Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1901, p. 4

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tmrvr v 1u t asth ma one or my duehtcr had a lentble cmo of hlhmi wo tried hioit evcryililni bul wlllioul re lief wo ihen meil ayera cherry rcctoral nd threw nd n hm omile cured tier lmmi jane rnlraln lnflllc o ayers cherry pectoral certainly cures many cases of asthma and 1 1 cures bronchitis hoarseness weak lungs whoopingcough croup winter coughs night rjoqghs ancf hard raids twm afcmat t umi far rnlumr v j calaulxewulteb bating a p1nbappuc a florid rralt crowtt elate lb lb oathvot hit fp dielrlct never illoki oaiilug pi irepulo aoro tby para iu out jlenilliwia alloawoniol nd trimmed orowu a handle hluinnohun hnulodc doe bit green com thl th writer elate pot only iraprov the flaw but imhoi lb triage ol ober lbt bel m the ttb hc miscjndinbtood a citizen wee rldlni oalalde of lugioe few day ago od bicycle wbtn aomatblofl went wrong wltb the maohia and um rlnrdloovf4d bkmiad no wrauob with blm mkud a ram the blojollal inquired whtn h ooald had monky wrench th intelligent oralaaer after eoralohlng bll bead replied jam aelbrallb b kp one ehp ranch over there m tut know u monkey ranob b 3tn jfm fms sbttbsbay deckatlhh o 1001 who i who briar bo dolll for m to kiae at lb elo or each napjry day t wbo brine hc cj r ouix- tnat a broken n ohllrlbh plr r wbaau on my it dm whit mjm tad aroootii web mnglea tl joe a aear utile tntta all robed in wbh a debitr wee bit of a 1h i tricked a travelling libhman enq- tha bruiah toaxiai al in tb car and gaaed idly acroea lb back prairie ha ru a kllfbt tooob ud looking roend fooad tbt utltormtd yoalb bvd dpolt d atnrml roddy ursbcwi oa hu uat- didnt wfcii lor lb moo r mattud lb toarut gslng mo lb ftoit to lb rpwly ratrtmuina train boy qmntdmi aildlha tallow pmn gtf wltb a knowrof amlla obiaal liisooaof tba ftdvanuum ol you sna railroad yalam fraa i rolu lor lia patron t tumul w ja pat i ooni oranga whao a dalniy paokat of obfrftolit oonlaetlostry waa dapotllad on huknaa by jot t haattlmlniad aolbouuol ly tnl u daufhltol wbao i rvlarn hoom i ball wrltaapaparoatbaaxoalunoa of hitw bmval in lh than tban tan mlnaua ha wu lb raolplaat of aoolhar packaga it wm a ufcua box oontaiolng a blaok cigar and two no wondae yoq amarioi lib a trawl b aald blung tba ud of thaolgar tthan ha toond thai a oomlo pablcton had toand tu way to bla aaat thla b graat v b grlnnad i am going to up tba boy wall a mooiaqi i tha train boy ballad and tba tooxitt bald oak a dim whakl that for t aakad tba boy ton owa ma a half mbrur owat x thooght yoa war giving tbaa khlngaaway natohuy tb half plwu bat wby dont yon taka lb raonay wban yon laavatba ataff t bcaa wm narar aau 1l tba tonrut ralootantly bandad or th ooto oolng to writ aboot tha czoallaoot of arorlon txalt aakad lb fallow hot i raapondad th bhuab toarlat i am going bom to tall th ballon aboot tba train robbtrla ovarhara cklcagv ftca mot tu vart that w folly araparadara to knpply oor arary want ai far aj para drosa and maillnlnti ax oonoarnad oarafal and aooarata family diipanaing la oor ort w oonlintujly aim to pla oof pauona tn two graat a otlali qpailty and low prioaa oar atook of tollot enparauona will niacaat yon ridfs a cxtkmt coulodhk tina oalary oompoond u tba tnadl sin yoa sn m tta wba yon laxlt nerr oargy wltao lb body u poorly ooruhd wban yon ax waa rundown dpondnt or laaplam taloa gwy com poo n j braom np tba orva ktrvngtbaoa tha hvat rod udaaya and oudm tb blot jb t brown drag acton ool it u no proof of a tnana ondruudlug to b w to oooqrm wbauva b talaaaaa bt to b khl to dlaoarn what u uo i troaand that wbai u tmlm u kh tbl u th mark and abaraotw of loulhtfeooo if a ablm ala