Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 30, 1902, p. 3

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f bank of hamilton georgetown branch agonoral bankingbusineus- tranaaotod corrospondo noo solioitod silviiifr dciinrtmiiit inlennt uowl no anm of onti dol- iak nil uinunu fiooi cuy of lop to duy of vlllljwal no locoallllo uul nu jtlolaya to ilrawlng inoooy ffarnmni huhjiicsh sollcllwl nolof rejl faimer dlmcounlct oil moony loned lor nkiiiniato uualneaa uimur our collection dopa mmt has every larjliiy or maklmf m return 8ale notos handled and money advanced on nccounl of uiim i iqw tales of interest travellers are notified hint ilia hank o hamilton and ll hhnclo- uun circul nolm of the lrnvlnrui hank of 1nnland limited whlci can lm cashed without charge i trouble in any rt of tlm world tikad ol i1ck uamilron jeaubllahoa 67a capital paid u s 10975 reserve fund 1500000 total assets 1707175o jamku tuumiui- b fojsvyetii aoiint qoorgotown branjoh the news at home i9d2 wall paper decorations tqib new u finds us with mora waif i per than over 100 mo holla in stock w irskine will show you sample it uy from hint and luy fi vou will bo up lo dale room moulding lo match chas l nelles wall rafxit ooblph ije cfoit jfrw flrrss tnuhsdav nuak jo 1003 uttle locabrts which cauflht the ey or umvm of fra praa rtmrtr thu wek abrutry come la on b a turd ay man ulad should sprinkl it dli lb toy aides lk umjoqc subscription to lb bi pb ba raoawed 7 tb atleodauoa at iba ooutluualiou nlss onntinim to loaf tb bill round about town afforded pundid oolirj tb past wk whr baa ideal caudiau wlnur weather thlm far th preeeot tjisj board of d uoatioa whl 4b council obstnber btk monday venlng quarterly ootumocloa atvoe will b bld in th lhout oburoh ul btiu dy uvuj piaot- i tbornton lul oolcjdelnrld hi- popu bur loot ar oa uulo raw w b mcalpln u a who has bmd lu poor tvultb 0 mver1 will rmuom bu oikui- ooi to to- mo row nin itnbo caip booa ol booubd hn las rtbwd tb1 by laws od bd tbco piinud nd diulbajjid fcojong tli dobra 1 boon- lr to lb tounur o tbr ar flluog wllb 0kvlll- tat ulo to mublub fmu a olitsir ttclcty plso etory od tll fotoy r tb trpba d kopmau ban bn bubpoanwd lo 0 to toronto loroorrow lo auiwf to lb obaft of refuilorf lo nuptkorl bl wil- bavral wltooam btr b klao wad kul- mod tba grmca af y winuraaod it la fro i ar lb t-ob- lu orola mill aobol for w1 lbm aboald do caaaa of uulrko in that obllljp clmmpuar- owlo o tb lllii of luv r moalpin tbara w uo akla la u baptul cbarob ul hunhay uv mr haydaa ox mduuh iu11 twonlo oooopud lb piplt very ooiubly on lb pravloaa babbatb 1u willlr bs jul uuiad lulo a oomet to oarry lb mall- to aud rom lba q t u ualus abd poal ofllo o aolbr tbrae- ys urh ut wllll u opailouadfl th jl of tb u bc fw iblruo yt- pt aud baa 1100 ntiad a tnail alrltob-rtllbatik- a fouur lt of ibis vmultyul roihly of manitoba oooplad tb ptpll of lilt mlbodut obdrob last huudsy avulutt- u rlj- from ib tl 3 how ball w i3p u w ulot ao kl salvation a try rnt dlour 4 ood parlor oook and otltar wocd us also plns itr stl ohaap u a tuord wli wuu would camilbu- prfrj a brolb off a boy wintlih ohd-h- koii bpiilwo d j -iuu-ltou- lctrl motiumauul works al uuslpb at now uklnj orders ijr -qranu- aoj uwitfla wowuu ubtul bth lb srlnift oordprto wltb jib iplndid dw almtrla and