Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1901, p. 2

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oairrsin aeion on bunday dm 1st joseph it otipiwta thu nsdjkr i ha dm ludelrsj meadows aged tl veers jbsuta1 kuu eli4 0nt on retardey no aotti uii jartnjn ttdmi jonai tlis family ntldidm nuupniii on ttinndar mti novauibar fiauhemla me- klllop wueofuatlhs jobsr id un ffiljg xion xtt xtz 11iuhhoay lickuuku c itjoi ouitontal notes tbe useoutlve ootqmilue at lb dominion ahierloe op mood ay deolded tbat a strong deputation should wall upon the ontario government at an early dale to remind lb g ovarii roan t of iba premier promise aod ask or an early intimation of the plana aod methods by wbloh prohibition to be eeenred aod established id oar province it is flxpealed tbat money will be a iltueeaeur lo lbs canadian market ibla rnoodtb tbe charisred banks paid on i large tumi la dividends thle week end toooey will begin to return from tbe weat aooo dow ibat she crou movement la beair there baa been a big drmenj for investment and it la likely that wltb easier money etlll higher prlcea would be seen lo eopie of tbe leading specialties at the final meeting of tbe county goanoll laat week aotou waa granted 35 00 like emoonl having been granted by the government for tbe eon tin nation oleeeea which bare riaeti oood anted at the fubllo rjobool the present year upon application of tbe p obi jo sobool board anton waa alao made a permanent centre for holding annual entrance xtmloelloae we are certain y moving forward in odaoa- uoael matters pavijmbntb- pas bed at the munfolpal oounoll ma tine laat mo e jqoqogl met a puhsolaos- all tbe membera preeent reeve willi me la lb chair jtv drown stallone 0o imi tslephoee co mas im i co able- uatlhsea woikod ilmu ii i jfahem teed i a prisoner slo to mj 7 60 ipnriot the ooinmitleo udad payment of tba ihe twenty ilral on klnenoo rtooni following amounts tbe report waa oonflrmed moved by jno a usndoreon eeoonded bg unla thaluese begrented lo intro dooe a by law la make tbe oeossser y apeolal aaaeeamenl io reepeol ol oertejn oemani sidewalks bare to fore ooaatroeted ee looel improvements aod to pro tide for tbe leeue snd eaie of debenture to pay for earns end tbat aejd by law be now read tbe first tlmeceirled r by law wae tabeequeolly reed tbe required number of time aoueidered in oornmittee end peeeed loved by a eweokbemmsr seco by ii jeans that leave bejtranked tolotro- duoe a by law to appoint plaoee al wblob pollaaball be opened in tbe village of anton for tbe election of uonlolpal ooanelllofa and pobllo bobool true tee and to appoint returning ofuoere knd deputy returning offloar and that by law be now teed for tba first lime lly law waa toad ibe rerjnlred number of tlmee and paseed moved by if bwakbsrurner end aeoood ed by ii jaane ihat tbe aum of 8300 paid for the use ot tba park on thanksgiving ilaybe refdoded to mr it uolnloeb carried tbe oounoll then adjourned ballinapad the statement ihat anob proseonilan aa tbat of i mayor morris of ottawa for bovine liquor daring prohibited hour la a tare occortenoe la vigorously denied by offlslala of tbe provincial lioeoee branob inapeotor stewart says tbat there bad been a great looreeae tn proseootiooa for thie offence during lb past two years lie aid tbat in tbe laat f day the returns of ooaviolion received showed that fines had been imposed in a large number of oases the war offloe has eablad to tbe depart- meat of agriculture orders for hay aod oats for sooth africa up lo the end of february nest amoantlng in quantity to ff s l s sipsaul tore inolodlng frslgbt charge and trans poriatloo of 13000000 th n amber of steatesblpev repaired to convey all this forage to booth africa will be 87 this expsndltnrs mean m total outlay in this oodntry of over 17000000 wblob does not lnolads orders ailed through other agenoles than th department of agricaltare or lb aapendilare for horses the toronto world delivered llsslfin a thanksgiving day lamder lo tbe following forcible way i tba prohibition question