Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch agoneral bankingbusiness tranoaoted correspondence solicited avins department interest kllowot on mm of oni doi iait km upwards from day of deposit to day of witlwlrawal nu formalities ami uo delay la drawing money karniers husmesh solicited no o- of rosponwblo fairaon discounted and rrouey loaned lor ckilimalc oulncia purpo our col lmmottipniumflnt ll vjvery tacilliy for making promt sale notes flaudhxl and tnon y advanced ua account ofauneat low a am a inlcrct travellers arc notified that the hank oj hamilton and ha 1 r whoa luua llreula notes of i to rovincb lank of 1 n stand f imited hlch cn be canned without chlr w q mi ln in lnv tart of ll e wort iiai of icl hamilton sstabllabcd 1872 capital piid up 99575 reservolt und 1500000 total assets 17071759 ja e turxuuu cashier b forsayeth agknt georgetown bran on chas l nelles tho bi bookstore cuolph cbiislma 1001 j wj ulmw hlij ria 0ii ijoojf nibimm book jrto ne foots riam ma u y our store rs cut o fjie larv jj canada and if will pax you to dc youx mbopptat t chas l nelles o ije slttort jfrw irtss uttlk local bripflets which causht th eyo or er o pre pmsf pernor la re thl weak the enow shoveller bed a busy lime on toaeday morning soeerelof onrellleen want lo millon on toeaday to act or th grind and petit jurlae municipal ooasina jooa tbla yea tak pltocon monday dec 001b with aleeuona on mondex j an gt- mr alex wmle sou bis uwirougbbrcd durham boll wallace wander to m geou lb drovar ii weigh i 2j0o poand umui by toon campbell hava kind y remembered lb fax 1cxas with ooplo of battel maria papai the school boarr asks for under or lha two wood fornaocs which have jos been replaced by lbs aleam heating ep ataa iumbdz hillrlt airlnw the news at home moatly of loo cnaraotaremd avory item intarwetlner tln comtmgchrimtmmmkmfrtmtmmmmtm tba severe flubday bcnool engaged in preparatlone for christmas entertainments art making rapid progressr and tba ludl catlona are thai each willooaulbnte a vary meritorious and enjoyable aatattalamaot to tba tnlauda faatlvluaa wajtfbiatf cmtutmimm it tookavary rooch k y u unr mlglil ba apod alalshiag for cbrulmm ahoac su hi obim o mow ml on monday night and tua alslfka and oallara liava alaoa baaa runnlog treaty ft will aaam uaita ilka old fahlooad lima to bava obriaunaaaulgblng with tba marry alaigh ulla a glngling a rortamt jraaldaau ffplaadad tmiomi altlaleotararaoitajglvao by mr w ii martin and bla papila at uoortay wiotar ratnaaa raeitai balljo uanu uxi on xoaaday iclh no mlaa adalaida baaooby alatar of mra oaorga agtiaw look a pro ml nan l plaoa aa a vooallal tba ua mil loo timet apoaka in vary oompll manlaiy urm of mtaa baaooby a tflorla- thm rrowncial winter wmir tba big wiotar jalr at praaaot la pro- graaa in unclpb la an anpraoadantai aocaaa tba aablbjta a a magnlbelant both in titan i ami in obaraour tlta aleokmea of tbo dominion and many from tba united btataa ara in attaajanca atd oaalpb u orowdad arltli vbdlora kaioa and vlalnliy bad a urga qoota of farmers and eitlaana in attandanoa tpn j u ivaraoa bnaiaaaa tid tha axaenrora of tba aatata of tba lata j it 1aaraon hava disposed of tba hard wate grocery aadorookary baalnaa wfalob vf aa oarrlad on so aoocaaaf nlly for twanty years by the lata reave pearson to mr william johnston fnmltara dealer mr johaatan takes n will ooodnoi his fomitora and under taking business d oonnuon with tba bard wars bos loses annaf umotimg bm it an pnhibttte a as tha annnal dtastlng of jiallon 1roblbl lion asaoolallon will bp held in tba royal templars hall mil too on xoaaday dae 17 tb at tvo o clock for lh porpoea of electing offtoara and otbar bnalnaaa a pob- llo maang will ba bald in tha town hall tba aa ma evening to ba addressed by 1rof a nlokolls and otbara all friend of prohibition ibrooghoat tba ooonty ara utred to attend troop r hal toy tn- morrow jsraia in accords noa with tba reqoast of a large number of oulssos trooper mnlloy tba blind soldier