pusumalla tuaablosiy tblfl aatauubmsnl u abu to thm ur mun sod ullar jsork tbatt braiofof and in ordf to ltp llw maohhsy runul- all wluur vry low nui r- ulnif ttvp i work ojj now call al lbs works yr dop a car j to j lylll uurlpllj a man usa ooufwa tls pl to tit wo id mi bs mtrl uutom ba is just ilia 1imttnptttd iil montly of a loo oil charator and ovorv ham lntoratlntf liovkry itntch to morrow night ktoroya ilookoy taam will puy tbalr flrsl in slob for ibo olimplonslil or lkudinj in uoargtown on krldy oljfbt tlilr opponsuta will bo tbataam ropromnl i11k ooortfolown a goodly uunitwr of sup porters will aooonitaoy iboio lobr tboni on to victory uvv j xv xo cmllcd 1a aylmer lb- toronto papers glvo lbs inform hon tb1 iuv j w j to lior or victoria prxbyurian ofcunb ioronlo junction baa aooapldd a tall lu ajlcaor losbylcllau oburob otijojl to liio approval of tbo i roabyurlas lnlarold kr ita is of tho imut powerful pa i pit and platform apoakars in ilia oroolo dlalflnt iuv mr it- wa for olb years lb tsmed paalor of tio oburob aotoa and rmuwl toturooto uutloo si- yar ago mr 1u is at proo at tba mod orator of toioulo lroabytry juddruorhaalmfirmi vuu tba adjourns- slltlr of lbs v north divuio uourl was bald tal w loday wbap jutio oorlum mada bl advont bar- tbortt was but small docket only four oa oornlnji 0i for tiaarlnt thaaa wara saniolsut bwr to orato vary favor- bld luioiusion- of 1 is 1 tons naw jud ujton sll wbo woto in ilia court room ii- fsfjulck bt dlasrumnni carafujly wl ilia rltiaiu produd arid willi a ntakil fast cmirbitiol of tba statutes randars liu jadtcosnu wltb an dilra- lm- psfllsllly th vahua ttohttoi hlcata itcnttati lbs now uai baalluk at tba iublia lobr baa uau wll ulod dqrloii tbe windy iro woalbar ibis week ua dif- ill ly was psrlaooikl in kaplnj lb kl rooms up to fyl or 70 dnroa and lbs aflbolar and taaobsrs wars most oomfort- abla ktotwitbsttidft tba wintry blasts oulaldo tbniiavary irla oontrtat to wbsl was nkprlancad darintf oold waalbar willi lbs bol sir urnaas and tbsra is tiotblntf now to lntarfor wltb tba ooiijrl sod balllt of pupils or tafolirs tba iublia uouool hoard of 1001 ar lo ba oiikratuuld qpon blnrf lulrumii lal in s0rlo ibcsa improved conditions r xujaytaoat i commtltid t 0oastlij uuptrdad skstlntf almost o llroly lu town jul friday sod hataruy uoorss of youupopls sod oblldrsn bad tara fuu slid frollolu tbls bsltbful post lima durin tba suusblny aflarnoons and tba bright jtmll olgbts tba faorlls oouraa wa ou anes ureal be lwdofrdrik and job a somo of tba bal slads oovarlntf tba antlr two blaks with ops trip i was fan for tbs llttta folk tid tbo bl folk that pauipt o llbrouglit bok bsppy memories of loj k0 to tlr still older ones wbo war- inur eattd spcttor and ramembrad wbn a quarur of a oaatury ao lbey njoye tba hams sjrt dowo tho tsmablllj od tboagbt tbars was iotbioj to do in ufa bol bava aboudto- of fun tii- r our county au oftloal bullslltt laauad by tb oallsus dapartmnl at ottawa 1l ilay ooti- ulas a ulatamaut sbowinu tba urban and rural population of ontario aud manitoba by oanaus dmrlots aasonmaratad at lbs osusus uk-par- wltb tbat of 11191 this bultatlu sbows iba popuuuou of halton as tsksn last april was of wblob 1 is in lb lowos and 1 flit u tbs rural dlstriots tba osasa of 1601 k haltod popalatlou of 1w tbls is daoraasa in un