Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1901, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch agonoral bankingbusmoss 1 transacted corro3pondonoo sohcitod savins dfparhik nt imcrtnl illuwcl umi of oml uoi i ah and u wards in i ly of drit flay of ltwlral kit iumlllrs mil pu dofjya in drawin moony jfarmorh bnsinesa solitltnd nolo of coonlilo farmer discounted and money i nod lur ef illmalo duslnt purposes our collet lion dpaf mtii- uaa every facility for making uumil return baltnots laatllod and money advanced on account ounnil lowrae of interest traveller arlfenlliied that rlia hank o hamitlon nntl i isrt tranche luuo clrcul- noieaoflhe ivnvlncul hank of fn limited which can ho cashed wilwut charge or tcooldo in any ari of tbc w the news at home aeloo viju 3 head officii hamilton ludahlbhod 107 a capital paid up i995i75 reserve fund 1500000 total assets 17071759 jauu tuknuui i cashier b forsayeth agent qoorgotown brandt chas l neixes the big bookstore cuelph chiuuna 1001 iw htmtkm jrawe ma oi book- mje jjoox xte rmjicy itoodm warn sialloamry our f rati on a at th xtr it cuud mjuf h will pajr you to do yur xaapju af ohas l nelles ffirje juton tfm ress tnorsday dlceuiltu 1001 uttle lofalr bri eflets which cauht th hyi or lr of pr proea rarrtar thla wk christmas next wednesday another inch of euow woo id make very rood slelhlm pretty od 1 winur weather slooe th thaw last weak fiwlan are out aaoiinelnif the annual rotinieipal elect t wtha faaa luu of next week dl b uaoad oo christmas morning oh tbe holly the bright green holly u tell llki tonu thai the time are jolly masars t 3 holm- the drover are ahipplofi a urgs lot of hva slook this month the temperature dropped fly dearee butbelwmo saturday forenoon and boo day evening tba obtulmu visitor arriving and students ar lberij or tha christ ins hoo ieor loft- tboea who thought m might not have auk wlauc mayrbow bl pmblillad jo hangsutch onlnlonm tb ttnnl of hdwauop wll bold lhlr third mftug oi iba pnmnt hvjnlh lh vnsing at ciftbt oclock acoording loum olonday th knoon wtll b fmuba chriumu tjht- it la tot zfapctud ibsr u1 ba oibort doolul lonad the yuloo jialty lltruwl poial mooiioiniot ip tltu lata tharo u ah tnocb tim ml to moort u poll 6dr mr au symon o tbdlaxi ban klodly moi tn fiiait lmi a uaullful oal mostly or uooaf charaotor and ojorv ltm rntaroatina tba rto llumimtsmm im nultam ft obj um aonaal raport of tba 1 oat niaautr fjeuarai joat rcoaind tba fulun log tntataallna paittoalara iae baao glaanad rqling lha poai ofbcaa of tba loona at tba coiiltly keiim bu to jiotm aij 3flcaj st i 136 loans 33 w 43tt t4a to maim idv u tod 01 tnou sijotel jjm w w ti 1oto ukkvlll i itv dl 1t hi too ct tao co it la iuuuvbudk to nol bow daaxlalika llm rvaaua ana motioy odar baainaaa are lu lha ilaoca named anton taa fliml plaoa ia lha vulntna of e5taj nota baainaaa and ia aouod in tnooay ocdar baainaaa tba boina of tb ooaoty at lba oouoty town naturally balnq tba bvrxaau 1 lowo baa tba larcett poataj ravaooa and uta largaat aalavy teacbera kxinntumllojim loot tb fullowltmt modal hobool atadnt ba oarunoaiaa tj qoallflcalloo aa 1ouio tiobool taaobon obtalttad tba lnarka artbexad cio bulng repaired lor aa i i u10i flblama ui llar wlaklla j ta lfuu4ioltuuaa hii labalu ldlobanil caj llalacwa bl uabi v hot cos itannab luirbmk coo haul tbwtmu bra doors j cook ct curs u lllonos 671 unart vouotf 1 tn ktu uaubawa 6- juimu uajay mo ti10 fkk iaasa ba blaaaora in ooa k ilay