whloh b jost now before the people of ontario and more or lass before the people of canada a moat eerloae issue it la one that oaunot be trifled with it is oa wbloh utto cannot take two aid or oo wbloh man oan be trimmers or on wblob a man oan blow both bo aod oold or oa which a man may refuse to oomjolt hhn- aelf ueo must aay where they are whether they rs for or against it and what applies to pobllo men aod individuals also applies to oawpapora aod others who profess to galde pobllo opinion prohlbl tloo is a question wltb wblob poutloans ought no to be allowed to jogla they may be ooneerratlvwa or they may be tlhfu bat they mast not be allowed to play fast aod loose with tba ufoe tbat has dean raised aoy attempt on th part of any politicians to keep in power through this qnsstion or of sjit politicians to get in to power through this question ought to be put down at once and the world pledges itself that it will not aid or abet in any way those who may be playing aooh a ax hose must say wee beis and equally so most mr whitney declare himself and so through both aides of the noose and for eaoh individual eaudldate seeking election the world does dot beiieve in prohibition th world does not believe in intemperance or la osar- indulgeno of any kind tba world baa little ass for tbe man who drinks knd tbe world at large is rapidly oomlng to tbe same vlaw tbe tkorudoeswhieve that there la a drink evil and thai on bo mitigated by law and by the enforcement ofthslaw we believe in blgbr u and in restricting the dumber of place where drink is sold we believe in teaeh ing temperance id the public school aod we believe that pobllo opinion 1 auadlly forcing tbe view upon every individual that in order lo hard his own in this life and lo give any obanoe for those who may be dependant on blm it u essentia that he be temperate in bis hi bits and better still a ulal abstainer tbe world has evidently taken a lomf slap la advance of the position wltb wblob it has usually been credited and it a certainly bit a few paces behind the feus and a file of preeent day prohibitionists happily wbddhd a publto library in tht village le one of tbe advent ages proposed for the benefit of tbe residenlsof this eeotlon it is a very laudable proposal and the community will be benefitted if it mauriallaes tbe people continue to talk about tba aplendld mealioge the tlalton per mere institute held here uat week secretary warren la regarded as a most intelligent nuttier rockwood eriw tbe thaakagufng ueraetiog lo ibe krln mstbodisl obatch peeoed off vary pleasantly plenty of provisions a large otowd aoctan ssoellent programm the stirotinlajn cbolr acquitted ibem- selvm nobly tba eeieolions of allae b tee la were uleely given tbe grepbophone aeleelione by will ltameebolbam and joe ureaford wire cntsiuinlug the renlla- tlonsbyafra wn bowman of qrorgeloep were olearly and loucblncly given tbe singing or air poller tenor soloist of ilamllloo waa in good lime tune and voice julily all fats own tbe addressee given by iuva harry darill and poller were profitable and inspiring the ilorf and genial pastor ooooplrd tbe chair while hie fine colleague opened aod cloeed the servior proceeds oorly forty dullar cnuwbons corneiis lut w llaarnham b d preached mlatlonary aermone in brio last bunday itev mr garnham is a former pastor of thai circuit and was oordlally welcome by bis former pariahioosrs the farmers and atockralsers in ibis sect are laying plans to attend the great winter fair at outlph next week rev h a maopberecb woo is the moderator of tbe saeatoa of tbe presby terian cburob preached here and alao at eden mills last sunday his war thoroughly enjoyed limbhou8b lie arthur e llegar of vialoria ual- verslty toronto preached in the metho dist obopoh last sunday afternoon mr thomas somervlu mat with a eerioas accident last wednesday he was driving on a sidling place and as tba waggon slewed be jamped and lighting heavily on hie right leg severely sprained his ankle it baa caused him great pain since bat be is slowly recovering