendid patterns t al worth u3 yard for 73eoch fuu nicached irish 1nble damask iris patterns wmenielfudrwi at ioc womens under vests and drawers wool mliluro totn hulls weave vests have hlh neck and long alcoves al 75c wo show an exceptionally una una of all wool undarvesls turnhullsmake high neck long loaves buttoned front ribbey skirts ruuel in sleeve wecono- siuerlhls line ioba the but veu for the money in canada health brand undervata wlih high neck and long alee ves at b5c i s- 3j and 1 1 5 gr- tnenr womens natural mcilnp under- vesls and drawers good weight and well finuhed al 1 1 00 garment womens combination suits in a great variety of prices ground floor center aisle thomas c watkins king st1ea8t cor hughaon st hamilton e r bollert cfe co 25 and 27 wyndham surguelpi hendsrson st co new arrivals in millinery jaoketo homesp skirts tinder skirts stuff wa gloves hosiery clothinr of in the this ii the novelties season will be found store ourjuockof stipes is be constantly added lo til today it is the largest and fines assorted stock in the country henderson o tvtlll st jtotom our new store in full swing rociuiicar ruaimartt ruuuansttl raitbihaura raa tssmratim iuuuwuu j l i ours aiokheaoachk dont let the gift question bother you wen don ill im uttbwtti for you and th rnult u 111 uipnt mul luintuommt eolation of uoudiy ulfta tuat w liiva tv mwh mk out your lut ud com mad chl tl off wa tlutt th mslm nod mot lnmmil wy wv mlntetlilu for verybody just a fdw mints- all th lopulwr cunot uiob u uuvumsi plutcllksi utc we want you to come and see us interesting to you wc offer to make it two lluudred pairs of ladies rubbers at 30c two ilumlrcd pairs of 4elfc slipicw from oio kmini slipper factory at 25ic neilil th between woods fair and thornton douglas clothing house xi cl xx xr 3x3 6 jacket sale all this week at the lion we havo lelt from latt year 43 iadlcs anil ii chlltlrcns jiclol hair of the price wlirmovethom we place en aivla this weeli every one of our isti year ladles and children jacvel at exactly half the regular price never in the history of jacket sales have such extremely low price been made al thu season oj the veer and you who are or tun to enoufb tp procure one will find nothing ise hut blufactton lo cxvrou with your pur chase they must all go ibis week heres the lob 7 only ladies colored fruta jackets reffuur price j nly ladles black kersey cloth jaclels jeocy lining reguur price 7o now f 3 75 6 only ladles black kersey cloth jackeli with braid trimming and velvet colhr teguur triln and price i q now l 6 only ladw- navykersey cloth jackets with hrau irii colored lining reguur price io now i3 a only ladles whip j with velvet collars regular price io now 15 only ladles cloth jackets myrtle and hunter green ahailc regular price via now 16 7 only ladles fine keisey cloth jackals slllt llnoil rrgular price im now 1710 1 only ladles buck- silk velvet jacket uith jot tiinimlntf regular price llojn now 1075 3 only childrens short jackal regular price s3 33 now lixj 5 only children short jack em regular price la now j 3 only children short jackets reguur jilco 16 now 1 3 no- and rich design lu flowfhul t1ssuu lailiu for making inexpensive and daiily sgllli xmai accuptfct tub oifliu canada wll bond another boo moon tad mem to south afrloau orciws mov sfllard oflnlo ioday reoeivad a messa from lion joieph obam bar uln announcing that the imper ui aqvernmesd gratefully jjsospted tbe oovernmeoisfillelkof novqjbsc si tb orpe is toroonalsi ol oot laal than goo men prefarably tboee wbo have alrsady seu service and all lo be able to rid and shoot tbe pay will be lb olry rats to date of embarkation and yeomanry raise tub- loently to canadian uovsrutnenl will provlds horses aaduury nniforms bools ujr and tbs imperial jovsrumsa will proviil arm- itx ufflosra will be uctmln- ated by ibsr canadian oovsrment ami their namaa submitted ig lb oommaotler-la- ubuf for the ppio t lh ueerelary of balslor wv vanitkklfsfinliiitation- flty and fancy sua un c wax all colors a fresb supply of wkfuuus andbewuttful atomi2uks srliinmiadnjcks intj iuksl quahllty of lltsus we have secured iliese aowe can sell them or than wholfsalir ironi a ti retiring from business wo will be pleased to show you good and uy aside any article you wish lhdies costumes a t brown ohkuist and btationba aoton tops thk oouoh and work off th cold wednesday and saturday of this week we offer all our ladies costumes at greatly reduced prices we have hy fourteen suits left they were aod sellers at regular prices but they are broken in sizes this is what we have in stock a bulu rctjular prloa 770 for 01o o snlt rfiqliur prlo84j foroojs 6 bulla raaular prloa looo for 67c 3 bulu reguur prloa 1300 for 078 these are in grays browns and black dont miss this opportunity of securing a very stylish suit for very little money- d e macdonald bro the lion cueph d goods snaps st gurneyco largo btookt of flannolettoa brtd prints to bo bis posed of within two wooks at low prloos regular ljjc ilannelettea i yd wide to clear at uc j i so flanivclettes to clear at to tilc print to clear at 8c j a mcintosh son uppeb wyndham st cu6lph sc dress tweed toclear bargains in undcrweuand blankets ladies flannelutt night robes regular price soc clear at 4c 7 fie gowns lo clear atsftc to i 77 gurn ey t go actons greatest store 7vill3t kcton xi

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