hero of booth africa will make his eeeond appearance in aoloo to- uiuinn wt in tb to b t gifted yoang apaakar will give an address of onnsoaj in ureal toooblag many points not referred to in bis first lectors the ohastaand inuireatinfnhsrantetnntrlmor ons dallnaallona will ba appreciated by i asaryonawhohaart bimtroopai mnlloy milton ohorob sonday bobool last baoday all nooa la murasling address hamulty uasmmb is fltfiejd w tr tti- nnl fdlbliofmtpftrml i w oo dangar of iho walks being flooded when 1 dlaooorasloo matt 10 v a thaw oomaa- tba avanlng ba praaohad mr ala mokinnon lh lip brio sold flva bead of ahardin aogns otu from bla bard ual wsak to an american breeder or f790lrin adwxau mr ceorgs curk was in iown on toeedey and bad tba remaloa dt bis at frank j tain tar red at fejiviaw osmaury and m moved to tha family plol id tha gravayard at ballloafad in tha abaanos of llsv mr oodjen who w called to caladooia on friday owlogtouwllllsaa of mra ooddan tba aarvlpasjn bl jhuds cbaroh wars ooa dnaud but baoday by mr clark a stndaoi trotn trinity oollags toronto anion floor mult bava beea cloaed aha paat weak owing lo tba change fa managamanl thla tb 3 st um thara was bo activity aboot tba premises for mora than half a oenlory tbay will soon ba in operation again howavar mr wm ualvlo baa diapoaad of hie barber tog bosioees to mr weeley kee lata ofoheluubam mr maltlujiaa dona wal during hla eight or nioe years in acton ownaa oooolcrjahla raaldaooe on bower a venue and oar ollleaos will ragrat bla re- moral which uket place early lo tha naw year mr keauno stranger fo aoton having alraadytpant several years brs wirrmeiperlnoad lady glove makers good wage to good peopl apply xa 11 as ton q love oo preston hsbd most eaooeesfal tour afcbvio a ibm catharine over 000 people gathered to lictan to bis stirring reel is i go and haer him tomorrow avanlng tpa x rodvrta o oafra ur liabel of hanover who is acting a administrator for the estate of tha lata fred 0 glebe was in town last weak and handed over tba mill and properties to tba parabasals mi beardmore co securing tha mill and mr john if array tha new brick residence at the corner of park avenoa and mill streels meesrvj beard mors cov purpose in a o the property to ensure a supply of water for lannlog par eoees tb obanalcel qualities of tbu water being specially butted to tbalr beads tba mill will ba kept lo operation aa a ataan mill and they will shortly pot the property la tha bands of a practical miliar to operate afiaajonarj jkttatojkry mt snqtfay lcjunt sermons ware preached usl sunday by iter 3 xi iloblnson of 1sl marston in the methodist cbaroh it wa t m n doano of education mleeraeorxtrte vounir of oeorac- town bnnjred teacher of tha second oe part men t- the board mun thursday avaulok as pr adjuarnmaol msmbars present u holnaee ol airman ii crlpdall j ii msuhaws and john agnew tba committee oo finance prestnlod their elavantb report and rcoommendxl payment of tho followiok acooants it- wahtuwrbelleirt pumi4 oia ia v uoorvcor alone and teamlri all it i clrejiam i ortland oemsnt 1 fl jolio aribura uaawtk b ci muvvd b jolm agnew seooiidod by j iii matlbawr thai ll a clnvoulh report of tba committee on finance just read bo adopted oarrlad th following tenders for ihe wood at the school not now needed owiuk lo coal being need ware opened vf d an4enoo at lu ir hi t htllio hoa ui lo moved by 11 urtndell scon led by j auw ihat ihs lender of w d an leraan for wood at f4 26 per cord be co lad berried thirty eaven i pllcstlous for the position of tascher of the third departmant ware preavnicd and read moved by john 11 matthews aciiii by john agnow thai tha board hereby engage mlaa ueorgioa vunnr caor as teacher of tha sropnd dcparlmtnt at a salary of f300 par annum aud in case miss yoang is eoj4jed when cariapoudad wllb mrs w n brown orangavllla be tha aeeond choice and misa ida i- norton oil springe ihe third oholo carrtd tno board tbsa adjourned to im at the oall of tha chairman