mloklltt tha only uodallta iron acton npoe tba vary hujb alandlng aha obtajoad tha aottnal cbrlatmaa taaunl of lb uatbodiat banday bobaol u1 ba balj aa usual oa obruunaa bijibu tba pro kramtrvo alrangad la uua ot tannaual in uraat and will ha brlnelany 000 ul bo tad by tba aaholara it arlu indoda apuodid ha cbrlalnaaa oboroaaa doalta and aoloa do tie t and organ dualla aalaouoda by tha orchuua of lba acbool atuaotlva motion aootfa by tba littla folk and a aarua of approprlala and will brwpd rodtatlooa and dlalunuaa an kltraotlva faatnra will ba lha breaantation of diploma to tba kraduaua from tba primary olaia who hava oommltlad to memory and rooltaxj tbaroldaataxlaof tha yaar tba tan com mandmnta tba camaa of tba boolu of tb old and baar taatamanur th baatltudaa 1lu rfirda- xh filial andar for 1003 mr bymonladolbiavry floa boaldoa at tbaaaaiou jba thaory that papar moay oarrlaj mail pa garroa nmy baall tlcbt but wa araall wllllntf to ukatbaobanoapaallbllu aanl in tot f latj raoaarala mta jatnaa watt of ioalph lrai dant of ihalraabylarlan yooana foraico mlaaiooaryuooulyaddraaaaj lba uoolaly of knox ohorou laattuaaday lotb lnat- tba naa iadro club bau lu utat aooul aaaolntf at till boma o mr au tw- oord but tbaraday aeoltn 0ar thirty war aotaf ulnad by ihla boaplubla family mr rahani liawaou bad lha mlafor tuoa aboui a waak aj to loaa by daatb a vary una laara borao u bad iruaad vlis for uiaanlmal andjiaturally im1 tha loaa kaaaly marohanla who kbow bow lo ull lha nobliu ihrofmb thatakk faaaa about tha kind of waraa that paopla want lu buy am tapln u bairvaa of lba iiollday aaaaona bbopplutf tbay dcaarva ll eiqoaaloa tfockay xaaqua la ooa of ilia lataat okatoullou aeuui ga0reuwn ajid llilllutui oouipoaa lba lau aatou la luud to tuy mulch- oil tba 10lb aod slat january and ul yabru wanthii hitwuuwd lady nlor taakort uood wik to uood paoiu apply lo 1raalou olyra go 1raa mo xtki l aoiou 0u 1 uaajay foraooou 10th did balwaoooaorja blovjla ahoa alora aud ualaiuj blookauiltb abb p ij 00m bomjolurbvaaaudatwodulurblll tba dndar wilt baaolubly rawatdaj by laavlt at tha fuyutonlof aotou ivtaa olhao hlyaija ssasonaulb chhi8tmab olftb qbataa iroia 6o0 up bookay alkkri from 160 up ihln kuirda wow aboali boalo gtoai alntfla alika folia whluly aaarola us ato unm pboto outflta and way nlua vlaw albutna trout 10o up albuasa i of uwa of anton and vlololty natural blatory aubiaottf lba obuiobaa of aotoa ato from ssa uy oulnln or all paallmaa aupplud ao j thing not lu look promptly prooaiad lava your ordara oarly w taak at 1 anoabaokara tnant will ambraoa aoma thuly uumbara anj will afford oltlxaaa and their vlalth irlcnda an op porta pity of apendlud a dallnhtrul gbrlatma nlntf tier hi a wlmter vmlr at coalpit tor avulauoa that tha paopla of anlott nri tvm ff tf lb la hi wftd intaraaudjn lb- wlnur vx aud tl block hhow at onalpb but weak it only only baotaaary to a lata that gl llokata wera aold at aoton atalion foronalph dor lu lha daya of tba i air tba tsanibera of ilallotl fa mart inatltota worn urgaly taraaatud and vutllora gaoarally war drltghud wtlb tha tnsgalfloautt abowiuv ilia dallla altoip pl aud ponlry tba poultry aod utock draklti oaataiu tba uoloraa by praellal and taparlonoed braodera and promlnaut lotlritotora aacb added tbair quota to lba pravalhak inlarvit at tba uraat bbow tba wmtc fair a of luoaloulabla lolaraat lo tba fajrmac and atock ruar affanba apiaojld anbibitloa for tba adillcallon of tba worl publlo and lro launw