Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1901, p. 3

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vi- 4 jju 4 the news- at home afoatly qf a lcmmi chsiraotarand vrv tarn lntratlnr troop muuaym boeotht cnafeetrf aitjmtja have ba a aaada lor trooper afolloya eeoond eppearano he will lector lo lb towo hall on friday evening ibih lnl a very large attend anca will no doubt greet him ttxm atf rasssai mamtmmbty tba member of aoton fire urlgsds express ihamselvee wall satisfied with tha result of their first bait and supper held last wdnedy eveolug tba attandaooe u largo and included null a putnbar from out of town cimiatm th site of onepi john li connor a blacksmith ai weal huparlor wis baa begun wall in tba canadian oourt against iba canadian uoveromeol o recover an sslal valued at or or a3000000 tba aalata oomprt tbe alto or tba city of joalpb hlmmlonmry auatvormajr hmrmonm tba an oual missionary servloee will bs bald in tba methodist obnrcb ttwxk hon- dajf rot john ii robinson of 1ilmor lop obalrman of- tbat dllrlot will preach morning ud evening mr itoblu- on la highly apokan of a a preechsr ilev ur ilagat will prsacb in 1al mora ton vamuttaonmly celled jlev o a ufllett who baa baas ministering to iba ooogragatloo of th ihaolplea ob arch here iba past month wa lest bnnday morning at a congrega tional meeting unanimously callad to oontluoa in the pastorate of that cburob mr uillett la a good speaker an a tie olive paste and baa already andaaxad himself to tba paopla wbo worship with tba dis- oipl a our oilixsns will ba plcsssd lo laaro thai ba la now settled a iba pastor thmakamlwlam bay sarwoe tba union thanksgiving asrvios in knox cburob was wall ailnndad an appropriate and very abla sermon was preecbsd by ha josspb m hsgar m a its v ii a maopbaraon pastor of iba church knd llav 0 a ollult assisted in ibo service a oolisouon of 17 00 was taken ip aid of tba lords pay alllanoa hv j k ooddon m a preached a foroeful sermoo in st albans oburob in tba evening tae mcthodtmt xacfiaa aid tba annual meeting of iba ladle aid snolalyof tba msthodisi obnreb waa bald on tuesday afurnoon this important and enerfratla organisation ha jul closed a vary suooesafol ysar no department of tba cbeb mdartaks work mora syaiem- auaaliy or nsrafatvrfi f- t lw hloh catugrrvt thai bya or bnrw prwarprwa raportara thin waak- farmers hereabouts ware plowing on ooday spaclai aervioes ara in prograa in iba flok gboroh this waak if yon ar not a nbaoribar for tb spun yoo oagut to ba b prioaa of atovawood bir an np- laadanoj wood la not at ll punt- wa- yoor oallar door lookad la ifi ioa eaxtnavs ara girlnc oo anotbar tw aazt maaunc of eaqoaaing towo- jrjj p council will ba bald on tboraday blnai lt bamota tba snow from tin oatamanta aptly citlsaathnd padaalruna will itarak from so to 60 cents and tloparton tba faxmara tbooid look it hjl barn borinaw at orton and baa towrrad toelxln j kawa ouui yaalarday of tba daalb of jr a b ivoodcatt of qoajpb ormaiiy jaaaajat of iba aoton ptoar oompaoy bar i fiwifl la joar books for tba library of lly voiamaa wblob aetoa is oonlrlbotlng tba tiunbar oamp library aaaoolation tbaqhtnrtajmitojgrn ara now trying laka ap thalx minds what to bay illoadmtaere will aulafe tham matar- ktba ramalna of tba lale david idum formerly of etqoeelng ware i from toronto on saturday and jtriavndln fftlrvuir camstary tb borllogton prtabytarian obnrob baa aatatihad a naanltaoaa oall to tba iuv p andaraoa of murarkon wbo la aapaotad to oaindoatad abool iba wth inal xl aaa wry mooh as u oau will fetch tahajh aprioe aa wheat before spring lo rkajra iba immanaa ordare oomlnff to this oairy from tba briliab qorarnmant for poath airload if ncbulae bavasa of xngaraoll renawa da aabaatlpdob and wrltaa tba fans uaa a alwaya a walooaia visitor to oar mom n4 bj filled avary waak with latereat- bg marafrom hf old boma 7barlraaoadta mad oraoa church font all taaxna of toronto played a final bamploeeblp oalob at tba park on haokfllnf bay tba eoore rasdllad j 1 la favor of iba