the board mat again at the call of the chairman tu the coo noil chamber on tuesday evening at sight o clock its members ware alt prvaeov u holmes chairman presjdlns the secretary reported ihat murf oeoru loa young had accepted snnrmeut aa tsaohar of tba second department thacomnillue ou finance presented ihetx twalf tarapor t aud tocom mended payment of the following accounts euiwl km lilolwoikktbchool 13 co lleailo commlusa expanses to uualpb and talepbonld 11 u vtts uallla for kumsu wiali the rsport wsa ado ld moved by b a mckeasue seconded by ii griodell tbat the aeoreury be inalrucl ed to advertise the two wood furnaces plpaa eudjkqr rvgiaterv wblob have j bean raplaoad by stsam hasting for sals by under can lad t w fyryr- ihew lf l for her borne mr- alfred bope oranu ibla we mrs wiilumlur in kinaardlne last week mrs 1 cwdyend miss nllle visited aolou friends last thursday mrs allan mannapenta few daya last week wllli frleoda in toronto ur councillor john clsrka took a boelness trip to vviarton last weak luv j if flobtoson was tbs rueat of ex itoave nlokllu during bla atay in town john luiusrtaon spent a few day test wosk very pleasantly with fr unas at faith t mr d usuderabo m v wav oua of the speakers la the election camialgn in west horou lutvhk mr 1 liendsraon u 1 aput uuuday t the home of hlla aoo mr ii b uouder eon ueoroatowau may moore visited al tha home of her brother mr joe m moore george town dnrink the wmv r thom lrrvmsn t offers for sale hi very oornfuriable dwsllug at ihs corner of chnrch and john streets mu maggla fbbage arilad bad been continued to tha east room which waalotaoded for tewtroposad continuatlot tb aogagemanrorarisaabar juallusd lo teach tha lan abd other high aohool a was djaousaed cartalri tinestlo inatrnotad to refer i hem to tha miolater of hduoallou and public bohool inapeotor tba board adjourned at t so 0 clock wlntbd 1 orders for dtl vbhv spino j u hamilton electrical monumental worm at onalpb are now taking orders for grnolu and marltls monumaut to be eeb op in the spring at reduced prices with tb splendid new electric end poaarnatlo machinery tbla eleuubnient u able to axaculo far mora sod better work than hereto ora and in mdar to keep tba machinery runnlug all winter vary low rate are being fcwoo for work ordered now oall a tha work or drop a ear to j u hamllloi j islpb nsnal interest wa manifested tba effer inga amounted to about tba same aa test year the sunday school offering wars ikboyldlldtaflc of last vsmv ba mr bcbiosou laaad hi vary able morning follow ma and from boman i la ik- both earmooa ware very appro prlate replete with missionary inspiration and calculated to stir tip the individual christian to his duty to ood and hie f allow laa tba congregation wa much pleased ith the discourses tb mnsic by tha choir waj both anltahla and marilorlous acf s4 to ma uouormlilm xia friday paper contained the following dispatch biasjs- dap e a b oallo dan ha bean found dead in a una leading up to ft bouse owned by him northwest of the town the last seen of him alive wa onloeeday of last weak when he started home from town ue tad evidently been dead several day aa the body wa partly covered with tuow lleocaaad had in poor ucaltb over a year and it 1 supposed that eelxed with a weak pall he parj ibad in tb cold deoeaaed wa a brother of mr a ueoor 1 of this town and waa for many year a resident uf xowviu in thl county ue rsmoved to lb north aboot ten year ago ii wa an honorable upright gentle man a total abstainer and bad reached the ripe age of 63 year ilia aad local y ending i regretted by all jf a jlowjeacr cotujhuty jual wajt vhabljoo comedy co ooooluded their weak aarle4 of concert in the town hall on haturday blfbl on thursday nibt 1 tha kerry low was put orj and although ibi company played it oo their former vtsltloantod it attracted a burgs aodieooe my partner wa also hi va before a large number ou friday avanlng and on bator day nigbt tha old hut popular lemperane play tea