valoa to tba city olguelpb whoaa aulbonllaa aloold oultlvata avary toaalbla opporlnolty of abowlo lba city a attraction aud adanlaga durlnj lha oa influx of oulaldara if lba city itaocrally would aotubila tbaafforta of lba irury aod ihtttll dorlu tba fair tunob lkroflt diraolly and ndfrootly would aocrur tha willlmtttmoaitio xapilml a vary lutaraaling wedding oiramony took ploa yealarday in whlob tba fatnlllaa of two of tba oaiproparoo4 and wall known tarmara of thlfl aaotioa ware ooo ea tba tnaartaga of ma ofbo lu wllllamaon aldaat aou of mr dald willlamaoa naaaaawya and til taraaaa thadaujtbuuf mr jamaa 1rloa tjjmi waa aolamnixad by llav j k godded m a yaalarday aitarnood at two oclock tba brldo preeeoted a charm log appearanoaln hr daluly bridal gown of eraatn oaahmarai wilb aalla trlmmldtta wblu bar brluamald mlaa mary william aou hiatal of tbi groooi looked almoti fenally pretty in felmtlar ooaloma mlaa lily mila campball waa lba knajd of honor aud mr ibjrlprloa brotbar ov tba waa rroomaanan lba groama praaaut lba brlua waa a batmlaoasa gold waloh and obaio alla a eampiaooa wad- dlu rvpaat and tba ooagratbullone of tha oompanty bad baa raoalvad lba bridal parly mi on thai boaaytuoon lour upon their ratura tbay will aatlla lu tba floa naw balok raaldanba juafc oomplalad on tha farm of tha urootn oa tot 35 oou 0 naaaauawaya tba faaa pamaa eongratu lataa tba young ooupla upon oouitnanalug llfatoitathar uudar auob happy auaploai voir cburob matra luv mr uaritl who li oonduotlug apaoial avrvlcaa at churchill uddrud the ounurrgalloii with u faw appropcula ramarva laatbalbalb tiiorulntf tla i a hpaakar of a o par lor ability lba aaera tnaul of the lorda luppat will ba obaarvbj hail uabbath mornlnu aiuv mr mao pharaou will ba tainted by luv ur margrtt iravoommunlou arvloa will ba bald on friday at 11 a tu and so p ubv mr milua of lullluafad will preicli tha ajoa will ttiaal al 10 uo a ui aud remaiu otntatlluled uutll alur lba aotatualll 10 waal ally who wlall lo ufllu with tha oburoh lha aiua of urmoua 00 lha pilgrim a prottrsaa will ba aou d btl tlabbalb avaoliig 1 ba aubot will ba vaulty fair tbla arua ij oua lhat hti awakdocd oooaldarabla lulaal ulkaldara wara added lo lba eeeelou of kuox gburnb ul llia avautn aarvloa 111 babballi lha uatf uati ar utan ii u jobuatofi a t mauu wnj johualon jauiea mumillali jauua iaokay auj iugh walltuw luv a lllalr of naaafaway ptaauhad tha brdlnailou aairuou uklug for hu taai tba irauvngutallon of ohrut ou tha pialfurm aloog wllb tba lululalara wsra lba taambarw bf aaaaloti whau lb brdinauotl aaruiou waa uulabad luv mr meopharwui taad tba vow tug ruling eldara ttuaa ware aooapied by tba eljtoauuldaua tba ordiuatloa ropat to lowed and lhay w roalvd into tba blgb rat lay umca in tha fraabyurian ohurcb by lba mlalatar and lllri ttlvln utui bd vuibtbanjof fllowblp tba aw lda will parform tbolr nr ufllolal dnlia uait habbatb al aeva of lba lord a uuppar bt t curb a cold in onb dv take a uaaaua- ilroao ijuluiatabuu rtrrtarovaa atgaatura on aaab bo so uodlh cm ata watlo ataotig rlonda aflar a abort illnaaa doalb oama to m juuoeld mouillao uu of california at tba homo of hie enter in law mra iohlnu uqi lilau lot 3j aral unr i arinaalok laat uoouay morning mr momillao waa born in arayllhlro bootland lu 1h3g aud cama to america wiib blabrolbcr tint late inch ian uomdlen when a yonnf mao of iwaoty yar alter a khocl time j1 at oinoinalll ohio the brolhera parted iach lau coming to cjauada