ara ooentr 3linor oonld reoaifed tba bar for ila sooth african medal on ionda bay rand belfast ornge free but ud y0f colony tba bare give tba dal a fwry attranlive appearsnoa ak iba rooaunga of the farmara lo- liataa but waak tba seoralary j l fartan onlllaad the helton luatltnla jt lamoat prograailva in tba xrovlnoa ba ig s00 members mora than any other ueeara fimlib a campbell bauli bu m aflob wriu tba paaa phxsi as uowkti eooloeed find p o order for i9s for prtouojf yoa hw jast sent ua efj mooh pueaed wllb lb work tiyloedj ooold oo4 ba flnar a promltunk legal light la town wrou a ikar of anqairy to tba qtot tba other day id appapdad hie algutora with iba usual vriabaa il qarne on 1 mondays quto qatoa ilia profeaelooal card to iba faaas doaant read that way al all ijirogrjuamg of tjniraraiky fflan- laotaraa by profeaaors of toronto ad othaf 0nlralilaa baa bean ftd smbraoea a wide variety of anb ooplaa may be bad opon applloatloo sqaalr saoraiary up oooaatltu jvarauy of toroalo s fo pork a c i qnb vc lata all ofsoury was eleoted for tba ooming year praaldsnt mrs i raoola vioepre mlu lottie e speight saoratary mrs a k hloklin treaaorer mre james uolun stm lmttag mt uwjhibhe sohool sieam was torned on al tba pabllo stibool eetarday the oontraota for the newbeailngepparatoa being eboot ooropul- ed tbara is every indloallon that iba etvam htatlng will be a great enooess a tbi oortb oliimney of the aobool bnlldlnjf may have to be enlarged to glv beilar draft faowtver the hot air furnaces were both found to be in a bad condition whed the briokwork waa removed il u very fortunate tbey were supplanted at this tini tfaa aobool which has been eloei for severe days will reop tble mor ning junior xtfaatie ffoclml the eniartalment given last friday evening by iba janior laagna in the metbodist sohool boom waa wall aitand and proted very enjoyable mrs joala oram the anargitin boparinlandant pre sided xba prognuntna ioalddad oborntaa by iba league duels by lbs ulteea melthawv and the hlaaoa speight reoita- uona by kfuata mildred mattbewa and pallas dempeey quartattaa by m llaaband and kdmlaton and measrs ooe wllllami and dr husband readioge by mrs a t brown and fmaearev alex seo mo and an addraaa by tba paator bar jos m hagar m a tba proooadlngs wars concluded with refreshments served by the jfinlnxt endthai tfflt th sowfaacf bijoa corner co tba bijoa comedy company nndas lb management of ur 3 it itowland have beau playing to fair crowds in tba towo hall tbt but thteo evenings and ara billed for the remainder of the week their perfdroianoe u regarded as much above those oaoejly given by tba oomv paniea viailiaa small towns a leadlog feature of tbi antastalnmont is the sing fngof maatar iiarry foy in hli lua tratad songs jtriemtlm aktouiy a wmuisfror i headers of the toronto dalllea will remember thai on the slit sept last bav john branstoo a superannuated minister disappeared from bis bono al 71 sheridan ave toronto tba moat diligent eeerob since has failed to local blm lmt week a gentleman anawering ibe description given pretty closely waa in aoton and called at iba boms of ex warden warren information was seat lo tba enxiooa borne in torooto and on tuesday mr john w b rani too eon of the gentleman referred to came to towo lo investigate he found reports father ooufllolicg the bp lions family will however vary gratefully raoeiveany information which is oaloalaled tolead to iba recovery of thair wandering loved cue mr brauatop i described as having every appearance of a mlnlater is feel 7 inches ip height wears grey side burn whlakera hss a email wart on one eyelid and is generally very good- natured an interomtlng gmtberiaj tba twenty third annual masting of the ontario ajjrioallaral and esperlmeotal union will be bald at the agricultural collage caaipb deoember 0 and 10 ur ii i wwuayofwashlogtoopcwlllglvead luoatralad addraaa on the crowing of sugar beets and lb manufacture of beet bogar mr j a buddlok will apeak on the dairy industry the ileorganlsa- hon and improvement