ravanooaly glodt th taath at nigh and pick it no od my imost b ortjn ithaa woe mi and aboqul admlnutar wttbonb dlty xf low xlnt worm bjrup ttau roidy ooo talna iu own oathartla of bpaclal latrtt to ladle uoalgbfly waru oan b raqvd in a fw boar by xalnam valnlawfmru and wart extractor ballabla af and urt try patnam a bold by a t brown qanlna u tb gold in be mln talent i tb mlnar who work and bring it oat- yon cannot b hppy whll you ba oarn tban do not dalay in gtlng a bdtuaof holloway corn com it r- motaa all klnda ofgoioi wttboot pain fallon with u la opknown a man growth la aan in tb mooaaaw ebolr of ht frlanda for fary frund wbom b iom for trtitb b gajoj a battar jf jfran question aro you uatliificd with shocyn uu wear ifn6t try a p ir of kinu qiialitv tjioy nro tlio inot tic irublo thoo on the fuco of thu cjrlh for women tho kini quaiitv lwp la all that a renlly fin cliui uu to tioulti bo comfottjhlc cujy on tho feet uly- and durable buy the kino quality shoo at 3 o pair ond got catlsfootlon dytmij d kino co llmlttd yor c a daughters danger a chatham mother tails how har daughter who was troubled with weak heart action and run down system was restored to health erory tnothar wbo baa a daughter droop ing and fading pals wk and lutloan wboaa health 1a not what tt ought to bo aliould road tba following tatamnt tnada by mm j h hatb30 itlabmond btroot cbatbam ont- bomtlmaeoi rot a bo of muburna heart and herrti mil at tho central drag tttor for my dangbtor wbo la now 13 joara of ago and bad boon afflietad with weak notion of tbeboartforaoonaldarabla lengtb of tiro r pilla bava don br world of wood reatoring atrong h notion of bar hearty improving tier lmml lioallb and glting her physical btrength beyond our expectation they aro a ap onaaufferingfrom waknag or bsariani narro tronbla x cordially raeommend them t ullbom heart and nenr pill aro 60 vboz or 3 for si 25 at ku drtgjat taka oar word for lthnman man or woman it yoa oonld onaday of battl yoa woold pray almi cod to baalen ibjonj log of tao oo tartb uagolar aolloa of tb bowel u nooaaaary to health laa liver pill ar lb baal oooaalona oath at tic for family or general uae prloo 31 any draicslat t tram oar pet born to rsnjov luk atilt thaoarpat olnrvomon ooaxtaxl putax lr agonw u ver lill aro coaled llko a cinna moo drop very amall anddalubtliiltotalib on pill a dou o to a vul for io cent their popularity la a whirlwind wopln com petl tort beforo it ilka chaff no pain no griping no inconveoicaoa 109 s by a t d a dlthonaat intellect a dageroae po eaion are you huntcxj by axrul nlarit7 mind and body rackodand tor turad by evil forehodlnc jjoomy and dull robbad of that dlvfno raatoror aloep appotlto gone nerve ahattarad generally dabllitulad this 1 noon too dark a pic turn for treat son lb american narvln to oblltarataandaotnpln it stead tho glow log tint of tho sun of parfoct healthloo sold by a t brown it iyrydlaolvtoulto6tha what yoa yoamelf do not know indigestion oant tmy wbar xr v miu a imnc ila tableta am arrayed taiut ii tbomaabralth of dover ont lay i am delighted with tbem from almoat iho firat ttalng i itavobeen enllroly rvllovaj of the pain of indigeatloa i hava the ereatest confidaoco in tba tablet and boartlly rwcotnmond thorn to any and every buqei-ei- front atomaxhtroubla 33 ctx hi sold by a t brown to pravaait praaarvaw from moulding plaa thm on tba top blt of a cloeet and glvo tha way to a amall boy- to thobk abo ut to m awhv vou men or old man wbo lulaud to knarr hi plaaaad to learu that tb naw if arrlaga ant l mad 9 oil almpu by applying tc u i uoora uaoaruf marrlag loanaaa at th paa paaaa olna call few day before tb ceremony and bake tba maltar explained private uhio ah bnalnaaaatrlouy privat and