ami aaltllng oo t la liomrataad uaar aotou wliorfl lit died aottxalyaii igo auonallt fc luckfofdm wbcro ba rel ld f r envoi yojrr he ltn wral to the n 1 1 mlttee in maada and auba juoiitly ptooaaded hi tha gold lolde of llrillb columbia lalerbe took a proapvrtliiit k ur tbrtiuli canada and duwn loftha tuiuttiarn blalea flnajly going to cahrunna hare he obaaed an irrlftated raiob in hewn velley ha fullowtj the ooc ranqblnit auooaaafully uutll laat aumn wliao being unmarried and ailvartpad in yaara and remote from any kindred ha reallaed the vaad of the lalativoa to ihla en 1 lie 01 ployed a lawyer to itaoo th wlirbolti of ralatlvea lly tbla maana bo auonnrded in aaoertalning tho kraltlanoe bare of tba family ut bla wot her ltoblati to whom bo bad aald goodbye ovejity yvara ayo lis waa tkau jll and tha iniiilly bare waa oommuoloaud with and laat fall mlaa janoia momlllau hi tileoa waut out to california and when ln bad auqleleutly veoovered brought blnl lo tba lioma ltaia ueanjojajjalily good health unlll a oiupls of wcaka ago when ba waa again taken ctltloally 111 and death iuued on monday tba renaelne word inurred in falrvuw oerretry acton yealerday aflernooa llev if x maopboraon odlolallug j lufhly alaamod zmdy xtcmokaa bom uontbu ago mlaa oaaala mol hall paaeed vary oroditabla examloauooa for tba poaltlon of loach r on tbo alaff of new temxtf otjoota tba opening of lba new year lo oommenca bar dutlaalo ooa rf tbeachoola there an important vacancy ooourred ul waak and on tburaday aliaa mafhall waa ulagiaph ad to ooma al onoa tbla naceullatul a very an raraary rata wtll lo her many frlandain aoum and on baturday moiii log aba bid ail in a to the twu which ban afforded her a vary congenial home for fourteen year a mlaa mafhall waa during tba wbola of bar realdeiica bare teacher of tba eeoond department of acton fubllo hoboo tha fax fuaim baa bad pleasure frequently to makw referaooe lo her j l wxa with unfelitntd regret that uie truatee hoard aud tba parvnl of lba aabolard uarnnd of her propoaea removal itiaptotor oeoou fclao r m w tj u ulubf mlaamefhajla wortf 11 hr ila pertinent kuox oburoh wl falo keenly feel bar removal oha waa a mrwl faithful and ootialauul member ami aluiott every uapattmant of tba church wu aided by her kouerou cfforu the womau a mil iiftnuf y- t h u mml tba ohrlauan lndeavor aocmly aapcclally near bar heart prior to bar removal tha womau a muaiotiary hoolaty and tba pupil of bar department at tha fubllo ucboal taaderl her kind wordi and valu able token of koo1 will and thbra would bava bean further tlmiur drriioiiilratlotia bad br dejmrtura bu 1b iutnrnary mlaa mcfhkil a new wailiot id in lha raaldantlal rt of new york her rcltry at tba ouleel la hco0 with a conaldarabla ual iuoraaao uia will real la with hrr alstar and litis fact will cotiipettiiala urgaly for tbo eeparatlou from io manv frlcnda herd tha bl wlha of tba community yo with mii mcplialt t bar new flou pbdbonalo hit aaa hall who hsa bn vry ill fof iveral wtaka iaalowly intproviut thouitb al hia great age la can hardly ba oxpaotad lo get out much again befora aprlng mra fraukum aud maaler harry ra turned laabweek from lluffalo afta hpoud lug a month bt an vary pwaaiully wtlb frlatld ihera loual uitibrmts cohinqr and going visitor to and from aoton aria various othar personal noter tba 1 aaaa luvliaa all ua laajava tooonr ulbute to uiu eoluwo it you or von r friend oia away on a boli4ar irlp or ii yon bava trleoda vtaluo tx drop a