night in e bar boom wa played to a orowdad hoou to do away with th uraaonia waiting betwaau tb act aingibg and other attraction wsf given mssur llerry foy ths boy aoprano belug the moat papular ooolrlbutar ue die tlnulabed himaahf in the rendering uf tha uoly oily on friday plghl tb bijod comedy co should thy en1u vitlt aoton wljl oo doubl attract large bouses the court of cauoral session ouda quite a atir about town on tuesday judge oorliatn ha arrived in towu and will soon feel quite at homo hera ua ia being extended a cordial welcome by oar citizen a few of our cltlaena attended tha old boy conoart and at uotne to torouto tail friday evening intereauotf sunday school at services will be bald lo tba mtl oi church nrxt sunday on monday aval log there will be aa aotertalutuet atld aopper it ie tb forty first abulversary of the school the concert of prof kelly and u m kelly in kuoi church to morrow aveu lng will no doubl be a most enjoyable flair the early closing by law tiood iito t thirtnnra dhna sir coming and going vlalt6re to and jhtom aoton no varloue ot pera fotoe tba vaaaraass invites all i u raadera to ooa tribute to uos eolamn if too or jour friend are gains away en a holiday trip or if you bava trtaauavlsltliig you droci a eard te aba tan bbss mr j u maopberson of ortelpb la in town this week mr t wilson of llurla spent moodey with acurn frlanda uamerou la vuilintf friuds ii jennie br toronto ibjiiok fnsnds gloveraville n y last in until after chriatm from k and will re vacation mr j pyta hii rslurned from els lutumn trip to brltlah columbia and will pend the cbrlatmaa bolldaya at hi home tare mr commander klaremlll and babe and mrs waltar beard mors of toronto are ipeodiuga weak at the besrdmora baal danoe mr william johnston furniture dealer calved the aad news on monday of the death of hia brother mr john it john a ton at frreltoo tha funeral wa bald yeeter day mr char mel m relumed from hi visit to midland anito the moskoka wilds much pleased with hi oullng lie i now receiving tha ecagratolatlooa of hia ft land upon hia encores aa a sportsmen with bis trusty rifle nin mr allan mann returned last thursday from hia trip to manitoba ue apsot four months in the harvest en threshing iourain tho vicinity of mlnto the harvest sosne wars magnlflcaol bo say a and ware sufficient to al tract almost every one lormlnjftnteeoeeilon scrofula what la commonly lutcrllrl l not ctofcia but tha icrofulrmi rtiimif l i tbla la generally and cl kfly liidlrulr i by cutaneous erupllona eomellmca by imlo oral rwrvounce and ccneral debility the dlacaee attllcled mrs k t ki y ler tjnlon st troy ohio when alio wav elfbtccn years old manlleallti itarlf tya bench in iterwch which caual ureal aln was lanced and became a rminli r sore it afflicted tin daucbter o ftli jonra parker cl i y i nil wbrn 13 ynraf mruratmopta ma raptnry mar wtien i wa 18 aba had eleven running aorea lite ixrienipil i y a ttwy volun lly bay were eonij letety rureil l y hoods sarsapurilta this peculiar medic no m lllvety ii r- rects tha scrofulous dlnm stl n in d nil cally and parmanenlly ruros itw jimmsu is slsnature la on every box nl the genuine laxative bromoquioinc tabuu lis remedy thai vaaeae in oe oay china palace at the urgent request of a ndmber of friends who vrere no able lo take ad van i ago of i lie apeclal sale and discount lasl week wo will coo i in uo tho same until further njilco itemamler lliat means io per cent off all china la our china palace outihloof ho japanese which is eold at spccld rales jaat recrlvcd sportier shipment of japancnc cupa and haucers lo net sold at jyz don i miss litis opportunity of buying a dinner set tho noud tba btoke china palaok j 7z mcrek cuelph djls trf etf pz sited hi son mrlvln at high found him doing wall mrmlinr and new literature out ol ths prattiaat volumes leaned for lh bjuidavtrade ha been brought out by lb muason book co tore a to it i a dainty wall printed and beautifully ulu trated volume of sopagse sntltlad