tbe toronto urn go t is taking a up to assure a fall supply of wood for qame time to eome manager moore cloeed th purchase from mr john meissen of tbe rd una on saturday for all tba wood on thirty acre of bush land aod a few weeks ago l acres were purchased from robert- aoa bros waat of aoton the company have their own men at work cutting the wood mr joba n hewloo i visiting friaada in barnta a few of lb married man of umohcosa gave a party n tbe hall lest wednesday evening there ware aboot one hundred and fifty goeete present a bounteous supper was carved at midnight and all expressed themselves well pl with tbe evening enjoyment mr bert moor spent bunday with hi parents here miss uogregor s visiting at mr wm kt w kutff a number from here took lo the tug war between scotch block and ijmehouse learns at acton thanksgiving day mr u i moore aoton preached an excellent sermon here on bunday he also took charge of tbe sibbatb boboo mr moore la alwaye a welcome visitor to this church he was acoompauled by mr jaa moore aotou iuv w ii uarnham will deliver a temperance sermon here ntat banday on bundayevanlng efiara short lllaeaa there peeeed away mr joseph it crlppa r one of the pkmeel a ol ihu neighborhood at tbe rteidaooj ol hi eun in law mr o mofanghhn artop he was well knowu and highly reepeolrd in tble eommunliy he leaveea familf of oo eon and ibre daughter to mourn hie loes bis wife b log predeceased him several yeej e ago tbe funeral on tuesday to obornee cemetery e ramose fu well attended itavivej services are being oood noted at fliloem church this week 4 mr and hrr n forbes spent their holi day a in toronto mr it ix weosboeugb enent several day laat week wilb friends at ijondou mrs john ii and willie orrppe returned home on sf onday from visiting friend at llranuord call and preston mle irene carroj left on saturday for toronto where she will spend eome tlmr mies carrol intends to take a course al toronto coo ear ve tor y of mualo mr james moore jr and mus msltl pant bunday at mr u dannys cbnro- bill miee itlsale and mary itamahaw spent tbanksgiviog holidays with friends in acton mr hobert qdnpf received a large con- elgruect of chrlelmsaand winter goods of the beat quality for hie etoaw thle week qeoruetown ashorove onthankaglvlnaf bya at tho home of alex wnldla bsa beaualng at the home of mr ale waljia esquesing on wednesday aveulttrf hoy tt7thj a quiet bat in urea hog- wedding ceremony was performed th oonlraol ing parties were miss mergarel wldl and mr matthew job jr of neewsye about fifty friends wltoseeed the ceremony wblob was perforuied by ho xi a maopharaon of knoi churoh aoton th bride was waltsu upon by bar later mlas jsuul waldis and mr harry bayers jr t acted groomsman both bride and bridesmaid ware prettily attired and the former as she entered the loom when the guaau were assembled leaning oo tba arm of her father looked very hand- some indeed when tbe marriage had bean performed th guests sat down to a most tempting wadding dinner after all had done j utile to the provision tbat was made for tbe innsr man juv mr macpbareqo lu a few remarks proposed tbe health of the yooog ooapl he regretted th sickness in the home of the groom end hoped that tbe on who was even then tying near lo death mighty be spared tbe assembled friends ftlt a common sorrow ander tbe eireum slanoes all joined in wishing mr end mrv job a pleasant married lift many wadding gifts wre presented to tba bride who was alway a levoorlta with asr friends thee all follow her lo bar new home wbere it is hoped she may be way bappy mis itsis dickpatl tuaokeglvlng in toronto mr kd f muon vulud his brother drjll huoo of malvern durinn the holiday mr harvey nliou went to arthur r j mr alooso thornton has moured a tlluatlon in toronto mr percy morrison has been spending a week at bis borne here mr arthur ituddell and n 0 wriggles worth pot the holidays in toronto mr and mrs win trimble and mr frank trimble of toronto were holiday guests of relative here mr joseph trimble has rented his farm for a dumber of years