years of 3 17 of wblob 17- was lu lbs towns and 0s lu iba oaunty if altou u no xoaptloa to tba ru tbrouifhout tba provltios a far as tba oanllswitb a lar rursl tiouuoii is oonoarud the rural population of on tario lias daraaaad 4h133 tbe urban population ba bowvr i nor a ad byioms 1107- in tbadaoda ij h h convattatt ml corrow iulbayi ofloauntfth mnnnal otivautlon of our buuday tiabool aasocla- uon aorlwi oomas 00 s vry flva years and iba ootrvullou s availably buooaas wbau bald tbrs itaxi thurs day slid friday tba oonvntlou of i00j will bnn tba oouaty workar logalbar lu tbalrtbyurlau churobla ibat town aud a moat proll labia oonvautlou is autlolpalo mr a j nobis tba resident will uk- tba obslr al 10 90 on thursday tnornlutf tba jirottramma will b nontrlbuud by tba following wll knowa apakars th de- otlottal sxarcloss wil ba oonduold by iuv tt trrla u a maepbareoti moon amir a austlu iotur and w h moalplu- addrosam will b dhrl by vraaldant nobis usv w m mokay norvsl iuv w coouy milton ltv j m uaar m a aolod iuv dr vrkmsu toronto iuv f x oassldy oualpb uv a u oruary maasawood j mr il d ooults qoruatovu iuv dr iliuderoa hurlliiutoii iuv o k vaikln iuv w w waaks toronlo aud mr j a jaoksou uy of tbs irovluul aiaoulloii th 1raabyurlau oholr baa ball rusud ul tak lur of rxtusi- for tba vulijj mious tba popid of qsoniatown iud oordul wleems to all j u nd ay bobool wokr aolou 8uu- dsy uoboou should b vry urily rapntseated xuqm church auuuut tb annual ltu of kuo clmrob acton was bald 011 moudy ulu ju 0tb ijlgbt rsfrsbjsuu wr rl by lb idrs aud maubttars from 0 60 to h p m alurdsvolional srolms by iuv if a mapbttrou mr d iieodsau m 1 was oslld uroa lo sot as chilrmku and mr 0 aorit llyuds dlaoltr tba dutj of hoilary tbs t ru wrs nil suoouratf in d bbowod tbat thera u no wiuluif 111 tba oouratlousl work thr wr tiisiiy rsinovals during iba year but a tisl lln of iwslv tb tuibvaliip now aliuds ub1 ntir in uood snd rguur tilandhtg bsld a vary urs xt isnibarship of ad btr aula tba uuiidny uobool rtporl abowad marked progris au lucr- in atliidauoa of 17 aobolars lr ttabbatb ovr lis previous yoar and au ssboos of uj h in ooiiulbulloui iba ojirlillaii undavor uoclaty showed roolpli for tb yr of i11u7- anil sviil tba mousy u iioi mlaiiou work tba dt- alj uoolcly rrduoad tbs hu dbl by 9100 and rforuad olbr tio in tba rplr to oliurcli proparty from tb wouisus f0u11 mluluuary boouly obatlia aooouuu otnis tb vork dona by tbls oruiullloti id mo i valuabu ololbluf lu udtiatuus abundaiia wasfcsut to tb iiiilisus hi lb north yt1 vnd u1js ibis lb ym bwj a ff wtal of llj th tnkraf opinion prsvslls tbsi lb yer jul pa- w 0 for wblob all oujtht to b vry thaukful it tba words uf tbs urand ublttin of tba tj w mlinu lud iba ut iuv w ltubsruou wa tu forwsrj uea ni oomstb lb tnoht ticouoh and wqmku oyv tm ccd lalli lliotuo gululti talilal our a ol xsjla iba rrilin of hallofi farmer intiitu lo day prohilw lo b of very practloal interest lo faimirs aud the evstiliik aasloii will lavo uiilob to intarost ilia publlo neiiorally in tbo afternoon mr 1 iuynor of ltoao iiail will speak on tbo value of 1oojja and rwill lllailrato his addreas tbo subjaal of jiojj liaising bow u brad aud feed for rl ialwtllldlsomd by u j w clerk ooortdja tha ev nlng proramma will u mora dleroifld ur iuyi r will spakk on aflrloaltur kduatlon