oonndnlll ileno in waning oo of tb off mu to valo of a lively imagination if that it kometlme tempt a man to tall 11 nuraa oood wojrdav x am a rofeaalonal sum write mra kianer lalllax ns 1 waj riwai auiterer from vbeumatum almoat conatanl aaaocuulua with beat phyaiclarts i bad every chance of a cure if ttwere in their power but they failed bouthamericanubauntatlccarewaerecotn- mended today ray alx year of rutin hoerd u a dream two bottle cared me loo bold by a t brown of any well dupoaed ptopl fall loto tb error of euppoaiug that a marked weaknaa of tb liuihrynial glanda a ur elga at kreal tandarsea of baarl i fenoma rellovaxl in at dy pr ariiaw olnltikit will cure ltildla i ebln dlwe without fail it will 1 1 o llaiber eltcb teller saltltheuui t i rll 1 eruption in mm thrtfatu hi 1 it will cuie bld bleeding nd 1 1 pile ono application bdtg r flit to tba moat irritating caae 33 cu i iii bold by a v brown to ruvnat anouol batlar- ovr to tb aoap kra man turd it sound as a dollar th it is the result of a course of trtitmcnt u ith iicotts kmul- btott we h ive sptciti rcfciv cmcb to ptrhoiib with weak lun and sensitive throats scotts liinulsion docs some things better than others i his ia one of them it has a pe culiar actum o the throat and luni which gives them strenjrthand inaics themtough i liatb how scotts emulsjon drive- out coughs culdb and bronchitis it uecps them out too v wa ii mj r luila hi wv ii ytt to ooti- aauwaik dont i bon t think biani von have taken many rmadle in vain 0ml jour caae fnoarabt vouhava not taken hood e tiuaaparllla it be cured many mmlngly hopoloaa caae of aerotula catarrh rbaqmallar kidney 00m plaint dyapepala and general debility many oaa thai may hav ban wore tban your wbat ihu ttrt rqhn be dune or other it oan do for yoat if j 00 woold never have tainted nth order nothing but ealt pork brltiab troop oil liniment la anaorpu od by any llulment pi tbe rnarke today it le oompoied of heeling eootblng ahd cleanalng veoatabl oil and extraot ft la pot ap in urge bottl fur tb aill price of i5 oenta a terribie cough if ebaturs are removed jorlug tba attar- noon tby will not alara al nl milbarn burling ueadaah powdar kite woman prompt ruaf from monthly pain and leave 00 bad attar effeou what ever b aur you gat mllhama prjo 10 and us oenta all dealer aepundid thing forrnoaoottoai la a fat nan who uot troabled wltb lnaomula tbe cauie of nervona uaadache thl rnoat dlalreaalng and oommon malady doubll lie iti origin in aom uabalanoeji ooodltlon of tb narvou aystam probably th almplaat safeet and moat efflolent remedy u polaon harvllin twenty drop lo ewaetened water nne immediat rell and tbla treatment aboald beaapplemmlby bethiog th region of pia with nervlllna to aay it ante quickly fall lo xpr tha raeolt bold everywhere in iwro 26 oent bottle bold by a t brown mevr lepoalt hot aaba in a wooden veewel ask tbe government to lend yoa an ironolad vound attiat for cut wooudit obllblalna chapped handa khaumatiam altfl jolola buroa aoald bite of luaaote croup couch and oolda uaayarda yellow oil will b fouod an xollnt remedy price si cant all dealer our grand bailoea 1 not to what ha dimly in tbe dutaoo but to do wbat lie ouexly at hand business mens backs too much rnah and buatlwork and worry fall to tha lob of tho average bnaincf man ki iney oantaunditl tbe y fail to niter the polaon from tlia blood properly tjrinary trouble gonerallanghorana pain in the back er tha natural reaulty a rnan can t attend to bualnea properly u hi bank aeba no ue trying remedy thai never fail onl one doarts kidney pills take a hint from btuinoa ixa who bav uod them i x have taken been g klunay pu1 which x procured at tho medical ii all bora for rbaumatiam and palti iu tha