to mr j tt wilson j i mr griffsa thompson is home from manitoba mr patrick piulmmon will have a ale of farm stock end implrmeots on dec loth the kp worth league is bending a box of clothing to th fred victor mle loo toronto muses nellie and maggie douglas visit ed at their boms here last week they entertained a butcher of friends very pleasantly on thanksgiving availing mia minerva thornton and mr byron thornton are seriously ill at their boms in okviiir congestion of the lungs 1 tbe trouble and old resident passed away oo haudsy nov ilii lu the pereon of mr wfllw laird the roilns were lulaored nil tuesday lu lb mtuetery st 1 111 toil pre by loriarj cburob tbe presbyterians are potting in a floe new pipe organ this with the splendidly r ofanreh will glvs the congregation a very attractive church bom an incipient fir at jlawsoo pnlg mill last wednesday evening brought oat tbe fire brigade the are which was coo fined to the roof was soon quenched the annual meeting of georgetown branch of tbe bible society will meet in the methodist church this evening ksv bernard bryan will address the meeting in view of tbe reopenlng ear vices in tbe preebyterusn church en banday the methodist baptist and congregational churches are each withdrawing a earvtoe frank j barber has lsasad lbs rink for ths winter il looks as if be intends to boom it with a vim dr arthur e tlanney has been appoint d physician and attrgeoa to the maekoka general hospital uantaville missionary aermons will be preached in the mslhodiai church on banday dec ik by bar sl m manning of bt pauls church brampton wbag a maoibtrats dauphins ofl plorable condition pas pita madloal tremfmont ha qacama waakar and waakar uritll hw could soaroaly blgtt hla namo mr james dauphin of cast bridge waur us as he le better known ae excoun cillor dauphin bars been a ala man forlhv past throe jeer a jfla beellh gradually forsook him until by degrees he bad lo give up doing ell klfnis of work ii ooo nttsd a physician end took a large nqg lity of matllolpe but h did bfm nogood and be gradually grew weaker and wraksr ii is dutlee aa a magistrate iiaceasilaud bis doing much writing ami being an excel lent penman in hie day uf good besllb li came hard to him when hie band shook so much that he oould wrovly kp it steady enough to sign his own name his daugh ter seeing bis deplorable condition advised blm to try dr williams pills and after a bit of ooaxlng he was induced to try them there wae no nolle able nhangt in his oonjhlon until be had slatted to use the third boa vtoui tbat on lite improvement was rapid if grew strong er every uay hie ajipilllo hi creased th wearinese and laaalludji departed from bis limbe eomeof the loalre uf hie youth turned to hs eye ant by tba time five horse warn ued mr dauphin felt a new man tbe weight of oars and the burden of aickneae have rolled fron his eboildere bis hands axe now steady and lit pen can ran aa rapidly aa ever he tribute hii curs to tbe ministration of a good wife and dr williams pink fills mr dauphin is 73 years of eg but feels aa jouog and vigoroos as hs did years ago and is avar ready to praise io tbe uroi terms the beejtfa giving qualities of dr williams tlnk pill dr william pink pills are tbe friend of tbe weak and ailing tbey surpass all other medlolnee in their tonic itrenglhen- ing qualities and make weak and deepon dent people bright active and bsallhy tbeee pills are sold by all dealare in medl cine or oan be had by mall postpaid at 0 cents per box or sit baxee for j 0 by addreesiogtbedr wllllami medicine co brookvllle out nas an event of pecallar aadnees ooo or red at the home of mr matthew job laat wed- ueeday night the death of mrs job on the nlgbtof her eons marrlagetomias waldis the old lady had been hi for several months now istho tl mo absolute security genuine carters little livep pills must bavr signature- of ase pershnltn wracfeer deiow affiil rotaurjaml rmduiiaiat re uuqouess fqi tohrld uvcb rot fjokotiratiel rol tallow sen rot thecompujuwi weayeaaacfc the wise parchaacr looks about