puay meow the autobiography of scat by b louiaa laluraon the book u of the aameolaasabnokbaautyand beaoti ful joe andatmllarpubuoaticna lasuad fay the society for ths prevention of cruelty to animal its primary object is to breath out the joys lh aajtowa aud ths loogloga of har misunderstood and much maligned fellow ores tars and to secure fur bar tba canaidsratlon wblob humanity owes to the dumb by it introduction the mission company have placed en educative and interesting volume upon the market tt a time when a wide circulation should ha t cured and beat bsnaxuba conferred aflnotrto seven o clock aacb even lug except batur dy the special audit of lbs municipal hooka of iraialcar towoeblpj uae jaat been oonoloded by a apecial auditor mr john mchaobren th result ia luoured to ba very satlsfaatory nhraim cbapmat campbsllvilla ba bean appointed ballff of th fifth division corot ooonty of ual to a la place of j a fraaer who he kaalguad aeonobtown 88a80mablh chnibtmas ciptu bhau from woc up hookey atok from 16c up shin hoard snow aboo bojijj gloves single atlckn folia wblulv aisri-i- ars 10 cameras philo oalflu and aop- plle view albums trcm ido up album of view of acton nd vicinity natural history aobjscu the churcha of aqjo to from i5c up oulnu inr mt patlma nppllm ajiythjjigllutlfljiuakljwtadur proonred leave our orders early w bxik at paunabecka to curb a coldjn onb oav take a lasadse d iuoio quljlue tableui al dlifittata rain jdlba mousy u lkwansvaajbwieoaribcx m a millionpoh noitaea thduuinlhalmosrlal oovarnnisnt ha fald to the fsrmaia in canada iheootarlo govern men i baa been in formed that col dent ha pttrchaaed in canada or tba british army 7 m7 harass and bealdss this be has loalrnotloos to acijoira dto mora for ths oonltngebt which la now being arjuippad tbeee horses will realise almost flooocdo tar ceoadlau deeiasa moetol whlel cec to ootarto b between five anj sis thousand bora have been purebaaad in this province an interesting event look place at th bonis of major l grant on wednesday evening itb inst whet mlaa web i ws united id the bond of holy wedlock to u p lawaon xvt one of tha moat i ropvi oua and highly eat earned pub ho toed of tba country itev xj perrla b a performed the ceremony in the presence of tb immedul frieod of tha family the newly wadded ooupl left orl tb 0 o clock train going eoulh to epend two wsk at point of loiarest in th united stats 0u llielr return mr and mr ltwson will tak up their residence lit towu a ttrougbookay oiubwa orkaulaed last weak wllb th following oiiorifetla ollloera uw pre j 1l brbsr m v p pre 8 u moolbboo viocprv f b dao- tlttl mansgsr 11 forsayalh sec ire w 3 macyaddan ium com w lud a cooper ronusger eapuiti and twml dent 1 be greet event of ths preacut week wa tb apleuded reopening eervfoe 111 lh presbjurlau church iiarg couitrega tiona lacludiug inatiy frphl tilhr ohurohe aud from out of towu polul wra present both tnornloil aud avolok lh aaruiouu by uv u w ltosa m a of oualph werakpproprlalr aloiueut and vary able discourse in the moruliig lb taut wa jobnloi j and iu lh evenlnjf mirk 10 1 17 ill the musical aervio waa very merlloriou uie iloair of bratitptotl praaldedat the flue tiqw pip orgsu 111 beauty of tb i lit or lor deoorkllou of lh ohuroh altraotad thaaluuuon of all tbla oongrvgatlou is to b ooiig st lutikt upon the hplanded appdirauo and lieusral quip maul of tbalr reooustrtieud plaoa of wot hhlp jropr mulloy will tnak hi uooud appekranoa in the tiwti hell ujtt monday evening uudr th guij lo of tb jportb i segue over mooo lu take ha beau pl 1 th town cell actor j h wlleoo water imptclor report a all waur services in good repair v- lvsn uew aarvlces have besu put in ibis season tb weekly market routluoa auoceaalul but thafrrui exhod all aonoarued lo ooullun their in tarsal so a to tnak 11 absolute skuritc genuine carters little liver pills must boar signature of eupk the right house itauilmkd 114 j hamilton b vavoritk bllol1ihg jlacii deciding on xmas