Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1901, p. 4

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coughs mrwtfehadadecpaettsdcotitb for three fttn 1 porcbaaed rwo botyea of ayers cherry pectoral largo mlxe and it cured tier com pletely i 1 h bone macon col probably you know of cough medicines that re lieve little coughs all coughs except jeep attest the medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs or sixty years is aycrsj cherry pectoral tkimmhr nuilwl hfct ferv ceaei elhale e j aayikc- bc jetton jm rjoreas tiiukhday novkmbku 39 1001 hbe strang frollts ol oodbav mot1 how when tttokmmlwlug joy eboand and ell toe folka axe calhered round be f eel board yoa beer oone mn tbe ancient alary beard before wool df it if i ooald tneee pie lnaa are pretty tood yoa bait and beew amtry eadtw hat isbec yoa wu to ba mlnae pie my deer oi eoaree uiey t tool uktuouwgwl tomeaal ura i a poiotar demmroa havent nad oatanboaooa 1 th beat reaaon why yon abonld aa it right away ii will cam tb catarrh thai oak your breath ao heavy and your hearing ao poor xlalarth oon i oieouno ear to catarrh slrooahlua and aalhma roonanandad by doctors and drogxul aa a kara our ftlr henry a taylor tha oldaak druggist la halifax aay caiarrhaxaaa give malu taction wbararar tt go ttlaajaipl and aatmauol to nee and enjoy oily thr titnas um aal of aoy othar oalarrb ramady lath city catanbosoa la ganraataad looara and ilil tall yoa ceo hata yonr bmoay ratotaad trio loo or two month tra small abt 25 w draggista or folaoq a uo- rioffaiaac bold by a t brown jobir- tr om thaakagulni maoy yaarvago whll oar family tlll bat around lb dining able enjoying aa alurdlouir ohal omoo dotload thlmu aged fie yaara aua looklngwllh ed fan and longing aye at tha abandanoa or food that yt remained upon lb labia and ibey aaicd joair bar yoa had all lb dinner ton want 7 bh promptly plied no tbia draw lb elwntloo or ill lb olhara to liar anil rendm aald fwll joel that la loo bad wbton i help yon lot nothing joaia rplid iu a rnittal too of voio i want a lot roor tint i am ao full i can i at another blu till oaoaad a about of laughter from all xoepl joaia who oonlin aad to look ad palnos celery compound possesses special virtues and powers for female health building all women wbo supper prom diseases psohl- 1ar to their 3cx sroniid use it thmmii imbm who glff from bu aab iom to uia poor iviae hlfiaood u ba wbo ooompanua bis gill with kind ooiafojrtlbft aracda bobaoold fclm boat oold mi 1 so synoourm 100 itatolaab 100 6lobe optical co 03 yongo stroot toronto- do nol worry tbyaalf with tb troobl of iomorrow pacbapa tboa wilt bav no to- morrow and why ahooldat iboo troobl tbyaalf abont a world that a not thin t oood health la impotalbl wlthoot ragolar nation of tb bow laijfli jtlt ratfolata tb bowvu oar oocmrpatiaa dyapapala bllllooan aioh haadabha and all ffaotiooa of tb orf ana of dig t trie s oaoiav all dio iat jlmmu bay bill joor pawa oallln job willla did baaay willi or willlamt jimcou uaaaid wuliam xlaniy willla ooodbyl your tongue if its coated your stomach is bad yqur liver is out of order ayers pills will clean your tongue euro your dys pepsia make your liver right easy jo take easy to operate ut aj1 drmcswa a hamilton ont iady whoao xjca waa bospalrod of in mode wall and strong alter