card to uta vaaa ur nell lltareouiaidvbiabroumr al uilloo tbla waak mr a hbepperdof oall we lb goeel utlawckofmr a 1 mann mia ixena mol augtlln of la bimafor lho obrntinaa vaoallon mr w h llairieon ot niagara on tba- laka la a uueil at- felrvlrw flao mr w ullatiaonof niagara on 1 lava i aguajt at falrvlaw fhoe mra a uener ult last waak to visit friend in the old home at hanover mr john mjtlau ha ratnovad tuber childhood boas at luohmond qua ur fraokgardloer wantlo toronto on baturjay to tpeud tba christmas holiday mr jaoob bwackbansmer of baglnaw mloh laapanllng a couple of days in town miss ileeela cook of toronto spent aavaral daya with her aunt mlaa k a cook aoton mr huland w bmltb of tuhl h maria michigan apanl a day or aa at bla mother borne hare mr and ura gaorga adam and ohil drn of johnstown n y at vlsllbg frland in lba old boma mr sod mra thomas illtohu of dor bamsponla few daya ibis weak ah tba borne or his brother mr tieorga lulobla trooper mull iy and mr w uagga wara guealaat tha horn of mr a blephenson during their stay id town mr and mr a o k ii lot who removed lo llonobarvilla oat asvsial year ago bava now aauladlnwlnnlpag mr win carroll ba returned home aur apendlrtg two months very pleasantly with filenda 111 gloveravllle w y uev 1 anderson who w from uil verton lo ilurllnxton frssbyteriah cburcb will ba inducted on monday at urnoou uejtt mr joo moliughln ot faorla iii u spending a week or so with blablater mr h ii allan naaatgaweya and olhr friend mr john cutlmof uagloaw mich returned boma ooauaaday after spautllng a few daya lu lba old home lie la doing wtll at baginaw mr uev j ic ooddaa who wu very 111 at caledonia i now rapidly improving uw mr gojdeu axpeau bar lobe abls to ut t ly f1blirfs mr aolmr fred btoray of clover villa n y apaut a fw day wllb aoton fruuja lett wtnk they waut to fosunt uiabana 0i monday lo viail ralalivea there mr c j bmltb kudur a m bmlth leave tbla morning for qau to attend tba mrwatbjtidtcrnoorrol mrmoluudwr bmltb of duoit mich lo uissttlfarot qali mr dnnaaii ktilb who ba bean very ill for aoma lima i lu a critical condition and vary slight bop sr sntertalued for bar recovery ll will ba rem e 01 bared that r kkilli died vary huddsnly last febru y our oltiatih will ba pleased to knw that allbougli tha bualnaas has bea disposed of hlf j 1 fearu do 1 not inland it niovu front acton tha family will raalda in perl oi tha double dwelling of mr it holm chairman of tbo hoard of iduoallou mr ibomainiooisooof mailslla mlob appending a wesklu lha boma oi bl boy hood mr nioolsor is on of mloblgau proaparou farmer he left acton twenty two year ago and making hi krai re turn vlstl many change are noticeable lu lba old boma and ll sdrrouucllr which are fully appreciated 8topb tmb couoh anu woftk off tm gold uie tlauija iu a tabtala eara a acid tu ouadr wocurt muvay rvioe m aaats ilia baluved that haltuu farmsraj insiltnu bad mora bona gjs membor in alu-danc- at lba winlar fair at guelph last weak tbu any olbar county n tba provlnoa mr j 0 matthew of cirdlff col ba kindly aanl tb fukm puui oopls of glanwood bprlug ppr and of lba splendidly illustrated illautua of lba llookua fa pakiu renewals are poorluif in humbar of kubaoribraaro wndlnu tha fa fates for a yeas to distant frunji a aohrlitmaa box wa filvo two oople for k year for vi 75 st albana buitday bcbool will hava ft ua ud auterlalnniot la malthawi hall on friday ot tbl week lha culeiuin medl i for lha patauti ot lbs cblldran an