gifts ilatwevataj prepsrailcos far tb holiday iran tilv eeaeoa that abeppara at ibis alor will ni alnfeotty of sbcaalag so i table girts reduced to minim am tnaprlees of tote etorw as low as tbay aan ba to bring tblon bare aadbasa lhns eood an ii ooet bring tbam beae tban icpaoai p ladles rjmbrallaa t9e to 10 j lealee oard oassa soe l aelflo ceudrso e whlk boas tvio uuuas ihuiw benncr for ones relauons and trlande la no w b great iad lbs oalrlab boas wt3 to m dries ar oovars 1 w to i ui ixiyllas ue to tee itwtrratnes3em an candelabra ijo to mm mirrors ca la tx0 dolls l6atcw3 ink blende k3 to sms collar and ouff dcxee tdo in ai hesiabsrebla hot wgwim- work koim cuo to st3 wanlrrora seas m to 3 s3 raoay decks t3 lo t dressing oaaaa al tfrto cuu wr1ubgoaeare tc0xo ni lace uandaeroblehi ooe to l3m ladles panay oollani 0e to uo ladles ki4alevaat3oki mjj ueaasaemen detotaoo hans cardigan jackets 1 u to is laea a boaatue to tba uses umbrallas t6 to mt ueoe tlee- to 1j00 uses q levee bijdo ic ll buspendars sta to i1j0 walking buckej tog to el bo travaliroa hugs mxxn to ha pressing oowns gsjy to eifx3 bmoksa bets 1 j to m w unaleuclu ftoatcajji hair brrbaa 9e to tu0 saeey balaeors tse ta s11 ualeb uoldare eie in 1 ci parpetaatad palms ao to autt jewel oases no to to0 pnrees aad pocksu oooka loe to aud valuee rvto7tl snapping ilegs bos to m ho nsnd bsa l5to 60 usntol ornamsnts ka t bbo boms ib to ooa ilatieo bneks u w ma uuttsry nvasbes t la ld pair glgsrcaaee mwtaauo we oard oardoaaea6pnlol r alana bui bocks 5e lo iu onatalalnabags no 4 jo veaewajejsvl0etoele drinking orma ue to m4ji van wlnasieno tctljd an traye tie to i i apeetaele o tea to tl jo vaney brcoebea ua lo u0 ranay bliek tins aa to boo eilaaae ki tcq beejl jo so m lets woaeea t i nicuers ue to wmcslna jaakata u to- l ootl oanee alb to nea bnawk km to mai buk walselngtsi n to gu ledlesheskwaas w ee bee laee oollare vxae lo if u so pansy lees oeuara ss as itjo leroalj0tofal afgbaal- pletbresaj uedalllooei toga boteooabieau doc to m oarpet sweaper r orlensal fiaga i ajtetvt 1ssss tr bereeee lab lo u fotjaeetaai eutele thomas c watfcins hamilton king st east cor hughaon st what crand weaherfo furs i and what a crand chance to cetcood fura and get them chee wc talk unlilmtuingly bcrausc we tilk knowingly when wc talk to you about our ladies fur jackets our astrachan jacket arc tlic he t ippcaring and best wearing that money will buy wc handle nothing less than 35 jackets and an absolute gurffanlcc goes with every jaclccc wc sell 1 he same with our blcctric seal coats caparines collars gauntlets ruffs csdos furlined capes these arc all here in great abund nice 1 he vilucs beat all our past eflbrts i hey are all made in met clcgint style we placed orders when makeri were dull nnd needed orders the advantages wc got we give to you e h bollert db go 28 and 27 vvymlliam st quebpll our new store in full swing wc want jou to come and sec us interesting to you we oitcr co make it two hundred 1niia of ladies ilubbuiu at 10c two jluudred 1aiin of felt slijpers lroinl llm kmirn fslipjut- linrtmy at2kc neill th between woods fair and thornton douglas clothing house dry goods snaps 5 kt gurn6y co large stock of flannelettos and prlntsltq bo dls potedof within two weeks at low prlcoa ttmf mwdl d imhjunu wraw tu roriuiutar raidimutt mi uuerutn roitowiauvnt mi cbmtimtioe rtt uuaw tua nil mcearuxim ceristmas mlerry cliristmas is coming and as santa will soon be along wc arc prepared to load him with the choicest gifts for young or old as we carry the largest stock of fancy china and opal wares in town wc invite you to cill and sec out goods jieforc purchasing else where and you will be pleased yours respectlully c f goodette co mill street acton regular liijc flannelettes i yd wide to cleir at c lc flannelettes to clear at 1c 141c pint to clear at 8c bcdress 1 weed to clear at iwc bargainsin underwear and blankets ladies flanhelettntglitrobebrcgularpnco 5ctc clear at 4c jkc gowns to clear