amall of kny bank with which i havo been aouotod for tha jpaat au voara tboy did toe wo to nob good thai x heartily roootm lend them a an excallan t tnedlolna t or rh iu mallo trouble and backache cniatjc c piljcxr dealer in agricultural implement orlllla onl boan kunoy i 111 our backache lama or weak ulcv hriuht4 dlaflaae diabete dropey rjrav 1 tmjitnoiit iu uie urltie too frwiuutit kul ij bb llj ht rltouinauara an 1 tetikiio of tlia klilitoy la oliildraii and ol 1 ltoople lutmenibar tl o haiua boati a i r iu- all oiho ilia bout kidney i co lorouto o11l tmttctjlronb that it bbi knowladga thooght oommon anaa ax tb eqaipmeot of tb bead affection aaaument aympathy tbaat are lb ftoap mank of tba bear l v call tba man wltb ont tba- aqalpcaaat of tba head a fool what ball we oall tba man withoat the ftialpmantofthe btailt w iia yare of time and great oare an 4 atwutlon to the training of tbe bead v are we in ouraelwe or tn our children to let the heart goall a o trained t alur all which le la beet for a man or wumen wtiloh will aaml ua on moat happily and halpful lo life a offialent equipment of kuowudgo which a the power of tba heed or aorucunt hulpmeotof eyrnpalby wblcb ik tb power of the lean 1 o i it i eed to eta tbe fool of a withered bead bat u piuful to ee tho fool of a withered heart and ll ie well thai receive with high bo oor the name of men of ganlu and of wladom but th nam that 1 above every ollxr nam i tb name of him wbo cam unto mu with the dltlneat gift of a lender and loving human heart nimlnv fivaoof tuhm an impudent dou it peopla would only treat cough and cold in tiro with lir woo i norway 1 ins ryrup thero would be fewer bome tloeolate thaaotnraatooiii1 it and oolda bronohltl and croon and i ho llrat ioo ot conaurop tloo yield jrwtdlly to tbi powerful lung healing remedy lleadwliatmr tho carter north port ontayat 1 cauul t oaevere ootd which etuod on my thrust and lunge ao uiat i oould acaroely ajmit above a wh taper x iblect 1 coub thought would aoiid in to my crate x itmlira but all faued alao had a terril thought would tried different rvi iper hloh my friend re x to do any good onlu 1 1 ok br wood a nor y pine ryrup an 1 the content- of that which we aojolre with looat dlffl eully we retain ihe lanxt aa thoae wbo bav ear lied a fortune are ooramodly to or careful of it than ibhee by wbom it may have been inherluj bis oil tbe moat eonolualv taallmony rftpaatedly laid befor tbe publlo iu tbe oolumne of tb dally pre prove that xr thomaa pcleolrlo 0 1 an abeoluuly pur oombinauod of alx ot ihe ttneat remedbl l pafn eradicate affection a ot tb throat and long and oar pile woondeeorlrne n tumor barnf and injuria of borea and cattle what we do a poo aorae great oooiaion will probably depend on what wo already ar and what we are will be tho raaoll of pravlou year of f dlaclpline abxloua motbara and br low worm hyrnp to exfl worm children ilk it worm dont generally apeaklog a woman ll gan erally peaking nflvid yellow oil our all pal a in uan or beast for arjrmlnr oala brnlaaav oalloua lump aaicllinl inuammallon rbeamatlatn and neuralgia it t a apaclua it a only wban the deril oall yoa bad uamt that you a yoa bavseaoapfd bin iti proprlatorauf parmal pill are oooatabtly receiving lei tare almllar to lb fnlbwbg wblcb epurluu mr jihn a beam waterloo qui write i toevr uad any medicine that can equal par me lee pill for dyepepala or hr and kidney oomplalnta tb rilief experienced after balug them wm wouderful a a eat family medicine prukue vegetabl pill oan beglteb iu all caae requiring a cathartic what do i learn from the row thodxb iu root la iu dirt aud niu yet it andtu forth grace and perfume that ashing hi ad can be uatnuy re ueved by taking ope o afllburu