yoors of 8ii0brlng lalnaa ury corapoaud ha atuod ha lmi of lim ii j aiparuno wull bon- drada of tb oommon prparatiooa arf at inking into obacuilly palnaa olory compound la not a pataot madtein it ia a diacory of on of lha groat and abuat pbyiina that r praotload lb uabl profaaon and for tbta rtkattn u la pra orlbad djf many abl doctor who raoog olxa tu worth palo a crlary oooopoond boaaa apaolaj virtoaaand powara for lamala halih building it banub brooanaa waakn baokaehaa aldaaob badaoba and all tb ntnua ob that oont lo woman of all aga li gjvaa ibam roay obaaka prkling ayaa and rtorta tb fraabn and anlivlty of girlhood mi blaka of aobaoa strt lumll ton ont gl bar uatfmony for tb bao0t of woman who ara auqarlajt many lnilno and nrnaauy looking for haallb and auaagtb for many yaxa i nffrad taoob nd a undar the oar of doctor who anally told m that i waa roing into oonanrnptloa through tb baa of raedi oinv and gav up my doctora whil in vary critical oondttioa not abla lo alaap or ral alwaya faiot and waak appeul and disaatloa bad my ayitam randown and uuuuf irt i ftrfnrtw to kidney disease for tew years a cuiv mhier haoj xarrlbia trial ho found a curo at last in doans kidney pills i i ur i tlvfilik win- u n well known roallnnl of lln mhior lliutltik o hl waa dtnirtojlwilh kldimy troullofor tan yan ly ptpfcvtm itv hw at hnvliii foui1 in ikiana kiilnny itlln n turn for in all timnu nhlrli im hail lncut to tlilnk wnr naurahl that hv wmlo tlm following alalamnnt uf hi ciuva ao thnl other rly nmirtod my rpu hyjii 1 iavotkwitnrnitrwit1il mhlo ml urn yonrn ami han irltlad roiiitiu 1iit novnr whh1 any real imiuniu u ii 11 1 i aurrl uklnff ihtana klilify iium uy imik hud to nonatantly rtia oud niy urlun waa high ooldnxl and milky looking at tlmoa hinea 1 iiitb flniahnd lha third hot of ioana 4cldttay 1 ilia i am happy lo atato that i am not bottionxl willi bao ivors 1m at nil and my urlno la cjoar aa nryatal i futil oorjfidont that thaao ptl la ara tha beat kidney apoeluo in tbo eounur allbtn- am buyini a fchicla oa it inililmtnl mdai altlmi- day klto ot ifi ut ih ill call inuf 1 laaaatit ta yr it in thititf ot l it a worm mxlloiiif lh tiama ia muilmr llrftwca wwm ialwuiiualor lb tvtl eal woriudealroyar of lh g brnl aiibii aril j7 vllow 01 oi wound c ting uf used ula froatbllaa barii aoaldk ounlaal to iin u ctitiu tbdorpany btwan bw hud ua- blor ia tb maaaqr of hypociuy ullbqin btrlioj ii tad nob iowdaf unr tb woral baadaoh to from fir to twenty mlnatafl aod hava bo ba4 altar flaou ooo poadar co b powdar 10a 10 powda 3a oar piajare abotlld ba flllad with thank jviug and oar laukagmagpalpltat with pryr ruat hata tkla faet thal w a fnlly prrparad lo aupply roarxjr want ta fr mm porat dntje and ooooarnad crful ta fam ly ditpanaing ia onr fort iiilobii aim to fit or pauon grl nujfttality and law ad rim w in iwi rlora i oar atook of tuiut prapuatlona will lnlrmof raia a cvt oomrouvu lalo calry compound i lb incdt oiri yau abould um whan you lack narv anargy wltcn tb body la poorly oooiiibad wbt youar wm uudown daapoodut or l laa ln calory compound braoa up ih nacvr trngthn uio liver and kldnaja and olaanaaa lha blood a t drown drngut ac too tint if a i mi avar in doubt wha tu du it la a ri iula to aak odimim what wathall i lun lb morrow tht w had doua loat lei ytmr unn