at titic dure 6i0k headache dont let the clft question bother you 1 wc v iloue all lh bothering for volt iul llieravull is ilia israel and liitiilwoiiiwt collection of holiday uhtu thl w hflv wr aliown make out your llat auj come and check it off bare ttmt tin easiest and most inexpensive way we ve minothltitf for everybody justao pew hints all tli topuur citnak ucji a vkusi ilikcin m l1c kl piraii tneot banea uatrxafe la a rreat thluif or a man it make him asuamej tj talk about hi 10111 lroabw wise oblld that ilcaan t ask its a qoestjou stops the cough and work ofr thb cold rich ileabn lit tibuu vallu iateuslve and dsluty in the lions clothing department gurney st co actons greatest store t tutlcl st hcl on you will fiud blyluh ul well it king sulu anj ovcrcoala for n laajcraltl lathe clothing 1 mlneu u morn proubunced llun ee ovorooats new and ilovlull for miking in xtita ulfta 1autim1ius ijnublaiion luy kj 1ancy uualing wax kll color a fresh auinly of im rijmlii and beautiful atomiukb special value lo hjumb and l we have secured a qusnlliy of the so we can sell tbemfor llbb than wiiolpbaui rout a firm retiring from bualnee we will be plaaaej to show you rood to layealde any aritcie you wlah en and hoy our tin in the clot hi 113 i mlneu la morn prouounceu nun ete our hale have in crdwwl nil n oil a al uiuluujht of rale or we liave clothing to ault every figure every purw ihn turn d 1 mucdoiulj ilro on the uibel of every armed t la guarantee of their t cellenco ha uleiil thing in winter overcoat a brojd ahouldered long and ful in th oiik with vertical lockelii ami noma ar made with tle yola iu ihioc ahadej jicy at i13 antl v14 w liv bit exej but rjwl of heaver oercoati at 16 7 10 and n and they 11 give ileiiuui weir other irimdqiip iy cheviot wojum worsted and whip overco tra 10 n 14 and 13 0 wvblkohava th emilu vtiilom iuiiii futurw uluikmh in oufoidgrey ht vl v 30 other pilcoj ou v lere uulem ar to 8 50 6 50 tf 00 aud 5 00 dmrn rnfnhrt what uidid aultahlo gift ci you buy llie hoy llun one of th bo 8 hootero uoa 9 wtrt w wld ctnn with norm collar the kind ihu iwiy llko in navy tny and urowri sliaiue ut fj 50 j 00 3 50 4 00 and 3 00 a cording to alio and i tail y we alto a ow ku eiee lott i rjite of hoy llirce fourth length overcoat with velvet ctlurln roy cl vl t hlue llcaver atldcurl eoth from l 50 lo lo with in belwcen price of it jo 5 b 03 and h 00 mno qmfn lle man who wjnla a suit llut will lit him end look wtdlonhliti bp b olutu wear b ioag l w 1 hlm teauauu amount will come to a t brown ouaualfit and btationbu aotoh ihs fjon are y tliio for it fterw are some aullaul this kind sit a 10 is iynd 5 w call bhow yo i bit uui utchahlaaaaortinent of 1 ancy worsted iulmi 1 weoda and blua and mack wornlcd nnd barge made with single ur double biaaatad coal end vesta vt 6 ti ii mi 1 7 0 we hhow a la ire and uloat al tractive stock of twewd bult in ll thai up o diia color niktures al theaa popular prions q qfo our motto 00 liv clothing la ilia boat possible for th least ouy ouiuo moue our stock comprlwaiewcrythlug thai la new nobby and at tractive from i j aud al auch icaiouabia irlcea m i jo m v 3 a 011 j piece suits and 10 j on 1 piece aua our clothlog you will tak pride in wearing txxxxerlo jemrelery we have a ipvel stock of gold watchc lidies diamond sipplurc and opal uingi- ebony goods with silver initials on xnni stocl now complete skyhge st co the jbiazlrs qoeiiph r e inelson ss wvnoham st guelph now colored bhfit for ilu new pallenifl from now flyua new york ilali hard an 1 soil for i uu new hi ibiolluh f r xtua from vjc to ach now xiiia nkwer chulce btyle in till ji ipea bmoklntf juotou from 33 to 810 tiaoh xreulnd gowns fvom 85 to 10 each nowclovrt fr tiua now urates lor xmaa do 11 jjc l u a pjlr l ilof fnlllsl bxcli all cood ad 1 btk uamlkercli o lh ndwdil ktyl from 35c 1 1 81 j5 rll d e macdonald bro the lion cueph the leading merchant tailor and mens furnisher

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