of our agricullural exhibit ions will be dlaoataed by mr f w uodton live slock commissioner prof o e day and bupl q o craalman the crowing of frail of high quality and the packing of fruit mr lbs beat revolts will be bandied by w u xfutl and elmer lick the ladiaa session on monday afternoon will be addressed by uisa watson principal of the ontario normal school of 1 domeella science hamilton and by mrs joy principal of tba domeetln aoleuoe department toronto teohnlnal bcboot epandlng a weak at comincrand going valtora to arid from aotori tnd varlaua othar paraonal notaa tb raaa taet lavtlea mfr lis veadeaa toeow trtbaie lo this eel urn a it yoej ee mmr fxlasal j are aoasaway on a boudaj trly or if n ban fiiends vial ung vw drop a card la km tmmm mr it k holm epant isal tbarsday in ueepslsr mr ii j hell of berlin hello j aetoa friends last week mrs l c afadjock visited friends in torooto i4st week mrs aj oenlleeli ber borne lu berlin miss mertba taylor has removed from dandas to preston miss ad thurston of liarhn visited anton friends tbla week hr frank mattbewa of berlin was borne fortbanksglving misabllen nicklln of ueepeler visited anion relative last weak mies ilvrlhs cblebalm of burlington spent tbenksgivldg to lowo mrs t jme luiud of berlin visited anton friends dor log the week miss ethel werdellof caelpb epenl a ooopla of days in town this weak mr t james moore of caclph spent thanksgiving with aoloo friends mra john kannsjr and frtaslar lintan visited friends in oualnb last weak mr joe king of yale mich- u the gueil of bis sister mra- joe holmes your jfbse that le what you should brrattw ihrouab not yir moult hut tttoro may na times wken your ca tarrh la ao had roucatat breathe lltrourti it rrcathlnfi ihroucb u nmutli is always bad lor ina longa and it le aspvcially co wbrn ibelr dellcata ussuee haver lvti wrak- enad by km scrofulous ooutuoon of lua blood on which cstarrb jfepffnfts alfred te vlngan floertwrstowii ia anflerrd from catsrrb for ynara ills bcaid fait bed tbero was a ringing- his vera and be could not tiraatlm tbrougb ona of bis noetros rtor tliar bis bead alter tflnar eeverel catarrh epednea from wblcb he derived no benefit ba was completely cum according to his own atatflmont by hootts sarsapnriiia tots great madlclne radically rim per- manenlly enrvs ratarrti by n iilns tbe blduit mill bulldlil tp itto wbulc nytlrta uikv riu 1 lli unrtl xltwitk sm ara yon thinking about getting married it so yoa will want a dinner set wa draw roar attention to ihrro specbu tnea our 07 nacco dinner set gill and al f7n0 our 70 piece dlnm nd tnamollodjai io set gill lliumln laxatlye bromoquiaiiic st 3 p p u sri jill ilium qrooery department ao iu good liauina lor i oo o iu erauujalod sugar i tho notod tba store a china pauioi cliristmas trade december practically open the chrlatou trade hear ao mur thloga are wanted that go inlo tbe make up of cbrtilmaa glla wearo atocltw fiat of moat attraclire goods itf lojocemeola vim offer 4 rda of paoct suka in cnstlon tops cuelph v uaotasntfe war dlaputo the much talked of tug of war cooteet between the teams captained by messrs donald mann and nell aillls took plan o th a asps a si gh dsj tbe drill hall it was agreed that tba 1800 slakes ahoulj be paid to the team winning two put of three draws and lo abide by the deoislous of the referee mr fergaabo captain of the cobb dairy team of ooalpb acted as referee this first pull was wan by cspteln oltua team and tbe eeoond poll resulted lu a draw at the expiration of the eeoond pull tbe referee declared thst dills team had won and sooorjiurf t3 the terme of agreement lite money was paid ovsr lo ihsm it was djtuoult id lbs a pec t tort to undsrslsnd bow such a decision coulj be given as it will be to the i general public a third pull might res- j eonably have gone to the team of dipt mann but it was not allowed au en quiry of the aporling editor of the olultf in the matter brought tbe following rrply a qalnn anton under yoor statement of th condition lbs teferoe was wioujf