ant- mr otark 00 oollry ralalotf as an oooupatlon for ii os otls rd woman mr olaak will illustrate lfw to all and dross a cblop for llio knjlitb morkl dorloff ills addroaa tbaelowjut inualoal numbers aid bo k imlrumanlal dott by mr j ii wallaoa and miss durlud imaito violin and cornel trjo by mia nrlaoo mr hill aud mr ma 1iamiaud uurnst uuatl by mlsxa lottie and ilaael mason uv if a mao- pberaoo will oooupy iba obalr tba pabllo k aro invited to bl tbo guest of tba f-rnnr- luilltut kt bttll aaun coking and going np aoiho jxyspepsia wa dhumquin i to son who in mrs jompb was lb row ii from bar oulur lalalv and rotty badly sbakau up ablo lu be aroutid attain qullo a tiumur of the llubol malhodlslii oflblspla- look iu tbo anulveraary srr- vloas aud ua motluij at iman motbodlat oburch al llnar last bunday sad mou dy mls may faalbsralonaof iba matu is attsndini btiralavlllo llll bnh l on k frb iud ibb qusrloily baaramental hikylim of tba trafalgar uetbodlsk cbureb will u bald in ilia hornby oburob at 10 ho a tn milton mkiou the county coaholl wmjii today and wdnsaday tbs nsw im proved roads proposal vol jull a boom ii is hoped ibst provincial u00j hosds insiolor oampbrlls hugurallon will be put into rltol tbara was ovi al0o rxpendod id lbs juashintf of iba farly oioalnk bylaw and it has been a jtmatlo for a waek ss t wbo wss lo pay for it dr llobertson baa been seltsd chair- ra of th liond of idiioaton for 1002 tha municipality is iltij l00q ad- ditlonal dabauluras for tba stiuiou of tba waterworks jajfie oorbam and tr florbam have taken up their permalut reaidatioa lu town and ar very welcome oltlrsni a8hodove mr aud mr huftb morruon bava lan spendintf a week wltb relatives in tulla- mors and vlolnlly mr jobn modocald is vltltluft rmlva al budblll miss aunl al tujsr relumed ou fri day from a pleasant vlalt with blrveuvllls friends meesrs pan wright and ur dick altanjed a ipoll curo f uture at tbs o a c reosutly ml os mauds and mabl lndr cf trafsl psil a int to frunds ber this wiek asbrove has 110 small pox patient now tb ocar la apparently over a cod many tor arms testify lo tb reality of ii uiismsy momillsu of manitoba was tb fiuet of mus uoila dlok rsoeiilly mis auis xlrowurldu snurtaluad a ur number of br frtsns at a pudvabl protrmsiva aroiiiuot- party au friday veoluif- luvr aosllo polurodbtlrtua u grw lu popularity wltb bli peoplabsr mlai idamurdo k is srodln a month with airs h ii iluutsr of lsrlou mr kdkarludddl 1 in toronto iludy- lurf dasittnlnn ashurov how has a furultur factory mr will drak tb proprutor makss foroltbra to order and tba result of bu work la most ufclory local unirplbis mr peur aibbous wbo task 00 ou 10th daoamber last and bad 7rlurne to blm 00 lh day b lost it reaslvod th balauos of 11- tbls week by mail from toronto prtmably from tho finder tl hal too hiilmsnt lor in rlrui lileuunaut j ii mtolli rasluua hi ion to be ltsuunaul roooud lisulsnantf ii daoou vio- j ii uao- 011 retired to be uaond idauunant butruumrary bsooud llsuunaut iuti- tou vio v ii deaoon prouioloj ouof tbe illustration of tba arllola a nsw national wjihway by w ii moors lu iba ctiiuijtutt ldya fb- rusry i a splendid portrait of mr donald d mann aou of our tmd olllxan uuijb mat usi 1 and ou of lb prouirloia of ibis b i railway which already baj 109 ilea of track laid thbcahc