hint lot jo best catier and sleighs to buy i have a vary full slock of cullers and sleighs of tny own make which you should inspect before yoo buy i also have a buio variety of second hand boggles carts waggons sleighs and cutters which 1 will sell m low prices lo clear i hero out i have the best makes of root pulpcrs weigh scales and bag trucks on land j ist o ntbilll oeorobtown dyeinc gfmmklls dviiinc and clfatf jmcwokkbrgubtph the place fot geatlamen to havo tbelr suits anil overcoats and cadlcs garments anil household goods cleaned and dyod oarvich plume and tips cleaned ilynl and curled 1 misa pjcrrymarf agent fanny goods aoton aoton aiacliino and keitnir shops huhityflltlttdull iroptutor ry and atftloultu nllh a the maelilnorj its at rsuelr in in soli it ml imtilcntenl and to a bueastn lllilns woo wora ta a eatlafaetory manner we om repair any maoliln or trniirnsoi o any tualia lu lummlae and olluit dons bread cakoa confoctlonory oyatorg canned coods mra anna maddcok 1 i nt i mr n in erous cutlomcrs for their iwral pdlronnoc and announces ihat she has suldoil cannid coods and phi sii ovsnilislolieralock llriiii bkduad etc bread end cake are received from uelph every tuesday thursday and saturday toronto br l- ad toronto bread u recelyad every monday wednesday 1 rl day and suirilay mus j aiwa maddock mill gtbmht actom hohvsnltk nt6d bollt com and cm traded quota lowest prdcs nnd say how put up samukij h lkwi8 co london itoarcacajri til asthma cure free aswrrialerie brings nnstant relief and permanent cure in all qases sunt ahsolutkiv iflek on lyjcblit of postal wu1tm touu mauh ahp adbbww piialhit a- chained for ten years ts tlicra is hqthlng liko asibraslene ii bringb lasiant nusf oven in the worst cava it cures when all also fall the kx c f wells of villa rldgo ill ear your trial bottle of asthma leoo rptoived in good condition i cannot tell yoo how thankful i fad for j ho good derive from it i was a slave chained with pat rid sore throat and asthma for ten years i despaired of over being cared i saw your advertisement for the cere of this dreadful and torment log disease asthma and though i you had over po ken yourselves hot rerxjvcd to give it a trial to my bstoojaument ibe trial acted liko a charm 3end me a futlalzad botlle rev dr morrlo woohsler kabbj of tbe cong baal israel now yorlcjan 3 loor li taft baos mantciak co oihtleuem yoar asjbmelene is an em eel lent remedy tot aatbma end hay fever and its compoelrloo alleviates all troubles which combine wlib asthma its aoccessis astonishing and wonderful a iter having it carefully analyzed we can slate that aaihmalcne contains no opium morphine cloroform or ether very truly yours rkv dr morbis whchslrk ilfta oberusenuittb cudrping ioh the aeoomtnadauaa of tbe fsrmers it has been arraruced tbat ateeavs cuejoe a iiern hasp tbe aeion ltolleraflueuoperatlan for uiturpossof blllns all ordars for enopp- lac sad u sj at present etoek of floor four- roomed cottago pott balk cbnrebatreel i una u alexjwdeiu cbtywcod i ijty wood for sale dv 7mnobrt tbndbiu elll t reeelved by tbe under- aisnednp to alendarsad dee to iseorde of dry maple and bseeb at tbe fpbllo betieol wood to e measured a lbs school end paid for wben measured tbe b i sheet or any tender not neeeaearlly aseepted hec at oooh rtserstary inblle bobool heard aston nov xlnd 1m1 uh urr iimoi mshicihkco gmwtlkmks i write this testimonial from a sense of duty having tested the wonderful eller t of your aslhmalenq jor the euro nfa kf wifn be lin ahllcted with arwaraouc astjima for the past i you having exhanitetl piy own skill as well as many others ithanccd to sen your sign upon your windows on 130th street new york i ul once obtained a bottle of asthmalene my wife commenced taking it about i very soon noticed a radical improvement after ufdnj rat of november iprovement alter nslng liottle her asthma lias disappeared and aha is entirely free from all symptoms i ice ihat i can consistently recommend the medicine to all who are ff with this distressing dlseass yours respectfully