neither team had won two out of three mr end mrs arthor lxing of darlini- ton visited aetoa friaoda this week missmargarel uowes vlilted barf ethers home in trafalgar during lb week mlas llxxts grabsm waa tba quest dur ing tbe week of mra jamee long erin mis edward nlcklin axd miss jeesja visited friends in toronto daring the w mr joe m moore of georgetown wi gaeel at his fathers boms last tbarsday mis dalles dvmpesy of toronto s spending a few weeks wllb aetna relatives mr t t moor visited blaaasbtff and other friends in toronto during tba week mlas allan of sunderland was tba gnaai of her mr miss nellls allen during lbs week mrs uev u a ueapharson has been spendjog a few days with friends in hsmil- lon mr and mrs jamee clark of bl marys visited aoton friends on thap day 1 as in an totaled from 15c upwards silk floes all shading floss all abadinga mlk cords oo pons tssaels etc ribbons toe fllbbou a r zy milton sssr jyoi oa former acton marehmnl the sad news reached anion on monday of the death of mr il b jarmyn merchant of niagara falu mr jarmyn had been hi for several weeks with typbohi fever the remain a wars conveyed to georgetown on monday and tba funeral look plaaa on tuesday alarnoon from tba boms of mrs jarmyns parania tbara mr jermyo was for several years a merchant in aoton and oconplad the tors at tba corner of mill and main streets now occupied by d kopman ha removed to niagara fall seven or sight years ago mrs jermyn and five utile ones era lef i to mourn tba loss of iba bead of the horns wbo was oallsd when in tba full prims of manhood forty year of age much sympathy ie felt by aoton friends for mrs jarmyn and bar utile ones in their heavy bei a trip- tabrobsfb irpjaant jlm usual a thanksgiving antartaimant was bald in knox church and afforded an opportunity of spending an enjoyable evening it was in tba form of an illustrated lector antllled a trip tb rough irelnod by bav georga qilmoar of obelmere church london mr oilmonr took a bicycle and earners trln through ireland last aummer if alodjed the country under iu jvarud poaduions and secured many interesting view nioomber of which ara vary beautiful indeed his description of the emerald jala aeoom pabled by the lime light views praaaniad waa vary waofa enjgyed and the large aodienoe especially though k claim ircuud aa lb land of their tiellvllv naolfeated much pleasure lo following lb lecturer in his meanderlogs through he snug llttl isl- 1 tea wss served in lbs baaemaot of the ohuroli befoia lbs lecture ucusebresker ntf cbjlmr thtmvwm tbe tuaula for robbing cellars wblcb has been ao prevalent la some eoo lions this fall has reached ibis vicinity one bight lsat week the oellar of mr joel leslie erin was cleared so sflfaolually of things edible bat the family bad to forag among the ualghbors for something to sat f or brsekfest on thanksgiving mor ulng a couple of men entered lb oejier of mr thomas elliotts bom on be seoood 11ns hy smaablng tba lock on ontalds eellas auuanoeand were busily sngagad in filling a bag with oooklng frnlt hotter etc wban a couple of the joaog folks of lbs home who had been atlendiog tba wadding of miss waldl and mr job found tbsm there- tbahoosabolawasat poo aiartnad and they ai 000 prooaadad to corral iba thhver mr elliott bit ooe of tbe rosn as ia was smarglng from lbs oellar and broke a abalr over his back bat ba got away tbey traokad tbstn by maana of a light aoow whjob banffallan into nawtooe boeb wbarswoodctlttariareal work and ibeie lha trail dlaappsarad it w fouad that iba dssploabla botuebrsasera bad bean in iba dublin sobool f amaoe room dortog the eigtrt mr jas fields turnkey al the county goal died suddenly on wadneeday of last ik while undergolcg an operation in the western hospital toronto deceased has been for a lontf time a suikrsr from an abaoeas in the right armpit he was a highly esteemed cilixen 6a years of sgv mr fu deacon took a trip to montreal last week thawevdsoa dlnnsslaslweeai lbs interim of tbs county oouuall session was a very quiet bat