turairul oo ue inluani corn k i tractor which ontra noma in no ulgbl without pain for so yr iotnam b bon tba aund rd cura of uraal bittain and amrrloa tcy ft a atout baait may ba inlood in fortnna but too in plitt- lwwhaartalala4lr tlmw bucmnghairsdyegrw btrtofarsabar i tbia oowrpo4 jnat all bom yoor third loray window and bit a on tb bd ooo owner orah soolt i and a mlnuu ago i waa aiaodinjt right tbar i war ia a urribl trad hot a tbeu lutl rlghtaoaa awaat la tb atnall of powdar wormaaffaot a hud baaltb tootvarioaa- ly to naguol bomatlmm tby oaua ooo- vulalooj and daatb if yoe oapct uiam to b pnaant r1 br low 1uaaanl worm syrup wblob tieatraya tb worm wllhooa injurlnrf tb ehild imo hid tb uog lib pap wall wall i woodara bavar cat t unman batnga at ooi taking mod blha tb oobbur lb laat of bu flock it unt at all nnoommoo for human balng to tnak bog of thamaal llboro htatlw uaob vowdar oonlain oaitbar morphln tier opium tbay prompur our elak baadaobr uaur- algla baadaob h of gilpp bead nob of dalloau ladlaa kod kh from aayoaaaatwhauaar wloa 10c aud sso madam imor lltil vulo i ufa wu tuoli a bin dog 1 am o carry h duj uhdgt ba am i mom uaoyj tb plai ha aad ma waabing 7 fo s consumption right f6od right mulicine right timevthcbu tltrec things are of the utmost impor- tanct to the cortbumptive uighfttorl htul right itetliciiw- these are contained in scotts kmulsion of pure codhver oil right time is if iirbt hign of disease right time is now scottii kmulsion always helps often euies qrdiriar ccmxi helis feed fresh air help ure seotts enmliun dv both liegin early pain calary oomponnd aftr lb saa of on botlla i fall maofa raliaaad i hav nad in all aan or eight botlbj aad oow a naw woman can aojoy life and a wall a i wlab lobt xtaad intarally uagyard a vllow oil oar or throat boaraanaaa jolny pain in tbaobact oroop lc uad xtrnlly llouraa rhnmuam aliff joint oontznot d eorda apraina a train bam analda onta and bit of ioatota to b unmarifrdla to it wttboaioyt wlthont blaaaing wllboat itlndn without raligloo and whoat paaoa out of borta symptom badaoba loa of appaiit far rod tonga and ganaral in- diapoaltioo rba ytnptomaif naguoiaj dalop into aont diataa h la a triia aaylng tbal an ouno fat praotion i worth pound of or and a liula av t lio at thia point may aa month of iakn nnd larg doc lor a bill for tbl nornplalot tak two or thia of xarrsat vagatabu puu oa going to bd and on or two for thra nlgbu lu oocaabju nd a cur will b affaotad a well tralnad mind bring anoo hot at all pagglng away far aooocaa la wbara a man gat hla wall trained mind blaaplaaanam it do l jtroaj exelt tnant tb dliotly oooutatd tb floanoir lb boajnaa tnaa aijd tboa whomoooo potion naoaollate great toantal atrain or worry all anffar mora or iaa from it blaap 1 tb graai raatorer of a worrlad brala and to gt alp ulaan tba tomaob from all imporlllaa with a faw a of parmalavattatabuvilublatldo ooa4d oootalnlng no maronry and ar ganraouod lo gir tuiotloa or tb mooy wlu b rwoadad fashtoq ad comforf vot uico c1u1100 aad common fiiin3 huvo joined tu the causc of comfort in ladic footweur the really fasluonublu kiioo u built much like a 1 mna biioo on a xvomanly 1 cue tliis fashion his the ndvantao of a fino apprmcceonihiiieil with common- o omfort und will thereforo bo l iurimtent one won thd ljold