of littlb oneo bait- bound advla s to th 0t muthod of tratlrvtf infant tdlbtlon nolhlnu la tnor oomuion la childhood tbau iudlftmliou nouiiuy la mor dautiar- our to proper growth mor weakening to tb oouhliullou or mora llkly to pav tbsway to datitforoui dieeas- auion lb aytuptma by wblob ldltlon in lufeuta aud youuk oblldrsu may ba readily ra- niaed ar lo of apptiu nauaea sruota- tloua ooaud loiiu bad breath bloough aud disturbed sloop iujnillon may b asally ouraj aud mrs 1 k ilabls llnd- v out pouli out bow tbia may best b doua hha aaya whau my baby wa thro mo i lbs old h bad ludluastlbn vry badly 9b would vomit bar food juil a aoou as aba took il i maltsr what i yav bar afur feediuu aba weiilj to sutfr urrlbly aud would aorsam wltb palu flba aeamad always hungry bul br fooo did bar uo iooj and abakapt tblu and dclloat bha was vary ilaplasa and auffired alo from ooullplion w trla 1 eavavul niidl- oiua raoiuuiauded for thuaa trouble but tbay did bar uo uood filially i uaw llabys own bltt advaitlsed aud ul a box aftar h ibatu to bar h bkaii lo improv lp about two days aiid in a weak tlms i oouvldsrod bur wall hb oould isp wall tba vomitluu osd bar bowels b4i ritlar aud ah b lo laiu in weight bb is now a fal bllby baby aud i think tb credit la duo t 0f b rclmll vrnm ii tlalivm ow tl slid i wmihllvu i w ii11- j lla h 1 1 1 1 17 l 1 ll i j- vlaltrto and from aoton aqd various othor porwonal notos tliu fi iukae i11iu all iu readers to oou tribute u itila oolumti if you or your filantl ore iiiigaay on alioliday trip orlf too bava rina tleluti you drop a fji to tbe ba mr wordall of ooslpb spent buoday will mr moddook miss iiuby led ystarday morning to vlalt men- in manila ulss fawoell of ilornlo milu is vlsllln friends in town mr ii u lrryniau of toronto vlslud acloo rrlda ibis week mr j fyfolnfi ust friday 00 hi aprinf i rip lo tba iaolri- coast mr john mcconnell of uuelpb spsol tuadsy with aoton 1 lends ml- ihemla ialn spul tbs past vak with bar father ajrarojlon mlafl martarel mcqueen of norvat epertt buoday t bar botp bate mr william memu uf birslford spent several days in town tbls week mr th lurllntf ptla oupleof days last week with msnds co toroblo j mrs m a obrlstle bf toronto is aiiand- liif a woek or so with friends berr mr j 11 oorry relurneh from bla trip lo tba maritime frovtrfoes on mumuy mus ii j btsrr spent a oou pis of ilys during hid week wltb hookwood filetuj mr nll falurrou has been ileoud au liouorsrydirotor of helton agricultural hoolely iuv j k o m a atunded lb 11 toil tturel deanery lirctliif in oeorgr town on tuesday miss jmu daalljo of arljll wa a uuett during lbs week at- tha horn of bar broth mr d ilaltis bower av iuv jb v muloj who was pastor of ihsdlsciprea cburob her lat ysar is now lu olnruof tb oburob at kerton mtas mryrol fyfe uave on batarday far kclipirr n v lo inas a oouraa in training a a uuraa in on uf the prom- lu nt hospitals tber anumurorthsfrlaiidsharaof tba isu mr bsnjamlti tuck uilloualleudsd her funeral at mutnn ul frljj mrs took was a uativ of ohuroblll uugbur of tba uu jacob bwaokbamtor mr itbert bbauks uls of manitoba i spending a week or so with friends bar mr bhauka wai for years a pabllo aoboo ttvaoher lu ibis oou uly and was tb drat uaahar of lb llloorasbury hhool thirty- six years ajto meeers llobert agnsw joba agaaw and