a thoroughly eojayehle affair th ledw-aii- ufvcua oh re faera engaged tberservtoes of prof ohaa kelly and danghtar uf quelph for an aolertaic maul no tbs evening of deo ib the teoenlly purchased mcferran springs were turned into the reservoir en mooday evening they nearly doable th supply of water and it is hoped that it will be long before any services are sgsln turned off os account of scarcity ckaatploa w bamnel orr jr of trafalgar lias pur chased allan b modougalls farm an the sixth una tbs pries was w000 mjss edna earl bu been engaged as teacher of tbe primary form at a salary of i20 pqr annum tb thanksgiving night ooncerl in the methodlsl church was a vsry meritorious affair bot the at tends bee was disappoint- lug county cooncilb ulosino bhssion thw final msatlnff fof th veaf and lha usual list of cranu tb dosing seeeion of tbe county council ea held at milton lest week all lha membrswr present warden hmllh li lha chair oommuuloallans ir reed from lb an pub co toronto re tallroed cattle- guarda and j m baatedo heo milton pablio school board aud u p moorr ben acton pub ho baboo i lias til asking for grants fir oonlliinalloa cjasaes th aoton board sled tquellng hat aoton b madsaoettr for iolrshea fiijnlll0oe tbe preeeiilmaut of tbe fjreud jury at hakon pll ateixm 1001 was ktuo vesd mr cook movad wcoujoj by mr andrea that wberas the iwl fjlij lelur of lb piuvlute of outarla kl lis last sceiiou pd at act fur tlm 1 111 pro v- m tot live publld hlgbweys and wliareas jt u desirable that th couuty of haltou abould take steps to eeoure lis fair aliare of the said appruprlstlou j b it tttersiur reeolvol that th clerk proper a lv lw in accordance with autusts prtliilllg there uj and hah bald by law taaily to icoelve lis first reading at tux i regular etlug crrid the fu i low lug rants were mails if bjgo to ailitoq puhllu btdiool fur tvmitlbuallua s in aston publle heboiil lor twutliiuatiut la to bobool umj ko b heleun for eontluu atiou olasaes w to liurlltialcn 1ublla bebool for eoullut atlon alaasrs 4x1 ta usjtou teeetiers lueittule a aoinplimtqjftry resolultoa was passed thanking warden smlb for the able court eous end impartial rnanuer in which bs has prasidsd over tba dellberlooe of tbs council and for tbs oottrtssy and oooilder- alion be bas shown lo tbs members ol tba council during lbs jeer a you k oow wu1 was just oraxy to marry nw i said tba yoaug br jdo vest thats what svlrybody thloksyys- pliad bar jas rival y ttev arthor b hagar of victoru unl- verslty was boms for iba tnankegivlag holidays miss sadie dock worth of gnalpb spent thursday al th home of mrs ji ryder misses ancle sndbelia bupbenson visit ed friends in hamilton and waierdovra this week mr thomas lea returned from lbs north wait after spending fonr months there last friday mr jra matthews went ta torootn yesterday to il his brother wbo la critically iu meters a e and j h moors of toronto epent a day or two its week 0 the old liomr mrs j rcckldn la visiting her grand father wbo la over ninety year of age al caledonia ool iim duy nlckllo of milton and edith of goalpfa were home fot a oonpla i of dsyslast wsav mrs woodbsll of ceargetown gueit thle week at the homs of mr qeorg hi table agnse st miss margaret brown spent thanks giving and a few days following with torooto relatives mrs monteltb and mrs orr attended the wedding of their be phew mr harry boyos at mimosa last week exmayor r e nelson of coalplx was a welooms osller at th pass paxss office on tossday morning mlsstjandsaa want to haas i its a sils gate to th convention of tbs daughter of tbe king 00 toured ay mr and mrs william parry man of torooto wersgneat on be tarda y of the perry man and family mrs arch osmphsu retained a few dsys ago from tbs north west where eh was vlelung forsevsraj months mr and mrs adsnlaiaof brampton spent thanksgiving la aoton mr lalug bas considerably improved in health mr biohard and miss nellie brown r- turned monday altar a vary pleasant visit with friends at elor and ponaoaby mlas auis lalng wbo has been