od phelps md dr tavv linos muihcimk co feb 5 1901 cnmttsmitw i was troubled with asthma for 33 yeals i have tried numerous remediea bjit lliey havo all failed i ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle i found relief at once i have since parchased your full also bottle and am ever grateful i have a family of four children an1 for six years was unable to work i am now in the best of health and am doing business fivery clay this testimony you can makosuch bse of as you toe tit v homo address 335 rmngton street s mpllauu 67 east 39 st new yotk cliy trial bottle bent absolutely rm oh rxcsttpt ow tobtal do not delay write al once addressing dr tait bros medicine ccf 70 east 130th si now york city sold by a 1 dm iaia the real tiling bogus orsecond quality good ore not irs our linn not bocaukc we run mora honorable ihui other doajers bur because as a bualoc proposition it jvays to deal squarely with ones customer wa arc fencrally known as the io as tliey- romue boot and shoo dealers and we desire lo continue lo deserve the designation whoever buys fool covering from us gets the real thing every time at rlgbl prices some of our leaders for the praia ston will astonish you by lliejr tounii and low price xa willi tews boot knd shob dbkcqr hcton children cry for castoria we part with our furs at priced which arc not high hut hlh enough to ensuro the beat nisltibs a panilcujlarly 1 imk line oe furs ready to bebiada up into carmenla lo purchasers orders also purs remodelled lo the uteri styles thq larueat dssorlmcn of 1 urs ever shown in curlpli ntothing is the old saying add ui if leatlier is tl the leather is firstclass j h matthews wants to stale that ha has secured a newiannage of leather tanned in a country tannery farmers can depend ihat it is tanned the same as tho good old leather they used to buy twclily yeam ago would be pleased to show any ihal may be thinking ftt purchasing harness and has m good hock uf harness made rom altove leather which he will sell cheap for cash or wood a big slock or robe y coals blankcls bells whips trunks and vallate ilci airing promptly and cheaply dona j h mktthe3as jutlll sth68t hcton do you use your neighbors telephone by so doing you are injuring hlaboiincse present rates make it possible for you to have a telephouo la youk naml tlio boll telephone co of canada san sarings and loan co hhadofficb toronto o aucacwseif cannsj 98000000 00 ten year maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for iso months wben payments cease too 00 aid in maturity value f 100 00 money to loan at 3 straight loan of repayable in monthly instalments on appu- alien to r j mcnabb agout aot n christmas goods curb oick headache catarrh can nut us cured wltb 4ol pplloeuoua a tbsy seadct kseb be bsetct ibe disease usurtti u a bleod r a onetllauonel dleeeee ami lu curder w ours is rod moat take lournsl vmusdla ualle ostarrb cure is mot a quaek towtlclne it was prescribed by ooeof tbe ceat pbieleub lu tble eceatvy for years stod 1 a kwaular preeerlntlun it is eoupoeed from tbe best toiilos kuewn ocin- blned wltb tbe beet bleed pu riders ssuas tlr- setly 00 tbe maeoas surfscs tbe paefset ecu h tbatwoustsdlent u w bat prod im sues wonderful reeult in eurlngeatartb used for testimonial free v j cub ynis a co vnv toledo o bold br all drusauta p 19 eeats 1 ualls vawlly hlla are tbe best klelle seelug the pel can for the flrat lime ireojoua i u me bad a enoatfaflhk ihal ooumol sb3 bold a lot of hair pins a card we lb undersigned do hereby agree to refund lb money oa a so osol bottle of greene warranted syrup of tar if it falls lo ears your cocgb or oold we also guarantee a u seal botlle to ptovs tails- factory or raonay refunded a t brown i aoloo dont let the gift question bother you- weva done alt ihd bollierlng for you snd the remit ihe largest and tisndsomest collection of holiday ulits that wo hsvd ever shown make out your list uud come and check tl oil ueie 1 hat h the easiest and tiioet inospcnilve way wa ve something for evaryboily j uat la tow hints all ttie