mediil at paris kxpositton 3 and s4 sold every ui ere genuine only when stamped kinq quauty madobythjjbkingco umltod toroota thar 1 only 00a thins that quail tb hangar of th railway premolar foraob- aidut in tbia country and thai u thalr hangar for mora aabaldiaa mo man la fit for lb rio of cod wltb out thagrao of ood and no man oan 00a una lo tb ioa of ood who ttopi at any thing laa than tbao tba arrio of qoi cholera tnorbo orampa and kndrd oomplajut annaally tnak thir appear do at tb mm lira aa tb hot weather groan frolt nneumbera tnalooa etc hod muy paroona are debarradram tldg lb tempting frail hot tbay baetl bot abauin if l hay hava ur j o uallogga tyauury oordtaj auj take a few drop iu walar h ouraompa and oholara iti a ramarkabl mtnnar and la ur la abeck vary dulurbano of tb bowau it will work while you sleep without a gripe or pain curing consupatlon biliousness sick head ache and dyspepsia and make you feel better in the morning aluutlou lu ilu wurll ol hotth toojcll- ha ball iu vry wuroaof pro imm ha iu politloi kbj rhrtion iii dlr nulu of opluloua and lb ludlwidoalhy fmham b n ptraut to lla dlar ul by whiab tb udrd of tb bodi bav uoo loauj h touu tliati uf oor famuua prapamllooafuramtwtlo 1 lualratloo of wbcb irull unda tha woild fatuou nmdy to gt dabillly and aukuur qulnliw wlu id whlob wln oblaluahl lit iu gaqulua fctrnnklb u a mlraouloo wmw iipotlu vifailty and atlmulant to tb i fartillty of ba ytm qolnlu win and it 1 trovwnwbafromtbw rrntlioavry or kraal vlrlua ot qululoa a a odloa agent bao on of tb moat tborogbly diaauaawd rmdu r offarad to tb pub is it la on of tb great tonina and ud natural iu i timulaat whlob thamadioal prorloa hv bowl oirall u rwwgula and prmriba alaaara kortl awpand fymnof turoata tie g lo b preparauoa of thalr pur qulpln win tba great ear due to ll iinpurano tb btandard uoaluno of tb whlob tbay offer to tba puhlia eami lata lit txarlat putgad ol all th dfol whlob killed obaarwallon and uolino opinion ara pjloudont u tit laa pnrfaot prvpar tlona of lb laltar dunlop all kinds of rubber tires for all kinds of vehicles dunlop iticyclc tinw lsjcunmtuj carnage ttro boiki liubber carriagt tire invalid chair tinw tirc for llaby carnage the bonlop tire co limited totltoarro c i tnuumuk met hib match tbft wall known hlstorioal paraooag auguela th ruooc alaotov of haxwny faaa furuul nl hi abjot for many tal o hi woodifo1jnuaa power w oed rafr ocdy to oc oharaolarlatia atory in which howoyar h met bl match on tb ocoaaloo in qooallon b nltred a blaekamllbaahop to1mw hla eull bow trod b a pick i oil up aaral bora lipaa babrok 00a ojur th otltar akiag tb blaokamllh whether ha bad do bt- tar x whro ll cam to pajlng lha hill lit klrclor augoilu threw a all dollar coin on tb anvil it wtv kv vary thick coin thahlackatnllhtook iluji broka ll to two aayiog iafdoo m bat ive glvn you a kood boraaabo and 1 ciprct a rood coin in another all dollr lo via ulwu him but h broke that and llv uf ilx olhara when tba humiliated uclr put and to hi performenoa by handing lb bbvck aroiih a loniad or pacifying him by aay lug the dolr wain prubably raada of bad uialal hut ihla olilfct i bojkr la good pilofeuaoh ttuxlhv oim alco- hol llfa wban an opt im in break hi h rjo- ota that u un t bl tmtk bo rl idly dua lan irrilatloo apraad aad npn that often 10 