vlsfsbg ber brother at e m moskoka for a rooulb or so returned boms on saturday mr e d falrbrothar and mr bdw whlteoraft of otpsnahgan war g oasts hits week of mrs william melvtn bower ava v mr al lslahman retnmad from th northweet on tneedsy he says be couldnt fall in lovawltha noonlry wber b got his stars and boe froxen la novem ber s mrs william brown went to toronto cb tuesday evening to visit her father mr john melthsws who has been very ul for eeverel dsye klr ilu barry for twelve year a uiur of the guelpb teroj blaff bas gone to toronto to assam lb poajtlun of business manager of lbs weitly sun ilev dr cornish has eooepled a call to beootus pastor of emmanuel luformed iplkovsl church in toroulo his aooep- teuce or this pailoreu will ndl inurfsr wltb his relations to thj mthodit chuch mr charles towers is spending a few weeks with aotou relelive urn was in lbs north west four moolhaduriug harvest aud threshing end enjoyed ihsexdaruaa and tbe wonderful harvest eoense very in u oh befors leaving arthur for windsor mr tbtww wbsluy lalaedltoraadpabuehar of ui arthur xuurpmw was mad the k- ultiaul last week uf su address and a gold- headed oau at th bands of lb boalnie into of arthur wjnthit we have arranged for a great idbbuo sain ibis wek daced on two tables in lha store follows 1 i fiiist tabu hundred of nieces of mik and saiiln ribhoos in dealrabla colors regular 10c la 13c ltlhloni al 7c second tahle klch silk and satin klbbons regular i3 c to 18c bl too sateen art muslins itepps and crelooces in great variety clnghamsln huge c in lllue i4nk cardinal yellow and green for fancy work ai ijc itlpays to buy at bollerts e h bollert cfe co 25 and 27 wyndham st jiujelph bbc stiii the right house bnraalutfao 11 ifakjiltons favorite slfortinc face this store is ta on our new store in full swing wc want you to come and see us interesting tofyou vic offer to make it couta kednced jj i uu u u urn uttsn ull ml uil jt b u j aem lo t u 0 ro lorauj tjd tro t lo l0 ror mtd prevloluly mm from to ix ubbaoii ooo tanperauaew ere ooenplee far tbe sede r goods iw onered by a parosuiig aearsenan oeeis it taebe ions 4 silted lloln of rurstn satin t soa asueeban ooate ei itmbaf loew eailo iibing at axuo asueaeu costs a inebek leag wua ord8r5 to- hpinu dhuvkrv j u hamlllons eltetrloal mouomanul works at jualph are now taking order for ornnlts ami marble monuments to be est up in tbe sprlug at tsdnoed prloes rhh th splendid new electric and pnsumtfo machinery this ssiahluhmanl is ahl to extoute far mora and batter work than heretofore and in order to kasp lbs niechlosry running all wlntar vary low raise ara being 410 fc ordassd now call at th works ac drop oard to j u uamlllon cuelph utops thi oouqh and work off thet cold iuterirtwanjiumtsideueaaeoidla a da hoosraiy itawaffxauaz- b3e woetb ate- pleta titatw riiolanl 4 tnebae wide end in absdee of tor- qaloee rnae whlw teje blott maave old rose and eardloaj 9o wortb vtw- dw oeebtnere dln 5 inebes wide evecsibu sad in bsvotl fel llabt absalna i other ranoy heck and besb r is i whdtbe rnrale wloebeas je e y ss ooe see t3e and s i ob yard racy pretty blbbea sella faoed si ik teak polk dchj a lnebs wide l 93e two liuudrfml pairti f ladies libbers attoc two jluiiihvil lalrvi ol fejfc hlippera irom the emirft clipper factory at 26c j platnnelcttx lv lo stripes pinks blm frera end fawne sb laoliee at 6a sistisjss linifiee wortb i0a at see yard upsets bsafeeof kxtab lriaioulte taebas gnod vajae at ujra very apaeaal sttoeyard otbees at uo u and xbe yard bbaclc dress iioodtl- bees usee marked at very lew pete tttben sway qalok we ere ever stoeked tbala tbe iiunn tbe 0o kinds to lestsaeyard kinds thst wsr marked ei ooe 0u and s3 to so now at too yard 5 and boo sorts to eleair now at co oeatonae lestgtbs tbat were 10 will so oat al at easb ind ooetcmeslbetwererrecn u to ais win ell be cleared s s10 eaen also a very epeetsj lo of colored drees vtatariels la tb fewest and tooes fasbieoabl make and which were loinerly rrlced at lx0sd al jo yard