bterliug headache powder 1 powdertjo7sfor loo 10 tor iio men are olun capable of grauf tblntt than thy perform they art ant into lb world wltb bill of credit and eelttum draw up tbelr foil uul one day beau naab joined aome c ladie in a grov and aaking on of tbi wbo wa crooked wbenb b earn 1 replied otralght from london confound me madam eald be then jfoa maat have been warped by tb way i she aoon toweverrhad ample ranja tcb following vnlng be joined ber own pany and with a anear and a bow uked bar if aba knew ber cauohlfm and oould tall him tha name of toblt dog 1 hi nam air wa naab replied lb lady iand an impudaui dog he waa i v vv v castoria cahtorln u for knduits and clilldren caatorla in a lturmloaa bubsutut for cantor oil arefforlc droyit and soothing- bjtups it containa neither opium morphine nor other narcotic eubstancfilus xmeasant- 1l ciiarantoo u tlllrty yearn uso by mibionj of mouior oojttorla dcntroyfi worms and allay jfevorlali nchk cantorla cures dlarrbjoua and wlud colic caatoriiv mlloves teouiluir trouble cure coiutlpatloti and ilauilcncy ouitorla ajuilmllatcs tno food rcptlatoi tho btoniuch and bowels of infants and children irlvlnff li and natural alcn astoria i the ouildren inuiacea tlio mothers friend castoria castorlfl- tbe eeaeollal lung baallng principles of tbe pin tree ha uoally been uooefuuy aeparaled and refined into a perfeol ooogb rncdloln br wood norway i ine hyrnp bold by all dealer on a guaraute of aati- faollon price ok oenta a bleycla flltwl wltb bunlop tfrna iu lvebl in higher ballintition brcjuao iu maker put a perfect finbib ou 11- tou can buvo xhuiluo tira vrith tho ibickenod trood on any wheel yrou buyino extra qbnru tb man wbo pay th compliment i not elwythman wbo pay tha bill bo rapidly doe lung irrluuou pre ad and deepen that often lu a few wiaia a aim pie cough oalmlnete in tubercular ooq eurnptioa heed lo a ooagb there i al way danger in delay get a botllt of bicklea aau conaamptlv byrup arw oare yoareelf it i a medicine unaarpa aad for all throat an i lung trouble it i oompoauded from vrel barb each on of which aland at the bead of tb liat k exerting a wonderful inlluauoa in coring ooubutnutlor and all fuut diaeaae tuuu te an ntclknl mnlirine for m la w well uuplm to cblmivo chlmiau u thii h trpcatnll t4d tee i uul i moj it euiur lo anv 1 1- at tla good rovct upon ibclr bimrn i ecrlptkm koowtt to m be o e oemxw i tu ii aaacu lolof whi 41 to eud tupui lluluitemliot an at1ei41 i wauti i ilrellal u tion id j 1 onuutf lu rimiatit larne onuilnr ui it ooanetaj rapuutlno tut jr rear pe weefelr aa lr lay abenlulalr inra and m peoaaa etralatit ihhiafl u ilednile amlata eotniolaaloo aalary eui vacb ueldrdaivl aanenee nirey ajlvenevil nri week i viuu houuh i uumuax r cnitai nabbaoavveya saw and planing mi lumber and shingles ct lolftitbst price iliu atuff cut lo order wirtdaljrootl p savtvsp t 1 u v jjfijr- n 1 the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper dry goods snaps gurngy st co largo stock of flannolottos and prints to be dis posed of within two weeks at low prices regular 13jc flannelettes l yd wide to clear at 9c 10c flannrlctbcb to clear at c lisjc print to clear at 8c j0c drcsi tweed to clear at hhc bargainb in underwear and blanket eadicb flannclett night robes regular price soc to clear at 40c 7tc gowns to clear at 55c gurney st co actons greatest store will st kc1 on tbpruaflgblrbaaaulklng appaaranor atolally when ha u striking an attllud 13 liat si1 111 in tlotoluka 100 globe optical co 03 yoibetret toronto- laxa- l1ver pills wirkwhllo 5011 au ultboiit ntlrlpaor jtalii ciitinjt billou- ioaa ciiiblipauui a ik hrail aoh an 1 ilyukriilaaii i iuhu vim fdvlbolturirftlinitioriiiug 1 rloo ido at all