a faw waak a iimpla oo oolmlnat in taberealar coo ipuoa civ bd to a coujeh lhar i alwaya danger a del ay gai a bottle of btokua anil cooaomptiv hrup and ourpoarlf u u a raadicid aaaarptueed for all throat and lnng troobl it ia com pounded from taverai herb bcb ooa of whiab honda ai tba bead of th llat aa tfiug a woo lfti iuduanoa li aumptlooaiid hi i lung dim ug cln- j uulh ha al tb bouqm at a well ohanly aiiouu w lb pamp handl on lalta llvr imi vary night fo thirty day toaka a oompuu cm of blliobaneaw atid oouatlpalon that t t so ocnta to beoqr ialiano u th ha of for lit ado ivhd lb t and worltiu rar too it prt m opell oftrum n i lutur at onion all thy uf than din updo re and chtokeua dow md long la via for to or avar afur try itit would bewou luaalio to oonfoabd tbaalaadtrd heal log tgotdr tliomaa roleotri oil wlib th ordinary onguollouoa and aalva they ar oluutlmaa inuatumalory atid ulrlogaut tbia oil ia on th ooutrary mlnntly ooal tug abd aooihlnft wbau appllad atrnally to tllv pain anj powerfully remedial wbt vwalluwad 1 bar tu uira who bra mpaelally belov d by ood ii who u forbearing b who la umparat and be who la oourtou wome will talk oaurt bltune thorn for tet- ung oaeli other about mil- bums lltmrt und nerve thc great remedv ifoh weak nervous women it only nalural that when a womart fiodi a rvnkxiy wlilthjiiiajmiolntrvivjti and waaknoaa rauavr h r tmm and lhepuucoloruherlholtinhltahiy ir- wbol ayatmn aim atuiild b miixiui lo let her bufferifl aialcr m kuw uftt afra hannah iinifiu sl jnii slnxt si jolmn 1l relate htsareni0 with hla romedy a follow 1 k- atvnto jian i hav bea lroubll with quttrrm of thu heart and dljlimti accomunlhl ly amothennu foellitf whuh rav nwi fnnn routing wy apivotlla v imw and i vaanmt11 run downbid dvuhuiod slui i at 1 led uklnij mllhurn hurt and nervo 1llla tha wot hiring f hag li4kne ray iwjart boat la mw ruuuur th rullerlirba dlaapearcd nnd ibav h- vrottalorrully built up- through tlui tbnlo vltimt ottlio pilla 1 now foal atrongwrand betur than for many year anal cannot aay idomitrh lu fralaoof tbnroomkly whiab vtod myloog loat baaltb m sll well- aay druegkt i rum n w ny better evidence of lb real went 0 lr von stao a loeappla tablau aa a cura for all form of atomacb tioobln tba nt hat tbyra in knch groat damandi sot a nanaeoua doo that make one very inside rebel but plcaunt quick and rii tiny fb ickcarry u your pockeu canu 104 s by a y jtrown if foil laluoky baoent lb advan tag of wladona my rhviclaxrtold ma i must die but south american kidney cutn cored m of that awful llrighl dbwaae tbtabf a aeutttnc from a letter of a well- known buuncm tnaa lq m weatern town who through overwork and worry bad contracted tbu kidney pcalllcnca it will reliavo iatantlyandcura all kidney dhteaaea loa llold hy a f llrowrt a boat lh only foro om people have la lb fore of bbll rrovad rvfclesuuby coal and cinnamon flavor lr agnswa liver xubt ara bo fsvcrito imparl tiea leaa thoaymtcia tb narye aro tonat tb blood ia pnrucl tb complexion ia bright and ruddy jfaailvcba vanub and perfect health follow their ua 40 uoae xo ccuu 11 di bold by a t llrown inauutr publlahod in hi iratlen rallying to quntion aa lo what he thought of aloolud aa a allmuwnt lo th brain in mental work lrufeaaor huxuy b peak i ft g for myaelf ud perbai 1 tny add of