i temberi of tha ooiigrauou and tuir frlebil tha upust bandfty bohool sutarlslu mant will ba bu lu tba church ou friday weol tllh d ohoiu and rcila liana by ihachlljriu admlsulou loctot allaraiuvlud tha programme com ml lis of tba goupty buuday bohool aeoolallai will tdml la morrow aitaruoou at 3 oclock al norval looompfata lba programme for the oaoveullou to ba bald u gioral- february trooper uulloy dlintj hi iouu leoturalit friday oanlug ufor a moit appreolatu kudleooa lit rscitil waa llttauad to wlih keeuaat i tit etsu mua ltiu mawoti opauad lba prooaedlug with a apuuidblly raiiderad hugl oil tha hrtiun card came duly to baud i ceal ioarciy say that i am iatirfivl wltblhuiai tbsy ar far abovo what i kntlolpauj 1 hanking jou for your prompluaas and for tba baauly aud oiol euoa ot lba work ltisf oclfully your k k loaqber liml1ioubf lba fraibyurlau uiidy bohool i lino boua ara boljiug a chrlatiiia- trco an 1 anuutuiiiut in thnuhuroh t u lha svaittng ot alouday iao ird ill rograiiinia will ootiaut o ibi uiual 4imnbr of ohoruacu aoug dlalogua rocltalloils drill 3 adtnlioil- cmilii tlill lru 10 oau vy1ntm iiduitb for pino dulivumv i j h hamilton a lleolrlcal monumaltal work at uuelpb ara uow uklug order for gruulu aud marlla muuuitieul lo ba sat up lu the aprmgi al raiuad price willi lb splaudld uaw aleclrio and uautitll- mabloary tbl vlbluhniul i able to saeoole far mora slid better work tbau baratofore aud lu order lu keep tlta machinery vuuulnrf all winter vary low rata ara being unit or work brdered bow oall at tbo w ik ur drop a card lo j u llatilton uuelpb absolute securin genuine carters little liver pills must ber signature ttt 8 iwsisau w- ua rociuaui- ru baniuss niuusauna fmtouiluyut rsi cesmpattos m u tw tut ru isccobp iibi cure sick headache dont let the cift question bother you v va dona all tha bothering for you stul lha result la lha lar and nndtqincmi olltloii of holiday that wfl itav avr showu our list aud cotu ami 1l dyspepsia from furelsn words nitnlng bad cook liaa nittie rntlwf lo aljiulfy uul flam irk for uhi int rommrm iaum of iim tlleraen la a pmllapoalnf waul of vtiir arftf tone uutt orcan no dlaram ntnkna urn 1111im mlscratilr its suitnrnra rtrlalnly ilo rx wm la nt ley aoiuctlhia woiulrr if uioy tuioulil aoi la ut w a kucnl lullvtll od waarfrrnlly tmuhll wilt it i r ion n lolnr it uonir 1- 111 cltilrf win waa so amiilcil viltit it hi ih wui ntrvitua alrxu tria nt i acll illy ah k moat 1 i llio limp iitilulunt rn r llrf tn 111 ntrttlrltt inifra- sl mslly irr rll i tlfv vrnro r mlit4ly f tin if ne olbors lao im 11 i y hoods sats oaritia acftirrillic in u lr o l i itvil tuilarlly is alcnatore la on orory box o tba beouloa laxative bromoquininc ta4a taira m 4 in -a- alay china palace al lip urgcul rofjucat of a dumber of friends wlio wra not abla lotakeadvantaj 9 of lba special mjk ami dlscoonl isal wttk wo will continua ums urns until furlbor no ice itcmstmlicr thai means 10 per cent off all china in oar htna i ico oalaida oi the japanese wbkju is aldauapl y- ui received anotlior ablpnenl japanesfi ups and saucers lo bo sold i j5c un i miss ibis onporlunlly buying a dinner ci tho kotod tea stoite and celina palack the present problem clothing find furnishings j 7t 7cr57c cuelph fe jt is ttt t2va j iy ke ul s dljc ion the right house limtakllumu hamilton s 1 avou1tk shopping pljlcli movelty gbifts eor cliristxias in tl a valtry flood uarmol ua tba boc 1 lioto kiina lo 81 j cridoutl inwihul llciu