drutvlata a carman proverb tell u tbal avry great war uaved a oonulry wltb this armle 00 of invalid on of mourner ou ot die peraou ready lo oommlt oiiuie liourwa all 0-d- herdure a few tuunea of clerxyiuen pf dtnelnul crd who a aral believer lu br an iuw a catarrhal 1 owlf o livdup tull npfrjghl ig in all it claiuu lllelutihwetmii hrv br ianjlry lplixnpalutio kov br wilhr iwand liv vf chamber mmh mluth aitd br new man alloilomnto t anaila copu of their peiaoual latter for lb kkklllg 30 cl 105 sold by a 1 browjt ohooa alway tho way tbal eeetiie the beet however rough it may bd citom will rauder it eany and aurrab1a dropay and heart dlaoatao m lrl yeai i auliuied gri illy from heart biaeaae pluttnrlng of the heart nd smothering spl tuada my life a torment drojay et in my thvaiclan told me to pre are for tbe worat i tried br agnaw cura lor tha if earl ona iloae rave great lellaf on bottlecurad rnoconiplotcly mra jam adaiaa byffttuao n yi toy bold by a t brown if we wilt lake tb rood w find aaking no tjomtlona w ahall bava heaping maaauraa tb great gift ar not by an alyale everything good la on tb high wly jnmtura hovolt agflrt hlvh uwlnfx and it ha act ua aeal toll brand- ingtonlaasjailmandutbaacourgaofdiabataa rmloanl madkal nan until racenlly pro- claimadlta n0chr diaaaaa bat sou lb anaarlcan kldnay cora ha knocked do their pat falwyand ha provwd uaaumatiar of kidney dtaaftm tn all iu forma kallaflp iio eta yat toowi altentloa iu tb world ot homeopath medicine ha been it very aoarod uf prd rrea a in politic and religion the dlf haul tie ot opinion and th individuality t man bav been patout to lb dlaagr- rneul by wblcb tb standard of tho bodla hav been tlevaied bo wltb moat of our tamou preparation a toremoatlu 11 luetreuod of wbtob truth bbabd tha world fatuou remedy to general debility and ktiuuor quinine win and wblcb when obtainable in it genutue etreugtb 1 a rnuaouloua creator ot l polite vitality and allmulatlt lo tb goueral ferllllly 0 b eylebi oulttla wiu and it 1m prooeineol bk from th nrl dlaoovery of tb great virtue of qulnlu a a lnodo b beeu oum of th inueltboroukhly diacuaaetl remadle over olfernd to tb pub lic it u oua ol tha great louio aud and batural life ivlng atlmulalit which tb medical projaaalau bavaboatioimpil to vuoottulaiibul tlrcaorlb mer north ropabd lyniau of xountu hav ulven to he pretkaratlou of thalr pure qulnliu wle lit great car duu to it import abo and the atandard aoellono of ibeartlcl wl icb lliey offer to tho publlo ooinfl into hi narkel pumed of all the defect which killed obearveliuo aud aabuilind bpluluu art pjllitadout id tha lea pncteoj prepare toua of tb latur never bee kroeu to kindle a fir a load of kindling wood l lull ah cheaper than a fqoeral b llcaut you el way think of a pretty baby aa plump and obabby boolt lmalelou give jaek thl planipn uol too fat jual enough to make tb dimple to ooror babla ilka it too paint pore n ar won fair lady ohlldren ory for castofa nlur u th tan lt tllualoa of our ten hjplrlt aun 1 uuchtutu that alou i bo llluaion bhwly dylnil vthm ciurrb thou tauda ar iu thl terrible ooudlttou but dou t reel i a their dtkr it yoa bav lb fcllgbuulalulof oalarrhv would it uot be wur looommeao ctarrboiu treatment bow aud perfectly aulred iu a abort time t thl pleaaan remedy care without th u of drugi atouilur or euur you luhal lb medicated vapour which hprd to all part of lb breathing orgab kill hi germ and heal tb inflamed eor- f0e qatarrhoaau clear ui throat and bbe luatantly and never fall to dure tb to oel obetlnau catarrhal laug and throat trouble a trial will demon at rat tha valuotoaurrboxouwbloballforvl 00 entail bla 3oouu at drugxuiu or poleoo a go kiugelou oat bold by a t brown lbjlit ii a4utlal