pataon f toy tamperamapl i can aay without bcallallon that i would aa aoon take a do of aracnlo aa i woold of aloohol aodar aocb eironniatano indeed on tha wbol i ahoold think the arocnto aafar and lelkaly lo lead to pbyical and moral dagiadatinn it would ba batiar to di oauiibethah lo be aloobollaad bror death if a mxn cannot do brainwork wlthoot atlmolanla of any kind b bad bettar torn to hard work it ta ao indioa lion of nature a part that ah did not mean bim to be a had worker ur 13w worm byrnp a aaftf aura and raliahl worm olpejler act equally wall 00 obtldrvn or adnlta lie bore yoa gat lowl a vim man knowj only hi own inor- anoa a foot thluka b knowavrylblng bbb cures cured tho most chronla dlscasca of the stomach livar bowels and blood thousands of tostlmonialsfrom those who havo been permanent ly curotilbythtvuse or burdock blood bitters speak of ttsunfall- ln efficacy in dyspepsia bilious ness sick hoadachb liver com rlalnt eczema erysipelas scro- jla sores ulcers bolhtlmples hives filngwormh and all blood humors if yoa want to be cured to stay cored use only bbb kvll gram mar uorruptfgood uomraualot tloor u lb ad t lor aald wban bkbarpned hla blue pooll aawfaal ewrrimo wlik hwtui blahftatie ur i j jlawtotoiilocan write i wjt o sorely troubled with haait dlacaao tlut i wax uitabl for 18 month to lia down in bed leit i tmatlter altar inking one iloa of dr agivew luik cura i retired and alept aoundly i uwxl ooa bottla and tb trouble lii not re turned q bold by a t llrown ah mia olarandll may i dream thai you wlu telornmy lut yoa may hot it wont com ira t whn bbyhd ftoaxld heiui whll motharhu satlttrhatum whan rathr haid pile lit ag- bew ointment gjtva tb quick relief and ureal cura the ara gam of truth picked from laatlmouy which u given mvty day to tbl graataat of baalara it ba nvr beed tnalched in curallvo qualitua in uctaxk tetlar pila tc jj cpntai03 sola warwt urowtt v klvny toad who uau ull you araolly whir to t to cat oh db bvr oatob any lhamibelva wrrlorwot1irouibdamp cnld hft aa man cmll 1 1 ntry m bow hat h 11 becauui of lliai ull um of il kheuttutuai until th halll american hbeumatlc curd v ill ulnlimly at knd expoaurirmanjru bravw willi hla tkattva lieaitll to fight foi col h iavalided bom uheu cum every caof itluiuiumlutiuitxihimic ilellel in alx hour h mold by a r llrown ilruliia ther a ulatl with aou ho j j who bevar 10 himaalt lull baid yoo many pwoplo dally wuh oatawrri lialrilcaoodllluj a thuudof- clap devnlopa wltb a rapidity that ito other tllaeak doe iv agimw cj iow- dr la ilia radkal qujck tal aud pleaaattt cura tliat lb illuuwi denuutda um ilia tuoana prevent llatloep aeatlagtuid yoarauf tlulreu ikm tilally ullhcaunh agnw giva rauaftataammuiai jj cent 07 bold by a t brown luturulug from a ui thauk bvu for a t nar vaoallow nturubla bed i u allv it tab h ntoil rfrwcrtlvo ramady ftor- the 8tom- oi tanai norvaa in tha marwov u wbt auni paniium olbacklll u 11 aaya of south aiuetican norvlua or aba iub nipe and tha comjletuuia whkh followej it mi imc bflil tu dead with lnll eeulon iy id crucial nervuu ihatlarluii it mrud hot 100 bold by at jjrowa children cry for castor 1 a- after a mati reaahea tba age of ho b navartaku muob atook iu th theory that the good die young ar ax uuiaf vluuf thau aomatliing la wrong to tb young il alway