popular ganwi such aa heveusi peicchebl etc new tahd riv dealgn 11 flowkhlfu tissue 1apeh for making inoipenslve and dainty xmas glfu pape1 ehiub pine s al ion- euyand pancy sua ling wax all colors a frmdi supply of plitpume waullful a10m17uks special values in hlhils buj purses wa liave ucurvd a imsntliy of these so we can sell them for ivsij than wiiolusalu irom a firm retiring from business we wilt be pleased to show you goods and lay aside any article you wish the figures on ihes e are very tuiraclive arid vra are already selllnjf large numbers t o early buyers latest stylos jr ha and cloves l n e lafontajnes wholesale and itetall purrla cuqlph whefj prin r3lurs when print blnrj irrit emper and gencraniscom- fort result we positively cure this con dition with glasses consult our optician shizkge st co pintb wihtch hfkirfis cuelph wo would liko to tell yoo particular hlngs about our splendid line l of holiday goods hut space will only permit of a mere announcement just a few hints to let you know we havo a nice line ol dressing oa manloare sets comb and brash sets shaving seta collar and con boxes jewel oases hall brush seta parses perfumes perfume aur misers bmrursrs seta aah trays photo jpramas albums icoajo bootee qamas dolhutoy ehsnes rm boosbluewituno books toy books xnsi oaxda and oalen dais jcto xto our prices will be h pleasant surprise to you come early 4 win brskuie 8fiasi paijaoh db0o storm actom ont h6nd6rson st co new arrivals hnd a t bb0wn oiuuubt amd btationeh aoton in millinory jaokoto homo gkinto tl skfit stuff waiolo qlovoa houioiy clothing 11 the novellitfi i the season will bo found in this storu our stock of staplcb ii bciiifj constantly added to til loday it is the lartftib and fines aborted stock in tho country henderson o tluu st hcton to catcli h10 eye and tho mind at tlio fiamo timo is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how rue this saying is especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any- body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for free outfit and make money the bradleycarretson co lliiiltod brantfordl smiling approval- your cloibc vrlll bo approval by ttume you cars to plcm if you ban ihetn mid by tl wo melkothemlrlght iniura you a perfect fit and fuarantea that the goods wont aja or grow shabby the beat lime for clothe is now wm cooper ussciuwr taiuiu mux staat tt cton are you deaf i any head noises all cases of deafness or hard hearing n are now curable by our new invention only those born deaf are incurable head noises cease immediately f a w1rman of baltimork fjaysr ii 1 1 4 timoam lii alarcftr liliily rrl ij tl uisukalo yor iteemueat i will 1 tu im tuil 1 ir illmttluu im lislittjr uc set tills lrptougslt t of istnilll ftr tll- i taiibs wtlmmt mlviumtm roum1 cn lleitima iiuiiwut rr stut c ihlacily lie uwl wly uuinesavlly thai th v ibe iin1cj rar wwtui w lust futvitr eei v n itf eel o jrvd your li jly lew iln yd aivufilliia l your tllrectioua ihe nnlaearraar1 tiaia tiktiix tvyv wi wkrllanftil bnmjny ttaltltuoi ud oil r jikwioii o ml ililerfen tciut iour hmuat axwuuamom jjfftej- you can cure y0ubsi1f at home 3r gthiuim tlctlltl full ll4oy liiyt- abiuc llvtf whim a my limidlu lu llilriti 1 lutur tri llllvkickuiih blllll unly an ukmil txnljjii tlieiliiaitc lint tin lu iiluif illru mwiwi nlwil tneiil allrr i ual la a little talk lu the subject of hoots ami shoes very lew moiiia nr competeol lojuiha the w value of footwear when it u new tlinw are so many way to counterfoil and- jmllala leattw that it isatsy io4locejvo a it generally liaijiens ihat huyers liavo to lake tlio ahoeroan a word for it in the nod so you soe a good deal hinges on picking out the right hhoemau and you can always rrly on obosto mi whose boots and shoes are always found lo he as re presented bpisncud block of wtctar qooda borne thing r3pdal to f u take your aalaouoos of ohrlaunas bupparsi now ordared ooods and pajrlnh reoelve best ailerjuoa qeo stotrel children cry for castoria

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