elite be cleared new al t6 yard uamoaukim rsj p3lal and darerel of 3jx and ursard are wendd to promi i cnaraee stttj thomas c istatkins king st east cor- hughaon st hamllton- in the ldons clothing department you will find stylish and well filling suits and overcoals for men and boya our leauetrablp in the clothing b si is mora prooounoed than ever our bales have in creased this season at an bethought of rata for we ha v clothing to salt every figure rary purse the name p li mac a bro on the label of every garment is a gnarante ol their excellence overcoats l thing in wlntsr overcoats is broadhoulderrj long and full jl 1 to tbe back with vertical pockets endsouie are mad with the yoke in three shade of grey at fix and 814 we have an exetlent rangnof beaver overcoals at to y toajid la and theyll give splendid weaf other prices od grey cheviot wei loo worsloj and whip overcoats ore ts lo 13 114 and 13 we also have ilia genuine atiilomk isltit ruittrg ulkncss in oxtordgfey at if 3 jo other prices on priexa uliurv ud to b50 60 6 00 knd 00 bovs radfofq whal tnora suilahle gilt can you buy llis hoy than on of the x linos reefer warrd and comforikbls wllb storm collar the und the biy ilk h n cy and brown sliades at fijo 300 vjo 4 00 fend 3 00 according to sir slid luallly wa also show an excellent rangs or hoys threefourth length overcoats with velvet collar in grey cheviot bins uosve and curl cloths from 14 yo id lo with in between ptieatf oft jo 500 6 03 and h oo mens suits the tnsn who wanli a suit tluit will flt him and look well on him ralttlmahii4coatum com u ibe lioa every had for it here areeomekaltsof this kind at m to is iv uiand if we can sliowyou an unroxtcheble assortment of fancy worsted hngtlsb tweeds and bin and black worsteds and serges made with single or double breasted coats and vasts at tj d 6 50 and 750 we show a urge anil moet attractive slock of tweed suits in fell tb up todate color tnutures at these popular price bov8 sulto mo cubing u the lost jwealble for the least 1 money our slock curnprises everything llial is hew bobby and at tractive and at such teat ousbl prices as i 5 50 4 503 fj abd 8 on 3 tdacasults and from vl lo 3 on a piece tulle our clothing you will take a pride lu wearing d e macdonald bro the lion cueph why nbt buy your fall hat from nelson the up- todate fxirnishcr and hatter newest american solt hats latest shades and shapes from 200 up i- latest american stiff hats from 225 up sole agent in guclph for the celebrated stuyvesant hat the latatest new york shape one quality and one price 300 see our big range of new fall and win ter underwear v every line is op to date enelson r one rloa only ssvvyndliam st 0bl1l- neillr th shoe 7umini between woodi fair and thornton douglas clothing houbc lhdi8s costumes wednesday and saturday of this week we offer all our ladi costumes at greatly reduced prices wc have only fourteen suits left they were good sellers at regular prices but they arc broken in sizes this is what we have in stock 3 bullm toatolur prioo 3775 for ss 16 5 bolt ngolmr price 8 0o tor 6 26 0 suita regular prloo 10 00 for 6 76 2 bulu regular prioo13 oo for 976 these are in grays browns and black dont miss this opportunity of securing a very stylish suit for very little money j amcintosh son 77 dpper wyndtiam st guelph seeingls believing so ve want you to come and sec our fancy china fancy dry goods and all the nice things for christmas presents and we are sure you will believe that there is no otic who can show you a finer display hollycan be had for christmas decorations dont forget this is the place to come or all the nice things for your christmas cake and pudding c f goodbye fc co mill street acton spei hive overcame the misty vision ttrsr crteps on with the advance of ycus and nqw1 am the most pleased nun i know a pleiscd patron is lie best advertise ment wc give free tests and guarantee satisfaction ft q d pringkle oteiiph watowbasbs tairsewsmsa eemejtjlvii-

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