mikaa uoublril la a warning to any on unlet thay ar already to fat boolta ktnuuioo bbeok lit wail and bring j up yoor weight again matiya malt who baa biomb tb courag ot blaoouvlotlon lack tha coarag of to bhang li oonvtotlana urituh troop oil uuiutlt ia vltliout wttoaptluo th moat fctiocliv remedy for uta wouuda u1or opou mr a rheum ham bit atinu uf litwela btc a larg botu ui cutv jllipihligj mm see that the ifacsimile libiiwrzsrnanzz avxceltprqhirauonlbras- slmflallnft duftood murefl ula tinfi uac staaida nnlbowcb of imams iiunitiv signature ftomolesdigeslioaclienful- nk3hfc3tcoiiwn5ncllhrt ouunhorpbn vortfiaual motuaiicotic abaftd remedy rorconslipft- llon sour sujnvidijduiittioea worms amvnlsionsfcven5h- ncss and loss of sleep tacstaaw sifrha otw ydbk is oh the wrapper ot evert botttk ob castoria utrt-auaat-wu- j ii laataaul talk iwl allaw jaa u aao ia aaruda da b ta laa ac laiaaa oat u u mu aaar mrnjymi- rjr stwijana8t0juia when prin blurs when print bluri irritable temper and general discom fort result wc positively eurc this con dition with glasses consult our optician skykge st co 1im1b mhtch reiphirsrs cuelph winy nof toachr uiubt lu dun toaued ruiulomak ihm dli lloy thay hav to b qpanrd castoria 01 xnlkliu uid chlldrerl ii that i touch flatterad boon laarui to natter hlmaeir help yoor uhlldreu to grow btroug and robual by counteracting auy thing that cwueed ill health on grt eiuh of di- aa inchlldreu wormr ilmov them with mother orav worm rtt term tuk lor it tlevef tail buy your fall hat from nelson the up- todatc furnisher and hatter newest american soft hats latent shades and uiapcs from 200 up latest american stiff hats from 225 up sole acnt in guclph for the celebrated stuyvesant hat the latatcst new york shape onq quality and one price 5300 see our big range of new fall and win- ter underwear every line is up to datc r bnelson one prloo only so wyndha st gublph munro tkunk uiitway aouumaar j 001x11 kamt uall 0 ola n j i iu ii a n kipreaa ilium i rata 10 00 a o kavrawi b it p in hall iu un blail bl p in i mill lu tai murjwwl o u0i11 l 10 u a tttu hin tall fl i all iuui nab8aoaweya saw and planing mills lumber and shingles kt lowbst fr1cs- lllll lutl cul lo order wood altioua bl ul om mill t savers proprltor- aoton maiiino and honair shops tirjmlyutuniui l lioptutor a uk wail enl ppd llt a i tile maebtt jv w aary tanitidta alt taptura lo uiafltiln mty ud auultural inpltnimu ajut ta tla bji hlndaof ataain niudcliofmiliimlnj andnuaral tlantiitilthlp woodwov rapaits twtiucuad in a aauat4veumy manner we ua repair maf machine or implement of any ma a b gtmmui ami allna dooa sdd safings and loan go hbaoofficb toronto o auibartmd cajutej 4 6000000 oa ten year tnatortly aharea are paid uonthly inatalmonllof 50c per ahare for iso month vrbcu payment ccam oo 00 aid in maturity valon 100 00 uuney to loan at 5 tralght loan or repayable in monthly instalment on apjdl- cailonto r j mcnabb aant acton call and examine the merits 6f this supenor shoe made in all modern stylcsot lasts and best grades of leather all sizes aato ee widths or ladies and gentle men this fehoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of the feet burning of the feet and it will keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm ii cold weather 5kz go to c f goodevejfc