lax toaio ink hiatirla to 1 75 l-lja- and cult 1uhhi uk lftl ji work hove toa to i is ujot kau a in u krneyllcaka vi 76 to 1 neeelu0cua vll3ut01al wrltli a coo lo vu10 litiiijiara uata el j lo yilu xiuittantjdawrmi llalr llrusha t to 1u tjuh ltdldo i j jwl jww mw lo al oj 1 und3 uckat llccku 104 to 5m hhopi in iuk w to si to hud liaca al clto vlq uiuul oroiuiauu k to 03 klio ilorna 15ioum lio t too llooia is to kid military ibune 1 to 5m pair lr asea boatovjua iadlaa tar i case too to 4 j to mocml aioair aituioellt icowlu ai rmn ti u t3 koiasoisbu iqcasa 1 to 3j viks to iuir lues himila 3 luottalri itoaii hli lolistir ou tolut jv udtiinllio vus kla to an m orr cllol iruiu i iu 3 jo lo v3m wuil duiied hold t uuj luouiilim- it- tcvllui obrutma oood on third vloor tknullkkhatlliumlloturas 1 plaaa vtaiula- vratna k5o tuli uadelllnn variety ol ala4 suj style at alo lo 3 ee- heialty lleuresi- butloaaaa obo- etul alee ancravlaca rf k irllt tuollna 1 pie a fnnnea a 4 witb gltj asarad wosk ftl o i aid eolleolo tt ah m mam tmtry tope i cpa jau bcpla of ilo mau km mt ery lataaeb all llaun topas mial at 1q- lllllt at bpaum asabeob jom plate ksjaife of hasnloa nd itw tw urlng ailed willi vkiumm ijaaltuea ot dowu llnbdaorrwi itug or cbrutnuui a in o tkstuuui vutoh tuoouuc uu3jalaljli taptomaxf luy alyi 00 cheduuca u at vlm aj ms alvco bntyma la la 13 and u al hmvim llna uu at md tap lo uum ataifl u up u iiktuo fauu up l thomas c watkins king st eaafc cop hughaon st hamilton vjvlxv5 thoughts can we help you christmas will bo horo in six days do you roallio ilia run d approach of ilw griktl girtjlma o7lhyjr only cv mora suonilnjf daya remiln batwoaii now ami chrutma ov and id thai abort spa- of time must ba crowded tha oeinc of liundrod of rvicbu and useful gift w hava gtlliarad up evry thing in our una that i to ba admired or tludrod tbu mora i full ol useful and elegant article for men women lloya and gui arul lbs quality of your gilt will tnt ba nuostloned when it conies from the lloit we sjuna only a lew ltulieit -ll6vc- iadreued and unjreiied kid sueje moch fur utwd and gloves tor evening war uttidkcrbiri in fancy embroidered lace tule hciml itched linen and mourning torera also allk initial plain and brocade tltl tjnen tahl clolha wllh napkins lo mitch 5 o clock in coven indu linen cushion covers baud embroidered clftu far ceutliu itich and elegmt neckwear gloves of every kind silk suinetulcf put up ooa to a box fancy handla uinbrcllaa tji-dvr- your ciriu by mall all order m od same day as received 1 he extraordinary value of our famous fit the form clothing is bringing uu the best of the clothing trade 1 he present problem is solved lor many in a new suit or overcoat and nowhere for cither man or boy can it be better solved than here osvyxroat for men to foils for men to ovorcoata to royo to 8 ait- for jiojn to a complete furnishing- store- lxtra preparations have been made in uu popular de partment and we arc doing a big business with those who seek real worth and utility the bel and the best only finds its way here as td range let the few here detailed speak for all and suggest how much is herr tina gaps iinod gloves silk handkarohfo fa mixed grturxriopls buk muffler- wool un dorwear y loece underwear collar- fancy white shirt- neckwear neckwear we have excelled all former cltorts in neckwear arid whether you buy for yourscll or others jthc wide range new tied bows puffs and sharp and small price make choosing easy e h