oo clark repreeenud aatoa oo tbe bltf apullia uproblbltiooulv who waiud upon tba government al toronto lost frblay to proust ajtaftul lh paassk of a prohibitory us mr oliarusii moor wbo lias bean la toronto slue leavlm tb fuse pus four years ao went lo blralford on baturday tuktha oremausblp of lh btraliord jmlt lirm mr moore many friends liar will oufjalulal blm upou bla an uatfnint for tbia vary important poillion nab9aqawva kvi l fluif b d aud mis flauv 11 a attended tba banquet of lha alumni association of wllibjiloo county al ouilphlablfrldayvanlud tb affair was a moel enjoy bt on th speaker bein prof iyijol is oliblrtuau blr william meredith oliiiioallor of toron to univer sity mr j ii pttypl- m p p ii outhrle m p p ijv t j parr b d aud prof ulillon prlnolpal of uulvarally clle omaoii ou qundayfob ad and monday 3rd lt tbs oouureatlon of iou oburoh of tbia plo iiilud bold in 8 their auiiivaraary andtea i-tlnr- iuvt mst jmltbtof miltou will preach at 11 a m and 7 p t on monday avanu a pniraih will h k by tbs best lalol on huudayfeb tbiuarurly uieelluj of thisolrouit will b bld in the horuby methodist oburob bolpastor wit be preeanll tb eervloe will b held at 10 so a til crmwsonb ootinuns th cjarurly mells of lha hock wood mathodlat oircull will b bld lu lha mlhodul church lr ou bunday risxl ervlo bkluuiutf al 10 00 a m ur ii p moor of acloo dslivarad a txallenl sermon bar ou bunday mr jaioe moor bad a vary suoeesful badrwlutf th brick for hu uaw ho us from alou station 00 weduaaday and thurvday of u1 wk mra jlobl crlppii who has beau 000 flu ad to bar hom for aoma tltn wilb a svar ailmaut lu bar foot now ou a fair way lo r 00 vary mr jaa oauibla who was seriously hi ua wk la also rsovarluu miisl m couuiau raturnad last weak from vllinii frlauda in qalt jr william moartbur of luult u marl vulll at jlr jaa qambla ual uak mr d hum of mooaw n w visited mr h orlppa aud other fiieuda id lelahborboo last weak mr ob gambia vltlud muda lu 0or ovr buuday absolute security genuine carters little liver pills must b-nr- ulbntaturo 1 5s ic-ud- wrapper huw without tbaut lu lh houiaj habyaowu table i a la tb only tuadi- ol us sold under au ubslut uuruu tbat it conlalua iitllber opiate nor other harmful drujja 1 barftabu is ar a orllu ours for all tba minor allmonls of chill hood suob a uour ulumsuh ldlgloi ooustlpatlou simple u vr dlarbie 1 bey break up ooll weveut croup and alley lhlrrlullu iiiimu lt tb outline uf oeuaj l a boa al all uo teeth p mlai or aeol by rea ltte dr wil- luia a i ii 1 ttri-i- i oul mi aaell l a ey uuwha nroc -udjxb- nrawuttttmrtt foi taino uvu tor c0mtirat10 rot uuiw lm nil nccokfejfiui tssjw s m cure blok headachk to-uh- a c in oniloay 1 ok a 1 e-atl- tlroino jauia tabi-i- ii druulet ru 1 ui ttr ii u atle eur bvjjuaaaueir utisaoll ih oin fore l i xiii la inraiiliiu i ail evil a toiiia ratio t lo elfftilfy bail hotnarh fur r most roniiiifoi rnusa cif tlxi illirnir un oiuiili3 haul vlr mul timn ui iiinkm rrialily 111 they nn llea its tllftnloi uiey aoitio aai lo w a niiyjiililllllc out was urtnly troubuil will it fr y irn nixl i r if claara kan claim wl wbo was mi amiiu i with ii tbat in win- irrviiia alp as inl actually let tnoel r u iltii obtallii lno rnlrf rritl hl ii in s rli blonally prck rtlnt tlmy org nrnputly tltj aollr bavn bull by hoods sawparitla