co- por canned goods and fruits as they carry a wcll- assorted slock such as tomatoes salmon peas and corn seeded raisins dates pineapples- peaches pumpkins also cooking figs and tltar aj two vlojal mu obmah amta abdlnamu government approval ol ike spramoior vmikui lb l vlj 0htwi0 iwiir ul whnuw jy yu ifc tup ul tk 11mj u k j u il vii al- tl j mi1mi u uu i kkk lkj ww 1 uliuirftu hiiiju4fc up u a1 ulu 1 um 1 lav k vll ulh lt 1 juunuuvuknuiwbaauvlm tla lartua hi il u ik of wmjizptszs wy tank j uuklag iuaw tlkvu m lk lavj j li cttorck jollmboj i ika wr le jr ia v russia m io- j a maioaf tcw nvk t ut m vw jj nil aolahathukorr uhmiuu l ik- allauiir si ahl uut- wm a 11 l waa y- hbat the srramotob co london ont aj luy ul mi yea 4t- ifil- tixu ml ml panfcaun nciuaf bpiatu m ameaabanaaaasawaaw prunes currants dried apples etc also all other lines usually kept in a genera give us a call and you will be pleased all yours respectlully store over c f qoodeye c0 mill street acton to catch tlto kyc and tins mind at tho sami time is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this tayiiigaociauy to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively wyth the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authentic cheip bells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for free outfit and make money tho hhableycaithet80r co llnlto brantford siilik7uvs boot knd shob dbhldh bole aoent or- aoton hi rtltofiniltbmtlum i a tnay be eecored b tny be eacutad by oefakt addram yhc ratearr rccorq photoiecyaftaviiva or any class of engraving fr advertising pvrp9ses catalguesawu3a2wesc jljonesegg i63baysttoronto patents guaranteed pmialy lr r oplnu lie coofnlm iu lulcntatlnly of aatutr how to oltulu a avtutr riuuuu hluuimltl and wluly rlmulnl juurual lhhillr1 ly lhuuucttrna mid lunaluia tut turtiiutbcoiiy rek aouohv viotom j evanb 4 co ifuteat mtaicf evanv f 1ug vam c iioo oinrerind tta set 1 piece and- pieces silverware fkm frff zzf x- i atahebnw ftea tf raiin tau a wr 1 in hi liwiaw v iuvzr u tim i lu5 1 i tvah amat aru b 1 bailatlllj ql v baiopt uf tle huwlrea of teatuwetauai wo re daily rrnrrlnjt sxz t mj wmtf i iml ttyr m mi 1 immm h tt1l i 111 t 1 mmliimauittmetwrltt aolb i fcgr 1 r wests ipromptly secured rn tut kalv w lulp an 1 tww vmj awlwlutl waudlmaaioiidb aiih it wrl lit y ull i hi will lull of liui rihel kill uuki jlllllyml in our iuuiuumli wlwiur u u piubably ciulal i ucucuaj bptluitufataaeiillu n wcfwiulir ificiul ly vi- w- cou lwl illy iuli i ul 1 ii f ill umtl4l ami uliliiulntt uialiiua u to 1 rotuil ly lupolcli t ik ami itikulv tvemr i jtrnl a titled at ih iuvcntl 11 11 ii in it itiuc liiiuultej ivunti lvioruir 1 tlm null vlmtiii a 11 tli ajvbphl iiutlfe ull in ulclurea in ovricj urwlwlaciu ill till itlril ililiwhuut it iwmiinuu y kpc4ty 1 siliit lhijue ol uuuo- tuiiuf umtliw marion iwarlom tntteitat ekpert and holtoltor otncei j autllujwauilwtejd c veahs u1ncb ii madmo dcauano coavmohta ao eatln a kbelrb aw uuntilln k- ifcijllau fla nrt lnn- tut i ukl u ou till r 111 ih1i lkubau fi tbalaly ualahllla odaolul tfauxlui tiakmt ala to inuh num al qwm ntlc4 wllhuul lawga in iui scintlftc bttiericait ahanuiatlr lltltll wlir 1itkl tl- ritai 11 1 1 ul no ht ymi rurii iji uui4rai hi-ur- l

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