to health alao lu th owner of ga atook running sores mr stephen wcott rrecport ns pives tho folio wuix otpenenco with burdock blood bittern i waa very much run dbwn in health andemplojcd otlr local physj- cluii who nttbndd mo three months finally my ej broko out in runtiitig sores with it iriul burning i bud thirteen running rorca ut otto time from my knee to tho top of my foot all the media no i took did me no food ao i tliriw it niido and tried h b b when one inlf tho bottle wus fono i noticed u cliune fur the better mid by the tune 1 hud iinkhcd two bottlcii my le was porfecuy heal ed and my health greatly improved cbotra and all bummer ooniplatul aoqulck lu their aollou that lb bold band of death i bpou tb victim befor they ar ewart that daur 1 bear if attacked do not delay iu ktelllbgth proper biedloln try a do of br j o hsuo- byu tery cordial and you will get immediate re tie it act with wouderful rapidity aud never fall to vtlecl a our ii la good ula to dip your brj lu lh gravy evu if it i alao bad tuautier liver pals 1 lint what you need some thing to cure your bilious- ncsb and give you a good digestion avers pills aro liver pills they euro con- btlpjtlon and biliousness gently iaiatlvc uijisuu 1 1 i 1 t i rd k twkuuiid buckinghams dyetswain narmclrl- i id uack of tbu child tauuiabl- alarmed afutber cood gracioual why didnt yoa apeak to a polioeman v naraeuiil i wa epeaklug u wan all thatoime mum how to our lieadaeb horn pu4 uffar untold oalaery day at let day wltb beadacb tbr u rtat beitbar day nor tiigbk butll tha nerve ar all boatruug tbe cauaol generally a dleorrd alomach d a our 00 be effected by ualng farm vvgetabl pilla coot analog mandrake and dandelion mr vlnlay wark ly auder p o writ flofl parualaaa pill a oretolan article for bllloaa uaad and a e castoria sor intiuiu ui cliildnul spraving potatoes t tho tw spbauotiju uim i b twi taw apny ukhhiv uim vjj aad lwuail y vtlc lel j uciuv ii iktiryt ivoauuy awl 01 wu tli to at a ir v luu 1-wih- e- h vyj- itka i iieg il- j v k2 uwwhu ef dollfj ejl it w l r fetwft bumluecuw th spremolnr co- j suwkk tk -plutuotou- ut wunlr mialt uiuuij col ikxun t but uiuk oa afhera ioo dinner md tea set piece and pieces silverware tt tmetu v uw u tnii i w a ieiij iu a t ibitw 11 rlt itimawh ii liwii i mlulu 14 vlwn 4 tlw-ti- iwr h m il p ujk k j uiwumi luu i b4b rrr ttuijlxhmil 1jvw1jt i tumpu or ut- kurtdred of y llwil iijmlicaoaijrt ohuwb jdcmata tltnomlal we are euutf reiirur i wvw ll kaaao o b r vl i hjl w the it a lather hard ou tba kw uu x otll hliu third olaaa biau x llautla lllut lu our itju of ulitilate with it huddctl change ut temperature fain wind btld buuahln ofun itilarntluglej iu a aiiittl day it i no woudr that our children frund and relative artbo fre pixtitly taken froai u by betfleated cold half lb death re bulling directly from thl oabad a bo 111 j of uoeobae uertnau uyrap kepi about yoa bout fo immediate baa will bra tbu1 barluaa alokoeea a large doctor bill and porhena death by tb ua of three or four doe fur our tug oonoump tlou betnorrhagev pdeumunla aevare oougba croap or any dbjaas of lb throat andjanga it aaooaaa laaimply woqdarful aayoor draggllt will ul you uegalar abu t5 oaota yon oan gat br o q ornrallablrvmdlat wm kraklnaa brnggtit aatoet avcri thl auukican montiilv ulvipw of ttllvilfwu 1v other pronilneiit in th world a aclivltlea for it fin diecrluih i 1 loiiljiiendoil by stateanven tvofaabional men and thouaabd of other prominent in tha world a aclivltlea for it fin diac lulloti in billing thu acta new born conflicting repoit and the pt latlou of current evunta in their juat prnpoitlon tlioy commeiil on it freedom fiom daily pjpr boinalioiialiwni all nteii and women who want to know