acoonilfti to tbclr own ikjiik il jl unurlly mail tills ji it iulrl trfigcumiis tlm aliiiux ii 1 ml iba wlul dlvtwo ayaltin i hm l u x ifoorif ri4 four specials for this- week pure wax candle lor cindleinad sunday no 1 llerrinu heads off and split 450 white ivh and trout mixed 525 r dinner sets 97- pieces 700 per set particular llalnlur i on oory bo at ilia bnln laiatlvc bromoquininc ti tho notod lla btore arid cuialaiioe- 7 7ctit cuelph jan301i1 the right house lalh itamiiions iav6hitic sholiing ilacii of our sale in ladies coats and iur i quoted are taken at random from the tickets 01 the stock and every article named is of this reasons make and purchase and right uptodate in stylej al ttrfarln iia50 jjlarl wl k fnco interesting iteisrs for ou r out oftown itodoni slock lakbiff lima wth l hero liorlly nn and various ol lots wo waul oul of tbo way for dollar gounlhiff is klmpur than lock count inff- i lm good wo loll ol urn all iuucil rrducod to facilhato a rapid dean up it will psy you wolt to do your bhopplii hero women b undeuwklail heduoed 63c 1acii reduced from 8 5c wo mens all woil vts ilebb baud mllum and lutarwelutilu lontf and abort aloovos tulural and wliilo shados full asoorlnint of blloi gjc kach reduced from r 00 lr ijandlr 33 all wool vosti winter weigh la all ito- natural andwblta 330 kach reduced from 43 and 30c childrens whlla all wool vest assorted alies winter welhti 60c fach reduced frofrt jc turn hulls all wool vtta perfect fitt ing all alxcs ono heavy winter welkliu j boys undwimtouo- 33c reduced frorrl 35 to 53c uoya 1 j mori pood undrrblrts and drawea ilfibls full atvaorttnent of aire to it by up to 12 1 ik years theoo urn nnry special bargain at the j rlco ladies ooats he duo cd- da lan ck of this ana bit and most fushlonabl- iiiukea in alinius of fawn bhek audurey 7 and 43 lnchcs ion a lo ho clerl at about one third lea lhan r- prices ms bo heduoed pairs 33c formerly 13c and 17c pair ment sochs fiiio wool and mnrlno inrtllural arid ry aliades tpltccd berls and loe 15c pairs formerly 30c mens i lt merlno and wool socks all aire irc pair formerly 33 and 35c fine quality and wool and merino vry alio btuff3 ueddatd at 33c yard reduced faom 50c rouffh chavlotbnud twcls rood wliht shade of ffrey hgbt and dark browns blue and tren sultahl for coalumes and skirts at ajc yard reduced from 40c trench cahmerb in ufchl in- dark cardinal only at 30- yard reduced from 73c plain cheviot- and two tooed eltcts in browns greens navy ramet andparple at 75c reduced from it 00 and i 3 cmlhlr cheviots and 1atina sultink o to 51 inch beat beaver olconirown oxford grays navy purple jjarnet moss krn etc mull ordrru ttecelvo tnrcful aud fro nipt xrtrnttou- thomasg yatins king st east cor hughoon st hamilton age metal gates iia tn ua wondvil ones tj it arl vet alroa ah to earn wirt bnvy toati on tho and while b n arbl tjm clrul- wltliout twutnif utn i a tber a iveat s will lat tlfuma will ntw- tr hoett uptiiinrl with uleh which allow ft dooujant dry aoods ipso gurneys stock must be cleared out regardless of cost in the next ten days if you want goods come and see what we are selling them for no reasonable offer refused dress goods i able linen kid gloves rjucd to fo jo i 30 black am colored lmu crl ttiucl to u 13 loo block and colore leaver coatn reduced lu lo m 13 