bouert co 25 and 27 wyudliam 8t guellh h6ndgrsgn s co n ew arri vals- undor skipt stuffwaiats 1 hosiery clothing all tlic novutie ol the uisoii will be luunu in lore our stncl of staples is being constantly added to til today it is the hrcu and fincb aiioxtcdstncliatlic country henderson go jutli st kcton xx las jevsrelery wc liave a lovely stock of gold watches ladies diamond sapphire and opal kinf ebony goods with silvet initials on xraas stock now compltte skzkge st co atjki istinteh faih d e macdonald jfe bro the lion cueph vl check it off bar- 1 hat lba aiulesr and moit lnepeiulva way wi something for avcrybody just a row hint audi i all tlii ionultr gamei uuvlmlbl ilmtchfbl u1c new and rich dedans in vi owi ltlid 1 lbu tailik lor itiaviuy luaswnklva auil dainty xiuaa kills iarktlltllb 1 inl g ta 1 ion- luy ami 1 ancy slaunc wax all color a fresh bumily of 11 ulumib audbeaulirulasosdiyhus siioclal value in liluiui aud lui s w- itav aacurad a ijuatilllv of the so wa can sell tlm for ivsb uian wllolhsalu from a firm retiring from bustn a w will ba ideaeed to show you hoods and lay aaldo any article you wish a t drown ohbbi8t amd btatiohr aoton bulletin of x mas novelties at re nelsons mont of importance to lb w i iter pair l the place ubera lo ecur llui boil valus f your money in dry coods mantlon clothln etc tbu we- urd ir olterln tome tpeclal lines in all departments dress goods wearttivmo spclal valu in i lain and i ancy twl lffocti at ivi aoc and ajc don i forl lo sea our 75c homespun or 95c 1 rtcid in laadlng ijiaut chrulmaa kov cities are hero in abun lance silks and wool u jou ara iultlll in mallnk fancy work in til- or wool w iiav an abuudnt uipply olaaryihlnu rciuirod livabat line iiitors lo ihu clly ar huad topy our uare a viut lworo uavin gepli milliniuy noliouta in ilia ira o can ba more conlident of ruiuk utlsfacilo lit lb departitvent than w are all we atk is a v kit lo our show room iantli s tha sucoew of his department in on account ol lu tpuujld ranjt va ara altowiiuj at all prices our mitntli ar all nc this wiian s p rebut- clotiiinc wlten lookinkor asull or overcoat ou will hlely requlra kama thing o wo ara tlw only bouui in the city showiuu all new onda 1 or stylo aud quality va ara prwpard lo compare wlih anything ia the traju skiuits uoara khowinp a splendid ranj a of i dic skirls in lulini hluaus in fact wa ara rcpulmy old lhat uo arc howiuf lha licit in tlw irath you ate ilia juu coma m for youioll j a mcintosh son 77 upfer wyndham st guiph- act ach smoking jackets oo 4 25 450 500 and up to 1000 j ncok scarfb 50c 75c 1 1 25 150 1 75 and 2 each neck ties all shapes 25c 50c 75c 1 and ij5each fancy braces neatly boxet 50c 75c 1 and 150 i colored shrrts now 75c i 125 150 and 175 each umbrellas gold and silver tipped 75c 1 150 to 5 gloves lined and unhncd 50c 75c 1 125 1 50 2 initialed silk ilandkcrchiels 25c 35c 50c and 75 each all roods marked 111 plain lirures and one price to all will bu pleased to have you look through my slock r e nelson merchant tailor and mens furnisher os wvndham st puelph christmas merry christmas is coming and as santa will soon be along w are prepared to load him with the choicest iftu for young or old a wu carry the largest stock of fancy china and op il wan o 111 town wo invite you to call and bee out goods before purchasing else where and you will be pleased yours uespectlully c f goqdeye co mill street acton

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