what tlie world i doing find it an intellectual tmceaalty lo judg fiom iho letter received trtitii hundred it editorial ar coiupiahoiiblve and labor navlng lo ilia buay man or woman it timely contributions on important topic aia by ih beet informed wrlicrt ll review uf other ina give iha beat of their beat work it id piofusaly ill uul ruled yhtsao letteitt will nabls all thoughtful men and woman to judge of it vidua to theth i ilui c ntlaul leader ol he view otulevlewa aud appro 0 ii very hlifhly indeed j tl ink viry imp mnnl arl ol my irv mid practically a ncteaalty ou in public llfu 7 ji luusidlimt 1 know thai llnough it to i umn views bae been pie ten ted to lui in thai i rould not oiheriktbtf i aveht 1 had ucceatf lo l hecauko all caineil iii 1 and thoughtful men no nutter f r how wl lely their i lea dlucrue urc jrjar v 3 sjhaus oht given free uiteiiuce in it col- uuiui jajrsauwu 1 ol lb beat and tuoat tat in fact ory ublkaii m o the i consider it a veiy vdluabld jumtor jjum ad lltlon to my library gir cuvjiihj 1 do not have a great deal of it u publiailihi f vrykfeat uw lo iad magarine but i take value- i have aomeiluu fotnij plewatitw u aaylg that iho unvlew ther very iniioiulitimllflr hid 1 u ne number whli i i amiull not uihcrwlbehave ich find a 1 lace on my table dltcoverel ymftvj v l 7 a j send or nariltuura aa to how it cjti be had whban loalublo act of book tor jotciila a moirth a itjc fietaicbs of tflebict4 ompanp 13 abtok placli nsw yopk urtdertv rotj and i furniti- tjiideruulii in till hlj to prumplly aud juldly j i urnlli ur cui our price are low w barber paper makers -4- m3j9r nelaes cotobo pkpgrs i john r barber acton pump works main 8 1 root acton if you are in ned of a good wit in wood or iron coma to acti work f cutemk uade- all llapaira promptly attended rvlb oleaned- elther dto- 4 tub chickco mb3utoto 1 acknowleuked the llghleat running and ixsl windmill manufactured i am agent for thi dlaliicl call and lncilible before you buy t ebbage main btroot acton 1 mk to pueit good um 5 corwiw xddreea jttewtk darhecre eti wixem6mvw6 phototrtvivg wlftwvve5 or any class of engpuving for advertising pvrp9sesl i catalgue5maga2inessc jljoneslksg i68baysttoronto patenmguftrahtied our en iciuri c i ii vi loil any ou uudhiu alolli wild urkl ft any tunull a will 1 uul 11i i v rtfiio uur 1 1 luluu itrm tuurcitilua be tutcutx ulty ol ai e llw tu ouiu e lul fceut 4 u lucc wuut wtuij tliimi iwitutll raleatourccixuh vitln t till 1m tcurbvi v my tlutiulcl journal towull h wa nuciu riieaeu lnvlui4 ticu1 lr kjiut u ih y rukc audieu uioyor j kvano a co ttvr 4al waam s c patents ipromptly secured wilt i our inlvivlng booka laveet- v rwp an 1 how yoa are eledu hen 1 ut rvij aketcti ur aendel i voiir id veutuill urlmt lutvlticnt an i wewlllwll vuu tree our pinion t wlivtixr 11 le pow muultl uetede eppuelae haveoriee heel aulully tt ty u- cuit loct rll vl it i orfl a lu wli an i vatthinul a iliu hllce um lyillanault w ikait i j ullvhvuie i aatx hidmmllrfluvoiliuii lllticttii 1mtrula pocut i lluouuh uailun h if ru ii keoiv epeclaj odli wllli vut cbain id owr iu luwiielmlll lullllmll t lultlumhuut umllkllluiu l i bpecuury lltuul uula ul alauufec luiciaiidltukuca marion marion ttnt capart and soliottora f trw v11jb id iwwvmkuienml n t atuxuc uljg waibl1eebc tltaoc mamxa dcauatts coanrniomt eko aatdebendaaafytpiiitnaut ltbwru4n mr eeanbmfrae biaw u una alrletb ktaoeouel ttejluoa ua pelu ivv baaee tarweblluab avureeer m bper4atawuiuaaibare 1 jf scientific hmcncan a wdeotnely luuetraled weeklv trweei rt- wcdoe r amrellmkiarnil terete u a rrirtrnw auabyamaaealen tiiatdg afejlfcfcax j islabaibrf tieuskirtuykst k nv2ui uy j

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