tvrlbu fu clolb colli tcluced to j 30 i irl hbrk cbevlot roils reduced 10 3 3j v ij black and navy lth cials reduced lo ij y s 15 v lirnj uver coats rrduced in j73 1130 uwu covert coailiius loiiij roais educed lo ly 30 k io line jingllsh v loni coals leilucoil lo 8a hprelnl ialiln lull of abort jacku k ulyu your choice lor j 30 lndlcm v urn electric rll irlimnet cajierios ttltird tu 17 73 7 dreji lllil rl csperines ricrl 0 ri i ii3 iun lib araclian caiwrliies rlnrrl lo i ij 30 wl wilb blo trimmed c erjno ilm ih l v llalllc l wilb australian hear caprrinos rrduco t iu hh 50 very nleelric il cpr- inr- tliiff tolrj 73 1s alaska tht culuts trduced to u 30 is 00 lu collar rrducl i ti 10 ij 00 i11i11l kulfs reduletl to f sprrlul loiu of black and brown irck unlit your cliolrn for soceilla y h bollert db go 25 ami 27 wyiirtlmm 8t jijeijiii we want to supply your wants in dry goods qrooonos oookory soda and fancy biscuits dams of most kinds eto eto every person requires more or le of the above good not only to live properly butto merely exist quality and price counts in the above line the same as nf everything else we have just what you want and at the price you would pay other places sometitnes for an inferior article give us 1 trial and you will bo pleased at the good bargains we offer you c f qoodeire fe co jil sthbbtacton bargains in furs the manufacturers want to cloar outentlro lot of furs to make room for next seasons trade i we are the best and cheap est plice to buy fura rata caps aqd clovos 1 l n e la fontaine practical furrier wyndham st guelph hosiery corsets table napkirm pillow cotton sheeting mens and boys underwear hats and caps- groceries at our previously announced prices produce taken as cash j h mktthems mh uthebt aerion minyinteh sat ttrday january 4th we commence a clearing sale of all winter goods consisting of clothing dbbss goods mantles fues millineby et0 every purohase here for the hnwntos will be worth 25 per cent toi the purchaser tlie lions alteration sale wovo cot to crwd tha stock vory soon into half its apaco tli urn has como when wd inuti k rid of our fura mid tbo values we oltr lr arucba ullltead to a rpilck reduction in volumn when price and quably ar cou- aldered ura and pur coats at altration prlcoo thu tore has always len a ureal ur storo on account of tho quality of tl furs wa ell theyre tho bestand at dry goods piicts wc vant tocarry nono or thin aaon 4 llactrlc seat crlne rifular 5 p 5 3 electric seal and aslracban ceprinc roriiur 84 50 talc price j 50 ilftclrlc seal cbrwrlneo rtruur 16 so aalo prico 8s no 3 kujclrlc seal and ivsruun iamb capannej rl3r 810 aalo price 7 1 hlectrlc geal and alaska sable canarlncii reijular 8ju salo pneo 13 1 stona martin sat hull and mulf rflular to talo price ti 3ldla ulack astrachin jaclela regular 83s sale prlcoj4 a ladle coon jaxkaia tular843 sal price i33 3 ladle ulcltic seal jttclta rnularf45 p bj5 tor k full hat of prj read 1i10 guelph irrcurj and iltraht moil order- aro filled the noma day aa woolvod d e macdonalp bro cuelph j a mcintosh fo son 77 upper wyndham st gu9lph pringls guelph the best is always the cheapest my mod of watches asms never belter livery one thoroughly win ranted i will not sell a had swat ch if i know it g d pringle guelph

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